HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. (7c,7d,7e)Approve Plans & Spec's Authorize Ad for Bids Jaycee & Shannon Park Irrigation-Accept Quotes/Award Contract-Connemara Park Irrigation, Control Buildings for Jaycee, Shannon & Connemara Parks .- � -� � �,,�,_ �--„ � :, rt� V u� . �a; . s� . � �.:� j ,iR7r, � i .ff�l ' G"J � . ,,'�f 1�( Lr) � , �'`' i� �f)�;(-�,�����R1 i A11P��RJE �r iT r,. , ,���;c; � ���c������'�../��fZ� r� � q".' t�ti T0: Mayor / City Council X Stephen Jilk / City Administrator FROM: David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: June I5, 19$9 RE: City Council Iteas - 7,- B3C,D,B - for June 20, 1989 Meeting Three ma3or park development pro�ects were discussed and put into motion this past winter. Connemara Park is a neighborhood park while Jaycee Park and Shannon Park are scheduled to serve as community parks. Councfl action was given at a previous meeting for the pro3ects in Connemara Fark to move ahead. Cantacts were made with an frrigation company to draw up specifications for irrigation in that park. When the Toro Company worked out specifications for the 3.rrigation of Connemara Park their representative completed plans for a11 three pro3ects. Rich Hefti has reviewed the specifications and given his appraval of system design and specification content. A I2' X 12' building (cnntrol building) that will house the irrigation controls for the irrigation system as we11 as to serve as a storage bui]:ding was designed for Connemara Park. These plans were drawn up by staff of the Building Department and the Farks Department. Rich Hefti and Ron Wasmund have reviewed the specifications and have given approvai as to the building design and specificatfon content. The three parks will use the sa�e "control building" design and specification. Council authorization is being requested for the following (as set out in the Council agenda for Tuesday evening) - I�TIONS TO HI�,AD: 1. ITEd�1 -7- B: Approve plans and specifications and authorize ad for bids relating to Jaycee Park irrigatian. 2. ITBH -7-C: Approve plans and specifications and authorize ad for bids relating to Shannon Park irrigation. 3. iTBM -7-D: Accept quotes and awarcl contract to low bidder for ir�igation system according to specifications in Connemara Park. G. ITBlI -7-E: Accept quotes and award contract to low bidder for construction of control buildings acearding to specifications in Connemara, Jaycee, and Shannon Fark , - • i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESpLUTION 1989 — A RSSOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS ANA SPBCIFICATTONS AND AUTHORIZING kD�ERTISEMFNT OF BIDS FOR JAYCEF FARK IRRIGATION IMPROVEMKNTS, FROJLCT ].98 i�EREAS, city staf� has prepared the final plans and specifications for Jaycee Park Irrigation Improvements, Project 198, and such plans and specifications have been presented to this Council for approval. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RBSOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1 . Such plans and specifications are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the city clerk. 2. The city clerk sha11 prepare and cause to be inserted in the official city newspaper and in the "Construct3.on Bulletin" __ an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications for Froject 198. 3. The advertisement shall be published in eaeh of safd publications at least once no� less than ten ( 10) days before the date set for opening bids, sha11 specifp the work to be done, sha11 state that bids wi11 be publicly opened on July 12, 1989, at 10;00 o' clock a.m. at Rosemount Citp Ha11 in said city and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier' s check, bid bond or certified check payable to the city clerk €or five (3�) percent of the amount of such bid. ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTSST: _,_ Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk .. ' � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESQLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION AFPROYING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISBMENT OF BIDS FOR SHANNON PAR� IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT 203 WAERBAS, city staff has prepared the f�.na1 plans and specifications for Shannon Park Irrigation Improvements, Project 203, and such plans and speci£ications have been presented to this Council for approval. NOW THERBFQRB BE IT RESOLVSD, by the Citq Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1 . Such plans and specifieations are herebq approved and ordered placed on file in the o£fice of the city clerk. 2. The city clerk sha11 prepare and cause to be inserted in the official city newspaper and in the "Construction Bull.etin" an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications for Project 203. 3. The advertisement shall be published in each of said publications at least once not less than ten ( lU) daqs before the date set for opening bids, shall specify the work to be done, sha11 state that b�.ds will be publiely opened on July 12 , 1989, at 10:00 o' clock a.m. at Rosemount City Ha11 in said city and accort�panied by a cash deposit, csshier' s check, bid bond or eertified eheck papable to the city c].erk for five (S�) percent of the amount of such bid. ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Ste�han Jilk, Administrator/Clerk � S�chcicn • • Mayeron& as.sc�ciates rnc. Clieni .__�P.NNrEI'1�lAQq�,PA�Ql�G _ 9Y---- ----_._�_____�__ 1t121 f,asf I lruncpbi Avrnuc Q ` N Minneapc�lis,MN 55413 PCOjeC�!✓� *��,G W�Q F-- SMee( Q� 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers Comm. Na Date -.,._.,.......�..__...._ _._ _ Surveyors .. Plarfnrrs_ . . ��' ` �/� v T0: Mayor / City Council � Stephen Jilk - City Administrator FROM: David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: June 20, 1989 �: Gr Seeding of Connemara Park I ms 7 - D and - E related to Connemara Park. Those pro3ects were t e i n and the control building for that irrigation system. Si -�e memo was written quotes were also received for the final grading and seeding of that park. Quotes were requestied from Wagners Sod Co., Sathra Landscaping, and Frieges Landscaping. The following is a list of the quotes received: COMPA2IY NAMB: SFEDING SQD GRADING TOTAL WAGNEQS SOD C0. - DECLINED TO BID FRIEGES LA,NDSCAPING 3,585.00 8$5.00 6,Oi0.Q0 10,480.00 SA�EIEtA LAriDSGAI'ING 3,789.00 1,350.00 1,300.OQ 6,�439.00 The Sathra Company has discussed the pro3ect in detail with us and is willing to work with the irrigation contractor to coordinate the timi:ng of both pro3ects. Council action is requested to accept the quotes and to authorize the contract for services Co Sathra Landscaping for the Connemara Park grading and seeding project. We are taking the sod quote out of this project and wi11 be doing that work in house. Council motion would be: to accept quotes as reviewed for the Connemara Park grading and seeding pro3ect aad to award the contract for this work to the Sathra Landscaping Co. for an amaunt not to ezceed $5,089.00. � NOTE: The engineers estimate for this work in previous specifications was: SEEDING — 2,400.00 SOD — 1,312.00 GRADING - 5,000.00 ($,712.00) � _ �t� r���� ,io � i ��„ ,n,rt� Sr w j�l�"t� (� � RosEr,�<��iNr n,vrnar�F o1n ,�oe,� � � � s,�� ,,�:�-a�ii ��e�'v�aun� T0: Mayor / City Council X Stephen Jilk — City Administrator FROM: David J. Bechtold — Airector of Parks & Recreation DATE: June 19, 1989 �; Changes and Authorization to Use CIP Funds The 1989 CIP Sudget i�n��.uded �eveza�. i��me rel.ate�d to Ja�+cee P�rk. �t ha� been noted eeveral �1o�ment�in the�Jaycee�Parkbares�h�s�not�followed�the the future, that de p expected growth gattern. The West Ridge Development is behind our pro3ected growth expectations while the Wensmann �Ve�vedninitheh1988iprocesscrequirestsome�alterations�inthe CI�' Budget as app order to be effective. Attached is a copy of the alterations that should be considered. The cost projections for the Jaycee Park development identify the tenta�ive construction schedule of tha� park and the pro�ected sources of finances to be used. A council motion is requested too� THESERFUNDS�TO�BE USEDHFOR9PROJECTSOAS ITEMS �� 54, �56 & 4�58 AND TO ALL LISTED. r ITEM #54 w Change from irrigation of the Little League / Fast Pitch areas to the oA , irrigation of the football / soccer areas in Jaycee Park. v � � ITF1�i #56 Change from fencing in Jaycee Par.k to engineering costs for the development - of Jaycee Park. ITSM #58 Change�as requesYed l�y the Parks & Recr.eatio❑ (;ommittee) from �► port�+h}-e doek in Schwarz Park to rest �top benches ancl tables £or Schwarz Fark. i • .v, ��� T0: Mayor / City Council % Stephen Jilk - City AdministraCor FROM: David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: June 20, 1989 RE: ITB1�I - 7 - B A building is required to house the irrigations controls and pressure pumps for the irrigation systems in Shannon Park, Jaycee, Park, and Connemara Park. Although a size of only 8' X 4' is required we have designed the building and written speeifications f or a 12' X 12' building. This wi11 allow for enough space for storage of park supplies and equipment as well as the control units for the irrigation system. A one car garage door and a regular door way are being included in the design. This will allow for easy daily access in the building as well as a large enough apening to drive in a large piece of equipment, such as a lawn mower, for storage. Companies contacted were: COMPANY NAML I�IA'�tTATs LABOR TOTAL OSLUND CONSTRDCTION 1,600.00 2,700.00 4,300.00 R.ALFH HANSON CONSTRUCTION 2,675.Q0 1,700.00 4,375.�Q DOSCO CONSTRUCTION 1,SOp.00 2,200.OQ 3,700.Q0 NELSON C0. 2,102.00 1,598.00 3,60Q.D0 RNOX LUI�IDffit 1,605.00 BDDGET POiiElt 2,492.00 SIINRISE BIITLDffiZS DECLINED TO BID The buildings would be constructed in Connemara Park and Jaycee Park as early as next week with the building in Shannon Park to be built as construction allows, possibly in mid - July. Council motion would be to secept quates as rece�.ved and to award contract to the Nelson Co. for the constructian of three control buildings as set forth in the specifications, one in each of the garks listed, for an amouat not to eaceed $3,600.00 per building. Funds will be coming out of Park Dedication. • • ,� ' o� �� T0: Mayor / City Council % Stephen Jilk - City Administratar FROM: David J. Bechtold - Directar of Parks & Recreation DATE: June 2Q, 1989 RE: Item 7 - p Nate Gould of the Toro Company drew up the specifications �or the irrigation project for Connemara Park. A list of installation companies was obtained from him also. The estimates for that project were $14,OOO.QO with Park Aedication Funds to be used to pay for the pro�ect. Companies contacted for quotes were and their responses were: COMPAl�i NAME dMUUN'P ALBRECHT C0. DECLTNBD TO BTD ISRIGATION CONCEPTS DECLIlIED TO BID IBRIGATION �iGINSBEtING DECLINRD Tp BID I�DLAND NDRSEBY 12,450.00 All of the companies listed, ineluding Midiand Nursery, were highly recommended by the Toro Company. Companies deelining to bid xelated the fact that they were too busy to take on the project at this time. Council action is requested to proceed with this irrigation gro�ect. A motion to accept quotes and to award the contract far materials and installation of the irrigation system in Connemara Bark according to specificationa as written to I�lidland Nurserg for tbe amount of $12,450.Q0.