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Approve Joint Powers Agreement for Seal Coating & Traffic Marking • � � �� � � City of Rosem�unt M� M� ilk, CitY p,dministrator c/a �teVe J '--�;� cilmembers, Heftt� +., �' Mayor & Coun �nqin�er � T�� Director/GitY public WorkS eet SWee in FR�M� s Str pecember 29 � 1989 M�rkin DATE: Traf f ic A reement f�r �oint paWe�s S A9reeme�'t gUBJ� and $eal Coat'n Jolnt power �his caPY �f the 1990 and R°SemOune•biddin9 this memo is a Lakeville► Sa°eg onomies °fallocated up t° p,tta�hed t� �illus togtake advantaqe Tl�e 1990 budfic markinq• betWeen Burns arking• traf allows for �oat acJreement and traf f ia m to $5►500 e seal for seal coating tin9 and up �oating� th of streets• 5ea1 coa Seal p miles nEed of $3p ,400 for for 3 , and 4 • bid Pri�es Ween 5 t s eets are �.n t fall dinq up°n tbe enou9Y' tO aete mining Wha We collected laavement pepen Shoula of ds and dat�► of our P rocess now ast recor portion bituminous allocat i�he�p are usinq p ana ratin9 lifethe bituminous We are �entory extends t�� es eal coa the in eal coat 5tre�gth �f �ill be on when we started am• While to5 imprO�e tfor seal c�atin9 The�e are manageme�t 1tr a es nothin9 tarqet pr crackin9• � �o g years e Streets we will d with m�.n or 5ealed pavement� Th S 5 to 6 years ag° pavement' still structurallY es and that are t�e oneS buil e s triP Walks t ab�u lan all existin9 thE cross- basically We dO p,uqust► just ago. in�lua�s Paintinq Walks• late Schedule e traffiC tion �r�sscross- s in Th 'tha t e excep to ao the isn tlm ch le fa the co5t �QrE e We prefer There aes� mostthe markinq SYmbOls' becaus of 5choo1• $esi do oursel�es the startinq agreement' We can rior tO under this We feel oin phat tiglztly labor► so Ve5, the 1990 J walks i5 oursel to approve and 5ea Cross- , timelY take is gweep�e' reement. eConomically and �treet a9 Council Ma a the,�le�k t� sign ended action forr Traffi� . ReGomm Agreement powers and authorize the MaY°r an Coatin9 _ ___ , . � JOINT POW$RS AGRSSMBNT _ BURNSVILLE, APPLE VALLEY, EAGAN, LAKESTTLLE ROSEMOUNT AND SAVAGE FOR 1990 TRAFFTC MARKINGS, STREET SWEE'PING & SERL COATING AGREEMENT made this day of , 19 by and between the cities of Burnsville, Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, and Rosemount y ( 5�,�c4c.� . ' RFCITALS This agreement is made pursuant to the authority eonferred upon the parties pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 471. 59 . The purpose of this agreement is to pravide for the placement of street traffic markings in all six cities , and street sweeping services for the cities of Burnsville, and Apple Valley, and also seal coating serviees for the cities of Burnsville, Lakeville, - Rosemount and Savage utilizing one common contractor for each service. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1 . Subject to the other provisions of this agreement, Burnsville shall prepare any plans, specifications , bid proposals and advertise for bids for the placement of street traffic markings, street sweeping, and seal coating services . 2 . App1e Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, Rosemaunt and Savaqe shall provide to Burnsville the estimated quantities £or these services in each respec�ive community and shall also approve the bid doeuments . 3 . Burnsville shall tabulate the bids upon their receipt and make a recommendation of award to Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, Rosemount and Savage and upon their approval, award ths contract pursuant to State Law. . " Page Two (JPA) � � ` BURNSVILLE, APPLE VALLEY, EAGAN, LAKEVILLS, ROSEMOUNT & SAVAGE 1990 Traffic Markings, Street Sweeping & Seal Coating 4 . Each city shall be responsible for: ---Preparing maps showing the proposed locations for these services including estimating the quantities , ---Preparing the streets for markings in accordance with the specifications and coordinating with the contractor as to the timing of the actual work. ---Inspectinq the contractor' s work, measuring the quantities of work performed, approving and certifying the progress or final payments to the contractor. 5 . In accordance with the specifications, the cantractor will submit an itemized invoice to each city separateiy £or the work performed in each city. Upon approval of the invoice by the respective city, that city will remit the approved invoice amount directly to the Contractar. 6 . It is agreed that the cities of Apple Valley, Fagan, Lakeville, Rosemount and Savaqe and each of them, indemnify, save, and hold harmless the City of Burnsuille and all of its agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions, ar causes of action, for whatever nature, arisinq out of the contracting procedure by reason of the execution or performanc+� of the work purchased f4r each respective city under this agreement, and that the cities of App1e Valley, Eaqan, Lakeville, Rosemount and Savaqe further agree to defend, at their sole cost �and expense, any actions or proceedings commenced against their respective cities for the purposes of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder. r f � � .� Page Three (JPA) BURNSVILLE, APPLE VALLEY, EAGAN, LAKEVILLE, ROSEMOUNT & SAVAGE 1990 Traffic Markings, Street Sweeping & 5ea1 Coating 7 . This aqreement can be terminated on the part of any individual city by giving 60 days notice to the other four cities, otherwise the agreement will automatically terminate o�i Octaber 31 , -, 19.&9�.�� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the date indicated below. CITY OF BURNSVILLS BY: Mayor BY: Manager Date: CITY OF APPLE VALLTY BY; Mayor gy: Clerk Date• CITY OF EAGAN BY: Mayor BY: Clerk Date: CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: Mayor BY: Clerk Date: CITY OF ROSfiMOUNT BY: - Magor BY: Clerk Date: CITY OF SAVAGS BY: Mayor BY: Clerk Date: PARKWAY � � -� � . . . � _-_- _ _____. _._.____ . . �-:� ' '� � . • • . . , . . • • • •_����_• � • � • • • • • • • •��•�• • • • i � • • • • �, N! � �� G � . . .. . � .-� r + • � • • • ! • • • • • • � MARRON ; ,� CIMARRON AVENUE A�/ENUF� • • • • • � --- i 't1 4 � � �� =a �, , .��„� � • , � . = 0�'i ; -�. --� • � � � -- _ � � � '� � • � � � i • � rn � . � � i "� � � � m . m cn • -i � I •