HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.g. American Legion Club and Gutter / Sidewalk Project . - . - _ � � � i��, �iC,� _,ia / _� �., ��!� ���J . , � , i ��-� .;� 4v N4: �'� ,..I��.� � r�tc�.,�n�,�u����i ra�r��vi ��i a�.,�,nr�sn ;�, �.�r ( ��.�`��'"����#�'�F� �1' � � �st, ��.-s aa�� �_,,; ., _�. Agenda i tem 7g. TO: Mayorf City Council, City Administrator FROM: Dean Johason, Director of Community Developmen Rich Hefti, City Engineer/Public Works Direct DATE: June 15, 1989 SUBJ: American Legioa Rigbt-of-Way Improvements Atlached is a memo from Mike Wozniak to the Plannin� Commissian, regarding the expansion of the American Legion Club. The Planning Commission approved the site plan and associated variances, subject to completion of new sidewalk and curb and gutter around the block. In 1986 the American Legion presented a similar request to the City. At that linie, the American Legion agreed to improve the aes[hetics of lhe building, if the Gity wc�uld complc:tc> the ri�hi-c�f-way improvements. Thc C:ity and HRA agreed to split the cosls of the right-of-way improvements. At the June 6, 1989 Regular Meeting the City HRA reviewed the present American Legion plan. In response to enhanced building aesthetics, the HRA agreed to the original cost share concepl with the City. The HRA has requesied lhat the City Council agree to lhe cos[ share for the public improvements, including the conduit for and/or installation of [he decorative street lights. Staff estimale of the right-of-way improvements is around $25,OOD, excluding the street lighting. Assuming the project is agreed to, staff would initiate preparation of plans attd specifications with the help of a consultant. We will also evaluate the potential for boulevard tree grates, which will be based upon the loca[ion and scale of the sidewalks. It is not known at this time whether the City would bid the job or reimburse the American Legion under their contract. Staff is requesting the Council approve the coneept for sharing the costs of the public improvements and authorize [he preparation of plans and specifications. ` � � - � � �l./• F tl (►(1X 51p ���} �) 7A75 14f;fH ST W li<1gEMC>UtJI MINNF�S(11A S5(1FR ,_ ' �,U�`i(.'YL1Oi�t Y1I e�� .��:� nai� TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: MICHAEL WUZNIAK, AICP, CITY PLANNER DATE: J UNE 2, 1989 SUBJ: JUNE 6, 1989 - REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS 4a. AMERICAN LEGION - PROPOSED ADDITION SITE PLAN REVIEW For the last Planning Commission Meeting the American Legion Club submitted plans fpr an expansi�n of lhe exiSling facility lacaled an Durma Ave. Action was dclayed because it was determined that a variance would have to approvecl ta allow eneroachment in required yard setbacks and a reduction in parking requiremenls. Since the request involves a nun-residential building permit it i1 subjecl [o site plan approval by the Planning Commission. Enclosed with this review are copies of the site plan, floor plan and building elevations. Beyond the normat consideration of site design and building aesthetics this project also would require financial assistance by the City. As can be noted on the site plan� the applicant is pxoposing that the City assist in providing street improvements which would be required by the project including: replacement of curb and gutter, sidewalks and construction of new driveway aprons. To provide lhe Commission with a better understanding of this project a brief history may be hetpfuL It is my understanding that the Legion initiated this project a few years ago. The intent of the project is to expand the Club by buying the two homes located located north of the club (south of 145th St.) and developing additional parking and also to substantially increase the building size of the Club. At that time the Legion negotiated with the City in agreeing [o improve the aesthetics of both lhe addition and lhe existing building if the Ci[y would participate in the cost of necessary street improvements. The Legion at the time did not own the two houses, it has since acquired them. Time passed and for financia! reasons the Club did not proceed with the expansion. Apparenily resoarces [or the project are now available and the Legion is interested in proceeding. Since the value of the Club would increase substantially because of the project, there exists the p�tentie! to ulilize tax increment financing to assist in [inaacing neccssary street improvements, This is an issue which will have to he addressed by the City of Rosemount H.R.A. At the ils Iast meeting the Planning Cnmmission should refer this matter to the H.R.A, and �roceed t� consider thc silc plan. , ln consiticring thc prc►��osect silc plan Ihcrc .�rc thrcr n�;tjor issuc.t to c�nsidcr: l. Yarcf Setbacks 2. Required Parking 3. Building Aestl�etics . . • ! � Staff review af the site plan have identified that the plan as �roposed does not completely meet zoning ordinance requirements. The �roposed addition would cause the building to extend up to the property boundary on tl�e south and east sides. Although buildings may be allowed to he built up to the property line in the C-2 District, there is a requirement that setbacks meet average existing setback for the block, in the case of the Legion proposal there are three existing t�uilc�ings on tfie block besides the Club. Two of these structures are homes which wili be removed in conjuction with the project. The other structure is a garage on the Legion property. Along 'Burnley the Club has an existing setback of i3' and the garage b'. Along 246th the Club has an existing setback of 10'. There is merit in allowing the setback encroachment and since the Legion wili controt Che entire block it would not represent a problem for other Drouerlies_ Atsn �k., n�.,��,eea _o____�__ _r _._ 00p 0 0000 Se� aO o00000 oc° �000 0 0 0 O O O Q Op 0 0 0a �j p p O 000000 O OO�v00 �• O N� � N�o w w w w w w w w w w a wp �1 1"� v1 �1 C� C� O � �1 O W1 CO r'1 Q � � �`'1 M .i .-i .-� O � .-a .i O •tt M N N .-� .-� w O O � � � � O .-i .-1 ry r-� �I C1 O� Cti tT O� t? O� Q► .-� N r+ 01 .-i O� N N N Ct N � �'1 ' OD CO O� G� �T N Oti CO O� G� O� CO 01� .� '� � � A M M � • • • . • • • y} y. � AAA � C� A � NNN Aa _ _ _ � ..., n, rr+�s +1w�IM�IM W W • r--- � � (� � �� �1�"l� p� P o ���x sto e�-� � �a�� ia,,f� sr w �._._ ��s�y-�r�ou�n� R�;E���,��T ti,���F�;�,r�� ,���e� � � F;,�; :��;s-a�„ � T0: Ma or X StepheniJilk�uncil - City Administrator FROM: pavid J. Bechtold - Director of Farks & Recreation DATE: June 19, 1989 �� Changes and Authorizatian to Use CIP Funds The 1989 G�P Budge� it�c�,ud�d �ev�ra�, it�m� �e�eted to Je been noted esveral times in the pa��, and w111 be mentioned man the future Y�ee Park. �t ha� , that development in the ,7aycee Park area has no� followed8the expected growth gattern. The West Ridge Development is behind our the Wensmann Development fs ahead in pro3ected growth. For that reason t CIP Budget as approved in the 1988 roce pro3ected growth expectations while order to be effective. P SS requires some alterations i� he Attached is a copy of the alterations that should be considered. The cos Projections for the Jaycee Park development identify the tentative � construction schedule of that park and the pro3ected sources of finances be used. to A council motion is requested to : AUTHORIZE CHANGES IN THE 1989 CIp F I�MS �E 54, �56 & ��58 AND TO ALLpW THESE FUNDS TO BE USED FOR OR LISTED. PROJECTS AS ITEM #54 Change from irrigation of the Little League / Fast Pitch areas irrigation of the football / soccer areas in Jaycee park, to the ITEM #56 Cha g from fencin�; in Jaycee Par.k to engineering costs for thP of Jaycee Paark. . devPlapment ITEM #58 ChAnge as requested by tlie Park� & Recreativn Committee) .From dock in Schwarz Fark to rest stop benches and tables for , fl �'Ort�hle chwarz F'ark. A e • � 1. The new parking area silutuated east ot the picnic area should be moved S'to the south. ?his should be done to slighUy increase setback to parking along 145th Stxeet which witl provide additional area for snow storage and street tree ptantings. . 2. The proposed landscaping plan shoulcl be amended lo inciude street tree ptantings along 745t1� Street and 146th Street. Four shade trees of type A or B as referenced on the Site 1'lan sfioutd be ptanted space approximalety 40' apart on center. Further an existing scariet maple tree located in fro�t of one oi' the existing homes should be relocated to be used either as a street tree or as a shade tree in the picnic area. Also, an existing elm tree located on �146th Street is in poor health (Dutch Elm Disease - I presume) and should be removed because it represents a safety hazard. I would recommend that the Ptanning Commission approve the Legion Site P1an subject [o all recommendations included within this review and subject to approval of the variance petition regarding yard setback encroachment and �arking. -- ---- ------...._,.�