HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - Parker Communications . t N n BOX 51t3 C�Z�� � 2875-145TH S1' W Q HOSEMOUNT. MINhJESOTA 5506t� �,��G�a��� 612-423-4411 TO: CITY COUNCIL �'R01�; MIC�iAEL WOZNIAR, AICp� CI'PY PLANNER ���� � � , DATEt APRIL 27� 1990 SUFiJ; Z+JAY l� 1990 - RE(iULAR MEETINC�r REVIEWB 6 t �'[j��+IC HRARI�Ta - ZONINQ ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT - ]?ARKER ���Mu�T��ATIoNs P��'kex ����.3�a�ations o� ��r}��:apo�.i� �ar proceeded to ��tition for � �Q�}�.�� ����.nance ���� ' Amendment �Q �ermit an A.M. Radio C�����c���.or� Facili'�y to 1�e constructed o� � 40 acr,� site s�.tuated i� ��e e���e�n p�r��.on Qf �o��mount (se� location �nap) : This fac�.lity �r�auld be ��mposed a cQmplex Of faur radio ant��nae (360 ' ) in height. I� caopexation WitY} the �p�alicant, s�aff h�s drafted language to amend the Zo�i�g Ordinance to accommadate the proposed A.M. Radio Commu�ic�tion Facil�ty. Et�c�.p�ed Witk� this review is a copy of the �ropos�d zonir�g o�di�ance �m��d�en,t. Th� �����s�cl �m�T�dment rep�eser�ts the staff recommendati�n for the mQ�� ��?�7�op�iat� ,�ppro�ch to permit and �eg�late the proposed fa��.����r ����ld tl�� City wis�, tp allow �.t. I wa�ld ask that Cat�nc�.��. ����� to th� previous informatio�n �ubmittal f�om Parker ��?A1�1t���.��t�.c��� to ��fr�er�ce site desic�� d�tails o� the groject. Th� p�o���ed Zoni�,g Ord�na�ce .�mendme�t wauld affect three �ections o� the Q�dinance. DefinitiQns for A.M. Radio Antenna and Commur�ic��fons Tower would be added to the Section 3 (D�finitions) . Unde� �ection 6 (District Use Regulations} A.M. Radio Commur�ications An�ennae and Supporting mowers and related accessory st�uctures will be Xeferenced as a permitted use by Interim Use Permit (east of State Trunk Highway 52) , And, Section 11 (PerfQxutance Standards) will be amended to include Interim Use Permit requirements for A.M. Radio Communications Antennae, Supporting Towers and related accessory structures. At the meeting the applicant will provide information regarding visual impact of the proposed facility and will answer any questions the Cauncil or �'ublic may have. ThQ �'lanning Commission has recommended approval of the proposed Z�aning Ordinance Text Amendment recognizing that the Interim Use Permit procedure with specified planning and design criteria is an appropr�.ate method of regulatinq A.M. Radia Communicatians Facilitie�. In discussion the Commiss�.on also recognized that it WoUld be most apprapriate far City Council to evaluate the issue of public benefit of the type of facility proposed by Parker communications. �t i� of the opinion of staff that Council should consider the �olloWing three major issues in deciding upon this text amendment to the zoning ordinance: �.. Land Usa Policy - Is the proposed use appropriate for the poxtion of the City in which it would be allowed (east of Trunk Highway 52? 2. Wil�l the planning a�nd design criteria referenced i» the �roposed amendment adequately protect the publia interest? 3. �1i11 the economia incentive� oPfer�d by Parker '� cammut�ication� �rastify modification oP tha �oning ordin�n�e to a1�.aw thm prc�po�md A,�i, Rad�.o Cc�mmuniaa��.on� Fac�ili�y'� The �lanning Com�is��on has ev��.uated the la�nd use implioatioris af �i�ing th� p�apased facility in Rosemount and has concluded that the chose� site �.s an appropriate location for the use, Planning Cammission considera�ions inaluded recognition af the low density of �esidences in the area and the industrial character of property i�t �h� �ine Bend area. The Commission also recognized the presence of many other tall meck�anical appurtenances in the area includinq electric t�al�smissiorl lines and vessels (metal cylinders) at Koch Re�inery whi.ch extend as high as 270 feet. T�� P�.a3��i�g Commission further recognized that the Interim Use P��ip�.� proc�dure which woulc� be established would provide adequate Sa����u�rdr for the health, safety and welfare of the public. R�g�r�i.nq the issu� o� economic benefit the applicant, Parker Commu�iicatio�s k�as indicated a willingness to work with the City to d�Ye�.op a package of incentives that would offset lost tax �eyenues that the City may have realized from future development o� the �orty acre site of the proposed facility. T�� ��dio anten�ae �o� tax purposes �re reccagnized as personal p�op���y �ot real pxo�erty and th�refore Would not generate �c�c�it.ionatl pxoperty ta�es for the City. The site i� zoned �s�xicu���re c��d is cuxrently receiving a "�reen Acres�� tax break. �h� �pplic�r►t has discussed with City Staff suah economic �r�c�t�ti.yes a�s allow�ng a City two-way radio antenna to be i�cc�rpc�xat�d into th� �acil�ty, providing free radio air time for Ro��mo�r�t Public Sexv�ce pragramming and maki»g a payment to the City i.� lieu o� ta�es. The applicant has begun the process of pl�ciilg dollar Values on the intangibl� incentives and is �y�luat��tg what max be appropriate in the way of payment in lieu o� �axes. I� is the xecommendation o� staff that City Council receive public comme�t on the proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment and then close the public hearing. Staff further recommends triat Council tab�e �ction on the proposed amendment until the May 15th City Council meeting whe� Parker Communicatians will present a specific pxopos�� of economic incentives. Caunci� members should be prepared to inform staff and the �pplicant if there are any technical issues regarding the language ��d proVisions of the text amendment which are of concern. �u� auic�aua aaau wwci �vtII 11VL L'(CdIC d [IdL'QIU lU tIIC RCQ1lII� SQ1CtY anu genera► welfare of surrounding praperty owners. � } 2. This information shall include an autside consultant conducting an independent study at the cast of the applicant, demonstrating that the tower complies with (structural standards for steel antenna towers and antenna supporting structures), Engineering Department, �lectronic lnciustries Association (EIA); describing the capacity of the tower, including the number and type of antennae that it can accommodate and the basis for the ealculation of capacity; and demonstrating that the application complies with FAA, FCC and, it' applicable, State Aeronautics Division Tequirements. 3. A site plan including contents as spec:ified in Section 14.4 Subsection B of ihis Ordinance. 4. A written analysis of the impacts of the proposed project shall be required. The applicant mwst discuss issues related to the aesthetics of the project, any icuplications or nuisanees in the operatians of the project and property tax unplicapous fo� long term use of the site. �. �'ermit Reguirgmgnts for Construction and Maintenance: Permits for A.M. radio communications �ntenua, towers and accessory structures erected, constructed or located on any pcoperty and a11 supporting devices thereof shall only be issued if the following standards �re met or exceeded: • l. The tower shaA not exceed four hundred feet (400'} above grade or less as authorized by law. -------�--___.._-- ' ��6bVe"the grallCLfC["CJ�RWeETFTIle LOWer'vr'dlcrenna a[ia-st , -- not buried underground, shall be at least twelve feet (12') above the ground at all points. 8. Tbe hase of the tower and all anchors shall be surrounded with a minimum six foot (6') high security fence with the appropriate warning signs posted on all sides. 9. No accessory struccures or appurtenances shall be temporarily or permanently affixed to A.M. radio ancennae or supporting towers accept as required to accomplish the license service for which the antenna or tower is autharized by the FCC, ar as may be approved by City Council. 10. The econamic benefits, incentives and ather advantages to the City and community aiusl oulweigh uuy kuown Ur �Utential ucgativ� as�icts af lhe praject. 11. Thc upplicui�t sl�ull i'uri�i�h tl�c C:ity wilh cui>i4s uC all i��'Cl'.SE)Ul]IIc:UCI:WIIII Ul� ��C'C: and FAA reg�rdin� ��ruiit perfuru�ancc uC the A.M. radiU anlenaae; or uny matters affecting public health, safety and welfare. 12. �f use of the kower is disconiinued for � period of twelve (12) months, it shall be removed. 13. The applicant shall be required to adequately maintain the A.M. radio eommunicatious antennae, supporting towers and related accessary structures and property upon which those facilities are situated in a manner to ensure that such ' facilities dQ �ot cepresent a haLard or nuisance to the public. ;=i � � ;� � � � � 1 C. �ro�,de�st �q�grferepce; The applicanl shall be responsible to investigate all and remedy ; legiWnaCe complaints by residents regarding interference to consumer electronic ;� equipment alleged to be caused by signals from the broadcast facility. , p, viso Commission: The City Council may establish an advisory commission to hear disputes that caunot bQ resolved between the broadcast representatives and residents. E. T�,a +�}� Use Fee: The City Couucil may require an annual use fee in lieu of taxes. ; :� , � ; . , L�6AL DESCRIPTION ! PARC�L=APPROXTMATELY 40 ACRES NORTN OF HIGHWAY 55 GENER�.L HIU�HWAY MAP � j~ FOR PORTIONS OF t SE 1/4 OF SEC, 20 7NSHP 115 RNGE 18 �����T� :"" SW tl2 OF SEC. 21 TNSHP 115 RNGE 18 �t�►�J1.11'TY � �i�rNEso�rA ± , � nieruu�sr na r-- 2��IINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF 3'�ANSPORTAITON : rl TECHNICAL SERVICES DMSION ' � . 1N C'OCPihAT10N 1YfIH T� U.S. DEPARTMENT'OF TRANSPORTATTON �"" • FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMIIJI5TRATJON r SCALE OF STATIJfE lmFS , � , 198? j� �A9C DA7A IY78' Q.►KOiA Cp. �� M/ A S M 1 !1 G T O N� � � � aroo �i�w G'�'r"__ _ � � ��u�vER ' � �='��r ,� � ��� , e.i .t am.ci - � r�ta ' . .' .:. r 4�'4 GRiY SWifA�+p ', ����IM �z•� ������'�+ ' _ _ ' � , w — i ��' ��J�� � _�� .r. i. • �-- � = ��' . _ . � �--t Ma��t�I �Pl+�E AF�NI t t _ _ _ __ • �• 1.. �4;:i �'. . 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' ; • '!: ''� k. ,,� � .�'t� 'r► �'y � . �� ' !� ! ! i. j� . I - `T � � . � . � F � �//V�� P.O. BQX 5i0 ✓Z�� � 2875-145TH ST. W. QSe�Qu/[�� AOSEMQUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 812-423-4411 AF�'IbAVIT O�' POSTED �IEA�tIA1C3 NOTICE ZONINC� flRDIAtAl�CE TEXT 1�1ME�DMEt�T STATE OP" MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKQTA )Ss �CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Su�ar� Ni. �7ohnson, being first duly sworn, depo��� ��it� ��i�i�; I am � t�nited Stat�� �itizen ana �h� auly qu,�13�9.�� �ierk o� the City of Ros+�mount, Minneso�a. On April 12, 15�9b, acting on l��half of th� s�ic� Ci�?�, � �o���d at the City Hall, 2875 145th Str��� Westr Rogemount, Minnesota, a cogy of the attached notice of � pub�.ic hearing for the proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Am�t�dment, �.s petitioned by Parker Cnmmunic�tipns, I�lc« . .. :dKtym . . S an M. o �on �ity Clerk City �f Ri�semount D�kot� County, Miri�t��t�t� Sub ribed and eworn to before me this � o� � d�y of , 1990. , C�� �- Natary Pu ic � CINpY bORRIdIIt3EN 1' �ara�v�ueuc-.�� aaKOTa cou�mr �: �,t�,►.�res�uo.2s.�� t r r ; h f� f�OX 510 � /Z��, � 9R�; 195111i1 W � �, 1i11.':1 (U1111N1 MlNN!!;111A !;!'i1N;l1 � �QSQ�.QN'� $i7- A�1-AA1 i Pu�ric Notice �oning Orc�in�r�ce text Arrr�ndrr��tlt Applic�nt - P�lrk�r Com�nurii�Ation�� tt��. TO WHOM IT I�AY CONCERN s NOTICE 2S NEREBY C�IVEN, that the City council of th� CitX vf Rosemount will conduct a pub�.iC he�ring on Tu�sd�y� May 1, � 1990, in the Gouncil Chambers of the City H&llt 2875 �.45th Street West, beginning at 8:Od p.m. or a►� �oan thereafter as possible. . The purpose o� the hearing ie to con�3.d+�r �ti �lm+�rldm�t�t tb tirie tex� of the ordinance 9 - City of tt���mot�n� Zoninq ordinance which would e���blish a permitting procedure for A.M. Radio CommuniCatian� Antennae t�rfd Supportit�g Towers . �'he proposed text amendment would incl.ud� th� follawing chang�s to th� Zan;ing Ordin�nC�: sFcrtoN 3.2 A.M Radio An enn That portion of any eommunicatiot► et�uipment toc�ted ofl the exterior ot outside of any structure used for continuotts ot St�ndby ttanstniS�iot1 vt reception of A.M. radio waves. Tower A structure upon which communication equipment 3� �nbitnted t�lr 9�ttach�d and including su}�port devices such as cabtes, braces, etc. SECTtON 6.1, SUBS�CTt()N �: C. U�es !'ermitted I�y interlm �j�g Permlt 1. �M r i n nn and supporting towers and relafed �ccetsory struMut�S. This use may be permitted only an properties situated e9st tai State 1"tunk High�uay 52. S�'CTION 11.4 A.M. RA�iO GOMMUNiCATipNS AIVTENNA� ANfi Sb�'t�O�t'MNi� Tt)WERS A. Permit applicants shall tuhmit the following information together with �ny othet informalion requested by the C+ty: ]. in submiUin� an arplic�ti�n for �n interim ttse �►ermit �'or the constructioh �t►d maintenance of radin antennae, and accessory strUctutes,the applicAnt sh�tl provide sufficient information to indic�te th�t canstruction, instattation and ht�intenatic� Qf the antenna and tower wi11 not create a ha�ard ta the health, safety artd genet�t welfare oi' surrounding pro�erty owners. i ♦ 2. This information shall inclnde an outside consult9nt conducting �t� independenf study at the cost of the �pplicant, demonstrating that Ehe tower complies 'ovith (sttuctnral standards for steel �ntenna towers �rtd �nte�n� supporting Sttuctvr��), Engineering bepartment, �lectronic Industrits ASsaciation (EIA); desGribing the capacity of ihe towet, inciuding the nutnbet �nd iype bf �nten��� that it c�h accammodate and the basis for fhe calculation of c���city; �nd demonsttatit�g th�t the applic�tion complies tviih �AA, FCC and, if �pplicable, State Aeton�utic,t � bivisian rehuirements. 3. A site plan including contents as speciCed in Section td.4 Subsection � of thi� Otdinance. 4. A written analysis of the im�acts of the prop�sed project shalt be t�equired, fifi� applicant must cliscuss issues related to ihe aesthetics t�f the project, �ny itr�plications ot nuisances in the operations ot the project ar�d ptop�tEy t�it �mplicatians for long term �se af th� site. 13. ��,.,�g�,q�j�gr�g�tr r �o s� Hs �n ,�d �slntenanc�: Permite 1`0� A,A+tt� �edi� c�mmunication�a antenna, tower� nnd accesxory atructures erected, construct2d br IoC�ted en any property �ind ail supporting ctevices thGrt�f aha�ll hnty bt issued if the taitowit►� standards are mel nr exceeded: 1. 'I'he towe� shalt not exc�ed four hu»dred feet (4qU') �bov� gra�de ot 1e5� AS authorir.ed by law. 2. Antenna and dt tower setbacks shall �� Such that ih� distaMct frvm th� ��5� tt� the nearest �roperry line or non-dwneci sttu�tures is not less tkan the calculet�d struckural coilapse radius. �. No part of any antenna or tower nor �r►y lines, cabte, �qii#pitteitt ot t+vir�S et 6t���3 in connection avith either shall at any time extend actbs9 ot dv�r �ny pAtt c►f th! right-of-way, pubiic street, highway, sidewaik ot prap�rty Hn�. 4. fiowers with �t�tennae shal! be c�esigned to �nvithst�nd � t�ni�ottn �nd IoA�d�tt� A3 prt�cribed by the Statt E�uilcling Code Anci the �lecttt�ni� ttldu,ttieA A�bt�ciet#ori ticbgnir.ed national �tendetdl, Whichevet i� Pnbte t�ttrictive. 5. Antenna and meta) tc��vers sh�11 he property rtotect�d eg�i�st dir�rt �trik� � lightning,either byadequate grounding or suitable circuits desigrled ta ptovid��uc protection. The instaDation shal) compty with al! Appitcable electricAl wiring Code�, statutes, regulations and standards. 6. The City shAii determine wheth�r self-supported towtre ot whether tow�ts supported by cables or guy wires serve to ptotecl ihe publtc heelth, s�fety end weifare. 7. Aq sign�l and rem�te controt conduct�rs of ic��v enetgy► extending hotir.ont�lly above the ground between the tower ar nntenna end structure, br btta►e�� towers not buried underground, ahaii be at teast tweiv� ftet (12') ebov� the ground At el� points. 8. The base of the tower and all anch�rs shall be surrounded with � tninimurii Six foot (6') high security fence �vith the appropriete warning sign3 post�d bn a11 side�. 9. No accessory structures or appurtenances shail be temporarify or permanently af6xed to A.M. radio antennae or supporting towers �ccept �s required to accomplisM the license service for which the antenn� or toaver is aukhorized by the FCC, or as may he approved by City Council. . � 10. 7he economic benefit5, incentives and otMer adv��tages to the City A�d commudity must outwcigh any known �r �otenti�l negaiive aspects bF the ptoject. • ll. ?he appiicant sh�ll furnish ihe C;ity with copies of al) catreSp�ndene�with the �CC ' .and FAA regarding�ermit per[ormance o[lhe A.M.radio Antennae;ot�ny tt►Atttrs affecting public health, safety and Wei[are. � 12. t[use oC the tower is discontinued [er n period of twelve (12) months, #t a1��11 �� � removed. 13. The epplicent shal) �+e requir�ed to adequately m�intain tht A.14�. t�dio comrnunic�+tiona Antennae, sup�orting towers and relaled ncc+tasory attucture� �Md property upon which thase facititiea are aituatpd in a manntr to �nsure thet such facilities da not represent a har�rd or nuisance to tht public. C. ,�r�adc�,�t Xnterference: �'he applic�nt shaii b� res�onsibte to investigate �1) and ttt��dy legitirnate cmm�laints hy residents tegarding inttrfeience to consumex tiecttoniC equlptttettt aileged to be caused hy signals from the broadcast facility. b. AdW�Qt�„Cammissio�t: '�he City Counci) may establish �n �dvist�ry commission td h�Ai' disputes that cannot be resalved between the broadcast teptesent�tives end residet�t�, �;. Tower (j�� Fee: The CiCy Council may require an annual ute 1'e� iti lieti oC t��s, Such persong as desire to be heard in refererice to thi� item will be heard at this meeting. Dat�d thi� 12th day of April, 1�90. 5uean M. John�ort, Cit�t Clerk City of Ros�mouttt XDakotaCounty, Minti�i�ot�