HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.n. Set Hearing Date for On Sale and Sunday Liquor Licenses t .. t . � .. . . . CITY OF ROSEMOtJNT EXECIITIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 4, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: SET HEARING DATE FOR ON SALE AGENDA SECTION: AND SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSES CONSENT PREPARED BY: SUSAN M. JOHNSON, CITY CLERK AGEND����.1�1 � ATTACHMENTS: APPLICATIONS APF BY: PUBLIC NOTICE The City has received applications for On-Sale Liquor icense and Special Sunday Liquor License to sell intoxicating liquors at I�ady' s, located at 14550 South Robert Trail. The applicant Lawrence (Louie) Walsh, President of Louie' s, Incorporated, has advised he has only leased the bar portion of the premises, and at this point in time, the restaurant will remain vacant. Attached are the applications received from the applicant. I have reviewed these applications and find them to be in order. Mr. Walsh has paid the following fees: $2500 license fee for on sale intoxicating liquor license and $200 license fee for special Sunday on sale intoxicating liquor license. In addition, Mr. Walsh has paid $1500 for an investigation fee deposit. Since the police investigation was conducted in state, the City will charge Mr. Walsh $350 for the investigation fee, and the balance will be refunded less approximately $30 for publication costs for the Notice of Hearing. I have received a letter from the applicant's insurance agent advising Louie's, Inc, has been approved for liquor liability coverage with limits in the amount of $100, 000/$300, 000 effective January 1, 1991 to January 2, 1992 . I was further advised a Certificate of Insurance will be forwarded to me by December 11, 1990. Police Chief Eliel Knutsen has conducted a investigation the applicant and has indicated to me the applicant has not been convicted for any violations based upon the information furnished by the applicant. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO SET HEARING DATE FOR DECEMBER 18, 1990, AT 8: 00 P.M. , OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS POSSIBLE, TO CONSIDER LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATIONS FROM IAUIE'S, INCORPORATED. COUNCIL ACTION: ApProved. t 1nV j P.O. �OX 5t0 {✓�l � 2875-145TH ST. W. ('Q � ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 OvG����� 612-423-4411 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC NOTICE APPLICATIONS FOR ON SALE AND SPECIAL SUNDAY INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, has scheduled a Public Hearing for 8:00 o' clock p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, Tuesday, December 18, 1990, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota. Tfiis public hearing ,is being held to consider an Application for -0n Sale License for Intoxicating Liquor and an Application for Sunday On Sale Intoxicating Liquor License presented by Louie' s, Incorporated. The applicant is proposing to operate a restaurant and lounge located at 14450 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, Minnesota, formerly known as Kady' s. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the above hearing item will be heard at this meeting. Written comments will be accepted up ,to the time of the hearing and will be included in the discussion at this hearing. Dated this 19th day ,of December, 1990. BY -0RDER OF THE CITY COIINCIL. Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � f� . � . . .. . . ICOR-2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT CITY HALt 2875 - i45TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 (612)423-4411 APPLICATION FOR SUNDAY ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE in answering the following questions "APPLICANTS° shall be governed as follows : For a partnership, one of the partners shall execute this application for all members of the partnership. For a corporation, one officer shall execute this application for all officers , directors and stockholders. For a club, one officer shall execute for all officers. BUSINESS PHQNE NUMBER APPtIGANT'S HOME PNONE NUMBER �7G ��'75'� I� �C�t� �.t�f�1-8�, , a s 4 -� ��C.v--fL- name of person making application individual`, partner or officer for and i n behal f of �,Ov �c;+ NCcaL- �L c� name of individual , partnership, corporation or club make application for Sunday 0n-Sale Intoxicating Liquor ` License for the `� �A Y 'S , located at name of restaurant, hotel, club or other establishment '� ,1'��vSt� �. Qd� Q�,f�.L, , commenci ng January 1, 19g/ , and endi ng street address — December 31 , 19�.2. During the past license year, has a summons been issued u er the Liquor Civil Liability Law (Dram Shop) M.S, 340A.802? Yes �No. If yes, attac'h copy, of the summons. Applicant, and his/her assaciates in this application, wi11 strictly :comply wi th al l l i quor regul ati ons as set out i n the the Offi ci a1 Ci ty Code of the City of Rosemount; and I hereby certify that I have read the foregoing questions and that the answers to said questions are true of my own knowled e. - �-� w ature of APPlicant Subscrihed and sworn to before me this��� day of o✓ � .e- , 19�,. tary Publi ��,v�,��. � My commission expires� . -v� „ „ ,,,,,,,.� �--;; .--��et;. '" Xt.;? C'-�TF SY PURUC r�^ :��DTA 4•�,u e�n��a ce!,,,rv AtY COw7�f. E%FIRES J4'+IE 11. 193: . . . . . , . � � � � YWvbvif�� .. .� . . I.o.263—ADD<i���iun for"OI�'SALE"Licnue tor I�nto:ie�Une Lipuor. Mi1lervDuvis Co..MinnenDolie � . � � "ON SALE" � �tate of �inttegota, F'fJl',\'T3' OF' �4�o'T�► __:1 .ilC,\'I('/1'.9l.IT)' OF ��SL`/hOvn� � ?'(l 7'IiE �>UI'];7;.17.1'U BOD1' OF ?'HL' .47i0i'E .l'.l.1//i/� J!1'.�7('IJ',�I,ITI": P�n•s��rnzt to Cl��rpter!iG of the 7ates of Jli»ne.�nM. .ti'�x•ri«1 ,Cr.v.,•irnr of 711.i.i--; _._ �C.AWRt.�v�e�_ ��OJt`1 AeJ^�InON'-f W AJ—S� __ hereL�appl7:S for�� lir�u.+e.j'or tl+e trr•nt of Q��' :. ��,�� ?t n frau tlrr I.__ day oj_. J�N`�`n�.`�. 19 1� . to scll irito.ricatin� liquors u.s�7rfrned by lrnr at rn#ail o�,ly Jo,•con,su�„ntion ^O.�'THF,' 1'/fF.JIL�'F.'.4„rlesrribrd ns j'ollou:e: _ ___ __K�a�_Y' s__ _ __ _.._ . _ __ ..._ __ .. .... _ __ __ _... _ . .. __. .__. _ _____ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _.__in said nie��eieipality, ora it•hiclt premises �ie._.._coiztt�ol __ nnd operate a `K.�C�'fA1,y.R�r.T......�OJNt}C .. .. _....... :a�id to t&at e�:[I hereb�represent a�zd stnte___._.; �/ . ,ttiCoRQA.��i� C�. iT`;_ TTaat said nzunicipalitJ is a _ __.. _ _ _...__. . _._.....:.... ...._....... .._......_. .._....._..... _ __....._ lrhich has a 7�opulatiorz of Q_,��.�. ._ ____. ...... ...._ .._... ....a�:d:rhicla does�:ot nrnirttain an ea•clt�xiz•e liq:cor store,• '/ ) TTzat said. . ..... ...... . ........K..A .�� ...`�,...5...... . _....... . is an establislnucift h�n•ino rr resitlent nroprietor and nzana�er and the follouixp equipmeut and fneilities. _ 9e�,�-.rta.L. .�Q � .._�=��.�..Pmc�.T � Cvv�c�.s...�_. T��O�cs �,�a�Qg � _ _ _ ._ _, _ _. _. _ _ ......... ......... _... _ _ __ _ __ ____ _ ......... .. _ _ _ __.._.. ... ... .__ . . ,. . _.. __ ........ . .... .._ . _ _ __ ....... _...._ _ _....... . ... .._........_ _ _.. _... ........... _ _ ._..... _....... _ _ ......... _....._.. _...:........... _ ... . _ __ .....:. _ ....... . _ .__ _... . __........ _...... __..... _. _.... ..:.... ............ .. ... _ . . . ....... ... ... .. . . ....... ... _........_ _.__ ..................:.....................................................................................:........:............................................................................ Tlzat said applicant... . ... � `� .�....citi:erz .......of the United States,. ....... ��`................over twenty-one �ears of a�e..:..................................of good»zoral eharacter and repute,,....:..................._...............not,aince the ena.etment of tlie act above specified, been co�tz•icted of an� TviZ ftcl violation of any law of the United States, or of tlac State of�l7innesota,or of anJ Iocal ordiaza�zce, u•ith regard ta the nzanufacttcre,aale, diatribution, or possession,for distribution or sale, of intos-icatinp liqz�ors,antl that no lieense zssued to. ...���✓1^............... � � � u�zder sard act�h,as euer beem revoked: � � � � � �� 17iuE no �nanufacturer o:• irleolesaler tcill ou•�r or control, or has an� finarzeial interest in, the busi�rr.ss of sellin�' intoxicatziig liqzrors at retnit ou _�aid pre�nises, nor pou•er to ea;act or require, by con- trur,t, :enderstanding or otherwise, said appl:canf.....__ .to handle or aell only the products of such,manu- factzrrer or wholesaler: That no other retcciler's Zicense has been issued,directly or indirectly; tosaid applicant.._......or for sc�irl�nrr�ai.ses;that n.o lice>ase of a class other than. hereL� a��plied for has been issued to any person ¢t sai�t prenzi.ses; ccnd tTaa.t said premise.s nre neitTeer o:rned or ro�ztrolled by any person to uhonz no Zicense cuuld be issued: � � That sa�id� prenaises.a-re icot rcitk.i�i arzJ area trithEn��:rhicli- fhe�sale of inLoxieatin¢ liquors is p�•o-� � � � � � 7iibi#e�l L� tlie la:ss of the State of Jii:z�zesotc�, the >>rozisiwzs of any charter, ordin,ance or special law, or throi�o7a zouin.¢ordinances; proceedti:ags or Iegat process regteiarly held for that pxcrpoae: 1'liat sui.d applicaxt ........kereby u5o"ree.�j.._tkat au� liceu.se gra�ated pursuant hereto shall be non- tr•a�cxfernble xvitTwict co�xse�zt of the ai�tlaoritg issui�:o the sanae; that said License ah¢ll not be effective xrutil a pernzit s7xalb be issued z�nder t3r,e lazus of tlz� L'nited States in case such permit is required uruler .s!rid 7rna•.s;anil that_ __ ��=_ _ roill fieep said lrcense nostecZ i�a a ronspiccaoeos place in said premi,ses: T7ir�t ticis uppli.catio�a is ���arlr purszeant a�id� s��L�ect to c�l� th.e lazea of«�tinnesota, the lazca�of the � � � � 7"riitecl .Stntes, thn oi•dtn,arrcee mztl re¢nl�ztioi:s of.said m�eniri��iiit�, a�ad the�resuiations of the Liquor � � � � ('.m;rnl Cm�rm�is.>ioner of�.l7i�n_ieesotiz, rcli�ti�ro to thr srrle nni]�places of�ale of into.ricatin¢ Iiquors, all � � � �� nf rrl�icl< <n•e Taereb�naatle o pnrt liercof, and zcltich __�G __ __ hereby a¢ree.S tr�obserre and obery. _ __ _ _ __ ........_ _ .. _ ....._. _ _.. . .__ ._........ __ ... � � � � (Here stcite other rerytciremr.�it.s n f local resecPatinrc,if any) i . � � n , Datecl �.�V..___...�� ...._. .. ......19Q�. _. .. C3''�'.�'�'t' �.-�-/ __.. ..... ... ................................................................................. ......................................................... �tate o tnne5ota, ss. / • � COUNTY' OF L%K�/� r � G. ,�OG?�E,� Pf��-`�f7`.'. .. . . . ___ bein�duly sworn, on oath s¢y� _that . .. ��� %5 __ . _._...._....... ....._........................................................................:..........._.... ..._._....._..... ............._......................._.........._....._................_....... the tcithin applica�at.__......;that....._....he...........ha..'��'.feill a�xd first hand knozoled�e of the facts stated in the u•ithin applieation and of the business of said applicant............, the Zxation thereof, and the contents of the za�itkin ccpplecation;and that the statements made in said application are trzce of..._...�% ozvn kuotcledge. ' + � )����""_f` . �.�.M. L..'LJ . Subscribecl and Steorn to Bef _.. _ .ile thzs._.��,]L/7 da�of. . v�/c,rn�L _. .... __........ _ ....._............_._ ..._............._..........19_�(J. _.__ . .. __.._ _.. __...... ■n,nnnM,v�n�fnr.nnrovUw�nnna��nnnn■ � � a., �U� !F JO .. n� l�'oEary lic _ _. . __ _ ' et�Va�fy3 ror rweic r- t ora � „� ca�coTaco�,rv IdY CO`"L7 EXPiRES JUNE ii.19:+ .lfy Commission.Expdres __.......__. ....____... __... .. ......_.r ■ ,i nc i C 11Y i '.:. te �.r i � '� d '� ` •� •ey j ~ - � ! �i) � � /�� w� , o I > � I O �r 1�1 � I � � � ~ � y '� � � � � � � , . o � �. �� ,,,, ; � : i � .,,, a - � � � I � o ' ' �� � � � ; a � � � ` � "� C ( y � E � s :� 'a � � �� � ; ; � o ;�, � •y U = � W •_ � � 'z�l CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL 2875 - 145th STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 (612)423-4411 IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION BY A CORPORATION OR ASSOCIATION FOR AN INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE Directions : This form must be filled out by an officer of the corporation with a typewriter or by printing in ink. 1 . Name of applicant ��.uR�.w j C�ovac:� � A L.S� 2 . Type of license sought Ghu Z At,t �•�1�c,oR �-��.�ec 3 . License requested for �'t�N � , 1941 to December 31 , 19aS . 4 . Type of appZicant : corporation ✓ association other 5 . If this application is for an off-sale or on-sale license, state the following: (a) Name , (b) State where incorporated (if incorporated) /I?�N�1/4,SoT� (c) Attach a true capy of the Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation or Association Agreement & By-Laws; and if a foreign corporation, a Certificate of Authority as described in Chapter 303, Minnesota Statutes . (d) Name under which applicant will be doing business (name of restaurant, hotel or club) , business address and telephone: `?�= Ful l name � fa� Y 's g A,� A N',� �tsTAJQ A�T"'�-' Business Address ��r.550 S. RObs.�t TQ��1. Phone — (e) The full name, residence address and telephone number of the manager, proprietor or other agent in charge of the corporation or association ' s premises to be licensed. Full name L Q►w Qt�^�!� IrOV tc: � � N �t�N`� �(�l,.S� Residence Address 1 S�5� LN L� S� �"r P/�� MN '�.`,7/�U' (o Phone � 1 a. '�Z7Cr 't'�,�`1 � (f) List the full names , residence addresses and telephone numbers of all persons who , single or together with their spouses or a parent, brother, sister or child of either of them who own or control any interest in said corporation or association. Fu l l n a m e�,.f�,c�J R.�„-�►J @,�; �,�p� t cl � ��„�� I n t e r e s t �RLs ��cwT t� , Residenee address � S 1� L NQ 1� 1� Phone`j7G -`��7 S� Full Name Interest �� Residence address Phone Full name Interest Residence address Phone �ull name Interest Residence address Phone Full name Interest Residence address Phone Full name Interest Residence address Phone (g) List the full names , residence addresses and telephone numbers of a11 officers and directors of the corporation: President �Au�/ Q►G �GrGu��:� 1-�IV+'�.oN'�i ��AI.+�h Residence address � � �S C,�g� s,�,� �T- ��I Phone77G "�175' Vice President Residence address Phone Secretary Residence address Phone Treasurer Residence address Phone DIRECTORS : Full name Interest Residence address Phone Full name Interest Residence address Phone Full name Interest ` Residence address Phone Full name Interest Residence address Phone Full name Interest Residence address Phone 6. All persons listed in e) , f) , and g) above must individually answer a11 questions on the Supplementary Personal Information Form which is to be submitted with this application. 7. State the exact legal description of the premises to be licensed. bST�CT �Lr}T Lt�T ,�tv�. /�� ` SD — �/�`f o.� � Or� G�/. ��S � � � 7"Lr¢Z1Q Applicant must also submit a plot plan of the area showing dimensions , location of buildings , street access, parking facilities and the locations of, and distances to the nearest church buildings and school grounds . . 8 . State the exact street address where the sale of intoxieating " liquors is to be conducted and the rooms where liquor is to be sold or consumed. 1 �l�- �S o So��r�. Q���a,-r -�-R ►,�1. C u�q,�.w��l 3� _f3�2 oNl� 9 . If this application is for an on-sale lieense, applicant shall attach a floor plan showing dimensions and indicating number of persons intended to be served in the dining rooms and indicating � and identifying all other rooms and other areas where intoxicating liquor is to be sold and consumed. 10. What permits required by the federal government by the Laws of the United States have been applied for or issued for pxemises? _t�uONi In what name were they applied for or issued and what is the nature of the permit? 11 . Give full name, address, telephone number and the nature of the interest , amount thereof, terms for payment or other reimbursement of all persons, other than the applicant, who have any financial interest in the business, buildings, premises, fixtures, furniture or stock in trade. (This shall include, but not be limited to, any lessees , lessors, mortgagees, mortgagors, lenders, lien holders , trustees , trustors and persons who have co-signed notes or otherwise loaned, pledged ox extended security for any indebtedness of the applicant . ) 12. If this application is for an on-sale license and premises upon which it is to be used are still in the planning stage, or undergoing construction or substantial alteration, submit a set of preliminary plans showing the design of the proposed premises . 13 . State the value of fixtures and structures , not including land, on the premises proposed to be licensed. ��.�Od 14 . Are non-intoxicating malt beverages presently being sold for consumption on the premises proposed to be licensed? i�.7C� 15 . Do you possess a federal wholesale liquor dealer ' s special tax stamp or a federal gambling stamp? 4� t� 16 . State whether the premises proposed to be licensed has a common entrance or exit between it and another establishment ( "common entrance or exit" does not include a public concourse or lobby) . N Q 1,7 . Do you presently hold any other intoxicating liquor licenses granted by the City of Rosemount for the proposed premises or for any other premises in the City of Rosemount . {J O If so, what type of license is it and under what name is it held? 18 . If the application is for an on-sale wine license and the proposed premises is a restaurant - Is it under the control of a single proprietor or manager? If so, give his/her name and address . Name Address Are meals regularly served at tables to the general public? Do the restaurant premises have facilities for seating not less than twenty-five (25 ) guests at one time? 19 . If this application is for a Sunday on-sale or on-sale license and the proposed premises are either a hotel, restaurant or club - If premises are a hotel : � Is, there a resident proprietor or manager? If so, give his/her name and address. Name Address Is food and lodging regularly furnished to transients? How many separate rooms are there for guests of hotel? Is there a lobby, desk and office for the registration of guests on the ground floor immediately adjacent to the main entrance? Is there a dining room? How many guests can be seated in the dining room at one time? Is the general public served with meals at tables in the dining room? If premises are a restaurant : Is it under the control of a single manager? �k S If so, give his/her name and address. Name �...OV 1t I..JUALS�•. Address � S" I S' L�t! `� t�, 5-�- ►�Q�1 551D� Are meals regula�ly served at tables to the general public?�S Do the restaurant premises have facilities for seating not less than thirty (30) guests at one time? ��� 20. If this application is for an off-sale or on-sale license and the proposed premises is an "exclusive liquor store" : Are the premises used exclusively to sell intoxicating liquor at retail? Is it under the control of an individual owner or manager? If so, give his/her name and address. Name Address 21 . State whether you are a manufacturer or wholesaler of intoxicating liquor. �v 0 22. If this application is for an on-sale or special club license and the corporation-applicant is a ''club" as defined in Alinnesota Statutes Section 340.07 , Subd. 15 , state the followi;ng: Purpose for which the club was originally organized and for which it is now existing. Date that club was first organized and place of such organization. Number of inembers The name, residence address and telephone numbers of the manager, proprietor or other person who shall be in charge of the licensed premises . Name Phone Address Submit a sworn statement by a responsible individual who has personal knowledge of the facts that the club meets the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Sec. 340.07, Subd. 15 . Said statement to answer the following questions : Is it a corporation duly organized under the laws of this state for civic, fraternal, social or business purposes or for intellectual improvement or promotion of sports? Is it a congressionally chartered veteran' s organization? Does it have more than fifty (50) members? Has it occupied space in a building suitable to accommodate its members for more than a year? Are its affairs managed by a board of directors, executive committee or other similar body chosen by the members at a meeting held for that purpose? k�ere any of its members, officers, agents or employees paid profits directly or indirectly from the sale of beverages to club members? If the application is for a "special club" license only, the sworn statement required by the section above sha11 additionally include a statement that the club meets all the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Sec . 340. 11 , Subd. 11 , said statement to answer the followin u g q estions : Has the club been in existence for 15 years? If a congressionally charter veteran's organization, has it been in existence for 10 years? f..�p V � oeX-+� o'L`1 I �Q U C�1„��.�.� l.� Z1 R c:s,'��-,�--�-- Date ur of Applicant Title State of Minnesota ) ss. County of Dakota ) / � r ��"'� �L �� bein first dul sworn u on � Y � r oath deposes and says that he/she is the officer who has executed the foregoing information in support of an application and that the statements made therein are true of his/her own knowle e and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��,�f"jday of v�,� � lg��, � �t,� lvo r�� Publi x R � '�:� SUS�M n!.Jo�;caSa�t , �°�,�,.` �lDTARY Pi1Bl1C-i:11NVE�fJTA �� DAXOTA COUyTY ' PAY COAR61.fXPIRES JUNE 10. 1� t � 7