HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of January 2, 1990 Regular Council Meeting , ROSSMOUNT CITY PROCEEDZNGS REGULAR ME�TING JANUARY 2, 1990 Pursuant to due c�ll and n�tice tha_reof a re��ul�r meeting of the C�,ty CQuncil of the City r�:E Rosemount was duly held �n Tuesday, January 2, 1 �9Q, at 7:30 p.:m. in thA Col�ncil Chambers c�f the City H�11. City Administrator Ste�han Jilk swore in and cotigratulated Vernon Napper as P-1ayo.r, Harry Wi.11eox as Counca.l Memb�r and Sheila iClass�ri as Caux�cil Member. Mayor Napper ca11P� thE meetin� to ord�r with al.l members �resent, Asayor Napp�r led the 3a_•oup in the Fledge of Alle�3iance. The invocation was giv�n 1�y Pas�or James Tetlie c�f. St. John' s Lutheran Church. The agenaa was am�nd�d to include Ztem 7(a) Towt� Green CommittPe Discussion; It�m 7(b) Frc�cedure for Ch�os3ng Commissions/C�mmittee t�ernbprs and Councit Li�isons; 3:tem 8(c) Peoples Natural G�s Discussion; and Item 10(h) Discussion on �nnual De��rtment Heads Presentatio� to Council. MOTIOAi by �lippermann �r� �I�prov€� �he Consent Ager1da as preserit�d. SECONQ by Wi].lcox. Ayes: W3.11c:�x, Wip�e.rmann, Na�pAr, O�bc�rough, Kl�ssen. Nays: 0. Motion carried. S�e Clerk' s File 1990-1 . MOTION by Wi�permann to a�opt A RESOLUTION NAMING DEPQSITORIES/FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS FOR CITY FUNDS. SECOND by Nappex. Ayes: Wippermann, N�pper, Oxborough, Kl��ssen, �JiJ.l.c�x. Nays: Q. Motion car.ried. S�e Clerk' s File 1 990-1 . MOTION by N�pper to 3�signate the Dakota County Tribune as the official newspaper for the City of Rosemo�int. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Oxborou3h, ICl�ss�n, Wi..l:le�x, Wipp�rmann. �Iays; 0. Motion c�rried. See Clerk' s File 1990-1 . Mayor Napper revie�aed his recommendations f_or council li3ison appoin�metits f�r 1990. niscussion f�7_lowed regarding the a�Opro�riatene�s c�r necessity of continui_ng the Liais�n to nusiness posi.ti�n cr��ted two years ago. The question was raisec� wilet�Ilnr a fozrn�l c-ounci.l li.�ison position shoulc� �xist for one particular group caithin the community aiid not far �ther special groups whe+.i a eour�ci.l mejnbe.r �t any time can t�ec�m� involved ��vith th� busin�ss ca�nmunity. A general consAnsus w�s r���hed it was morP a;��ropriat� fo.r staff tc� provide �.he direct 1,ink t��tween the city and the �usi�3�ss cUramunity and that city s�aff i,nvolvem{�nt had inerPased since the Liaison to �3usiness ��osition was �3S�3h�.7.S�1Pf.�. rouncil concur.rec� this positi�n si�ould exist f�r one morP year and f_urt�her asses��nen� af tk�e p�sition be made at tii�t time. See Cl,erk' s File 1990-1 . MOTION by Wil.Leox to acce��t t}ie Courieil. LiaisoTi recommez�dations as presented by Mayor tdapper_ . SECOND by Wippermanrz. Ayes: Oxborc�ugh, KlassQn, Will.cox, Wi�paYm�nn, Napp�r. Nays: 0. Motion c�r.ried. yayor Napp�r t�res��ntnd thA followin� recommendations for c��mmittee anc� commissi�n apnointments f�ar 1990: reappointment of Sheila H�thaway to the . . � ROS�MQUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETTNG JANUARY 2, 199Q Planning C��n�nission f�r a three year term; r�a�nointment af .A1vin Meyer to the Planning Commissi�n for a threc� year tPrm; rea�pointment of_ Del rc�rentzson to the Parks & Recreation Gommittee For a three yaar te:rm �nc� reappointment o� J�se�h Walsh to thA Utiliti.ps Commission for a three y�ar term. See Clerk' s File 1990-1 . MOTION by Wi��Prmann t� �pprove recammendations for appoi,ntmc�nts to the Planning Commission, Uti�ities Cc�mmission, and T?arks & Rper_eatian Comm�.ttee a� pxesentc�d by Alayor Napt�er. SECOND by Klassen. l�yes; �l.assPn, Willcox� t�ii�n�rmann, r�a�per. , OxL��rc�ugh. Nays: 0. M�tion carriA�. Mayor Na�p��r pres�nt�d for discussi<�n the Rosernount HRA positi�n filled by Thomas TuckQr, whose tPrm expired on D�cember 31 , 19$9. I+iaynr Napper �xpressed his dssire #:o b<� appc�inted to the FiRA Bca�rd and nresented the options of council �ppr�ving Napper's appointme►�t �� this oasitican or consa.d�ring having one �a�sition on the HRA f3oarr� designatP3 �s �he mayor' s positi4n, wliich woul_d �ae fille� by the current may��r in off.i_ce, C�uncil al,;o discussAd the option of_ the fiRA Board consi.stin� o� two or three mpink��rs of the c��unci.l anc� tl�r� terms of c�c�unci.l ane� IiRA B��3rd members�iil� runnin� cc�ric.urrently. Ar�mi.ni.strator Stephan Jilk reviewPc� with c�uncil discus�ion by the HRA Ba�rd regardi,n� the possihallity of establ�.�h�.ng an Econntnj c: �eveloprnent 1#utliority (rD�) possibly by May 1 , 199Q. Jilk rPcommendee3 th� me►nberstli�� requirement, reflPc�:in� the cons�nsus of council tra�t twa �o thre� coui3ci.l m�ml�ers be �appointed to the boarci, t�e c;onsidere� at �.iie time th� �iRA Bylaws w�auld b� amended to ref.lect the chang� t� an Eeono�nic Dev�lopme;lt ?�uthor�t� boarci. Foll.owing fur�.her discussi�n, ��uncil r�aached a consensus Mayor Na��er sh�uld be apnointed to tl�e HRA Bo�rd. MOTION by Plil�cox ta ai�po.int Vernon Napper to th� Rosemount 1-iRA Board. SECOND by 6Ji}�perrnann. Ayes: �Vill.eox, Wippe:rm�nn, Napper, Oxborvugh, I{lassen. Pdays: Q, t�iotion car.ried. MOTION by �Til.lcox di.reci�i�13 staf.E to report �o council with recammendations for FDA board mem��rshi.�� requirPments and ch�.nge o� the HRA Bylaws by A�ril 1 , 1990. SECOND by Napper. Ayes; Wipperrnann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox. P1ays: �. Mot�.��n carrie�. Disc�.�ssi�n was helc� hy Counc3.1 regarding Rollan tioke's membexship on the Armory Comrnitt�e and th�� Town Green Committee �nd �ahether Fioke's membership would cariti.nu� an bo�h ��ornmit�.ees �3 a citizen meinher. 1�dminis�.rato.r Jilk, as staf.f eoo:r3inator on �he Armory Comm�.tte�, recommendec� h_)la�. the former m��yor cont.inu� serving an the Armc�rv Commit�pe anei that Council consici�r a�pointi�zg �nother �,�un=�il me�nber to fi.11 th� r.r�unezl position Hoke helcl as mayor on that corn�nitt��. Jilk further r.ec�mrnetided that Hoke also cantinue sArving on the Town �.r��n Com�nittee in thP same citizen can�city, �nd �11at Council c�1isi;�er appnin�i�ig a sta££ memb�r or cQuncil memb�r �.s a new coordinator �'�r this co�n_nittee. t�auncil unaili�nc,usly concu.r.red Rollan Hoke sli�u_ld continue working ori both comrni�tees arid aqreed staf f should provid� t� Council at the next rs�3ular me�ting the current znemUP.rs initially 2 _ � ROSEMQUNT CITY PROCEERINGS REGULAR MFL?TZNG JANUARY 2, 1990 a�pointed to both of_ t�h�s� cammi_tte�s and a recc�mrnended staff anember tp possibly coordinate the T�wn Green Committee. Council �ls� agraAd to a,3vise at the next cc�uncil mePtin� th�ir desire, if any, to serve on Pither eommittPe. The admini,tr_.�tor info:r.rned Council .-� meeting between c�.ty staff and the Town Green C�mmit_tee would be scheduled once the new membershi� is approved. Counc�.l Mpmber Klassen r�quested continued disc�ission from the DecemUer 19, 1 �89 Regul�r �.oun�il t�[�ating reg�rdin3 a f�xmal prc�cedure fnr ap�ointments t4 the city' s commigsic�n �nd c�m�ttittPPs. Cc�unc.i.l ►nc�mbc�rs ��press�d c�ncerns the past appo3.nt�nent process�s wPre incons�.stent an<� the a��tomatic reappointment of inetn'r�P�.�s wishing to serve another term did not allow for overall aommunity inv�tvement. It w�s the genpral cons�nsu� nf the Council. an aP��c�ved written p.���cedure would �ause coaisistericy in thp aPpointmPnt process. MOTION by Na�a�er dire�ch_in�� staf_f to preparP 3ui,rlelines and recomment�ati�ns ���r aQ�ointments to tlle city' s commission ant� cnmrni.ttees €�jr. council revi�w in si;cty d�ys. SECt?ND hy Willcox. Ayes: Napp�r, �xborouc�h, Klassen, Wi.11cox, Wip��rmann. raays: �. Motion c:a.r.rie�, A�ministraEor. Stephan Ji1k preseizte� for revie�a by Council �n a��licat�.on tQ the Dakc�ta County Housing and Redevelopment Auth�arity tc� issue a multi- f3mil.y rpvenu� bond for assist�nce in fa.nanci.ng a proposed 36 unit a��artment com�lex tc� }�� l�cated between 145th Si�rar�t West ar�d Dodd �3uulevard and adjacerxt to Cimarron Ava_nue. ,7ilk advised thp D�kota County HR� subtn�tted the information to the city for .��mment by �hP City Council; b�at basPd on the limit�� amount of. �ime to review the applieation and the limited �m��unt of inf�rrn�`ion co�lcerning the proje��, st�f.f could not comment c�.r m3ke recomme�zd�tions to council c�ncerning the a�aplieation. See Clerk' s Fi�.e 1990-1 . MOTION by Na�a�er t� a���ise thp Dak�.�ta County I3RA, the city council eannot comment favorahly or unfavorably on the appl.ica�ion until �h� city is able to revi�w f_u.rtl�er infor�nata.�n on th� developer .�nc� �he �roj�ct itself.. SECOND by �li�Permann. �,yPs; Oxborouc�h, Klass�ri, Willcox, Wipperrnann, Napp�r. Nays: 0. M��ion c�xried. Administrator Stephan J.ilk request�d comment� ,�nci input regarding the 1990 Le��i:�lativ!3 Issues Stat��ments developed by city �nci cc�unty administrato.rs. J�lk advised the positi{�n stata.anc�nt� repres�nt issues the citi�s and DakQta Cc�unty as a whole will �rt�sent as �a legisl.ativ�� }��ckage to Dakota County state l.e�islators �E a ��reakfast m�eting on I`ehruary 2, 1990. See Clerk' s File 1990-1 . Council TKemher Harry `Vilt_c�x inform��d Council. of his rer�r�i: m�eting with J�rry Lovel.l af Peo�les N�itural Gas rey�rding L�vell's requf�5t to discuss with C�unci.l his corn���13y' s conee:r_ns of the prr���secl service arpas d�signated by the city Cor natural g�s servie� by Minnegascn. A�iministra�or Jilk rPviLw�d discussi�ns betwr�en Minnegaseo offici�ls .�nci city staff rec�arding st3ff' s direction to Mit�neyasco to be�3in ope.rating 3 � � � ROSEMOUNT CI`PY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUA,RY 2, 1990 under the lega] gui�elines of � fr��xcliise, and to limit th? franchise to the farm tap services they currently serve without a franclia�se. Jilk further advised the Utilities Commi3sion h�s talcen the �osi�ion to wi.thliold recommenclation for ap��r_c�val of this franchise to the City Cc�uneil unt1.1. the a3r.e�men� For tha sexviee axeas within the city is adopted and approved by tlie Ut�ilities Commission. �ilk agreed Peoples Na�ural Gas should have the o��portunity to ex��ress to Counci.l, thei.r_ conc�rns :c�gardi.ng thi.s ��ro�e�sed franchise �nd recommended this be aceomplished when Council rPviews t}ie Minneyascc� franchise for adoption. Ac�ministrator Jilk advise� the goals and objecti.ves session for Council. anc� d�partment heads wi11 b� held at the t�ter.ric�tt Courtyard, f.rom �:00 p.m. to 1 �:00 p.m. , on January 30, 1990. Administ.ra��x Jilk rec���nm�nded th� c�epartmeni� h�ac� pres�ntati.�ns to council bc� sehedulec� Eor the February 20, 1990 Counci.l �neeting. Cr��.�nca.i a�reed with the administraL-Ur. ' s recommendation that a ��oal� anc� ot�jective session and de��rttnent head �res�ntations be an annu.�l event. MOTION by 4Vi�permann t� a�journ. SEGOND by Wil_tc�x. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Respectfully s?ihini�ted, Susan M. �7ohnson, City Clerk A'rTEST: Stephan �7il;c, Administr.�t��.r Published this day of ,, 1990 in �akota County Tribune, 4