HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Accept Bids / Award Contract - West Ridge 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements s � � . '��� � 7 � **�*********�******�r****�*�*********** **** I� PiEP10 �****************** *****�*�****** I DATE: JUNE 15, 1989 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEPiBERS C/0 CITY ADriINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEF I,� RE: ITEPiS FOR THE JUNE 20, 1989 COUNCIL PIEETING NEW BUSINESS Acce t Bids/Award Contract 1989-2, West Rid e 3rd Addition S reet and Utility Improvements Bids were opened June 8, 1989 for construction of this project. ttached is a abstract of the 9 bidders. As you ean see, the low bid from Nodl nd Construction is almost 13� under the engineers estimate and almost 36� under t e £easibility report estimate. The main reason it is so much less than the fea�ibility report estimate is beesuse we reduced the scope of the project slightly. Recomm�nded action for Council to consider is to adopt the attached reso�.ution receiving �he bids and awarding the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Nodland Construction in the amount of $316,025 and authorize the Payor and City Clerk to execute the documents. �I � s � � Westricic�e 3rc� Acl��iitit►n City C:c�r�tract 1�J$�-2 giL1 t���ening : Juri�� �t, �J£�3 � B1GE�ER AMUUNT i Nvtlland Canst �3i 6,0�5.QQ 2 lmperial C�evelfl�erS $326,641.37 3 �h�nnel +�onst �3�7,5i 7.2�3 4 Richar�i Knutson $3��,4�3.�4 5 Northtlale Cnnst $33�,7�4.5G 6 Brown �, �h��is $345,��1.CQ 7 GECA tJtilities $346,��4.a0 $ Alk�reclit Exc�v�tinc� $3kiJ,150.�� 9 S.J. Louis �anst �379,792.8Q Enqineer Est $36�,476.�U Fe�sibiiity R�t Est $4�0,00�.00 %uncler En� Es# -12.8��/a fl/o und�r F�a� R t Est -3�.51�i' . a � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �;,�,�. RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARD7NG CONTRACT ON WEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITIQN STREETS & UTII,ITY iMF�tOVEMENTS CITY PROJEGT N0. 195 B� IT It��U�,V��� by �h� City Goun�fl bf th� City csf Ros�mt�unt, Atinn�eot�, �e fo],lovrs. 1. A11 bids on construction of West Ridge 3rd Addition Streets & Utility Improvements are hereby received and tabulated. 2. The bid of Nodland Construction in the amount of $316,025 for the construction of said improvements in accordance with the plans and speeifications and advertisement for bids is the lawest responsible bid and shall be and hereby is accepted. 3. The Playor and Clerk are hereby authoriaed and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount. ' 4. The City Glerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit — of the successful bidder and the next two lowest bidders shall be retained until a contract has been executed. ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 1989. Rc�llan llokc, M,�yc�r 11'I'1'rS'f: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk