HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Appointment of Council Liaisons 6.d. Appointment of Committee / Commission Appointments � � P O 6QX 510 ` � ��1�� Q 2875-165TH ST. W. ^�QM�Ou�1 ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 u G f►'1� L 612-423-4411 ITEM # +� � ITEM # � � T0: Mayor Napper Councilmembers Klassen Oxborough Willcox �-PAer nn FROM: Stephan Jilk � DATE: December 29, 1989 RE: Commission/Committee Appointments Council Liaison Appointments Mayor Elect Napper has indicated his recommendati.ons for the appointmer�ts and re-appointments for the various comma.ssions, committees and liaison positions to me. I have attached the information he has supplied to me. Al1 positions have been indicated with the exceptian of the HRA Board, which has vne term ending 12-31-89 for Tom Tucker. Mr. Napper has indicated that he will present his recommendation regarding that position on Tuesday at the council meeting. dw � . --• � � CITY OF ROSBMOUNT � � DAgOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA I ,�... RESOLUTION 1990 — A RESOLUTION ESTABLISRING THE POSITIUN OF CITY CLgRK/COUNCIL SECRBTARY AND APPOINTING THE PBRSON TO FIGL THAT POSITION WHEREAS, the position of City Administrator/Clerk has been estahlished ir� the City of Rosemount to carry out certain administrative duties and the required duties of the Citp Clerk for the City of Rosemvunt; and WHBREAS, the City Council finds it in the best interest of the City of Rosemount and the operating of the citp government to consider spreading the responsibilities and work load of this ; posi.tion; and WAEREAS, City Administration has presented a pl.an to accomplish this in an effi.cient and effective �nanner . NO�i, THERBFORS BB IT RSSOLVED that the position of City ' Administrator/Clerk be redesignated as that of City Administrator ' and the position of Deputy Clerk/Council Secretary be designated , as City Clerk/Council Secretary; and ' -- BS IT FURTHSR RESOLVED that Susan M. JohnBon be appointed to that position of Citp C�.erk/Council Secretarp effective January 2, 1990. ADOPTBD this 2nd day of Januarp, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mapar ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City CZerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor : Voted against: ,�'� � � .� . ' , CITY COONCIL LfiAISON AgPOINTMSNTS January 2, 1990 Sheila Klassen - Commissioner of Finance Comarissioner of Insnrance John Oxborough - Commissioner of Roads and Streets Harry Willcox - Commissioner of Parks & Recreation Liaison to $usineas Dennis Wippermann - Acting Maqor Commissioner of Planning Commissioner of Public �mprovements & Utilities Vernon Napper - Commissioner of Public Safetp Commissioner of Public Health QTHER APPOINTMBNTS Insurance Officer - Don Darling Health Officers - Dr. Detlefson Dr. T. W. Lai Weed Inspector - Vernon Napper Robert Raddatz (assistant) 1j J�Y4 .� � ! � � . � . . COMMITTEE COMMISSIUN TSRMS January 2, 1990 - Date Term Aate Tarm Length of Committee/Commission Began Ends Term Planning Commission: 3 yrs. Ron Jacobson 2/88 12/90 Steve Toombs, Chair 1/88 12/90 # Sheila Hathaway 1/90 12/92 �' Alvin Meyer 1/9U 12/92 Daniel Huntington 1/89 I2/91 Utilities Commission: 3 yrs. Weslep Hasbroucic 1/88 12/90 # Joseph Walsh, Chair 1/90 12/92 Tom Werner 1/89 12/91 Parks & Recreation Committees 3 prg� �' Del Lorentzson 1/90 12/92 Lois McKinley, Chair 1/$8 12/90 Jerry Puciaty 1/89 12/91 Larry Walsh 1J89 12/91 Tom Reller 7/$9 12/91 Deanna . Simpson 1/8$ 12/90 John Howard $/89 12/90 HRA Board: 5 prs. Rollan Hoke 1/88 12/92 Dennis Wippermann 1/$9 12/93 Joe Walsh, Chair 1/86 12/90 Mike Willard 1/87 12/91 'E# 1/90 12/94 # Re-appointed ## position to be Announced lj • ] � P.O BOX K10 � (�jL 1,[ � 2875-145TH ST. W. OSeYYLOZL/G� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612--423-4411 STATS pF MINNESOTA ) - COUNTY OF DAROTA ) SS � CITY OF ROSSMOUNT ) I, Vernon J. Napper , do solemnly swear that I wi11 support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Minnesota, and faith£u11y discharge the duties of the of fice of Maqor of the City of Rosemount in the County oF Dakota and the State of Minnesota, to the best of my �udgement and ability. So help me God. Vernon J. Napper Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of January, 1990. Stephan Jilk City Administrator . � P-Q BOX 510 ' 1�jj � 2875-145TH ST. W. �� /� �y ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 5506$ �SQ�Vus�,� 612--423-4411 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) I, Harry R. Willcox, do solemnly swear that I w311 support the Constitution af the United States and af the State of Minnesota, and faithfully discharge the - duties of the office of Councilmember far the City o£ Rosemount in the County of Dakota and the State of Minnesota, to the best of my �udgement and ability. So help ine God. Harrp P.. Willcox Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of January, 1990. Stephan Jilk City Administrator