HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Minutes of December 19, 1990 Regular Meeting ROSEMO CITY PROCEEDINGS • REGULA�EETING � DECEMBER 19� 19$9 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a �egular meeting o£ the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, December 19, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Gouncil Chambers o� the City Hall. Acting Mayor Walsh called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Wi.ppermann, Oxborough and Napper present. Mayor Hoke was absent. Acting Mayor Walsh led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended to include Items 6(h) Sachter Project Appeal, Item 8(a) Passing Thoughts and Item 9(a} Discussion on Goals/Objective Session. MOTION by Walsh to appr�ve the Consent Agenda subject ta a correction to the December 5, 1989 Regular Council Meeting Minutes. Page 1 , paragraph 7 should read . . . the increase in the sanitary sewer rate from $1 .25 to $1 .85. . . SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, Walsh, Oxboroughr Napper. Nays; 0. See Clerk' s File 1989-39. CommiYn t ty APvelopment Di.rector. D�an .Tohnsc�n ��r�sent�d £or Cnunci.l. review and considQration the 1990 Community Development Block Grant Application for the estimated $95,000 available to the city. Johnson reviewed the potenti�31 acquisition o£ the fire damaged Launc�ervil.le hame on Burnley Av�nue and the Schneicier rental p�operty on Burma Av�nue which: are eligible under the program. Johnson advi.sed the Rosemount HRA Board this evening approved utilization of ta�c increment funds to assist in the acquisition of these properties. The HRA Board would administer the program. Se� Clerk' s . File 1989-39. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FOR FISCAL YEAR i990 DAKOTA COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMLNT BLOCR GRANT FUNDING. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Walsh, O�borough, Napper, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Council reviewed the 1990 Recycling Contract between the City of Rosemount and Knutson Rubbish Service, Inc. Community Development Director Johnson advised the Knu�son Rubbish Service, Ine. proposal was the only response the city received from the request for quali£ications publ�.shed in the city' s legal newspaper �nd forwarded to the eleven licensed haulers in the city. Johnson noted the 1990 arecycling program will expanc� the existing commercial/industrial program. A new teature of the city' s recycling program will be the collection of plastic beverage contair�e.rs. Council and staff discussed the importance of keeping residents informed of the city' s recycling program. See Clerk' s File 1989-39. MOTION by Wa1sh to appr�ve the Supplemental Agreement Between City of Rosemount and Knutson Rubbish Service, Inc. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Wippermann, Walsh. Nays: 0. Community Development Director Dean Johnson presented for Council review and consir�eration an agreement between the Gity and Knutson Rubbish Service, Inc. and an applieation to the Metropolitan Council for a capital. 1 ROSEMO CITY PROCEEDINGS . � REGULA�IEETING � DECEMBER 19, 1989 assistance grant. Johnson advised the agreement sets out the conditions between the city and Knutson Rubbish for the city to apply for the grant on behalf of Knutson Rubbish who is seeking capital assistance to construct a material recovery facility. Johnson further advised the grant application, if approvec�, would provide a maximuzn af $150,000 from Metropolitan Council for capital expenditures, and any requirement for financial contributions would be matched by Knutson Rubbish and not the City. 5ee Clerk' s File 1989-39. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL FOR A FISCAL YEAR 1989 CAPITAL ASSISTANCE GRANT. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Napper, Wippermann, Walsh, Oxborough. Nays: 0. City Administrator Stephan Jilk requested direction from Council regarding a procedure for appointments or_ reappointments of inembers to the city' s commissions and comrnittees for 1990. Following discus�ion, Council reached a consensus Mayor-elect Napper should provide recommendations to Council at the Januar_y 2, 199q Council meeting for cvmmission/committee and council liaison appointments. Council concurred a process should be establishec3 for such a�pointments in future years. See Clerk' s File 1989-39. Community Development Director Dean Johnson presented for Council considera�ion an Addendum to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Subdivision Agreement for West Ridge development. Council was informed the acidendum would amend the park dedication requirement to allow an extensi4n to June 30, 1990 as the date the developer, Rosemount Development Co. , would have to deed the park land to the city rather than the present requirement of January 1 , 1990. Johnson advised the developer has not purchased the 8.3 acres of land to be dedicat�d for the southern portion af Jaycee Park. Parks & Recreation Director David 33echtold advised the Park Bvard recommended approval of the extension of time and further advised the city may jeopardize the $35,000 land grant appxoved for Jaycee Park if park dec�ications fees were paid in lieu of the land dedicat:Lon. See Glerk' s File 1989-39. _ MOTION by Napper to approve the Addendum to Planned Unit Development and Subdivisian Agre�ement and to authorize the necessary signatures subject to executian by the developer. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: Wippermann, Walsh, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. Chairman of Leprechaun Days CommittPe Joseph Walsh requested Council authorization to enter a contract with Vitale Firew4rks Display Co. for furnishing and performing the fireworks during Leprechaun Days' Week, July 21 -29, 1990. Walsh advised an early contr�ct and a fifty percent payment of the t4ta1 contract amount would cause a eonsiderable discaunt. See Clerk' s File 1989-39. MOTION by Walsh to approve the funding £or the Leprechaun Days fireworks display and to enter into a contraet with Vitale Fireworks Display Co. for 2 ROSEM CITY PROCEEDINGS • � REGULA��ETING . DECEMBER 19, 19$9 a total cost of $6,000. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Walsh, Oxborough, Napper, Wi�permann. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti presented the bids received for the 1990 cab and truck chassis and reaommended the truck be purchased from the low bidder, Lakeland Ford, in the amount of $42, 313.54. Hefti felt the trade-in figures for the city' s 1974 truck did not warrant aeceptance of the base bids received and recommended the truck being replaced be designated surplus property and sold by the city. Clerk's File 1989-39. � MOTION by Walsh to acce�t the bids for the 1990 cab and truck chassis and to purchase the truck �rom Lakeland Ford who submitted the low alternate bid with na trade-in in the amount of $42,313.54. SECOND by NaFper. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Wippermann, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to declare the 1974 truck as surplus equipment and to direct staff ta se�.l the 1974 truck in the appropriate manner. SECOND by NapPer. Ayes: Napper, Wippermann, Walsh, Oxborough. NaXs: 0. City Planner Michael Wozniak advised the City received a request from $ituminous Materials, Inc. to renew its mining permit for an eighty acre sitQ Zocated 3.mmediate�,y south o� Salberg Aggr�gate on TH 56. Altho�agh the origi.nal candition� of �he mining permit �pprcaved �'or 1989 by Council would remain the same, Wozniak noted Koch Refining Co. recently purchased this site and will be required to consent to the conditions of the permit. Wozniak further advised the Planning Commission recommended approval of the renewal subject to execution by Bituminous Materials, Inc. and Koch Refining Co. of the new set of Mining Permit Conditions. See elerk' s File 1989-39. MOTTON by Walsh to renew the mining permit af Bituminous Materials, Inc. az�d �he conditians of the mining permit. SECO�iD by Wipperm�nn. Ayes: Wi�permann, Walsh, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann authorizing attendance of any newly elected councilmember or existing councilmember at the Seminar for Elected Officials on January 26, 1990 and the Conference for Newly Elected Offica.als on January 27, 1990. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: �Valsh� Oxborough, NappAr, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Police Chief Staats requested authorization to purchase two squad cars from Farmington Ford-Mercury which was the dealershi� awardec� the bid thraugh the Hennep.in County bid process. Chief Staats advised each squad ear would be a 1990 Crown Victoria afi a cost of $12,662 each. The police chief suggested disposition of the two squads being replaced cou�d bs determined once the new squads are delivered. See Clerk' s File 1989-39. MOTTON by Oxborough to a�pr_ove t-he bid for the two 1990 squad cars for a total c�st o£ $25,324. SECQND by Napper. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Wippezmann, Walsh. Nays: 0. 3 • ROSEM� CITY PROCEEDINGS y ` REGUL MEETING DECEMBER 19, 1989 City P1atlner Michael �aozniak requested clarific3tion on the Council' s position as to whether crushing machinery and p�ortable asphalt plants should be allowed when a seasonal grading/excavation permi� is issued for the purpose of removing s�nd and gravel to improve property far a3ricultural use. Wozniak advis�d the Planning ComTnission consi�3erec� this matte.r at its November 14, 1989 meeting. The Planning Cammission approved a rPeommendation to City Council t� a11ow the use of crushing machinery in conjuncti.vn with seasonablP �xcavation and prohibited porta�ate ��phaJ.t plants. The Planning Comm�.ssian furthpr restricted this nerrnitted use to excavations taking p1aeP on pro�erttes ].ocated east of Akron Avenue. The majority ot the City Cc�uncil concurred with the Planninc� Commission recommendation and further e�ncurred portable asphalt pl.ants should be restrictsd to commercial and industrial sand and gravel mining onerati.ons. See Clerk' s File 1989-39. MOTTON by Wal.sh to direct sta�f to allow the use of crushing machinery in conjunction with season�l grading/�xcavation per.rnits on agricultural property east of Akron AvPnue and to prohibi.t the use ot portable asphalt p3ants in canjunation with such permits. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Wippermann, Walsh, Oxborough. Nays: Napper. D�.scu���.on wa� h��c� c�nes�rning � Nr�t�.ce c�f Appeal r�ceiv�c� by the c�.ty �rom th� a��arney far Ros� C11f� ,Land�cape Nursery, Inc, regarding �he Planning Commissic�n' s denial of an appl3.e�tion £c�r a building permit to eon�truct and op�rate a landgcape nursery on property located at Sauth Robe.rt Trail and 1 ?Oth Street West. Administrator Stephan Jilk advised the No�.ice of A�peal was submitted pursuant to 3 recent amendment to the city's Zoning OrdinancP s�:tt3.ng out an appeals process to the City Counc�.1 0£ site plan review aecisions by the Planning Commission. The administrator £ur�her advised the ci�y attorney rend�red a legal opinion the ci�y would not be obligated to allow this appeal since the �ppeal process did not exist when the city received the a�plication f.rom Rose Cliff Landscape Nursery, Inc. See Clerk' s File 1989-39. MOTION by Walsh that the City Counci]. will not set � public hearing date regarding the Rose Clif� Landscape Nursery, Inc. application for a building permit sincA at the time the application was submitted and then reviewed by ths Pl�n��ing Commission on October 24, 1989, there was no appeal process in ths Rosemount Zoning Ordinance; and therefore, the �ity Council c�nnot set a public hearing date. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: tiValsh, Oxborough, Napper, ' Winpermann. Nays: 0. Counci�mAmber Joseph Walsh shaLed with Counca.l �nd staff events over the past week which include�� lzis r_Pceiving �he Karen Monson Memorial Award f_rom the Rosemount Jaycees and gifts from tlie Rosemount city staff. Councilm�mUer Walsh thanke�� thP city staff and R�seinount cit�.zens for their s�i�:����i.-h_ �iric� 1:11r clos�� rel�ltl.on�hi.�� �liar��ci ov�r �h� ����t 1 Z y�a�'�. C���.iricL.l.m�:,mbc�r. W�l.�;h �:.�xE� .r.���s�el hl.� h������ �li�t: i�hn Cil:y Cc�urir,ll, ��aff. �nd residents woulc� eontinue workicig toyether �s a f.ami7.y. 4 � ROSEM�T CITY PROCEEDINGS � � � REGUL MEETING �ECEMBER 19, 1989 The City Cauncil concurred ta hold the goa].s and objectives session among City C�uncil and staff inembers on January 30, 1990. The city administ.rator will notify those attending of the star#:ing time and where the session wi�.l be held. , Administrator Stephan Jilk requested Council �pproval for one-half of the cost to fund a presentation by the Hoisington Group and McComb Groun of the land use/market analysis study these consultants were engaged to conduct and Ure�are. The city administrator advised several business ownPrs h�ve requested information on the repart anc� recommended the city host a meeting to al].ow Hoisington and McComb to present their findings to the community and more specifically the business community and chamber metnUers. Jilk advised the Rosem�unt HRA Board ap�roved ap�ronriation for one-hal� of the cost. MOTTON by Wa1sh to approve a presentation by the Hoisington Group and McComb Group to the community and ta authorize funds for one-half o£ the cast. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Wippermann, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Wippermanr�. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Respectfully subm�.tted, Susan M. Johtlso�r Deputy Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk Administrator/Clerk Published this day of January, 1990 in Dakota County Tribune. 5