HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.i. Authorize Advertisement for Maintenance II Position , � • 1TEM # 7 ` ' City of Rosemount M E M 0 TO: Mayor & Councilmembers, c/o Administrator Jilk FROM: Public Works Director/City Engineer Heft��!, " � DATE: June 16, 1989 SUBJ: Items for June 20, 1989 Council Meetinct NEW BUSINESS Authorize Advertisement £or MaintEna�ce Leve1 iI - Utilities This item cor�sists of Councii 's appravi.ng af creating an apening far a Maintenance Level II position in the Utilities Department. The Utilities Commission, in �qreement with my request, i� recommanding Council approve tMe positian. Th� utilities depart.ment currently has one £ull t3me Maintenancc� Level II employee. In order to provide assigtanc� for him we have to steal somPone else from street or park maintenance. This pract�.ce is very disruptive and makes planning for pro��ets extremely difficult. it als� doss not allow u� to practice the preventive maintenance methods that are necessary to insure proper operation o£ our water rlistribution and wastewater collection systems . With additional help we can begin eleaning all s�nitary sewer lines, inspeet the lines and manholes, exercise water valves, clean out valve boxes� etc . , on a x�egular basis . In additinn, we have about 1,200 watex met�rs that bac�ly need to be replaced because they are over 12 years old. I am attaching a job description for your in£ormation. The salary and benei'it costs will be f�nded from the Water and Sewer Operatinq �'und� . Re��ommended action for C'ouncil to take is t4 authorize the advertisement for a Maintenance I,evel II position. . . • • June i6, 1989 CITY OF RO5EMOUNT POSITI�N RESPONS3BILITY WRITE-UP Position Title MAINTENANCE LEVEL II Department PUBLIC WORKS Accountable To Public Works Director Primary Obiectiue of Position To provide manual labUr and operate and maintain department equipment as required to provide timely and efficient generai maintenance " services to the entire City operation. Ma.7or Areas of Accountabilitv 1 . Streets Constructs and performs maintenance services on City street and alley righfi-of-way throuqh the operatian o£ single axe1. dump trucks, snowplaws, tractor�s, eet. , ar k�y manual lak�or. Construct�a and performs maintenance services on �ity sidewalk�/trails . Build�a and repair� sidewalks/trails. Builds and repairs wheelchair ramps. Removes snow by manual labor or by machine. . Performs var. ious ty}�es of maintenance as�oc�.ated with parking lots. Builds new lot� . Repairs and maintains all city lats . Measure, lay out, and paint parking stalls . Performs various maintenance associated with street cleaning. Sweep all city streets and parking lots by manual lak�or ar machine. Cleans catch ba�.ir�� k�y manual labor or machin�. �ervj.�r� anci mair�tain st.reet. swPe�er. FRrEc�rm:�. various m�intenaric� ass�c.i�Y.Pd with tra.f.£ic �iqr►g and mar.king:� . 1 r • � June 16, 1989 MAINTENANCE LEVEL II PQSITION RESP�NSIBILITY WRITE-UP PAGE 2 Paint parking spaces, street markings, curbs, handicap parking, etc. Paint, repair, replace and install signs . Operate uarious types of paint sprayez�s . Maintains radio communicati�ns with Public Works ar�c� ot}ier ciepartments when othPr communicati_on servfces are nat ava� lable. Pcar£ormg ca.rp�►ntry �r�el maintenanee aetivit.i�g t.�� ke�p �ll. r_it:.y buile�inys an� faciiitiea in �oiand o��rating condit.i.c�n. �- Parks Performs various maintsr�ance tasks associated with parks such as : Instalt, drain, blow out and repai.r broken wa�.er/irrigation ].ines . Mow all city par.ks anc3 all city owned property. Build and construct new parks, facilities and equipment . Repair picnic table.s, grills, playground equipment, etc. Operate p�rtable q�nerator. Performs maintenance services associated with tree & turf maintenance. Obt�in/maintain required license. Op�rate various sprayers and chain saws . Purchase, mix, and aF�ply ctiemicals . Cut down and remove trees, plant trees, £ill in holes and ��lant seed. Repair and maintain sprayers and cMain saws . Perf�rms maintenanc� tasks asg�ciated w.i�h skating rinks . Build rinks, flood rinks and �emove snow. Repair and main�ain warming houses . =� • E�c.uiament � �` � • ,lUne 16. 1989 MAINTENANCE LEVEL II POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UF PAGE 3 Performs various preventativ� and corrPctive major maintenance services on City equipment and vehicles to ins�are saf.e and proper operation. Does necessary welding to repair and maintain equipmerit. Does necessary mechanical work ta repair and maintain equipment. Op�rates various mechanie shc�p power equipment anrl hanc3tools such as grinders, drills, drill press, saw, mechanic instrumants anci tools, weldar, tof�ch, etc. 4. Wastewater Collection Svstem Pe.rforms maintenance repair, replacement and cleaning of sanitary and storm qewer faei.lities and equipment. Repair and maintai.n tif_1-. stations . Repair and maintain sPw�r lines, clean catch bastns, repair washout:s, eave--ins, manholes, etc. Operate and maintain sewer maintenanc.e and eleaning equipment such as rodders, �etters, steamers, stand-by genErator, et.c . S , Water Storaqe and Distribution Svstem Performs maintenance, repair, replacement and cleaning af water storage and r�istrib��tion systems . Repair and maintain well houses, watermains, }�ydrants, gatevalves, curb stops, water metPrs, Ptc. Operate su�ervisory c�ntrol system. Obtain wat�er sampi.�� for �.esting from we11s and vari.ous locations as necessary. Monitor flouric3e, chlorine, and other chemical additive lev�ls to insure proper and safe applications rates . � • apPeia]. Pro�ects/Duties May help with oth�r mair�te�nanr.P tas)cs in othc?x� city c��pa:r. tment�, as assigned particularly i.n pm�rgeney situati.r�ns or to k�alance seasonal w�rkloar3s and sch�cl�rJ.Ps . Per.farms ot.h�r dt.iti.es �nd x•Ws�onsi.bi lities as aa�iyner_1. Take� turn a� departmpnt: star�c3by person �n 24 houz� c.a11 . � �. � � June 16, 1989 MAINTFNANCE LEVEL II POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP PAGE 4 Example of Performance Criteria Demonstrated ability to aperate and maintain the various pieces af equipment and provide the necessary city maintenance serviees in a timely and efficient manner. Demonstrated ability to perform tasks required to keep wastewater colleetian and water c�istribution system in good operating aondition. Demonstrated ability to op�rate and ma3ntain assigned equipment. Follaws es�tablished safety procedures to avaid peisonal injuzy ancl pr�pe.rty loss . Responds willingly to emErgency duty a.nd vari�d wo.rk assiqnments. 7. R�Sp�nsil�ilitv fvr Woric of Others None regularly assigned. May pr�vicle c�n-the-�ob direction to seasonal ar t�mporary employees as required in certain job-related situations. a. Desirable 4tua3.ifieations High schaol graduate or GED equivalent. Two t2) years experience with equipment aperata.on for municipality . Two (2) years experience with municipal water distralaution systems and wagtewater coll.ection systems . Eias Class C or D Wat�r Operator ].ic�nse as granted by t.h� h9inneaota Department af Health and Cla�s S-C Sanitary Sewer Operator 1.3.ceneca as grantec� by the Minnesota Pollution (:c,ntrol Ag�ncy. 9 . Minimum Requirements Ability to perfarm strenuous manual labor. Ak�.ility tu understarid anc� fol.iow wri�ten and oral inst�ruct:ic�na . Ab.ility to �stat�liqh a.nri maintain eff.eative wc�rking .r�lat.i�nship�: wi.tF� emplc�y�es, staff m�mb�r�, �nd tF�e general puhl.ic . Clags A M�rynesota c3riv�r. � 1.3.censF�.