HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Citizens Advisory Committee � � �� � � 1...�j � � P t�.f)OX ,tb � ���(�� f_) � 28�5 1<15�1�F{ 5"i W �_ �; � � �c>sF��c�un�r�- titin�NF�.;o�rn �;�,nca �,��'���'�''��)�-��,� � � s�,t�-n_:�-aat� � � � � � A �� � June 14, 1989 T0: Council FIZOM: Mayor Hc�ke R�: Summary of Goals and Strategie8 Ci�i.zen Advisory Committee Attached you wi11 find the final recommendation of the Citizen Advisory Committee and a copy of the process that has been followed up through Roman Numera�. V. Acti.on fio he taken would be to receive the report, in addition, however, some of the questions that will probably be asked of Counci]. i.s "what will the Council be doing with the report? Will the Council be following the process proposed in Roman Numeral YI as outlined or will it follow some amended process?" � , , • Cit:izen' s Advtsory Com�nittee GUALS AND STRA'TEGIES Notet The tactics listed as lawer case letters beneath various strategies were written in order to help clarifp what committee members had in mind when they wrote the particular strategy, The committee realizesthat the development of tactics is probably best left to the policy-makers , but we hoped they would give you turther insights as to our ho�es and dreams for the com�nunity. I. SMALL TOWN AMBIENCE GOAL To preserve and foster the sma11 town ambience af the community, the City of Rosemount should respect its unique historical and physical assets and encourage continuation of strong interpersanal reZationships among its residents. STTtATEG T F.S 1 . Green areas should be maintained and incor��rated into future dev�lopment. Yes No a. Rural Residential 3 3 b. Nature Preserves 6 p c. Farms 2 1� d. Parks � 0 e. Wooded Areas 6 0 f. Golf Courses 6 0 g. Sports Fields 6 0 h. Tra:tls 6 0 i. Natural Buffers betwean Com- 6 0 mercial residential area$ and surrounding municipalities. 2. The prer�ervatian of the central downtown' s architectural landmarks and/or the character and/or the tradition they represent. Yes No a. Geraghty 8uilding 6 0 b. Carroll' s Barn 4 2 c. Old Baptist Church on Cameo 6 0 d. St. Joseph' s Church 6 0 e. Grain Elevator 6 0 f. Reconstruct Railroad Depot 6 0 g . Dr. Bergh' s Dental Office 5 1 h. New facade on white bldgs, 6 0 on 145th � �iwy 3 , _ � ! I. Swal l Town A�ubierice corz` t 3. Provide an environment that will fosLer and promote harmonious interaction and a sense of community pride among the citizens. Yes No a. Worlcing forum for civic and 6 0 fraternal organization. b. Enhance community festivals 6 0 such as Memorial Day Parade, Leprechaun Days, Halloween Party, Ctirist�nas Tree Lighting ceremc�ny. c. Continue park clean-up days and 6 0 expand this idea to neighborhood clean-up day to foster an�i- litter campaign. 4. Citq gov�rnment should strive to maintain Rosemount' s safe, quiet and p�aceful ho�netown environ�nent. 5 . Citizens shou�.d be encouraged to participate in city g�v�rnment and local organi��tione and allowed to effectively contribute and express their views. Yes No -- a. F.stab'lishment of citizen ad hoc 7 0 committees. b. Consicieration of a new standing 7 0 citizeri committee. 6. �onvenient and eontinuous sCreetscapes and trails should be developed to connect a11 areas of the cornmunity to the co�nrnercial center. Yes No a. Pedestrian connection from 7 p school campuses to downtown. b. Direct bike paths between resi- 7 p dentiaZ areas and downtown. c. Encourage bike path connection 7 0 to U of M research center from downtown. 2 _ ` , • • II. DOWNTOWN GOAL The city' should �reserve and enhance the downtown' s identity as a place of �rientation, social interaction, cultural expression and commercial exchange. STRA'PEGI ES 1 . Capita�ize on the educational snd recreational areas adjacent to downtown by encouraging the small coramerr.ial and general services that these maritets wi11 support . Yes No a. Analyze the impact the high 7 p schaol market may have on co�nmercial uses. b. Sport tournament and cultural 7 p �:ven�s sliould be encouraged. 2. Develop an overall downtown plan which includes design guidelines to enhance the cultural uniqueness, history, identitp and "hometown" feeling that is uniquely Rosemount" s. Yes No a, Po1Z citizenry as to tqpe of 7 p architectural design dawntown should follow. b. Architectural standards should 7 Q be adopted and published. c. Formation of ad hoc downtown 7 0 beautification committee d. Give serious consideration to 7 0 tlie recommendations of the Urban Design Team Report. e. Require RFQ' s & RFP' s from 7 0 several architectural firms on significant downtown pro�ects. 3. Provide the streetscaping, walkways, lighting and beautificaCi�n that allows peopl� to be pedestrians and gives them a sense of be�.on�ing and safzty. Yes No a. Decorative lighting and 7 0 patliways on Hwy 3 fram Armory to Cty Rd 42. 4. Connect neighborhoods to downtown by a weZ1 planned vehicular, pedestrian and public trail system. 3 f • • • 5. Su�port the central downtown concept . Yes Na a. Retai1. development should be S 2 restricted to downtown r�rea. 6. Provide beautification projects and pubXic open spaces that wi11 give our citizens a sense of place, idenCity and community pride. Yes No a. Town green � Q b. Bandstand � � c. Flowers � � d. Banners � 0 e. Restore "Rose Maunt" 7 p f. Park benches 7 p g. Piped music � 0 4 . � • III. COMMUNICATIONS GOAL The city government shauld infnrm the entire citizenry in order to foster unity, encourage a sense of identity ; allow iliput/feedback; and encourage apenness. STRATEGIES 1 . We11 publicized Town Meetings should be hald periodically. Yes No a. Place banners crossing streets 1 6 at various locations to publicize town tneetings. 2 . A city news2etter should be distributed on a regular basis. 3. Timely and informative notices af a11 meetings should b� provided. Yes No a. C3ty should find ways to give 7 0 advanced nntice,in lay language, to citizens on land use and other issues that affect the communitp. 4 . Continuation of "Open House" opportunities. 5. Examine feasibility of access to Cable T.V. for city inf�rmation. 5 • • • � IV. BEC�tEATIONAL OPPORTUNTTIL�S GOAL The city •�r�hauld enhance a sense of community togethernesg by creating maintaining and preservin� areas aud fac�.lities for both activ� and passive leisure time experie,ices for its citizens. STRATEGIFS 1 . Take advantage of the future arworp site by - expanding o�i rhe core facility for added co�nmunity uses. 2. Promote, ma3.ntain, develop and enhance community and neighborhood parks, pedestrian paths, nature preserves and activity areas. Yes No a. Develop connecting trails 9 1 between parks and neighborhoods. b. Look at river frontage for 10 0 possible nature preserve. c. Develop farm museum, either 7 3 as a farm day camg, working farm, or passive displaq. d. Cooperate with U of M Ag. 9 1 Station in developing trails, hort�cultural pro�ects and t�urs of their facila.ty. e. Aev��.up p�rk ar�as in downtown 8 i area such as town green. 3. Comwunicate with local organizations to promote and develop recreational tournaments, events and facilities. Yes No a. Programs offered should be 9 0 co-ordinated by RAAA, the City, and I.S.D. 19b to avoid duplica- tion and create new activities. 6 : • • • V. RELATIONS �ITH �Z'rE�NAL ENTITI6S GOAL The city • �overninerrt should maximize contral ove� exCernal entities in a manner consiste�t wirh the city' s ch�ra�r.er and goal�. STRATEGIH,S 1 . The city should aeriously examine the f�$sibi.lity of acquiring �urisdiction over the University o� Minnesota property , Yes lYo a. Hire a lobbyist to pursue 9 0 city interest regarding U of M lands. 2. Cooperative efforts with the Univeraity of Minnesota should be continued in order to inf.luerice land uge decisLons in a way cansistent with city ob�ectives . Yes No a. City should be cataiyst in 8 1 �- encouraging the county, U of M and other government agencies to coordinaCe solid waste management goals with Ag. Research and other high tech uses. b. Incinerator site at U of M 2 7 should be opposed. 3. Construction of a major airport in or near Ro�emount sh�uld be apposed. 4. The city should work with industries located in the Piue Bend area to imprave their corporate images and responsiveness to citi.zens� concerns. 7 L F � . VI. �C�NUMIC DEVELOPMENT GOAL The city• should strive to balance the industrial, commercial and residential development with sma11 town ambienc�. STRA'PEGIF�S 1 . Industrial development without si�nificant adverse envi.ronmenGal impacC shoul.d be pursued. 2. Recognition should be given to the need for 8n expan�ed and diversified base. 3. Assist economic growth by providing thoroughfares Lo business areas. 4. Development of an 3ndustrial psrk shduld be encouraged in appraprigte arsa. Yes No a. Pur�ue acquisition of railroad 9 0 lands behind Grief Brothers for industrial park site. 5. Residential development should be encouraged in order ro sup�ort a vital retail market. Yes No a. Recognize the need for housing 7 1 for Daknta County Vo-Tech students, b. Enc�urage small business development. Ye8 No a. Poll citizenry ta determine 8 p srhat Cype of retail shopping woulc� be patroni,2ed. b. Tourist industry would be 6 2 promoted utilizing farm museum, steam engine museum, U of M Ag. Station, proposed prairie on U of M property , Leprechaun Days. Advertising can be done in State Tourism paper. 7 . The land use decision making process should insure adequate voter participation and input into zoning and land use decisions. 1j 8 Fail/'Winter Co�unity Involvement Process Goa.l Setting Process (Amended 2-21-89) Goal/�ctivitp Task Start Individua.l(s) Completion Date Responsible Date I. Formation of Co�nuni.tv Direction and Development Advisor� Commi.ttee A. Solicit �rospective members from council, special Aug 2 i�layor/Council Aug. 16 interest groups, and evidence of past interest and Staff , involvement. B, Determine Scope and charge of Advisorp Co�. Aug. 2 Mayor Aug. 16 C. Present Iist of prospective commi.ttee canidates ?�a�or Aug. 16 D. Meet with Advisory Co�ittee - pick chair, '.'�ayarjCouncil Sept. 5-9 co�-chair, and recorder. Revzew the charge, scope of committee and the gosis of the community involvz- ment process. P1an for town meatings. II. Conduct Town rleetin� (MCIP Leadership) Council, Staff, Sept. 2b-30 Place: Rosemount High School Student Center MCIP, Communit� Ed., Advisorp Comm. Tentative Schedule: A. Fi3.m to introduce concept of vision setting. � B. Dream session; What would Rosemount look like? Facilitator What do you envi.sion this communitp becoming? Small oroups of 5-8. Each group w�.11 come up with 5-8 verp general, non-specific, future oriented 3tS��tIIEI1�9 that answer the questions "what?" or "which?" C. Lar�e Group Ret�ortinQ and PrioFitizin_g Facilitator Lach recorder will report 2 of their groups dreams. Reporti�g wi11 continue until all dreams have been e:chausted. The facilitator will Iead a prioritizing session. All reported dreams will be nwnbered. Each partir_ipant wi.11 be asked to pzck the 5 most important dreams. The data will be tallied 3nd the 5--8 most identified dreams will be determi.ned. Fall/Winter Conmmunity Involvement Process • Goa1 Settiag Process (Amended 2-21-89) Goal/Activity Task Start Individual(s) Completion Date Responsible Date (II. con't) D. Small Group Brainstormin� Session: Each small group Facilitator wi11 begin identifying goals/objectives on how to best fulfill the top 5-8 dreams identified in t�e large group prioritizing session. E. Each recorder will, document the results of their Advisorp Comm. . respective group's decisions. Representatives IIS. Conduct Citizen Attitude Survey Oct 24 Nov 11 A. Staff, Council, Commissions, and Advisorp �omm. Oct 3 Oct 14 meet with Decision Resources Survey orientation B. Advisory Council uses information gleaned from flct 10 Advisory �omm. flct 21 the town meeting to help determine survey focus areas. C. Tnput from Staff, Council, Advisory �o�i.ttee is Oct 17 Staff, Council, Oct 23 given to decision resaurces. Advisorp Com��. D. Survey conducted. Dec. 10 Jan 25 M IV. Advisorp Committee Goal and Action Plan Recommdation A. Advisory �omm3.ttee, staff, and council commissions Feb 7 Decision Resources Feb 28 �eet with Decisiom R�sources to debrief survey Feb 23 Advisorp �ommittee trends and patterns. (2 - 3 meetings) Mar 2 B. Drawing assumptions and conclusions the Advisory :�Iar 2 Advisory Committee :Kar 31 Comrn. synthesiizes data from Town Meeting, Survey, Urban Design Team in order to develop preli.minary direction oriented goals and a more specific list af recommended strategies to fullfill those goals. C. Advisorp Committee presents Preiiminarp uoal/StraCe�i�s Mar. 28 Advisorp Committee Mar. 28 Plan recommendations to council, staff and commissions. Staff - Council r��++nity Involvement Process � Goal. Setting Process (Amended 5-15-�9} Goal/Activi.ty Task Start Individual(s) Completion Date Responsible Date (IV. con't) D. Advisory Committee meets with staif to review Apri1 Advisory Committee April preliminarp Goals/Strategies and IIrban Design Staf£ Council Team. V. Second Town Meeti.n� Map Council, Staff ,�une Advisorp Committee . A, Preliminary Communitp Goals/Strategies presented to citizens in order to receive feed back. B. Final Goals/Strategy Recommendations presented to June Adv. Comm. , Council .Iune council. VI, Strate�ic Plannin�/Construct a Yision of Citv's Future June Staff, Council, � A�gust Commissions A. Staff, Council and Commissions criti�ue/amend Advisvrp Committee recommendations. B. Council, staff, commissions strat�gize one and two year action plan to carry out com,m,n�ty goals and recommended actions. C. Planning Commission uses Advisorv Committee's � recommendations and one and two pear action plan to revise comprehensive oui.de plan. VII. Open ?3ouse Sept/Oct Staff, Council, Advisory Comm3.Ltee Fina1 Community Goals/Strategies an� one and two year action plan presented as part of "State of City" address. VIII. Implement - Monitor - Evaluate Goals - flbjectives t}ngoing One and Two Year Action Plans. At�plp organizational strategies - convert vision into reality. lj SUMMARY OF GOALS - SCOPE - CHARGE �F CITI'7.EN ADVISflRY CQM�iI2TEE ' (A�ended 2-21-89) �o. of Meetin�s Char�e When (tsntative) 1 1 . Review entire scope, charoe and mission Sept. S-9 of the committee' s role in t�e community ooal-setting. Review plan of action for the town meeting and in particular the role of committee members. 1 2 . Committee members act as small group �ct. 11 recorders and hosts at town meeting 1 3 . CommittPe meets with survep vendor, Qct. 19 � �ecision Resources, for orientation of citizen attitude survep 1-2 4. Committee develops survep focu� areas �ov. 7 �ased on information gleaned from toWn a�eeting 2 S . Committee meets with �ecision Resource, Feb. 16 debrief the trends and results bf the survey. 2-3 6 . Committee develops a preliminarp Goals/ Mar. Strateoies Action plan r�commendation to present to council, commissions, and staff. 1 7 . Committee presents Preliminary Communitp Joalsf Mar. 28 . 5trategies recommendations to council, staff, ,� cammissions. 1 8, Committee a�eets with staff to review prsliminarp April i.ommunity Gaals/Strategies. 1 9. Commi�.tee hosts second town meeting to May present �reliminary Community Goa1s/Strategie and receive citizen input. 13 T�tal Meetings, September to ��tay lj