HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.f. Ambulance Contract �' � F!) f�(iX 510 /` �1 • • � �l �/ �1 � :'t? t,t�.Tll �;T VJ � _ l ' , �� ' f1i'�<�,F�,q��t rr,l 1 MINNF`;i��fn `,5r)gR � ��)��o�'����'���j.����� Fii..�' .��,{.qq1l June 16, 1989 ITAM 7. f. T0: Mayor Iioke Councilmembers: Napper Oxborough Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Ji1k f � Administrator/Clerk i / RE: Ambulance Contract - He th East We presentlq are opera�ing under a contract, which expired January 1 , 1989, with Health East Corporation (named in the contract as Divine Redeemer Hospital� for their providing ambulance service to the Citq of Rosemount. They alsa provide, under contract this service for the cities o£ Eagan, Inver Grove Heights, West St. Paul, South St. Paul, Mendota Heights, Sunfish Lake, Mendota and Lilydale. A new contract, attached, has been proposed bp the provider. This new contract has been reviewed, and discussed by the city administrators and managers of the affected cities and we collectively are requesting our citp councils to approve the new contract. The new contract is the same as the o1d one with two exce�tions. These are: 1) the term of the contract is for €our years. The term o£ the previous contract was 2 qears; and, 2) the provider must meet "the guidelines established in the Metropolitan Health Systems Plan." These guidelines are attached as part of the contract. I have discussed this with Police Chief Staats and Fire Chief Aker and they support the contract approval. I request your approval of the ambulance service contract with Divine Redeemer Memorial Hospital for a period of four pears ending January 1 , 1993. lj � AMBULANCE SERVICE AGREEME� This AGREEMENT made and entered into effective the first day of January, 1989, by and between the cities af Eagan, Inver Grove Heights, West St. Paul, South St. Paul , Mendota Heights, Rosemount, Sunfish Lake, Mendota, and Lilydale, thereinafter referred to as °Cities", and p. R. Hospital , d/b/a Divine Redeemer Memorial Nospital , hereinafter referred to as "Hospital". WHEREAS, the Hospital , a Minnesota corporation, desires to provide paramedic ambulance service to the Cities, and WHEREAS, the Cities, desire to jointly assure that adequate ambulance service is available. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants, agreements and matters set forth herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 . Nature of Ambulanee Service to be Provided. The Hospital agrees to provide paramedic ambulance service to the Cities. 2. Duties and Responsibilities of the Hospital . As part of its duty and responsibility to furnish ambulanee service to the Cities, the Haspital agrees that it will : a. Either own or lease and operate two fully equipped paramedic ambulances meeting state license requirements. b. Maintain and staff eac� ambulance on a 24-hour basis, seven {7) days per week. c. Staff each ambulance with two (2) paramedics with National Certification. d. Be self-sustaining without redueing the levet of service to which it has agreed. 3. Fee to be�aid by the Cities There will be no fee paid by the Cities for the contract period. 4. Miscellaneous Terms a. There shall be no employment relationship established by this Agreement. The Hospital , in the performanee of this Agreement, shall at all times, be an independent contractor. Ambulance drivers, attendants and paramedics performing, duties for the hospital are employees of the Hospital and the City shall have no right to direct, control or influenee their actions, nor shall the City in any way, be respansiale for tMeir acts, their salary or any employment benefits. Likewise, police officers, firefighters or other employees or agents of the City are under the sole direction of the City and Hospital shall have no right to direct, control or influence their actions, nor sfiali Hospital in any way, be responsible for their acts, their salaries or any employment benefits. � ' � • Page 2 b. The Hos�ital ic required to maintain full and completP administrative and medical supervision and control over the ambulance service provided during the course of this Agreement. Ambulance service shall meet the guidelines established in the Metrapolitan Health Systems Plan. In this regard, the Hospital shall be responsible to the patient during the course of transportation of the patient to the Hospital and agrees to maintain in force, policies of insurance as set �Forth in Article 6 herein. c. Except as indicated above, this AGREEMENT be amended only upon 60 days written notice by either party, setting forth the requested amendment before the anniversary date of this Agreement which shall be January 1 . d. Any disputes between the Cities and Hospital arising under this Agreement shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the provisians of the Uniform Arbitration act of the State of Minnesota, by a Board of Arbitrators composed of three members. The Nospital shall appoint one arbitrator, the City shall appoint one arbitrator and the two so appointed shall seleet the third arbitrator. Within 45 days of the occurrence giving rise to arbitration, the party demanding arbitration shall notify the other party in writing of such demand specifying the matter to be suhmitted to arbitration and the name of the arbitrator selected by the party making such demand. Upon receipt of such written notice, the other party shall have ten (10) days in which to select an arbitrator, and to specify any matters which such party desires to have submitted to arbitration and to notify the other party in writing of such selection, and the two arbitrators so selected shall have ten (10) days in which to select a third arbitrator. In the event the third arbitrator is not so selected within said ten (10) days, such third arbitrator shall be appointed by the District Court of pakota County, Minnesota, upon application of any party after at least eight (8) days' notice to the other parties of such application. Arbitration shall be the exclusive remedy for the settlement of disputes arising under this Agreement and no action at law or in equity shall be instituted by any party hereto other than to enforce the award of the arbitrators. 5. Terms of Contract This contract shall eommence on January � , 1989, and sha11 be in full force and effect for four (4) years, with the anniversary date being January 1 of each year, subject to the provisions herein contained. 6. Insurance and Hold Harmless a. The Nospital during the term of this Agreement, a5rees to maintain in force general ]iability, auto liability and property damage insurance with minimum limits of �300,000 per person, $500,000 per accident, and $100,000 per occurrence for property damage with such insurance polieies to name each city as an Additional Names Insured. A Certificate of Insurance shall be filed with each City. b. The Hospital agrees to maintain in force the proper Worker's Compensation Insuranc� for its ambulance service employees. ` � . � Page 3 c. The Hospital agrees to hold harmless each City from any and all claims or iegal action resulting from operation of the ambulance service. 7. Revision in Carporate Structure The Cities agree to permit the Hospital to reorganize the ambulance service under a new and separate corporate structure. The Hospital agrees that this contract will be binding for the new ambulance corporation and will cause no interruption in service. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, consisting of three (3) pages the day and year first above written. DIVINE REDEEMER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CITY OF By gy Vice res� en min�s ra or ayor and BY City Date: Date: VI.D. I.c-1� � . � � ACTIONS ANO RESOURCE REOUIREMENTS � ., SER�JICE PIAN: GOALS, OBJECTIVES, RECOMMENOED . Goal VI .D.l.c-1: Advanced life support region-wide should be available within 10 minutes in the urban area, 15 minutes in the suburban area, and 2Q minutes in the rural area, 90 percent of the time. Goal VI.D.l.c-2: Basic life support should be athelsuburban�area5and�four i� the rural area, 10 minutes in minutes in the urban area, 90 percent of the time. GUIDELINfS AND CRITERIA This section refines the general federal , state and regional policies and priorities in Chapter II��combined with the information and data analysis in the "�nalysis of the Service section into performance standards specific to this service. These performance standards, called guidelines and criteria," are aroupe� according to the six service characteristics of the health system. Thus they are measurable need indicators for providing the service. Guidelines and criteria will be used by the Health Board and the community for making planning decisions, evaluating system changes and needs, long-range planninq activities and revie��u purposes, including CON/1122, A-95 and others required or requeste�+ by Tocal, state or federal agencies. The list is neither a11- encomoassinq nor inflexible. In carrying out plan d�ve�opment and projeet review, consideration should be qiven to all aoplicable statements. Ad,;ustments may be justified due to such things as geographic isolation, recognition that some of the numbers are extracte� from a range that may be considered professionally acce�table, and the relationship of associated services and ref errals necessary to the operation of a re?ional service. Availabilitv Guideline 1: Emergency ambulance services should be available to respond 24 hours a day exceot as otherwise provide� by law. GuideTine 2: Applicants for ambulanc2 licenses shall demonstrate a need for new or expanded service. Criterion a: There shall be no other emergency ambulance praviders covering that service area; ar Criterion b: There shaTl be documented evidence of an existing provider's inability to provide adequate coverage as defined in these guidelines and criteria. Criterion c: Wherever possible, expansion or utilization of existing services shall be encouraged before initiating new services. Guideline 3: Each applicant shall define a primary service area that includes that territory in which they will regularly respond to emergency calls (excluding response to mutual aid calls� . VI.D. l.c-11 . • • � Criterion a: Service area size and configuration shall be such that the f ollowing response time goals can be met 90 percent of the time under normal raad and weather conditions: (1) Inside the Fully Developed Area there should be an emergency medical technician basic life suppor� level response within 4 minutes, and an advanced life support level response within 10 minutes 90 percent of the time; (2) Inside the Metropolitan t}rban Service Area (MUSA) there should be a basic life support response within 10 minutes, and an advanced life support response within 15 minutes 90 percent of the time; (3) Outside the MUSA there should be a basic life support response within 15 minutes, and an advanced life support response within 20 minutes 90 percent of the time. Criterion b: In defining service areas, consideration should also be given to: {1) population, distr�buticn and characLeristics; (2) estimated cali loads, which should be of sufficient volume to justify the costs of operating a service and to enable personnel to maintain their skills; (3) geographic features that could alter response times; and (4) special f eatures of the area such as industrial development or recreational areas that could affect the type and frequency of calls. Ambulance serv�ce areas should be consistent with county EHS plans. Criterion c: In defining advanced life support service areas, consideration shall be given to cooperative agreements to provide coverage for more than one political subdivision. Criterion d: Each applica�t shall identify the health planning areas that are included in the proposed ambulance service ar2a. Guid�line 4: Pmbulance services shall demonstrate clearly defined and reliable systems f or rapid notification of squad members and rapid dispatch pf the closest, most appropriate unit. Guideiine 5: Pmbulance services shall have written agreements with adjacent services for backup coverage. Accessibility Guideline 6: Ambulance services shall be accessible to the public through a single telephone number answered 24 hours a day. Guideline 7: Ambulance services shall respond to al} emergency medical calls without regard for the individual 's ability to pay. Guideline 8: Applicants for new or expanded emergency ambulance services shall document intent to transport patients to the facility of their choice or that of their physician, when the patient's medical condition warrants, or the nearest emergency faci?ity with capabilities to manage that patient's condition. Vi.U. l.C-1� ` • • , Continuity Guideline 9: Ambulance services shall have comnunications capability tv natify hospitals of the patient's arrival and condition and receive instructions from a medical control hospital for patient care. Ambulance cortmunications shall comply with state ambulance regulations on comnunications frequencies, Guideline 10: Advanced iife support ambulance services shall have a formal agreement with a designated medical control hospital to provide for medical control by a physician of advanced life support procedures performed by paramedics in the field. Qualitv Guideline 11: Ambulance services sha11 have medical direction from a qualified physician. Criterion a: The medical director's responsibilities shall include ' supervising personnel training; determination, development and evaluation of appropriate standing orders and treatment and triage protocols; and providing advice on equipment purchases. Guideli�e I2: Applicants for new or expanded emergency ambulance services shaTTldocument the consistency of their prvposed service and medical protocols for treatment of the patient with existing county EMS plans. if no county plan exists, applicants shall indicate their intent to worlc witM eounty and regior�al plans as these are developed. Guideline 13: Basic life support ambulances shal� be staffed on each emergency transport run by a minimum of t�+vo emergency medical technicians. Criterion a: finergency medical technicians shall meet training standards as reauired for state EMT certification ard recertification. Guideline 14: Advanced life support units shall be staffed by at least two paramed�cs. Criterion a: Paramedics sha�l meet state requirements for paramedic credentials. Guideline 15: Ambulance personnel shall participate in periodic inservice and cantinuing education pragrams. Criterion a: Such programs shall meet requirements for national registry of emergency medical technicians' continuing education credits. Criterion b: Inservice education for paramedics shall include supervised inhospital clinical experience. Guideline 16: All new emergency ambulance vehicles shall meet Minnesota Nealth Department speeifications. - � VI.D.l.c-13 � � s GUideline 17: All emergency ambulance vehicles shall carry equipment required by the t� ate Department of Health. Criterion a: Basic life support units should also carry anti-shock trousers and the esophogeal obturator airway. Such equipment should be used under medical direction only by personnel trained in its use. Criterion b: Advanced life support units should carry basic life support equipment plus additional equipment and drugs specified by tfie medical director. Criterion c: Basic life support applicants whose units carry antishock trousers and the esophogeal airway shall be in compiiance with Minnesota Health Department rules regarding equipment v�riances for the use of these items by BLS personnel.