HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Internship - Center for Urban Regional Affairs P.O. BOX 510 ��j� Q 2875-145TH ST. W. � ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 �cS������� 612-423-4411 . ITEN� � � � TO: Mayor, City Council, & City Administrator - FROM: Dean Johnson, Director of Community Developmettt DATE: April 2'7, 1990 SUBJ: Planning Internship Attached is a letter from the University of Minnesota, regarding a planning int�tn program at the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA). This is the first prdgratin, structuted quit� like this, that I have been aware of that the University offered. I have contemplated interoships over the yeats, but hav� hesitated for a v�tiety nf i�b�sons, inclnding th� �bsettce of structure and ct�mtnittrt�nt by the institutio� it5�1[. I received this notice from St�ve Jilk, as t was 5tructuting an out}in� �'or th� 5�op� bf services on th� update of the Comprehensive C3uide Plan. I vv�s immediately inttigUed by the potential economies a�► internship may pr6vide the City; ��t both tit�i� �nd ct�i�3111ting fees �n the guide plan update. As a former graduate intern, t kt�ow the sigitificattee af the learning experience the City could offer to a student. In addition to a pritnaty involvement in the update of the guide pl�n, an intern would be expo��d to a liter�l hotbed of pianttiing issues. I have spoken with Fred �-Ioisington about the value of a� intern in connection with a potential contract for consuiting servic�s. He w�s in agreernent with me thai ther� would be more than a dollar for dollar value in a coordinating po�ition like this. He tvas also in agreement that an intern dedicated to a project like this wnuld 9ssure keeping the contract on a timely schedule. This is t�f interest ta both the City and �an&ultant. This particular intern progratn has other finaricial incentiveS. CU1tA vt+i1l �1��+ t�tf-t�irds of the salary ta the intern. The City's contribution for the entire Scht�t�l ���tt i� about �3000.00 or �boi�t $i00.00 a we�k for a half time positiot�: This is a�t oiit�t��c�ing t+�1�i+� to the City. We hav� �iudgeted $5000.00 for "Othet� Ptofe�s�o�ial Services": Th�� �t+�� �lt�t�+Ct����d � ta be the start-up fund for the guide pla�, This is f�r less than ahat we antiCip9t� th� Cost of the guide plan will be; however, we may have funds available in the "Cc3t�tract Inspecti4ns" category ($16,000), provided we don't have an unusual sputt t1f developfneitt. I don't mean to mince the budget issues of an internship with that of the upd�te of' t6p guide plan; but, the two go hand in hand. I am requesting authorization of the Couacil, to proceed with a request to the University, to participate in the graduate intern progr�m. I will be at the meeting to answer any questions you may have.