HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Metropolitan Waste Control Commission SAC Refund Program P O f3C�X 51� ,1�1/ O 2875-145TH ST. W. 3 RpSEMOUNT. MINPIESOTA 55p68 o�ernoun� 6,2-a��_a4„ Agenda I tem 5a. TO: MAYOR, CITY COUNC[G, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: DEAN JOHNSON, UIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: JANUARY 12, 1990 SUBJ: MWCC SAC REFUND - AGENDA ITEM 5a. At the December 5, 1989 Regular Meeting staff presented a recommendation to refund Metropolitan Waste ConErol Commission (MWCC) Service Availability Charge (SAC) fees. We based this recommendation on the options we understood were available to the City. What we misunderstood was that the City does p� have to do �ny refund and those who have paid the fees will have a full credit when they do hook up to the system. We believe that the maximum benefit to the people who have paid the fee lies in retaining the full credit rather than recciving a re[und. Attached is a resolution, which would rescind the previous action. �.�,. . � i �.r� City of Rosemoun# Resolution 1989- A Resolution Requesting and Approving A Service Ava�lability� CMargQ (S.A.C.) Refund Prograr� WilE1tF,AS, lhe Metropolitan Wacte Controf Commission has adopted a refund policy for S.A.C. charges paid on properties with on-site sewer systems; and WtIEREAS, the Cit}� of Rosemount has in the past also coliected City S.A.C. . fee� on properties with c�n-site sysicm�; and VVftEREAS, the City of Rosemount has identified UrUan Service Areas; and WNEREAS, City staff has prepared the necessary documentation to identify 163 properties with on-site systems eligibte for refund. NOW TfiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEI), the Cily Caunci) of the City of Rosemount does herel�y request and apprpve a refuncl of S.A.C. charges to eli�ihle pro�terties. Adopted this Sth day of December, 1989. Rollan Noke, Mayor ATTEST: � Stephan Jilk, Administratvr . a � �� � EXHIBIT A Metro & Rosemount SAC Refunds ADDRESS LE�AL DESCRIPTION PMT # DATE A,MO�iT 1973: 4363 Upper 135th St. W. 34-14100-06Q-01 1$8 03/73 275.00 Lot 6, Block 1, Birch View Terrace 2575 130th St. W. 34-01710-190-80 215 07/73 275.00 14185 Blaine Ave. 34-02600-021-03 241 09/73 275.00 1273b Blanca Ave. 3453601-04Q-Ol 277 12/73 275.00 $ 1,100.00 �97�: 4992 145th St. E. 34-029Q0-010-50 291 03/74 300.00 2236 160th St. W. 34-Q3210-Q11-73 297 04%14 300.OQ 14888 Dodd Blvd. 34-03Q10-040-52 3508 09/74 300.00 $ 900.OQ 1975: 2159 128th St. W. 34-68300-040-02 13 03l75 325,00 12785 Bacardi Ave. 34-68300-110-02 1002 09/75 325.f10 Lot 11, Block 2, J. Simon ist Addn. 2168 128th St. W. 34-6�300-p30.03 1021 12/75 325.00 Lot 3, Block 3, J. Simon ist Addn. $ 975.00 ��7�: 15490 Emery Avenue 34-03300-013-40 1037 04/76 350.00 2058 135th St. W. 34-02110-013-5Q 1043 04/76 350.00 14125 Blaine Avenue 34-02600-030-03 1070 09/76 350.U0 2038 135th St. W. 34-02110-014-50 1091 08/?6 350.O0 15725 Biscayne Avenue 34-03210-012-75 1110 10/76 350.00 12960 Dodd Blvd. 3464600-Qip-01 1127 11/76 350.00 2026 128th St. W. 34-683(K1-110-03 1134 11/76 350•00 $ 2,450.00 1977: � 2187 12$th St. W. 34-6£3300-010-02 1138 O1/77 375.Q0 Lot 1, Block 2, J Simon lst Addn. 13021 Rich Walley Blvd 3402300-011-25 11$5 04/77 375.00 1349 135th St. E. 3402200-012-02 12A6 OS/77 375.00 4400 U. 135th St. W. 34-14100-(�20-02 1214 06/77 375.W Lot 2, Block 2, $irchview Terrace 12865 Bacardi Ave. 34-68300-120-03 1234 08/77 375.00 Lot 12, Biock 3, J Simon lst Addn. 375.00"* 124�45 Canada Court 34-84250-020-01 1235 08/77 375.00 Lot 2, Block 1, Wilde Birch Estates 12890 Dodd Bivd. 34-646()()-030-01 1243 Q8/7? 375.00 Lat 3, Black 1, Rosemaunt Hills 12790 Dodd Bivd. 34-64b(�-Q40-01 1.244 08/77 375.00 Lot 4, Block 1, �tosemount Hills 12430 Canada Court 34-8425�-03O-Ol 1254 10/77 375.00 L�t 3, Biock ], Wilde Birch Estales 72895 Bengal Avenue 34-0161�-O90-59 1259 10/77 375.0(? SE.1/4 of Section 16 15400 Chippendale Ave 34Q3210-01]-25 1260 10/77 375.00 2119 128th St. W. 34-63800-071-02 1282 11/77 73 5•00 3 4,500.00 $ 375.00** 1978: 12246 Biscayne Avenue 34-01610-Q12-33 1307 04/78 400.Up (S 326.62' of W� of NW� of NW� of Sec i6, R14, TllS) 2175 ]28th St. W. 34-683f10-02�-p2 1308 04/78 400.EX1 Lot 2, Block 2, J Simon First Addn. . 1770 135th St. E. 34-02300-010-55 1318 04/78 4t10.00 (N 300' of NE'� of SW� Sec 23, R18) 12885 So. Robert Tr. 34-G46()0-020-01 1319 04/78 400.00 Lot 2, Block 1, Rasemount Hills 4450 138th Court West 34-44800-010-Ql i34b 06/78 400.00 Lot 1, Block 1, Le Foret 400.00** 12553 Danbury Way 34-4f3601-Q50-Ol i347 (K/78 400.00 Lot 5, Bloek 1, Mickelson's 2nd 12533 Danbury Way 34-44601-I(�-Ol 1352 06/78 400.00 L,ot 10, Block 1, Mickelson's 2nd 400.Q0*' 12550 Danbury Way 34-44601-050-02 1358 tl6/78 4Q0.00 Lat 5, Block 2, Mickelson's 2nd 4U0.00** 2 . A 12565 Danbury Way 34-44(O1-020-Oi 1362 07/"18 400.00 Lot 2, Block i, Mickelson's 2nd 400.00** 4375 138th Court West 34-44$00-130-01 1395 09/78 400.00 Lot 13, Block 1, Le Foret 232U Bonaire Path 34-02110-014-31 lA{)4 10/78 400.00 SW�d, Sec. 21, R 19, ,, q00.�p.. $ 4,40D.00 S 2,OOO.QM�' 1979: 4297 138th St. W. 34-448Q0-06(}-Ol 1419 01/79 425.OQ Lat 6, Block I, Le Foret 425.00" 2316 Bonaire Path 34-02110-016-31 1426 Q3/79 425.00 Parcet "C" - Sec. 21 425.00" 12538 Danbury Way 34-486O1-07Q-02 14�7 OS/79 425.00 Lot 7, Block 2, Mickelson's 2nd 425.00** 12541 Danbury Way 34-4t3(�(?]-(�-01 14fi3 OS/79 425,0� Lot 8, Block 1, Mickelsods 2nd 425.00'* 12562 Danbury Way 34-486i1t-030-02 1464 QS/79 425.00 Lot 3, Block 2, Mickelsods 2nd 425.00*• 1319Q Doyle Path 343340Q-030-01 1475 OS/79 425.OQ 42S.UOs" 12555 Clayton Avenue 34-01300- 1478 06/79 425.00 NE� of SW 4i Sec. 13, R18 425.00"' 12?60 Chinchilla Ave. 34-64601-�10-p2 1488 06/79 425.00 Lot 1, Block 2, Rosemount Hills 2nd 425.00"* 2318 Bonaire Path 34-Q211Q-013-31 1490 07/79 425.00 Pt. of Gov. Lot 2 12544 Danbury Way 34-48601-(KO-Ol 1496 07/'79 425.00 Lot 6, Block 1, Mickelson's 2nd 425.00** 2322 Bonaire Path 34-0211Q-015-31 1502 07/79 425.00 Parcel D. Ft of Gov. Lot 2 d2S.00** 12475 Danbury Way 34-48600-030-01 1304 U8/79 425.00 Lot 3, Block i, Mickelson's lst 425.00•• 12510 Danbury Way 34-48601-120-02 1509 08/79 425.00 Lot 12, Block 2, Mickelson's 2nd 425.00** 4090 120ih St. W. 34-9012Q-Q30-00 1512 08/79 425.00 Tract C, RLS 12 425.00** 4371 136th St. W. 34-14101-(140-02 1514 08/79 425.00 Lot 4, Block 2, Birch View Ter. 2nd 425.00*'' 12400 Chinchilla Courc :34-84250-010-�1 1529 09/79 425.Oq Lot 1, Block l, Wilde Birch Estates 425.00** 3 126(?5 So. Robert Trail 34-6�00�(�90-01 1535 09179 425.00 L.c�t 4, Biock 1, Rosemount Hills 425.UQ** i2370 Blanca Avenue 34-53b00-060-03 1542 09/79 425.00 Lot (�, Block 3, nakwood Estates 425.00** 12557 Danbury Way 34-4f3601-O40-01 1550 10/79 425.00 Lot 4, Block 1, Mickelson's 2nd 425.00"' 432C 13fith St. W. 34-448()0-070-01 1559 10/79 425.00 Lot 7, Block 1, Le Foret 435•00*• � 8,500.00 $ 5,500.00** 1980: 4230 1451h St. E. 34-03()00-011-75 1584 04/8Q 425.00 Sec. 30 425.00** 12513 T)an�iury Way 34-4f3fi�1-150-p1 I..ot 15, B{ock l, Mickclson's 2nd 633.00*• ]25?Ci Danl�ury Way 34-4RC�1-(KN)-b2 1673 f)E3/80 425.()0 Lol 9, Block 2, Mickelson's 2nd 633.00'* 12599 Chinchilla Ave. 34-64601-020-01 1680 08/80 425.00 Lot 2, block 1, Rosemount Hills 2nd 633.00** 14323 Blaine Avenue 34-0260Q-012-17 1696 04l80 425.00 Sec. 2b 633.00** 13840 Darnel Court 34-44800-Q30-Ol 1700 09/80 425.00 Lot 3, Block 1, Le Foret 633.00** 13040 Pine Bend Trail 34-017Q0-010-62 1719 10/80 425.00 Sec. 17, R18, T115 633.00*'` 12765 Chinchilla Ave. 34-64fi01-O50-Ol 1743 11/80 425.W L.ot 5, Block 1, Rosemount Hills 2nd 633.00*'" 1235$ So. R�bcrt Trail 34-320f�-().SQ-()1 17.50 ll/£i0 425.p0 Lat 5, Siock 1, Hap}�y Ours 633.00`• 12050 Dodd Boulevard "34-01710-014-12 1753 11/80 425.00 • Sec. 17, R19, T115 633.00** 12530 Danbury Way 34-48fi�1-4)8�-�2 1756 12/80 425.00 Lot 8, Block 2, Mickelson's 2nd 633.00•* 2625 120th SL W. 34-0800-010-03 1757 12/80 1,700.00 2,024.00** 3279 140th St. E. 34-0240�-014-85 1759 12,/80 425.00 Sec. 24, R18, T115 633•00"'" $ 6,800.(!(1 � 9,�12.00�* 4 1981: 12525 Danbury Way 34-4F3(�]-120-Q1 1763 01/81 425.00 Lot 12, Block 1, Mickelson's 2nd 633.00•• 12529 Danbury Way 34-4$601-].10-Oi I7�4 Q4/81 425.00 Lot 11, Block 1, Mickelson's 2nd 633.IX1*'' 12522 Danbury Way 34-486Q1-]OQ-02 1836 06/81 425.00 Lot 10, Block 2, Mickelson's 2nd 633.U0''' 12569 Danbury Way 34-48601-010-01 1841 p6/$1 425.00 Lot 1, Block 1, Mickelsads 2nd 633.OQ** 12514 Danbury Way 34-48601-110-02 1843 06/81 425.Q0 Lot il, Block 2, Mickelson's 2nd 633.00*'' 12555 Clayton Avenue 1859 08/81 850.00 1,356.00" 15007 Fischer Ave. 3403300-010-OS 1872 08/81 425.OQ Sec. 33, R1$, T115 678.00** 32QQ 145th St. E. 34-02500-010-85 1873 09/81 425.00 Sec. 25, R18, T115 678.00** 15675 Biscayne Ave. 34-03210-014-75 1879 09/S1 425.00 Sec. 32, R19, T115 678.(l0"* 13170-90 Doyte Path 34-33400-030-01 & 040-01 1882 09/81 425.00 L�ts 3 �Rc 4, Block 1 - Ho1 Rc Nei 678.(1()*• 12,'{(►5 t3cngal nvcnuc 34-G,'i31N1-(11O-OI l�)12 11/81 425.1)(? Lol l, Block 1, Jay Simon 1st Addn. �78.00** $ 5,100.00 $ ?,686.00'�"� 1982: 12490 Canada Court 34-84250-040-01 1924 Ol/82 425.00 Lot 4, Block 1, Wilde Birch Estates 678.00** 12520 Blanca Avenue 34-53600-140-03 1933 03/82 425.00 Lot 14, Block 3, Uakwood Estates 13720 Danville Court 34-44800-090-01 1937 0$/82 425.00 Lot 9, Block l, Le Foret 12050 Bacardi Avenue 34-01610-010-11 1954 OS/82 425.00 Sec. 16, R19, T115 12545 Danbury Way 34-486�1-070-01 1977 06/82 425.00 Lot 7, Block 1, Mickelson's 2nd 2295 Bonaire Path 34-02110-019-31 1978 06/82 425.00 N 40Q' of E 544.5' Gov. Lot 12 i39_ So. Robert Trail 34-02p].0-022-6Q 1991 06/82 425.00 Sec. 20, R19, T115 5 13135 Doyle Path 34-33400-Q20-02 1992 06/82 425.00 Lot 2, Block 2, Hollenhack-Nclson 1255G Danbury Way 34-48fit)i-�40-02 1993 Ob/$2 425.0(} Lo[ 4, B(ock 2, Mickelson's 2nd 12115 Rich Valley Boulevard 34-014(()0-017-01 1999 06/82 42S.Op 12536 Chinchilla Avenue 34-64601-0�-U2 2029 07f82 425.p0 Lot 8, Block 2, Rasemount Hills 2nd 12537 Danbury Way 34-48G01-090-01 2089 10/82 425.Q0 Lot 9, Block 1, Mickelson's 2nd 13823 Darnel Court 34-44800-020-01 2100 11/$2 , 425.00 Lot 2, Block 1, Le Foret $ 5,525.00 $ 678.00 1983: 2980 120th St. W. 34-00800-01.0-12 213$ 03/83 425.OQ 4455 138th Court Wsst :34-448()0-120-01 2225 07/83 425.�U Lot 12, Block 1, Le Foret 12131 Rich Valley Boulevard 34-014Q0-015-01 2296 09/83 425.00 Sec. 14, Rl$, T115 1185 121st Street West 34-72700-030-01 2323 11/83 425.00 Lot 3, Block 1, Stonebridge Add'n. 1256$ Danbury Way 34-48601-020-02 2328 11/83 425.00 Lot 2, Btock 2, Mickelson's 2nd , $ 2,125.00 1984: 12A0 121st Street West 34-72700-120•O1 2332 O1/84 425.00 Lot 12, Btoek 1, Stonebridge 1330 121st Street West 34-72700-100-01 2355 03l84 425.U0 Lot 10, Block 1, Stonebridge 13818 Darnel Court 34-44800-04Q-01 2357 04J$4 425,00 Lot 4, Block 1, Le Foret 12651 Chinchilla Avenue 34-�1-030-A1 2384 OS/84 425.Q0 Lot 3, Block 1, Rosemount Hills 2nd 1243Q Danbury Way 34-9p120-QSO•W 2404 OSf$4 425.Q0 Tract E af RIS #12 122US Sauth Robert Trail 34-0171d-013-01 2406 OS/84 425.00 Sec. 17, R19, T115 12895 Charlston Court 34-b4Fi02-070-01 2484 07/84 425.00 Loi 7, Block l, Rosemount Hills 3rd 12800 Bacardi Avenue 34-p1610-012-85 (18.19 acres) 2486 07/84 425.00 N 300' of S� of SE'� Sec. 16 6 12666 Chinchipa Avenue 34-64b01,060-02 2487 07l84 425.p0 Lot 6, Block 2, R�semount Hills 2nd , 1310 121s1 Streel Wesl 34-727tK)-]1O-t)l 2512 (KI/84 425.00 Lot 11, Block 1, Stonebridge 12675 Dodd Court 34-64b01-140-02 ' 2515 0I/84 425.00 Lot 14, Block 2, Rosemount Hills 2nd 12707 Chinchilla Avenue 34-fi46Q1-U4O-Oi 2523 09/84 425.00 Lot 4, Block i, Rosemount Hills 2nd 1350 121st Street West 34-727(�-O�-Ol 2562 10/84 425.00 Lot 9, Btock i, Stonebridge 3418 131st Street West 34-64602-020-03 2569 11/84 425.00 Lot 2, Block 3, Rosemount Hills 3rd 3472 131st Street West 34-646O2-010-03 2571 11/84 425•00 Lot 1, Block 3, Rosemount Hills 3rd $ 6,375.00 1985: ' - 2305 130th Street West 34-01610-010-62 2615 03/$5 425.OQ Sec. 16, R19, T115 1400 121st Street West 34-7270(?-0£;0-Ol 2625 04/85 425.00 Lot 8, Block 1, Stonebridge 3080 131st Street West 34-64602-080-03 2642 OS/$5 425.OQ Lot 8, Block 3, Rosemount Hills 3rd 1395 121st Street West 34-72700-�70-01 2644 OS/85 425.00 Lot 7, Block 1, Stonebridge 1355 121st Street West 34-72700-050-01 2675 OS/85 425.00 Lot 5, Block 1, Stonebridge 1375 121st SUeet West 34-7270Q-f)f'�-01 2G78 OS/85 425.00 Lot 6, Block 1, Stonebridge 12517 Danbury Way 34-486p1-141-01 ?b80 OS/85 425.00 Lot 14, Block 1, Mickelsods 2nd 3138 131st S[reet West 34-646OZ-070-03 26$5 06/85 425.00 Lot 7, Block 3, Rosemount Hills 3rd 12539 Chinchilla Avenue 34-64601-010-01 2698 06/85 425.Q0 L.ot 1, Block 1, Rosemount Hills 2nd 12525 Biscayne Avenue 34-840(�-040-01 2741 07/85 425.00 Lat 4, Bic�ck ], Whitc Lakc Acres 12375 Danbury Way 34-4�6(�)-0]0-�l 2742 07/85 425.00 Lot 1, Block 1, Mickelson's lst 3194 131st Streel West 34-fi4602-Q6Q-03 2750 08/85 425,00 Lot 6, Block 3, Rosemount Hills 3rd 7 12F390 Charlstan Court 34-fi4f,02-Q�-()1 2764 08/8S 425.00 Lot 8, Block 1, Rosemount Hills 3rd 2142 12Qth Street West 34-01100-Q10-09 2768 08/85 425.00 Gov. Lot 2, & Pt of Gov. Lot ]of Sec. 11 4483 Upper 135th Street West 34-i4]00-02Q-Ol 2806 10/85 425.Q0 Lot 2, Block 1, Birch View Terrace 12700 Dodd Boulevard 34-64600-070-01 2825 12/85 425•00 i.ot 7, Block 1, Rosemount Hills a ,�,so�,.00 19�6: 126G5 Dodd Court 34-G4f"�I-130-02 2830 Ol/86 475.OQ Lot 13, Block 2, Rosemount Hills 2nd 13429 South Robert Trail 34-�2010-012-11 2838 02/8+6 475.p0 S4].3' ofN743.8' oISW� of NW� - Sec. 20 12945 Charlston Court 34-64fi�2-OfiU-Oi 2842 A3/$6 475.00 Lot 6, B(ock 1, Rosemount Hips 3rd 2800 130th Street West 34-0201p-014-01 2876 Q4f86 475.00 4423 upper 135th St. W. 34-1410O-040-01 2f;80 Q4/86 475.00 Lot 4, Block 1, Birch View Terrace 3475 131st SUeet West 34-64602-010-01 289b OS/86 475.00 Lot 1, B}ock 1, Rosemount Hilis 3rd 1308? Charlston Way 34-G4f�2-030-01 2897 OSI$6 475.00 Lot 3, Biock 1, Rosemount Hills 3rd 3143 131st Street West 34-G4600-030-02 2921 06/86 475.00 Lot 3, Block 2, Rosem�unt Hills 1?,572 Danbury Way �4-48fi()1-Q10-02 292Ci (K/86 475.00 Lot 1, Block 2, Mickelson's 2nd 12501 Danbury Way 34-48601-1�30-01 2928 06/86 475.00 Lot 18, B(ock l, Mickelson's 2nd 12505 Danbury Way 34-48601-170-01 2929 07/86 475.00 Lot 17, Block 1, Mickelson's 2nd 13051 Charlston Avenue 34-64602-110-01 2931 07/$6 475.00 Lot 11, Black 1, Rosemount Hills 3rd 1090 121st Street West 34-727(�1-140-01 2932 07/86 475.00 Lot 14, Block i, Stonebridge 12425 Danbury Way 34-486(X)-Q20-Ol 2941 O8/86 475.00 Lot 2, Blocic 1, Mickelson's lst 3022 131st Street West 34-646O2-(�9O-p3 295fi 0$/86 475.00 • Lot 9, Block 3, Rosemount Hills 3rd 12861 Dodd Boulevard 34C4�O2-140-01 2959 q8l86 475.00 Lot l4, Block i, Rosemount Hills 3rd 8 12.540 Blanca Avcnuc 34-53C�()1-020-(11 2�fi4 Ofi/ti(i 475.()0 Lot 2, Block i, Uakwaod Estates 2nd 12735 Blanca Avenue 3453601-040-01 2970 08/86 475.00 Lot 4, Block i, Oakwood Estates 2nd � 12b85 Dodd Court 34-64601-�50-02 2972 08/86 475.Q0 Lot 15, Block 2, Rosemount Nilis 2nd 1313b Dodd Boulevard 34-02010-Q14-03 2993 09/86 475.00 12509 Danbury Way 34-48fi01-160-01 2994 09/86 475.(l0 Lot 16, Block 1, Mickelson's 2nd 13721 Pine Bend Trs�i( 34-021W-�11-?5 3033 1Q/$6 475.0(l 13082 Charlston Way 34-C�4602-070-Q2 3036 10/86 475.0(1 ' Lot 7, Block 2, Rosemount Hills 3rd 13�721 Rich Valley Boulevard 34-02�-012-25 3002 10/86 475.00 Sec. 23, RiB, T115 1"s095 Chariston Way 34-64602-020-01 3005 IO/86 475.OQ Lot 2, Block 1, Rosemount Hills 3rd 12141 Rich Valley Boulevard 34-01400-018-01 3009 10/8b 475.00 3255 131st Street West 34-646(12-050-02 �11 10/86 475.p0 Lat 5, Block 2, Rosemaunt Hills 3rd 1065 121st Street West 3472700-010-01 3-57 1297 475.00 Lot 5, Block 3, Rosemount Hills 3rd $ 13,�75.00 ** Drn��les (.'ily Sewcr Av,iilahility Chargc (SAC) collecled. 9