HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Armory Report / Update � T � ITEM � � A April 27, 1990 TU: Mayor Napper Council Members; Klassen Oxborough Willcox Wippermann FKOM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator R�: Armory Project Update Fallowirig are a few items of updated information regarding the Armory #�rajact: 1, The spe�ial lec�islation, to gr�nt Rosemaunt suthority to special levy for an amount up to $95,000 per year was �pproved as an �mendment to the omnibus tax bill. I do not h�V� a copy of that bill but it is the same as you had �pproved except for some minor changes to cl�rify the intent. ReQresentative Ozment informed me of this approval late Monday evening. In order to keep this project moving we should consider action to utilize the special authority saon; as it does have th� reverse referendum capability in it with a 30 day waiting period follawing publication of Notice of Intent by ths City Council to levy a certain amount. Prior to request�.ng any action by Council on this I will provide further information on the affects, the project cost and procedure involved to approve the levy. 2 . The Minnesota National Guard has received approval from the Federal Guard Bureau: a, To ewitch thie project from New 9righton to Rosemount b. Received confirmation to expect construction in 1992 c. To deeignate an architect for the project. This was done and the same architect that was assigned at New Hrighton is assigned to the project in Rosemount d. To begin actual design of the project for Rosemount and to complete at least 35$ of the design work by 8-1-90. 3. The staff architect for the Minnesota National Guard (nat the pxoject design architect) has provided two scenarios of design which included thoee items on the Armory Committee' s list. A � 4 Armory Update April 27, 1990 Page 2 A1so, estimated costs were presented at the April 23, 1990 Armory Committee meeting. These were reviewed and the consensus was reached that the staff architect would revise the drawings and cost estimates to reflect the addition of c�dditional classrooms to be paid for and used by the high school and a multi-purpose arena of such proportions to be able to house an ice sheet and tennis courts at different periads of the year. This information will be shared with the commit�ee on May 7, 1990. The Committee will review that information and will then formulate a recommendation to you on which items and how to finance those items to be added as enhancements and �dd-ons to the armory. Complete informatian, as best we can put together� ae to costs, saurces of funding and ramificatiane on levie� will be reviewed. Q� . I bave had meetings with representatives of the school di�trict and they haue asked that the concept of adding 8 to 10 classrooms ta the armory be conside�ed. (See item 3. ) The idea is that the school district would have the �v�ilability of the classrooms, gym and locker/shower rooms �t the cost of the classrooms . We are continuing discuseion on this concept. 5, Th� Guax'd wishes to proceed wit� design, and their cq�sulti�g arc�itect is ready to meet with the City to begin as soon as �ur list of enhancement� and add-on� is complete. W� will probably proceed with a design that will allow expat�eion �nd add-ons with out complete redesign so that if �u�ds �re not available at the time of design and constructian to complete all items on our liet we wilZ be abl� to "phase" the project without jeopardizing any of it. Ma�e �.�formation wi�l b� forthcoming on these possibilities. I am optimi�tic about the passibilities of the project and highly r�Gommend our cantinued support for it, I wi�.l. be plea�ed to �nswer a�y questions you may have an this �.nform�tion. �j