HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Receive Costs / Order Assessment Roll - Shannon Parkway / Connemara Trail a � IYEt� # �C ***�*�**�******�****�**�**********MEMO*********�t*****�*****�x*��****�****�** DATE: MARCH 2, 1990 T�: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/Q ADMIN�STRATOR J�LK �. FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC W�RKS DIRECTQR HEFTI RE: ITEMS FOR THE MARCH 6, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING CONSENT At3ENDA Receive CostJOrder Preparatian of Assessment Roll Shannon Parkwav/Connemara Trail City Project 189 This item requires Couneil adoption of the attached resolution that receives cost to be assessed and orders the preparation of the assessment roll for this project. All the work for this project was completed last fall . We have tabulated all construction and overhead cost for this project necessary to determin� the cost to be assessed and the City cost also. The City cost is the result of the installation of Core watermain, street, watermain credit and street credit. The Core Facility responsibilities for watermain and streets are for having to oversize to a 16" watermain and a 52 ' wide roadway respectfully. Because it is not City policy to fully assess properties for through Callector streets, this development was given a 600' credit for the construction of Shannon Parkway west of Shannon Parkway. The section of Connemara Trail east of Shannon Parkway was necessary to provide access tv property to the east and therefore assessed. Also, a credit was given for the watermain west of Shannon Parkway and Connemara Trai�. because it does not provide any substantial benefits, other than for looping purposes. There are no services off this segment of line. However, it is pol'icy to extend watermain to the edge of the development, therefore the watermain east of Shannon Parkway and Connemara Trail was assessed as a residsntial equivalent. Attaehed to this memo is the resolution and a worksheet showing the cost and associated overhead for this project. We anticipate having the assessemnt roll back to Council by the March 20, 1990 meeting. Should Council have any questions regarding this in�ormation, please feel free to contact me. Recommended action for Council to consider is to adopt the attached resolution receiving the cost and ordering the preparation af the assessment roll. ' Shannon Parkway.rConnPmara Trail � Pre,ject : 169 ` Contract 3� : 1988-? COST COMPONENT PROJECT C05T PROFESSiOt�AL IE�RL �.5:'. �.�1:: C1E5CR I PT I Oha FRCTDi? COhISTRUCT I�N ENG I NEER I NG ScR�•l I CES LEGRL NOT I CES EOND RQM I PI. SAt�t I TRRY CDRE 0.056 �35,299.SQ t6,739. 13 �872.69 �0.00 $2�.95 �176.50 �7t35.99 LATERflL 0. 123 �6�4,043. 10 �12,226.65 $I,5t�3.29 �0.00 $27'. 12 �320.22 �1,�80.86 WFiTERMfi I N GORE 0_0�4B �25,�10.Q0 �4,7?4.7.� �518_31 �0.00 �1Q.S9 �125.�5 �500.20 LATERNL 0. 125 �G5,S19.�5 �22,508.51 �3,619.�9 $0.00 �2r.7� �32?.60 �1,3IQ.39 STORM CDRE O.D00 �0.00 x�.OQ SO_00 #O.OQ �0.00 �0.00 �0.00 LRTCRtIL �.145 ��5,943.78 �14,498.6�4 #1,8?7.51 �0.00 $32. 16 �379.;2 �1,518.W8 STkEET C�J�E �. 153 ��9,995.0� �15,2i2.Dr �1,9{7.66 $D.00 �33_8� �399.98 �i.599.'30 LRTERNL 1�.�90 ��J1,365.49 �28,�9r.6� �3,?4c. 11 �Q.00 #5�. 10 �756.�3 �;:,0�'.31 ST�c'EET 0.Q06 �,.-,�,�200.!70 $b 10.92 �:'9. I 1 �0.0� $1.36 �1 b.00 :#r,4.p0 LIGHTS 0.042 �22,09?.00 �4,218.60 �546.29 �0.00 �9.36 �1117.�F9 �4�1.94 TOTRL 1.r00 �522,4:3_32 $99,746.SB �12,316.?5 �0.00 �22i.24 t2,612.37 �10,�44Q.47 Total Overhead Cost �127,524.?5 i: af O�,�erhead 24.41i: 'f. of Enginoering 19.09'!. Pr-eliminary Cost Estim.3tes �820,0�0.00 . Shannon Parkway.�Connemara i'ra i 1 _ Project : 18� W Contract # : 1988-7 TEMPORARY PROJECT C05T CfiPIT. Fl1NDING DE�CRIPTION FACTOR It�iTEREST INTEREST ERSEMEMT CDNTIN6EtdCIES TOTRL 5flM I TA�'Y CORE 0.Q68 $O.OQ $5.27 �(3.00 �101.34 x43,915.37 �ATERRL 0. 123 �Q.00 $9.5? 50.00 $183.8� t79,674.b� WRTEP.MRIN , CORE O.D46 �0.�0 $3.7� xfl.00 $�I.BO �31,114.�2 LATERRI. 0. 125 �0.00 �9.79 $Q.00 �1�8. 10 �Si,S11.3? STDRM . CORE Q.O�p $0.00 �0.00 #�.CfO �O.QO �0_00 LRTERRL 0. 145 �0.00 #11.34 sO.OQ $218.�3 �94,450.06 �TREET CORE 0. 1�3 �J.00 �11.95 #0.0{l �229.66 �99,520. 1d �ATERRL 0.290 �0.00 ��2.61 �II.00 �434.56 $188,31fl.62 STREET O.00o �0.�0 �0.43 �0.00 $9. 19 �3,9B1.D5 LIGHTS O.Q42 �0_0� �3.30 s0.Di3 363.44 #27,490.41 TOTr�L 1.QOQ �0.00 �7�.05 �O.D� $1,500.OQ x649,998.OT Less Sanitary Core ��3,915.37 Less Watermain Core �31,114_42 ' Less 5tarm Sewer Core �0.00 Less S�reet Core �99,520. 10 Less 5treet Light Core �3,981.C�5 Le�s I.iaterrsai n Cred i t �17,617.73 C 1) Less Street Credit �26,417.Z� t2) Total Core Cast �2Z2,565.8? Totai Rssessment Rmount �42?,432.21 hlotes: �CI) 6�' credit for water in �onn Tri E of Shan Pkwy; add to Water core �2) 6L�!' L.re�'i t for C�nn Tr 1 E of �i-►an Pkwy; add t� Str-eet core P � �'� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTTON 1990 - A RES4LUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND QRDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT SHANNON PARRWAY/CONNEMARA TRAIL STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT �189 WHEREAB, a contract has been let for Shannon Parkway/Connemara Trail Street & Utility Improvements and the contract price for such improvement is $522 ,473.32, and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $127,524 .75 so that the 'total cost of the improvement will be $649,998.d7. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Rosemount Minnesota: l. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $222,565.87, and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $427, 432.21. 2 . The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed '-- for such improvement against every assessable lot, pieGe or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and she shall fil� a copy of such proposed assessment in her office for public inspection; and 3 . The City Clerk shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. ADOPTED this 6th day of March, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: 5usan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: ~ Voted against• �._. _ _