HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Heuer Preliminary Plat . .�s �nV 1 P.O. BOX 510 ✓Z12� � 2875-145TH ST. W. OSG II'�.Ou�� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 - ! ��� � � TO: MAYOR NAPPER � �� COIINCIL MEMBERS RLASSEN, OXBOROUGH, WILLC08, WIPPERMAN CITY ADMINISTRATOR STEPHAN JILR FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK� AICP, CITY PLANNER DATE: AUGIIST 17� 1990 SIIBJ: PIIBLIC HEARING — HEUER ADDITION PRELIMINARY" PLAT Recommended>Action: Approval of Heuer Addition prelimiaary plat � subject"� to-conditions (see ��attached���Resolution) . � � � Backqround �. ', .`�: _ . � � � � „ ��. � � �� � � Martin Heuer of 12552 South Robert Trail has submitted a preliminary plat for' consideration by the City Council, Enclosed with this review ` is a �copy of the proposed Heuer Addition Preliminary Plat. Mr. Heuer owns a 1/2 acre parcel (12550 South Robert Trail) which � abuts a 1.38 acre parcelaowned by his son, Mark Heuer. Martin Heuer's residence recently 'was severely damaged by fire. He is currently in the ,process of rebuilding on the property but, in initiating that` process he became aware of a ;,problem which could preclude financing 'of a new home. The l/2 acre is landlocked with no `legal access identified and secondly the septic >system for the property is 'situated on the property now owned by Martin Heuer's son Mark Heuer. To remedy this situation Martin`Heuer requested a 'variance to lot size' requirements in the Rural' Residential District (underlying zoning district) to enable approval of division of property as indicated on the preliminary plat. It is Mr. Heuer's intent to create two parcels each with the required 200' of frontage on South Robert Trail. The proposed division is logical in the sense it would not increase the housing density and would allow Martin Heuer to combine that portion of his son's lot which contain the septic system for his house with his own parcel. An issue which further complicates this matter is that one driveway currently serves both properties. This situation results from the fact that the 1.38 acre parcel is situated directly across from the intersection of South Robert Trail and County Road 38 and MNDOT would not allow a second driveway access. The Planning Commission at its April 10th meeting approved the variance request of Martin Heuer to allow subdivision of property resulting in parcels less than the required lot size minimum for the Rural Residential District contingent on the following requirements: . Y .� � DELMAR H. SCHWANZ � �.�.�..»,�. �..,.»,..w...�..........�,...... .. . . . . ' U750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL �� ROSEMOUNT.MINNESOTA SSOE� �1L1tS/7!� � . . � . . . � . � SURYEYOR'S CERTIfICATE PRELIMINARY PLAT: HEU�R A DD/ T�O/ V .✓evr.� iiN� N�%4 5E%4 N89'i9��6 E" • 93.92 � . o� �N�.;,_�•_I;�` �� . . � io�� I �� = ' _ . \ � ! D 3 , � ' " I� � � . :' ,��,`� LOT. i ti • t�° � �� ' � � � � � . . . . . p ti :t� EXISTING HtNiSS � � O � . � . � �. . .. . . . 'U\�p ��� , �1—;"`` '', � N V��� n� �p^I^� ►��O � p t � °� I� � v 1 : . . ._ � � �. . � . . a ' � ` �/ e (" ,!'' s ��� ,i,h�' � �� ' i . \ V N r / �- S.�S� Seale: 1 inch � 60 feet [``(. � . • I . �Y / � ��! `� ��� fJ �t•f �t_���' ' , M— ' /OB.90 � ��� ro�. . � zB6t � Z,— —•` — —� \i � � ��Proposed�(,aa lnt llne ./ � � I�e � � � . �\ .� .I��/ . I LVT''oL Tract A � . . .. ..... .. �... . � . ,� I � . . `� r y /A � Q HOUSE UNDER 0�7 ION . . . . . . . � � � 3^.': � Q � (,c j�'1 y. N�033"S 4� . f ' :H •' <^r � --t � OWNERS�DEVELOPERS . . . . � . �!1 W '• fy,,,t,�.T �� � Martin Heuet and wife �� � .O l � Jn.S , . h �( 12552 SOnth Robelt 1Yai1 N R�.' �� 1 • , � � � :u`''E� �s/�^ Roseeount, Mn 55068 . e � : - . . • � — � � . • . . . � `/0 ' ' w.f ' i � � � � u� ( Mark Heuer and wife ; �` D.PA/.✓A6E�U/L�TV '_.�ti'' a +�� � 12550 Soath Robert Trail •• _ ERS�h7E?!75 j -'� is._ rtosemonnt, eut 55068 —�= --:..-- .__ :... ._.._�.... /�.�z�,_�� -.. ... a_. J � �. . • `r Proposed redivision of 2 existing . . � � � .22/.�2 � __ /0$.9n - . parcels. h. . . � . . . . . N�_,� /1�87�/9�36"� ��� � / Lot 1 = 29.000 square feet A nsi, S�A fo2�✓E)2 eF�E/¢56/ ' �$E'L !�-T/�6�✓-2/9tt! Lot 2 = 62.000 square feet / � Area is not served by City sanitary sewer or water. Drainage and utility easements shall ' be 10 feet in width alone all street line3 and rear l+nt lines, and 5 feet in width on each side of the interior lot line. Existinq descriptionr. 11 The north 414.08 feet of thai part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Tuwnship 115, Range 19, lying easterly of State 2runk Highway No. 218. 2) All that part of the Northeast Quarter c�f the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota desczibed as follows: Beqinning at a point 900.0 feet north c+f the southwesC cc�rner of the Northeast Quarter uf the Sontheast Quarter of Section 17; thence South 89 deqrees 12 min�tes East 108.9 feetj thence North 200 feet; thenceNorth 89 degrees 12 minutes West 108.9 feet; thence South 200 Peet to the .point of beginning. Prepared By: DEIi7AR H. SCHfiANZ i,ANp SORYEYORS�INC, � � . � � � . � . . � 14750 South Robert Trail kosemount, MN 55068 �h�nM aniy tMt tAb�wwy.Wan.a nvon w�n � . . DnpMd py m�a unMr my Ainet wp�rviNon�nd . � � . . . . . � tnn 1��n•a,y n.p�s�«.a�.ne Swwyor una.r � . � . � . � iM I�w�Of iM SiN�Of MimMOt�. � � . � i . .� � oNw oe-z�-eo o.�T..M.xn..�z „ � Minnpob RpltM�tion No.l625 . . ,..� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA , RESOLUTION 1990- A RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL TO THE HEUER ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SETTING OUT CONDITIONS FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has received a Preliminary Plat for the following legally described property: The north 414.08 feet of that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 115, Range 19, lying easterly of State Trunk Highway 3; and, all that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at a point 900.0 feet north of the southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section - 17; thence South 89 degrees 12 minutes East 108. 9 feet; thence North 200 feet; thence North 89 degrees 12 minutes West 108.9 feet; thence South 200 feet to the point of beginning; and , r WBEREAS, the Park and Recreation Committee has recommended that the City require cash in lieu of land to meet park dedication requirements. WBEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount has reviewed said Preliminary Plat and submitted its recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the required public hearing and notifications have been completed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount approves the Heuer Addition Preliminary Plat, subject to the following: 1. Payment of Eight Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($840.00) to the City prior to release of the Heuer Addition Final Plat to meet cash in lieu of land park dedication requirements. 2 . That evidence be provided prior to final plat approval that legal access will be provided to Lot 1 by means of a driveway easement which shall be recorded at such time as the final plat is recorded with Dakota County. 1 P.DOPTED this 21st day of August, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against: . 2 1��fIDAVIT OF RUBI.ICATIGN ST�TE OF MlNNES4TA } S� County of Dakota } NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON, bei� duly swom,o0 ooth sags that she is o�s awtlwrized oge�and PV BL�� NQ,i,�CE emp{oyee of the publisher of M►e nev�spaper known�dokota�ouMy Tribu+ae,and has f�dl keowledge MEUER ADDITItfFI PRELIMINARY tLAT ����ts W�f�Gh ar8 Stot@I�IfBIOw: ' TO WAOM TT MAY CONC$RNi NOTICE 75 HEREBY GI�'EN, the City CouneiI of thf City of Rosemount witl taid a Public Hear�ng w c�ider the item listed {A)The newspaper hos eamplied with aii of the requir�meim coestituting quafifieation�a fegal below on Tuestlay, August 21, 1990,-in t6e Council Chambers of the City Hall,2st51asth newspaper,osprorided b�Minnesato Statute 331 A.02,331 A.Q7 ond aH+er applicabte laws,us omended. Street West,beginning at 8:00 p.m.or as soon thereafter as possible.The Pu61ic Rearing tisted below pertaing to the following de- scribed property: -� C1 � 7'he nonh a14.�ceet of thac part of ct� (B)The pre�+ted Northwest Quarter of tt�e Southeast Quarter of Section ii,Tmvnship 115,Raflge 19,lying easterly oCState 1'runl:Highway 3,Dakota County,Minnesata. Aii that part of the Northeast Quarter M the Southeast Quarter of Section,i7,Township 115,Range�l9,Uak,�ta County,Minnesota: Beginning af a point 900.00 feet north of the southwest carner of the lvortheast Quarter of tbe Siwtheast Quarter ot Seetion 17; which is ot#+ached was eut from the eolwmns of said newsfwper,and wa�gri»ted ond published onee thence Soufh 89 degre�12 minutes East 1�.9 feet; thence North�0 feet: thence North&4 degrees l2 minutes West 108.9 feet: ` thence South 200 feet to the point of De- e��• Su�i�rb,Mr,�ks;it�y� ginning. The purpose of this hearing is W con4ider the Heuet Add�tion Preliminary Plat This piat involves modificauon of the boundanes C ..�-'�-� .�..�! �� G C-{�' of two existing parcels oi property s�tuated at f irst published on Thursdeyr t� dGr Qf Y�- L L'�_J �1 � 12552 end 12550 South ROberf 14'ail �� Such persons as desire to be hearC cv�th mference ro this item will be heard at this meeting. 19 � , and waa thereafter pr@nted oad pw�lished on every Th�vsdog +� and ineiuding By Order of City Council. Dated this 8tA day of August,1990. Susan!F.Johnson,City Clerk City of Rosemount Thursduy,tl�e day of ,14 ; Dakota County,Minnesota � and printed below is a copy of the lower ease otphobet from A to Z, both inc4usive,w6ich is I�e►eby acknowledged as beieg the siu ond kind of type used ie the ewnposfion ond g��Mieation of the nartiee: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvu�cyz ' t � �m BY:�� � 7TTLE:Seeretary t��ii�j�uWis � Subsaibed ond swom to betore m this � "�"" doy d �vc.� tiS fi,14 ) L . �\ __-� . . . . J'�LJ�����^'�`� w.. � Notary Public V �M �.'.'�, CAROl.J.HAVERUWD ;�s +� �7; I�i7'i"I1�1C P6�.�"i�-l1RNNi�SOTA �� D�A►IC�^YA COl1t�'TY �;.,� t�r�os�o"E�°�.s.'�s (nV 2 P.O BOX SiC� ✓ZEZ.� � 2875-145TH ST Vd. OcQ���t,�n� ROSEtd10Uf�T.. MINNESOTA 550fi8 JG tiLF�� 612-423-4411 AFFIDpiVIT QF MA+LED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE HEUE:� ADb2TION PRELIMI'SiARY PL?AT S�ATE OF MIN3JESOT� ) COUPITY �F DAKOTA } ��t CIT�Y C>�' ROS�;i0U1dT ) Susan M. Johnson, b�ing first duly sworn, deposes ar.d bays: I a.^.: a U;:ited States citizen and the duly qualifzed Cl�rk of the C��y c; �ese�cur.t, Minnesota. t�:� �u5�ust 10, 19��, actin� on behalf of the said City, I posted �^� the City Hall, 2875 145th Street Wesz, ar.d deposited in the Uni;:e� St�tes Pcst Of�iee, Ros�raou�t, Minnesata, a eopy of the �ttaehed r�atice of a gz��lic :�earir.0 for th� H�uer Additian greiimin�yy P:.�t, e.cwose� in se�Ied enve.�opes, k*ith p�stage thereon fully prep�id, adc��:;s�d to the persca.^.s listed on the attached listirigs at ti�� G�cre�ses listed with their names. 'Ihere is delivery service by United States Mail between the pla�� cf maili�g a:�d the �,laces so addressed. , �� S san M4 c� �o:� Ci*� �lc:r:�s City nt Rosemour.t Dakota County; Minnesc�`a Su��cr�be� anc sworn to before me this ,��� �ay of .,�, ��94. • ���� Noi�ary ��al�c � CtNDY DORN�t�N �� �= N�TAfiY Pi1Bi.{Cr-M{NNESOTA � DAKOTA GOUNiY .-- �,�.�res A�9.25, 1�9 � ■ i P c �ox sic ,1� U� �� .,a� �� ��' �� . ,.TH S? �4 � 4��'t'12O2•EYZ� �.s���,out . t,',�,•:-�:o,A ssn�;r. � s�2—a2�-:4�i Pubiic Notice F#euer Addition Pre�imina�y Plat �� iv'�4M Ifi MAY CONCERN: g.v':IC�' IS HEREB� GZVEN, the City Council Qf the Ciiy a�. Rosem_�,::�t will ho�d a Public Hearing to consider the iterr� 2is��� bel av+ an Tues�ay, August 21 , 1990, in �he Council Cnambers o� the ^it�• H�11, 2875 145t'r� Stree� West, neginning at 8 : 00 p.m. o� ,:s soon t.�er���'ter as possible. The Public Hearing listed below -�ertains to the following descrived proper�y: ~ Th� nor�h 414 , 08 feLt of that part o� thA No�thwest �uarter 4y the Southeast ���aa��e� of Section 17, Township 115, Range 19, ly�.nc eas�erly of State Trunk ::ighway 3, Dakc;.a C�unty, Minnesota. rll that part of the Nort'r.east Quarter oi the SoL�heast �uar�er o� Sectien 17 , Tc+ansh�, 115, Range 1� , Ds�:�cta CoLr,�y, Minnesota: Begir.ning at a po;.�nt 90: . U4 :.ee4 :.c��?-: of t:e sou�hwest co�ner o� the NorthEas; Quarter o-� t::e Southeas;. QuGr�e.: or Sec�ion 17E the:�c� Sou4h 89 d�9'=�es 22 rr�:.nL�e� Eas� 108 . 9 feet; thence :���rtr� 200 fee�; thence Nor�h 89 c�ecrees 12 �inutes Wes� �08 . 9 ��e�: thence Sou�?-: 2G0 fee� to the poin� o� begin:�inc;. The Furpose o� this hearin� is to consider the Heuer �.��ition �re:im�.a�ry �lat, inis pla�. ir.volves r��oCificatian o� t�e boundar�es o� two exis��ng �a�cels rL property si�ua}ed at 125�2 a:u ..2550 Sout'r. Roi�er� irail. 5�.:�c?-� p�wsoas as �esire to be 'r.eard with reference to this item will �e �:aG�c �t this meetir.g. By ��cer o� City Council . Dateu tnis 8th day of August, 1990 . � r S san r:. ,7 h cn, City Clerk Ci�y of r2osernour.4 Dakota County, Ni�r.nesota MARTIN $EUER ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT - MAILING LIST 1. . Michael & Catherine Busho 34-64600-49(3-01 126fl5 S4uth Rabert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 2. Dcr,ald Christensdn 34-5360d-010-02 3�54 Pilot Knob i:oad St. Paul, N�1 �5122 � . Joel & Leann Ford 34-536fl0-020-�2 2660 125t�, S�reet Wes� Rosemount, MN 550�8 4 . Jcahn & Jucty Carltor 34-53600-030-A2 2650 125th Stree� WeSt Rus�mount, MN 5506& 5. Larry & Karen Day 34-53600-G40-02 2640 125th S�reet West Rosemount, MN 55068 6. Richard & SY�,irley Pepin 34-01710-Q10-85 12610 South Ro�ert ^rail Rosemount, MN 55068 7 . N. Edv�rard Grabau 34-01710-01�-77 12685 Bolivia A�,renue Rase�:ount, MN �506� , 8 . Laure:�ce & Donna Bridger 34-01710-020-85 126Q0 South Robert Trail Rosera.aunt, MN 55068 9 . Mark & Katherine Heuer 34-03710-040-83 12554 South Robert Tr�il Rosemount, MN 55068 10 . Ma�tin & Joan Heuer 34-Q171Q-010-73 12552 South Robert Trail Rosemount, NiN 55Q68 11 . Olga P. Treise 34-01710-OI0-17 12391 Dodd Boulevard Rosem��,nt, MP�II 55068 12 . Kenn��:� & Charlott� �ubais 34-53600-060-01 1874 S:�lla�ater Av�nue 34-53600-071-01 St. Paul, NL'�1 551I9 23 . Eric C. & Pamela Zv�r�on 34-53b00-021-t31 272Q 12�tr: Stree� west Rosemount, MN 5506fi 14.Jerome C. & Vicki Mickelson 34-53600-030-01 12445 Blanea .�venue West Rosemount, MN 55D68 15 . Pa�1 0. & Lenora A. Strong 34-53600-Q40-01 12�65 Blanca Avenue West Rosemount, NRr 55068 16 . Robert & Kathleen Dettmer 34-53600-�50-01 12485 Blanca Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068 17 . Daniel. J. Scott 34-53600-080-01 2685 125th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 .