HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.f. Space Needs Study - Approve Statement of Qualifications List & Request for Proposals . STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR A SPACE NEEDS ANALYSIS FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT June 6, 1989 Anderson Dale Architects, Inc. 2675 Unlversity Avenue St. Paui, Minnesota 55114 (612)642-9000 Contact: Ku�tis A. Dale, AIA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Content � Introduction, Profile, Firm Address 2'3 Qualiftcations of Design Team; Availability of Staff; Range of Services; Subcontractor Qualifications 4-5 General Approach; Estimated Tlme Frame 6 References � Concfusion $'14 Example of Space Needs Study , ��������� : �� �P��� ����� � ����.� ��..,;. ������� ��� � � �-��� �� � �� ���� F . ,.�,�. Anderson Dale Architects, Inc. 2675 University Ave�ue St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 612-642-9000 June 6, 1989 Mr. Stephan Jilk City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Mr. Jilk: In response to your recent letter, we would like to present our firm�s qualiflcations for conducting a space needs analysis for the Rosemount City offices and facllities. The following responds directly to Section III of your statement of qualifications: A. See attached. B. See attached. C. Profile of the Firm: 1 . Although we design buildings and interiors for clients in several states, our offices are located in St. Paul , Mlnnesota. Thus, we are a local flrm that works on a national scale. 2. Our address ts: 2675 University Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55114 Anderson Dale, Inc. 1s a mid-sized firm that offers a fuil range of planning, architecture and interior design services. Our staff of 13 includes four registered architects, four designer/planners, a construction specialist and a professionai interior designer. AIl four of our designer/planners have completed a professJonal architecture degree, and three of them have masters degrees. Architectur� Planning Interior Design 3. Name/Experience/Qualifications of the ProJect Manager: Kurtis A. Dale, AIA Mr. Dale will be the principal responsible for your space needs analysis. He recentiy completed the Crystal Facilities Pianning Study, which closely parallels your project. For this project, Mr. Dale began by analyzing the needs of city administrative, public works, police and fire personnel. He then calculated the necessary space requirements, developed conceptual alternatives, and prepared a preliminary cost estimate. Based on the results of this study, the citizens of Crystai voted to construct a community center. As the principal architect tor your space needs analysis, Mr. Dale wili be responsible for coordinating the efforts of all those participating. He will ensure that all aspects of the study will be assembled and shaped into a clearly written report. Mr. Dale�s experience with this type of project runs the gamut from conducting facilities planning studles for cities such as Crystai to designing a wide range of pubtic buildings such as community centers, schools, city halls and park buildings. Specific examples of his relevant experience include: a. City of Crystal, Facilities Planning Study. b. District 11 Recreation Center. c. City of Crystal, Fire Station Remodeling. d. Crystal Community Center. e. Millard Hall - Space Analysis, Plan, and Remodeltng Project. 4. Qualtficatons/Resumes of Additional Professional Staff: a. William E. Anderson, AlA Mr. Anderson is the principal architect for the Stiliwater Schools space analysls and building project. This project required the evaluation of 12 existing schools and the development of a 5-year plan to accommodate growth. Other examples of Mr. Anderson's relevant experience include space planning and interior design for: Bush Foundation Offices E.F. Johnson Offices EnScan Offices H.B. Fuller Company - Lexington Office Building H.B. Fuller Company - Wiilow Lake Research Genter Minnegasco Headquarters - Minneapolis b. Cynthia Morrow, ASID Ms. Morrow has experience in every phase of the design process from space analysis and planntng to furniture, fabric, and finish selection and written specifications. She is also responsible for creating artistic renderings to visuaily communicate the specifics of a design. 5. Avallability of Staff: If selected for your space needs analysis, we can dedicate the efforts ot the aforementioned staff and the corresponding resources to meet your scheduling requirements. 6. Range of Services Otfered by Anderson Dale Architects: The services offered by our firm run the gamut from site selection,space evaluation and planning, and interior design to schematic design, design development, bid and construction documents and construction observation. We aiso are accustomed to presenting our designs to both smail and large groups. 7. Subcontractors: George Klein, AIA, a principal for KIe1n McCarthy & Co. , Ltd. , wiil join our team as a law enforcement facilitles planner. Mr. Klein has been responsibie for the following studies: a. Hennepin County Adult Correctional Facility (A.C.F. ) Program and Services Center Addition Study. b. Hennepin County A.C.F. Long-Range Facilities Study. c. Hennepin County A. C.F. Women�s Untt Program. d. Otter Tail County Law Enforcement Center,Jails, Courts and Administrative Space Feasibility Study. e. Metropolitan (nter-County Association - Women�s Ja11 Feasibllity Study. f. Sanflac County (Sandusky, Michigan) - Jall and Sherlff's Department Expansion and Remodeling Feasibility Study, County Facilities Space Needs Analysis. g. Ramsey County Correctional Facility (Mapiewood, Minnesota - Additional Housing and Program Services Space Feasibility Study. h. City of Crystal - Police Department and Administrative Office Expansion. D. Our Approach to Your Space Needs Analysis: t . General Approach Evaluating Your Current Facilities and Establishing Needs. a. To determine your current needs, Mr. Dale and Mr. Anderson will begin by interviewing all key members of your ctty staff (such as the City Admtnistrator, Police Chief, Fire Chief, and heads of the Public Works, Finance, Community Development and Parks & Recreation departments). This wili enable us to determine needs as well as establish the image that the City of Rosemount wants to convey to the public. As you rise to meet the challenge of rapid growth, you will undoubtedly set both aesthetic and functional goals. b. In addition to conducting interviews wlth these staff members, Mr. Dale and Mr. Anderson will : � Review your current and projected staffing information as well as any space needs requests submitted over the past 5 years. * Evaluate the spatial relationships between departments and the efficiency of their arrangement. � Examine the adequacy of and detemine any need for special use spaces such as conference rooms, a records room, storage space and lunch rooms. c. Next, we wili summarize the results of our interviews with city staff and our evaluation of your existing faclllties in order to: * Develop space requirements for personnel and equipment. � Create a chart with the square footage requiremenfis for all of your municipal facilities. * Compare the space available in your existing municipal buildings to the space you require. This will enable us to determine whether your needs can be met by reorganizing and/or expanding your current buildings or if these needs would necessitate new construction. * Regardless of whether you will need additional facilities or wifi simply need to reorganize and better use your existing space, we will develop aiternative configurations. d. Schematic Design and Future Space Requirements: * Once you have selected the preterred space configuration, we wili develop this scheme, exploring alternatives for combining material and finishes. � After defining your current needs, our planning team will use your staff and population projections to determine your future space needs. The service standards that you have established w111 also be important since you want to maintain adequate and uninterrupted service provision for your citizens. � Our analysis will present alternatives for arranging spaces in ways that will improve long term operating efficiency and simultaneously meet your current needs. e. Timetables and Anticipated Costs: * Based on the schematic alternatives we will provide a preliminary cost estimate that will enable you to rank facilities. * We will also develop time tables that will plot a plan of actton for accomplishing your goals. 2. Estimated Time Frame for Completing Analysis: In your recent letter you indicated that the final consideration of proposals wili take place on June 23, 1989. Using thts date as a guideline, we would initiate the pianntng process on June 26, 1989 and complete it on or around July 31 , 1989. E. Previous Space Needs Analysfs Experience/Disciosure Statements: 1 . Previo�s Munic��al Client� a. John Wirka re: Design of the Como Park Principal Designer Clubhouse; Space Analysis St. Paul Parks & Rec. Dept. and Plan, Site Selection, St. Paui , MN and Design for the (612)292-7400 Dlstrict 11 Recreation Center. 2. Current Municipal Ciients: a. Jerry Dulgar re: Crystai Space Needs City Manager Analysis and Plan; City of Crystal Crystal Community Crystal, MN Center Design. (612)537-8421 b. Dan Parker re: Stillwater Schoois Space Business Manager Needs Analysis and Plan; Ind. School Dist. #834 Lily Lake Elementary 1875 S. Greeley Street School Expansion and Stillwater, MN 55082 Remodeling. (612)439-5160 c. Sigmund Fine, Director re: Law Enforcement and Hennepin County Correctional Facllities Adult Correctional Facility Planning by George Klein. Dept. of inst. Services 1145 Shenandoh Lane Plymouth, MN. 55447 (612>473-8628 3. Previous or C�rr n+ Projec+s for th Cit� of RoGPm�unt; We have not yet worked wi-Fh the City of Rosemount. 4. Buildin9 Desi9n/Etevation Drawing�/S�hPma+ir-s that Re�re�Pnt Similar Proiec+�; See attached. Since this Is a preliminary phase tn the selection process, we have included information about our most relevant municipal proJect: the Space Needs Analysis and Plan for the City of Crystal. 5. Neither our firm nor our firm�s empioyees are on the "List of Persons Currently Debarred for Violations of Various Public Contracts Incorporating Labor Standards Provisions." Mr. Jilk, I hope that this statement of qualificatlons underscores our interest in working with you on the space needs analysis for the City of Rosemount. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Kur 1s A. Dale, AI Vi ce Presldent �. �_ _ ......__.� _._..._._ �..�... __._ _ . .�. ....., ..r...,. �...� � �.,...... EXAMPLE OF SPACE NEEDS STUDY PAGES ANALYSIS OF ADMINISTRATION/POLICE SPACE NEEDS Early in the proJect we feit strongly that the present City Hall buildtng nP?ded to be studled ln its ent(rety, rather than isolating the Administration from the Police and the Parks and Recreation Department. Questions of circulation, interaction and space usage resulted. The building entrance was an immediate point of concern. The present entr�nce divides the Admintstration into two areas, segregating the City Manager and the City Cierk from the remalnder of the City offices, creating inefftciencies in dally operation. Questions as to "where to go" often z,re asked xhen this entrance is used by the publlc. The Council Chamber is often crowded and the former Clerk of Cour'r spaces directly Nest of the Chamber � : are poorly utilized. 7he office spaces currently are somewhat crowded but a replanning study that was completed eariier this year shouid allow some space until some additional space is built. Possible areas of expansion include not only the area to the south but the spaces adJacent to the main entry on both leveis. An addition in thfs area would not oniy create additional area for the offices, but could eliminate the current entry situation. The Polfce are currently ln space that is very crowded. The housing and detention areas do not meet current Minnesota Department of Corrections standards for 72 hour holding facility, and generaliy the operatlon of the department is being adversly affected by poor internal circulation and crowded conditions. Possibilities exist to also eocpand the police area into the space adJacent to the ma!n bui.lding entrance, utilizing both levels and making the pubiic entrance dual multi-purpose. In addition, space Is available for expansion to the north, in the area ot the present parking lot, �� If the present upper level is enlarged, and the existing spaces converted to Police Administation; the existing lower level could be enlarged and converted to Housing, Detention and Support, also i containing the Saliyports and Yehicle storage. If these spaces were utilized in this manne�, then the j addttional space requi�ed couid be m(nlmized. � Our recarKnendations for the Admi�istration/Police Departments include the removai of the resen ' p t ' ! enciosure around the cooling tower and transformer and conversion of this area into the new buildtng entry. Enclosure of this space on elther stde of thls entry allows tor reorganization and expanston af � the Admintstration and Police functions. Also recommended is the replanning and remodeling ot the centrai interlor spaces to accomodate a large� council chamber, more cantraily located receptlon d�sk and an elevator. � ; � � I' .,....�. � ...Y.�. .�.�,. �...d... ��...r .Y.y.�. ...�.� �.�.�.,�. �.... __�.... �, , _ ....... . �F�+�`�' � ����1�!'1C"`� , �1�,.G`'T`� �C`�C7 �3�.1'�c� ,G,l�w C�f'�'F�G��►�+�i�"' f'+t%�'�'')�J�E�'1"�'�,'i'1✓�t"'� r�cN� �?�.�� C1Rc��1�'� ? �'�� c.�� �#'�rar��� �o����c.� ��nE ��,�t�.� t��t"�� � , _. �. �:;,, , N . ,.. . r,; .. , . i , .. � i "�= E � _... ,�: u � , � , �i r r' I�"�� �k�•=.:.��.�. --, � � I� � �� .... . �� l ��� ! L 5 i . ► � ' *� y� �,t�,l �� � .� ..�. �._ �. ._ . . � � :� �,��/�"�y�t'�1`t* • �' � 'I ��� � . 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'.�i,4',1�f�(�l� ��/ .���f�w�`�4.�+i�^" ��' . .. . .... ; �� �1J1,�"_Y2' �,��Y4 4V � ��,� - #���1�'�'��' j'°�C.[�l�'��' "S'� ; „ . _ `;�..> ,,r�+;E�M"�f'i��.'.�,r"'c"f'1''� t����'S �r.�r�nr�c�Nr� �+�'�� ,�,,�� �'�.���,...�� � --.1 , ���C� ,�.,q�, +CR'Y�TAL �I�`Y' HAI,�. � ; � ADMINlSTRATI�3M & LAW ��FpRC�MENT . __ .. : t�'�` '�'S'�'�c=~'!� M�QIFlED UPAER F�.t�C1Ei RLAt� �RA�CE ��Ed� S�"UDY ....... �.�..�. ,..W... �..�.�.� ....�.. .�.�. o.o.`.�.. W----- ...._.,. �.....�. �..�..W ...W._.,, :.�, ,�.. .�.�.�, �..�. .�..... «�.�.�. ,.�_ _:_ POLIC£ DEPARTMENT PRE-ARCNITECTURAL PROGRAN Revised October 20, 1987 City of Crystal � 4141 Douglas Orive Crysta I, M i nnesota . � SPACE NAME QTY NET AREA TOTAL NS�' 1. PUBIIC AREAS Lobby 1 200 Public Toilets 2 80 160 Subtotal 360 2. ADMINISTRATIYE/INYESTIGATIVE AREAS A. Private Offices: Chief of Police 1 220 B. Manager/Supervisor Offices Administration 5 120 600 Investigation 5 120 600 . Juvenile Spectalist 1 180 C. Secretarial Space � Workstations ( 1 is receptton) 4 80 320 Records, Suppiies Reproduction 1 700 ; ; i � ' i ; � t i � t f � _ __. _.... . _ ,.._..�. ..�.,_. _.�....� ___ ..,_. .�..-_ ,� �. �.>„ �....� .�r�..r. �. • STATEMENT OF NEEO - CONMUNITY CENTER The current senior and recreational programming is in operation at Thorsan Community Center, presc.:ntly leased from District #281 . This building is scheduled to be closed effective June 1988, due to excess(ve upkeep and remodeling costs. The City leases approxlmately 39,000 sq. ft. from the district and sub-leases all but 5,284 sq. ft. which it utiiizes for senlor and other recreatton department programming. The City uses this space on a daily basis for senior programming as a lounge, which is used for cc�rd games, meettngs, and as a drop-in center, etc. The small gymnaslum in the school ls used for congregate dtning and special parties for the seniors as well as for volleybail, aerobtcs, basketriall, etc. for other residents of the city. P�esently, only enough space ts avallable in the senior lounge to accomodate 60-70 people at any one time. Membership in the Thorson Senior Citizens Club is now approaching 600. Defictencies and problems are also prevalent in the daily operation of the voileybail, basketball, aerobics, etc. programs. The Thorson gymnastum is under utilized because of conditions such ss: under sizing, poor lighting, tile floor and low ceiling. Individuals are very unwilling to use the factlitles for team piay and exercise classes. Crystal is unfortunate not to have a Junior or senior high building ►vhere many of these activities could be offered. Also, three (3) of the six (6) elementary schools have ciosed their doors leaving less gymnasiums, meeting rooms, etc. to meet community recreatior.al needs. Flnally, because of increased demand for senlor citizen programming space brought about by a burgeoning senior population, increased need fo� day-care facilities because of both parents working, and, finally, a pubiic awareness for additfonal and improved teen facilities and programming, a community center focusing on a central location is recommended. The follavtng space needs study sets forth basic guidelines, space requtrements, activities, facilities, etc. to improve the quality and breadth of recreatton activitfes in Crystal. i ( Information suppiied by the Parks and Recreation Department) i ; �� � �. ;; �' � "'^`—� `r..ra�+ +�+irr wr+�r.r � WWYYIY YIi�iY 1�1 rY�1r11 � �1 �II � � � � � � .� CONMIUNITY CENTER PRE—ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAM City of Crystal 4141 Douglas Drfve Crystal, Minnesota � SPACE NAME/ACTIVITY QTY NET AREA TOTAL NSfV DESCRIPTION 1. GYMNASIUM SPACES � Acttvities: Wrestling, basketball games, golf instruction, men's volleyball, wome��s vollybail, open gym, craft fair, ball skilis, ove� 50 and fit� floor hockey, compiete bady workout, communtty chorus, theatre, grade schooi dance, drama ciass, kid aerobic fitness. Congregate Dining, Food Shelf Program. Description: Gymnaslum space, with stage and movable acoustic partitlon fio divide the area for smalle� activtties and groups. Each half has the flexiblitty for use as a basketbaii court or volleyball court. Ad�acent to these spaces are the Kitchen for use with Co�gregate Dining, the Food Sheif Storage and toilets. Finishes should be du�able end easiiy cleaned, but should be selected to meet the specJfic demands of fioor sports, food service and general group acttvittes. Acoustics must be a consideration for noise control during sporting events, stage activities and dining. G mnasium Food Shelf Storage 2 � 4$OG 9675 Gym Storage 2 375 750 Toilets/Dressing Z 375 750 Stage 500 SUBTOTAL � ��775 . , aM " � '' ,. / � �r�,; /� "�' ♦ d+�. s.� ,�"� •r . �,� ! " �.i► :- �i C `� � �. !i � J1 •,, ��..w • '/1 rr r/ i .,. ��, R ',� �„ - � ,�r'` I/ri . /,. . w +�► i /^ .� 'a p- . _�� :r t • ' • i+r �M. w "I�M �, ► � u �� r' � � /` ♦� �; �' A �._ • w /�' '� ;, r" � ' w,�el��' r� � +._r � ir ' e ti:+w " � � • « /`I �► • 1,�,� • �► t � r ,,,ir "s s r``��„ • +� ,� '•- � ,� '.;. 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'C�1`'� ,.� ..�. r� ..� � ��w � P.aJ .f"2 ,�i �6t�v � �mM. +' '��° ! „r•i�. � � .��h: fr�;: a�' ��,,� a �'�r! q'`���,,,�.�,'�.�e �'�;:;�w �•-,;''� I~ 1F y�,'^�4 • ' �:'-:t l�neye' �jC,.. t� y :.ap; 5N. � ��F� ��.. �wF;� i • i=�;:: ¢��'�'' �� _��3 L.r"���� �, ,�+y � �'��;� t ��ri:�'$m,i Id,d�S, �(�.�.+&" !i-x��.:sA $..i?a�;.A-i � • i � . � � . i � 2804 IDS 7ower Minneapolis 55402 612 332 55i'7 �. . 5 June 1989 Mr. Stephan Jilk City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemotmt 55068 STATII�NT OF QUALIFICATIONS CITY OF R06IIKOUNT SPACE NE�.S ANALYSIS Dea,r Mr. Jilk: We are pleased to sul�mit this Consultant Sta.tement of Qualifications to perform a space needs analysis for Rosemount City offices and facilities. As the enclosed materials indicate, we specialize in interior architecture and have conducted space analyses for several Minnesota governmenta,l agencies over the past several ,years. Working with your staff, we are confident we will develop a space ana.lysis and recom�►endations program that optimizes the existing facilities and forms the ba,sis of inethodical and informed decision making for further growth and expansion. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to receiving your Request for Proposal. Sincerely yours, BERNAIZD JACOB ARCHITEGTS LTD. �W 1^^.�i^+�.c��'�^/�'� ' Bernard Jacob FAIA BJ:dr:101 Enclosed: �wenty Sta.tement Copies C =TY OF ROSEMCJUNT SPACE NEEDS ANALYS = S A STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Presented to Mr. Stephan Jilk 5 June 1989 bp Bernard Jacob Architects Ltd. 2804 IDS Tower � Minneapolis 55402 612/332-5517 Bernard Jacob FAIA, Principal-in-Charge CONTENTS PAGE Consultant Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Study Approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Relevant Experience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Other Pertinent Experience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1 Summary of Consultant Qualifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-I References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-1 BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-551i CITY OF ROSTsMOUNT SPACS NBTsDS ANALYSIS STATSMBNT OF QUALIFICATIONS 1. CONSULTANT PROFILE 1-1 Mr. Stephan Jilk Citp Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount 55068 Bernard Jacob Architects Ltd. requests consideration to submit a professional services proposal for the following project: PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: CITY OF ROSBMOUNT SPACS NESDS ANALYSIS PRIMB CONSULTANT IDBNTIFICATION: BERNARD JACOB ARCHITBCTS LTD. 2804 IDS Tower Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 612/332-5517 Bernard Jacob Architects Ltd. was established in 1970 in Saint Paul to provide complete architectural and planning services to public and private clients . The majority of our commissions are for Minnesota organizations. PBRSONS WHO WILL BE BERNARD JACOB FAIA DIRFsCTLY RESPONSIBLE Principal-In-Charge and FOR THIS PROJTsCT: Project Director Registered Architect State of Minnesota The Cooper Union, New York Diploma in Architecture University of Minnesota Bachelor of Architecture Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-5517 CITY OF ROSTMOUNT SPACI's N�EDS ANALYSIS STATSMSNT OF QUALIFICATIONS CONSULTANT PROFILE (continued) 1-2 Bernard Jacob FAIA Member, Construction Pa.nel American Arbitration Society Member, Construction Specifications Institute Member, International Facilities Management Association Member, State Designer Selection Board Founding Chairmmn a.nd Past Member Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission Special Architectural Advisor Minnesota Judicial Building Competition, 1984 Member, Architectural Advisory Panel Minnesota World Trade Center Commission, 198� Professional Advisor to Arehitect's Selection Panel Integrity Insurance Group Appleton, Wisconsin 1982 Ca-author: . Skvway Typology 1984, AIA Press Washington, D.C. Pocket Architecture of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, 1987 , MSAIA, Minneapolis Architecture and Urban Planning Critic, CHOICE Magazine BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-5517 CITY OF ROSTsMOUNT SPACS NSSDS ANALYSIS , STATSMBNT OF QUALIFICATIONS CONSULTANT PROFILE: (continued) 1-3 CAROL MORPHEW APA Project Coordinator and Space Planner Member, Urban Design Committee American Planning Association College of Saint Catherine Bachelor of Arts University of Minnesota School of Architecture Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs Co-author: Skyway Typology 1984, AIA Press , Washington, D.C. Pocket Architecture of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, 198? � MSAIA, Minneapolis Project Space Planner on studies for the following public agencies: • Information Management Bureau State of Minnesota Staff size: 175 • State Planning Agency & Staff Size: 140 • Department of Employee Relations State of Minnesota Staff Size: 150 • Department of Finance State of Minnesota Staff Size: 130 13ERNARD )ACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-5517 CITY OF ROSBMOUNT SPACE NBSDS ANALYSIS STATBMSNT OF QUALIFICATIONS CONSULTANT PROFILE: (continued) 1-4 COMMITMBNT TO BNTBR Bernard Jacob Architects has the TAE WORH PROMPTLY leadership, experience and resources AND SUPPLY NBCSSSARY to act as Consultant for this Space LEADBRSHIP AND STAFF: Needs Analysis. Our staff includes architects and planners experienced in the preparation of space utili- zation programs . We have the experience to develop an effective Space Needs Analysis efficiently and believe that the final approved report could be eompleted within a 12-week continuous time period. BQUAL OPPORTUNTTY It is the policy of Bernard Jacob EMPLOYSR Architects to provide equal employment opportunity to all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. LABOR STANDARD PROVISIONS The firm� Bernard Jacob Architects Ltd. or any of its employees are not on the "List of Persons or Firms Currently Debarred for Violations of Various Public Contracts Incorporating Labor Standards Provisions. " PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCB Bernard Jacob Architects carries professional errors and omissions insurance. BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-5517 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SPACTs NTsSDS ANALYSIS STATSMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 2. STUDY APPROACH 2-1 Our approach to similar projects is to solicit space needs informa.tion from City staff and extrapolate from current space requirements for short and long term periods. Combined with an analysis of the AS-BUILT drawings and field investigations , we will develop a realigned interior plan that immediately improves space efficiencp and yet is flexible enough to meet changing space needs over the coming ten years . As the "Relevant Experience" Section of this Statement of Qualifications indicates, we use a computer-assisted process of gathering and analyzing space data. Members of the City staff will be asked to attend an orientation session , � conducted by our office in order to complete a questionnaire about their individual space requirements. The resulting report becomes valuable not only in resolving present space problems but as a permanent �space needs reference. The computer program we use provides clean, easily-referenced reports that can be readilp used by your staff. For our Proposal for Professional Services, we will develop a Work Process detailing the sequence of tasks, intermediate products and final products. BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-5517 CITY OF ROSBMOUNT SPACE NSSDS ANALYSIS STATEMfiNT OF QUALIFICATIONS 3. RBLBVANT E%PBRIENCE OF BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 3-1 Facility Programs completed or in progress: • Minnesota Department of Finance • Minnesota Department of Revenue • Minnesota Department of Administration • State Information Management Bureau • State Department of Employee Relations • State Planning Agency These programs entaiied detailed research on facilities that in sum, comprise more than 200,000 square feet and house over 1500 public service emplopees. The computer-assisted survey process utilized in the Programming phase solicited space requirement data from 1500 State employees. Renovation Design Projects completed or in progreas: • Hopkins Administrative' Offices, Renovation and Expansion/ Hopkins • Hopkins Police Department Renovation/Hopkins • Bloomington City Hall Renovation/Bloomington • Minnesota Council of Churches Building Renovation/ Minneapolis • District Energy Saint Paul, Inc. Company Headquarters, Executive Offices Design/Saint Paul • State Information Management Bureau Offices/Saint Paul • State Information Management Bureau Computer Center Redesign/Saint Paul • �State Pianning Agency Offices/Saint Paul • Department of Finance Offices/Saint Paul For each of these projects, Bernard Jacob served as Project Director and was actively involved in the development of the facility programs and the design documents on a daiTy basis. # , BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-5517 smrFce srawoe I i II i � �� 'i 'f���� �� �,� ;d to develop a space planning and renovation plan for � ere to functianally inte�rate the City's varioas �� �--�� �--- the entire tHo-level munici�al building. Initial °`°�'�' "'"� ,ach building level as well as expanding and updating ent, Fhase Qne renovation �aork is anticipated to be � QnB � d,rid�CinSi C:UttRi � . � �__ i � STCM1Y:! FG78[ � � t ; ; �� L.CTIVES -`-- � '� �' ALYS I S . �Su �� COrfUF�'4L SUPPUB�7u8 � . � ' �� ..� N�M QU ftS.PPAP. OR9+Ct . . 0.CPri �77fl flLLS � 2 . � . �� fllB � fltB � . . . � . . � CO PPCP Ff0A1 CM1S.TfOt. C0. Sl . � ,VAlYSi pCdh't ASSBS SK'I KCtti � � QE�16 " ` ` parking lot into building and then to both levels af ; . . �ivQGuc L^6�r,fLtC PfiV. fo u!UU � � � � . . nss�scR an.q*on artcrav aaEcran o� �in entrance. New raised landing at main entrance, �y inside the aain entrance. . . � i Sr4\LLP�9CfL4tt � `AtNDPqOM � . . . Il.i � mctional effi�iency. 1 = L`C'.iln5ilPPtiES&SOP,qe iM141mr(yPpCPf I iRaMnGPCCrf . . �f I � I I . UBPARI� I � . � � �� Snt fram autside, ''� '' ��� .eas in building. �I'ii�I o00 '��� o ❑ I- m rn:�e".cuvrrr rc75t rm7wnKatrn --1--�-- ; f building, above the existing Folice Departnent �rest N ��:��� �� � ojo ^ , �,�, ��t � er Level of building, allowing for future growth and w � ��,��• �«� � Avel space, corner of building, � - ,o Bernard)acob Architeccs,Ltd. CITY OF ROSSMOUNT SPACS NBSDS ANALYSIS STATTsMSNT OF QUALIFICATIONS RELEVANT SXPERIENC$ OF BBRNARD JACOB ARCHITBCTS LTD. 3-2 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1985 City of Bloomington $300,000 2215 West Old Shakopee Road Built in 1962 , the existing Council Chambers and adjacent spaces needed to be altered in order for the City to broadcast Council and Planning Commission meetings on the local cable channel. The Council Chambers were, in fact, redesigned as a television studio. The original coved space in the Chambers was maintained, but subdivided by a new soffit to more clearly distinguish the council dais from the � audience area. An extensive camera lighting spstem is mounted on this new soffit. The general lighting throughout the room ha.s been upgraded. Dual monitors which show the audience presentation materials are housed in custom cabinets which also conceal cameramen and equipment from the 84-seat audience. It was essential that broadcast technology neither distract nor obstruct the citizens' view of and participation in Council proceedings. A television control room was designed just outside the Council Chambers and all the electronic equipment to "mix" pictures and sound for broadcast is handled in this space. The third new room designed to complete the television center is a multi-use film studio. A local police investigation series is taped here as well as other special event broad- casts sponsored bp various public groups. Different background sets can be built and assembled in this studio to create unique settings for each program. These new spaces have given the City state-of-the-art capability to bring municipal government into everp citizen's home. In Minnesota's third largest community, City Hall is becoming a very recognizable image. BERNARD )ACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-551' �. : �+� � 's � �1��� Efd a�? � : yf� �„,z �u"'� ��$ �>( 'C a` 3� �� . £�� F. L . +'3�`S #��'�' ��^�E � . .r� '� ���' .. ,'.x a k�� .�' 3 � . �k � .� , z �> _. � . `� ��"�`�:� � � ` � � � sw � � , � � v,s.. : , � '`x ��` �� � � � ���� �� - ��k �`��v � � � � 3� a��,� �. � 1�� � � �� '�: :.,����s�""��I�I�� ������ � �� � ,�,��,r� z .�� u' � .� g :� '�a� ,�1 � '�� � � - �u°��,��'`�r � #' „��..��� .P� ...- R .,.._-� �''�'��a4 �,x _ � �.; � g "�,o„��,�a,�-�. . ,'... ��r�� IIII II II � �':��<�ga,�� �.s� ��"`�i�} :� . =.Y� t �: �#�.,�K#+���3i , �`.�z' }n'r, ; fi z'3� a� ��4' y � � '' �'"' : �rY��� �� _. �u����Y� s''g� � ?'y'� �:�.. �3tn ��`�'��� ;�� •�: Fr l � .�, � � 9 L r, P T`'� `�'s � � �� ¢� �-�§t'�`�.a�'� : � �f' T _,. ��r���K.5 ,y�- ! E ���i �y ��,�� �+..� ��'�, ",r'",=-. �3����`�'� ���t'F-r ��e t� � . � ����kHI - ' : � , (�*� � �p 3�e' �¢ � 2 ���� ��W�� � � ���I��§.�,� � � , A'��� ' �� # � � ��8 hs`� '� ' �-a 3'£n . z g.: { f.. r':. �' � ' �. �� � ����0�� ��8��8 ' "���_� ������ c����Q ' ������� ° ���g,�� �� ,� �y��,, �_. . .. .. , ...,� �, � ��� � ,� A � n.�, . � � t���� � ������ � � , r ����� �3 h�������V� .., �� �a �� � �:: � �g.i{� � "i � ' � �,� . . . , «z- ��B�B� ;������8��� ' � �� ,.�. v� fi�'2..����' $ ,� ° �sFt ;�r� r����y�€��: �s ro��.�, ��. = : Yi . �nt��d --� s�Q � �"�s�"'�,a l�; ... . . ..;�_ a5 '` s` � rx. •:��-� � . ' _: � , - � s���,g�,rz<�'E:. • ��; _<�� � �; wm �;x?: � � Council Chamber - Studio - Contr Norch Bioomington City Hall y,,......,..,...,. Beloir. Technicians monitor and mix cable signa/s. Bottom: Bloomington councilmem6ers Gsten to tesGmony. Note the cameras at upper left. Photos: Phillip MacMillan James. 1 television control room was designed ,just �utside the Council Chambers and all the ;lectronic equipment to "mix" pictures and � ,�TM .,, „. � :. aound for broadcast is handled in this space. �� �"`���� k , Che third new room deaigned to complete the �--,; �. %= �` ; �, '� � � television center is a multi-use film atudio. ��"�'""�«, � �;, ��''- . _� E =�` �� � local police investigation series is taped I' ` � � �- f iere as well as other special event broadcasts ` , aponsored by various public groups. Different _.,� _�3' ��' �ackground sets can be built and assembled in ,�,�e�r. � --^ - ;. " � this studio to create unique settinga for each - �l ?rogram. These new spaces have given the Citp °�M ,��' state-of-the-art capabilitp to bring municipal �� � '�~ � ` ;overnment into every citizen's home. In Sinnesota's third largest community, Citp Hall is becoming a very recognizable image. B I o o m i n g t o n C i t y H a I I� Bemard acob Architects Ltd 1 . CITY OF RDSTsMOUNT SPACS NTsTsDS ANALYSIS STATSMSNT OF QUALIFICATIONS RELBVANT SXPBRIBNCE OF BBRNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 3-3 CENTENNIAL OFFICE BUILDING 1984-1988 658 Cedar Street, Saint Paul $5.5 Million Built nearly 30 years ago, the building was in urgent need of architectural and systems renovation as well as remedial work to meet prevailing codes and regulations (life safety a.nd accessibility) . Systematic analpses and evaluations of the envelope, environmental systems and interior finishes were undertaken. In addition the building's structural integrity was also evaluated. After the reconciliation of the initial fact- finding studies, a seenario for the building's complete rehabilitation was developed. As of February I988 two of Centennial's six floors are completely renovated and a third is under reconstruction. The building's entire mechanical system has also been revamped. And at the State Legislature's direction, preliminary redesign is beginning on the building's two most public levels. The goal was and remains to upgrade the building to provide quality lease space that is completely flexible and adaptable, in tune with the needs of the modern electronic office with regard to acoustics, lighting, power supply, voice and data communic�.tions. The attached list of tasks describes the scope of the project. Anticipated construction costs were monitored on a continuaus basis during the investigatian and design phases, and construction billings were completely within the predicted narrow range. BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLlS 55402 (612) 332-5517 CITY OF ROSBMOUNT SPACS NSBDS ANALYSIS STATSMB'NT OF QUALIFICATIONS RI3LBVANT B%PERIENCE OF BBRNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 3-4 C$NTENNIAL OFFICB BUILDING Work Tasks 1 . BUILDING 1 . 1 Energy Audit 1.2 Structural Analysis and Evaluation 1 . 3 Code Compliance Review 1 .4 Asbestos Survey 1 . 5 Audio/Sound Evaluation 1 .6 Accessibility remedial work to existing toilet rooms 1 . 7 Rehabilitation of elevators � 2. ENVELOPB 2. 1 Insulation and vapor barrier added 2.2 Interior storm window at existing windows 2. 3 Remedial work including insulation at window jambs 3. INTERIORS 3. 1 Floors 3 . 1 . 1 Remove all existing fixtures and floor coverings 3 . 1.2 Install 6" accessible office floor 3. 1 .3 Install carpet tile on raised floor 3 .2 Ceiling 3.2. 1 Remove existing ceilings, hangers and devices 3 .2.2 Install new suspended ceiling 3.2 . 3 Remove existing duct work 3 .2 .4 Tnstall new duct system and controls 3 .2. 5 Install sprinkler mains and branches 3 . 2.6 Install smoke detection system 3.2. 7 Remove existing light fixtures and dispose properlp of PCB/ballasts 3 . 2 .8 Install new electrical distribution system 3 .2.9 Install new light fixtures 3 .2 . 10 Install sound masking system 4. CONSTBUCTION 4. 1 Construction planning 4.2 Construction planning for various bureaus , divisions and their respective subdivisions. BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-551i _�_ �� CENTEN �� �; . �Q�Y +�„� ;l+,� ���,�q �`���""`"'"'� State � �� �� �� �'-- — 658 Ce �` " �� w "'�`- '�• s.� - s � � : �^� � �Q.^��...,�.^ � ' ; � � � _—= `� �� Erecte :� � ;"� �o- �a� ,�{ � ;�fi I �_— - + :,- �` "'�'' ,�a` ^` . ;� �`' ,,,�-`.-��'�.�.'._ archi ,� � �a ,*x a �xa« ,r� " $'� � � ��;"` �.�_ `�, `���1��� A �� r� x�. � s � �! r ; WOI'Ii -"n s F� „� �,�„ �;:_ ��. , ��; `�_,. ."'+��� �.. . � t s � aa�' :3��,� ?�� � and ac��s '�;.• C :� � �„�& � `- � y i�7�� 4: �I � �_�. a� � ' i;'Y �� i �. !��� � ,_ �* � � �_[ "4 F;.i . �,s�a' ��., °�'2.tfi� �'��k'� ->2tr..`'.�. . � Spstem�� a � .� �; �f�� R�*� '�.z�."; u'� '� � � � ei� a.,: � mental� � . � t' s� �s�� � },}�� x'��` �¢z: �- ��� "^_-- t ,' ;; �ti � �;� �� � o ,a " � �. � additi F r F �� : �� ;`� ..,s. , a ' w ,�. . :r �-;�.',aJ� After�� �-�� �j �,y �.';� F==_� ��°���.,� ` i scena ` , = 'P t._ �, ,� ., , li� ��� I develo �# •� �... t \�y`�t`��\t-��$ � .._.,�,.A The �.I I, ,\��;�,�,@ K�.-t� � �;1�; %a ��� � . r,� �- quali ? �,<��e��.�c� ' � adapt , �� �� �-�� � offic -�,,w _ - �,.,� :r�,. _. voice ' :.„�,.�-_ rr""�--``-� ;�,�'. � - To dat���4;., "�?~-�,_ 1'l 0,0 Or�._ �.,". .� -x ,� ;` - y ,�S- - �. Pro,jeo �-�.a �-��, �_�- -�--�.- �:; .�._ - - -- - . � �_... ,:..� variou � _ .. �- .�,..:.. ;r}�� a f 1 o a< : - ; __ � �� � Wotk T��.... �'�. -�--�_, ._� . ` -- "°� - _ _. _. � �^- - _ _. .__._ - _ i. Bu;�rEF � , ANT �,._., ,�-__ _ --____— - 1 .. v0 �,. ... . . 1.; P��� Q .. ..,'�`r 1.T�%� ��� 1.� _.�� -�' " 1�iCHANICARTS �� � . -. �'�� ._ - -�' S.I�H SCHOOL �g� � ` _ �� �J�� �a�� I r.: �r1r:� - 1' d� �:-, �P�,P 2� � ��... � , 4�� 2. �N!�c�� 9T'S-,9 �/ ` Oe < \ � _ 2.1 ��; '¢�c �- NIAL STATE- 9 � F� �'�r 2.: OWNED � � .�4 t�. .:� . �G PARKING . � � 3. IN' TASTEE 3 BAKERY k � � �'- -� r`.',r" e�j�F� . � .3. 9� . .•"�+"_' c�t� . . � - . 3.�S'l� NATIONAL — �.a� 3.� 9F GUARD ��'� � . � \.� _ .. �� J� � F.� ARMORY - � � � � x ���-.. 3.. 0 \� . � } 3.'� +�- 3.. __- — �_ 3., � �=f: - �, 3.; 1 e � 3., ���'- �"! 3.� . � � .3.ri^ —.._. . 3.� 4. COP.: _ _ .�• �,,, h.] _ 4.i- - . � E� � ; Centennial Office Builc� � Bemard Jacob Architects.Ltd. CITY OF ROSSMOUNT SPACS NBSDS ANALYSIS STATSMBNT OF QUALIFICATIONS RELBVANT BXPERIENCT OF BBRNARD JACOB ARCHTTBCTS LTD. 3-5 DI3TRICT ENBRGY SAI1+1T PAUL, INC. 1984 Third Street Plant Company Offices $289,000 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul Our client, District Energy Saint Paul, Inc. , was organized in 1979 to develop, construct and op�rate a hot water district heating system to serve the downtown and adjacent areas of Saint Paul. Their Third Street Plant is a seven- story structure, built into the river bluff at the turn-of- the-century. The heat generating system is housed on the lower four levels . Our commission included substantial energy-system modifications to the building, structural renovation, an upgraded envelope both from within and without, and relocation of the company's executive offices, from the Bremer Building, to the top three floors of the Plant. The Design Problem and Our Solution District Bnergy Saint Paul , Inc. wanted their new office to reflect �he intended longevity of the firm. The overall character of the design plan needed to be both conservative and contemporary in communicating the stability of the non- profit company as well as its up-to-date technological efficiency. The specific activities conducted in the company's offices focus on people providing a service. The design concept for the new offices creates a plan for efficient personnel and information flow among the Engineering, Heat Production and Distribution, Finance and Administration, and Communications and Marketing Sections. In relocating the company's offices to an operating plant, it was important that the design be compatible with the structure, imparting a prominence to the office area. Our design makes the reuse of industrial space for office acti- vities seem appropriate and natural. Our professional services were comprehensive and included architectural and engineering investigations and assessments, evaluation of architectural/engineering design alternatives, and finally complete construction documents, bidding and construction ad.ministration. BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-5517 � ,---� �. - -- _ � -----_--._ r • � � � � � ��� -� �� �,�-- O Q �❑� � �� � -�� �: �. � � ; � 1 O � � , _ . � � � � � ,. ... : >r ' Gf � ��;�� Q C OC ,_. ., � - ---- b.....,..�.�._.,;.�..,n��.�-:�:t�; � o ' 0 ' � � � ua . . . i O ����I � � � � Our client, District Bnergp Saint Paul, Inc. , ' Q pH � If' in 1979 to develop, construct and operate district heating system to serve the downtown �' r-----, areas of Saint Paul. Their Third Street Plan storp structure, built into the river bluff at the-century. The heat generating spstem is t lower four levels. Our commission includec energy-system modifications to the building; renovation, a new facade deaign and relocf company's executive offices, from the Bremer Bui top three floors of the Plant. The Design Problem and Our Solution District finergp Saint Paul, Inc. wanted their 0 O � reflect the intended longevity of the firm. character of the design plan needed to be both'0 O � O O �„ i and contemporary in communicating the stabilit� � • profit companp as well as its up-to-date � �I� � efficiencp. � ;� ; � �"�" �s-a =---- The specific activities conducted in the compa O focus on people providing a service. The desi�� O � the ne�r offices creates a plan for efficient � ' � information flow among the Engineering, Heat l �. Distribution, Finance and Administration, and t and Marketing Sections. Our objective was to dE place, responsive to future grocrth proj��_�, � � „p maintaining. critical interrelationships among�� � personnel groups. O O •• � �, i In relocating the company's offices to an operai �j O � � was important that the design be compatib: �; O I structure, imparting a prominence to the offici design makes the reuse of industrial spaci � � ';,; activities seem appropriate and natural. Our �.j�! services were comprehensive and included arch: ��O O � ,� I space programming, floor layouts, complete , � documents, bidding and construction ad.ministrat• District Energy Saint F Bemard�acob Archi[eus,Ltd. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SPACE N�SDS ANALYSIS STATSMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 4. OTHBR PERTINTsNT EXPBRIENCE: COMMUNITY DESIGN PROJECTS 4-1 Bierman Athletic Building Administrative Offices University of Minnesota, Minnea.polis Campus Redesign of Intercollegiate Program Offices Schematic Design Studies for Performing Arts Cen�er Braham Public Schools Braham, Minnesota Preliminary Design of Theater/Gallery/Video Complex Floor Plans Data Base Program Minneapolis Public Schools Upgraded Master Floor plans for 15 District Schools Included Field Surveying and Generation of Data Base Document Rehabilitation of John Ericsson Elementary School Minneapolis Public Schools Total Rehabilitation and Major Library Addition to School Minnesota Church Center Renovati.on Minnesota Council of Cburches, Minneapolis Total Redesign of Center's Fublic Meeting Spaces Reuse Design of Lind Hall University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Campus Conversion of Engineering Library to IT Tutorial Center Conversion of Lower Level to IT Placement Center Bierman Athletic Building Addition University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Campus Addition of Basketball Program Headquarters BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER � MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-5517 I — -__ ��°�;��tll�ij �ex $��:�;�,;;. ._.___- , . . . _ � /_—__j _ . 4 ��� .Y. t__' I :� ��t 1 �,�� � � �.��� �I °.'��,-�r �..•. � � � '`y �� •t����'� ___ a �:�j� �IN�I�� � - . 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Li S+' � �—. —.-_ .-,j �, � - -- - F_��r'ea�F e���P�' � � ?a� ��'='---... . ... ..-.-.-_ - - E ttr<.�;. ' i�, �t� � o t,��,� �:•.._._.._.._ - �;,�, ! _ " -� . �:�' � � � � �'� O_� _ �� .:�ti;...-•-. �!, �--ri,� °F '�� L___ -- � ej\��'; � ,(�?l, :�('o� �y�\ ? ,Ry- �: '�.`� ���'� �, .��I;e,q^!��'!,'elNiiiiil!IIG�!,�.:�. , -- _ , � ��`7' i.,• , ai � � !� � �.l1(�' i i�• ti � n� . �.�f'ii' � �. ,o�d;�° 4, � . �, � � _ = � r�� �� � _ � ' ` ' �� �� � � �� � � � � o O o_c� O O ?� ��� + ' �". C��dI�'� J _ — — i �ti,w� �� ��� �'iy iI� -- ( �� �� � r � �. � _. c_ � �-�.:;a � , i � - c �_ �'�_ . ��� ��-�,, � _-_� 6 ..4' �"�i� �__ � �e- � �: . � �. IU� OOO OCO C �`i� � ���kt[ . . . . � . i„:`,`'�Y.R�.."'.��..i;�r_. � � � � �ernard jacob architects Itd. university of r � minnea O�IS - lind ha11 p graduate academic center i.t. placement center _ CITY OF ROSSMOUNT SPACS N.fiSDS ANALYSIS STATSMSNT OF QUALIF.ICATIONS 5. SUMI�IARY OF CONSULTANT QUALIFICATIONS 5-1 • Over the past three years we have completed a space needs survey process that provided 1500 state government employees with an opportunity to comment on work space requirements and desirable space amenities. • We are experienced in predesign building studies and have customized numerous study processes to meet public client needs. • A large portion of our design practice involves interior renovation and conversion pro,jects, including the selection and specification of office furniture systems. � • We are completely conversant with the requirements of prevailing codes and regulations , from energy conservation to accessi�6ility, from fire prevention to evacuation routing. • We regard an existing building as a real asset whose usefulness is unlimited when its adaptability is unrestrained. • We understand the economics of the marketplace and are adept at evaluating and plojecting the cost implications of design decisions . BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-551i CITY OF ROSBMOUNT SPACB NSSDS ANALYSIS STATSMSNT OF QUALIFICATIONS 6. BBFBRBNCES 6-1 The following individuals have served as client contacts on projects requiring space planning and analysis services similar to those proposed for the Rosemount Space Needs Analysis. 1 . Mr. Larry Lee Director of Community Development City of Bloomington 2215 West Old Shakopee Road Bloomington 55431 (881-5811 ) Project: Council Chambers and Video Studio Redesign 2. Mr. James E. Whipkey State Architect's Office (296-8809) State of Minnesota/Department of Administration Project: Space Planning and Architectural Rehabilitation of the Centennial Office Building, 1985-ongoing. 3 . Mr. Rudy Brynolfson District Energy Saint Paul, Inc. 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul (297-8955) Project: Conversion of Power Plant Space for Office Use 4 . Mr. Craig Rapp City Manager City of Hopkins 1010 First Street South Hopkins 55343 935-8474 Project: City Hall Bxpansion and Renovations BERNARD JACOB ARCHITECTS LTD. 2804 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 (612) 332-5517 a � � ] � ('!) R�.'lX �.10 ` ,.�.. � , � � � �jk�� f) ?tt�;', 1=15�f11 ;f W � .� • (;�1'�f�A4i�1 iP!i P,�INAI{ ;(?1 A ',!,(llitt � � � ���.������c�u t���' �;,� :,�_� �Q�, � June 16, 1989 � � � ���� � �� � � . To: Mayor Hoke Councilmembers: Napper Oxborough Walsh Wippermann Fromt Stephan Jilk � �,, Administrator/Clerk Re: Statement of Qualifications (SOQ' S) City Buildings Space Needs Studies Pursuant to your approval the city advertised to have architectural firms submit Statements of Qualifications (S�OQ' S) regarding their firms qualifications for review by city staff in order to determine a list of firms with which the city would wish to consider to accomplish certain spacial needs studies for the city' s City Hall, Fire Station and Public Works Garage. The city advertised this request in the Constructian l3ulletin, the Minneapolis Tribune and the ].ocal papers. Fifteen firms requested the SOQ information and eight firms responded. One of these eight firms was the local firm of Charles Novak. The eight firms responding were: Anderson Dale ArchitecCs, Inc Bernard Jacob Architects Kurtis A. Dale Bernard Jacob 2675 University Ave. 28Q4 IDS Tower St. Paul, MN 55114 Mpls. , MN 55402 Boarman & Associates Charles Novak, Architect Jack Boarman Charles Novak 222 N. 2nd St. 14Z50 S. Robert Tr. Mpls. , MN 55401 Rosemount, MN 5506$ Short-Elliott-Hendriekson, Inc. Thorbeck & Lambert Archt' s Ltd Darwin M. bindahl Duane Thorbeck 222 E. Little Canada Rd . 1409 Wi11ow St, St. Paul, MN 55117 Mpls. , MN 55403 Toltz , King, Duvall, Anderson & Winsor/Faricy Architects, Inc. Asso. , Inc. / Wm J. Armstrong Waqne Winsor 250� American Nat' 1 Bank Bldg. 28 W. 5th St. , Suite 375 St. Paul, Mn 55101 St. Paul, MN 55102 � S • � SOQ' S Page 2 Based upon the ma�or Griteria in the SOQ information supplied �o these firms, bp the city, staff reviewed the eight SOQ' s submitted and recommend that the following firms be asked to submit proposals to actually accomplish the study for the city. The Request For Propoeal, actuallq outlining the work for the firms to bid on, is attached for yaur review. It is felt that the firms we recommend that we receive proposals from, have sufficient exgerience in s3milar projects completed � for municipalities, have staff that has sufficient experience in these types of pro�eets, understand the scope and purpose of the work to be completed and can commit sufficient resources to accomplish the task in a reasonable time frame. The four firms are Winsor/Faricy Architects, Inc. , Boarman & Associates, TKDA & Asso. , and Thorbeck & Lambert Architects Ltd. . It is important to remember that the process, to this point has only been to determine s "list" ofR what we perceive to be, "qualified" firms to work for the eity on this pro�ect. The next step will be to request and receive formal bids from those chosen to do so on the completion of the study. The time frame for completion of this work is set out in RFP. With that I would ask two specific actions frvm you. They are: 1) accept the reeommendation of the city sta£f and approve the list of four firms �o submit RFP' s to for the completion of the spacial needs studp; and, 2) approve the RFP format attached and authorize staff to send the RFP' s to those final faur firms on the list. lj . ' � � REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS F�R S�'ACE NE�DS ANALYSIS FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROPOSALS DUE: 4 :00 P.M. , JUNE 6, 1989 LOCATION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2$75 145TH STREET W. ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 . ' � � TABLE OF CONTENTS I . PURPOSE OF REQUEST II. INSTRUCTIOI�S TO PROPOSERS III. STATEMENT OF QUALTFICATIONS IV. ABBREVIATED SCOPE OF WORK V. PROFOSAL EVALUATION VI. PROPOSAL CONTEXT - GENERAL INFORMATION 1 . � � REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS SPACE NEEDS ANALYSIS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I. PURPOSE OF REQUEST The City of Rosemount is requesting statements of qualification (SOQ' s) for consulting services by firms or combinations of firms to perform a space needs analysis for Rosemount City offices and facilities . The analysis w�.11 consist of needs identification in the areas of functional needs, space needs and relational needs and will continue through the development of schematic implementation plans . Detailed informati.on concerning the City' s needs is outlined in the following Request for Statements of Qualificatians . II. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS A• Spacial needs will be based on City supplied information as to numbers and use of City staff. B. All SOQ' s should be sent and all questi.ons and correspondence should be directed to : Stephan Jil.k City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55�68 C. Al1 SOQ' s must be received no later than 4 :00 p.m. , Tuesday, June 6, 1989. They will be opened and reviewed by City staff and a recommendation for firms to receive the RFP' s will be given to the City Council on June 20, 1989. Twenty copi.es of the proposal must be presented. D. The City will notify all proposers of the firms to receive Requests for Propasal far final consideration by June 23, 1989. III. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS A. Title Page Show the SOQ subject, the name of the proposer ' s firm, local address, telephone number, name of the contact person, and the date. In the event that a combination of firms is proposed, please indicate the lead firm. B. Table of Contents Include a clear identification of the material by section and by page number. 2 � � C. Profile of the Firm or Firms 1 . State whether the Iea� firm is local , regional, national or international. 2 . State the location of the office from which the work would be done and number of professional staff employed at that office . 3. The name, experience and qualifications of the �erson that would be responsible fox the management and administration of a contract with the City. 4. The qualifications and resumes of the prafessional staff that would be assigned to Cifiy projects. 5 . The availability of the aforementioned staff. 6. Describe the range of activities performed by the local office. 7. Identify and describe any subcontractors that would be utilized in performing the scope of services prescribed, their names , addresses, and which phase they would execute. D. PyC(�pose�'' s General Appro�ch to Space Needs Analy�es 1 . The SOQ should address in summary fashion the general approach of the firm ar combination of firms to similar analyses. 2. The SOQ shall identify an estimated time frame for the completion of an analysis as outlined in the general approach. E. Previous Space Needs Analysis Experi.ence and Disclosure Statements 1 . A representative list of previous municipal and private-sector clients, projects, specific activities performed and the name of a persan who may be contactecl at the municipality. 2 . A list of current munieipal and private-sector elients, projects in progress, specific activities being performed and the name of a person who may be contacted at the municipality. 3. A list of_ previous or cvrrent projects pe.rformed for the City of Rosemount . 3 . ' � � 4 . Building design, elevation drawings and schemati.es representing work performed by this firm on similar projects . 5 . A certification that the firm/firms ar employees thereof are not on the "List of Persons ar Firms Currently Debarred for Violations of Various Public Contracts Incorporating Labor Standards Provisions. " IV. ABBREVIATED SCQPE OF WORK A. General Purpose of the Space Needs Ana].ysis The general purpose of the Rosemount Space Needs Analysis is to devel.op a decision making tool for future considerations of capital and operating budgets, The analysis will allow the City to plan facili�ies, thereby permitting prudent fiscal pZanning and ' adequate, uninterrupted service provision for City residents. B. General Work Elements The Space Needs Analysis will focus on the following work elements : 1 . Identify existing and estimate future special use space needs such as conference rooms, records, storage spaee and lunch rooms. 2. Aevelop space requirements for existing personnel and equipment and project building requirements in square feet and equipment needs for future personnel . 3. Identify spatial relationship needs �or existing and future employees, functions and equipment . 4 . Develap schematic plans for patential facilities deuelopment or expansion. 5. Develap time tables and indicators for expansion need for facilities and identify anticipated cost estimates to the City for these projects . C. Facilities and Functions The wark elements above will apply to all Municigal Center functions including: Administration, Community Development, Finanee, Parks and Recreation and Public Works . They will also apply to all aspects of the Folice Department and the Fire Department . 4 . � � V. PROPOSAL EVALUATION A. The City intends to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to the SOQ responclents evaluated to be best qualified to perform the work for the City. B. The SOQ' s will be evaluated by a selection team. The team will rank the SO(�' s and provide this information to the City Administrator. C. Selection of the firms to be invited to respond to the RFP in this regard shall be based upon the followin� criteria : l . An evaluation of the eonsultant ' s technical qualifications, work experience and available resources. 2. Performance appraisals from past and existing clients. 3. Previous city experience with the consultant firm. D. The City shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the proposer including but not limited to expenses associated with the preparation of the SOQ. E. The City of Rosemount reserves the right ta reject any and all SOQ' s or to request additional information from all proposers. VI . �'ROP05AL CONTEXT - GENERAL INFORMATION A. City Organization The City of Rosemount was incorporated in 1971 as a statutory, plan A city. It has a Council - Administr.ator form of p,overnment . The City pr�vi.des a fu7.1 array of mttni.cipal services i_ncl�ding water, sewer, and street lighting utilities; fire, police and civil defense protection; and general administrative functions . l . City Council - The Rosemount City Council is the final review and approval authority regarding all contracts, payments, plans, improvements, po-lieies, proeedures and other business of the City. The City Council , composed of four members - and the Mayor, is the legislative and policy making body of the Gity. The Mayor, who presides over the City Council meetin�s, is elected at large for a two year term. The Councilmembers are eleeted at large for four year terms . 5 . � 2. City Administrator - The City Administrator reviews and coordinates all matters coming before the City Council . He is responsible fo-r the implementation ofi Council da.rection and the coordination and management of Ci�y departments on a daily basis. 3. City Staff - The City Administrator implements Council direction through the department heads of seven City Departments. They are Poiice, Fire, Public Works, Finance, Community Development , Parks & Recreation, and Administration. B. Demographic Statistics The City of Rosemount is a fast growing city. Its population growth and the predaminance of two income households places a significant demand on City services and facilities . A summary of the City� s papulata.on growth is outlines in the following table : 1980 U. S. Census 5 ,0$3 1988 Metropolitan Council Estimate 7,400 1989 City Staff Estimate 3/1/89 8, 500 Rosemount `s growth is expected to continue into the future due to its locational amenities and the current environment and pressures for household formation. Conservative estimates place the City' s population near 18,000 by 200Q. As a resul:t of the mobility associated with in-migration, the population is very young with a median age of thirty-two and less than five percent of the population over si.xty. The grc�wth places substantisl demand on City services and faeil3.t�.eg. C. Economic Overview The City of Rosemount is a third ring suburb which is roughly fifteen percent developed. It has approximately 140 acres of comm�rcially zoned land and 2460 acres of industrial land. In excess of Z00 businesses are located in Rosemount. This emplayment base pravides job opportunities to more than 4, 700 persons. D. Facilities The City has a variety of facilities which wi11 be considered in the Space Needs Analysis. They are generally deseribed below: 1 . Municipal Center fi . � i i a. Administrative Offices - The administrative portion of the municipal center currently houses 21 empl4yees in the departments of Administration, Community Development, Finance , Parks & Recreation and Public Works . The offices are spread over 8,000 square feet on two levels. The municipal centez was completed in 1986. b. Police nepartment - The police partion of the �mtan�ci_P��1. cen�cr curr_etiL;l.y 4u��pt�rts J� employees in standard or rotating shif�s in an area of 3 ,000 square feet on one level. It includes specialized features including garage access, holding cells, security entrances and communications equipment . c . Council. Chamber and Lobt�y - The public areas of the municipal center eomprise approximately 8,000 square feet . d. Support & Storage Areas - Suppqrt , storage and mechanical areas comprise the remaining 2,000 square feet of the facility. 2. Fire Station - The one existing fire station building was constructed in 1975 . It contains 8, 500 square feet and houses equipment and administrative areas for 36 volunteer fire fighters . It is the only fire station facility currently in operation by the Ci�y. A recent study completed under a se�arate process indicated several options for location of fire facilities for the community. 3. Maintenance Facility - The existing maintenance facility is a base of operations for 8 regular maintenance employees and 15 seasonal employees in streets, utilities and parks maintenance in 7 ,388 square feet on one level. E. Affirmative Action The City of Rosemount, Minnesota, has adopted a policy that it will not discriminate in employment practices on the basis of raee, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, public assistance status, veteran status, handieap or disability; that it has agreed to take affirmative action to recruit minorities, women and handicapped persons into its employment; and that it will transact business only with firms who have adopted similar non-discriminatory and affirmative action polieies. 7 . � In cases where a contract with the City of Rosemount will exeeed $50,000 and the number of full-time exceeds twenty (20) in the company making a Proposa�,, in its Proposal the eompany must fu�nish the City af Rosemount with documentation that shows the company has adopted a written affirmative action policy. This proof is not necessary at the time of the SOQ. Contracts which exceed $SO,Q00 will not be awarded ta companies of more than twenty full-time employees which fail to provide verification of an affirmative action policy. 8 � , � � June 16, 1989 RE: Request for Proposals for Space Needs Analysis Dear Prospective Architectural Firm: Congratulations on being chosen to x'eceive a Request for Proposal for the City' s Space Needs Analysis. Your firm was chosen from among a field of eight Statement of Qualifications respondents. The quality of the responses was very high anci qou should be commended for your selection from such a field . Please read the RFP form carefully and respond to its instructivns. Please note that the responses are due no later than 2:00 p,m. , July 12, 1989. If you have any questions regarding the RFP or the City process for review and selection, please contact me. Again, congratulations for being chosen to respond to the RFP. We look forward to reviewing your proposal. Sincerely yours, Stephan Jilk Administrator/Cierk lj Enclosure , � __.�.._.._ � � Rr:,c�urs�� r�R rRorc�snr,s FOR SPACF NErDS AN�T,YSIS FOR TFIE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROPOSALS DUE: 2:00 p.m. , JULY 12, 1989 LOCATION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 5506� , • � � REQUEST FOR �xo�osna�s SPACE NEEpS ANALYSIS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I. PURPOSE OF TEiE REQUEST The City of Rosemount is requesting proposals £or consul.ting services by firms ox combinations of firms to perform a space needs analysis Eor Rosemount City offices and facilities . The analysis will eonsist of needs identification in the areas of functional needs , space needs and relational needs and will cantinue through the development of schematic design alternatives . Detailed information concerning the City' s needs is outlined in the following Request for Proposals . II. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROFQSERS A. All pro�osals should be sent and all questions and correspondence should be directed to: Stephan Jilk City �dministrator Ci�y of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 (612) 423-4411 B. Al1 praposals must be reeeived no later than 2 :00 p.m. , Wednesday, July 12 , 1989, at which time they will be opened. Ten (10) copies of the proposal must � be presented. C. In order to be considered a valid proposal, each proposal must meet the following requirements: a. Written proposals ar.e the only valid form. Proposals receivecl after 2 :p0 p.m. , Wednesday, July 12, 1989, will be returned unopened. Verbal proposals will not be permitted. b. Each proposal must be signed by an officer of your company who can be held accountable for all representations . D. The propos�l. shaLl be limited to a maximum of thirty pages, printed on one side. Additiona]. material , otl�er than that requested by the City, will be disregarded . � , E. The City will review the proposals and schedule interviews for a�l. fina�ists during the week of July 19, 1989. Selecti.on will occur at the regular City Council meeting on �ugust l , 1989. ZII, PROPOSAL CONTENTS A. Title Page Show the proposaL subject, the name of the proposer 's firm, local address, telephone number, name oE the contact person, and the date. In the event that a combination of fixms is proposed, please indicate the lead firm. B. Table of Contents Include a clear identification of the material by section and by page number. C. Identificatior+ of Assigned Personnel 1 . The name of the person that would be responsible for the management and administration of a contract with the City. A description of such person 's experience and qualifications is necessary only if different from that in the SOQ. 2. The names of the professional staff that would be assigned to City projects. 3. A statement committing the aforementioned staff to this project. 4• If joint ventures are proposed or consult�nts will be retained, a statement of such arrangements rnust be contained in the proposal including a brief description of each partieipant 's role. D. Proposer' s Detailed Approach to Space Needs Analyses 1 . The proposal shall address in detailed €ashion khe approach of the Eirm or combination of firms to the Scope of Work. 2. The proposal shall identify a specific time frame for the compl.etion of each element of the Scope oE Work as ot�tlined above. E. Budget 1 . I3udget documentation for each task must include the f ol lowa.ng: • • a . Number of and names oE �ersonnel , number vE person days (8 hours equal one person day) and salary cvst (i.dentify each separateiy) . b. Number of supporting �ersonnel., number o£ person days , salary cost (list each separately) . c. Other cost (eg. travel, telephone, pra.nting, compuker time, etc. ) d. TotaZ task cost. 2. Total Budget Documentation must include the folLowing: a. ProEessianal 1'ersonnel. 1 . 'I'c�t�l iiiiml�er. Z. '.I'olal �)P_L'SOkI days 3. Total saLary b. Support Persc�nnel 1 . Total �umber 2 . Total person days • 3. Total salary c. Total of Other Cost d. Total Cost of a, b, and c F. Disclosures ancl Assurances (Appendix A) 1 . Applicant Authority - Assurance that the signatory making representations in the proposal on behalf of the proposer has the authoxity to do so and to bind the firm to a contract. 2. Compliance with Affirmative Action - The City of Rosemount, Minnesota, has adopted a �oliey th�t wi11 not discriminate in employment practices on the baszs o� race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, public assistance status , veteran status, har�dicap or disability; that it has agreed to take affirmative action to recruit minorities , women and handicapped pezsons znto its employment; and that it will transact business only with firms who have adopted similar non-discriminatory and af£irmative action policies. In cases where a contract with the City oE Rosemount wi11 exeeed �5�,0�0 and the ntrmher_ oE . � full-time em�loyees exceeds twenty (2Q) i.n the company making a Propas�l, in its Proposal the company must ft�rnish the City a£ Rosemount with documentation that shows the company has adopted a written af€irmative action policy. Contracts which exceed $50,OQ0 will not be awardecl to companies of. more than twenty full-time employees which fail to provide verification of an affa.rmative action policy. 3. Firm Not Debarred - A certiEication that the £irm/firms or employees thereof are not �n the "List o� Persons or Ei,rms Currently Debarrecl for Violations of Various Pub�.ic Contracts Ineorpc►rating Labor Standards Provisions ." IV. SCOPE OF WORK A. General Purpose of the Space Needs Analysis The general �urpose of the Rosemount Space Needs Analysis is to develop a decision making tool for future considerations of capital and operating budgets . The analysis will allow the City tv anticipate facilities needs, thereby permitting prudent fiseal planning and adequate, uninterrupted seruice pravision £or City residents . The Eocus of the analysis should be on functional triggers as well as timed sequence improvements . Ln a community growing as quickly as , Rosemount is , �n analysis which depends upon its time projections for long term improvement schedules may be �.nadequate. Therefore, the analysis' must identify indicators of need for expansion - such as papulation, number of households , miles ot street, etc. - to cvmplement its projected time schedule of need. B• Work Elements The Space Needs Anal.ysis will f�cus on the fo�.l.aw3.ng elements : 1. Develop Architectural Program a. Define anci lead city staff thrvugh a process by which the following tasks are accomplished : 1 . Identify functional triggers which relate to i.ncreased personne� , s�ace and servi_ce needs . 2. Tdenli fy Fxi.SLi.n� ancl estim��te fti�tir.e ��er.soiin�l . ` � � � w 3. Anticipate additional services, additional employees, equiprnent and space. . 4. Identify existing and estimate future special use space needs such as conference rooms, recards , storage space and lunch rooms. 5. Develap space requirements far existing personnel and equipment and project space requirements in square feet at�c� equipment needs for future personnel . 6. Identify spatial relatianship neec�s for existing and futvre employees, functions and equipment. Disposztion of these relationships shall include bubble diagrams or suitable alternative graphics . � 2. Evaluation Matrix of Building �iternatives a• Prepare, develap and com�lete an evaluation matrix to determine which of the options best acldress the City requirements for space allocation for the years 1990-2010. 1. No change of existing structures or space. 2. Remodel and add on to the current buildings located on or near Brazil Avenue West and �45th Street West . 3. Construct separate bui�lding to accommod��te ane ar more departments cur.r.eiit:ly hotia�ei i.n th�4� Encilil. i �, . b. 'L'he eva.luatian matri.x must Ue acconiE�a�iiec� with text which thoroughly reviews the matrix. The text shvuld conclude by recommending no change, remodeling and addition to the current buildings or builcling separate bui.ldings wa�th possi.bl,e remocie.ling of the current buildings. Recommendations must be accompar�ied with detailed rationale. 3. Develop Schematic Designs and Schedule of Improvements a. Prepare prel.iminary and alternative schemati.c plans For_ potential faciliti.es devel.t��ment or expansion . Schematic design shall denote . • � � Laci.lity la�out , relatiot�ships , site adaptability, determinatian of preliminary building systems and buil,ding form. b. Prepare a schedule of improvemenks which incor�,orates an assumed time line and functional triggers for growth as utilized in the personnel, space and service prajections above. The schedule should be accompanied with text which thoraughly reviews its assumptions. �• Prepare construction cost estimates in 1989 dollars for the p�referxed alternatives . 4. Attend necessary meetings with the City staff and Council to present progress on and rest�lts of the analysis . C. Deliverable Documents 1. Arcl�itectural Program Summary 2. Evaluation Matrix 3. Alternative Schematic Designs 4. Schedule of Improvements and Functional Triggers 5. Construction Cost �stimates for Preferred Alternatives 6. Final Report encompassaing all of the elements above. D• Facilities Covered The City has � variety of. Eacili.ti.es wha.ch wi.l]_ h�e ce�nsidered i_n the Sp�ce Neecis An��3.ysis. Th�y ar.e general�.y described below: 1. Administrative Offices - The administrative portion of the municipal center currently hous�s 21 employees in the departments of Administration, Community Develo�ment , Finance, Parks & Recreation and Public Works. Th� offa.ces are spreac3 over 8,000 square feet an two levels . The muniei.pal center was compleCed in 1986. 2• Police Department - The police portion of the munici�al center currently supports 12 employees in standard or rotating shif-ts in an area of 3,00� . . • • , square feet on one level. It includes specialized features including garage access, holding cells, security entrances and communieations equipment. 3. Sup�ort & Storage Areas - Support, storage and mechanical areas comprise the remaining 2 ,000 square feet of the facility. 4. Fire Station - The one exi.sting fire stati,on bui.lcling was constr_ucted in 1935. It cant�a.ns $,500 squar_e L-eet ancl houses eqtii�ment anci admi_nistrAtive �r.e7s fvr 36 volunteer f:i.r.e fi.ghter_s. It i_s the an].y Eire st�tion facil.i_ty currently in o�er�tion by the Ci.ty. A recent study completed under a separate process indicated several opti.ons for location of fire facilities for the community. 5. M�i.ntc�nance F�ci.l.i l.y � The exi.sl-i.ng mr�i.nt:e�i.�r�ce f.�ci.lity i.4 r� f��gc� �f o��r�tic�ng [c�r. A rc� �ilr�r. mai:nten�nce emtjl.�yees anci 1.5 s�ason�l. emr��yees i.n streets, u�ilities and parks maintenance ii� 7 ,388 square feet on one level. V. SELCCTION A. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, and is not bound to accept the lowest cost proposal if that proposal is contrary to the best interests of the City. B. The propvsals will be evaluated by a sel_ectian team. The team will rank the proposals and provide this information to the Gity Administrator. C. Selection of the firms L-o he inv�ted to respond to the RFP in this regar_ci shall be based upon the Collowi.ng criteria: 1. The firm' s appr�ach � to and understanding af the �roject. 2. The firm's experience in similar projects, including similar space planning experience, law enforeement p�anning experience, demonstratecl project management expertise, and previous experience on government projects. 3. The experience and qualifi.cations of the project staff in similar projects, including the criteria abQve. - 4. The firm's demonstratec� ability to keep �n schedule and within budget. . • • . S. ThF extent of project involvement by top management. 6. The extent to whi.ch previous clients have found the firm's project services acceptable, 7. The firm's most signiEicant qttala.f. icata.4ns Ear thi.s project . 8• Previous city experience with the consulkant firm. VI. TERMS ANA CONI?ITIONS A. The City reserves the right to cancel ar amend the request £or proposals at anyti.rne. The City reserves the ri.ght tc� cletermin� the si�ccessf.i�1. r.e.s�onc}ent. Ttie City reserves the right to reject any or a]_1 pr��osals . B• The City will not be liahle for any costs incurred by the firm responding to this request. C. Upon submission, all propasals become the property of the City, which retains the right to use any ideas presented in any proposal submitted, whether or not the proposal is accepted. D. A contract wi.l]. be executed between the successful respondent and the Ci_ty. It is anticipated that the contract will be a £u.11 service architectural. and engineering contract type AIA B-141 , and that the successful designer's pr�posal and s�eei�ications of this request, including the Terms and Conditi.ons set forth herein, will be incorporated in the contract. F. The City shall pay the firm for services on the basis of the approved fee or fee schedule per the proposal. F. The Eirm shall. not �ssign any i_nter.est i.n thi.s contr��ct and shall not transEer any interest zn the same withocat the prior written consent oE the City. G. For the purposes of this agreement, the consulkant shall be deemed to be an zndependent contractor, and not an employee of the City. Any and aIl agents , servants , or em�Ioyees of the designer or other persons, while engaged in the performance of any work or services required to be performed by the City under this agreement, shall not be considered employees of the City of Rosemount and any and al.l claims that may or might arise on behalf of the City, its agents, servants or employees �s a consequet�ce o£ any act or omission on the �art of the designer, its agents , servants , employees or other �ersons shall in nc� way be the obligation or responsibility oF the City. The � ' � • the obl.igation or responsibili.ty of the City. TMe consultank, its agents , servants, or employees shall be entitled to none of the rights, privileges, or benefi.ts of City employees except as otherwise may be stated herein. H. The City shall pay £or all. services and items provided by the firm under the proposal in a lump sum upon completian ot the project or on such schedule as shall be mutually accepted by the City and the fzrm. I . The consultant further agrees to comply with all federal, state and local laws or ordinances, and al1 applicable rules , regulations, and standards established by any agency of such governmental units , which are now or hereafter promulgated insofar as they relate to the designer's performance of the provisions of this agreement. It shall be the ohligation of the designer to apply for, pay for and obtain all permits. J. The City requires affa.rmative acti.on, and therefore, the firm selected shall not discriminate under the contraet against any person in accordance with federal , state and local regt�lations . K. If, for any reason, the firm selected is not able to cornmence services under its proposal within 3Q days after its award, the City reserves the right to award the contract to the next most quala.£ied firm. L. If, for any reason, the firm shall fail to £ulfill in timely and proper manner the obligations under the conkraet, the City shall reserve the right to terminate said contract by specify�.ng the date af terminakion in a written notice to �he firm at least sixty {60) calendar days before the termination date. In this event, the fi.rm shal� be entitled ko just and ec�uitable compensatian fox any satisfactory work completsd . M• No elected official or employee of the Ca.ty who exercises any responsibiliti.es in the review, approval or carrying out of the proposal or contract shall participate in any decision which affects his or her direct or indirect personal or finanei.aZ interest. VII. PROPOSAL CONTEXT - GENERAL INFQRMATION ' A. City Organization The City of Rosemount was incar_porated in 1971 as a statutory, plan A city. It has a Council - Administrator form of government. The City provides a full arr�y of municipal servi_ces including water, sewer, and street lighting trtiliEies ; fire, poii:ce �i�d ci.vil. deEense protecti.on; and general. admi.ni.strati.v� functions . � • • • 1 . City Counca.l - The Rosemount Ca.ty Counca.l is the final review and a�proval authority regarding akI contracts, payments , glans, i.mprovements, pvlicies , procedures and other bus�.ness of the City. The City Couneil, composed of four members and the Mayor, is the legislative and policy making body of the City. The Mayor, who presicles over the City Council meetitig, is elected at large for a two year term. The Counci.l.members axe elected at large for four year terms . 2. City Administrator - The City Administrator reviews and coordinates all matters coming before the City Council. Ne is responsible for the implementation of Council direction and the coordination and management vE City departments on a daily basis. 3. City StafE - The City Administrator implements Council direction through the department heads oE seven City Departments. They are Polzce, Fire, Public Works , I'inance, Community Development, Parks & Recreation, and Administration. B• Demographic Statistics The City of Rosemount is a fast growing city. 1ts population growth and the predominance of two income households places a si.gnificant demand on City ser_vices and facilities . A summary of the City's population growth is outlined in the following table: 1980 U.S. Census 5,083 �988 Metropolitan Council Estimate 7,4OQ z98g City Staff Estimate 3/1/89 8,5pQ Rosemount 's gxowth is expected to continue into the future due to its locational amenities and the current environment and pressures for household �ormation. Conservative estimates place the City's population near 18,000 by 2Q00. As a result of the mobility associated � with in-migration, the population is very young with a median age of thirty—two and iess than f�.ve percent of the population over sixty. The growth pl.aces substantial demand on City services and Eacilities. C. Economic Overview The City of Rosemount is a third ring suburb which is roughly fifteen percent developed. It has approximatel.y 140 acres of commercially zoned land and 2460 acres of industrial land. In excess of 200 businesses are l.ocated in Rosemount , This em�loyment base provi.des �ot� opp�rtunities to more than 4, 700 persons . ♦ + � � �PPenc�ix A _ Applicant Assurances The applicant hereby assures and certifiest 1. Thak the individual signi.ng the assurance f.orm on beh�lE of the individual, partnership, company or corporation named in the proposal, ppssesses the legal authority t� execute the proposed study. 2• In connection with this praposal and any subsequent contract the consultant shall not discriminate against any employee applicant f.or employment because oE race, color, creed, re�.igion, national origin, di.sability, age, sex or status regarding public assistance. The consultant will take action to ensure that a�plicants are employed and that employees are treated during their employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, natianal origin , disability, age, sex or status regarding public assistance in accordance with federal and state law and local policy. 3. The consultant/consultants or employees thereof are not an the "List v£ Persons or Firms Currently Debarred for Violations of Various Public Contracts Incor�oratzng Labor Standards Provisions ." 4. The consultant agrees to comply with a11 appl_icable Eederal, state and local compliance requirements . OFFICIAL ADDRESS Name oE Firm �ut orize Slgnature . Tit e Da te ' . � � � ' � � � � STATEMENT OF QUALIFICAT`ION ' FOR: SPACE NEEDS ANAI,ySIS � City of Rosemount ■ ■ ■ Winsor/Faricy Architects, Inc. � 28 West Fifth Street, Suite 375 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Phone: 612 227-065 ( ) S Contact: Wayne Winsor � June 6, 1989 � � ' Winsor/FaricyArchitects,Inc. Suite 375, 28 West Fifth Street a� � cnitects Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Interior Designers ' 612.227.0655 Planners ' 1 ' 6 June 1989 ' Mr. Stephan Jilk � City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West ' Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Re: Statement of Qualifications ' Space Needs Analysis Dear Mr. Jilk: � We are pleased to submit the enclosed infornnation for your review. We have recently completed staffing and faci:lities studies for the cities of Burnsville and ' Woodbury that resulted in new City Halls, ]Police, and Fire facilities. In addition, we completed a similar space analysis for Ramsey County in 1987 and have just begun a space ' needs analysis for Lino Lakes. We are very interested in providing similar �services for Rosemount and hope you will ' include us on your list of firms for final consi�3eration. Sincerely, � � �U�1�� Wayne Winsor ' VVVV e ��g � ' � � 1 ' ' � � TABLE OF CONTENTS � � C. PROFILE _ OF THE FIRMS Pages 2 4 ' D. GENERAL APPROACH T0 Pages 5 - 6 SPACE AND STAFFING NEEDS ANALYSIS � E. PREVIOUS SPACE AND STAFFIN - G Pages 7 10 NEEDS ANALYSIS EXPERIENCE ' AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS APPENDIX , • Affirmative Action Pro ram Pa e 11 g g 1 • Similar Projects Page 12 ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' � ' C. PROFILE OF TI� FIRMS ' FIRM STATUS: �� 1• Local Firm With National Practice 2• Location: ' Winsor/Faricy Architects, Inc. 28 West Fifth Street, Suite 375 ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Number of Professional Staff: � 50 ' 3. Wayne Wi.nsor, AIA Role in Project: Pri.ncipai-In_Charge ' Wayne Winsor will serve as principal-in-charge with overall administrative responsibilities for all services. He has functioned in the same capacity for space ' programming and feasibility study services provided by Winsor/Faricy over the past 18 years including such projects as: • Ramsey County Space Analysis - St. Paul, MN � • Duluth Governm ent Center - Duluth, MN � • Minnesota World Trade Center - St. Paul, MN • CENEX Corporate Headquarters - Inver Grove Heights, MN , • Land O'Lakes Inc. Site - � ( Studies) Shoreview, MN � • International Market Square - Minneapolis, MN Mr. Winsor is a registered architect in Minnesota and 29 other states. He is , certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards and is a member of the American Institute of Architects and the Minnesota Society of the AIA. � , � � 2 ' � C. PROFILE OF T'I-� FIRMS (Continued) ' 4. Ellen A. Luken, AIA Role in Project: Project Manager � Ellen Luken will serve as project manager as she did for the Burnsville Municipal Facilities projects. In addition to her experience working with the municipal staff � to coordinate the planning, design, and construction phases, she has headed project teams for planning and design for private sector clients as well. Among Ms. Luken's project experience are: ' • Burnsville City Hall and Police Facilities - Burnsville, MN • Burnsville Fire Training Facility - Burnsville, MN ' • Ramsey County Attorney Offices(Leasehold Improvements)-St. Paul, MN • Children's Home Society of Minnesota (Remodeling) - St. Paul, MN • Hyatt Regency Hawthorn Suites - Edina, MN ' Ms. Luken holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, and a Master of Architecture from the University of Minnesota. She is ' a registered architect in Minnesota a�d is a member of the American Institute of Architects and the Minnesota Society of the AIA. IT� ��ey' � Role in Project: Space Programmer and Designer � Tim Quigley will serve a dual role on this project as space programmer and designer. He will work with you to develop an overall space program and consequently translate the program into schematic implementation plans. Mr. � Quigley has considerable experience working in a similar capacity on: • Woodbury City Hall and Staffing and Facilities Study - Woodbury, MN ' ! • Collier County Courthouse - Naples, FL • William Mitchell College of Law - Warren E. Burger Law Library - St. Paul, MN � • Mears Park Centre (Government Agency Offices) - St. Paul, MN Mr. Quigley has a BA degree in history from the University of Wisconsin, ' Madison, and a Master of Architecture from the University of Minnesota. He is a registered architect in Minnesota. � Mr. Quigley is committed to the art of architectural design. As such, he continues to teach arehitectural design at the University of Minnesota School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. � , ' � � � C. PROFILE OF TI� FIRMS (C'antinued� ' Roger Floding Role in Project: Interiors/Space Planning ' Roger Floding will provide valuable expertise in interiors and space planning for your municipal facilities. With over 11 years of experience in the interior design field, Mr. Floding will assist you in planning flexible solutions to meet your ' functional and expanding facilities needs. His related project experience includes: • Burnsville City Hall and Police Facilities - Burnsville, Minnesota • Woodbury City Hall - Woodbury, Minnesota � • William Mitchell College of Law - Warren E. Burger I,aw Library - St. Paul, Minnesota • Ramsey County Attorneys (Offices) - St. Paul, Minnesota � • Numerous Office Spaces for BCE Development (formerly Oxford Properties) - St. Paul, Minnesota Mr. Floding has a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design from North Dakota State , University, Fargo. Thomas Lynch, AIA ' Tom will assist in reviewin the re ir g qu ements of the Police Department. As a project architect on our staff he was responsible for the Dakota County Courts ' Facility on Cliff Road; jail facilities for Dakota County, Anoka County, and Ramsey County; and was project architect for the new State Prison at Oak Park Heights. Past experience also includes police facilities and City Hall for the City � of Roseville. He enjoys a close working relationship with the Minnesota Department of Corrections, Facility Planning Division, which provides direction to all municipal and county holding facilities in Minnesota. � AVAILABILITy OF STAFF: � 5. All staff named above are available for assignment to your project. ! RANGE OF ACTIVTI�S PERFORMED BY WINSOR/FARICY ARCHITECTS,II�TC.; , 6. Winsor/Faricy Architects, Inc. would be responsible for all of the work. We will meet with and assist the City staff to develop a space program for the municipal , facilities you have described in the SOQ Request. We will then interpret the program and translate the space needs study into diagrammatic drawings for the schematic implementation plans. � In turn, this schematic will be used to develop appropriate plans that comply with local ordinances and building codes. We will develop a budget plan and cost � estimates and scheduling options for the proposed projects. We will then work with you to define the project elements into construction � phases as defined by the programming phase. USE OF SUBCONTRACTORS ' 7. We would perform all services in-house with our own staff. 1 4 ' ' D. GENERAL APPROACH TO SPACE AND STAFFING NEEDS ANALYSIS , 1. PROJECT APPROACH: , As architects and planners we begin by listening. It is then our responsibility to translate the needs, wishes and desires of our client into a detailed statement of ' intentions - what we call an architectural program. This document is not an end in itsel£ Rather, it acts like a prescription; it is a guideline or set of instructions to be followed by the architect so that the client's needs and wants can then be translated into physical reality. We at Winsor/Faricy will prepare your Space ' Needs Analysis so that you may: � • proceed with sufficient data to make informed decisions, • consider alternative strategies for locations and arrangement of government ' services, • build wisely and get the best value for money spent, �' , • understand the cost implications of various strategies. To best serve the City of Rosemount, we at Winsor/Faricy have assembled a ' project team of people experienced in municipal facilities to work with you on a Space Needs Analysis. Our veteran team will work in collaboration with City officials to point out the pros and cons of each critical choice that must be made � throughout the study. We firmly believe that an informed, participating client is the best client. Our team consists of four Winsor/Faricy individuals with genuine expertise in programming and civic architecture: � • Wayne Winsor Princi al-In-Char e- � � P g � 1 • Ellen Luken, AIA, Project Manager; • Tim Quigley, AIA, Space Programmer/Designer; ' • Roger Floding, Interiors/S ace Planner. P ' • Thomas Lynch, AIA, Police Facilities Planner Together they will conduct all aspects of the Analysis. Should a bonding referendum ' prove necessary for Rosemount to implement its service goals, Winsor/Faricy is prepared to call in a specialist experienced in community polling to determine public support for the endeavor. � � � ��� ' S � , D. GENERAL APPROACH TO SPACE AND STAFFING NEEDS ANALYSIS , Winsor/Faricy will approach the Analysis for Rosemount with the long range ' interests of the City in mind. Our suggested approach to solving your space expansion needs will be divided into two phases with the associated tasks listed below: � PHASE ONE: SPACE NEEDS ASSESSMENT � A. Interview City administrative,police,fire and public works staffs;determine projected future staff levels. � B. Comparison of City space needs with local government standards establish space criteria for staff. C. Determine facility space needs for specified time frames and classify these � to achieve net program area requirements. ' D. Analyze fire protection service demands. PHASE TWO: IDEN'T�Y FACII ITY REQUIREMENTS , , A. Translate service space needs for specified time frames into facility requirements. 1 B. Propose alternative building configurations and site locations. C. Provide cost estimates and alternative configuration strategies and site , options. D. Propose scope and phasing options for the City. ' E. Preparation and resentation of final S ace Needs Anal sis to the i P p y C ty Council. ' 2. TIl1riE F'RAME � Time schedule will vary depending on meeting schedules and availability of City staff and information. ' We estimate approxirnately five weeks to complete our work. , � 6 , , � E. PREVIOUS SPACE AND STAFFING NEEDS ANALYSIS EXPERIENCE AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS ' RELATED EXPERIENCE: ' 1. Previous Fxperience: Ramsey County Facilities Study St. Paul, Minnesota ' • Space Frogramming • Site Selection • Architectural Evaluation � + Building Size + Parking Requirements • Economic Evaluation ' + Ownership Options + Debt Service Requirements � + Cash Flow Requirements Conta.ct: Judy Karon (612) 292-6461 ' Duluth Government Center Duluth, Minnesota �' ' • Space Programming • Architectural Evaluation ' + Building Size + Parking Requirements • Building Design ' • Construction Drawings • Construction Contract Services ' Contact: Bruce Tabor Minnesota Department of Administration (612) 296-4645 ' Landmark Center St. Paul, Minnesota ' • Historic Certification • Space Planning � 1 • Total Building Renovation • Construction Drawings • Construction Observation ' • Weyerhaeuser Auditorium + Planning + Design ' Contact: David Lanegran (612) 292-3233 , 7 ' ' E. PREVIOUS SPACE AND STAFFING NEEDS ANALYSIS EXPERIENCE AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS , RELATED EXPERIENCE: , 1. Previous Projects: Dakota County Western Court Facility Eagan, Minnesota , • Space Programming • A/E Design: Construction Documents rContact: Jeff Connel Director of Planning, Dakota County ' (612) 431-1158 Mi.nnesota World Trade Center St. Paul, Minnesota ' , AED i • / es gn and Construction Documents , Conta.ct: Judy Talsness BCE Development (612) 291-8900 ' � � ' � I ' ' ' 1 , g ■ E. PREVIOUS SPACE AND STAFFII�JG NEEDS ANALYSIS EXPERIENCE AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS ■ RELATED EXPERIENCE: � 2. C�rrent Projects:Woodbury City Hall Woodbury, Minnesota � Staffing and Facilities Study - 20-Year Plan . Space Programming • Master Site Planning � • Landscape Planning • Design New City Hall ' Contact; Barry Johnson City Manager . (612) 739-5972 Burnsville City and Police Facilities Fire Stations Nos. 1, 2 & 3 ' Burnsville, Minnesota • Space Programming ' • Existing Furniture Inventory • New Interiors Furniture and Fixture Design • Council Chambers � • Police Department, including Detention Cells • Community Meeting and Assembly Rooms • Three Fire Stations . Contact: Linda Barton Brian Holzer City Manager Fire Chief ' (612) 890-4100 (612) 890-4100 Collier County Courthouse � Collier County Jail F�cpansion Naples, Florida � • Courts Programming • Feasibility Analysis • Master Planning . • Remodeling • New Facility Design • Energy Study . • Central Energy Plant for Government Center Campus Contact: Skip Camp . Director, Facilities Management (813) 774-8380 . 9 . flexibility, internal expansion pro- �nv��ve�r�e��� �nc�uu�u. ' visions, warm human scale • community bond referendum spaces and life cycle values to . needs assessment study be built within an established ' budget that was carefully moni- ' space planning Client: City of Burnsviile tored by city management. • detention design • interior design and furniture Completion: 1989 The use of value engineering selection , techniques and space needs Gross Area: 71,000 S.F. considerations for community • �andscaping and public areas were leading Cost: $4,350,000 � criteria in the evaluation of vari- , ous design solutions that were WinsoriFaricyArchitects,iflC. developed and presented by Saint Paul. Minnesota � Winsor/Faricy. � Woodbury City Hall Govemment Facilities Woodbury, Minnesota ' \e/��� a/,� `� ��, � -... ��. ,,��,��ie�r%�,k ��l��!'r',f��; `�/{ r� A ' ,t:� ���5�; 'a��-� 4 ���` 4"✓, �-���. � � , . ���l`�:`/.� H�. ��.Y� �����'�j„�r1�-��- `��C� ,,,�{-�"��L��e.t�; f(( �?.��jd..:1�s,;f�r��-• /��t fx,"''a �-,�t^--� r� �1^�c,'�',hJ�\� "1��_�A ^'�i".����-.��'`'� ��tS�:C�� . , r�: . 1`{ �r".�,-� n �3'���V'� "S-�� �"h�+"�l �,F-'�c-F Y F��Pi ����`tt..�s.,- �k�t'"� JL—_9f, �^r y,',p"x . -�.°?^ c\"��`y�° ^'r7� � � Jri.+ i'�� � T �r*i ", �eE 'S"�a:''h'iJllc, r ., 3�. x .,�,,n�_ ,-���ti.�f1,y.�"-� ��,� ��i -'.�'.�� �� �k.. �'i. �T`_-.,3v. �� � F..� -c"-1 � ^,-i`f� �l� ✓"' �f'f� � ` �� ..i �� �.���T�� "c�?�� r -s,.� ���?t�,��"'"}�i :.a �.:_. - 7 .�� .�/L"'��. .�F�y� �.:J � :.,��'�' �/',�y r?' ``�,,�,��v�d�� . ����.��-�.�� ��?✓���+ '� , � .�i'"�`'���;�� �i��u�c� �` Ti rA( � �� � ,��-�� � ,�T..d,��y�-�.y-�. ��li��y{�T '�'4i- ;" .J�" �j y�� 75YL/���` �6fn�'� ~ /� s ��'��YJ./'ti4������+ �. L r�-� ,.. ' '"�'���`��'-,-�,z4x��_,,!_r� ''' .�"-�"4��i�-"'�'•� '�, �,�''� �, �� F f'�c J r - � r .i .c-i�' 'Y= �c,= 4� q�...,1`,,,-"�G _ s..1�. �I r°'Y.a s A^r �� � t<� � �,��.�� N�������f�i����� ��.�f, e� 1-"' �� . r'��-'�J�y;'F.:pr ��� tt�a Z �• � :jc�rS,�"x;.'�"�'y'1.�.Y�.'`.'�K.l� �`���' wF7 4. �'��Y�� . �` "x �-. �, `�y���`� � :��,,�,. � -��� /i,��, . �^ ",aF�Ya:'� �{ r r .�� :�1�. nvr��t���~`,-��' .� ` iV�-`L.,��ii��^' _ . .�. � ��. `� ' "�- � � � � i i ,�itr. � � ^3, ,?-'"' '�-�z ��^.- ��� -' ��� �iiiiiii�� � � ��_ ���1� �� G� � ' �- -�. r � �r �. �� � � 3.t�� � r ' \ � �. �ys� K J ,' ij Y f ��; _ F,�; � � � ,�.-, � � ' � (�� g li;: g I �" . , ., I � � ��� l� ���' �� � h /����, � _ a- � �� , '� , � � _ �� t _ � r �. \ '� � � _ , ��_ � � �---`�, �: i tr �"�'' .—, — �� . / a -ni37` '�'. - ..I ' U � l � i�� � � �� - � ' .� . ' � N� M��' � \ j' I �\��y� �;�� - �1 T ����.?-�ry��S,•� ... � • -� .. `� �. ��l ��Y� � ... T'^' � ,�`y�+x�c� � - / .... �✓' � �---. � \ �� �� v ,*�p� a��� �`'— ,� l � � — c� � � ���'�'���" � � - ''�' �_ � � 1 /� � �� ���w�--"' � '/ ,=h.� -�.v��` "'-�L.,� �'�4,'^. � �, . —� }�.; j , . `,� � �;�,���f>,I,�,_�o.. � �,;UU' � . ) ,I kr ` ny L�,.z,�� �,�,�✓^ `"1�.� �"�,��. . , ln� ^�� '��_S��.'? �}���.��, I ',;�, � � ���/�r� �-�', �..��'` ����F'� `��'1_1����nr4 ��. . , / � ' Woodbury's new City Hall pro- usage, and estimated project • a flexible office wing vides government services and costs. The results included reno- . a public meeting and council community meeting areas for vation of existing facilities to chamber area II ' this rapidly growing su�urb. accommodate an expanding police department and building • a connecting central lobby In the initial phase of this project, a new two-story City Hall. Winsor/Faricy conducted a Located on a campus with other ' staffing and facilities study to Designed to accommodate municipal buildings, it overlooks determine immediate and future future expansion, the building is a pond. The brick exterior is space needs, appropriate site organized into three sections: enhanced by a Kasota stone base, precast stone accents and ' a copper roof. The building's features include a vaulted entry, ample glass, and abundant ' cierestory windows. I � ..- � ;. ` . _-�. :�T:.-. �-:-�'� ..� .� � . �� _ �' �� ` � ` E � �--= - Client: City of Waodbury � ��, . � : � � ,..._. � �� ��; ,,. ,:'� _, _ _ _�'1-`� . , ,. _�� Completion: 1989 —,—�. � . - �r L� _. �. � _ . „Y n . _ 4 „ '_ `V . Gross Area: 27,600 S.F. r...�:� .��.���1�. _ ::�I� .� _ _ _ _ __ _ , - Cost: �2,240,000 , Winsor/FaricyArchitects,lnc. �,�,����R sN,<<�«� � sEco.���E�F� � Saint Paul. Minnesota � - — -- __ � , Collier County Courthouse Naples, Florida , �r���\ �—__ ����, ��� � _ -3 �. �-:-..-�-�- ,� ��.���:� � .������ ��°x, �. -.._ � _ -�� � �.� � � � ��� ���� :� �� �� '�� � . ���< � ' � �" � � ��� � �`-.�, � :.�£ � � �' �,w����..,�r�,.� � �. . . ,� " ,.,,�.�.� ; '� �"� . �, ,, �:. � :. :. . # r�i �`�,� � � ��� �� � . � � � � _ � _ �� �`�- .�`c�a �-���"���; � ,� -� � � � �'��� �s �* � � � �*,, ' � ``� '� �?a�`�. ��. `" �'� � ,z¢ ' r��, �= e�✓"17�+� ``t � �. *.�r;/ � �� '1 ""� � - ,� t���.�' �u�> �'��� V �", �, ✓s:� �;r �� � �� � � � u� � �E��';�� ,�i .¢ �z` ' , � �� 3 ' �t� ��1 f � '�� � '� � - � _1:. ' � �� - � � � ... � - -b'P _7- L' . �.� . � .-�, t-, f �� �� ��.. ' � � ;a., �" � �� � ���t � y� �, � �« z � � p ,. � � #� �� #� ��� ,. .. -. :, , t� �. 4 � � � �' �� �� � �� — . ,� ' : e ,� __. �. - `_ _ ,� < � � .,s� _._�. x.. ..�.. , :�..a«-?..� -. . � . ;�;;. � .w. , ' �9'� �' �4� �' ��, � , . , �. �: �„r��,� , . � �1 �j��ryM ... , _ ,. xTtiZ..ai'Y�'p�4 � iiy�. .I.. 0F , The three-story 79,000 sq. ft. The building is designed to ' • ' courts facility fits into a campus of accept three additional floors for county offices and jail buildings. expansion. . • � The plan took its shape from the The old courthouse will be remod- r existing grid and relates to the new eled as court-related office space. �;�� county jail which it is linked to by � an existing prisoner bridge. ' �=' A strong linear corridor connects the new buildin with the old court- Client: Collier County Board `�''�':�: .::,:�_��; house. The corridor begins at a of Commissioners w::::.:..:::...::>.�� ' �;�;�;:;�.�` public plaza and leads through a -:.��;���� large entry lobby which includes a Completion: 1990 � security checkpoint.A colonnade Grnss Area: ��-'� housing various public functions , �� and the elevator banks proceeds New Courthouse:79,000 S.F. �'^ to an open public space and three Remodeling: 31,400 S.F. � ��, levels of courtrooms. Cost: ' � � _ _ _ Within the secured areas of the New Courthouse:$8,355,000 � " �` �� � Remodelin $1,174,000 _,, - building, security measures 9� _�� � f � include three separate controlled ' ,�� :' circulation systems;for prisoners, Winsor/FaricyArchitects,InC. � � forjudges and their support staffs, Saint Paul, Minnesota �� �' -- -. - and for the public. ' ' I STATEMENT OF QUALIFTCATIONS � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FOR ' SPACE NEEDS ANALYSIS � � � � � 1 1 1 . 1 1 Thorbeck & Lambert.Architects Ltd. 1409 Willow Street 1 Minneapolis, N 55403 - 612/871-7979 .� Contact: Duane Thorbeck FAIA ' June 6, 1989 ' � I,,I ' 1409 Wiliow Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 612/871-7979 FAX 612/871-8�88 , ' ' Thorbeck & Lambert Architects Ltd. ' ' June 6, 1989 ' ' Mr. Stephan Jilk City Administator City of Rosemount ' 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 ' Dear Mr. Jilk: � Enclosed are twenty copies of our Statement of Qualifications for the Space Needs Analysis for the ' City of Rosemount. We are highly qualified and are excited a6out the opportunity to work with the City of Rosemount ' on this project and we look forward to receiving the RFP. Sincerely, 1 � ' Duane Thorbeck FAIA , ' ' ' ' 1 , ' ' TABLE OF CONTENTS , I INTRODUCTION Page No. 1 II FIRM Page No. 2 ' III APPROACH Page No. 3 ' IV EXPERIENCE Page No. 4 V APPENDIX Page No. 6 ' ' ' ' ' , . ' , ' 1 1 ' ' ' ' I INTRODUCTION ' From the request for Statements of Qualifications we understand that the scope of work for the Space Needs Analysis relates to the Rosemount City Offices and facilities including ' Administrative, Community Development, Finance, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Police, and Fire Departments. ' The space needs anaiysis is to focus on developing space requirements and spatial relationships for existing needs and projected needs for 15 - 24 years. The purpose of the study is to develop a decision making tool which will allow the City to ' plan facilities, staff sizes, and capitai and operating budgets in order to provide uninterupted city services for the its residents. ' The following are the work elements requested by the City: 1. Identify existing and estimate future special use space needs such as conference ' rooms, records, storage space and lunch rooms. 2. Develop space requirements for existing personnnel and equipment and project ' building requirements in square feet and equipment needs for future personnel. 3. Identify spatial relationship needs for existing and future employees, functions and � equipment. 4. Develop schematic plans for potential facilities development or expansion. , 5. Develop time tables and indicators for expansion need for facilites and identify anticipated cost estimates to the City for these projects. , The facilitites to be included in the study are the Municipal Center, the Fire Station, and the Maintenance Faciliry. A new site has been identified for a new fire station, and the • ' existing Municipal Center site has adequate expansion capability. Cost estimates at this time are to be based on today's cost per square foot for comparable , building types in the Twin City area adjusted for the situation in Rosemount. The time frame wil be based on a 5 year and 15 -20 year forecast with an estimated time schedule and description of functional triggers for building expansion or new facilities. ' Based on our understanding of the Scope of Work and our previous experience, we feel comfortable responding to the Statement of Qualifications with our firm alone. ' ' ' 1 ' � ' II FiRM Thorbeck& Lambert Architects Ltd. ' 1409 Wiilow Street Minneapolis, MN 55403 612/871-7979 ' Contact: Duane Thorbeck FAIA , Thorbeck& Lambert Architects Ltd. does most of its work in the Minnesota region, but we are also involved in projects in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and recently completed a project in Missouri. The firm has won a number of design awards that reflect ' on the quality of design and the respect of our peers. All of the work contemplated in this proposal will be done from our Minneapolis office. ' We have ranged from 8 - 13 employees over the past several years and function with a principal-in-charge who leads and manages the project from beginning to end. Duane Thorbeck FAIA will be the principal-in-charge for this project. He has 25 ' years of experience in design and team management along with a wide range of municipal project involvement including city halls, libraries, community centers, police stations, and maintenance facilities. He has been the project designer on most of the fiirms ' projects and was a co-founder of the firm in 1969. He will have overall responsibility for the project. � The professional staff who are available and wiH be also be working on this project are: Dan Weatherman A!A- architect with 6 years of project design,space planning and ' interior design experience. Currently involved in the final construction and interiors for the Minnetonka Police Station and City Hall renovation. 1 Pam Bakken - project designer with 3 years experience in programming, design, construction documents and construction administration. Currently involved in space planning for the Minneapolis College of Art & Design. ' Marc Brummel - project designer with 2 years experience in facility design, site planning, and construction documents. Currently involved on the Woodbury Police remodeling. ' The ran e ofi involvement of Thorbe k hit t �t . on munici al 9 c & L a m b e r t A r c e c s d p , projects are as follows Site Analysis and Site Selection - Site Development , Facility Programming Building Design and Cost Estimating Construction Documents ' Contract Administration Interior Design Post Construction Evaluation ' 2 ' ' ' A#this time, based on the scope of services, we do not anticipate utilizing any sub-contractors for the work. We regularly use consultants for engineering, detail cosf estimates, landscape architecture, acoustics, and lighting when we are involved in detailed ' design and construction. 1f it becomes necessary during the course of this project we can quickly and inexpensively utilize their services. , I11 APPROACH ' From our municipal building and space planning experience, we have found that a close, collaborative relationship between the city and consultant is necessary to the success of a � facility needs study. In order to accomplish the study, we first seek to develop a consensus ' among the city staff concerning the functional objectives and other matters of city policy. To achieve this consensus, we structure the study process in such a way to gain input and encourage the full involvement of the City Administrator, City Staff and City Council. We ' believe this process will result in a direction for the study which is functionally appropriate, aesthetically correct, cost effective and fully implementable. ' We generally propose a 3 step process to this kind of study. The first step consists of an-site interviews, data collection, assessment of the current physical piant and operations and workshops with City Staff and City CounciL The second step is devoted to ' the projection of future staff, operational, and space needs and the preparation of alternative recommendations and cost estimates. The final step is focused on the development of a final document of the recommended facilities plan for solving the � city's space, staff, and organizational needs which is presented to the City Council for approval. A. INTERVIEWS/DATA COLLECTION ' 1. Meetings with City Administrator and Ciry Staff to arrive at current and ro'ected P 1 staff levels, space needs, and functional relationships. Projections for 5 year and ' 15 - 20 year periods. Identify problem isssues relating to current and future operations. Distribute questionnaires to Department Heads. `, 2. Deveiop space standards and design criteria for all City functions based on . interviews and questionnaire responses and policy issues in Rosemount. Identify tentative time schedule and functional triggers for implementation of facility ' expansion. Prepare diagrams to illusfrate space requirements and relationships. � 3. Tour existing buildings and anaiize ta identify parking,service, functional, � mechanical, electrical, communication, and spatial problems that must be addressed in the study. 4. Explore new concepts of service and innovative practices with City Staff and where , pertinent, incorporate these requirements into the planning process. Examples of such activities and service include: , *computer, data processing, and data reference systems. *facsimile, electronic and cable television communications systems. ' long-range planning for information technology. � 3 _ , � 5. Tabulate and assemble information for worksho sessi n wit p o h City Staff to identify goals and objectives for city facilities, and review of site planning, � relationship matrixes, functional triggers, and space needs. Obtain consensus on space and staffing needs for 5 year and 15 - 20 year projections, time schedule, functional triggers, and site options. ' '8. ALTERNATIVES , 1. Assemble Preliminary Space and Staffing Needs illustrating current and projected space needs, space standards, design criteria, and functional relationships. Prepare block/flow diagrams to aid in communicating needs. Prepare tabulation in terms of net and gross areas for each department for space planning, including ' occupiable and non-occupiable areas. Review with City Staff. - 2. Prepare alternative recommendations for building configurations illustrating ' altemative solutions which best address the City requirements. Prepare evaluation matrix. ' 3. Prepare rough cost estimates for each alternative (including related site development costs) based on current average square foot costs for similar facilities translated to the situation in Rosemount. I4. Meet with City Administrator, City Staff and City Council in a workshop session.to review alternatives, cost estimates, and evaluation matrix � for city facilities. 6. City Council selects preferred alternative. � C. FINAL FACILITY NEEDS DOCUMENT , 1. Prepare preliminary design for potential facilities development or expansion, and cost estimate based on alternative selected by the City CounciL 2. Prepare a Final Report encompassing all aspects of the study including time tables , and function triggers for expansion and new facilities. , 3. Presentation to the City CounciL � We estimate that the stud will take two y to three months to complete depend�ng on t�me necessary for staff review and City Council decisions. , IV. CAPABILITIES/EXPERIENCE ' Following is a list of municipal and other clients for whom we have prepared similar analysis and studies to determine space and staffing needs and facility plans: � City of Eden Prairie, Minnesota We identified staffing and space needs for all departments in the City Hall, � investigated three sites and prepared preliminary site plans for each one showing building locations,parking areas and site ciruclation. The Public Works and _ Recreation and the Public Safety buildings were completed and occupied in 1982. � , 4 � � ' _ City of Savage, Minnesota Staffing and space needs for all the departments in the City Hall were analiz�d and � programmed. Four sites were investigated for possible location of the new Clty Hall. Drawings of building locations, and site circulations were prepared. The selected option was carried through design and the City Hall was occupied in ' September, 1987. A new Public Works facility was designed and constructed with completion in March, 1989. ' City of Lakeville, Minnesota A space needs study was made for the Police Station for this city. Design and ' construction were completed in 1983. City of Red Wing, Minnesota ' A space and staff need study was corripleted for a police facility for a City of Redwing police faciiity addition to the sherriff s offices. Construction was compieted and the building occupied in 1985. ' Cit of Hutchinson Minn y , esota ' A space and staffing needs study and design for the Hutchinson Police Station has been completed. Construction was completed in 1988. � City of Minnetonka, Minnesota A space needs study, facility program, and schematic design study for a new Police ' Station and remodeling of the existing City Hall for the City of Minnetonka. The $4,000,400 project is now under construction for completion in August ofi 1989. ' City of Minneapolis, MN A space and staffing study was done for the new Fourth Precinct Police Station for ', the City of Minneapolis. The new building and 10 point gun range was completed in November, 1988. ' Minneapolis College of Art& Design, Minneapoiis, MN A space utilization study and short-term plan was prepared for the Minneapois College of Art& Design in the Spring of 1989. The siudy updated previous ' inventories to document the extent of utilization of spaces, problems connected with the use of space, and capacity of the existing facilities. iNorthstar Financial Corporation, Bloomington, MN A project to program and design a new outdoor music center to be built in the Twin � City Metropolitan area. � 5 � ' ' Clients who can speak for the experience and performance of Thorbeck& Lambert in ; developing facility programs and creative solutions to space and staffing needs are listed as follows: ' Mr. James F. Miller New Police Station City Manager Remodeling of existing City Hall ' City of Minnetonka 933-2511 Mr. Mark McNeill New City Hall ' City Administrator New Police Station City of Savage New Public Works Building 890-1045 ' Mr. Martin Kroenin N w P ' g e olice Station Director of General Services ' City of Minneapolis 348-2402 , Mr. G. Richard Slade Space Study and Campus Master President Plan Minneapolis College of Art& Design ' Minneapolis, MN 870-3161 Mr. Carl Julie New City Services Complex ' City Manager City of Eden Prairie 937-2262 ' Mr. Mike Hen �'Y New Recreation Center Hennepin County Park District ' Plymouth, MN 555-6000 � ' The firm is not on the "List of Persons or Firms Currently Debarred for Violation of Various Public Contracts Incorporating Labor Standards Provisions". ' V APPENDIX � Enclosed are samples of typical questionairres, matrix,data sheets, and firm information ' relating to the scope of services for this project. ' ' ' 6 ' , SPACE PLANNING QUESTIONNAIRE Thorbecl�&LambertArchitects �td. DEPARTMENT/SECT30N HEAD Date: ' ClTY: DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT HEAD: ' ' 1. What are the numbe'r of employees in your Departmeni? What number do you expect in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years? ' 2. What function(s) does your department perform? ' - � , 3. How does your department relate to the pubiic? ' � 4. How many employees should have private offices? Sizes? ' 5. How do you relate to typists,clerks, word processing? ' � � 6. Provide a staff breakdown of existing personnel: , • ' Number of Employees Job Type of Space Size of Space ; 1 , ' . ' 1 ' ' , ' 7. V1/hat is the total size of your department today? Square Feet , What should it be in 5 years? S.F. 10 years? S.F. 15 years? � S.F. ' 8. Draw a diagram showing ideal fiunciional relationships between the staff, yourself and ' ge�erai public: ' ' 1 - ' ' � 9. As Department Head, what do you feei should be the priorities in locating your office? Contact with subordinatss � C�ntact wi#h s�periors Contact with pvbiic ' 10. What do you fes! snould be the size of your offic�? . � � 11. Which other departments should be c{ose to your department? ' . � 12. How do your reiate to storage? ' , 13. What kinds of equipment does your department utilize? � ' ' ' , � 14. How are computers and other equipment used by employees? � . � ' ` 15. What kind of equipment do you expect to use in the future? _ ' ' 16. What speciai considerations, i.e.security, communications, accessibility,service, ete., should be considered for your department? _ 1 1 1 17. What are the main deficiencies of your existing spac�? _ � � , 18. What kind of fighting does your department need {dayiight?, tasklighting?,overall _ ' ambient lighting?) t � , ' �, :t i � , 19. Additional Comments �' ' � � � ; ' ' ' ' OTHER DEPARTMENT I RELATIONSHiP MATRlX ' ' � aI , � o c , ' � � m � �i i � � � � �( I C�f � � -r � C j � � •�I� C�6 � i _C� , I � U � � � — � � � �; � � � C �� �I.V 0 m tA (,) �� ' �+ � O � �C�i S�7 '`� I C� ' � C • I U LL d +L W [L LL CL � U W ' ' ' • i T' N C'7 �2' tI3 c0 !� CO O� O r N C'7 et - II I i I I I I ITITir TIT � 1. C�'ry M�a er ': ( � ( ( � � I ( 2. Fnanca i I I I I 1 I I I l 3. Attorney � � ( � � � � � ' 4. Plannin I I I I I � � � ( � 5. Engineering j � � � ! � j � 6. Pub�ic v�lor�s (I I ( ( l I I I � � 7. Fir� Department ; i i � ( ' � j i ( 8. Polica i I I � I I I I ' 9. Parks & �ecreation � I I ! I I� I I i I 10. City C;erfc I � � ( � � j � ' 11. E�oncmic Development � I � ( , � 12. i � I � I i�. i I I I I , i4. _ i � � . � � ( ' __ ' Relationshi to Other De artment: P P : ' 1 - Adjacent to other department with great deai of interaction. 2 - Near other department with occasionai contact. 3 - Minor contact with other departments. � � 4 - No contac# with other departments.. ' ' THOR�ECK & LAMBERT ARCNITECTS LTD. PAGE: PROJECT- DATE: , ' ' GENERAL PUBLIC RELA�IONSHlP MATRIX , ' , ' 1 � 1. Cit M�.na er 2. Finance � I � � ' 3. Attorne � 4. P!2,nnin I � � j 5. Engineerin � I � � 6. Public Works � � 7. Fire De artment � � � 8. Polic� � � ' g. Parks & Recreation ( � ( � ( 10. Cit Cleri� ( � � � � 11. Ec�nomic Deveiopment ; ' 12. � 13. • ' 14. , � Relat.onship to General Public. . , 1 - Direct connectian to public with service counter. � 2 - Directly accessibie to public from public corridor. 3 -�1cc2ssible to public with receptionist control. ; , 4- Minor cantact with public. 5 - No public contact. ' ' THORBECK & LAMBEfiT ARCHITECTS LTD. PAGE: PROJECT- DATE: ' ' I Personnel �i � ��' _ t�UANE THORBECK, FAIA ' ARCHITECT RRINCIPAL ' �ducation: University of Minnesota, Member of Board of Directors achelor of Architecture, 1960;Yale of the Norwegian/American Chamber of niversity, Master of Architecture, 1961; Commerce; Professor of Architecture, rix de Rome:fellowship to the American University of Minn.; Member and past Vice , academy in Rome, ftaly, 1962-64. Chairperson, Committee for the Restoration of Minneapolis Ciry Hall;Associate Fellow cf �tudied European housing and urban the Vesterheim Museum, Decorah, lowa; ' d�sign during two years in Italy. Formerfy Member of Advisory Committee, �ice President with a large Minneapolis firm Scandinavia Today Exhibit; Member of the and carried the major design responsibility board of Torske Klubben. for the Frederick Weyerhaeuser Memoriai ' Chapel, Macalester College,St. Paul, Minn Lectured and presented nationally at Oak Grove Junior HighSchool, Blooming- universities and several symposia. Work tdn, Minn.;Jesuit Retreat House,Lake published in professional journals and Dl�emontrivillle,Mlnn. magazines,including Progressive ' Architecture,Architectural Record, Cp-founder and principal,Thorbeck& Architecfure Minnesota, Minnesota L�mbert Architeets, Ltd. Carried the Architecl,Architecture d'Aujourdhui, artchitectural design responsibility for the France;ldea,Japan;Art and Architeciure, ' Ivf���innesota Zoological Garden,Apple Iran;Aftenposten,Norway; Smithsonian V�Iley,Minn.;Augsburg Park Library,in Magazine,BetterHames and Gardens, Rtchfield, Minn.;St.Cloud Public Library in and House BeautifuJ. S. Cloud, Minn.;Vinland National Center, � L�ke Independence,Minn.;Central Square Awards: Elected as Fellow of the American Cpmmunity Center,South St. Paul, Minn.; Institute of Architects, 1984. 1987 Interior H��nepin County Historical Society Design Award from Minnesota Society, ' M�saum in Minneapolis, Minn.;Jackson American Institute of Architects for Purina P�blic Library,Jackson, Minn.;Rice Farms,Gray Summit, Missouri; 1986 Honor P�rkTheater Study in St. Paul, Minnesota Award from MSAIA for Purina Farms; 1979 fo�the St. PauVRamsey Arts and Science Award from the Minn.Society of Land- , C�uncil;Visitor Center for Ralston Purina scape Architects for Central Square Projecf Cc�mpany, St. Louis, Missouri; in So.St.Paul; 1978 Honor Award from the � Mi�neapolis Library Air-Rights Project; Minn. Society of Architects for the '• Savage City Ha�l,Savage, Minn.;River Fall: Minnesota Zoological Garden; 1976 Award �;� ' Ni�h Schooi, River Falls, Wisconsin;Fourth . from Minn. Society of Architects for � Pr�cinct Police Station, Minneapolis, Minn. Augsburg Park Library; 1975 Award from Mirnetonka Police Station, Minnetonka, Design and Environment for the Mihn.; Pheasant Ridge Music Center, Minnesota Zoo; 1972 Award from ihe i Bl�ine, Minn. Minn.Society of Landscape Architects for I � �� Kiesling House and Park;1972 Design Ca'rporate member of the American Award from Progressive Architeciure for ' ' Institute of Architects;and past President, the Minnesota Zoa Mi�neapolis Chapter of the Minnesota So�iety of Architects;past President, Registered Architect in Minnesota, Mi�nesota Society of American Institute of Missouri, iowa,South Dakota and ' , Ar�hitects. Wisconsin,National Architectural Certifi- , i cate. ' I�� ' I� , �I� ' � II�I� � � � . Awards '� � '�, ll�'nnesofa Socie of American Minnesota Society of Landscape ' � ln';stitute of A�chitects, Mterior Architects, Merit Award, 1975, D�sign Award, 1987,for Purina for Master Planning of Augsburg ' F�rms,Gray Summit,Missouri. College, Minneapolis, Minnesota. M�nnesota Society of American Design and Environment, 1975, 1�'�Stitufe of Archiiscts, Honor for the Minnesota Zoological � Ayvard, 1986,for Purina Farms, Garden. G'�ay Summit, Missouri. ! Minnesoia Society of Landscape M��nnesota Society of Landscape Archrtecis,MeritAward, 1973, ' Atchitects,MeriiAward, 198i, for the reconstruction of the for the iBM Corporation Master Minneapolis Parfcway System. Pl�an in Rochesier, Minnesota and th�Upper Mississippi River Basic Homes Program, 1973,with ' Wlildlife and Fish Refuge for the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, U1S. Fish and Wildlife Service. a national competition by 8atteile ', Research institute and HUD to select M!�nnesota Society of Landscape innovativs groups to develop designs , Architects, Ment Award, 1979, for low-income rural housing. fo�South St. Paul Community C'�nter and Park. American Society of Landscape ' Archifects,Merit Award, 1972,for Ehvironmental Design Society, the Master Plan of the Minnesota 1�78,Award for Graphic Displays Zoological Garden. a�d Signage for the Minnesota � Z�ological Garden. Progressiva Architecture, 1972, ' Design Award,for the Master Plan Pyint Casebooks Award for for the Minnesota Zoological Garden. M�nnesota Zoological Garden � � Cprporate Identity,signage and : Minnesata Society of Landscape g►'�aphic displays. Architects, HonorAwards, 1971, ! � for the Visual Impact Study for ; , DbsignReview, 1979Award, Northem States Power Company. M'dustrial Design Magazinefor � si�nage and graphic displays American Society of Landscape i� fo�the Minnesota Zoological Architects,HonorAwards, i971, � ' G�rden. for the design of the construction � and restoration of the historic C�ry of St.Paul, 1979,Runner- Kiesling House and Park,New Ulm, � up Award in 1n-fill housing Minnesota;DeSoto National Wildlife � ' cdmpetition. Refuge,Omaha, Nebraska; ' Environmental Prototype Study for M�etropolitarr Council, 1978, the University of Minnesota. ' D�sign Award in Modest Cost H'busing Competition. Operation Breakihrough, 1969, with Pemtom,Jnc., an international � �nnesota Society of Architects, competition by HUD to select ; ' H norAward, i978,for the concepts for housing design and � cdmplsted Minnesota Zoological innovative construction. � G�arden. �' ' IL��nnesota Society of Architects, D�sign Award, 1976,for design fo�Richfield Public Library. ' , , I � I, Professional Serv;�ces � '�, SIiITE SELECTION , , Thorbeck& Lambert is '�, prepared to assist the client in ', site selection through site , �, analysis, seleciion and , development studies,and , environmental assessments. IPbOGRAMMING i' Detailed facility programming ' ,I and space planning studies can be provided by Thorbeck& !, Lambert separately or as part ', of the initial phase of design. � A�CHITECTURAI. � Fult architectural and ' � engineering services are provided to the client,from �' schematic design through ��, construction observation. ' , '�, Additiona(services include � interior design, feasibility ', studies and design research. ; � S�TE PLANNING , I Services provided by ; ' � Thorbeck& Lambert include � �'i master planning, urban design, , �ecreational planning and site ; '� design. ; � � � � � � � � � � � � _� E�CHIBIT DESIGN Thorbeck&Lambert can also ,. �I � , ,, provide the client with services in exhibit design,display �, systems,signage and graphic ' design. � i ' �I _J � . . . � . . . . , � . � � I . . � . � . � � .. � .. � � . . . �I . � . : . . . . . . . � III . � .. � � . � . . ' . � . . �I���I . � . . � � � . .. � � � � � � STATEMENT OF C�UALIFICATIONS FOR: PA E NEEDS A NALYSIS S C � MOUNT CITY OF ROSE 1 �3�M�� � o i� �►�, � � tR1SH � � r , �c �1► o � �t�g ! � SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. CONTACT: 222 EAST LITTLE CANADA ROAD DARWIN M. LINDAHL, AIA ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55117 (612) 484-0272 i JUNE 6, 1989 �� � � i �� �� �► ENGINEERS�ARCHITECT51 PLANNERS �r SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. � L� � � - - � ENG/NEERS I ARCH/TECT51 PLANNERS 222 EAST LITTLE CANADA ROAD,ST.PAUL,MINNE507A 55177 612 484-0272 � ,7une 6, 1989 � Mr. Stephan Jilk, City Administrator City of Rosemount - 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 � Dear Mr. Jilk: � Sound fiscal planning requires municipal governments to make the right decisions today for tomorrow' s development needs. In order to be successful in fiscal planning, a municipality must have information and analyses at its disposal that will guide the decision-making process. � An effective Space Needs Analysis of City facilities is a tool � that will help the City of Rosemount plan its future development. Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc. , (SEH) has completed space � studies, interior renovation designs and building designs for a number of governmental buildings. Our firm has 60 years of experience providing professional design services for a variety of public entities. � In selecting a firm for your Space Needs Analysis, please consider these unique SEH qualifications: � o Extensive similar project experience on City Hall space planning for new facilities and renovation projects. � o Recognition of the need to develop a consensus building environment with the client to achieve the most successful project results. � o Certified Maxi-Audit firm in the State of Minnesota. Capable of determining the energy efficiency providing improvement recommendations. � o Design team that includes Orfield Acoustics n , Co sultants, Kaeding & Associates, Inc. , and Wentz Associates, Inc. , � providing expertise in electrical and mechanical engineers. � SHORT ELLIOTT ST PAUL, CHIPPEWAFALLS, HENDRICKSON INC. MINNESOTA WISCONSIN � � � �• Mr. Stephan Jilk, City of Rosemount June 6, 1989 �' Page 2 � - - We appreciate the opportunity to submit our statement of � qualifications and look forward to responding to your request for proposal . Respectfully submitted, � Short- liott-Hendric on,, Inc. � c �%%� � � Darwin M. Lind 1, AIA DML/dma Pro,ject Manager � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S � Letter of Transmittal � COMPANY PROFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION I History of Firm Page 1 � Professional Staff 2 Project Management 3 Project Team 4 � Resumes 6 Scope of Services 1� �, PROJECT APPROACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SECTION II Space Needs Analyses Page 22 � Project Organization 23 Schedule Requirements 26 PROJECT EXPERIENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION III �� Similar P ro�ect Experience Page 27 � Photos and Drawings 32 Partial List of Clients 39 Client References 40 Previous Rosemount Projects 41 � Certification 42 � i � � � � � REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUAI�IFICATIONS FOR SPACE NEEDS ANALYSIS FIRM: Charles Novak, Architect 14750 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 (612) 423-2254 CONTAGT PERSONt Charles Novak DATE: June 6, 1989 TABI.E OF CONTENTS C. Profile of the Firm D. Proposer's General Approach to Space Needs Analyses E. Previous Space Needs Analysis Experience and Disclosure Statements C. PROFII�E OF THE FIRM C-1 Gharles Novak, Architect, Inc., is a local Rosemount architectural firm. C-2 All architectural services performed for the City of Rosemount will ' originate from the Rosemount office. Professional staff at this office are as follows: 1 Principal - Charles Novak 1 Job Captain - Mark Lindell 1 Senior Draftsman - Robert Rhodes 1 Draftsman - Jeffrey Sandnas C-3 The contact with the City of Rosemount and the management and administration of all city projects would be the responsibility of Charles Novak, Architect. Mr. Novak's experience and qualifi- cations are as follows: EDUCATION Mr. Novak is a 1968 graduate of Iowa State University; with the degree of Bachelor o£ Architecture. Post graduate study was at Mankato State University. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Edward W. Novak, Architect - Project architect responsible for design, production and on-site supervision - residential, edu- cational, religious and federal facilities. Architectural Design Group - Project architect in charge of con- struction documents and construction observation - religious, educational, residential and institutional. Country Builders - Responsible for architectural division of design/build firm - religious, education, shopping centers, commercial and residential. Charles Novak, Architect, Inc. - Mr. Novak is xegistered to practice architecture in more than thirty states and in the past was registered in Cgnada a1so. In this capacity he has -been xesponsible for construction projects in all regions of the United States and Gentral Canada. PROFESSIONAI� AND CIVIG ACTIVITIES Corporate Member of American Institute of Architects Corporate Member of the Minnesota Society of Architects Certified, Nat'1 Council of Architectural Registration Board Former Member of Planning Commission, City of Rosemount, MN C-4 Qualifications of staff: MARK I�IND�I�I� li EDUCATION Mr. I,indell is a 1975 graduate of North Dakota State University with a degree in architecture. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE I.D.I. Corporation - Project designer of residential, offices, and office/warehouse. Bredow Associates - Team project designer of industrial, multi- story office buildings, residential. Charles Novak, Architect, Inc. - Project manager, designer of religious facilities, shopping centers, commercial and industrial. ROBERT RHODES EDUCATION Mr. Rhodes is an honor graduate of the University of Wisconsin with a degree in architectural engineering. He also attended the Rockford School of Engineering, Rockford, II�. PROFESSIONAI� EXPERIENCE K. H. WaliJarvi - Job captain, draftsperson for religious facilities, nursing homes, public and private educational facilities, multi- unit housing;: Ellerbe Architects - Designer for educational and religious facilities, supermarkets, municipal buildings, histaric renovations. Charles Novak, Architect, Inc. - Job captain, designer of restaurants, hotel suites, commercial buildings, shopping centers. JEFFREY SANDNAS EDUCATION Mr. Sandnas has an associate of science degree in computer aided drafting and design from Hibbing Community College. PROFESSIONAI� EXPERIENCE Becthel Construction - Crew foreman. J. S. Drafters - Design and building of residential homes. Nortech - CAD drafter. Charles Novak, Architect, Inc. - Drafter of shopping malls, super- markets, reclamation facilities, commercial, industrial. C-S The amount of staff needed to provide a timely response to the architectural service needs of the City will be made available. C-6 This office provides complete architectural services for the following building classifications: , Commercial (restaurants, shopping centers, office buildings) I.ight Industrial (office/warehouse facilities) Institutional (churches, school buildings) Residential (multi-family, single-family housing) C-7 Subcontractors utilized by this office: Culver Whitcomb, P.E. - Mechanical Engineer 4437 Dunham Drive Edina, MN 55435 Plumbing, HVAC analysis and design Wunderlich-Malec - Consulting Engineers 6474 City West Parkway Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Electrical analysis and design Francis Feyereisen, P.E. - Structural Engine�r 4037 West Broadway Minneapolis, MN 55422 Structural analysis and design D. PROPOSER'S GENERAI� APPROACH TO SPACE NEEDS ANALYSES D-1 Summary of approach to space needs analyses: I. Defining Existing Conditions A. Develop Profile of Existing Facilities l. Administrative 2. Fire and Police 3. Maintenance B. Develop Profile of Existing Staff 1. Administrative 2. Fire and Police 3. Maintenance II. Staff Meetings A. Meeting with City Administrator 1. Set Guidelines for Each Analysis 2. Define Parameters 3. Receive City Administrator's Input on Each Analysis B. Meeting with Department Heads 1. Fine-tune Guidelines Previously Set 2. Input for Each Analysis Affecting Department C. Meeting with Department Employees l. Input for Analysis Affecting Employees' Particular Area of Expertise III. Preliminary Drafts A. Develop a Preliminary Draft of Each Space Needs Analysis with Aid of Consultants B. Review Preliminary Assumptions and Recommendations with City Administrator and Applicable Department Heads IV. Final Draft of Analyses A. Develop Final Drafts From Additional Input Received in Preliminary Draft Reviews B. Prepare Presentation Drawings of Analysis Requiring Graphical Display C. Present Fina1 Analyses to City Administrator and City CounciZ D-2 A time frame of 45 to 60 days for each space needs analysis requested would seem to be an appropriate amount of time. This time frame can be further refined once additional input is available. Individual analysis will be proceeding at the sam� time in a manner that would allow for final presentation of all requested analyses at one meeting of the City Council. E. PREVIOUS SPACE NEEDS ANAI,YSIS EXPERIENCE AND DISCI,OSURE STATEMENTS This firm has �ot previously performed the specific type af space needs analysis requested by the City of Rosemount. This firm does, however, analyze space needs and relationships for all buildings that we design. Following is a list of previous and current clients for which we have performed architectural services: Erickson Diversified 5092 2nd Street Hudson, WI 54016 (612) 436-8824 Ron Gilbertson Fairway Foods P. 0. Box 1224 Minneapolis; MN 55440 (612) 83Q-1676 A1 I,enz Pelletier Construction Company 10812 Nesbitt Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55437 (612) 884-7122 Tom Feaski All-Building Corporation Otter Tail '1,ake Road Fergus Falls, MN (218) 739-3233 Rick Hammer PACO, Inc. 5725 Evergreen I,ane North Plymouth, MN 55422 (612) 559-1651 . Jerry Paschke Met-Con Metro Construction 10640 I,yndale AVenue South - Suite 4 Bloomington, MN 55420 (612) 884-6250 Wayne I,indell E-3 Previously this office designed and performed construction management for the Erickson Park Shelter. This was done by this office at no charge to the City. At present this office is preparing construction documents for the remodeling of the maintenance garage to allow for the inclusion of offices, lunchroom and toilet/shower facilities. E-4 Enclosed with this statement under separate cover is a brochure indicating additional information on this firm and photographs showing a sample of work performed by this office. E-5 Charles Novak, Architect, certifies that this firm and employees thereof are not on the list of persons or firms currently debarred for violations of various public contracts incorporating labor standards provisions, E-6 Although this firm has not had the specific experience with Rosemount or other municipalities, we feel that our staff, being eomposed almost exclusively of Rosemount residents, has an added desire to see the City progress in the most appropriate ways possible, and will do the utmost of our abilities to assist the City of ftosemount to this end. , , ' ' ' ' 5tatement of Qua�ifications Space Needs Analysis ' Submitted to: The City of Rnsemount ' , , ' ' ' ' , ' ' , ���� , ENGINEEAS ARCHITECTS P�ANNERS �� ' ' ���� . T.OLTZ,KING.DUVALL.ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES.INCORPORATED NGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 2500 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING � SAINT PAUL,MiNNESOTA 551 01-1 893 612/29?-4400 FAX 612/292-0083 ' June 5, 1989 Mr. Steplian Jilk 1 City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145di Street West , Rosemount,MN 55068 Re: Request c�f Stateinents of Qualifications ' Space Needs A.nalysis Dear Mr. Jilk: ' Toltz, King, Duvall, Andersc�n and Associates,Inc. (TKDA) is pleased to submit our qualifications ro perform a space needs analysis for Rosemc�unt City offices a�id facilities. We ' have the professional staff, the experience, and the design methociology to meet your schedule and budget. ' We have expertise in many areas vf municipal facilities plasining, inc:l��ding cc�st feasibility studies, site analysis,preli�ninary design, and assistance with community funding. Relevant aild recent public building study,planning and/or clesign experience inclucies: ' - Columria Heights Community Cnmplex Study -Maplewo�d City Hall Space Needs Study and Adciition Design ' -Burnsville Space Study of Fublic Warks and Parks Departments -New Lake Elmo City Hall Study and Design -Golcien Valley Civic Center Space Planning Study. , As your Prvject Manager, I will be responsible for tl�e overall project serving as your primary cvntact person anel�o�rclinating the work of each inclividual on tlie Project Team. ' We a��reciate your proactive a�proach to facilities plannuig, and we are eager tu provicle you with the clecision-making tovl you need for pi�udeiit fiscal plaruvng. Please ca11 me at 292-4�536 if you have asiy questions. We lo�k forward to discussing your specific requirernents in more _' detail. Sincerel , ' � _ ' c WiJliam J. An trong,AIA WJA:jeb ' ' - ', ' � . A. T�tle Pa�e_ � � ' Subject: Statement of Qualifications � S ace Needs Anal sis P Y � City af Rosemount � � ' Fum: Toltz Kin Duvall,Anderson and Associates,Inc. , g� Address: 25Q(?American National Bank Building , St. Paul,Minnesota SSlfll Phone: 612/292-4�40f} ' Contact: Mr. Williatn Armstrong,A►IA Date: 3une 5, 1989 ' ' ' � � ' ' � ' ' �. 'Table o►f Contents � ' This Table of Contents organizes the infvrmation requested by the City of Rosemount, in the orcier of its presentativn. ' A. Title Page 1 ' B. Table of Contents 2 , C. Firm Profile 1. Fi�m local 3 2. Office Location 3 ' 3. Project Mana$er 3 4. Prvject Team 3 5. Praject Team Availability 13 ' 6. TKUA Capahilicies 13 7. Subcontractors 13 ' D. TKDA's Apgroach to Spaee Needs Analysis l. Apprtrach 14 , 2. Schedule I8 E. Previous Experience and Diselasure Statements , 1. Previous Relatecl Experience 19 2. Current Related Experience 25 ' 3. City of Rosemount Projects 26 4. Representation af TKDA Design 26 � 5. Fair Labor Standards Gertification 26 ' Supporting Data 27 ' ' ' , , Page 2 , ' . C. �'�rm Profile � ' 1. Firm local TKDA is a local fum. ' 2. Office Location ' Work will be done from TKDA affices in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota. There aze 170 staff employed at that office. ' 3. Project Manager � ' Mr. Bill Armstrong, A.IA, will serve as your Praject 20 yeazs vf experience in azchitectural planning and design. He has experience in the area of inunicipal buildings, including offices, ' trainirtg facilities, public works garages and frre stations. Mr. Armstrorzg has additivnal expertise in police facilities. As Project ManagerjArchitect, he will be respvrisible for the success of eaeh element of the�roject. He will serve as your liaison, coordinate the efforts af each team ' inember, and monitor scheciule and budget requirements. 4. Project Team ' TKDA's m'ect team has successfull worked to ether on numer�us stud and desi n rv'ects F J Y g Y � P J far municipal facilities. The brief intrcxiuction below higlilights their project assignment, and ' their resumes (that follow in this section) display their related project experience. Ms.Kim Swanson. Graduate Architect ' Ms. Swanson joined TKDA in 1985 and has ex rience in architectural design and planning Pe associated with a broad range of mt�nicipal buildings. Most recently she served as Space Fla.nner ' for the Golden Valley Civic Center Space Planning Study a.nd also irnplemented remodeling design recornmended in the study. Ms. Swansan is also trained in tlYe operations of TKDA's Coinputer Aided Design and Drafting. ' Mr. Ric6 Grav.ASLA. Landscape Architect , N��. Gray joined TKDA in 1979. As a Landscape Architect, he works with site analysis and evaluatic►n, site planning, and design and preparation vf construetion plans and documents. He will analyze site efficiencies and accessibility and recommend the best altemative for concept ' ciesign. t ' Page 3 ' � Mr.Arnold Hedber,�. Cost Estimator Mr. Hedt�erg has 27 yeazs of experience in construction administration and inspection and cost , estimating. He has extensive experience in all types of building projects inc�uding municipal police and fire statians, city halls, and caminunity centers. ' The followin 'FKDA rofessionals have ex rtise in s cific areas concerning municipal g P Pe Pe facilities. They will be available as resources for the pmject team: ' WestlY�iendrickson AIA.AICP,Urban Plannin�and Fire Stations � Mr. Henclrickson has over 23 yeazs of experience in azchitectural design, programming, site assessment and planning. Related study experience includes Hopkins Public Works Facility ' Stuciy, Hennepin County Facilities Study, River Falls Municipal Buildings Study. Related design experience includes the Monticello Fire Station and Carrununity Center, the Forest i.ake School District Aciininistratian Center. ' Feter Broaek.AIA.Public Works BuildinQs � Mr. Brozek has more than 14 years of azchitectural experience. His recent Public Works Garage experience includes: Study for the City of Bumsville, Design for the City of Golden Valley, Study and Design for White Bear Township. ' Dean,j,ohnson.AIA.Ci,�y Ha!!!s ' Mr. 3olinson is fainiliar with feasibitity stuc�ies, grogramrning and space planning as well as design and constr�uction administration. He has over 14 yeazs af arclutectural experience with the last six years in project management. His most recent city ha11 experience ineludes: Study and ' Design for the City of Maplewoad,Study and Design far the City af Golden Valley. � ' ' ' ' ' ' Page 4 ' i WILLIAM J. ARMSTRONG,AIA , EDUCATION: ' Bachelor of Architecture, University of Minnesota, 1969 REGISTERED ARCHITECT . ' Minnesota, South Dakota,Missouri,NCARB Certificate Holder PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSI�PS: � M� esota Society,Amencan Institute of Arclutects Minnesota Solar Energy Association ' University of 1Vlinnesota"M" Clnb GENERAL BACKGFOUND: ' Prior to 'oinin TKDA Mr. Atmstron servecl for two ears in the U.S, Peace Co s as an J g , g Y rP azchiteet/planner in Iran. He joined TKDA in 1971 and is experienced in arclutectural design ' and plauuiiiig including public, municipal, educatianal, and recreational facilities, parks, and city planning prajects. � EXPERIENCE: - Project Manager/Architeet on remadelmg of the Pablic Safety Builciing at 101 East lOth , Street for the St. Paul Police and Fire Deparnnents, St. Paul,Minnesota. - Project Manager/Arclutect vn renovation and remodeling of the existing utility building at ' 100 East lf)tt►Street far the St. Paul Police and Fire Departtnents in St. Paul,Minnesota. - Project Architect on remodeling of first and third flaars of St. Louis Park City Hall , Building for the City of St. Louis Park at St. Louis Park,Minnesota. - Project Manager on feasibility study for Ciry Hall,Lake Elmo,Minnesota. ' - Project Architeet on fire station site selection study,Champlin,Minnesota. � - Project Architect on Mutucipal Building and Site Selection Study far the Ciry of River Falls in R.iver Falls,Wisconsin. ' - Pr�ject Architect on Municipal Facilities Programrning Study for the City of Hutchinsan in Hutchuison,Minnesota. ' - Project Architect on Preliminary Design/Site Selection Study and new Communiry Center far Minneapolis Community Development Agency in Minneagolis,Minnesota. ' - ProjectArchitectonProgramming/ConceptualDesignStudyandnewCityHall/CommunityCenter builciuig for City of East Bethel in East Bethel,Minnesota. ' Page 5 ' ' KIM SWANSON � EDUCATION: Bachelor of Architecture, University of Minnesota, 1983 ' GRADUATE ARCHITECT ' GENERAL BACKGROUND: Ms. Swanson joined TKDA in 1985 and has experience in general design,site selection,planning , and the preparatian of construction documents associated with a broad range of building types. She is trained in the operation of TKDA's Computer Aided Design Drafting (CADD) System. ' EXPERIENCE: She has been involved in the follawing projeets: � - Architectural Designer for Rochester Public Utilities Office and General Service Center, Site Selection Study,Rochester,Minnesota. � - Architectural Designer for Civic Center Space Planning Study and remodeling,Golden Valley, Muuiesota. , - Architectural Designer for City Hall feasibility study, Lake Elmo,Minnesata.. ' - Job Captain for Lourdes High Schoal rernodeling and addition which includes a new per€ormance gymnasium and vazsity locker rooms,Rochester,Minnesata. ' - Architectural Designer for U.S. Postal Service Remodeling, St. Paul C)ff'�ce, St. Paul, Minnesota. � - Job Captain and Project Desi�ner far Letterpress Museum for th�e Minnesota Newspaper Foandation,Minnesota State Fairgrounds, St. Paul,Minnesota. � - Architectural Designer for the design of a SuperAmerica Starion/Store in Marshfield, W isconsin. � - Architectural Designer for the design of a SuperAmerica Station/Store in Bumsville, Minnesota. , - Architectural Designer for the design of a SuperAmerica Statian/Store in Mounds View, Muuiesota. - Architectural Designer for the design of a SuperAmerica Statian/Store in Spokane, ' Waslungton. ' - Job Captain for Milton's Clothing Company Remodeling/Design, St. Paul,Minnesota. Pa�e 6 � ' ' RIC�iARD GRAY, ASLA ' EDUCATION: � Bachelor of Science, Landscape Architecture Iowa State University REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT � GENERAL BACKGROUND: , Since joining TKDA in 1979 Mr. Gray's emphasis has been on site planning, master planning, design and prepazation of constructian plans and docwnents for parking lats, regional and city parks, municipal streetscape/parking improvernerits, and assisting iri design and planning ' for azchitectural projects. EXPERIENCE: ' - Landscape Architect in site planning and preparation of working drawings for Public Safety Building Remodeling, St. Paul. Site design on this downtown St. Paul city block � maximized parking while facilitating circiilation and improving site aesthetics through plantuig, decorative lighting and pedestrian walkthrough. ' - Project Landseape Architect in site planning and prepazation of working drawings and contract dacuments for the Lino Lakes City Hall. � - Landscape Architect far Commercial Area Riverfront Development Project in Downtown Northfield, Minnesata, known as the °Riverside Comrnans," the project was recognized for its design achievement by the Minnesota Planning Association. ' - Landscape Architect for the site design and construction for 25 acre Rochester Public Utilities Facility in Rochester,Minnesota. ' - Landscape Architect for Master Pian far Concortiia College, St. Paul,Minnesvta. ' - Lanciscape Architect for Planned Unit Development Master Plan for Northwestern College, Roseville/Arden Hills, Minnesota. Project included preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet, the planning of circulation routes, buildings, and athletic fields ' loeation an�i layout. ' � , Page 7 , ' , ARNOLD HEDBERG ' EDUCATION: Two Year Vocational Training in Architecture,Duluth,Minnesota - Graduated 1950 , Two Year Vocational Classes in Structural Design, St. Paul,Minnesota ' GENERAL BACKGROUND: Mr. Hedberg has 28 years of e�enence�n pro�ect management, construction administration, and inspection inclnding field observatian and estimating. He has experience in rernadeling , projects as well as new construction. EXPERIENCE: , - Construction Cost Estimator for Fire Station in Monticello,Minnesata. ' - Construction Administrator for new Starage Facility and Fire Station for the City af Anaka, Minnesota. ' - Construction Administrator for remodeling of Anoka City Hall and Public Works Facilities, Anoka,lViinnesota. ' - Construction Cost Estirnator for Remodeling of Public Sa€ety Building at 101 East Tenth Street far St. Paul Police and Fire Departcnent. ' - Construction Administrator far n�w aerial port training facility at IYlinneapolisfSt. Paul Airpart far Minnesota Air National Guazd. ' - Construction Administrator for the Corps of Engineers fvr a Security Palice Operations Buildings,Guazd House, and pazachute and Dinghy Repair Shap. , - Construction Administrator and Estimatar for new Off'ice and Service Center far Rochester Public Utilities,Rochester,Minnesota. � - Construction Administrator for Lourdes High School Addition and new roof in Rochester, Minnesota. ' - Construction Administrator for the Corps of Engineers for a Security Police Operations Buildings, Guazd House, and Parachute and Dinghy Repair Shop. ' - Construction Cost Estimator for Minneapolis Air Force Reserve Composite Training Pacility for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Estimated Construction Cost$2.1 millian. ' - Construction Administrator far complete remodeling of the Brookview Community Center in Golden Valley,Minnesota. , Page 8 ' ' I WESTLY J. HENDRICKSON, AIA, AICP ' EDUCATION: ' Bachelor of Architecture,Narth Dakota State University Master af Urban Planning, Universiry of Washington ' REGI5TERED ARCHITECT Minnesota,Iowa,Wiseonsin,NCAB Certificate Holder ' PROFES5IONAL MEMBERSHIPS: Aanerican Institute of Architects ' Miruiesota Society af AIA American institute of Certif'ied Planners American Planning Association , National Council of Architectural Registratic�n Boards Intematianal Council of Educational Facility Planners ! GENERAL BACKGROUND: Mr. Hendrickson has over 20 years of diversified architectural and planning experience ' with special expertise in managing multi-discipline studies and prajects. His expertise includes site planning, enviranmental analysis, and azchitectural progranuning and design with an emphasis on the identification of user needs and the pzojection of long ran�e faeility , requirements. As Director of the TKDA Department of Architecture and Flanning which encornpasses the disciglines of Architecture, Planning, Landscape Architecture and Interior Design, Mr. ' Hendrickson coordinates all departmental personnel assignments and reviews ail architectural and planning projects. This provides him extensive experience with a broad range of planning and developrnent projects and all building types and conditions. ' EXPERIENCE: ' - Project Manager for renovation design of 1U,000-squaze-foot City Hall for River Falls, Wisconsin. ' - Project Manager for 8,000-square-foot fire station and cornmunity center far City of Monticello,Minnesota. ' - Project Manager far fire station site selection study,Champ�in,Minnesota. - Projeet Manager for site selection study and design of an 8,000-square-foot fire station for , the City of Mahtarnedi,Minnesota Fire Department. ' ' Page 9 ' Mr. Hendrickson (continued) ' - Project Manager for design of Mahtomedi Community Center and Fire Station, Mahtomedi, Minnesota. , - Project Manager on Colurnbia Heights Community Center(Prelimuzary Design) for City and School District, Columbia Heights,Minnesota. , - Project Manager on numerous long range facilities studies including: . Civic Center Space Planning Study,Golden Valley,Minnesota. ' Public Works Facility Study,Burnsville,Minnesota. . Hopkins Public Warks Facility Study,Hennepin County,IVlinnesota. . Municipal Buildings Study,River Falls,Wisconsin. � . County Buildings Study, Carver Counry,Minnesota. Municipal Facilities Study, Hutchinson,Minnesota. . Municipal Facilities Study,Maplewood,Minnesota. ' : Municipal Buildings Study, East Bethel,Minnesota Educational Facilities Study,Independent School District#832,Mahtomedi,Muutesota ' - Project Manager on planning studies,including: . Comprehensive plans for Columbus Township, Princeton, Hutchinson and Wadena, ' Minnesota Airport Plans, H�tchinson,Mora,Benson,Wadena and Willmar,lViinnesota. . Off-Airport Land Use Study (57 square rniles), Bismazck, Narth Dakota. This study ' was recognized by the Federal Aviation Administration for its environmental concern and cited for excellence. . Dr. Martin Luther College Campus Master Plan,New iJlm,Minnesota. ' : Martin Luther Prepazatory School Master Plan,Prairie du Chien,VVisconsin. Site selection and implementation program study for an artificially refrigerated speedskating rink, for the Metropalitan Caunc�l of the Twin Cities Area, St. Faul, ' Minnesota. Cannon River Commercial Center Redevelopment,Northfield,Minnesata. ' - Project Manager for xemodeling and addition of Laurdes High school which includes seience classrooms, administrative of€'ices, a new performance gymnasium and vazsity locker rooms,Rochester,Muulesota. ' - Project Manager for the planning and design af the 108,000-square-foot National Sports Center occupying a 90-acre site in Blaine, Minnesota for the Minnesata Amateur Sparts Commission. ' - Project Architect on the St. Faul Energy Pazk District Heating and Cooling Plant, 5t. Paul, Minnesota, which is part of the St. Paul Energy Park. This projeet was recognized by the ' Building Design and Construction magazine and received the award for "The Most Positive Impact on the Environment" in 1984. ' - Project Architect on the $10 millian Health, Physieal Fducation and Sports Complex, which was recognized by Athletic Business Magazine as a 1985 Facility of Merit, Gustavus Adolphus College, St.Peter,Minnesota. ' ' Page 10 ' ' PETER M. BROZEK, AIA , EDUCATION: Bachelor of Architecture,Moravian College,Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1972 ' Master of Architecture,Columbia:University,New York,NY, 1980 REGISTERED ARCHITECT � iViinnesota New York ' GENERAL BACKGRQUND: Mr. Brozek has 14 yeazs of azchitectural design experience, including major renovation projects, ' housing prajects, public and private facilities and parks. He also has experience in site plannnig, general drafting, specifications, construction docwnents and construction supervision. ' EXPERIENCE: - Project Manager/Architect for Publie Works and Pazks Department Study for City of ' Burnsville,Minnesota. - Project Architect for study of 23,OQ0 sq. ft. Public Works and Maintenance Garage and ' Police Parking Garage,Golden Valley,Iviinnesota. - Pmject Manager for study and design af White Bear Township Public Works and Maintenance ' Facilty. - Project Architect forBasement Rernodeling and Renovation at Wildwood IIementary School far ' ISD Na $32,Mahtomedi,Minnesota. - Project Architect for design of Brooklyn Park water treatment building. 1 - Project Manager and Architect on new switch gear building in Devil's Lake,North Dakota and Centerville,Iowa for Contel,St. Paul,Minnesota. ' - Project Manager and Architect on new switch gear building in Two Hazbors, Minnesota for Contel,St. Paul,IViinnesota. ' - Project Manager and Architect for remodeling design of central affice building in Mount Fleasant,Iowa for Contel, St. Paul,lViinnesota. ' - Project Manager and Architect on remodeling and remote switch roam at Contel's Network Operatioiis Center in Chisago,Minnesota for Contel,St. Paul,Minnesvta. ' - Project Manager and Architect on remodeling of switch building in Blooming Prairie, 1Vluuiesota for Contel, St. Paul,Minnesota. , ' Page 11 ' ' DEAN A. JOHNSON, AIA \ ' EDUCATION: ' Bachelor of Architecture,Institute of Technology University of Ivlinnesota, 1975 REGISTERED ARCHITECT: � Minnesota ' PR4FESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: American Institute of Architects ' Minnesota Soeiety of the American Institute of Architects, St Paul Chapter ' GENERAL BACKGROUND: Mr. Johnson has over 13 yeazs experience with TKDA's Architectural Departrr►ent as a , project manager, architect and designer, with particular expertise in cammercial and industrial type projects. He has experienee with developinent of feasibility studies, grogra�nrning, space planning, all phases of azchitectural design, preparation of construction docurnents and ' construction administration. EXPERIEI�ICE: � - Project Architect for City Hall S ace Needs Study and Design, City of Maplewood, P Minnesota. , - Project Manager/Architect for the study and design of the 26,000-squaze-foot civic center renovation for Golden Valley,Minnesota. 1 - Prepared a Site Planning Study for the Broakview Community Center and G�lf Course, Golden Valley, Minnesota, which analyzed the site needs of the facilities and suggested ' various usage altematives along with cost implications. - Project Manager for the rehabilitation planning and design of an 8,OOQ-square-faot � Brookview Cornmunity Center, Golden Valley, IVlinnesota. The design involved both limited exterior work and major rehabilitation of the interior into large multi-purpose r�oms, an administrative office and other support activities. ' - Froject Manager/Arclvtect study and design of an 80,000-square-foot general office building and service center for Rochester Public Utilities,Rochester,Minnesota. ' ' Page 12 ' � � 5. Pro'ect Team Availabilit .� y ' TKDA's project team are ready and eager to begin work on yvur Space Needs Analysis upon your notice to proceed. � 6. TKDA Ca�abilities ' TKDA's current staff of 170 people is capable of undertaking a wide variety of azchitectural and engineering projects. Our staff includes: , - Agricultural Engineers - Instrurnentation/Control Engs. - Architects - Interior Designers - Civil Engineers - Land Surveyors - Construction Managers - Landscape Architects , - De;sign Technicians/Drafters - Mechanical Engineers - Ele.ctrical Engineers - Planners - Emvironmental Engineers - Sanitary Engineers ' - Estimators - Structural Engineers - Hydrologists - Transportarian Engineers ' , 7 Sub�contractors ' No subcon�tractors will be utilized because T'KDA has the "in-house" capabilities to perform all aspects of the prescribed work scope. ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' t ' Page 13 � ' \ D.� '�'��?A's A�►t�roach to Suace Needs � A�nal si . ._v s � l. A��roach � The following is an outluie of the general approach we would use to accarnplish the Space Needs Analysis for the City of Rosemount. We have used a similar methodology to suceessfully ' deternline long-range municipal facility needs far several cities. ' Purpose The purpose af this municipal facilities study is to develop a long range plan for meeting the City of Rosemount's building needs. The Space Needs Analysis will provide a basis far public ' decision-making regarding the hc�using of people, operations, equipment and materials necessary for municipal government and the delivery of serviees. The study will determirte space requirements far five and fifteen year periocls within the co�itext af reasonable financial resources � and adequate uninterrupted service pravisions#or eity residents. Specific recommendations will be macie regazding each of the three major municipal faeilities (municipal center, fire station and inaintenance facility). We will address recommenc�ations for the site locations, renovation, 1 remodeling anci/or construction of additions to existing buildings ar the eonstruction of new facilities. , Scope of Work We propose working elosely with a ciry-appointed study comrnittee to develop infonnatian and 1 make recommendations for each municipal departinent or group to be housed in the following facilities: � 1. Municipal Center 2. Fire Statian 3. Maintenance Facility , 4. Other(future) Specifically, the study will be accomplished through five integrated phases: ' Phase I Inventory Phase II Needs Assessment ' Phase III Goal Setting Phase IV Alternatives Phase V Docuinentation 1 , tPage 14 ' , Phase I Inventorv A. Review background information (The City will provide this general overview of the , community.j 1. Population � 2. Land use and development 3. Comprehensive plan and other planning studies including Metrapolitan Council documents ' 4. Municipal organizational structure 5. Annual report(s) 6. Fiscal resources ' 7. Plans of existing builciings and sites 8. Location map of city-owned properties ' B. Survev existin� facilities (TKDA will determine utilization, condition, deficiencies and developrnent potentiai of existing facilities.) � 1. Municipal Center 2. Fire Station 3. Maintenance Facility � 4. City-owned sites G Interview desi 2g.,�ateCi nersonnel (TKDA will use an interview £arm to determine future tmunicipal facilities needs.) 1. Uepartment Heads ' 2. Elected Officials 3. Others as designated by City Administrator D. Collect and review standards (TKDA will review standards regazdirtg municipal facilities, � services and staffing l. National publications/organizations ' 2. Experience of comparable cities 3. TKDA experience with sunilar facilities ' Phase II Needs Assessment This will be based on Phase I Inventary information,particularly the interviews. I�i � . A. Project futur� staffin levels (This task will help establish future space requuements, not necessarily justify future staffing requirements.) � 1. five years * ' 2. fifteen years* * Projection target to be set by city ' ' Page 15 ' � B. Develo� volicies for re�uired facilities and recommendations for use and size of offices and other areas based on information gatliered under Inventory. (This will be accomplished working in close cooperation with the city-appainted study committee). ' C. Develo,� snace needs at current. five and fifteen veaz levels (For examgle, TKDA will develop a preliminary azchitectural program for each facility. 'This will provide information � regarding current deficiencies ana gross azea space needs for the next five and fifteen years, as well as functional needs and relational needs). � 1. Municipal Center 2. Fire Station(s) 3. Maintenance Facility or Facilities , 4. Other Facilities Phase III Goal Setting ' Goals will be developed for the short range (�ve years) and long range (fifteen years) by working cl�sely with the city-appointed study cornmittee. Goa1s will be derived from the input , given from elected officials. A. Develo� municipal facilities �oals � l. Quality of facilities 2. Community image � 3. Location B. Develo�munic�' al service goals ' 1. Types of services 2. Levels of service ' 3. Staffing C. Pre�are gaals statement , 1. Municipal Center 2. Fire Station(s) 3. Maintenance Facility or Facilities ' 4. Other Facilities ' D. Identifv siudv assum�tions 1. Fiscal condrtions 2. Munici�al governmental structure , 3. Uther conditions � , , Page 16 ' , Phase IV Atternatives In this phase needs will be explored in response to the Inventory inforrnation, Needs Assessment , anci Goa1 Setting (Phases I, II, III). Alternative ways of ineeting the City's short and long range municipal facilities needs will be considered. ' A. Develov diagrammatic floar nlans (The architectural program will be expressed graphically to canceptually show the fifteen year requirements.) ' B. Evaluate �rou�ing combinations if reouired (Criteria will include loeation, image, site availability and cost.) ' 1. Existing grouping 2. Dispersed facilities 3. Consolidated facilities ' 4. Modified C. Develo� eanc�tual desi�n (Based on the selected sites or location for each facility, TKDA ' will prepare conceptual plans resgonding to squaxe foat rec�uirements, ft�nctianal needs and relatianal neecls. This well demonstrate how each d�garnnent needs will be accommodated by reconfiguration, remodeling, expansion or new construction possibly including new , facilities at i�ew sites ar locations. '£he site and floor plans will respond to 15 years needs; however, the floor plan anangement will be most meaningful fc►r the five year projections.) , D. Pre�are Im,plementation Program (Working closely with the city-appointed study cammittee, TKDA will develop an iniplementation pragram in response to gaals, projected needs, the City's fiscal ability, and available opporkunities.) ' 1. Prepare schedule c�f activities a. Planning/design of new or remodeled facilities b. Land acquisition ' c. Constructian d. Site develapment e. Bond referendurn , 2. Pre are total im lementation buci et co t information will be suitable for use in P P g (The s the City's capital financing program.) ' a. Prelimina constructian estimates rY b. Land acquisition ' c. Site development d. Adxninistrative/fiscal/design fees e. Other project costs ' 3. Recommend course of action � a. High priority needs b. Special opportunities , ' Page 17 ' ' Phase V Doctimentation A. Re�orts (The following reports with suitable illustrations will document the study.) ' 1. Draft Report, 15 copies 2. Final Report, 30 copies ' 2. Schedule , TKDA has the staff available to begin work i�nmediately; we will complete all work within 90 days, anticipating the availability of the city staff at crirical points during the study. ' We will meet with the ciry-apgointed study committee to discuss progress. During the course of the 90 day study, TKDA will hold six meetings (in addition to the interviews) with the city- appointed stucly committee and others as selected by the city aci�ninistrator and council. These ' meetings will cover the background information, study progress, and decisions regarding study alternatives anc�recommeildations. ' Phase I Inventory (1 meeting) -Organizational Meeting ' -Review interview findings Phase II Needs Assessment (1 meeting) ' -Review projections Phase III Goal5etting (1 meeting) , -Review and discuss goaIs Phase IV Alternatives (2 meetings) ' -Review group ct�mbinations -Review conceptual designs , Phase V Documentation (1 meeting) -Review draft report , 6 meetin s ( S ) ' ' , , _ ' Page 18 ' ' . . • �. �'revi�►us �x erienc+� and Disclosure . _ � tat�ment �..,__ s � Following are suinmaries of individual municipal studies/programming which TKDA has ' recently conducted. References are included in each description; no subconsultants were assigned. , 1. Previaus Clients and Proiects Communitv/Athletic Center Needs Assessme�t and Concept Desi�n. CUlumbia Hei�hts, , MN. 1989 Project Description - A citizen's (R.E.A.C.H.)* camrnittee, encouraged by sup�ort from the City ' of Columbia Heights and Independent School District Na. 13, cornmissioned a feasibility study to determine the need and fina�icial support for a Community/Athletie facility in Columbia Heights. The effort also included the prepardtion of a conceptual design far the facility. ' Services Pravicled - Tf�DA workin clasel with the cornmittee com leted a rnarket based , g Y , P study which analyzed needs using surveys of potential user groups within Columbia Heights anri ' school district, ? ancl colleges within a 10 n�ule radius of Columbia Heights. Over 1t)U groups were interviewed or surveyed. ' The study concludec� that a need exists for a gymnasium, a gymnasties room, iee azenaimulti- purpose facility, pre-sehoal/day care room and support facilities. The study rec�mrnends an 80,000-square-faot facility connected to the Columbia Heights High School, It is estimated to ' have a construetion cast of$6.1 inillion. Contact Person: Mr. 3ohn Tiggas , Director of Recreation and Community Services City of Columbia Heights 530 Mill Street , Columbia Heights,MN 55421 612/788-1697 ' Client: R.E.A.C.H. Gomrnittee Mr. Jirn Kluempke, Chairman Work: 623-1665 , Home: 571-3206 * Recreation, Attiletics,Education in Columbia Heights ' ' ' Page 19 ' ' Feasibilitv Studv and Architectural Design for New Citv Hall. Lake Elmo.MN. 19$7 Project Descri�tion - The City of Lake Elrna decided to investigate alternatives for a new city ' hall to house city offices and council cha.tnbers. Faced with a terminating five-year lease, the option to use HRA bonds to remodel an existing bazilc building, and $139,040 invested reserves for a new facility,the Gity wanted expert advice to recommend the best alternative. ' Services Provided - Acting as Lake Elrno's City Engineer, TKDA recommended that the City negotiate a one-year extension of the lease, appraise the bank building with its remodeling costs, ' and plan for a new building to meet the City's needs for 15-20 yeazs. The Council voted to prviceed with canstruction using volunteer help. TKDA helped the City study and choase the best alternative. TKDA also provided the architectural design for the new City Hall. ' Contact Person: Arlyn Christ Mayor ' Client: The Ciry of Lake Elmo 380Q Laveme Avenue , Lake Elmo,M1V 55042 612/777-551� ' Estimated Cost: $300,OQ0 Actual Cost: $125,000 plus value of volunteer labor ' Civic Center(�i,t�H lla )Stud�Citv vf Galden Val�gv.M,�N 1987 ' Project Descri�tion - The objeetive of the space pianning study was to provide a basis for public decision-tnaking with respect to the planning and development of civic center facilities to accomrnodate the varied functions of mnnicipal governm�nt and the provisions af public services ' in the yeazs ahead. Services Pravided -The Space Planning Study far the Golden Valley Civic Center provided (1) a comprehensive analysis of currerit building utilization by departments and grvups; including ' deficiencies and an inciication of its renovation and expansion patential (2) short and long-term projections of staffing anci space needs (3) ideiitificatian of inter-departinental relationships, (4) coilsiderati�n of alternatives for responding to future needs, and (5) a recoinmended course of ' aetion ulcluding costs for rneeting future needs. Contact Person: Mr. Lloyd Becker ' Community Service Director Client: City of Golden Valley ' 7800 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, Muuiesota 612/593-8000 ' Estimated Cost: $_500,000 Actual Cost: N/A , , Page 20 ' ' Township Facilities Stud�,Townsh�p of White Bear. MN 1987 Projeet Descri�tion - The purpose af this stuciy was to provide a basis €or decision-making ' conceming present and future Township facilities. Changes were needed in existing equipment, facilities and services due to steadily increasing population and infrastructure. ' The study also adciressed the need for the planning and development of facilities which would accommodate the fiinction of Township government and the provision of public services. ' �ervices Provided - The study involved an evaluati�n af existing facilities and operations and a projection of future needs. This was aecomplished through interviewing of staff and Township officials, gathering of dacumentation and the use of questionnaires. The process also involved ' the consideration of agplicable standazds and the experience of other communities in rneeting their facility needs. , Contact Person: Mr. George Jungkunz Client: White Bear Township ' 1281 Hatnniond Road White Bear,lMinnesata 612/429-5827 ' Estunated Cost: Public VYorks Garage -$763,000 Administration Center- $515,0(?0 ' Actual Cost: Pubtic Works Garage -$735,Q00 Administration Center-not constructed ' Public Utitities Site Selection St�dy, Cit�of Rochester.MN 1986 ' Project Descri t� ion - Taking a Fasitive step toward pr�viding the necessary facilities needed to serve Rochester residents, businesses, and industries in the future, the City of Rochester ret�ined TKDA to study 33 sites for a General Office and Serviee Center. Of the 33 sites studied, 23 ' were evaluated furtlier. Services Provided - TKDA's scope of work incluaed reciucing the number (23) of sites under construction to approximately six; preparing site diagrams showing the inlpact the facility would ' have on its surroundings and vice versa; making preliminary cost comparisons for development of each site; and identifying one or two preferred sites. TKDA recommended two patential sites for development based on accessibiliry, cost per acre, drainage, available utilities, fi�undation ' bearing capacity, and acquisition time required. Subsequently, TKDA was retained tv design a 115,000 square foot general office and service ' center fvr the City. The facility is a single story structure with a low earth berm around much of the building. Included in the facility are�ffices,inaterial warehousing system operations,vehicle garage and services area, and support services. ' ' , Page 21 ' , Contact Person: Larry Koshire Director, Power Division Rochester Public Utilities ' Client: City of Rochester 506 First Avenue NE ' Rochester,Minnesota 507/285-8955 ' Estimated Cost: $8,OOQ,Q00 Actual Cost: $8,000,000 / Public Works Space Needs Stud .v Hennenin Countv,MN 1985 Project Descri�tion - TKDA was retained by Hennepin County to provide a Space Needs Study ' at the Hopkins Public Service facility,which ineluded dealing with office and related functians in Data Processing, Administrative Services, and Environmental, Energy and Transportation Departments. The area was about 32,000 squaze feet and accommodated 225 eaunty emplvyees. ' Services Provided - Working closely with chosen eaunty ernployees, TKDA provided a study of the existing builcling conditions, spaee utilization and a new organizational structure. The study ' also ineluded a generat overview of the building's electrical and mechan%cat systerns with an emphasis on heating,ventilating and air conditianing systems. ' Contact Person: Mr. Kenneth Stevens Administrative Assistant,now Director of Light Rail Transit ' Client: Hennepin Caunty A-2307 Government Center Muuleapoiis,Minnesota 55487 ' 612/348-4182 Estimated Cost: Improvements/Modifications - $1,40�,000 Major Renovation - $4,650,000 ' New Facility - $8,950,000 ' Actual Cost: N/A Fire Station Site Selection Stnd�Citv af Ch�mplin. MN 19�85 ' Pro�ect Descri�tion -The City of Cha�nplui critically needetl a new fire statian. This was due to the city's rapid growth over tl�e past decade and the limited accessibility of the Anoka/Champlin Fire Uepartment. ' t ' , Page 22 ' ' Services Provided - TKDA was commissioned to identify, evaluate and recommencl potential loeations f�r a new fire station. Rapid response time from the station to any fire in the city was critical. TKDA completed a needs assessment and a building prograin. TKDA used a , trac�sparent overlay technique over the city's street system showing response to test fire station locations. TKDA evaluated eleven sites using a decision matrix with four selection criteria: Location (including centrality, accessibility and coinmunity unage and iclentity), Compatibility ' (including existing land uses, zoning and comprehensive plan), Physical (including size and configuration, soils/drainage, utilities and topography}, and Cost and Availability (incl�ding availability, acquisition, and development). TKDA's site selection study recommended three ' sites near the Municipal Center. Contact Person: Mr. Scott A. Martin ' City Administratar Client: The City of Champlui , City Ha11 12U(?1 Jefferson Highway Chainplin,MN 55316 ' 612/421-8064 Estimated Cost: N/A ' Site Pian Studv. Monticello_Fire Station.Manticello. MN. 1984 ' Proiect Descri�tion - The City of Mvnricello detennined that their fire station was overerowded and functionally outdated. 'The City wanted to study alternative sites for a new fire station location. ' Services Provided -TKIIA provideci a site selectian study,which anatyzed four different sites for a new ane-level fire station. The selected site is lacated on the fringe of the City's co�nmereial district. This location provides easy access to ail main roads. The site size and configuratian ' allows a wash drive-thru bay for easy cleanup of the apparatus and easy refill of water. TKI)A also provicied design and building supervision/management. ' Contact Person: Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Aciininistratar ' Client: City of Monticello 2S0 East$roadway,Box 83A Monticello,MN 553G2 ' 612/295-2711 or metro: 333-5739 Estimated Cost: $500,000 ' Actual Cost: 550 000 $ , ' ' tPage 23 ' ' Public Buitdings Stud,v, Citv of River Falls.WI 1983 Project Descri,�tion - To optimize the use of bililding space by its various departments, the City ' of River Falls, Wisconsin co�runissioned TKDA to prepare a study of their municipal buildings. The study proposed future area requirements, locational requirements, and provided opinions of implementation costs. ' Services Provided - TKDA used the Communi 's o ulation roJectians and other factors to tY P P P establish the future need for pablic buildings. These buildings would house the functions of the , municipal administration, library services, city engineering, parks and reereation, public works and public utilities. ' Long range facility concepts were presented to the Council and a fitial report was prepazed based on a decision by the Council regazding the preferred alternative. ' Contact Person: Mr. George Bauman City Administrator t Client: City of River Falls City Hall River Falls,Wisconsin ' Estimated Cost: Public Works/Utility Operations Center- $1,500,000 Actual Cost: N/A ' .S�ace Needs Stadv. Carver Countv.MN 1979 , Project Descri�tion - TKDA prepared a facilities study far Carver County. Its purpose was to c�evelop a long-range �lan for meeting the County's building requirements over a 20-year perzod in a coi�iprehensive and coorciinated manner. ' Serviees Provided - The study, ec�ncerned with Caunty builclings (courthouse, gublic we►rks garage and aciininistration buildings), cansidered County population growth and service � requiremeiits and included determinatioi� of space requirements and general site requirements. It included the preparati�n of cvnceptual designs, deveiaprnent sehedules, and estimated clevelopment costs. The study was consistent with Metropolitan Council guidelines and serves as , an element of the Caunty's Comprehensive Plan and as input into the Capital Improvements Program addressing the long-range requirements of Adininistration/Finance, Public Safety, Social and Health Services, and Public Works. This study was partially funded by a state planning grant. ' Contact Person: Mr. Pat Murphy ' Director of Public Works,now with Hennepin County 612/935-3381 Client: Garver County ' 600 Fourth Street East Chaska,Minnesota , ' Page 24 ' ' Estimated Cost: $3,800,040 Actual Cost: N/A ' 2. Current 'e t Cli n s and Pro�ects � ' Citv Hall Space Needs Studv and Addition Design. Ma_plewoad. MN. Current Proiect Descri�rtion - The City of Maplewood sought a sound basis for public decision-making ' regarding the planning and development of their city hall to house the vazied functians of municipal goverrunent and public services in the next ten to fifteen years. , Services Provided - Phase I of the study adciresses space requirements, interrelationships, conceptual design, building systems, phasing and costs. Phase II involves design of a 4,000 sq. ft. addition and other improvements. Bath phases are aceomplished in close cooperation with ' designated staff. TKDA is currently preparing construction documents for building expansion and reconfiguration. ' Contact Person: Mr. Michael A. McGuire City Manager � ' Client: 'I'he City c�f Maplewvod 183Q East County Road B Maplewood,MN SSI09 ' Estimated Cvst: $700,000 Space Stud�of Publie Works and Farks Departments, City crf Burnsville.MN,Current � Proiect Descri�tion - TKDA was retained by the City of Burnsville to study space needs for the planning an�i development of new facilities or the expansion of existing facilities. , Services Providcd - T'KDA evaluated the needs ancl building utilizatic�n of the Public Works Operatians and Parks Departments. TKDA detenmined short and long-term projeetion of needs, ' and considered alternatives for respvnding to future needs. These alternatives included: 1. expanding existing facilities, 2. builcling new facilities, and 3. deterniining a new site fc�r a new facility. TKDA recomrnended the best alternative after reviewing all appropriate uiformation. ' As a su lemental serviee TKDA rv Park rations facilities in five pp , su eyed Publzc Works and s Ope cnetropolitan area cities as a basis for porjecting space needs. Also as a supplemental service, ' TKDA is preparing a study af lease options for the existulg Public Works and Parks Operations facility. ' Contact Person: Mr. Melvin O. 7ohnson Public Works Superintendent ' ' � Page 25 ' ' Client: The Ciry of Burnsville 1313 East Highway 13 Bumsville, MN 55337 ' 612/890-41 Q0 Estimated Cast: $4,00(?,000 for new facility � . . 3. �'ro_�ects Compieted for the Citv of l�osemount ' TKDA has a solid record of quality work coinpleted for the City of Rosemount. We are interested in providing architecturat and engineering services on a continuing basis. The following lists TKDA work under current contract or cornpleted for the City of Rosemount. ' Pr�ject Year Completed ' Construction of Well No. 8 1989 � Pumphouse far Well No. 8 1989 Elevated Water Tai�lc No. 2 1989 ' Com rehensive Water S stem Plan 1988 P Y ' Battery Waste Disposal huntrods Clock and Bell System 1947 � School 1943 ' Water Supply 1921 ' 4. Re�resentation of TKDA Desi�n Exainples of similaz TKDA work are included 'u�the Supporting Data section. ' . . . 5. Faix� �abo�r Standards Certi�cation � TKDA certifies that our furn anci its emplQyees are not on the "List of Persons or F�ns Currently Debaxred for Violations of Various Public Contracts Incorporating Labor Standards Provisions." ' ' ' tPage 26 • � r � � i � � ��;� � ,,� G a r ��, i •�::- � I ,�� � � � ,� �,, � ; � �` � � ,,� . . � ; , 1� �' ~r � i l � , '�+M ,, ', ! i �� - .: � � , % '�' ; , �I � �, ; � _. �. , �_ . � iFa� �I.', �- :'� " } ' I �/ } �� ! � .� I e� �� ;1 . �� •.t r �� a , ,� � . f ' ; ,�'� � � � l i '` ��r�`�1� �'f �` ' �1 � � rR rr i ,,: '� ► ,.�► '� - - �' �" ., �..;,,�, � �� «— f� ; � ,;,� � � i ' � , �I+ ' ' !► - � � � �, �� , r E ���' - �, � � .��,, � '� �� � ♦ � ' . __ '� �+ 1 � �.� � � �y � . r . .� � � ,; � ��,.�� �:` �\ ... � �� i ; j�p�a ;I �� p", � t .� � � ' � �1i� ' � ;1 ,,i �� �i,l �� �r �� �� � , �I �,� � ,� � ��� �� �' � �l.`�-.� _� ■. ,� �� ����.����.,� � � �:,;;/ ��� �� ;��.:�� � ��� � ��� .��_��� � 1s` �� � ?�:;� .� � ,'�� � �� � ��:s;��',/ ■ � �� ��I � ��� � ���� ��� •� � ; , . � ���+, �� �.=� ����� ��� � �� �•�.,.�;� �� ���-- ` �� � �� , � � � ! � city hall ; . �� � r - mo � �ling � ��. � � ! _ �n�l l. {tl��� • ll�/�c-i��. .,C" rr�Lt _�Ur c31'1L r.�i.`�>_ OOC . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 u.r�E Ttn rr�tNsicnwT t�i� . . � � .-�F%�iG ... � . � � .WNGH}L��.. _.97E,'Qg � � � � Y61YDM+1(� �'I}bKM � - - ��.T6. � . . — � � _ - p Concept Design �,��,�_ �' _ City Hall Renovation - � River FaHs, Wisconsin _ ` — - � _ - �. �� � �e . �;�� Scafe �- _ - � ��� 8 24 Feet +r�ac w�+n,r.�r—;--».,�r �jc .- ���. � � _-�p=_ - ��-` . . -�'�'( �1:6C�tt� � - .�jL ' — 21MY��ILAI�.� � . � 7r.GCA5".:_ I - � . • —�—-- � � ---tLlts..-��--—.cCYr�s� -�� ` �� � `" •.. . .. . �A{�"IIN::_ �, m _.._ G.,J .� . . . . �� �J- � � =� � � . . . ❑0(7 M. r. • ' �""r,�_. �_ C _l - _��:_. � 'w`�' _ _ _ �+r• ,,,„, o�•�o� • ,•. 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ANO ASSOGfATES.iNC�FtPQRATED ENGINEERS AACHlTECTS PLANNEF�S 2500 AMEAiCAN NATIOf+IAL BANK BUtI.D!NG ' SAFNT PAUL.MINNES07A 551pt 6t2'292-4400 ' � , � ' �, �� � � � �_ , � � - � � -. _� � ,,_ � � � _' � ��� � �;�'�� � ��T - �' � ''` � ` . � � `�..' ����� � „ �" { �"�- „�/�f.`d.. �' !� f'.���'`---/'1"r;: ' �� � � _ �� -� , ., � -__ ������j`U� � r� J�_ ,, � �ll� � �---�/-f J � � �� ���� �,/� ,. -� , � �_-_ �, ,j� , "_��. _- =,r `� r � --.- -� ^�. ,,��- '� _ ; �r � � - � ^ , . _ ; . . ._-=rt �`�..� `�` ' !� i r �-s�, i-I��<F ��� �� (��!�" ' � _ �~���fy" - " / 7 �y` _ F, l' t./'c�4 \ `� ^ � � -��. �I • ,��`t f" 1Mn 4 / 1" G — - � _�i ���.� ,, ��,�'" -� � �� r.=_,-� ��; j � I � • r �� -=;. � •� �---' � , 1 �� ��� � _ _ - � � .�r,,�' r �' � �a � —R� -- �. � �: _ �I - � -�.�1 � � -:�� �;; yf � � i� � � � i "� I ' �� � ' I�I I i � � __ � ' r I � _ . �l�.�-- �� i � I� _.. � h I J��� �I r ����. _ -,— l� �T sawa� �-` �, � `�'�_ "`� ��. .., � .. .N.: . . � ____ __ I � � �-�' �. �� � _ . .,.�,._ �� ,, i � � �, �:r4,��17 �� ,� + � � . � �- ._ _ . . ,' ,�;�1�.:.�-' . . . 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Profile of Firm � , 1. Location 1 2. Management Team 1 3. Organization Chart 1 , 4. Resumes 2 5.Availability and Range of Services 9 � B. General Approach �o ' 1. Summary 10 2. Schedule 13 ' C. Experience and Disclosure Statements 1 a ' 1. Past Experience:activity, contact 14 2. Current Experience:activity, contact 17 ' 3.Work Performed for the City of Rosemount 18 4. Exhibits 18 5. Disclosure 27 ' ' � ' ' ' , A. PROFILE OF FIRM ' 1. LOCATION AND NUMBER OF STAFF: � Boarman&Associates Incorporated, is a local twenty-eight member, multi-discipiine firm, providing services in architecture, interior design/space planning, engineering and construction administration. The firm was founded in 1978 by Jack Boarman, Principal and Director of Design. Offices are located in a turn of the century building in the , Warehouse District of Minneapolis, listed in the Historic Registry and renovated by Boarman&Associates. Our design process is centered on the clienYs needs. It begins with understanding the clienYs objectives, identifying specffic needs,developing alternatives and supplying solutions that address the client's concern for ' quality,cost and service ' 2. MANAGEMENT TEAM Jack Boarman, President of Boarman&Associates will serve as Principal-in-Charge and is responsible for the ' management and administration of the contract with the City. Steve Johnson as Project Manager will be responsible for coordinating the resources of the firm. Alexis Candalino, as Director of Research will coordinate in- house research data The team will be supported by comprehensive in-house services. I3. ORGANIZATION CHART ' CITY ❑F R❑SEMOUNT � STAF� ' ' BOARMAN & ASS�C. INC. BOARMAN 8. ASSOC. JACK BOARMAN AIA ALEXIS CANDALINO PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE DIRECTOR OF , RESEARCH ' BOARMAN & ASSOC. INC. STEVEN JOHNSON AIA PROJECT MANAGER ' ' ' BA/ENGINEERING BA/ARCHITECTURE BA/SPACE PLANNING BA/COST ESTIMATOR MECHANICAL JAMES ROUBAL ALLEN HOGLUND VICKY JOHNS�N JON RALL , PROJECT ARCHITECT INTERIOR DESIGN V.P. CONST. ADMIN. ELECTRICAL MIKE MCGIE BA = BOARMAN ASSOCIATES ' ' 2. 4. RESUMES: ' Jack Boarman,AIA Project Principal and Design Dire�tor ' Mr. Boarman's design resume includes 16 years experience in project programming management and facility design. He will serve as Principal and Director of Design: The following projects are representative examples of both his public building and office experience. ' Representative Experience: � Municipal/Public Financial Projects Mor�is Recreational Center National City Bank Southdale Faribault Communiry Center and Pool Prinsburg State Bank Ramsey Ciry Hall and Fire Station Citizens State Bank Silverlake , Atlantic Community Center ar�Pool Citizens State Bank Hutchinson Chanhassen Fire Station Worthington/Rushmore State Bank Chanhassen City Hali First National Bank of Starbuck , Eagan Municipal Center First National Bank of Bemidji Osseo City Hall National City Bank Ridgedale Gateway Parking Ramp National City Prototype Drive-in Bank ' Fairmont City Hall/Police Station Cityside Loan&Thrift/Bloomington Minnetonka Fire Stations First Bank of Fairmont Belle Plaine Fire Station First National Bank of Chaska New Prague Municipal Center TCF/Main Bank Remodeling ' Mpis.Third Precinct Pdice Station State Bank of Alexandria Shakopee City Hall State Bank of Lake Elmo Champlin Ciry Hall/Police/Public Works Fwest Lake State Bank ' Fridley Civic Center/Fire Station/Ramp Clara City Bank Melrose City Hall Northern National Bank Orono Municipal Center , Apple Valley Maintenance Garage Retail/Commercial/Hotel Eagan Maintenance Garage 8heraton Ritz Retail Court Edina Liquor Store ResideMial Country Kitchen Prototype Restaurant � Parkway Place Townhomes Country Kitchen Prototype Remodeling Wellington Condominiums Radisson Hotel Retail Court Rayenin Johnson Elderly Housing Howard Johnson Pool/Restaurant ' Brick Pond Apartments One Financiai Center St.Anthony Piace Condominiums IBM Oak Park Townhomes MTS Systems Corporation South St. Paui Elderly Housing ' Minnehaha Square Townhomes Educational/Libraries Penn Place Townhouses&Apartments NEC Brown Institute Trinity Village Housing East Lake Community Library ' Carver Counry Library Hennepin Library, Minnetonka Wilson Memorial Library ' James Town College San Jose Library Ambay-Good Thunder St. Stephens ' Education: University of Minnesota-Bachelor of Architecture with Distinction Minnesota Registration#11682 NCARB#26798 � Ford Fourxfation Grant-Athens School of Urban Studies Memberships: MN Society of Architects-Board of Directors � ' g, Steven Johnson,AIA ' Project Manager Mr.Johnson's architectural experience spans over nine years in the conceptual design and project coordination of ' a wide variety of challenging projects. He has strong credentials in governmentai �anning arxi design. Representative Experience. ' Municipal/Public Renovation Stark County Law E�orcement Ctr. Fort Totten Historic Site, N.D. Todd County Law E�orcement Ctr. Bergquist Log Cabin � Nicollet Courity l.aw E�orcemerrt Ctr. Lake Agassiz Historic Survey Carleton Counry Law Er►forcement Ctr.Add. Storefront Renovation, N.D. Isanti County Criminai Justice Facility Fargo Theater Renovation ' Yellow Medicine Cour�ty Law Enforcement Ctr. Storefront Renovations, MN Chippewa County Law ErrForcement Ctr. Dawson County Law Er�forcemerrt Ctr. Becker CouMy Law Enforcement/Courts Faa , Dakota Development Fargo Intl.Air Terminal FargaMoorhead Theater Add. , Rice County Social Services Lake City Police Facility Medical ' Communiry Hospital Addition, Ipswich, S.D. Knute Nelson Memorial Home Addition Veterans Adm. Medical Ctr.Addition, S.D. ' Education/Libraries � Larimore Elementary School Addition Alex Nemzek Fieldhouse Addition, Moorhead State Univ. Fargo South High Schod Addition Fergus Falls Public Library � Stewartville Public Library Hennepin County Ubrary, Minnetonka ' Education: North Dakota State University Bachelor of Architecture ' Minnesota Registration�15489 North Dakota Registration#824 NCARB Certification#26,346 ' Awards: FargaMoorhead Community Theater Design Competition Nicollet Law E�orcement Center Westside Air Terminal, Fargo N.D. , Memberships: Fargo Heritage Society Heritage Education Commission-Moorhead State University � American Correctional Association ' � ' 4. , Victoria S.Johnson Interior Designer/Space Planner ' Ms.Johnson's rience s ns financial, co rate and munici I ro'ects. in additional to her skiils as an � F� � Pa p ) interior and space planne�, Ms.Johnson has CADD expertise. � Representat�ve Experience: ' Financial First National Bank of Bemidji Communiry State Bank of Alexandria � Town 8�Country Bank National Ciry Bank Ridgedale National Ciry Bank Minneapolis 1 Commeroial ' IBM Northwestern B�I New American Properties/Landmark, Ritz Project NCR Comten-RosevAle , Iver L Johnson Construction Company ' Municipal/Public Hubert H. Humphrey Institute-University of Minnesota Champlin City Hali, Police and Fire Station , Rice Courrty Social Services Orono Ciry Hall Melrose Ciry Hall/Library/Police Coon Rapids Municipal Facilities Stixly ' Education: University of Minnesota Bachelor of Science ' Interior Design Collateral:Architecture and Housing Dunwoody Institute ' CADD Course Work � ' ' ' ' ' S. , Mike McGie Electrical Coordinator ' Mr. McGie has extensive experience with commercial and residentiai high, mid,and low rise complexes, industrial plants, municipai,and medical fac�ities. He is familiar with all forms of power, controi and communication distribution systems. ' Representative Experience: ' Municipal/Public Apple Valley Public Works Faciliry Eagan Maintenance Facility � Chaska Truck Garage Fridley Civic Center/Fire Sta#ion/Ramp Champlin Municipal Center , Commerciai Rivertront ' Mariner Mall Energy Park Brick Pond ' Financial/Office TCF Projects ' First National Bank Fairmont First National Bank of Bemidji St.Arrthony Park Office Buiiding , Piper Building 3M Office Complexes Bepex IBM , Medical � V.A. Hospitai ' Industrial 3M Industrial Plarrts Pillsbury Plant ' Education: Anoka,AVTI -Electrical Design Universiry of Minnesota ' ' ' � � 6 James J. Roubal , Mechanical Coordinator Mr. Roubal has 9 years experience with a broad mechanical expertise in a wide range of project types. , Represerrtative Experience: Industrial/Warehouse/Office Schools/Universities ' Abbott Laboratories, (5) Winona State University Coca-Cola Bottling Faciliry Blake School, Hopkins McLane-Distribution Centers(7) South St. Paul Schools ' NSP (3) U of M Agronomy Building E.F.Johnson U of M-HHH School of Management ITT Cannon Blake Northrup Kimberly Gark,Tx. U of M Greenhouse ' Super Value U of M Telecom Facility Honda Conway Milis ' Mary Kay Cosmetics Government Pillsbury Air National Guard Northstar Henn. County Adult Detention Center ' Graco Henn. County Parking Ramp, Station J.M.Jones Henn. County Jwenile Justice Center IGA Superfoods SEDA Services Target(2) Henn. County Ambulance Garage ' Federated Mutual Insurance Henn. County Carpentry Shops St. Paul Gallery Building Lombardi Business Development ' Lois OfEice Building Metfical Boeing Renton Worthington Clinic Northwestern Bell/At&?(13) Duluth Clinic Ramar Building Billings Clinic, Montana ' St. Louis Park Clinic(2) Wichita Clinic, Kansas Retail Eagan Clinic ' Earl Brown Shopping Center Amsden Ridge Clinic R.G. Brandens(6) Henn. County E.M.S. (2) Target Stores(4) IDC(2) ' Leachmere Stores(6) Southdale Hospital Foshay Tower Lobby Remodeling Mankato Clinic Southfork Medical Clinic ' Public Buildings Stadium Concessions-HHH Metrodome Parking Ramps MTS Northside Storage 8 Repair Henn. County Parking Ramp � Vikings Lounge-HHH Metrodome U of M (2) Mapie Grove Church Mpis. Convention Center ' Fridley Civic Center/Fire Station/Ramp Housing Champlin Municipai Center Pillsbury Mansion Parkway Place St.Anthony Place ' ' Education: Universiry of illinois-Bachelor of Science,Architectural ' � 7. Jon T. Rall ' Construction Coordinator Mr. Rall provides field observation, scheduling, coordination, and execution of the intent of all documents through ' construction completion. Representative Experience: , Community Martin Courrty Multi-Use FacAity Third Precinct Police Station ' B�{e Plaine Fire Station Spellerberg Park Tennis Courts, South Dakota McKennan Park Swimming Pooi, South Dakota � Watertown Water Treatment Piarrt Housing ' Parkway Place Condominiums St.Arrthony Townhomes H.U.D. Housing (Highrise), South Dakota, Nebraska � Financiai Howard Lake Bank ' First National Bank of Chaska First National Bank of Starbuck National City Bank of Minneapolis ' Beli Federal Cred'rt Union R¢stauraMs ' Perkins Restaurar�t � Schools NEC Brown lnstitute Lincoln High School ' St. Mary's Sch�l ' State/Federal Water Projects/Public Works Annette island Dam,Alaska Black Horse Dam and Hydro,Washington State Big Stone Power Plarrt, South Dakota � Garrison Division Project, North Dakota , Hospitals Royal C.Johnson Veterans Hospitai Addition, South Dakota McKinna Hospital Addition, South Dakota Sk�nc Valley Hospital Addition, South Dakota ' Education: University of South Dakota ' ' � 8. t Alexis Candalino Director of Research ' � Ms. Candalino's background is in communications, business and research. She is responsible for researching and establishing demographic,legislative and service demand growth indicators which impact on the municipal facilities studied by Boarman&Associates. Recerrtly, in the case of Coon Rapids, she conducted a comparative ' City Analysis and wrthin the scope of this process, researched legislative and nationally established ratios of service demand, staff and space. She will work with closely with the design team forming the research component which will support the work of the architect in projecting staff ar�d space needs. ' Represerrtative Experience: , Community ' Coon Rapids Orono Melrose ' Shakopee Fridley Nicollet County Historical Society , ' Education: Stepl�ns College Bachelor of Arts,with Honor ' English Major ' Awards: United Nations,wr�ing award ' Memberships: International Facilities Management Association National Association of Industrial Parks ' � � ' � ' 9. 5.AVAILABILITY AND RANGE OF FIRM SERVICES ' After careful review of our present work load we are prepared to commit the resources of the firm to a comprehensive Space Needs Assessmerit for the City of Rosemourrt. Listed below are wide range of services provided in-house by Boarman 8 Associates. � Comprehensive Services ' Architecture AAechanical Engineering Architectural Design Energy Use/Conservation analysis ' Complete Technical Documentation HVAC System Design Computer Aided Design{CADD) System Operation arxi Training Graphics Design Construction Phasing Construction Administration Fire Protection Systems , Site Planning CSI Spee�cations Computer Based Project Scheduling , Planning Electrical Engineering ' FeasibAity Studies Lighting Design Faciliry Evaluation Power System Design Project Budget/Schedule Communication System Design Program Development Construction Phasing ' Space Programming Security System Layout Master Planning � Irrterior Design Construction Administration Interior Image Concepts Contractor Selection Assistance ' Space Planning Contract Bidding Material Specifications Corrtract Management Furnishing Spec�fications Cost Control Furniture installation Construction Scheduling ' Interior Graphics Systems Construction Observation Lending Inspections Referendum Assistance ' The firm has develo�d a Bond Referendum Assistance Program which enables communities to structure an out reach program which can impact positively at the polis. 9 out of 10 cities that BA has been associated with, have , passed their referendums. Over a ten year period the firm has established a track record in municipal design and implementation. Computer Aided Design ' Boarman&Associates is a totally computer integrated and networked. We utilize Computer Aided Design Drafting in all areas of our practice, induding: interior design, space ptanning,architecture and engineering. ' Our computer system can generate complete contract document packages. Precisely dimensioned floor plans, reflected ceiling plans, irrterior and exterior�evations,details and schedules are a few of the system's applications. Additionally,documents can�stored in a library of details which is tied to building document�tion and � specffications. CADD offers Rosemount the time saving benefits and value design options. Boarman 8 Associates is prepared to commit our 15 station IBM CADD System to your design needs.We believe in , the positive benefits of a capable designer working in concert with a custom program CADD System. The speed, flexibility,accuracy, coordination, and most important, quality of the study documents results in the best possible master plan solutions on time and btxiget. ' ' 10. B. GENERAL APPROACH ' 1. SUMMARY ' Boarman 8 Associates has over t5 years of buAding experience,community involvement ar� research. We present a concise, step-by-step process organized on the basis of an objective review of space needs. The study process is outline b�ow. , PROJECT KICK OFF SESSION The City project team meeting wiil establish measurable goals and objectives for the Study. We will review the , project work scope, staff assignments,finalize the schedule and develop a critical path (documenting the necessary meeting dates and consultarrt submission requirements). SERVICE INDICATORS/PROJECTIONS ' Boarman&Associates Research Department will define the conditions which impact growth. Beginning with a baseline population,we wilt esta�ish the componerrts of population which afFect service demand(i.e. singles, over , 60, median income,etc.) Secondly,will define legislative impacts on the growth of service dernand(i.e.physical property assessment, prosecution of gross misdemeanors etc..). Using national statistics we will measure service demand by employing ratios, such as service calls per sworn officer, current level and anticipated level of , techn�ogy,(computer usage, cable, etc.) City conditions will be reviewed, noting engineering workload, ir�frastructure,development, projected redevelopment. The team will analyze the historical trend of the City,the budget cycle,etc. Inhererrt in any master plan Is the inevitably impacted by the underlying philosophy of the communiry which can be iderrtffied and buiit into the municipal facilities projected �an. ' These growth indicators are addressed at the outset of the master plan, it is a process which provides the architect and city management team w'rth data,which ultimately impacts space and serves to inject a flexible configuration of ' space to meet the needs of the future. FACIUTIES AND SITE DOCUMENTATION ' The consultant will prepare a CAD imputed base of the buildings plans and sites. The completed project work scope will provide the City complete CAD dc�cumentation for all needs assessmerit and schematic analysis of the ' City Hall, Pdice, Fire Station and Pu�ic Works. This will provide the City with an updated facilities CAD base for future modifications by in-house staff. The CAD process will be based on auto-cad program systems with IBM, or COMPAC Computer Hardware. The systems specifications ar�operational menus will be provid�to the City so � that an in-house computer data base can be established as a by-product of the study. NEEDSASSESSMENT ' Departmental Irrterviews: The Ciry Management Team, Departmerrt Heads and representatives from each department wiil be ' interviewed usi�g questionnaires and info�mation forms which establish pertinent information on security, privacy,work-flow, paper-flow, speciai areas, growth projections, cornmunication needs,and adjacency requiremeMs,training, response time,etc. The interview process establishes the departmentai projections ' for staff and equipment and therefore, space needs. The staff o�ganization and responsibility hierarchy is documerrted. The individual hierarchy of work stations currently in place for furni#ure and equipment is documented. Potential for work station and enclosed work space standardization is reviewed and defined. ' Additionally,we will inverrtory all existing equipmerrt,furniture,audiavisual, communications equipment, vehicles, etc,..in the case of Public Works and the Fire Department,wili inventory all personnel, equipment, vehicles and communications. ' � ' 11. Documerrt Flow Analysis: , Departmental work efficiency maximizes service poterrtial. The document and work-flow analysis is a crucial step, insuring the establishment of an ap{�opriate level af service. This analysis will look at the , paper moveme�within departments and beiween departmerrts. We will relate the paper movement to the communications and equipment being utilized today and in the future. Space Standards: ' With any modem office environment have equipmerrt demands in specific work areas to compliment a specific job task. There should be a conslstency and economic benefit to standardization. In the planning ' process, it is importarrt to identify general standardization for all enclosecl and open work stations.This aliows the planning process to project accura#e space requirements for individuals,as opposed to square footage amounts. By establishing initial space standards,we can improve the accuracy of early space layouts. ' Adjacencies and Spatial Matrix: ' The success of any layout is the inherent functional efficiency with future flexibility. The correct adjacencies and interaction between departments and between staff is imperative. To rapidly analyze the relationships between all departments for floor{�an layouts,a matrix is established to represent , the closeness requirements between staff functions. These are ranked as absolutely necessary, especially important, importarrt, ordinary closeness, unimportarrt,and not desirable. Staff and Area Projections: , A key element of the study projections of staff areas for the current three,five and ten year intervals is esserrtial. During the establishment of schematic layouts, staff projections will be further broken down from , raw numerical data to listings per floor, per building mass to see how the specific space tabulations relate to im�ementation options. Additionally,we w�l together address how additional staff impacts equipment need,thereby altering space. ' The Research Department of Boarman&Associates will work concurrently with design team,developing data which directly impacts on the physicai and financial implications found in growth or alteration of service demand. ' Traffic and Parking : ' The space expansion and staffing growth creates parking demands. The project team will assess the ratios between current staff usage and public usage and access. A�rcerrtage analysis will be estat�ished for projecting staff growth as it relates to parking demands. A parallel projection will be made on the basis of visitors to the City/police facility.The entire traif'�c issues regarding street and highway access will be ' documerrted in the schemaiic analysis. The same elements wiii be analyzed for the Fire Department and Public Warks. Traffic analysis of potential ' sites,which address circulation road access, parking,facility access,fuel pumps,etc. Comparative City Review: ' We wdl provide comparative data through our in-house program data to compare the City's needs with other similar users whose city configuration is equivalerrt in size, rrtake-up and service demand. The data ' prov�les a fund�knowledge which support the study findings and allow the team to project facility needs in the future. This process wAI atlow the ciry to take a}xo-active posttion regarding future building by anticipating rather than reacting to predicta�e growth triggers. ' , , 12. Program Documentation: ' The study is based on the consolidation of all the needs assessment data into a working document which will function as a base line throughout the building design process. The space needs assessment � document remains during the process�our st�y,as an independent document allowing a complete comparison of cost impacts, schematic analysis,ar�existing faciliry issues. The program documentation for needs assessmerrt w�l ultimat�y be incorporated into the final report. As a clarffication technique, it is importarrt to have the ability to maintain a separate document during the option study process, keeping , identffication needs positioned as the basis of comparison of all options. SCHEMATIC ANALYSIS: , The overall space implementation alternatives witi be tested through basic schematic layout plans comparing the � bulk size of their spatial needs and their relationship to the existing buAdings and/or new construction and the potential site areas fw expansion. These are not final architectural schematics, but clearly broad stroke graphic , options�what the impact wouid be. The size,area,and volume as�lustrated in these schematics is the basis for estimates of construction costs. ' DepartmeM Block Plan Layouts: From the needs assessmer�t data,the initial set of layout options will be on a total department area basis. , The department area will be determined on the basis of the individual staff areas, circulation and service space requirements. The growth area�ock plan layout will establish the basic building shell mass. There will be a series of these block plan layouts prepared to analyze various impacts on new and existing building areas and the sites. ' Work Station Layouts: � Once a block pian direction has been selected,a sub-btock or work station layout will be provided to iderrtify the accuracy and the fit for the generic work stations and the numbers of staff to be accommodated. If work station standards can be developed for basic furn�ure layouts,they could be eas�y incorporated in our computer to create a furniture plan from this layout. , Building Shell Analysis: ' As part of the schematic package we would determine the height,width, and length of building masses that would be created to house the projected space. As part of these massing documents there would be an integrai phasing statemer�t regarding the operations of the Ciry building. The building shell analysis wiii � make certain assumptions regarding building struetural systems, exterr�l wall types, mass and cor�figuration in order to establish a level of construction costs and quality engineering systems. This outline statemeM wili prov�de a basis for the cost est�mates. ' Site Impacts: Concurrerrt with the building sheli analysis wAI be the site impact schematic for the location of traffic ways, ' pa�king, building additions and service spaces relating to City properties. There wili be several sketched drawings to illustrate the prospective impact on the property by various shell options. An overall phasing statemerrt on the site will be addressed as a part of this analysis. ' Cost Impacts ' Any study of this magnittxle presented for City Counc� review must have a accurate cost component. The cost-tabenefit analysis for the value of the improvements is crucial in a government study. The cost w�l be on a square foot or generai line item basis. There will be comparisons with other facilities and their ' implemerrted costs. , , 13. Future Cost Impacts ' The Team will work dosely with the City Attomey, Finance Director and Bond Consultant to address the issues of cost impact to the City. ' Op�ations and Mairrtenance: � The study includes a componerrt for the operations and maintenance costs of the building additions. Our mechanical/electrical engineering staff wouid provide cost factars for systems operation. The comparative studies program could provide ftom other communities a cost per square f�t of utilities arxi maintenance, ' etc.. It would be intended that the operational maintenance elements would be, in general, harxiled by City staff, but we wouid highiy recommend that they be included in the study with our contribution where appropriate. ' REVIEW MEETINGS We would anticipate review meetings on a weekly basis for this project with the City Management Team. At the ' review meetings,the consultant would provide a specific agenda in advance for the meeting. The consuitarrt would prepare meeting minutes to provide a record of the activities and decisions. ' REPORT PRESENTATION The preserrtation of the report wiil be provided as a rough draft in a three-ring binder. As a final submittal,the consultaM will provide a spirai-bound document or series of documents as it is determined appropriate by the City , Staff and Council. Preliminary SubmittaL• ' The preliminary submittal would be provided at the end of the needs assessment phase, schematic phase and at preliminary of costs. These will, of course, occur over a short period of time requiring items along � concurrent staff review and approval. Final Submittal: ' The final submittal wHl be made in a completed document form. It wili include an executive summary for review and distribution. The submittal and document would be submitted to the City as original documents. � 2. SCHEDULE ' Boarman&Associates has completed study projects with similar workscopes in a time range of 3 to 6 months. We are prepared, in proposal format,to outiine s�cifically the tasks and the related time line to complete those tasks. ' ' ' � , , 14. C. EXPERIENCE AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS , 1. PAST EXPERIENCE: ' Muni i I Pr ' s � Boarman&Associates presents the fdlowing partia!listing of governmentai work,which includes new construction, major remodeling and additions. These signfficaM proJects range in size from 500,000 to 4 million dollars in construction. The individual staff projects are indicated by an asterisk. ' Eagan Municipal CerKer Apple Valley Central Maintenance Garage Eagan, Minnesota Apple Valley, Minnesota ' City Hall addition to the existing Addition and remodeling of a central police station. Project induded maintenance facility.included con- all administrative departments, sdidation of streets,parks,utilities ' council, lobby arid meeting areas. forestry and public works depts. Corrtact: Contact: Thomas Hedges John Gretz ' (612)454-8100 (612)431-8800 Eagan Mairrtenance Facility Chanhassen City Hall Eagan, Minnesota Chanhassen, Minnesota , Addition and remodeling of put.�ic Design and Master Plan for works departmerrt to consolidate City Hall, Police,fire Station, ' functions and included energy and public works on three, retrofit, upgrade of inechanical separate sites, all with 10096 systems. The site master plan expansion. ' addressed landscaping, site con- straints and neighborhood compatibiliry. Contact: Corrtact: Thomas H�ges Don Ashworth ' (612)454-8100 (612)937-1900 � Minneapolis Third Precinct Fairmont City Hall Minneapolis, Minnesota Fairmorrt, Minnesota , The 15,500 s.f. pdice facility Complete remodeling of 24,000 s.f. solves the functional issues of building irrto City Hall, Public Works securiry, energy, efficiency and and Engineering Offices. also encourages community irnolva ' ment. Corrtact: Contact: Brian Bachmeier(former City Engineer Martin Kroening Currently, Ciry Engineer, Oakdale ' (612)348-2402 (612)739-5088 , � ' , 15. � Champlin Municipal Cerrter New Prague City Hall Remodeling City Hall, Police, Fire Station and New Prague, Minnesota Public Works. ' Champlin, Minnesota Complete remodeling of a 28,000 s.f. WPA City Hall,including community center, A 10,000 s.f.addition and a 10,000 s.f. fire station council area and city offices remodeling located on a campus-like setting, ' which includes City Hall, Pdice, Fire Station Cornact: and Public Works.The Ciry Ha1F includes,CouncN Jerry Bonsack Chambers,open administration offices, per- (612)758-4401 ' imeter prnrate offices. The errtire project was produced on an IBM CADD n�tworked system. The project f�s recently been completed. Contact: � Kurt Urlich Acting Ciry Administrator (612)421-8100 ' Shakopee City Hall Shakopee, Minnesota , Conducted a municipal facilities study which incorporated site selection and the design of a one story faciliry � which would incorporate administration, parks and recreation, community meeting center and engineering and planning. ' Corrtact: Judy Cox Ciry Clerk Ciry of Shakopee ' (612)445-3650 ' � ' � � , , , ' 16. � Coroorate Projects ' La Maur Addition&Remodeling Northwestern Bell 22,000 s.f$785,000 22,000 s.f.$785,Od0 Fridley, MN Minneapolis, Minnesota Offices, computer, operations Office and switching ' marketing and presentation areas faciliry with staff break for hair arxi beauty aids manufact- facilities turer. � Deluxe Check Ca��porate offices* One Fin�ncial Cerrter 150,000 s.f$5,800,000 500,00 s.f.$25,000,000 Shoreview, MN Minneapolis, Minnesota ' Corporate offices,administration Multi-use building project finance, marketing, sales,and with hotel, o#fices, retail space, support funciions with a coriference conference and convention space. ' center and cafeteria facility. areas. St.Anthony Park Bank/Offices IBM ' 24,000 s.f.$903,000 27,800 s.f. $621,000 St. Paul, MN Minneapolis, Minnesota Professional offices, Bank and Regiona!sales and service � conference areas. Tenant space office facility for 180 staff designed. with canference and support areas. ' NEC Brown Institute IFG Corporate Center Operations 56,0�s.f.$2,900,000 70,000 s.f. $3,200,000 Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis, Minnesota ' Educational Facility,with com- Offices,training and computer puter,faculty, student and class- operations room space � National City Bank Ridgedale National City Bank 40,000 s.f.$2,100,000 15,500 s.f.$375,000 ' Minnetonka, MN Minneapolis, Minnesota Professional offices, Bank and Office faciliry for commercial coriference areas. Tenant space and exective departments with ' designed. secretarial support and eonference ctr. * (design project as personal experience of Jack Boarman prior to founding B&A) ' � , ' ' ' 17. 2. CURRENT EXPERIENCE � Municiqal ' Minnetonka Fire Stations(3) Melrose Municipal Facilities Minnetonka, Minnesota Melrose, Minnesota Three proto-typical stations, A comprehensive study involving ' all stations a�e located in res- a new facility for City Hall, identiai areas,variations were library, MEL-N and the Historical made to adapt to the differing Sociery. Construction to begin ' sites. The design is featured within six months. in IFC book of Fire Station Design. Corrtact: Corrtaot: Chief Paul Hooper Rose Ann Inderrineden � Fire Chief Ciry Clerk (612)933-2511 (612)256-4278 ' Plymouth Fire Stations(2) Coon Rapids Municipal Facilities Study Plymouth, Minnesota Coon Rapids, Minnesota � A 13,500 s.f.facility serves The Coon Rapids Study with a as a main station for Plymouth 5,and 10 year window for facility development and houses operational,training, for City Hall, Police and Public Works. The , and administrative functions. study addressed triggering factors. Coritact: Corrtact: Dick Carquist Lee Mehrkens � Public Safety Director Managemerrt Analyst (s12)�s-2soo (s�2)��-2$$0 ' Fridley City Hall, Federal GSA Ramp and Fire Station General Senrices Administration Contract Fridley, Minnesota ' A 24,00 s.f. remodeling and a 12,00 s.f. Develapmerrtal Studies for Federal Office addition. The project comprises pro- Buildings in Minnesota,Wisconsin and ' grammed space needs for 6 departments Illinois.A project to provide program- and over 160 staff. The addition/remodeling ing, spatial analysis, cost analysis included furnrture plans and system layouts. and report preparation. Contact: Contact: ' Jock Rot�rtson Robert Patton Community Development Director {312)886-6932 Ciry of Fridley , (s12)5st-�287 ' ' , ' ' 18. Corqorate � One Financiai Cerrter MTS Systems Minneapdis, MN Eden Prairie, Minnesota 500,000 s.f.and$25,0�,000 35,000 s.f. and$2,100,000 ' Multi-use buNding project with Corporate offices with con- hotel, offices, retail space, ference center,training and ' cor�ference and convention space. support areas. ' 3.WORK PERFORMED FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT We have not as yet had the opportunity to perform work for the Ciry af Rosemount. ' , 4. EXHIBITS � � � ' r � � � � � � � ' 3_. - _.- _ - � : __ �� :. _ - , . � -_ -- � � = - = - `- �_� -_ ��= _. -� _. _ _ _ �,� ��' �s = - _ _ ��` _ �=_. - �. � - - _�� � Y ���-���� - _ _ � � � - � � � � ..r . �,� _ �,�� �:_- _ _ _- �� � "' '- ,� _ _ - " -_ - - -�`� _ � 1 � �--� � ;� � � � 1 � �� � � ,. 1 � . � s��w aonr EVDE M W QANAGE P�Tp�� $W� �LERICAU OFFICER ROOM RECORDS _.___.._. . C ' NOIUNfi= B O . ROOM ROII CALL CHIEF G30/ � INTERO. ��E MECN. Hp�pwp � INVES ATONS P��MION CONFERENCE POOM OCKEA ' NOOM . M � � Q�T 9TORAQE� ROOM • STORAOE ' EMEp(iENCV OPEPATIONS Y� e � \`�7�J,J{'' � S ,� �0 ���=�'l , CHAMPLIN CITY HALUPOLICE DEPARTMENT ^ � �+�:o-:"� � � ns,ouni i.s LOWER LEVEL PLAN ' --- �con^u ' veu�r OFi10E OPFICE OFi10E M OFFlCE OFF�CE OFFICE lOUN6E w OMP ' ONAI9CA OVEN OFFICE PNNTROOM • OPEN�FICE I ' T. CEP, OFFICE OFFICE `� . p�qE � /LOBBV f t � COUNCJI. CONFEFENCE CHAMBERS i � VE8T6UlE � CONF. l � ' �� 8TORAOE , NONTH � �{�������------ ' 0 S 10 20 ��� GHAMPLIN CITY HALL u� �;sa,�".; FIRST FLOOH PLAN � - ' . ...,.,o..,,... ' ' I ..� / � / ` � -.-, I1' � C.f�'� !'� '` �.-r'K�'y s1 III � 4:�����_, �— � \�.: ��iM . I I�'i . , ���_��i�` �/��`L'c`"Ki' 3,� � �A .I� � �'L---L�`�i�G� ��r�� ��' �?" 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DISCLOSURE ' We certify that neither our firm nor consultant's firm and/or our employees are on the list of�rsons or firms currently debarred for vidations of various public contracts incorporating labor standards provisions. ' ' � ' ' , , , ' � , ' ' ' , ' � � � ' � � � � � � � � , CHARLES NOVAK ARCHITECT, INC. 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 (612) 423-2254 ' � � BACKGROUND PROJECT COMMITMENT C.N.A. was established as the architectural di- C.N.A. commits itself to work with the client from ' vision of a design/build construction firm in 1972. initial stages of planning to final stages of con- In 1975, while maintaining the relationship in struction with the highest degree of professional- the design/build company, a separate architec- ism and technical skill. C.N.A. will provide the ' tural division was established and a second client with the appropriate services necessary office was opened in St. Paul, Minnesota. Dual to achieve a final product that both functionally offices were maintained until 1978 when both and aesthically meets the individual needs of the � offices were brought together in Rosemount, client. C.N.A. will do this within the clients time Minnesota, located adjacent to Minneapolis-St. and budget constraints. Paul. In 1979 C.N.A. incorporated as an architec- tural service organization with a dedication to a � multi-disciplined practice in lieu of concentration on one particular building type. � C.N.A.'s expertise has developed in many diverse areas including commercial and shopping center design, restaurant design, office and office ware- � house, religious and educational facilities, single and multi-family housing with a combined aver- age yearly construction budget of between 10 and 15 million dollars. � Most importantly C.N.A. is registered to practice architecture in 40 states and a number of Ca- � nadian provinces. This variety of architectural experience allows the firm to provide the client with a wide range of architectural serv�ces. � � � .� � In toda s chan in environmental conditions and ra idl develo in technolo ies the rchi y g g p y p g g , a tect � must be continually aware of the varied needs of the client. C.N.A. is aware of these diversified requirements and is prepared to meet them with the ability to provide a wide range of design and management services: � - contract administration - site selection and analysis � - programming - building design - graphic design � - interior design - construction documents - building specifications � - construction observation - addition, remodeling and restoration - engineering ' - landscape and planning ' The clients individual needs will determine the extent to which one or all of these services are utilized, with the ultimate goal fulfillment of the client's requirements. ' , ' In order to achieve the most beneficial result in a building that meets the client's needs, an orderly � process must take place - the design process. In the design process the architect must work closely with the client to form a "design team". Each fulfills a specific role to the project. The client with his special knowledge and ideas about his needs and the architect with his skill in transforming those � needs and ideas into a viable solution. ' PROGRAM DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ' The first step inthe design process isto determine The design, at this point, is further refined and what are the needs of the client. C.N.A. will meet environmental systems are integrated. Final de- with the client to help determine those needs. cisions are formed and preparation is made for ' These needs will then evolve into programmed construction documents. space requirements and be used in the design process to achieve the most functional use and CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS � relationship of space. SITE SELECTION AND ANALYSIS At this phase the legal documents by which the building is constructed are prepared. Spec- ' If necessary C.N.A. will help the client select a ifications are written and finally the complete site which best suits his needs. Once a site is package is sent out for bid. chosen, C.N.A. will do a complete analysis of the � construction site to determine amenities, prob- CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION lems, sun and wind directions, soil conditions, traffic flows and noise. These will have a direct C.N.A.'s association with the client does not effect on the building in terms of a functional, stop with the completion of the construction rcost-effective, energy efficient design. documents. C.N.A., through careful inspection at PRELIMINARY DESIGN each stage of construction will insure that the building isconstructedtoexactingspecifications. � At this stage, information gathered in the pre- vious two phases are used to develop diagram- matic relationships of functions. Building con- � cepts are then generated, usually with several alternatives developed. In an orderly manner a preferable alternative is chosen based on the ' needs of the client. , This process and the extent to which each step is utilized will be determined by the scope of At this point C.N.A. will review with the client the the client's needs. All these steps will be done buildings concept, budget and time schedules. within the client's time and budget constraints. � . , Antler Corporation International Dairy Queen Barthell Homes James Company Berg Construction J's International � Big Ben International Judy's Hamburgers Bolo Development J & W Instruments Brooklyn Evangelical Lutheran Church K & B Development � Burger King Leo Inc. Cannonball Kitchens McGill Jenson Inc. Carison Implement Midco Development � Central Telephone Company Minnehol Corporation City of Little Canada Motor Parts Inc. City of Rosemount Nash Finch Company � Country Kitchens International North Heights Lutheran Church Cross of Christ Lutheran Church Paster Enterprises Crosstown Baptist Church PDQ � Crown Auto Stores Philip Investment Cubicon Corporation Pizza Hut Dayton - Hudson Polka Dot Dairy 1 Design Consortium Residences: Dr. Mark Holmes Beverly Vista Doerfler Construction Downer � Easterland Implement Johnson Eland Development Company Johnson Emmanuel Baptist Church Novak � Erickson Diversified Corporation Sandberg Faith Baptist Church Sentman Farmington Lutheran Church Rosemount Baptist Church � First Federal S & L of Albert Lea Sentman Enterprises First Federal S & L of Hastings Stillwaters Community Elders Home � First Federal S & L of Mankato Temple Baptist First State Bank of Apple Valley 37th St. Baptist First State Bank of LeSueur T. Wrights , Fred's Tire Company V.F.W. - Minneapolis Gabbert and Beck V.F.W. - Rosemount Godfather Pizza Village Builders � Haskell's Liquors Village Inn Pizza Hertz Corporation Victory Baptist Church Holker Enterprises � � �� �' t� �� 7 � ,„� �'� w` �� ��'�� �� '�� � ,� f� �i��i � m� �. �r t�'i � �� � � ' � � � '� �` , i �; ' �w� � � � 4 �� ����� �j, ����, � � a e.���i�'Y w �, � " � .�'�, a�' �� . "� ' w � „ � � ,, ; 7^�r r�,, >i �,��w,: ,r t � k�� 1 N;� 4 y� ? �ii m i � I 4, �� � � ' .. , _r �; pi S � ^.� t 8 � � ` �$-� l ��f 6 � �� ` � .;� i yr� � � � � � ^ � � . �� . ; � 1 " � � � ' t s � r.`.„ , ." _ ,a,�, �;y�=>' � , ,i ° , ; � , . . eF" a�a<em��+ , =i! � � � _.. _.a ....... .... '�s, �. ; , , . t,:,.,� °,��s.c e . `: ��� � � �mr�'���`� � � Y �s ,. ., �� = -;- �bi ��, i � � � � „ � City Hall/Community Center �,���. �������,����� East Bethel, Minnesota � This 9,000 square foot, single story facility has � °� � offices for the City staff, Council Chambers, � � �� � �� �� re conference rooms, community education and �°�"�P� � �` � �� � , _.__��r_�.m� _.� .���� activities room, kitchen, and storage areas. Since �� � the building is located in a community park, the , � �,�,���� ,� � � communitycenterservesactivitiesandprograms �� � ������������������' � � � � � ����,�F �� � � ������ � occuring within the park. The building exterior � � ���������� � consists of concrete block walls with stucco and �� '�r���� �� �'��� ' ' � �� split-face concrete blocks. Floor construction is ` � � �� ��' � � E ���P � concrete slab on grade and the roof construction ������ is precast concrete. The building construction �;-�� � ���'���� ' cost was $410,000. � � TKDAprovidedcompletearchitectural, planning, �� , ,,� and engineering design services, including pre- � � � liminary programming and design, site master � plan, working drawings and specifications. �` � � �� � �' ' �: � TKDA �� � ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS ' SAVAGE CITY HALL SAVAGE, MINNESOTA ' The design for the new City Hall for Savage responds to the � Council's desire for a buiiding that / creates an image for the future of � the City. ' The form is based on a metaphor of the City Hall as a reflection of the diversity of the City with each — � part of the buiiding refilecting ��'= - ;.:;�:; different segments of the community. ,� � ' � .., �,��„ �,_ ,,,�,,,,.., :�' �� �� .: y � -: . y � / ;% � �� /� � /i�� � � %i��/��ji s.w � i /% j% � ✓ u� i i � , ./� //�i/ �jj����� / //�/�1�� ��% M� � '� � '-�� �/�� //���//aiiiii � r �m:. � � � � �� ` �j,�'/!���jj�//�i%%%, ,. �� ���� < , �E :� � � ���� � � l/ �' � ��ji/i�i ,: ; �6, %G/i�,..., � „�...- ' - , ' , � `� � �°o�� . ._ _ . . . ��' � � � � � '" / ,.�'"`° ;` , ,,,1�` ��� // '->;: �/,, /i�%/fr z/ f / ��,,�i',�, � ' � ' v ___ K / .. ,.. . ��. :. 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';'�h�. �f,.��. � ...y, . � , , ,,, �„, ., ' ..q ,,n, ��. 1 _ „ � . �,i -�.> � / „ ��: iiY ///: /n ' i�„ i Sl ...,,.,. .:, . y , , .., � , ,,; . . , ,,. .,.,, r, ,,,..... . h ap�y�l ,�� �� �,r,� ' •� . i� i`ys%' ,, 6�����f' � i/,Y/ ,�,,;i� � ,. ; � �,:; � y ��� -m� u ; _ .�, � �„�„ , �.. :, � " ,., r�w�s Y' . .,� . ; _ "„ �.> ' . k / ' .,r. . ...�.0 , / y � ��� /j i��/C � _ .o. �/j���5��`� ��� j%%' ��� ,,. �f� �� /i ��- �'. , ,.,,... ��:zl � •� • j/ / � e�.� �,l�ar.. m:r-�„��" ^"7 i .. _ �`t���j�",�`.� �.'�'.� ,u✓ . Ir r'� ry'�`S.%r a+,� r�%�`��� x x '''��"'�` �d' j �����/%%/ „�;�.��"�';`�.�'%y�i��Y�� '���'�% � �� � � , /:�/i� �` /�:,�� ,��:�' � �: � � ��� ;�'�3- , CITY SERVICES COMPLEX EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA The Public Safety Building and future � ' City Hall are built into the crown of a , � hill on the residential side of a major rr �, �� � city street. Across the street,the � � ' ' " t'r� � Parks and Public Works Building is ����., ��'�"'� ���:�' A ��� i ��. �� ' ' ���� located with the existing public `��' �d ` �x � �'' ��` �"' " utilities building and fire siation. The design of each building harmonizes "'"" ' � with its existing neighbors and are � related to each other by the use of �"�� � � � :� ��' g ��a"��'� ` � similar materials and colors. ' Sx ,.�q�����, � � � . ,. .. � . . .. "''z av.�""'L a �� \\�\ �2,�. �.c�',�,Qi z z���E'`��-� . \:.S ....,..� ,\,[a,��.��,54���i�'���u..� .����`�� y �u �. The buildings are constructed of white glazed block and pre-cast concrete � paneis,with gray standing-seam metal „,,� on the sioped roof. �` �= ��� �w� l�������������-���"� , Q . . I�I���B'��'J i 1 � _ __ . - _ , , ��,, __ � , , _ � ; _ a � ;, ,; : i = ,, . ' � � _ r' , � EXISTING I - i' � � � . � ' �� : � � FIRE STATION � . . - . : _ } �� _ � ' i ) � � � - __ , �� �� \��`l�,A`, �V`�.� A�` - � , r 7��� � ' � �. _ � � ` 1 N�4V MAINTENANCE BU NG�- � ;... � ��-� � ) i . 1 � � - � - E r', I�� il 1,1 i � • - � A i � ' � ' - � ' - �' '' - - : , .. � �^ ., �/„ -. _ o f` .— :.�j , �- �� � it` r ��� � . - NE - .� � . � •:-� 8L]C SA� 1 : 'P�'�.. BUILHING . ��� i � �--'�, � , o .:. - - _ � . .� ��r r� '.' X . � _`-� . � i �'v ' � ' . i '. � � \ � iMr — \. \ +� 4 .l � T+q4w.,�.� . . . � . . __ . = F�""�wi-'-*�fES�e . . . .�. � ; : � ,_ ,- .... . < � �': I �'- '` . . . _ � � � �� . 1 ��� / � , .� �- � . �._ , , : . ,..� � � .�.. �: , � '� y , %%�! � . . %/�. . � � �� __ � '� EXISTING `//.: � �� - . - —� WATER �'... . .- " EXTERIOR��STORAGE � � FU7URE � �. � � CITY HAL �� .j � . � � � _ � _ : ,i' P ��� - ' �� F: — . . \ �, ��=�"�.,,...� ` �`" -�-- —�.� " �,,; � � ,, � ��. - , :j, / r; 1 �, � ��- - - -' - -, -- � r � � � � � � � � � ' , �� � � � N', MASTER SITE PLAN a p „ , }�'��x, .,,.:,"�' �,;.��*k��_, ' � �, iCITY SERVICES COMPLEX EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA � `�: ��" �,� ,.. � Y. � The Eden Prairie Police Department is an � � award-winning law enforcement group.The �� ' T � ' :, ' ° <:,,...r ... buiiding attempts to attest to their profes- __. c � sionalism. � � ' . ;.� The Public Safety Building is designed with � �,• : � � a sloped grey metal roof,white glazed con- crete biockwal{s,and earth berms to create , a residential feeling.A vaulted roof over the -�� • � � �.� entrance unmistakenly identifies this as the '���' - �; �„ �� K � ' :.>.: <. . public access point.A skylight allows day- � � �� � � � � �� ' � � � � _� . ..�� � ,�. , ' light to penetrate the interior areas and �' wood is used on the ceilings to provide a .,,;; friendly ambience.An air-to-water heat �� pump system is used for heating and cooling. �' � ;.. ` � � All secure areas are controlled from the A ;;: .. dispatch area and the jail design is based 'm ' J < a:: ��, .. ' on the Minnesota Department of Correc- tions standards. ' Public Safety Building: 15,700 SF " �. � > . _ i. � ;,�'� S ��/�`�� � � � � �� � I I � �� � � � ,r _� i i � '� ��� I I r � � � � 'z ` �: ` L � � � � ` I _ ; ' � -�_�--� __ . - _ _ - ._ : , - - ' � ���_� � � __ _ __ i� � _�- . ,`.c•: , ,.. � '�, ; � __ -. ' YECNAXICAL .'= "_ ..._ . ' �I Ht, . . '�___ _- __ _ ... _ ��� _ _ _ ___ __ _ - _ _ '_ _- � �� _------ — -- -- ---�+--- - - - - -_ T �-�� � � �r- � ♦ . . �� D �� I . � . . � ,..� : '� CXIEf'S 38C. � � __ `.,, - I . � OFFICE `��l EVIOENC6 RDOM , i � I � �- � �. . . � � �. ,._:� --� — - I ' . . ' rt � � II �I � Of►IK � �'� � J . .. . 'm r �I( APEA L AIIN R __�'_=� . D `�:i. , . � � .'... r.. 4"�'r`�'� ' I . , I � OIRMC �'— � I� �D RCOM vrw� • PORi�• . � .. � � �lRALI liiw�x. � � a � � �- ;' - -� . I t r—�-z � , s I .. �'OIFlCE�I�� . _,.,. . . E 1 I ! � w � ----- . � . .� t L', �_ C M�[�!�( � � QARA6E � �iMVI�... i.,.�� �i Ll � fTOe�oe -- -�,-� � 4e � E I t ��I� � � �], I � ;. 7 2 3 ♦ _; �� � '� , �.. ;;; , ' ,,.: � I � _.. �.- •' . y � , .�, .I , �. . . _. .._. � . l � t'_' ..}; "_'�._ _ _ __ ,�_� i ; � � � _ , : � , �,� � � � � . � � - � 6 � I _ _". I . , I � " S' ^.'• r_' 6q�lY: i . � i � � /. � . ' WASN � , I ' ! 7 � - i OINO /. �i � � , 1 : �� . . . � � ' I , ,�..�;�: MOOM p �'.i ,'. � ' � � , . � � �__'_ ,�'-� . I � � � _ : _ , L�..r„_.�_ _��---- --�-� � � �I . L-- -- --- - -- �\ .--__-_T-----�_ � i. i . � �. . � , � � � I�.�, � _� . . . . �. r, , ' � ,. . ', 1__' ' , � � ./ GROUND FLOOR �JA ` �� PLAN on , � u ' CITY SERVICES COMPLEX �:� ``" �������'�%"���',c�y����r� � � ` �!` §?�, ' EDEN PRAIRIE,MINNESOTA � �'` ?�� ��` ` '� `� 4 ` � .� � ; � s � � \y � y'J 4��A'¢ "'£. 3 a�l\ J '. \ ,. �? 4� \ � � t�. . � / ` � s ;' \., � � � \�`��`` � � . ' .. . \ \\\ 4 S 4 �:{ .Z.�.� \ �\ ' . . �. . . K�; ' 1 �yh The Maintenance Buiiding is designed to re- � late to the existing fire station and water ��_ ' ��: ;� � I ,�� � treatment plant. Grey pre-cast walls are used ;� �: •, M;�J � �� for all vehicular areas and white glazed con- _� ;* crete block identifies the people area.The " � � �`""`""""� ..,, 1 �� :.��, entrance is made obvious by expressing the ;� S�'u���,j" I � ! stairway to the second floor on the outside :� i°�'i��i �'' with glass block and by p�acing the entrance ' `����� . ����� ; under the landing. h I i x� .. ' i..,..... ..� �: � . ._ �wxiw x.e.�.., ...� ... � . � ..;.: � ..:.x.;�., _..'. . :�., .,�. A rooftop HVAC system and gas-fired unit � -, ' heaters are utilized for heating and cooling. Maintenance Building — 24,000 S.F. ' 1 j , � � � �� I ' _ � � 2nd FLOOR � ' � 'rc ' � - � ; '"'"'r a��e�r�x secuE e.oaoe ,oa i °J � m,ra.s- Cxm i � squ { � � � / �vem�uti � M�1INTENANCE 7 ' couirroiT � . sroe�oe SHOP �..,,,t � � {{;; A � - �:'� ,.,� v�xrt �� encn,�� ! GARAGE . /F-�/' d � � � � ;� � � ,wa, � �� i . 1�s' r � lr`� ��::� ' � j ��� ' '�"1 F �o,.� � iy � ._� � � ,� - , r � . PAItl(S and REGREATION . � 1� � PUBLIC WORKS � . � ' � LANO[ f011NYO1T 7TORAfiE - I LANOE EOUIPMExT STOnAGE � �` I/ I ,�� �� � �' � � ,�`` � ' � " � �_r c._ - --- � ---� � � _ � � ; , - , � . � i 1PUCK W�SM � GROUND FLOOR PLAN �—; � � ' MINNETONKA ' POLICE STATION , i MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA , ; � ti ^ � �� , This iar e lice station that ��'%�o/ ` ' 9 Po o � �i' , completes the city's municipal ���,/�. complex is located on a difficuit site � - �,! �, , Q � ;x.� *� ,� �. � �� _-�. ,�,- , .�;3 �,,� between the city hall and fire station. �� � %'��� � - /, �� �'� ��, � � ;, The use of similar materials �o�� �; �.-��-� � � � �: "'�`�„a,,,� � , � , �� � � � �� harmornzes the building in the =� ,�.�h �� ; „�,,,,,,,, _ � ; _- ' complex. ;�� t� � �Y � �, � ""s _ _ � �� � ,..,�. �-L-� ,� c,�y,, �„� � -, A central skylighted spine joins the � �! ' ' -�� '�'a � diverse functions of the police station. ���I - ����• ��� _ �� �-�� .s�.�'— - �.��� " � �.,.� - The entry, administrative area, =�� � __ s � � �' - � � nonuniformed police and a secure area s�/ - ,,,,: _ „�.L� _ _ �,.. I , i �;"� , / designed to hoid a maximum of 14 �J -- � � �/. �� occupy the upper level. The fower ��;� � � -_ i,i � �� level, off the parking lot,is devoted to ���: � ' � . the uniformed police. � ��-_____�_ ' �J� �`sj� ' .. � � � . . . . UPPER LEVEL PLAN ' . ' . ' �..a�. . ^ _ _ '—I � • � S _ _ _ _ � _ \ l ' � - -_''-� .. y�..... � � '" - — — -� _ �� P '...�...:: , � ......... . �` i i�-.......,," __ ' ... ` �`". _� - � __' _" J ..... ... ,��'� � :.!\�,�,^ Y �^4 `� ' 3�l em.�a.noue� ��� P� 'II a.eawn —__ren�nu�.�ab�w 1,} � �+ . � , I ����� - / � n - _ i� ��V ; b �' .' 'r.`i�'k':��tt�i4t't ;✓ j �c'N r-�� _ _ .� „r•y,�.�_ .�wmn°`. � � � � I !' � � - � ' I ''u,r-,.�.�� v ��''�- - 4 • y GFt'TM�x4`. � , �� , .�� ---- -- --- --="c�- � - \ - �; w � ,` � . I. � `.•� �. . , ; , � :'' .. . . ,, �, :i' „ . ' _ . .. , �/ � I �.� t ' ' •• ' . : -.�_ ...�:•� ' . , ...: '�PN�N ......._ . �'..... ..-7W'.. �� I.�`. �l , _ - . , �$�WucCoWbad. '-I _�i � ._.... E ..r '� f `� �L j �+ : :: .... �� � .. -.... .. _ � ' -. -� '� � r .� �`�. : � �� �,L i, -- z . . �, --- :s;_,; ,� <.l '.' . �7V.' . i ? ' � \` . . . . . �I . . . . � . . . / I;. . r {, . �� ! � ;�'I � IOWER LEVEL PUN { i � 1 ; . 7 ' y'.��= ' . � . ;. ' � . , �� . ��� . ( �. . -- � - . �,, �. . '� , �� ' _ — — — . .....__ _ �_ - . _._ . . —__ . — . .. . ,.... _ .. _ . '� .. _ .. ..F . --__ _ ` .. ':�" �.. ' RED WING POLICE STATION �f RED WING, MINNESOTA �:� � � �� &e $ � �� ��i r 4 � i� g A barrei vault spanning both the public ����� �'' ,i�� �"�� ��i' � � ' entry lobby and administrative offices �����-� ' � '���, �� �I provides a strong visuai connection ,�� ��� �q � � beteen the public and the secure police �,� ���,�,'������,��, ,, I � !� 5=f ' areas in this police station. Skylights �� �`.� x` `` „ µ TT"_ � separating both sides of the vault from �� � � � the surrounding�flat roof light the � �-� r � � � ,,� � ' interior circulation spaces and provide ��`b % �� light to the private offices and squad � ` �' �k� � ��` room. � ..,> �`��'s � ��,��� ,.� �°��i ��` ��� , Because the new police station is � ��, � �<�` � ,%�� ►inked to the county jail it has no '<-�;� �; , '� holding area but houses all the city , ' ,� 1 police staff and administrative �- �. � ' � ��� �� 7, � ,% functions. '' � � � � ,- -� , ; � � � ,. y� � ��, r The design of this building was subject > �!%i%'' ' „w,,..' � � �%' � , '. .;�t ,� ., , � �� to approval by the city s preservation � ;� ; y -� � ' �..� � ,,� committee because it was located in a " `" ` � g'�% � ', � � � ✓� e� designated historic area of Red Wing. �/;�i � �'� ; ' ,;" ' ` y�;� A gun range,shared by the county, � `� was built at the basement level below - " � the garage to avoid noise disruption of occupied spaces. , :� _�\�\�\��� � ^ \�\���.����,� ` \ � ����\� � � ;� ��.���.`,,� --- � ' — - , �� : � ,�;. . _ _ � ��: ��„ - ' ���� ����� �. \ �a€�t��\��\ti �L�\�.��� ,,.,o..� :� --- � ' ��q � �u�� ' � , _ � � 1�; '�,r-°; -'fi;.`�""'.w:a..: _.-._ ,,,,v.,,,,, � T � 3 �� —��� 0 � � ♦ ' �� � •- �� Yt�-. . � .d^ _ I� _. ...R.'����� , �Y--- ��2��' ' � . � i.. � .. . . . , . .' . ' ...a...M .. \ � \`� � i I I . . � . . � \ . ___ . __ , ��, GROUND FLOOR PLAN ^—'-- � ' �� � �I � ' - __ i � � � `�� � � � — —' _ �_...� � ` ' `_. � & �.� = \ ,��.. � �d� x �";�" �`� \�\ �a � � � . � . � �,,..,� . . � p ' _ : ... � .. ,...;; , _•e , �, a ' �' r ,� _- ��� � � �a:�� ,, j, ?�.�"'�'� �, � � � �., �, `�`�y „ � `" : r '" i .._ -. �.`� ��,� �.� � �r �-. � � `�� . �'�cc�h��~`'i��-'�.w..�� �. :` �"Vc.r���a^ : i °'` � � . ... �....,, , � r;�,�.���s''"'S` a�1�v..,..::� .. � f � W •,•� .:�. � . � '� . .� 1 ..�.. � �� -.: . .,a�r,,. :. � ' J , _. �`' x �;a�-.� , _ -- . �� ,..,,,��_.��,,,�,,,,,tia� � � �`} ,.� ������ .. . '� . . . _ �, 3 � . . ,,. �� .. ' -� ���,� . '�����\.\Z�. ; . . ' � �:.� . . ,,,^ � ' , . � w��\\ a� ;. � � � �,w ��.a�;Sa a \:�,.,, . ,., �� . . . .. .W. �` . . . - - .,�o��J,. .w, . ...,��a�A���A�A�A�A AUGSBURG PARK LiBRARY `�'�'- �:°'' <.��.�:.�. 0 � i'��" 'RiCHF1ELD,MINNESOTA , � � `� y � �'�. ' � ,f' � _ - � /�`ti.., '� � � 1 :_ � ���; � ..-} --- , � This branch for the Hennepin Counry � I '�L } �'�'�'=M� � � " � �3 x _.__ � Library System is designed to fit into � , �� � , and enhance the use of an existing \`� �r� � � • � � %' � � � � 'park. This results in a design concept � � -- � � that utilizes wood beams and vaults a ,�� r �;��! �` , � �� over load bearing brick walls, �^, � m � - ,,J,1,`` exposed inside and out. The resulting ' ���"ms - -; ' �" � � ���,r���� 'low profile along with the staggared � �-- �4' � _ , structural system enabies the y`� ' �`' :�� " ��.. �x�; � - � _ ,m � �y �� _ � =�, � w �E i building to be set in and amongst the "'�� , �ry�`� _ _ �'V `� , ,, � � � ; n� � �existing trees in the park. �„� � ' � �� ��<',,,� "''� `, .� • av✓!! ' i �,�W � b :�� "�_.., � .�� m.�. .,� �m.0 . The parking lot is depressed with `�� 'earth berms and landscaping to � enhance the park-like setting, as : viewed from the street approach and �� � � �, - �`��R� � ,:� from within the park. The site � �� , ' �:�,� ;.�='� '��� 'adjacent to the building is organized � � ��;, �. with exterior spaces, bicycle storage and auto drop-of#,along with ` �` ` - � >r'�PI �y��. .:. .. 'landscaping to further blend the � � � structure into the natural ;; c „� , , • „ � .. :.:. environmment. ���- ����- �'��~; �-� �� 'The mechanical systems are located �: ���: ��� under the fioor slab so that the roof , �'��� structure can be exposed through- � � wT Y � �� ;����,� �� out the entire building. The lighting �`���=�_ ������ k�°�� ' X �system utilizes a special lens to � - x 9,- � ,� � � disperse the light both up and down, �'' � � ��� � � � `' r . �' ,�: t � � . s<rWt, ...J �:;:� 'to avoid ths harsh gfare of lights as � £ § � � . , � �� � ,, ��' r� , � commonly found in library reading ` ' 'J�"�� µ' rooms. ,; �� , w ; � � �Z a ��� ;�f,� � � �I���r �, # � �.• � � ���l �t;�� . � :a y.r.r.`���:��r^. � . , ` x. ._-� �'�3 f �i �✓N q ._ �. �� � �. - � �,��„��.�� . ; .. �� . �• .: ' � v'�f��y,y ""��.} �. : - : ' ,p�'& ��,. �k�i?w"` ,� : - . f,,w.,,,_ `� i , � �' ,�.���3��`�� ...�-'._..�� € aM��"�`�� `�` �y��w-`� ' � f �+� ���� �-sa�s� � � �. ;�.� ri} : ���w��s a �� ,.._"_a� �„,. — ��� . . �{ } } } �� ����� ��� � � �� 1 f j�t� [� � � �� �' iy ,,�A� . , ' , .m. � � S 1 � � : , , �' : • � ; , .,,,.�. .... � ;. i ` � *'� ; ��: -. k:.> ,.,, y� �.;: � ..-. . �... , 1:�:�'°„'"�.�!a""s' . r..�«�N w`; . . ,;.i'�� ' • 4. � - � . . � �i�. i " � �� ... � , , ' y; �l ` i �� , .� , � � � ,�- ... ; Q � � '�, '� /�� j�, 5 f �`: � ,�� �.� � � . i yy j}(, m �' ,�'8� � ,�.,�q, � B �L��: ,�k i.�y�`��'.:`r7�` , �` �'.",�^z& ,� .��, �:.. 'A q.�'.ru.�� � f���c�. ti '.3 �.. � � . ' �. F '*�S�' .)���4Y ys'm� .°r/r� ;� � .. .._ �„' . .L`� S.9`2�/���`Y� . . �• /'� �,/.. /� y% � '.� � �� . � . ' � ��: � , ' � , .. +1+^ //�+r� �Y{;. � � % � ..A�;�" 5" 3 i E 1� / � ra �y �� �,r���5,'r % „�,i,,,i,'� x`� i% � / ri iij'ii'i%���,��j��/ bn //;:.; h��"��t�� r :��j� �� � ' ... . . �,/ � � ���� ry� � .. .. �� � �£ ��,. �/�j //� s � ��; �5�i�q K+ � '�"� •1` . .../.�=-,/.i.,..��•�..;' ---, '/,�iv.rM.��i.�',r��i,�:� �' � i � s`¢ r ,.s ; 'b�.s��`�.°�Cc i�%�.,��a2 C v�5,:U .. ': _ . � , ' JACKSON PUBUC LIBRARY JACKSON,MINNESOTA � � �� „�. A new 6200 square foot Library for a city�of 5000 peopie in Southwes#em �"'" � �" � � � � { �,,. Minnesota. � `,.�_ , � � � ' i �� �� �., ' The Librar features a dia onal sk li ht Y Y 9 g � , , � ' on axis with the historic Jackson County '�' '" Courthouse to bring light into the interior. '� ` A landscape wall extends the building the entire block to screen parking and continue � �'��" � `'�����' � '� � � ' the street facade. : v� , The building is constructed of masonry , load-bearing walls with a stucco finish and �'��` � exposed wood beams�and wood deck�roof -� �"`'��� � on the interior. ; ' The Library interior furnishings and signage , ' � �', ' � /,���,, � ' were selected to blend with the site and� ;�'!� � ' ��� x �q � , ;_..., y� .; _ , . n ��'���Ili�' 'ii { � architectural concept to present an overali � ���""� � � ' � ` �� '�"" ` � rl x�°;p� �I'` ` � „�,� ���„������,,�:..- � design image reflective of the rural comm- ����__ Y � unity in which its located. � ,� � �����. ._ �,,.�„�, , ���H;<., �'�"�"���ii i�i�'��i'/�����i///i , , ,�,� ��i�s ����,., � ata� ���.. .,�' r ' „y/� <i/-��./�������� i, / � .�"i%r/ !� ���y;/i i/9����%� �e� i.: �� „�; .. .,.',,.a,/ia .G;�� ..,/��.!'O/'i� � . ,w-'�"" . ""„j�-��ae?W.4 J `� .T . ���� ^ "_ . �. t �� . /� � �. ' �y� . . r,L— ^� .� .— .ues. . _ ...._. `r €, . � I� . � :� J . - � ��� .- ... T� �� �� . � Y `y . .�Y ..� �.w� -�` i �: " .'b-_. � iwr�. . r- t ��_� r� 4�- t �, � � �Q� "�a %J � � . E�- �f."�.� �m. �.I ... � - • . , � °��� �1� — ��"� �� � �;�.� .._.. ������, _-_ 1 � I . ` G � ...._. - i � ' �j "� - - .�. .. i. � ,_,r I � � L1 i"� — -- — � _ .� . ��` ��,j.l,i�i�i� r,.-. . � . . � . i'''n , ] � Q� � _ - �__ -- . _ ; ,..� ;....� o a '. ,��,�.�.:�; � CCT_ � �+ =- � .; :� ._ ��e�-}�a�s""'�"��-'-T-------�� �' � -� `'_'� C �`s�� ; —�c-�-'�•�+�r .��t � l I ❑ �� ' � - , - ? � `� - - . i � � � ,i � �'� � �- . �- �- _ � ��� � ,� �� � n � � Location/site/floor plan � � � ' � � �..... �. ,� ° �. ' ' _ e 4 __ e�� �. r �e,' ,,,,. : � � � ��� ��' � � e�' '�s, €i, � ; 9 �� ��' � � ' �y :s� ��' � >� �� � � ��� �,� �� � �� m�� .�q,. ..-. -�;�.:.. . .. ?� � � �% � ...�� �a , �� t �y �� � � � '� �,� �:,. ar�� . , ��, ,,�i� � :., II����� :�.�.- , , a.. ,� � : �,�.,....-: ST. CLOUD PUBLIC LIBRARY "` ��:� ' ST. CLOUD, MINNESOTA :�.� ,� ' The St. Cloud Pubiic Library develop- � ������ �... �.,\ ���� ment involves the siting and design of ��� ��� � a library in an urban space. The site ����� � ��� � ' and structure evolve together to �� provide a ciose relationship between ���,� �_ interior and exterior spaces, as well �����.�\ ' as becoming an integral and � � .�:�::� � , welcoming part of the community. � �.�. ; � . � ��\�. ��� �� �\��`\\��� �\� The theme of the St. Germain Mall is ` �`'\ ` ���� \�\ � � `����,� � \�\ �. ���\\\�\�����\��\��\� � � \ extended b the use of lar e decid- \ �������� �\��� �� � �� ' Y 9 ,������\���, �a.. ,���,,��,�������������\ ����� \,� �. ��\, �a�, �\ uous trees and planting beds. These `� " � ���� ��, ,����� .: �����\�����\� \�� \�\ ����.., plantings provide shade for �\��\������ ����\\\\������a `�,���\�\;` ��� ,� v�;��;��,� �'��\\\�\��O\�\�\� ����- ��\ ����� � '�\ � �\ ��\\\���� \���\\���...: ` �\�\�\\��\� ���.. � \� pedestrians and the sittin area at `� �� ` � g ._ � � ��\.�\\\\\� �.o����� ����,.�� � ' �: � ������ � \\ � �;� � ,», ,. � �� , street level and a pieasant entry to � \����� � �e�� ' rY Y ��\�� \\\ \ �\\ �`\�����j, ���.: \ the libra and court ard. The tree �. � �_ ; _ � � � � , � � grates provide continuous paved �- �� ��� � � �, � � �; �v�� �� � surfaces for an extended plaza area. ' � � �. �. Mass planting beds and ground covers „��� ' �� �� � �� � ; � � in lieu of turf area minimize ���������,��.,��'� maintenance of the site. ' � `\ \� E���, k.,��\\ � � \ \ ���' \�}�\�X���1 a� � \�a. : �`3t�pmw L�\���,,,,��� ��. � ��.. \\ . . \\���\ . i��'�����€��et�\����„��.• � :\;� ...��.� ��.� � �.. �\ � �i //�l/jj /// % � � � ��� � ��/ ' ` ��� � ;�����' �� r , ,, I �%�i�� ,� ` ' z. � — . ° � � — �_�_�°� � � �� � _'�\ � / , (\, e Y i i I v ' ` s —J�—__" �}l. . . \ �yY� � _ _--_ ____ u. Y I�`� � _ � / — _ , „ �., , . � .. '. _ .. �i/ i -; ,. ,,,.,,. ' -_._ ' � . . � . �- F �. �' �_ �� - �'. a- , . . ; ', " -. - ,,,.� . . � - � � __ `�1>; � , 5 = � �_ ����(e_ � / �� _ _ � �/ . ___ • ' ' /�����/����z� ,� 5�,� �r y.�i�i' 3 �9 . .. _ - 1 \� : �������`. �'f' x i%h�'� . i :�'� . . ���-�� - ��l y i � — V %�� � / 1 � > ,l - �--r—� _ ; i`��"j �ra'�� i,3;- -_ i w '��-�,,� / ,� � :,',�r� �� y� -. /y� �_ ��i ! _ ft1'�I �� . ' _..,� :_. -: +. i// �ii' tt�tl �1� �/ i ,�•"' ._ ���"i%x� �� , ` _ _ --- — ",i � � ����%///��/��/��� . � � �J� � p'�' _ � • / ,»,P oi�/�%//' i � /, - �J � P� .P' sfi�j�s �' .� . �/� / / � i '� ? 3. ., fy, � /. / //l, � � � , ��{�,/ �¢� ii�..,... / ,u'y , . � . '� 11 �� ..�g�,�i . ?�\% �' � ) �`"� � � Z � / �:._.tr y i � F�_-_��� /j/ ii I� .�/�_-. .�'A. .��� "'�� ,�yL'., � . .� �� �� , � � �� � / // ; i /i i il ; . __ i i� � i ji//!� ( :.., i;,, ... . „�t .. __� ,„/ci !/,�.. — � - . ' UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA � DIARY CATTLE TEACHING AND � '��'� RESEARCH CENTER .. ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA '::...._ ,.". �-��,d � �.�.�_ - i 'The dairy research barn was designed M ' �. � '�� � ' �� � � � to permi t t he use o f t he most modern j � , � ,', i 'dai e u�ment and most recent herd � Y - 1 � ~� I i� �' hu ba d P The overhead automatic , J I ` i feed trolley serves 100 stalls. Milking � � is done in a 10 stail herringbone parlor �j ""� - ' � '� ��� I � ,��.. or an experimental parlor. �� ° � � �-�' "-'�`� �- f , ��:; �����; ; � �,�� ' � f . � / :• :�,y�,r�.y�y�; �' ; N�N• ', � . The De Laval Company has a contract ' � y �����;' �°'�k�' ; �� �� '""'" f 'with the University to continuously ��� �� ' 1 � �� �� i �' µ � I provide and maintain the most - _ � �� I �; ;^�---,---� recentiy developed equipment for this � ` I —r —_ �� I � I �"21st Century"dairy. - �.,�.. �i , ! � � _ • ......,_..�� _,1�; - -- �� � � � � '�'�� � � ��N������ � � ,� � a ..: �I-�-�-`—� .�.. . �� .. ,�.��3 ]I,�."i.�: ' 9� __ _�T �.J � I .wL. � . .. .. , . . . ,. . . � i °"y: / �: F � . . yl6�3% � � , �«...�.. ��. .__ - . '� �4,r �� � � .;� i ��� ----- --T� I.• ..�..... . .> ,: � ,.. ` . � �... � � � . GJ�,� �� t, �x � n /� . .«.....��. i�.... N ��y� ,i3� �e I�i��s� � �+ i�tl qB i�:'6d �//f� � , I ' � . . , ( . ... .,�.. -- - � ud� `'f� ✓ 4l�t��� � � �..� i; i� � i ..�`� ^. � � � � �� � . � a�� � � �z� �.a�.r» ��.�� �.���y��� �.�h ��` `g`��°��i�h '�� �'�"��?$,.a'��} �3 ���`�� ����Le'� � y�'3a,��`�� ���`� �. � '�,Z:�` s��,`�'�. ^•a•� a'F'+ a���`�„�tr�e� � � � ' . �>> � � z�: ���� ��� �,�r � 1 \������ �� � ' r ,; .- '_ ,�����4,���\�\�ti�1\\�\�,,�'������ � � � .�, 4 � ` �b���,�•�c�����r�,���� ��s, '' y "' f`�t-•.;;�,3��`'j`�'���:\��\�\ \�� \ . +.� �.� � � � \� �` :, �'� , a ���'�1 �� � ���� .� �,�;���. ��\�\�'�'��� �\ \ . ' �\\��� \��� \;`l �!c � � E� ..,y'fix� F` �,�A' y', � x� � ! 3 �,gi 1���9 ' .�lA1Marv. �„y�� . ' __ ,... ._ '�S � � ���� .. �•; 'E��� �: � � � : : I �.�x . � � I �I�^ �� � � � -� . ' > �- ���� ... 'v...� ,., . .� a ,. �, .: , , �-' ��M��� �� `' � C.r', � . y , ,F.,,� .. . . - ^'_ _ . �xe. _. . >.�,. .�.. � . i FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH � � St. Paul, Minnesota � � � � An administrative and classroom expansion centered around an �.�°� , existing two story facility. The ad- ��`' �� ��°'� ' dition on both sides of the existing � � :� facility features a decorative ma- ' � '_ ' sonry exterior with large open in- =� � terior spaces. �`�� ..�, �` � a� � � ,.. , „ � ��:, . x :' � �`�,�.� �� ���.�; ,, : � , � � ._�- .. :� . , � � � , � � � � F y _ .._ , � �....,, .; �� . � �_� _. = �� t � ,� �; - ._ aa�;�s� � � � Y e. � ;� ; � ; � i �. } � �'� '.� �`. � .. � , a r .:� . . . �.� : � . , _:. , .e - .� ..�-. e . . � . - k.a� :`. -t` ; - . ` � r 4 ;..� �� ,.-y. ,� � ,. ' : y.. ...�' .; . . . .. '� ., i � ' � �6 r. '� t� ' '. ;.. . I 4 t � {h ^ � � . � w t .�E � - � .. , ...��� 3 .. `�,�x ,,".�n��� �-" a : � :. � ,.. ��..`��s � , �. � � �� �* ;� \ ` �- .� ' , - ,'- , - . ,, . ,3 m ��� � . .. �.:: .�, '� ` a �n�.� � . � � , � �� � � \ � ��w���: � �;�a� x'"- � „ '" ��� �,,�r �,� � �� �� � �a�`��r � � � ��������� `� �� �� ' ' � � � `��� .�`,� �?`, ,�'���`� . :� ��'� :.. � �c� ' .::, :... ��,� �.,U��.� � EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH � ' Rochester, Minnesota � ' ' Auditorium and classroom addition ��; �� �� �`� �\� for a growing congregation. The � � � `� ° �� � . � expansion provided an enlarged ; auditorium space as well as ex- \ \��� \ panded educational facilities. � ; ,..� �, ' � � � � fl:�t a� y�! , a�� �<� �RL..., S f. �d ` a,< ,.�'. . .s ,� �:. , '�._ ,. ��� ' � r t. �+ � ,; .,, . .: .; f _� , ,o, ..� -. ; ��, " : �,... . .. ' t .�:: ,� ' . � F - ,x .,� . .� � � , . ., , .,. �.. . ,. .,, . - „ � � � � �, S � �� � . , a , .., 3 � � ` e� P° ; g � .. , �. .;- . � � ��- "' �� - . ,: . _ , i ' - � . :. , � ' � �.� ���. � „ � ' „ . „ ; • - : . .... ' . , _ � ,, ...; --, : � ' � � �:� ;-,.., � � .- . ' ,... -.' �>. �� . .. . . � � �.� �. .. .. . � <^xeiU � : �' � .• ���� ` ': _ . . _ : . �� , =. . _„ � , . . . . ,,, �,� �. ',. . � :;.. . ,'.." :, ,:, .,.: �•'\ '�. '- ..".,, ', ,; � ' � '� : � _. ' ,,;. � � ., ,,, , �, . ., , . .'S � � ���� `dh< F;s o;�, .��, a� �,iai �..�, ,3 „� �,� s ��,ee� a�.� �� �i , ., � ,.� a�� a r ., i �� T �'� �' i�� 14'`:�;,���� � ��.�j� L�� �t��" \ ' �"�e"�, . .�as� u�s��. .. '.'.�� �U� "� "�•'i'�4 �A ..�„ � � � � � �� � � � � f �tt� .� .. ' � ���4V �;: �:` . �" .. f �.0 :d y �� � � �� �� � .�°°° � � ,,. : a� � n� 3 , � , � 7�� � �Y�`" � \\ : � : . � �3 � ' yL ."° Jf; °t}' ... ' � \� � . �. .. �. : �, _._ ��. •• �.:. � ,. ..,.. �.......,�..»,.».. . ....,._ ...r.......... d�h..�_��?.__. ,, .. .._:a *bme _ ,d? ..�. ., �,...»n,_,.�.�.s� .e�.,�=....,.,,�,a..a..,.�.,,. �..,a. .,,,,,.,�.....,c�e___ ' ' ��, �f..t� .�S'�. ' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH � � Rosemount, Minnesota ' ' ' - : - ;"';F " ���:� A phased suburban religious fa- � cilit�� encompassing both church � ',��. ' ` ' and school. The complex includes ° - ��.����`� �\ „ church auditorium space to seat '` a F; \ `� � 1200 along with educational space _� � ' for a K - 12 school program. ����� . c � , „ ���� , . ;;c� `„ � ` ' > � � � x £� ���,- ,�. � � ' � r _...� � � �i ; � ', � ���\ ��\\ � � � �� �� �. ...: � �t: �:� .. F � _, �....; :: � � �\�'.xaa� �v'C'�� : '� �� -'''� 'I .�..;.;�\„ ' � Q�� �y-,...{� ,� E . �- ..\ :. � `II �\� :. `�\�� m t �.::., e : .� : .... .: b�'S� ', � `. \ -. . , z::. s . 3 �-. �\i �:. ,,.•� � * ':�. : . : i f � �:"s � ' ' ::� : : �C� �.i � �. � x t ' ��� :.. � . .. � , , .. I�� � ���� �,�. ....... ,. .. .:.. a� , ^ ' �''� �,`;.�; .. '3: :-� �::: •..:s � $ �� ».. . ... • ... .. „ .w a. �:,.., � . .:n:h .. . . �.. , ...: �� � ..��°C�\. �•� . \\; .:,:. � _ .:a�� �.���� � ..<... , �� •: � .... �,� ��� .�� ; . � ; � a�t. -..�� • � "�\\\� ���"„�.,,��,�� g��:��:��i '�t.� � . ...,. �,:;� :: :: \ � ' CROSSTOWN BAPTIST CHURCH � ' Eden Prairie, Minnesota ' ' � � Phase 1 of a church and school facility. The first phase combines a church auditorium with a school � gymnasiumalongwithaclassroom and administrative space. ;, .�:. . :. .......:. .. �.:: .. ... .. ,.:'� , ' , � , : � � � � \ � ��m � _.... _ , �.M;� ��-� ,�� � 1 . � � r ; � , � � ��� . , •.: h � � ? ��. ��.. � �� w �\�' ' ���� � � i ` r\\ �"�� � � s�i� , ���� � z u r� �� �, � �� .;: '��., ^ a� ;..:� � � � _ < �� ,a�'�„�"�" ..: ,. -',*,� ,-.c ... �°��� ;�k �'"� � � , •. � �. \ \ ��.� '���� :::k . , '\;; ?:,'.` y\:.'a '� :� \ �`�" ��,:c"� .. *. > .... a. . ... ...: . �� ; ��� . .,. , , , : . ..: -...,, - .s � .. , '; �^�ta� ' � , ; � ' :�:: �a w I � � ���� �� � � � � � . � \ , � � � ' �"�W a� ;�� . � ;� �, ; � ��r�� ��� ., �� \� , , , . .� �� :�. �� � :, � „ .. : � . e � ,��,���`m;:�' ,. �;� .< �z<y ��•;.. • Q;-���"'� , . , � ,. ' . y,•:. �,. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN � ' Apple Valley, Mi�nnesota � � 1 ' ' A full service satellite facility with an exterior wall and roof design featuring constant movement. The ' building interior combines open beam ceilings with glass, vinyl and carpet to achive a pleasant work ' environment. ' ��� o,, � �.�n q ... , � ��. g . x . " 9 >,..'. , .", „ .�.. , ,. ' ..; � . ' t � � F ' .. y > � Z T p � . � � R. ` 'S ,� .,J 1Y t .Eb'. ,�.� � 22 � a `a�. � �.� R �'� `� , `^ '" r . ,� �� � � � ' 3 i r �i � > � t'�i <."_ r ` @ � r' h � � w a' :.� u,k r�:. yr 'v' ���� �z�°'�S�``�„�, a , .�� ��,r, �. c.� ����� � a; � x � , a�. . � � � � � .�� 4'�,� � ;���'����'-��� � ' ' LE SUEUR STATE BANK � ' LeSueur, Minnesota � s ; � sF°D��;'` � �,- �.�.'_ �„�'. i Yv�s ,s '�% A new banking facility for a small � � ..- community designed to blend with �' � � � ;y `�' � � ; � � � p / a ;�.. - � ' ' K; . . . � � ���. adjacent residential while offering g ��� �� � � 9 � F '� �� � an open, comfortable work en- ��� �� � �� � � � �� � � � r�� � � � g �' � �� , �, , � ��.. -, , < vironment and allowing for future , : � '" � �"��.���.., , ; 5 expansion. ��-� -�� � � % � � y ,i"' : ' �s ,: '�r�� . � : : -: �/ -�� -:: „ .. ,� .,..._, .. %,-"�w.;.p.. ." � �:;� /��� ��'.:��� G 3 � „ . � f ��. � �, � � � ' . �t '`"s - ��'" ' • .-ws:.� �c .:::..�-_.�-,.,� ,�,._.... . ....._....- � � � ,' y � .: �� � #�. � ,,,,.,. , �� ':� �.-.�,,,y,r ";� j ,. �. b_: � _� y �� � x� � � .,,,,� ��>->� � �., ���� �� � ��' ��� �ii�"�s�,n,a� �;,,,«� � m,_" '��f �' y � ���i� ' � � � � � � ; ��' ,. ,w •- �� ,�.��; �.���i�r•��y � r,,,. ..:�i : „_ __,:�„,„ _.. ... ��� �s�.�r ��;,Y'.�yp„ .. ,����^"' �� �<�i as8�� '� "°�"'µ".�"'�,.,,,.�... r. «.�� ,,_.. „ , . ., .. . 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'I, �:.' ::n�� �:��r„'' :f ..�.. ..:::�.......i E'/.:H::'/.9.:. ......a yr...................v�:U•..f...J.! h ..:...::.............. r�.........����.aa�:...w`Z:t:::::.?\) 4 :;;i. . 3 ....:`:.::::::�::":':::::/ /.., 3:::...��:.::::...%' fc:.::::::::::.:.�.i.....;::: 3.i:�:�:.; 72 �'x s. �� �£i.. �::�;:.;.:':�..3�.:.�.:.M 33:s:s:�::�:� ..a \ :..:::., ..::'.:::�::::::::»::::��i, zaE�.... i:.. ...,.� :..' . ..., .....,S�g...... �:.: STILLWATERS ELDERS HOME � ' Calumet, Michigan � � A 70 be d single story elders home � �;� �� � �����,�;�� . ; ��:�., with all resident rooms opening : � ,: ; � � onto large central activity courts. �;� The design features central dining and administrative facilities. � .. . � � ; .... .: ..�� u..... ;;. � . 2d"� �^��„ ��v����` � � � �`� ? � t `� �� �.'.� �m� � '� � � � � �" t�3.. „�3��*�r^�"� � u ��r ,'�h � +�§r t ,:� �M rs , �`��" "'��r �' �s t;�'� 'i"r�, t � , sL�"^�' fl �s.�' zva���$ k � 3,A-= "�x�''� Na � �:@ i ,�q ..R� �F— ^� � �v.�a. '� Et' �3 et E',. f R � .� , . , ,,, -_ . �- � , ;N.,. " ,t"' , � 1 a }33��:'' .�...��L d f�'. �r�, � fh� vr �� � �, ,`r Y��, "�'` � ?' � ��� +� - +-� ; � y � �? .. "��`��\��:."'�\\ � � . �� . i .. : i e �.,6�`" � w• �� � � � �K���� � �' � �,� .t�, `�,"S s ` � . A� i�� . ( . s �y ,fgj 7 �, �-�' ��a�. �,,,�D �v� �;, ' �r �.�'� ...,e` }�1', "�� ` t .., , aY` ' ` z d.; -� .,, . ; -, _ , � , - ; ; �:.. -�. ..- " ,... , � i . ..; . .. . :_ . " ,,.,. , ' .. g- `� �-� � y , __ � - ,1� 3:� � i,c i� � t`:�� ��` �s'���a� ; � � a ,� �� ��� t�; � '.� ,.. ��..; � .�r �:�� '' _; ' ���,.. ..�..�.:,� \.. . ��.: ;,... �. x` ......� �.,. ...� .:. . �...�� ..:�� .�. . . � � �. � ' MULTI FAMILY HOUSING � ' Stillwater, Minnesota � ' e8 t featuriniti undelr ro�ndn arpi� ������������ ,� .. €::,,, ����SIF�hS ���� � � `��"�.: � 1 g g p g � � with 3 residential floors. One, two u = ���� . - ,�,����`���� : �.�� ; ., � � �.�.. and three bedroom units housed in . . . a frame structure with rough sawn �� ���� cedar and brick accent. \ � ��;R������' � � � �, , „ � � � " _ ,�.. �� � � ��: ;.: u��. .: , � �� _: � �� � �� ,���� �� �, ' � : �� , ,� � � � � � . . � ~ �; Y � u 1 Y. : .. .1. � . , :. ,,... I���� F �'f-' � �� � f' � i � _� _ �� 3�� . � ; � :, � _ : '. °�+ 3.�,' e � . ,,. v a� . _.. . _:. , ,.. . . ,, i- ' .... - . -�. ._„ .. �n,�.. . _ ,; : .. ., ,= .,, . _ ,,. .,,,� �,." ..-. � , . : . �, ..r A 2., � � � � . . . :. �. ; . . � � ' •� ' ,� �' - � � � y � , _. og ' �� r . � .�. � . , .�.� , : . . - ` . = ; :� �. � .�., .�., e�.c ,,.�. �..,� % .., . .. .,. y, . . �� ' �, . : : :: `. .. D� � .: . ,. ��. .;� i�_�. .,,,.- � ,. � � �• . ,.. . _ . ,.: �. �. � . _t � . ' .�. �� : � - „� ; .�: _ nv .- _ ,.�. .�e �:, �1'� .�.... ��" ��� �. ., _ . . .. . 4 1 ' � � t. . � �, .: .. .A= i . ��� '- `� 1 i ^ � >. 4 � t �. ' � . „ ���. �.. . ..:`��r. - � � ., ,: , , ,,. � f, \ ..... �r{� t" "� ' � . . , .. .,k � ., .� ... . . w�Ace�`"i.`?�'.'%�� . ��:. _ .a +-<...t w - T � _ ., ._. � �>,- ..�.r� � SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE � ' Palm Springs, California Three bedroom single story resi- � � "'", �°� ` ' , ,"�� 1 dence with sunken living room � " :� ;. ;:� ,... � -, � designed to blend with desert land- � , �. � �� . �� scape typical of region. �"° µ � e ; ,. . , , ' ,' ' - ' � � m � :� . � � � � - ��� ; � � ��� � ^ � �. : ��� � � �: � �� w ' � � f F �z 1 , ��" ✓.., ���'y. � ,�'�3 r :�� y w. ,� 6. ��� '�.� � .B �So ,g'�,�,' a'e �" �.. ...�, ...,,, �,. . .A .... .. . ,,._M_..,. ._a - „ �, �.., y . :... :... ......:. :. ... . .. . ...,� °G":..i::' : , ���g�' i 3H^:-'H �/ �w«� .�°m:.,, �� " - .. , , ' .: ����n / , ' r.n .:: �, , ?._ .. .: ..1 .. . .: <., �YF'�� .,,...., , i. 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B A p � ' � . ,yr�� S�3 �r 3. c �. �I a iz x? x fS � ::. .,� � � �' ::: a �: ' ' � . �.. ..,, R C \ � t }� ; ��Iyg� ��y II�I . ' S � li .... � '�, ' p���9 � ��1 � F�„ { .. �S �A � a r �»a . � »..q mhm. � r .{-. . ' V4 � � �. . .. . . . . . . .. , .. . , +Woa°m����. ' �\�1� � 2,y i— . � p '�I.. i �_ _— q�'� ��� . . .. . .. _.....:....... � �^�a� � �—I_ V II'AI1710 �I.—� II _ �#r'�� z � i �� �� �'�:, ��' ' Msrn. aonn+. uvnrc oiNxac � _ 1 j��� � ' n -- � i? -^v KITCIIEN I � \,� OI I� I �o �' .� i f, � i= I_-i. �� � I— , T�n. �� -I -. BDIiM BqIM. 2 CM GN1ACiE ��.'. �� �*�;i•�' �l,����'.- ,,`-7 � '"4��-� ct/'����.II�' � � � -�` ;:o°'�P, � � � '`I I _-1� �� �.: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE � ' Rosemount, Minnesota ' � ' One story single family residence ' with a full basement and a partial �-e •-•-, , I i,� i - -- attic. The design features a screen ��� �- �; E�; - - porch and a living/dining space ,,,y ,,,,, ' �'II ' with a cathedral ceiling. m �,R-�- No�TH � .�°.^�"�j x.. <.. ,�:� _ — , � ; - � ! ���� � � �� � — _—. ' ---�— SOUTH � FIRST FLOOR ��� �� .�..,.E � WEST II ' �' �E,��,.Eo � � EAST BASEMENT ' �w-`. _� 1 1 NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER � , Mound, Minnesota ' ' ' A small retail facility housing a "� superette and rental space. De- signed with an all brick exterior it ' blends with adjacent residentiaL This building is a prototype and is constructed in various locations eabout the Twin Cities suburbs. ' � A..:. ,. N. ' � � � �� � � � � �i ' y � ��� ' / �� � � � � : , . , '�, �s��/ �� �� ' �� , � '��� � ��F�_� �.. . .., _. ,.:. , � �.: w..... � i �.:�,�� i ��� � ;;,.� � ��° �� �;7 ��` �� � �� h + �. 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E:: ; .,:; ' ... �„� ! � � � . �� • �:� � .: :"<. , . , � .�:;< . � _ x. � ,;. � � 3 � \ s;�\"., " � � �, .. < ' �. - � � � ��� � � �� a�•• `^�`�` ... �. ,� �x��; r : � « :.���� rt ..f�; �• , � i: � ., a- .: � ' �'' <,... ��� �.�4� � � . . � �� ��;..: : ,�-� ..• ' �, � . �., � �<. �� � � ;' , ?� ,. 's ' _ , HASKELL LIQUORS �� ' Minnetonka, Minnesota ��� ' ' ' ' A regional retail liquor facility with ,,. �� a Spanish stucco exterior ac � ��� cented with face brick. Interiorfea- � � x� ' � : �� i; z t ! tures a modern well illuminated °�. .E retail sales area with specially de- Osigned accent areas. , �'# �� � � � g ���. ���. �� � _ & -. � . ;ro �• �� �. d2' ' 'L;V � .., �` .�3 �`� •�� { �'_. � � �; � l � � F � � � : � � "' � a� �y � ��� � ��c�&;�.. §, �y �� �:;� r-��- � : �: � ���.. a '. ��' '�. 1 ..„m,�.., ...... .:.., � ..:, .... .:.. ... �. .....> .. .. ; .. .... � .�. �� 2 � � %a� t .. .. ��� �. �� 5 � \ ^ � 3� � � �� ��� �� a�EP .. � . � � � �� ��. �� �� � ro " q �` 3 ' � `i``b�.�\T : � . " � ^• � �``�� , 4i ♦ � 'f � F F 7, ' p,. E� � \ . 3 $ ::: ,...�..-.� s. ,. . � , t� �.. ..._ . . . .�'„ . •- ,; � + � ' rt�� . . ., �#P' t � ���k i: - .. t .[,zi - . ..: ;, ..� . � s� . ,,�. . .,.-V � ,,.. r:, . , .- - � . '_��a.-�.-xx.:.. ' t :, ', . � .:< ;� J'S RESTAURANT � , Eden Prairie, Minnesota ' , ' , A two story family restaurant with sloped ceiling areas in dining ' rooms. The roof is designed to hide mechanical equipment and allow for second floor offices, storage � and lounge areas. The modern kit- chen area is designed to efficient- � : ly prepare a varied menu. : � , , � � '��� ' ������;���� �� � ��� � � �, � x a� � ��� � � � �� � �,.�t• � � �� ������� �tt',��_ n.= , r� ' ���� .�� � ��� �,� 1 ; � ., � , ��: . � :_: az �' � .. _- r. � � � � „ � � < � ' ' a� e. �� � , � ; �� _, m-,,._ _ , �_. . ' u,: <, . � � �xM �� _.. ., � � �._ � � ���. � _.�� . � . . ..:� � �� . , � , , � u S. 3 ,: ..,m , ., . v. �, r. . . ... . . ... ..e� ' 3 � MOTEL & RESTAURANT a ' Luverne, Minnesota � ' � An earth bermed family restaurant � connecfed to a two story motel. ��`� �` �`� ; a � \ ' e� }� ►�€�_��,, The restaurant combines dining �;,, ;:: ,� ; ,, � �� , . _� room seating for 150 patrons with m ` �� � � \� � banquet and meeting room facil- � ities. ' � ., .. � .a�a. � , ... �' �� .:.,� r -a � g p,.,� .... , . ,a,. „a� f�' _ � .������ � � � . >��; � - � _ � � '�' ', s��"' ' _ � "�"� � ,r,„ J 4� ��^ "�,R`�'� � __ ��� � ���,� � a, _ , T ""' ��c� � "��� = p���.� � q° � �:` �; �'�'� �"�r � , � z , �: � '� .. � a •; '• s „�.. _.. . : ' � w. , . .:� .. .^`" •� � . .�. .. ,� ': � , �. �� � . ��¢ : �. �. �y � . ...�.:, � , � - f t �� � � < Z s. � �� ,,, � � , „�.. � f ' .��s� n ' .. �_ �Z� �'a fi .�s�, w„�rh ' ' � LE BISTRO RESTAURANT O ' Burnsville, Minnesota ' A multi-level French restaurant with a brick and stucco exterior blended with a light stucco interior. The design is highlighted with a ' luminous ceiling at the central din- ing area. � �a�,��.w�� ���� � ` \ � � �' ,a�� � � ,,; � ' � >I� � ` ;. ; . �r�� � ' ' � � ' � " � _ � � � � � � 3k� �� � .h � ?;8 �`t`4�-� �` £ £ �� �. �}9�� , 3�t.. . 1 {.Y�` 'r Ik' �� � � ~ ,. ... ..__ ..113-8 _.-___ ._ ..- � / � � — —'�. _'—� I� � � r ��°,� — ���� ��1�� IL"'" � I�- I ,I o��..��� c� �s ,�', � � � ��,�� Ew ,�� �� � � � � — " , ��E� Ao'�` ..�E o���� � ; ; � � � �F a�E ����uC�� [�'�� �, �� �� �, �—� ' E � � � � � �,a , , f — �� , � � ,� fi �r� ��, ,j �� � �� �� � � � �� � -;,� , �. ' f a166 Gc L o�^ � r I �\ �A , . � � 1 � � � I p f,0U11T '/- � � I l �.J I l. .� I r� \_ ' � �l `��. � l?r I {� i � nrF c�J �—'� �� �'� �,. I �� '� 1 � L� �� H�ce� �'. _. � �L � � � ez� cowr � �--' � � �� � �� � �� � W ���{ I � ' _ , d�� �� .,�; ���� -� oL �� � ;�f �� ; < — I � r, � �� � , �wE�s�,., ��= 1 ��~ � ,�, �! Fo.EA � ���i � ' °� � k � +��� � � ; , , s.�a,�E N� �n ;� A,��; `�'—�' � °� �� � � �, ��;� �� � N � _ � - � , �: E..a. _,�,.�E' �u���� ; _�� �; �y �� � MEM6 NOOM � - � � L fI1E EP�COOLEA W�ITIRB 1 —� � -(\ � _ � /' Ll �..� l� 1._ 0 V � B . .. ._: ' ____. _. _—_ .... FLOOIi PLAN 0' S q' yp' BIG BEN RESTAURANT � ' � ' ' ' A 200 seat family style restaurant �` � ����� ���_ : , ; featuring dual dining rooms. The ` `� ' �` ; �� � _ ��` � � �� � ��,�� � designcombinesbaywindowswith ��� �, � z � �� � " ' green plants and an all brick ex- z�r , ��` � ���`�� � =�� terior capped with hand split cedar ��� `� � �, shingle roof. ,� ���� �� ' ' ; � ,� �� � � ,� �'����� ��� � ���� � � �, � '�,�:�^��'���"�rB�t F��4� t��T �. �,;��.,��'��' "e.�^F- 4 �9&'�`em�3"fa.L� 4 '�,�, �L �. � �. 4 �v�r,� �� ...�y��Y",�,a'y,�. �,j k .;. . ' � .. ��'� ������� �� �� ����� �k ����� �" ,y i''d�'��."' ac, �. 4T,.�'�P� :E � &4k",� � U- ��� ��i ._ . :_., a 3 '� �� r,� a �},,�.5���-s� 1���Z t x � ������,s.s r`-�,��'���a�z4����_� ��i M�.����;���s-� �� � ' � . �'� ��� , � g ...„ _ � ��_ .� '� ,_.. � � * , �a.� ,z.— ��, x���. �„ � � � �^,. � �it 7,e, mi s� , , �. E' ....w£ .,� ;f e „� �` • ' � '� �� ��_ � �� �� , ;;, - " � '�� '.� �� � � i� ;�z. S� �; �� � �,''i� a� ��_ � ��' �' '��"`�'�,�¢�`����,�� � � � � _ <� �.. � �g �- t y ������ � � �� `� ,. � �;a�,.. ' ai`�� $ � ` � ,=�C:;� .�z�"�..: ; ;; . �_ � � '� '"�" . � ... • : . � � �: � � � ° ' �' = :� ' . . �.s�r2. � ���., � � - ` : ,�<<i � ..,�'��� C3��k*.�ER'�^���� - ,:�^ :a ., � `: ��� �� _��f... : . . � .=�. ���. .' �� �: 2�, � �s'd�.,�:�".'" .�" * � '''m.` ,�;"�"��;:.�.��,.. .� � COUNTRY KITCHEN RESTAURANT � ' ' , ' The 180 seat model of a family `���,�'��° ��� ' style restaurant combining a brick ��� �'`� ���.�� '� � � ' ' and stucco exterior design and � �� � `�� f e a t u r i n g a t i l e m a n s a r d r o o f. A n ��a� ,�� ` ��`�� ` � ' ������ �� e n l a r g e d f l o o r p l a n a l l o w s f o r b a n- x�� ���`�,�� y �� ���� :` � quet facilities as well as family dining. � ' �� �:: ' a � . - ,� � � : .. � � � � .�_ �< � . ; _�_� � � _ _ c� £ � , -- �; _ M ,� � � . ... � . ��.:�� ��-,..�: .� " , ..., . � _ ;: - . u..��� , , � , M �� ,. � . ,, , �� 3.; w: ..... �" . ��; ;: . .... �� „ �� s..;:. . .......��. �:: -;, �� . �: .,..� A� . : ' �:. ..,.�,. ::� . • H �.�. .�. : �;.„ .. :, :. L ..��� .w. a .. �. ' , COUNTRY KITCHEN RESTAURANT � , ' � � .. . ' he 108 seat model of a family �� v � .. :�`.������� ,, � e � ���� � � �� style restaurant combining a brick =.::::.= e ;R� ,�� ; ,s � a:� � and stucco exterior design with a � � ,� � , _ � � li ht and air interior hi �� _ ' �� ' � �'� � � g y ghlight the � �,< � � 3�.� �...� . ,.: � �z� �Ys � � �^ I��'' k �E t E f ��� k �& rustic look of rou h sawn cedar. "� � ��� ���° � ������ � � `c��`" ���'``` � ' � ���� ' g ` �' � ,��� � � �� �,�������, 3 �.� �� ,f � � '� ��� f ,�, x ��� � ����, � f E� t�#��� g 7 i�R �� � ���� � ��s��`'i"e���n�ts r ��r. � " � } ' -�„�,.�� a��'�'�a , e �.� �'�k�,� `���-�" : . fi �1 i . ' � r� ��"t� � `� �� \� ��������������� �.f a��`�"`.���y����'-xs � �� ; a �� �'�' e � _j'� � � ;m � : ���e'� 5v ��i� .� pfi �`Y' � ,�,'� �'�"4� x \\ � �:,<., .���.. ' . �,,; �`�" �\\ ��...;�Y�r�� �t� x�€� :' . :,.. �, � . , ,,, �. � � ; � � �� .� � , � ��f�t ��4����!` �t j� ��� � ii „ � , s — �f � � ��t� �� � �' � � '� �„. � � ,�i.� lz�` , ; ,-��� � ����� � r�. �_ , � � ��� �,"�,, ��- � � 'ii�;` 1: � �:� ��� e Y} �a � �. :.� � e - . . � ,'� 331� � 9� ij 5, , y ..��, � .. ' � � .�3' �°^ . ::::.. .. .... �. ^r,. . £ � : 4 ...�. n,..�23�� w�t � .f it E ' cs . Y .d�a ,�� � ' .� � 4 �.� '. ���� �. ��`� ,-. GR ;.�. ,: .,, F�� A ..... � � \ ��� � ' � `� � � � � �:�.�,�� � ��} ��' ..,�;. �'R����. '� r t'�. , . .., .... . : .'. � �' :� •^�:r• ,., .�....wm"`" ..�� .. � � ..c .;;; t3 � �.�t'n�... � . . . � � C�9i.ib � ` :- ....... � � : : i ........�.i..{ .�r���� \. \ ;��;i�-�{�� ' ' BERG BUILDING � ' Rosemount, Minnesota , , 1 � An economically designed retail building with decorative masonry ' units accented with stucco and rough sawn cedar. Interiorfeatures an open design allowing for flexi- bility and ease of expansion. � , ; ' i ; � � . � ,�.,.�. . �, W ,u � ,� �.. .� ,� � . I � -= , ,; ' � '� — �x n� ii��i�i�,_ � , � ��� � _ °:. �.,i -„ _- � � : . . ,.. � 1 1 , F -. _.. �.... ..-� :.,... .-�i a .. ..�,,.��.. �„a ...: . .��...,..: .0� ..::.., �.,,,�::, �n.,t w �.� e:...�. ,� f,v���; x H�'��.b`:`U;,. C•�""u� '�1` ��.. ' :��� .�� . .. ..._ .. ....��..:... ... ' , OFFICE/WAREHOUSE � ' Golden Valiey, Minnesota ' ' ' ' A modern office/warehouse fa- cility with a masonry exterior and ' star�ding seam metal accent roofs at window and entrance areas.The interior is designed with clustered � toilet areas and large column free � office and warehouse areas. �'�� � ' � �.a �: ' `` � g > � � � , � � � F�(tfi� t.t�' `,�.�§ � � � - i"� ',. .t.r.,: .,.= �SP�.• 1 t'":.`"u'�9[t� : " -, t�f.�� .„; ir � f + � � �µT g l '! p � _ ... � .,, \, �. � � � �..�,�Cs� � � , �. ' i � �, .�: .:. . . a' — ._ . �.. . . ' �: . '. : -` <,e'�.i „ - ..a " -i, �_.W S . . , va.'m3f=,..F .....� ' �.... `� , a � .' ,:= € _ �° ..;, : : ��.,.. . : ;•�, , -�'� �.::.. � ; ,; . � . -��, �.,"����5&���„\�' �: : .,; .�,,- . , :,. - _ �r ��:. � ". .. `y. � r ; . . .: ,:s= _ _ � . . .'. �, .. \ �� � j �� ,:, � - ��. : � � ��:���y-�a. .�..'� � .,� ; : . . <, � �ti �` . � ' ` ' ' ' �� '�� - ,�. J & W INSTRUMENTS, INC. � ' Moundsview, Minnesota ' , ' , An office with production and ware- housing space integrated to work , efficiently. Designed to allow for expansion into adjacent rental .. _ . ,,. .. ; ,. .�:._ �,,.e. .,s ,,... T� ..�,. s .;� .. . . ...,,. . areas as company space require- � � ments expand. �,..: . _ r� ._ ..� =. ,t �� , �, � ��f � � 3 �s � �� �'� u,.��; f a �„ yhi�n� '�3-.5�.. g .vt.�{"�{ztEl. 'r�Y`a[�':��r �S� 8 j sf ' \. y, d-_ 2 c�&i° . ... . .�.� ':.�� 3 t�.�... .... . t � ' p � :aa. , " '_ � a ,�r .. r €�,# ��s �'� p�. ' # � ��4"�� �"s�,�S 4 � � � �H I , ,.- � N n � \" . �a ��t•i� �4 ��, � .� dll� I�F��""-�.5e?' 1 � �Y { � � �t � , , , .� . , , .� ,,,. ; � �,,, i fC �1 �� , � � � " " <�, . ' ' ' � � �� � � ������������ �,�°����������, ��� ��` f� �� i „ �� ��� �� � �������������� ���������� �� ����� ��� ��� ��� �������i�������������� � � � � �� � � �� � � � � �,�„� ����� �,�� �����t�������' � �� � � ���� � � a � �M�� �� � � ���k� � ���( ��A �r � �� � ��� �� �F �����/*��i� �r�� � ,�.. �� ? €`� � P" .� ��r������� u A �����/6�� � � �� �'��'�� 9 i °�' �`�,j��•� i i � ��� �� ��� � ' � ��.��+��� i r�' �'` ���'�� ������������"��i��u' ���1 , " ���,�' ���,���'���,�y���,���"�� � � °` ,, x � � � ,�r,w ������ �`�� � , ti � �� ��� �, �� � � t ���.,,, ��� � � � 'ro� "----� � �'��;����°������������� y������ � � � � � � ` � � i� ���� � � ��'�� „� � �� �r � �i ,�� �q m fi�i h�Y s� � ,� t � .. .. ��� ,��,���������������������� � � � � ����������������.� �J�'�°�i���a� � ---.'�~——� �t� 1 � �� s�,���.�, .��5 � -�a���'�'��� ' u � ���; ' . ' .... .. � ,-,,,� p^ � � � a w 1{ a d � � A ��8 ., ':. : " '.@ '�i,�� ���'�� .. -. :,.� `""�'�.� f 4 . . � � 8 ��� �J � gs n � 9 � � � � �g � ��� ...i � G � _ -'� ." ^(��€ � �� � Mp4 �� �� . 3.. � g .�i. r. � ,,,. ?.., � �� �� � �� ��� �� � � %t„ �� � � � .,�� j �� 4 � �� �� R� � � � � 4M� i�� �� � � �� � 3� �� '�" ��y�p� P�s� �a �T�/' M'i � � ��l� �`.� '�'! a � � m,�+" i � � � � �� __ _ , . � �� � t .� � � � �� � H� � � � � . � � � � }�� � �. a - � w`����� ������ � � ' � "� �'s�; r,�,� F; �� , 9 L � ; � , H.�� e w- m — � � a , w,_ „�. ��i ,�� ��� � � a �� _� � � �,,,.__, _._ u .. � Monticello Fire Station � Monticello, Minnesota � � � � - Nestled in a residential area, Monticello's new � a �� � �, ' � � fire station is com atible with the surroundin �� "� � p 9 � ���..� � � °a .:��.��� ���� f��.. . � neighborhood. This 8,600 square foot facility has '�� � ��°` �° ��� ° _ � ,� � r �F a functional as well as asthetically unique � � � � ' � design for a fire station. It is a wood frame struc- �����- a= ��� �,, � ������� '� _��_ ' �` ` � ture with cedar siding, a pitched gable roof and ���� � �� � � �� � ` ` � � „' red spectra glaze concrete block trim accents. ' �° �������`�'�,��� ;� ,�� ��� g� ���� ''�;��' ���, � �• �: ,� The roof allows for easy snow removal in the � ,������ � � � ��� u � � � � � , �� � winter and together with the exterior siding gives ����� � �'� � `���� " � �� �_ �" �"� ��TM� � � �t ��ti � ��r �^; '"` � the facility the compatibility it needs to fit into s � �' �������� �� '�� � � �TM���� a residential area and presents a novel ap- �; �.r,i �. ���� � �� �:= ����,�I� pearance for a fire station. � � ��t.� � Seven bays enable each vehicle to have its ��� ���� � � ������� � � own stall with an added feature of a drive-thru T� „�� ���� � �� �� � ��� ' wash bay. Conveniently placed close to the �� � � �� ���� ��� � �� a� � ��, , � � � �� ��. , � ��� wash bay is a dual purpose drying tower used ��� � ��� � '� �' ; �, t, for hose dr in as well as ladder and hi h level ���,�%� � ���y��� �� ���i f � a��'������ „ �� Y � � �4��'p� p��/j� 1 e��Qu��it� „�C,?i��� � ��i i�i ����9ro; �i17 d .a's`�" i �r H¢�! �, . � rescue training; an air-tank refill room which has �v�,�„� ,�� 1 .i ,����� ��� �,,,���, outside fresh air intake; and a maintenance � � �� ��� � ,�, �,� � ���� � ��� ; ��a, ������� �'� � shop. These features along with a communica- � ; � � ���� �" �� ��� tions/controls room make up the apparatus a� _ ,, � � � , �� ��� � room which is accessible from all directions. � � The apparatus room can be locked-off from the TKDA � rest of the building which includes offices, a meeting/training room, a kitchen, and locker/ SIIOWeC faCIIItIeS. ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS ' ' � �� � �� � � . ���' � a � �: � �' � �� ��� � � � �� �� `. �� � �y� � ��, �k�c `�4ts� �����9- �I �,,3��'a � � �� 1�1 i i � �� � . i ,4�if ..� � ,� r -.. ,,._ � � � � '� � ��� ��� �';�i�i � w;7�, , �'��_�� a � �� �r ��, � � � � ��u�t a����r�, �� �� i ���a(� � ��� , � i�a� � yq ��it �' ��i,?�`� i ti�,� i Ui� �, ���r �' : �s � �.�� ri �,�i�is�y�b ��i�i�ri � � /�+� ��s-i �,�Na�'r ta �t �� '��r�'"����r����'���"�o- �N,�-�` t . .�+, 3 i ;'A '$� 5 � � 4'� �7 �i ; i �' N k4 �' �, (N" � i � � �q9� i .. �� � � � �� � T 7 � �' �� � � � L � �, "!c ��' .� i� �r i�= 1'i A ;i � 5� i� i�� �� � ;�, � r,�.� a • . � i i a� �. y P r i� i : s i a a ir ,� � y �. �����'�+ � ti ; ' � .�5 R s�� w �.� � i 9 I ��fi � :� t�-$ i � � ii � ( 4 � � . i � � y ': � � (� " . � E" 4 �" A _ — � ' m s,iL� .�e,F �. �� tl p �i �i fle �7���. � � a �" `ii j � �a��ias�('�� u �'�- ��=�: ��"�,`�n'��1-��,�� ��'���i�"-�'����r' il��`i��� ��w�^�'�'i�.� },li ���6 �,i!. � � �, .. � .� . .� °..... - ����� ��. i � � �� � � � �. J� , � � H � � � � , �� � q � � ���' s � � ' r h�� ��'„� �''� , ' . �� � � ���,N�' �i� � i P���� s�` �"�� � �� Fi��` ���", � . �, .�i � a� e ,,,��� °. � , _ � � .�r!�i„ ' , ° � ' ' h ' s; ,�.��a '�'�d�� �'� x , , . �, „. .� {�V F�t `'����„�; � �E-;' �� �1 �� ��, �� � i ore�i u� � i��ui� i ���i�yi� � i �i�i t k w , � a ���� _ � - � �, ���i"�(u� � � �y,� �" �� � � , � � � � � � �3 , . ,, � ��,���� ��� � ,ro a,�� , .,�F � „ � � , i� �� ,.� � � � _ w � �� , �� � , � Municipal Fire Station Mahtomedi, Minnesota � Following a comprehensive study of all munic- ' ipal facilities, TKDA provided complete design, siteselection assistance,and construction admin- istration/inspection services for a 7,000 square ' foot, two level fire station. Utilizing the 1.5 acre site's natural topography, the facility is placed so fire apparatus is housed at ' the lower level and a community meeting room, kitchen and offices are on the upper level. Both levels can be entered directly from parking lots � serving either fire department personnel or the general public. A large observation opening permits viewing of the apparatus area from the community room, another unique feature of the � facility gained through effective site utilization. � TKDA ' ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS � � �� � �� � � � � � � � �P �� � � � � ,� ' �`� ~ � , � � . � _ , , � �, �� ��_� " i %Y Y� �y � . � 44��AF � t . ' 'i�.�i' �3� �F�?k��.,.� .t. ' ��.,n�YK . ' '�",�n` e4� . ( l ' ����� �-..._ , I _ . ������a . ` � P�, � � � � � � ��� , ,���+� "� � ���� '--�---_� tx , d a � �"� + 4'` . "'-�..' ��3 � '' °", ti ` �, �,�� � ` � , � � � � � � , „ � � � � � � � �" � � _ � �� � � �� �=� � � �� - _ ���� �� � � � ��� � � � �� ��� �� .�; _ a � � . � x f � _ , � � �� � � a� ` re� � � � � � ' � � � ��. . � �; " � , . < . ���s` . � � � � � � � �~ _ _ << �: i �,�m� �� `�` � � � � ����� � � ��� � � � � � ��, �a, �. ..�� � r �'�, _ � �� ������,�"�� ��"^� � t. ��� w�.• � � a° � � `�a��a � �' a�°� � ^ ti� a ry"�syh r'� ��� l N�. � a�n�� �� � � ��"�`�-m � .,� �}�;Y� � ���.�a��k.��s ''- � .�s� :� �zc�� 1�.ti*. a �. �.��""�. „� �- ,.y ` � � � ��v������ �� ti�a,r kc���c��,�����S,�j��`���� � " ��.5�5�'F", �w�*t '�e�r � 3'�.�.���^^�a'���,�9�. i' c ��'���m^��,. � ��.`�^.� U�, I , i � � . \ K a'2� iU�v�A �`�'"? + ' 1�}S S�U�? i' � k 1 ' ��,. e,.a e....� v,.,.. .4 ... .. .�rv s . S .nti . ., x. ,i . �. �.. . _, .,.� � _ _ . . _ . , s-_ � Programming/Feasibility Study for Remodeling of Police/Fire Protection Facility � City of St. Paul, Minnesota ' TKDA prepared a Programming and Feasibil- ity Study outlining proposed improvements for the St. Paul Police and Fire Protection Facility ' originally built in 1930.The study was undertaken to provide technical support in the St. Paul Uni- fied Capital Improvement Program and Budget , Process. The study addressed two major areas of defi- ciencies. The first issue involved providing effi- ' cient and flexible work space configurations bet- ter suited to the functions of present day Police and Fire activities. The second issue concerned modernizing the building's support systems in- , cluding updating handicapped accessibility,mod- ifying fire code related deficiencies within the facility,and the installation of emergency lighting ' and sprinklers. Energy conservation measures include additional building insulation, improved TKDA lighting, heating, air conditioning systems and ' 1'@tl'Oflttlllg Of WIf1CIOWS. ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS ' � ��_ � � �_ a _ _ �d�� ���E � rt , 4�: , , � � � :, � ,�y � � � � � � a ���' � ° �� �„��� �: � ��, ' i ' � � , a � � ,; w � , r : �� � � ; � e � , � . , , e, �� T. � . . � , sy., � � _— , s ��� � °`,��,�. .��s� � � � � � � � � � � �. . � � . ,.,.. r , � �� � � ��� e � a v � Ci Hall/Police De artment ��o� �� ���� � tY , p � ��� �` � � Remodeling ���� pr�� � � � ,F ��� St Louis Park, Minnesota �� , �:�� ��� � � a �x � �� � � '.. � v � _ ' ft,+'% ,b�y .. { ., `� . . . . p t. ,� a .�6.. . _ it... ^'6%�' i� B���wm�.�u .� ,,.� ... 6 I � a�� e , � � a6`�' �,8�;k� d _ T .. ... 5� . . l� f _.pa&��d°c�`"8'`A ^ er % � % � .� „a. , k� ,. ������°" ` ,�w ;�� ' ' � �� T KDA �:�� �m ;� _ �s , ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS —�n=���-� €t�c . . .a � # ...� � �. � �� Tf�^ y�}$q�� p�! ' p� � ' �^ � � � �3-"e�7S u`����5 �",�. "�'"�y'� s a t� . . i a ��� �.�'` � a,a s . . . :.�� ma :,� ���" t5 f��..m ����a����°_i�`�"`���#rv sFry�q�� . � {� .. ' t � � �^• �. �a . ��. �. ,".:.. . � . . . � � .. , . - , ,..: . ��, � i '. ; �, ` . . . s - �Fa� �-�p r,'§�4 ,�E v�� � �r�y�`�""�����^^�¢� ��t � , .r�t� �+,a;�:.�. ��tt;�,,;���� � � �� � �� � � � � � �C�` � t � 4 � �J'1�4� {��a�„��R �.���. �.�'�: ' . . �� ..�^ � ��� �� A`��' is � � � ' � � ' Public Works/Fire Station Facility ' -� � � � �� �---�-� City of Anoka, Minnesota � ����� �� � �� � ., �� r �. �� ��_. � TKDA provided complete design and con- _ _ structioninspectionservicesforthe31,000square � � ,��� t�.; � � footpublicworks/firestationfacility. Constructed �� �� � � ����� w��� , on a sloping site,the facility provides storage and ��°�' maintenance areas for public works vehicles on ' � � �����, the lower level and complete facilities for a full ���� �� �� � time fire department on the upper level. Site � �' � � � ' topography permits easy pedestrian and vehicu- � :,� Y� lar access to both levels. � 3 � �°�� ����� ���� The basic structural system is reinforced con- � � � crete and a concrete double tee roof. Exterior � � „ �� ��°��� walls are burnished masonry. Construction costs �.��,�..� ' �� �'*�� � �`� �� � '��i�: � �; � ��' totalled $940,000. � =��� ` , � ��� _ #= d�",� �� ��� ..� 3 ` � � �� F � '- � � . 5 e.,� a(�.�: � . �,� �` � �`�.. r �1 �� Y� .. � v . .'� .� ° _- ,��^ °� 4���� � I'X ,� ' � �� iY^�' fi� � ' � TKDA ' ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS ����, � CENTENNIAL orric� BUILDING � � K�� �'���"T'""'� - State of Minnesota 1984 - 1988 .�». �� '�`�� "�� �� k '��"` ` we���� . :: � . q �+ �„ '1'��!?�L -:�� 658 Cedar Street, Saint Paul $4.? Millian �a �Y �»� �'�'' �,,,, �� 1►w C"'*�i"�=` r _ t � '�' �'r '�£ Hi' �r5^z# � ���� � � ���%��`���is�m---+,�c��� d.�� �, f,. ` � a� �,rT^^ xy,r� �� ,. f =����`���` �rected 30 ears ago, this building was in urgent need of '�� +; ��} `�� � � '�a'� ��;` I ' � � 7 * � ��.-� �� � . architectural and systems renovations as well as remedial � � � k�� , �<` �-'" "�"� � ` r�', � �� , `` �� �J work to meet revailin codes and re ulations life safet .� �� � �` E • x �'""` ��" `�'=� � ' �� ' ,. � P � g t Y � k w a.� �; � '' � , ' �� � � 3 , and accessibilit ; , e1a, �� � � , � }� r, =i �'� � :f Y� • �„!'v��� . ( �� ��.r-�'' �- ���t �.�` -' �a� � y�� � � , 1 � ,i y�� -�„ Systematic analyses and evaluations of the envelope, environ- + ��r�-1;.a�� �� � f ;; 1 f � � , �" r�.-T4 �� 1 .!j.%�� :'-� r"?a»f3f _'"„"a � ilt���r+ ; � .���� � '�, "Pi ��f�:� 5' '. � '�a' s f�� .�..s mental systems and interior finishes were undertaken. In ,��� � � ; , �r : � E < � �'' t- �`T= �"'.��-f� r a rr,r ,.f^� l ' ": t � y� �,, < Y', - { -+�>- �, . ;�, addition the building's structural integrity was evaluated. ��.{n � �.• �o--� ` r �; 6 , '� .� `'� After a reconciliation of the initial fact-finding studies, a , - � i,, 1���� � "�a �� .` ' ` ,: " ," �,.` ' �.�� ��.;��-��;`�,�'�:; ° ' � scenario for a phased rehabilitation of the building was .; � � r �, ('� � ti� , ,'r ' " � „ "-����� � r, a � 4 �1 developed. 1'��+� � � � � ` : : "- � 1'i���� �+,� . � ' ._ . .�,f-r F� 1� �,, ,` �� : "' �����\���`�`�`�\`�y ; r r J�� r��i�' � The goal was and remains to upgrade the building to provide - ,.- - - �fi�,{ .., .: � � .\ �\ l ,u mr�19i�/�ih��� � :. ,,� � _ \ t� r�, ��;" . quality lease space that is completely flexible and �r., �. • ���i� ; �°.� � � ��*��`��� �� '"9� adaptable, in tune with the needs of the modern electronic -.�._..__,�;, ���..�..;,,: � ��� -w.��h:�i,,��'� , `� ii i '"""��; ` - -_ -- �� office with regard to acoustics, lighting, power supply, '- "�- :. '�� � l i � :,... � ....�"" . . , x.. � � ��. �'a� �,-� ��,� voice and data communications. �' : ' , -..: �� a,,. t.r- . . *�+�, e^ .:�- �-_ s r `�^s,_�'.�''4 �r... �'"+-...,. . .. . , , . - To date, the Third, Pourth and P'ifth Floors (approximately `� �^m `' «��� - ��"����`�'.��q� � 'a , .�. �� � _.'y sx„s,�. -�,..;. ,:� ' 120,000 SP'} of the Centennial Building have been renovated. `�- "�'�---�''��- ' -.. <.��~,��_,__ y .�- �. � Pro,ject funding (by Legislative appropriation) and the ^ _ -����.,...�,,,, ` � � s'� various lease terms of the building's tenants necessitate "'' '"' - � -�---�- ��-�-- ----�- � � - -- ' . . _ -, v�>H . --. � . �` h � � � floor-by floor phased construction plan. ;. � � �,,,� ; � � � . ... .� _ .. - . . .. ,.. - . ��; �� ��--- � �---�- � _ � w. _ , _.. _ _ .._,.__ - a ___ , -:�- �' Work Taslrs Completed b,y the Consultant Architect � " --- - ` � - F . .. .. .. . -: ' .. �. _ . . .r�,..,...rr.�... .. .: ... . . .-- . � ... � �-; ���'"� � 1. BUILDING � � � UNIVERSITYAVENUE- .� ..... .__._---.......__....--- � . . __ 1 _- -..__...:.-. ._ PUWEF " PLANT � '-"' � — 1.1 Energy Audit ��c� ' � �� ,-�� ���...-, 1.2 Structural Analysis and �valuation P��`� � �, �` STATECAPITOL P� ^ ��„ 1.3 Code Compliance Review BUILDiNG Je�`�`�+ 1\ �# �������� "�' 1.� Asbestos Survey � � - �� P �/ MECHANIC ARTS �.� 1.5 Audio/Sound �valuation � i�/ HiGHSCHOOL S��'� ,„ � -- - - 1.6 Accessibility remedial work to existing toilet rooms V �,� 1a�� �.. "*�:. �. . � '!�� �- �URORF.AVENUE . J --�- �.�e� F- -�_ 1.7 Rehabilitation of elevators P��� �:_, pJ, 2 ��' i�: 2. �NV�LOP� ° a�D4 GG����� o9�ti 9�� ' �" � 2.1 Insulation and vapor barrier added O^ �� � � �� °* ' 2.2 Interior storm windows a lied to existing windows \ � �� �.�" t a '`'" Pp / CENTEtv�liAL STATE- 9 �ffr " � � •� 2.3 Remedial work including insulation at window jambs n � � �� OFFICE �qRKt�G < /� QUI�DING 'f�' CEn1T � `� ' ar=' ��Es',�":'�i 3. INT�RIORS � Rq� pVEhUF TASTEE �, BAKEP,Y 3.1 I'loors Fa ' ,, �'� �'�`�t�'' ;-, � 3.1.1 Remove all existing fixtures and floor coverings ��a 1�-�� < � s 3.1.2 Install 6" accessible office floor sr NATIONAL �� \ --=' � 3.1.3 Install anti-static carpet tile on raised floor 9`��r ARMORY '� � � .�v��. � � � Q G�fa �� , .��, r 3.2 Ceiling O �� _ "� � 3.2.1 Remove existing ceilings, hangers and devices VETERANS ' � 3.2.2 Install new suspended ceiling , SEFVICGBUiLDING I`�'��` 3.2.3 Remove exist' �' . ��,� � ing duct work > �,�� 3.2.4 Install new duct system and controls - ` � ' �` 3.2.5 Install s rinkler mains and branches _� ^ �� __�__, - ;� 3.2.6 Install smoke detection system - • �'/ � � � � � � � 3.2.? Remove existin light fixtures and dis ose _r I _ * � g P Properly � � r-; I��' �� — of PCB/bAllasts �i� ��' ��j �`j � 11w--�! I��� �;l I . {� � ; ��� � 3 2 � � _ - .II Install w i ne ��`" electrical distribution s stem � i _ • i Y I� 1 w. �.. r- r ��� , . - �-,- 3.2.9 Install new light fixtures L� �i I��, ��� � 1 :___� ---1�_• 3.2.10 Install sound masking system �i I__ I --rrr f j I�- i'3«;� � ' � � i,� ,;. 4. CONSTRUCTION '�= \ I� I �- � ��i ,, � •I nr ,� *�C .-� ___ , � _ , .__i , �,.�. 4.1 Construction planning F'�*����,.�,r�'`�� '• ��� �01 ��� R��� I _..__ 4.2 Phased construction planning for various State � "" ��; . ,'��_;- , --" r" "-t �--• � bureaus and divisions to allow continued operations during construction. �•�_' � � �_„ �s � ,�r `��, f_ -e• � ' ��f� �--•-•�,� ..a�.._ �.. „'�--�.__.—�_ . . __ 1 . `�"� ti. �--� � ;_ Centennial Office Building � -- -�� � Bernard�acob Architects,Ltd. � � � I I � yy4i'11� ___— -_ _ ---"i—__ -- —_-- — -.__ ►...� —� ;�;, — �. X� � —— � £-.-�.. �_—� _ � ��a � i � �� � � � ❑ � � _ _ .-.�.�-,_ -�. � O , �� �;�...._ ��� �- � � � O � � O❑ � -i �.x� ��� �-_ � -� �' � � ' k� O O �-�".:;,� ..x,�y�'4��''�Y`",��S'� y ��'�.w'+�+".,.�`-��w` ro r..,�,� �: Zy.,Y» �� . �� I . � pi s' '� '",,4�;� i''`� �-�,.'u- t��c'�e.r�'F'e�, i � �I �} c y� x �+� `� � �P . .� L��� � t K�,i`�Y'`�tN'i5 ,�,.n.?: �' . O , O I � j` y F r--, .� � Q�: i14��f, t� �'��, � O O O ' l 4 f {��y� gG OO O O O � _ P�?�r.. ' �1, O� — . � - J = 1�{. ��� �� � � � � ..� sY.J� �� 1 d3� � _.,' '; F r^ «a�'S`. (P 7�' 7 �. � _� � .. �'y" +ve'... '_'___�_'[�' \ � � O I ��: " i,����� x, � ��� " ����« •y _��J"'�—,r +p_�.r�� � I ON � UP O � O� � O .. �' . �� . � . ....� ,_ _ . ... ._ 1,-�.�i.3x"..+�4"s� � �� .� O0� � lo � O ., ,, __,....,. ...�. ._..._.,,... ..�_:�„`�-� ' - � I � i ` O ; � � � . .I O ' i i ov� I i .. i �i C� O � � � �' � � O ' � ; �,. Our client, District Bnergp Saint Paul, Inc. , was organized O r o� I il � � '�' in 1979 to develop, construct and operate a hot water � �� �_ district heating syatem to serve the downtown and adjacent '—� areas of Saint Paul. Their Third Street Plant is a seven- storp structure, built into the river blufP at the turn-of- the-century. The heat generating system is housed on the lower four levels. Our commission included substantial energy-spstem modifications to the building, structural renovation, a new facade design and relocation of the company's executive offices, from the Bremer Building, to the top three floors o£ the Plant. The Design Problem and Our Solution District finergp Saint Paul, Inc. Wanted their new office to O �i O �O O � O � reflect the intended longevity of the firm. The overall � �O O ,� O � character of the design plan needed to be both conservative O � O � O O Q� '� r� and contemporary in communicating the atabilitp of the non- �n� / O O O ,� profit companp as well as its up-to-date technological �_� ��,'� � efficiency. F _—____._ O O � �..�.�'� The specific activities conducted in the company's oPfices ; � focus on people providing s service. The design concept for • ! O _El__' O � the new offices createa a plan for efficient personnel and - `�, information flow among the Engineering, Aeat Production and �C�I � �', Distribution, Finance and Administration, and Comnunicationa - � � I and Marketing Sections. Our objective was to design a humane � ,� _ place, responsive to future growth projections, yet ' ! j , C_-`=- f '� °,' _=__- , maintaining critical interrelationahips among the present � "� �' ~ ,.__� / '�� � personnel groups. i I �P O O O O ' i n� i In relocating the compang's offices to an operating plant, it � � i „ C� � �J � i i uas important that the design be compatible with the i G1 O C O I � structure, imparting a prominence to the office area. Our O � �� ' ! i �1 O r1 O t , design makes the reuse of industrial space for office I ' Q �! �' �.J '�' ����� C; 0 O 0 � I `� activities seem appropriate and natural. Our profesaional ' ''�1L! \I ;�,i services were comprehensive and included architectural and � � O� �O k� � space programming, floor lapouts, complete construction documents, bidding and construction administration. D i s t r i c t E n e r g y S a i n t P a u I i n c. 8���„�,acob Architects.Ltd. __ __-._ {� "�'.ts�1����1, �.Vn:� dL�xJ.nr� '' j � ����.'Y�� �.I1+ SI LI ,!1:.......__ � � 4 � ��I 1 � `. • t�'_`_" � . . .. YS.V.�P t ���,i� \ �L'�Y :. � �r• " ti'.;I �I .i�^t.3 _ _ _ °��.1�� il�ll�,�l�q �, t`:, . '_..' - „ -_._ ���.' �.�� ���'I��Ifi�l �',' :_ti'�, . ._. � LLI � . ��',. :,,� .. qlVli�p,�� -�`. . . \ �� ,;��fi=--- �� �>��t��: ��. � ,r ,� �.—_ .. ����,\ ``, ;f � ! � _ - Bernard Jacob Architects Ltd. of Minnea olis was �� `��� --`�� " � - - - — p +r • • i Iillliihil,�ll ' !I�III � - selected to desi�n the renovation and restoration ���,�: �', �- � 1�I��i� ,t� � � -- �� i � of the former L�ngineering Library in Lind Iiall at t'w,S�. „� � ��� ? � - � � � � the Univeraitp of Minnesota for the Institute of ���;,j ��; fJ� { � i _. � Technology's Undergraduate Academic Center. �L,�: __ ��, �� I"�� 0I� � � Construction on the Minneapolis Campus building is ���- �� � E � � �' ��u• = 7 _� i. _� I_ I' expected to be complete by Fall 1988. The initial �,� �� 2� ''��r'--j r..��'s �T -- •-- , �--�- ----- --- -- ���. � � �,,,:��.,�= � -.-� � - ' � -� design Work was made possible by a contribution �!g , � +n '� �� -, � �� from Mrs. George Taplor of Rockford, ��, . ��?�~��� � : " .. t I� _ - ') I �� �� � � � Illinois. ����; � �:'1' ....- ' � _— - — - _— _ �� n-- � -}� . .. . � - � The two-story librarp building will be remodeled �S '�=` j; � fII I � for the Institute of Technology with ersonal � ' '� t�'� ! P � ai .� !' - � � workstations and carrels for undergraduate and \ �� �*' ° � basement �raduate Teaching Assistants who will provide � � ✓ tutorial services in mathematics, physics, chemistrp, computer science and related subject matter. Built-in studp carrels will be more efficient than the previous arrangements using free-standing tables. A significant upgrading of - - _---� the mechanical and electrical systems is also bein� � _ =-�='- —+�-- addressed as well as code modifications for �� �' o � � � �� `� increased fire safetp and accessibility. �!� - C�`,ir°�° r� :r� �p I,'I i iI _ �u -� a — �T;� ;.:. ... . . . .. , _. . �.,�� ��`; _;_`� �,W.�� .-�,,.T.���-; �O ��,� _ �-�.,�;,� �,���a�.�� � �;�. ' ;. �- . _ _. . ._ ..��� � „ .�-,, ;� 'i i l� �,. :� . :�„��.>.� i L� ^ G O �� iii' ,- ,�� I �° '��-i-t_�._i..i._':1_,=�J fi�i� ,,,�_ _�� �_�-� r�l_'�-��`�J� �=o i�.�=��r�� �- O�� ���� __ _.... .-'-. __ . , / �-�S ` r C� - . /te.3i+n O I'� ?`� -r_ � ��<.!;.F I'I i I'',II � / 1� I ,I �.;��'.i�'�a � . ` '� � '' � � ;� _�° �:�"� J: °� • ._ �:� . /� , ; � ,t�F��' �,� � �� � _'.'_. .-__ —�_(-��,���=_a'(���' - . I�� . .1'•� \} � s.'i.. ' ' '.� :Y/F,' .t ^�� �-_ ------ z�y��' �.'����.�� first floor � ���' ,�' � �.�.->.' �,� � ���I���r�!,������������u;,!!,?r, .fi � � �� - � �- � `� �. - � �I �, � �.._ �. � ��� . . � � _ ��; H m � m m �' ; { � ��� � �1 �,��� � " ' � ;e ��� ' ,� • �'; � `'� � �"�.�f` , '�s�-� �� m; � � O O O O O O O O O O O � O - �i: � i '�ticp•! • +! ��S 'y .. i.' rn ,^].t� r ,i' _- y�',' " �-rjZ � 11 / ��-.�;�_ ,�:i�3 �i � ,-i,Y�i,� � -" -- ------ - � Y' . �II � �Y� PI IjIII.:i --._, � �— - �'� ��� - "`"• l� -_ _ � � Id� I G - ,., F � •„ .., :� -•- .rf,� ��tlllli � A �� �i•�� L1 -- - ( - . � -- - `r — - h ' . _ ,I�I� �I I���I �� �;� , � • .. — _ , � � � �_ �li�h I l.. � � o y ;L'� + IF� �� � ' - d ,''�. �*��;.�;fi c_ ,':il I' ,'i—I �� � �� _ �Y\ � � --_� I I � r� I I I II�I���II li � �� � _� ��.C,a,*�:, -. ._ ` � .�; _. � h n I „ _"'_f.— �� I F' � � � � / �� '' f III� I��l.11 .I II. �� �V ' �__ � x����rrr T 1 � 1 �� �� �-z.�_ , ii�, --� 000 � ��� �-a � �o " � � _ -- � ;i � �!I'ill ;��: � ; . � — �.�� � � �, �, ���_��:�:�°��.::�_.- second floor . bernard jacob architects Itd. university of minnesota � minnea O�IS under raduate academic� ente�r p g i.t. placement center � �°` '�` Hopkins City Hall � � �� � ; '�^���� �a �� ^=�� Bernard 3acob Architects Ltd, af hlinneapolis was selected to develap a space planning and renovation plan far � s�crrce ca.eeu urrr�rfcw u --------------------------- the Hapkins City Hall. The ob�lectives of the plan were ta functionally integrate the City's various `°"'�"' ' depart�ents and to provide unhindered accessibility to the entire two-level municipal building. Initial ,��, .-�t�- . _ �;ro���a °`�""' "'�' renovation caastructian is nroviding elevator access to each building level as well as expanding and updatin� 0 ' affice and og�rations areas for the Hopkins Police Department, Fhase Qne renovation work is anticipated ta be - ' �„,G " co�plete �y late Spring 1989, . r" dJiLLVrl�nST C:urr,[A ClttNnf4U �i � . . . i I i � � 40M1'L't S7CMCL � . � � � � i ; � w�� �aft:�, '° RENOVATION AI�tD EXPANSION OBJECTIVES -`"- � �' � " DETERMINED BY THE FACILITY ANALYSIS " �;sc r�a;sn corse�,xe wPeu6 wvv�es 57S WFiGA 8 3 r!r'l CCPlh`t � ' ���, � fl[SPPA7 Q4'AG (� ��� ° Accessibility for the Fhysically Handicapped WCRrt ,V7ft FlI�K � . 2 II �IL[5 PII.B � °� ��, �Y �� I E��. �Y � ��,�� " l.l Need � ' u Accessibility for the Physicallp Handicapped fro� parking lo� into building and then to both levels af � " hailding, � GTYQEa:'t E".w:r[u4C PdG? CD. �AUIT I'u'Po'IC[Dlft 0.:5[5`AR aFCCiOft P'MfCTCR pPECTCfl . . Upper Level 1,2 Actians °� a1 Ranp connection between east parkin� lat and main entrance. New raised landing at main entrance, �I Inatallatian af a passenger elevator im�ediately inside the nain entrance. �nctional Layout of City Departments �. ■ . �i � 5�"ALL7RCP;,9iV `.QI'FDR00."1 I I i i 1 {1�� 114�� ' . "" 'I� "' a) Consolidate operational city departnents for functional efficiency. '� Y bl Aug�ent �eeting/canference areas, � c1 MaxiQize muiti-use of public areas. ,�r &;!nSJPPutiuS�OW'GE iRvrnK�4Cn ! mNt4r.GF10Cn . � . 1� 'F � ° rt� � a� d► Provide Council Office, i � ia�.�s ceu cu I ' � eI Frovide gublic tailets an upper level, uswnv �� � '�"�`�'� � � "°°� �'�� f► Develop flexihle and expandable affice space. i g) &elieve cramped Police DepartQent conditions, ,, �_ �� hl Provide direct public access to Folice Depart�aent from autside, '' '' ✓-�' i) Provide controiled access ta and fram public areas in building, . I IOCBY PfC[Ti�C+'�COn1A0L PKOfip'i I�i[PDO. ptRPAQ &iUttPRGPEM1tt [q;Ry II� OoO I � n�c srar,uie � � 2.2 ACt10Il8 ��'� R4Y�d1[[^1Jt7M7 MG75L MKt4471GLPri IA89Y � � � � ,�n�,« ; a) Build an addition ta the existing upper level of building, above the existing Falice Bepart�ent west �i--�-- ----� wing, ii. r+��r�ra� ir�ieu n: � � . . . � �10 o b) Build public toilets north of Council Boo�, ' � �-�-���� „ ;� c1 Bstablish Cauncil Office, ,,, ��� �M�,t I� "� � a:��„ " �„TRY�«�� dl Consolidate operational City Departments on Upper Level of building, allowing for futare growth and expansian, ' ' ' el Bxpand Folice Department into existing Lower I�vel space, �"°'�`� �r.�" `�° �,��5�'t f) Install exterior cantrolled entrp at southwest corner of bailding, a, ,a � Bernard Jacob Architects,Ltd. i s ; I �� CHELSEA WDODS ESTATES . �NaM hn�ot th�SE V�ot tne HE�M of�8-�R-�9 S99•56'OS'E . � ---1305.66--- -- ..,.. -• . .. � � � � 241.9� ' r-- �2�Y.00:-• ' .. . , hq�. r � 780.00 S� 8 775.73 � 1 ' � `�,,w I \•�6 t�----- - --'�'1 Wit rRW ��-- -- 1 I 1` ; \'� �• ` \ ^I „ZA '" I♦ �� � • ' I �GE �f „I p w� �° � I I 1 � \ � P, �� \ � -----� � � � a , I � � ��� O �P5 � � ow` ` p� � I . . � s'.�� `°�\ \ ��ol I ' I I ' � ^", � Q�ry� �O° o . 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Photos: Phillip MacMillan James. .��: ^ �: #""��` Built in 1962, the existing Council Chambers A television control room was designed just �� �-�� � ��"k� ` ,�', and adjacent spaces needed to be altered in outside the Council Chambers and all the � � �� ''� � � �a�'��.E� *r ` " order for the Citp to broadcast Council and �:lectronic e ui ment to "mix" ictures and � � l ��� .�.�,�� � �-� ���. �,� .: q P P � Planning Commission meetings on the local cable sound for broadcast is handled in this space. ~'�� k � � '�"�,�� ,, r.� channel. The Council Chambera were, in fact, The third new room designed to complete the � �R ��. ; Y �A redesigned as a television studio. The television center is a multi-use film atudio. w +'�"` �` origina co ed space i t e Cha bers w s main- A 1 al pol ce inves igation serie is taped r �-- ,���#" � �s.; �._� �R� � �S� �..,�y„' �� _ .. � � �� ,� ``�; : -_ -vz^- ` tained,l butVsubdividednbpha newmsoffitato more here�cas welllas othertspecial event$broadcasts . � - ... -�� �.� �-?-�` � , r ' � clearly distinguish the council dais from the f3ponsored bp various public groups. Different ��� �-;�.�, �'� " �� ,.y�; .=� -v�- "` audience area. An extensive camera lighting brsckground sets can be built and assembled in "*r� _ �.� � - -�ar , , ---r"' �,'* ,� �t� � '� Yr. ,�- �fs system is mounted on this new soffit. The �his studio to cretxte unique settinga for each _ , ��, � s � " 5 �� - general lighting throughout the room has been program. These new spaces have given the Citp °''"°�' �j� ' '. �, .� ��'' -� i .� ^. upgraded. Dual monitors which show the state-of-the-art capability to bring municipal ;:i �, , • • ' - r��!;15�� x =� audience presentation materials are housed in government into everp citizen's home. In ' �,:� ;' - custom cabinets which alsa conceal camera men Minnesota's third largest communitp, Citp Hall .-_� �- and equipment from the 84-seat audience. is becoming a very recognizable image. �'' �ia. t�,.�, �� rt It was essential that broadcast technology �� , 3��`�_� neither distract nor obstruct the citizens' view of and participation in Council pro- . � ceedings. B I o o m i n t o n C i t H a I I Be����� acob Architects Ltd. g Y � , ..- . . . . i �. 1 I L/AIER/CK N'.aY �/ �' �y�yHOUSES - /`� � � . \ � y �} i 1 \ X � L/MfR/CK REMOYE DCIST.16' UG a INSTALl 16"-I/16 BEND e w•e.�v.a�x. �r � CROSSIN6 �\ � " ,k. r-- Q� -_� �-- . , lCALE N rEET . -- --' 0 Y6 SD 100 I � . _ �p '-��_ . _-�- - " -- ' 16'-V8 BEND I . -- _ � 16'X6'TEE.6'LEAD, - 2S� - I } � 6'61t6BOD(QMYDRAHT _ �-- ---r- --- -- ;I--- --i � � 16'-I/BBEND ---�' -- - �r--ir-- �I � � I -- -- W _ . > . — '-- Z W I II 2 ''-- - 'r_- � . ?O i r�2, � --_ IS� _ 0 y / ___, �-� 16�X6"TEE,6'LEAD, _ _ Z � - _ - __� 6�GX fi BOJC 8 HYDRANL � > i i 16'-I/�BEND � � O 16'TEE ; DODD t � BOULEVARD V 16'P�UG i .� D.LP. � - - � -----� �--------- - - ----- --- ----=-- -- -- --- � --- I ^� _ _ _. _ 'itEMOVE EXIST.16"PLUG • - -- - - ---- - - -- - --✓� - - ---�-- ---^ 6CONNECTI6'DJ�TOEXIST.16'W.M. --- cn(� � � —�..._..._ . _ ---- ---- ----'- - ----:.:_----- - '-- — _'" --- -:---- - --— ---- ------ . --- `-------------- ! � � � '" . ; 970 _---------- --.- _.--- - _..---- _ ._.._ ..____.. _._..--- _ .. --...- _.-----_ _..__- --....---------- -- --------- - --...__ _____- -- --._.... .------ - ---_--- - � __...._-....---- _....-----,___.- _._.._ ---. _ , . . 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' 1 I �� ��i7�1.C' /'"lP'> �CiC7 ' - G.-.j�� i , __ • ------- --------`-- -- -------- ------------ --------- = - � l,o L�✓�L ------------------------- -----------`'__ � white Bear Township Celebrates New Maintenance Garage � �� �; ��4 �� r � �� �� � ar ��� � � � ��r`� � � i �t.. a�cY`" N� d�� � e1� � 7:�.. ����) �� �� ���'��� �s �. �r� ra��� �,� II�� �,°: i �� � ,1'� ;,����„ tl;,"a���� j .� �� � ��. '3 �' ���%@"�.f: �,��a� I.r _ i � ,��,,e �,m e��. � ffi � k �� � �'��� ## .•�.a` ° �� 3 � � � ��� t � � � � �" � ' . i � � F � �.A. ` �$.�. . ^ : e , . �' y,��' , � � � ` i t^� . . .. � �� il' II� ? � ` F �; � ��, � �,�� � : ,;_�, P ��.� � �.a�. � a �e e �: ; �� � A. � � ° e� ��� f� �� � �x ��. � � - � ..�, �, � , �,�,,. � : .v , , �� ���- y � � � e ., ����� � e�, ��. a � � � a � � � � i9 � ���� ��� ��-��� �� i � � ��� e � f `�„ � �,� =� � ` � .��� � � �_ � � �����P° � � � � � � "� �� � sh : � � � ��- � � ' ��.e �� �... . .- �,���;.,� � � . �' °� �� 3�� � � . ,. , �, e. , ; ., � �` � , � �. �� �� � ,: �� � ��r � C � � a re�• �e��. . '"=�'`��`. '�, ri� � � � ,. »��, �.� �. � �� . � � a , a, � , , . `- �. � ,,.�ea .;w .;;.'`� ��� . -�" t:a '" _ . ..�� ., . �� � fi m , ��� � ��� �� �v n � � � � � � .�,.s ` � ��� � � ��� � �g� � �°` �� _� � �-�� _ � � � r�`a y s � ' ., _ �� ' ��. '� .���� � � � �,.,�s�,Mw ��� � a ��z���..���� ..4 -, � ; ° `� � r� �` ,�' , .` . .. d" _ . ,< .� � .. ,� �, ��,�� . . � � .w. ,�' , ` 'n,',�.. .. '� .. ::� . ." ... . .. . .. .. . . . . ' .. .... _.. � . . �, . ,.... :, ..a_,�,�,_.. New White Bear Township Maintenance Garage. By Elise Farber Schadauer vide White Bear Township with the best "The building is a substantial contri- in maintenance and repair for all of their bution to the township, commented White Bear Township celebrated the vehiclesandequipment.Verypracticalto George Jungkunz, Supervisor of the completion of their new Public Works and the garage are the three remote controlled White Bear Township Board. "We were Maintenance Garage on March 3 and 4, overhead doors,two at the east side and pleased with the project. It met the 1989. This new 16,400-square-foot oneatthewestside,whichprovideadrive- schedule and was completed under building aesthetically fits into the sur- thru capability. In addition, a coiling fire budget. Our working relationship with rounding area with its earth-tone colors doorprovidesaccesstothemaintenance both TKDA and the contractor was very and rock-face concrete block exterior. A bay. good°' deep forest green color is used through- Immediately inside the front entrance out the facility. is the Public Works Director's office, a Designed to accommodate more than conference room,restrooms,811d a IUIICh- TKDA Project Manager Peter Brozek,AIA, and 33 vehicles and pieces of equipment in room.The conference room was incorpo- TKoa Arcniceccurai �esigner Katnryn Poore the ara e, the buildin has se arate rated into the desi n for use b the Public Worked closely with Tom Walczak, White Bear g g g p 9 y Township Public Works Director and the White Bear maintenance and wash bay areas.These Works and Town Center personnel.It may Township Board. areas are heated using energy efficient in- be converted into office space when the frared radiant heat. TKDA's design in- newTown Center,which iscurrentlybeing cluded state-of-the-art equipment to pro- designed by TKDA, is built. ' � TKDA Bulk Rate ' U.S. Postage PAID 2500 American National Bank Building St. Paul, MN St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Permit No. 6986 Telephone 612/292-4400 ' � ' ' ' ' ' . _ ' �r � �r r � � w� � r r �r � � +� �r �■r a� �r � � ..� , � ,� ,. .� �:�� ����; �� ���� �� .. �� ., � ... ,ry.. � ��. . . .; �. � , 6�+�� �� � . , � , �, ,. ,�� ,Mx,a ? .���,�., .•�, ,:: �,:..� 'gr�n� .'� , . ;, � � * � uNwe� •,r, � ,. � Y I, . . , ,, �'"',. , � �..:, � �li ' .� � ,�, . � �„ � � Y � �,,� r,,, , , . �, ` x ,. '��s t+^ ., � - ... :+'-. �� +�+�m � �. �"' ak� �.` '�M' ���� � � rk.,tql� 9 � ��.�vi9�,5 1d.: k� ���,�� YCrvx ; � n , �.� Ww . . ,..'Yb�:� df�'kn:1� . ' � �� "��n� ,..y� +�.� �°h'x <IF�, �`�*"�':. .N ,. ,a .. . . i h ,. .�. �° : v . �'I I . ' �._,� , � �� � r� � �- N �. �� . 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