HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of February 20, 1990 Council Meeting r , r ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ' REGULAR MEETING FEBRU.ARY 20, 1990 Pursuant to due ca1T and noticr� tilereof a reg�lar meeting of the City Council of the Ci�y of Rosemount was duly h�l�� '�.Z Tu�sday, February 20, 199�, �t 7. 3� �.�n. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. i�Iayor Napper called the meeting to order with aIi members prese�lt. tdayor Napper led the group in the P1�dga of �,llegianc�. The agenda was ame�ded to in�lude Item 4(q) Approve Staff Attendan�e at Annual Parks & Recrea�ion Convention; Item 4(j } Adopt �esolLTtion Regarding the DEIS o� th� ����'cot� County �Vaste to Energy Facility; Item 8(f) .�ccept �ollan Hoke �esignation from HRA Commission; I���n �3(g) Rzcommendation for Settle�nent of Ass�sarnent Ap���l/':�aa'.�ins Pond Project. City Clerk Susan ,J�'.i;zs��.Z I1a�_''t? �cFro minor t,�ographical corra<���.ons in the resolutions for Item 4(h) and 4(i) , and Council t�emb�r Willcox requasted that Ite�n 4(f j �ut'naL iz� Purchase of Compu�e-r/Apnrove State Aid i ost Sharing Agre�ment be discussed under New Business as It�:n 8(h) . City Clerk Susan Johnson ad��rQssed ha-r memoran3u�-n .regarding a request from the representativss of Camp Courage Wagon Ti:31i1 to sf:c��� �_n �tos��nount for approxi�nately one and one-half hours for lunch on June 18, 1990. Johnson reviewed the wPPk long itinerary of the wagon train and the �articipation required �y the city staf� t� accommodate the wagon train ?-iders and horses. Trail Bosses o� �ne 1990 Camp Courage Wa�on Train wer� ��ses�:i� a�13 answered questions from Co��ncil. Council expressec� their unanimous su���rt oi t�i� ;aa����n train coming to the city and their iund raising activi�ies for Camp Coura��A. See Cler:�' s File 1990-4. MOTION by Napper '�� approve the Consent Agenda subject to the corrections ��'eV1015I.� "s'1�C�1. SE�OND by Willcox. �yes: Willco�, Wippermann, Napper, �x'r�oroug�., T�l�ssen. Nays: 0. City Administrator Stephari Jilk reviewed tne Fzbruary 8, 1990 meeting of the Town Gree� Ad Hoc Com.�littee when it met with city denartment heads to r�view and discuss the committee' s accor�lalish?d tasv� �a datz and to discuss tha �lanni�g, financing and other city projects or plans w;�ich may relat2 to the Town Green project. Jilk advise3 a cons��sas was reached at this me��ing tnat an outside landsca�e, architectural design/�lanning szrvic�s c�ould be necessary and the planning;d�sign process shoul3 include �reas dAsignated for the To�sn Green Project as �a�ll as those a-reas ��sign�.tpd io:c future use or alr�a3y funetioning as ci��r open space an3 par;t uses. Council i�ternber Klassen, a memb�r of the Tow_n Grzen Ad Hoc Committ�e, repor�ed or: i.�Z:� Par,cs � R�er�ation �ommittee actioii ta'can at its February 19, 1990 m���iny for aL»roval of a por�ion of ^:rickson Park to be designat�d foT' i:he Town Green projec'r_, �'�3:ninisi�r:3�or Jilk requested C•�un��il a��r�val t� direct sta�f to proceed to investigate alternative methods of acquiring landscape or a.rcilitectural servic�s f o:c �he pro�ee�� and the associa��d costs for acquiring these services. Jilk advised cost� would n�t be expended for this investigation except for t�i� �i�n� at1���ate3 �� city staff. See Clerk' s Fil� 1990-4. ` � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR �IEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1990 i�iOTION by KLASSEN to diY'e^.t city staff to investigate the three options, stated in the administrator' s memorandum, ior ac�'��11 rl�l�� �'��. �-�r�.zi��ctu�al servic�s and financial ramifications for them and to report bac'.: �o �ouncil. SECOhD �y �Iipp�r.nann. Ayes: Wippermann, N�pper, Oxborougil, Klass�n, �Villcox. I�Tays: 0. T+iayor Napper opened the pub�ic hearing scneduled for this tiine to consider �do���ion oi a resolu�:ion that would create the Rosemouzit r^.conomic �evelopment Authori�y (EDA) . Th� city administrator prese=i��.d f�r t'�a r�cord the Affidavit of Publication and �ffidavit r�f �osted Hearin� Votice. See Clerk' s File 1990- 4. Economic Development S�ecialisr. i'i3cie Pechonick pro�i3�d a summary of the powers gran�ed to t�� r^,cono�_� ��,���1��,�ra'nt Au}hority as auth���-izL� �y '�iinnesota Statutes, lL.11? T41C'�I:.J�rshi� and appointrn�nt process ol �he EDA Co!?LmissioLi Zz� �c:�e trans�er of 311 th�a existing projects of th� 2osemount Housing and �edevelo�r��nt Authority to t'ne �osemoun� Economic Developlff2ilL Authority. Consu�.�a�:�t �3n �'t�eiZl of Public Fznancial �ystems reviewed th� advantages and reasons �or recom�nen3ing the ca�a�c�a, and Cit;� A��or.����r '2�c��r Knu4son reviewed the statutorv mem��rshi� requirements. Council concu.rrad the initial appointment of Mayor Napper �o the com�ission ;aould provide the assurance that future mayors t�roulel h�vz the option of serving as one of the two council member represan�a�7��s on the co�l:nission. See Clerk' s File 1990-4. MOTION by Napper to close ��zn ��u'olic :�earing. SECOND by Oxborougiz. �yes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION by Napper to adoat A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE ROSEMOUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. SECO±�D by Klassen. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, I�lassen, Willcox, Wipnermann. Nays: 0. MOTION by Napper to rzc�ss the Council meetir�; �o �.11ow the first mePLing of the Rosemount Economic �ev�lopmen� �at���rity. S;�OND by Kl�ssen. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. The City Council Meetinc� reconvanaa a� �his time. MOTION by Napper to adonL A itESOLUTION CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DESIGNATION OF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICr NUMBER 1 AND A TAX INCREMENT FIirTANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FIrTANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELQPNiENT) DISTRICT NUMBER 1 - 1 . SECOND by Klass�n. Ay2s: O.aorough, Klassen� Willcox, Wi���rmann, NaPper. Nayso 0. Sanford Sac'�t�r re��u�st�=_d �'ze �ity Council t� reconsider his req��zst ior an appeal oi the Plannine� Commission' s den?al of the �tnss Cliff Lan�lscape 2 , ROSE�OUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ° REGULAR NLETZNG FEBRUARY 20, 1990 Nursery pr:���s�i. �:�rk�?r sLa��d hs Tzlt the Planning Co*nmission ??lacle an - arbitrary decision when i�t attempted to internre� �,z� int�n� �i tne definition a� a Iandsca�e nursery and commerc�al greenhouse when the site plan for the proposed nur�pry was revipwed by th� P�anning Commission on Qct�'���� 24, 199�. Council concurre3 with the previous action taken. by City Council on Decer�zber 19, 1989 to deny �nz request ior a� appeal on t�e basis tnat there was no appeal process in place under t'�t= ��:��vious z�ni:g ordinance befor� ii was amende3 by City Council on �ecenber 5, 1989. Council further concurred Sackter should resu'��it his ap�lic?Lion ior Rose Cl�ff T,3'_7.�SC3�� �1a=.��rv �ite plan revi�w under t�ie amended Zoning Ordinanc�. Sea Clerk' s File 1990-4. ��IOTION by Nlippermann to d�ny the request irom Sanior3 Sac'�tter for an a����eal of the October 24, 1989 ?lanning Commission acz�on on tAz� �ose c:liff Landsca�.� �Ta:cs�,_y, o� the basis �,�at tne Cit� Council has no legal autharity to consic�?r an a���_al. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Klasse::, : Willc�x, �Vinp•�����nn, '�apper, Ox�orough. P1ays: 0. �cvnomic Development Specialis�t Tracie Pechonic'.c nresen��3 fox Council ap�roval a Lo;�struction R2covery r^acility Agree�nenL �etween the City and Construction Recovzry Systems. Aporoval of the agreemen�t would all•���� �:zP Cit1 to serve as the s�onso.r oi a recycling grant application to the :Ietronoli-��� Council �n behalf of Construction Recov�ry Syste�ns for grant funds to subsidize a construc-tion recycling facility. � -r�quest was made from the Council for sta�� L� ��ontact Construction �tacovery Systems an3 Knutson Ru��isn to enter into a feasi'�i� agr��_n_:.z�= :�;i�r.e h:��t:tson Ru'o��is� would transnort resi3ential cons��_sction .����� :�a:uolition waste to Construc�ion Fecov�=y S�s�ems for processing a�zd recycling. See Clerk' s File 1990-4. MOTION by Napper to appro�2 the Construczion �:a�ov�rv Facility Agre�mznt and to approv� th� r��y��lin� �7'3?Zt apnlication and t� forward it t� the Metropolitan Council. SECOND by Oxborougii. Ayes: �lassen, '�i i i�:��c, 'vJippermann, Napper, Ox�orough. Nays; 0. Council cli�cussed �he action neca-��:3�� `� 3��,�*���e the petition recei�ed from Hans Abraha�s�n to rezone �wo parcels ��f Iand t��taZling 110 acres from AG Agriculture to AG-� �7riculture P����r�a. Action was tabled from the ���.z'�li�� '_v..�::i�z�� ���1�1 ���.z .cp'�rua�ry 6, 1990 because there was not a four- £ifths re�-resentation of Councii a� �nP hearing. ,Se:=_ Clerk' s File 1990-a•. MOTION by �r�ippermann to adopt ORDINANCE B-2, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINAt�TCE B, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING vR��It�A��CE. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Willco:�; 'tiT;���ermann; �dapner, �:�borough, Kl�ssen. Nays: 0. At this time the following departn��nt heads pr�sa:ita� their annual re,orts to the City Coun�il �or their r2spective departments: Dea��1 Jo:�nson, Director of Community Development; Don ;�arling, Director o:� i�clanc.=; �ir�a Chi�f Scott Aker, �osemoun�t V�lanteer rire Departmei�t; David 3��ht�l�., 3 . ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ' 2�:G�3LA� MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1990 Director of Parks & Recreation; Police Chie� Ja.nc�s Sra�f:.es, PolicF� Da�artment; �ichard �Iefti, Cit;� Fngineflr and Director ui �ublic Wor,cs; and Stephan Jilk, City Adm�.n�si.rator, Ad.�inistr�}i��n �Q2�r.t:*�ent. See Clerk' s File 1990-4. Following the vresen�ati�n; ^o��nc�1 �'�az'�ed the staff inembers for their thoroug� and iniorm•��i�r�, ra�orts. � 7-�c��_n:nendation was rnade from Council to conduct an assessment to determine t.Ze e��iciency a�c� u�il.ization of the present �i}� st�ff and to d�termine ruture staffing needs. A consensus was reached b� Council t� �13V0 'tY1C� C1Lv �,3�tinis'�r�i o.r_ �::�il�:•-iC�: �3r'_T .'.":�T�'.•=:__ `�'+) l the University of �•iinnesota, as a consul�ant for suc� a �roject, �z:� L.� r��ort �c:� th:� �it� ^�?zn�il a�� the �Iarch 20, 1990 Regular Meetin:� regarding �his request as w�1i =_� other onti��z.� av2ilabl�. 3y unanimous consen` a t��n :�inute -rzcess was Call?d with tns Lneeting reconvenin� a� 10;45 p.m. Council :�t��n�ar :��?i c��sc �r��s-.:z����3 for Council conside-ration a draft r�solution req�a�s�i��, t'�� �I?:z:z��s���a ;�vi�onmental Quality Board (EQ3)to insure tha�t cert�in items 'oe consi3ered in the Eizvironrn��tal I�:�ac� Statem?nt (�SS) f�r the Dakota County waste to energy `�a�,ilz�,r, T�z�� :.3�at� rPsolu�ion r?�uast��. t�ze 'i�_tropolitan Cou*��il to revis� the Draft �nvironmental Imnact Statement (D��S) to specifzc�.11y ��roac?er_ �he stu3y oF alterna-ci.J�s �� s•�1id v�as.e �'�3'�•��.iant an3 �o conduc�� a cost com�ar�son of t�� .al��=_Y�Z��iv�s a_Z�.-� t:�a :7r'0�05�d waste �o anergy `a�ility. The draft rss�lution further r�quesLed the MetroUolitan Council to revie:a all th.e c�ata availa�le r�garding the chA_n�c�.is -referenced in �tir�n��sota Poltution Control �3zncy lett�r 3ated February 1 , 1989. See Clerk' s File 1990-Q. Dakota County Staf� i�iember Barry Shady, representin� t'z�� 7a'���a ��auilt�� Resou�c� Rwc�v��v p;:�j��c, encouraged the City Council t� su�.��.�it th�ir aomments o:� the DEIS advising the co_�n�.,z� �..1-io_1 i� o�ene:�i until the end of the month. �iscussi��� r:�llo-a�3 .r�g3rding �`�e appropria�t_ �roc�ss for submitting the , i ' '- =` ,� ^� � a 1: ?-,_ � '.,�i , �- 1 , n� resols�ion �� �...z_ ��3 � _..��_ I . _o��ol ' ��.n Counc�_ with C�.z��cil con..a-rring it woul� be sufficient to address the resolution to t��e idei_ropolitan Coun�ii and to send a copy wit�i a le�ter to the director oF the EQB. �IOTION by 6Villcox to adopt A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE METROPOLITAN COUrTCrL -��vSURE CERTAIN ITEMS BE CONSIDERED IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEKFVT FOR DAROTA COUNTY 4�lASTE TO ENERGY FACILITY. SECOND by N3�par. Ayes: .ai�ioermann, Napper, Oxs�orough, Klassen, Willcox. �J3Jsa J, Mayor Napper prPS�n���3 a� :������-ria:�� ��� '1�s tour of t�,gripost, a composting facility located in �7�de County, .r^lorida. P�Iayor Napner advised the co�posting facility w�s sTi �l in experimental stag�s. NapDer felt the facility co»ld be an eYc��lent method �f co�l��osting in future years, but 4 � � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEED�IJl1S . lt.~�tJiJLAR MEETI�IG � . FEBRUARY 20, 1990 ��as not ready as a viable alternative to a w3s��� `�� e�?r•�y `���iliFs► a� ��his tin�. S�e Ctnrk' s �'ile 1990-4. City Adminisi.ra.or 5����:Z:�.�i Jili. �_���:s:zted a I.etter of resignation from �olice C'Ziei Jamss ,��_���s ��TE�c�iva Jtzly 7, 199�. The administrator rzquest�d Council authorization �o �egin t:�e process �ec;:ssary t� r��lace Chief Staats. See Cler'_�' s �'il� 1990-4. MOTION by Napper to regretfuit� acc���t ��Ze r�sig_z��i:�=i r�aceived from Police Chief Staats effective July 7, 1990. SECON� �y M'illc��-�. ����s. �Iapper, ��xi��rc�unh, �lass�n, t9illcox, Wippermann. I�1ays: 0. z�I�TION by Napper to auth�rize3 the city a3ministr��or to begin the replaeement grocass as outli�z_3 ��i �.'.1>- ��_�:.�� �3.a-�i�i.�t rat�r' s m��norandur.i da�ed February 1 �, 1990. SECOND by Tnlillc��s;. �ves: Os�'�o�r���;`�, �.�-._ �-,�Z. tVillcox, Wippermann, Napper. Nays: � , C�uncil ��ember O�boroug� left th� C�uncil ;I���-�:��zg at this time. City Clerk Susan Jo�z�son presen�ec� for �ouncil considera�ion a dentaZ insurance program for non-union full-time emalo�e�s. Johnson :��cc�,i-�::�3�3 the city entered a contract with Delta Dent�l Ai��active ��iarch 1 , 1990. See Clerk' s ril� 1997-�. :�JTION n� ���.a��a-r `o apgrovz the dental prog-ra*n for non-union full-tine employees and to autho�i�a t:�a �z���:���.�_1 ;si7_�•�'�u�a5 ��n �.�i� contract b�twzen the City and Delta Dental. SEeOND by Klasse�. �_;�s: �lassen, Willco:�; ',�ipaermann, Napp�r. Nays: 0_ Par�s & Recreation Direc�or David 3�cntold informed Council o` a recent meeting he attended at which he was a�3vis�3 �y �a�s��� ��a:�t� staf� members tn�t th� 1990 funds dvsignated �y th� coun�y fo� t�i�� �i'.� u_ai1 o�i �,���.i�,� R03� 42 'oet�zeen Trunk Highway 3 and Diamond Path would b� ��mov�:l r-r:�:� �h� county budg`� unless tl�� City su�p�rt�d a trail system in this area. Bzchzold recommended �h� City Council reques� construction of a bike trail on the north side of C't�2, bez�a��� T':3 a�.1d �iamond Path and erection of a fence alon•� this �.r�a 'oat�aee_�i �he trail and adjacent �ro�erties. 3�chtold further noted th� city staLf recom_-�en��� c�ie Cit1 }�A responsial� for construc�ion of a trail on the soutiz side of CR42 to co.n��ti_n�n�`_ i.'n� r,orth sid� s�c��io�Z. ��� �ler?t' s �'i?e 1990-4. MOTION by Napper to requzst the co�snty to construct t�e aik� w�y sec�i��l ���.� the north sida oL County Road 42 betwe�n Trunk Highway 3 and ��3uo�d ���.?. and to re;uest t�.� ��o�:��:�� to construct a �eZce in this section between �he bike ���y trail ai�d tna adjac�.zt �ro��r�i�s, SECOND by Klassen. Ayzs: `�lillcox, rVip�ermann, Nap��r, Kl.assen. Nays: 0. Citl Engineer Richar3 Hefti presen�ed for Council �.,���ro�ral �'ze bids received and o��ened on February 1 6, 199� F•�t :'1. •.�� ��'.,��.2�-�:i��. ;?f '?��11 5 ' . �� ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS • � REGULAR 2�LEETING FEBRUA�Y 20, 199� MOTION by Wippermann �� adopt A RESOLUTIO��i REQUESTING VARIANCE FROM STATE AID STREET DESIGN STANDARDS. SFCOND by Napper. Ales: �lass�il, Willcox, �Iipnermann, Napp�r. Nays: 0. Ci}y �dminis�rator S�en�zan Jilk presented for Council discussion the conce�t of for�ing a citizens com�ni��e� tJ D�"rJ�7'_�.s i�.��u` an�. ad�.ise to the city staf f a�1�3 the consaltant r�ya�u;.�i�� L'i:: L i i.y `.3�^.1L1.'��i�s ����:�y. Ji.lk advised t;�e archi�er�ural firm o� Boarman and Associ��es is completing the firs� plzase o� znPi.c ;aork which was to assass and dacument al.l cu�rex�t facility uses and needs for current city staf� and op.���rions. T�e sac��d and t��ir�3 �_Zas:�s ;?�ll '�� t�� �valuate future needs based upon expected community growtn and associated staff a�zc1 :`�cilit� nea�3� o�Ter the next ten ye3Y'S as well as the asso.^�.at�3 c�sts �or �1Zf Z1�.1!lt� �:-ze facility and loca�tion needs. Jil'c r:�vie:ve� t�� g�neral charges and mempershi�� of the cizizens com�i`�e� and the responsi:».1ity of tha Council A3��bers �o soiir��.�: and rzcommend members to the comm�i=ee. See Clerk' s File 199J-�, MOTZON by Napper to cancur with the a3ministraL��r' s recom�nandations w_.z r�gards to the city facili�iAs study and to req�se�c �o����cil 4� ��:covida comrniL���v in=mb,�rs}iip recorn�tendations ai. �h� �isrcri 20, 1990 Regular �ouncil Meeting. SECOND �y �Vip�err�lan�i. T-��:�; tVillco�, Wipperrnann, Napper, Klassen. Nays: 0. i�iOTION by Napper to �c���_��� ':�11.�n Iia:s' � ����i�_i��.;� �_� 4_•��:n the �osemount Housing and �ec3e��e?opmerir yu�hority an3 to revi?w recommendations for this vac�ncy on the �ose�nount Eco:�omic D�valopment Autjzority at �liQ P�arch 20, 1990 Regula-r Council Meeting. SLC�H� c�1 �Villc��x. Ayes: �Jippermann, �a���r, :Zl.ass�n, Willco�. Nays: 0. Se� . Clerk' s File 1 990-!4. Council r�v;�;ae�3 a s�i.tlement agreement b�=i:;aeen the City and Jonn azd Joan Hawkins who had filed a :�o�z���� ��f a��L�-��1 ��r �:�� sn�.��a� assessments against tneir nrc���rty for City project 17t;. See Clerl' s '�^il� 199�-4. MOTION by V�il�cox to accep�t ���e se�tlement a�reement b��ween the City of Rosemount and 3ohn and Joan Hawkins for Ci�1 '�_oja�� 17h. S�COND by 'ai����r:na-�:z. ��es: Napper, Klass��, jVillcox, ��Iippermann. Nays: 0. ��o�a�cil r�v_��a�•a a r�quest from the city engineer to �ux�ilasz a co.nputer an3 miscPllan2ous har3��are and software na����s�ary t�� �e c��*►�a�ibl�� ���.+-?: thz state aid di�ision oi �:z�� :�Iinneso�a Department of Transportation col�:���it�r reporting system. The city engin?��r ��t:�o r�.•,:�.���t���� ^+��z�.c;�l anprove funds t� ungrade fi�ie monitor and �o ourczas� a :nicrc��������:�s����� �izat will run a co.zi��.�tar-��,1sd dra�tin3 �-rogra�n for c�� engi��aring technicians in the i]L1D�.1C wor;cs and �ar�;s 3epart�nents. Following dis��a.s�a.o:n; ^��1-��iI concurred th� city engineer sho�til i��resti��ate purchasir_g �he m�re sophistica�:.�.3 soft;aar�� ;��c;:a•�a f�_ the computer-aided draftinc� �rogra� ra�her t�Za-� �'-0•� ;�_�?ric v�rsi��n. ��p Clerk' s File 199�J-4. 7 a , s + ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 1990 MOTION by Willcox to approve the purchase of computer hardware and to approve the Minnesota Department of Transportation agreement for reimbursement. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper. Nays: 0. Mayor Napper proclaimed the week of March 4 - 11 , 1990 as Volunteers of America Week in the City of Rosemount. See Clerk' s File 1990-4. City Administrator Stephan Jilk provided a brief overview of a county wide board of review process recently proposed by the Dakota County Assessor' s Office. Jilk advised the new procedure would eliminate the involvement of local governments and provide a more structured and effiGient method of allowing taxpayers to meet with county assessors regarding their property valuations. See Clerk' s File 1990-4. MOTION by Napper to adjourn. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator Published this day of , 1990 in Dakota County Tribune. 8 �