HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Authorize Advertisement for Maintenance I Position � / �'W � �r� • � �� �� � 1/�ir i � ��� �.. �r ,,�-- , ,1�::��� ***�****�********�t*****��****��r�r***MEl�iO*�**�r*�t*********�**�r�* ****�r�r**�r** DATE: AUGUST 17, 19 9 0 �%�C�� T0: ADMINISTRATaR JILK FROM: CTTY ENGINEEP.jPUBLIC WORKS DZR�CTC?R HEFT -� R�s RE^:?EST TO HAVE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR THE NEW 1990 MAI1dTENAI�tCE T POSITIDN The 1990 Bus3get included a new Maintenance :,,evel I pasitic�n. The budget also contained a new M�intenance L�vel II position. The Level II position was for the bu�.�3i^g and trades �erson while the Maintenance I position was far genera� r.{,inter.;ance. The Maintenance Level I position was to start in July �n� th� Maintsa�anee Level II was to start in October. However, upon reevaluating the work that the Leve1 �I building and trades gerson had to do, Dave Be;.:�to].d and i felt that it wauld be more appropriate to move the Level II perscz; up and the Level I person back. This has worked Gu� well for the Par}: ar.G Rec Departme���t because tr.e building trades person has been ab�e to constrstit items th�t the Park & Rec Department needed this summer. The Maintenance vevel I position is needed �ecause of our inGreasing mainten�nce responsi.bilities resultinq from addition«l streets and utilities. I wc�uld like te�, with your permissian, request the Council apprave adverti�ing for this position at th� August 21, 1990 Council meeting. This would �llow us ad�guate time to have this Level I person on baard by cctober 8, 199G. I would propose using the following schedule: Advertise for Position August 23 - September 7 Review App�ications September 10 - September 14 Set LTp Interviews Septernber 21 Bring 4n Line Oetober 8 Dep�ndinC u�;on the successful a�aplic�nts qualifications, the Maintenance Level I rat� wo41d be Step A, B, ar C ($8. 01, $8.62., $9.23) . I will be happy to discuss this �ith you in further detail if you so desire. ; �� r, �t � r � fi �' � � `�