HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.h. Approve Plans & Spec's / Authorize Ad for Bids - South Bay of Public Works Garage � ` ITEM # 7 �I ****�t********************�************PiEP10****�************,�*�**********�******* DATE: ,TUNE 15, 1989 ' T0: MAYOR & COUNCILPiEPiBERS C/0 CITY ADPtINISTRAT�R J�LK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS AIRECTOR HEFTI R�: ITEPiS FOR THE JUNE 20, 1989 COUNCIL MEETiNG NEW BUSINESS Remodeling South Bay-Public Works Gar�e� Approve Plans and Speeifications/Set Bid Openin� This item consist of Council approving the plans for the remodeling o£ the south bay of the Public Works Garage into a lunch room and o£fice area for aur Publie Wprks Emplayees, Alsa� this would set the bid apening for T'riday, ,luiy 14� 1989 at 1.0:p0 a.m. In an effort to provide a healthy and aesthetic surrounding for our Publi.c Works Supervisors to work and our Public Works Employees to have breaks, we have contacted Mr. Charles Novak to prepare some plans and specifications regardir�g the south bay. The plans eall for three offices alang the south haif of the south bay. The exterior wall would be permanent, however the interior office walls would be some type of partitions to allow the most flexibility. The north half of the south bay would be the employee lunch, break and meeting area. The lunch area wil,l provide some kitchen cabinets along with a sink. The entire area will be heated and cooled by a new system mounted above the roof. In order to meet code we have to add another bathroom to the one bathroom that is existing. The existing bathroom will have to be removed to make room for the new bathroom. Both bathrooms will be handicapped accessibie. The new bathroom that _ will be eonstructed in the corner of the next bay will require the relocatian of the existing air compressor. In a related item, we are also lookinp, into improving the venti.lati�n tc� the mechanics bay area. Their present system is inadequate to handle exhaust from a small engine. The fumes can be bad enough to almost choke a Minnesota mosquito. Even though the possibility exist of relocating the Public Works Facility in the future, we feel that the need for office space for City departments is so �;reat t.hat we feel the rc�modelinp of the so�rr.h b��y wil.1 not bc wt�sted. St.nff h,ys (ItRCI1S9P(� tl�c p�4gil�ility ��F r�lc��nl in�; �i thrr ihc� R�c•r�n1 icin 1)c���nrin�s�iit , i'�►l i���� I)ri�,nrlm�nl. c�r I�,ii�;inrc�rin�; I)c���nrlinc�nt I�� II�ri1 nrc�n. flr�ai�lt�9� il will �►i-��hn1�1y I�r rrl Ic�tlsl'. LWc) ye�nrq i►eLore we i�nve riiiy tlllrCt'Clll.: If1C1L1Llfi9. '1'hr existing lunchroom and office facilities the Public Works Employees have now should not be used in that e�pacity any longer. Recommended action for Council to consider is to approve the plans �nd sp�cifications for the rem�delinp, of thP so��th hay �f th� Puhlie Wortcs G1r<��;e aricl set a bi_d apenin�; E�r. Ji�ly i.4, i9$9 a( 10:(�t) a.m. � ��