HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Terminate Contract 1989-9, Limerick Crossing Watermain Project . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 4, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Contract 1989-9, Contract AGENDA SECTION: Termination, Limerick Crossing Watermain Prj . Consent PREPARED BY: Richard Hefti - AGEN���p,� � City Engineer/Public Works Director r���� ATTACHMENTS: Termination Zetter APP V � BY: This item consist of having Council authorizing the ermination of this contract. Also attached is a letter that I propose to send to the Contractor, Brown & Cris, Inc. , regarding this action. The reason for initiating the termination action is that it is extremely doubtful that the developer will be able to fulfill his financial obligations to pursue the property and post the necessary financial guarantees required to continue this project. The contract was awarded the end of September of 1989 but was suspended because of the developers financial problems, which was due to circumstances beyond our control. The options that we have considered are to continue with the project or terminate the contract. If we continue with the contract we would be dealing with the underlying property owner and would have to purchase easements. If the developer does not proceed with this property and the owner sells it someone else, then the location of the water line could be a detriment to future development if the future developers have different plans. Without a development plan to go by it is difficult to determine the appropriate alignment through this property. The other option that we are recommending to consider is one that will terminate the contract. According to the Finance Department cash on hand report ending October 31, 1990 we have expended $10,477.95. With the final application and approximate engineering fees regarding to processing this application we could be looking at about $11,000 for this project. We will not be able to recover this money until the project actually goes ahead and the watermain is installed. At that time we can assess these cost in addition to the construction cost and re-advertising and re-bidding cost in the future. Alsa in the future we will not recommend going out for bids until the final plat has been approved by the City and is recorded at the County. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to exercise the Citys right to terminate Contract 1989-9 with Brown & Cris, Inc. in accordance with Article 15, General Conditions. COUNCIL ACTION: APProved. 1 _ � FaX TRANSMITTAL �� ��� �rcrnrs�ts R a+rt•►�c7s r ot,w+v�as 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, Mt3 5511.0 � k TELEPHC�NE (612) 49fl-2000 . FAX (612) 490-21�0 SHORT-ELI,ZOTT-�iFNi?RIC�CSON, ZNC. A'�TENTION: �;�r-�- �!�.I-"r / � COMPA�tY: ::-�'%Y �� %a7 S��r;'v N:" PHONE #: �c�-;"" /{'� } j FAX N0� #: '¢��-„S c�Cj� FROM: ,��',/�. • -r�;r!'O f�S ' DATE: � 1"' �� --�� . NO. OF PAGES TO FO�LQW THIS COVER SH£ET: p�� SUBJECT: �-�l h''��';G'K �" .rS�.,'t.1�•... tn���%f-�.�'•!"��'IJ Gt.YJ'����J�'•?"Ia��! � ��'r� D�",`,�"' �p . �.n r , G��v ��rJ'-�-r'�.'"''" �1 a , r�r39' � � . If trar�sm�,ttai is not being reoeived proper�y, please cant�ot the sender at the �bove phone numbex. . , For Yaur , �lnformarron �Review � �' G keCC�rO_ Li c�istrraurra� �A��r�va� O Reviston and 1�esubmrral R�i���t�:_ .����� lrJwrZr�P-�-7'� %a V/... ,�M�S�r,��s !.�r�rr�a� � rv� i�� t�P-l-�- , .�� Yo�� �-P�.�. ;,� �-��-.�'.�.��, r � r; -�.��. r'�:"'7�'°��' n�rf`til"`s, Yn v r��,/ ��';-:. `i.� � '�,�'"��r +4 G.r�f�� '� c�P--�J',rv f�) �.- �.I��S �J.O ��� �D N��N�r GO Y►'t Af?-rs� �sr. n F�a.o��f.� . �� U✓� '�✓£. 7"�� � ��u � - . �N d 7?C.�. ���D F'C. i'c� i"=�-� ��`. 4� r✓J V N C F f. YY:'��F'�''Al.('�s'. �.�. ,�- ;�,�� �.�{.��� ��r�Tv�.�s. • _���.� 5,���r�.s ay SNOA.r eLLrC.'li7' ST.PAU� C(dfPP�WAFRLiS, F?tN�R/Ck�rJrJ tA'T .:•rn✓nrr.,d _ , • • r�7u-26-159� 14�5� F�tOri ScH INC. Tu r��Er"10U��i� F.G� ' ����� i November 26, 1990 REs RC7SEMOUNT, MINNESOTA LIMERICK CR4SSING WATERMAIN C4NSTRUCTION CZTY PRO��CT NO. 201 CITY CONTRACT NO. 1989-9 SEH FILE Nt7: 89269 Mr. Michael DeVine Brown & Cris, Inc. 19740 Ken;z-ick Avenue Lakeviile, MN 55044 bear Michae�.: As xou mey be aware, work on the above referariced pro�ect has been susgended since September of 1389 due to aircumstances beyond the control of the City. Specif�,call.y, the Developer of the Limer3.ck Way Phase IY deveiopment has been unable to fuifill his financ�.ai obligatioz�s �o the City. At this po�.nt, �.t appears very doubt�u7. that the Developer wi�.l be able to fulfil], his financ.�al obl3g�tions to tha City in the near future. Therefore, the C�.ty a.ntends to exexc�.se its right to terminate the Coratract in accordance with Article 15 of the General Con,ditions o� the Contz�act. �pplicat�.on �or Paymer�t No. 1 was approved by t�:e Rosemaunt City Councii on February 6, 2990, and consis�e3 of reimbursemen� for all eypenses incurred on the p=oject {excegt 5�S retainaae} . This w�s in partial response to your December I., 1°90 Ie�ter and included costs �.n�urred fo� estimating, bonding, preconstruction meeting, rneetings wi.th locators, and purchas�.ng. We unders�and th�t the hourly rates which were used to calcul�te the $I,257 1.isted on the Application for �ayment' No. l inczuded overhead and prof�t. Article Z5.4 of the General Conditions of �he Coz�tract states: " Owner may, without cause and w�ithout pz�e,judice to any other right or remedy, elect to abandon the work and terminate the Agreement. �n such case, Contractor sha21 be paid �or all. work executed and any expense sus�ained p7.us reasoz�able termination expenses . . . " - . -_ ___ _ - " � � ._� . _�. . ..._. � _ � ._�_. i__. .. , . .., r � �R�FT Mr. Michael DeVine November 26, 1990 Page #2 We €eei triat your firn� has been fairiy compensated for actual expenses sustained on the project plus reasonable termin�tion expenses. Please note that the Contr�ct makes na provisior, �or payment of lost anticipated overhead. Likewise, there is no provision for payment �f lost anticipated pro�i�. we have enc].osed a comQieted Application for Pa�ent Na. 2 ( Final } which can be used to re�ease the zemaining 5� retair�age. Piease s�gn, notarize, and return the application to SEH along wxth a Consent of Surety from your bond�.ng Company. ._ The City Councii wx�l not offioially terminate �he Con�ract until at �east seven (7) days after this notice. Sincerely, Richard M. Hefti, P.E. City Engineer/Publ�e Works Director DFS/cih £nCipSure cc: Steve Ji1k, City Admini�trator Dave Grannis, City Attorney Dan Bo�;zud, SEH �acY. Cedarieaf, Trans America Insu�ance Co. of California