HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Resolution to Designate Official Depositories • • � ' P.O BOX 510 j�� Q 2875-145TH ST. W. osernoun� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-A411 _ 1TEM # 6 p T0: Mayor Napper Councilmembers Klassen Oxborough Willcox ippermann , FROM: Stephan Jilk DATE: December 29, 1989 RE: Desa�gnation of Banking Depositories Attached please find a resolution outlining staffs ' recommendations for official banking and investment designations for 1990. Adoption of such a resolution is required on an annual basis . The recommendations are based upon best availabl.e institutions for providing general. banking services and best opportuniti�s for investment programs . Your consideration for its adoption is requested. dw �y � • a � i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY� MINNBSOTA -- RESOLUTION 1990- A RESOLUTION NAMING DEPOSITORIES/FINANCIAL INSTTTUTIfJNS FOR CITY FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is required by law to designate depositories/financial institutions for City funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemoun� designates the First State Bank of Rosemount, a iocally owned bank as an otficial deposi�ary for City funds, bvth checking and saving5 pursu�nt to Minnesota Statutes 118.01 ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount designates as depositories/financial institutions for City funds, Midwest Federal Savings and Loan, TCF Banking and Savings, F.A. , Metropolitan Federal. Bank, F.S.B, and Rosemount National I3ank, and all branch offices of the aforernent.ioned savings and finaneial institutions who are qual.ified to gu�rantee investments up to $100,000 through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and through Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or secured collateral; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVSD, that the City Council of the City of �� Rosemount designates de�aositories for city funds, any Certif�.cates of Deposit purchased from any FDIC insured institution using Juran & Moody, Znc. , or Witt Financial. as its agent/broker, provided_that at no time shall the amount on deposit, including accrued interest, be allowed to exceed $100,000 at any one instituti.on. ; � ADOPTED this 2nd c�ay of January, 1990. � ! i � Verr�on J. l�apper, Mayor ATTEST: I Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor� � Voted against•____ c�ty of � ! BURNSVILLE ��^���y� 100 Civic Center Farkway • t3um�villE�, Minnesota 55337-3t317 (G12) 895-44O0 �ecember 2G , 19t�� Mr. John Gretz Mr. Thomas Colbert City of Apple Valley City of Eaqan 142�0 Cedar Avenue 3830 Pilot Knob Road Apple Valley, MN 55324 Eagan, MN 55122 Mr. James Robinette t�r. Rich Hefti City of Lakeville �City of Rosemount 8747 - 208th Street 1367 - 145th St. � . Lakeviile, MN 55044 Rosemount, MN 55068 Mr. Bruce Sullert City of Savage 6000 MeColl Drive Savage, MN 55378 RS: JOINT POMERS AGRTEMTNT (JPA) for Traffic Markings, Street Sweeginq and Seal Coating Dear Gentlemen: � Enclosed is a copy of the Joint Powers Agreement for the Joint bidding of several items . This agreement is the same as last year' s . Our City Council is considering it on January 15 , 1990 . The bids are proposed to be opei�ed February 23 , 1990 . Please glace this on an early agenda for your couneil ' s action. After the City af Burnsville executes �his JPA, five ( �) original sets will be mailed out beginning witii tlie City of Apple Valley. A copy of the specifications and proposal will be forwarded £or ��our review as soon as available. Sincerely, CITY OF BURNSVILLE � C. A. Si gerud, P .E . Director of Public Works CAS/Img enclosure . • JOINT POWTsRS AGRgSMSNT BURNSVILLE, APPLE VALLEY, EAGAN, LAKEVTLLE RQSEMOUNT AND SAVAGE FOR 1990 TRAFFIC MARKINGS, STREET SWEEPING & SEAL COATING AGREEMENT made this day of , 19 by and between the citie.s of Burnsville, Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, and Rosemount� � 5t�,�c,4r:� . ' RSCITALS This agreement is made pur5uant to the authority conferred upon the parties pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 471 . 59 . The purpose of this agreement is to provide for the placement of street traffic m�arkings in all six cities, and street sweeping services for the cities of Burnsville, and Apple Valley, and also seal coating services for the cities o£ Burnsville, Lakeville, Rosemount and savaqe utilizing one common contractor for each serviee. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1 . Subject to the other provisions of this agreement, Burnsville shall prepare any plans, specifications , bid propasals and advertise for bids for the placement of street traffic markings, street sweeging, and seal coating services . 2 . App1e Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, Rosemount and Savag� shall provide to Burnsville the estimated quantities for these services in each respective community and shall also approve the bid doeuments . 3 . Burnsville shall tabulate the bids upon their receipt and make_a reco�mendation of award to Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, Rosemount and Savage and upon their approval, award the contract pursuant to State Law. . ' Page Two (JPA) � � ` SURNSVILLE, APPLE VALLEY, EAGAN, LAKFVILLE, ROSEMOUNT & SAVAGE 1990 Traffic Markinqs, Street Sweeping & Seal Coating 4 . Each city shail be responsible for: ---Preparing maps showing the proposed locations £or tl�ese services including estimating the quantities . ---Preparing the streets for markings in aecordance with the specifications and coordinating with the contractor as to the timing of the actuai work. ---Inspecting the contractor' s work, measuring the quantities of work performed, approving and certifying the progress or final payments to the contractor. 5 . In accordance with the specifications, the contractor will submit an itemized invoice to each city separately for the work performed in each city. Upon approval of the invoice by the respective city, that city will remit the approved invoice amount directly to t12e Contractor. 6 . It is agreed that the cities of Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, Rosemount and Savage and each of them, indemnify, save, and hold harmless the City of Burnsville and all of its agents and employees from ai�y and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action, for whatever nature, arising out of the contracting procedure by reason of the execution or performance of ��ie work purchased fQr each respective city under this agreement, and that the cities of Apple Valley, Eagar�, Lakeville, Rosemount and Savaqe further agree to defend, at �heir sole cost �and expense, eny actions or proceedings commenced against their respective cities for the purposes of assertinq any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder.