HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of June 6, 1989 Regular Meeting � • ROSEM�T CITX PROCEEDINGS KEGULAR MEETING JUNE 6, 1989 Fursuant to due eall and notice thereot a regular meeting af the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, June 6, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Couneil Chambers of �he City Hall. Mayor Hoke �alled the meeting to order with all cnembers pxesent. Mayor Hoke led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended ta include Item 4fml Minutes of May 23, 1989 Speeial Council Meeting and Item 9{e) Helwig Request for Abatement of Assessment. Item 4(g) Limerick Way Watermain Pra�ect - Contract 1988- 9, Final Payment, was moved undex New Business, Itean 9(f) . Dean Sandstrom, Mechanic III, and Bob Barfknecht, Mechar�ic I, were introduced and officially welcomed by the City Council. Roger Schanus from the accounti,ng fa.rm of Boeckermann, Heinen & Mayer presented the Annual Financial Report for the year ended December 31 , 1988. See Clerk' s File 1989-22. Mayor Hoke suspended the regular agenda to open the public hearing scheduled at this time to consider the pzoposed assessments for Valley Oak 1�ddition Replat, Phase IIT, Utility and Street Improvements of 1988, City Project No. 180. The administrator/clerk presented the Affidavit af Publication and Affidavit of Mailed an�3 Posted Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1989- 22. City Engineer Rich �Iefti advised Council the public improvements installed under Project 1 $0 included watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing and st=eet lighting for a total assessment cost of $214,810.05. This amount w.i11 be divid�d equally �mong the 27 lots with the exeeption of the rounc� off figure of $.21 bning applied �o i,ot 5, Blc�ck ?.. Council received no objections from the audience regarding the proposed assessments. MOTION by Wippermann to close the public hearing. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: `Valsh, Wippermann, Hoke, nxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to a�opt A RESOLUTION ADQPTiNG ASSESSMENT ROLL, VALLEY OAK ADDiTION REPLAT-PIiASE III STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT N0. 180. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: Wippezmann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. Mayor Hoke opened the public hearing to consider the Chelsea Woods Estates preliminary plat. � � • ROSEM�T CITY PRQCEEDINGS REGULA MEETING JUNE 6, 1989 The administrator/czerk presented the Affi�avit of Pub�ication and Aff�davit of Po�ted and Mailed Hearing Notice. The sdm3nistrator �a����a t�a� one puh�ie notice was prepared for this he�r�ng and the Chelsea Woods Estates rezoning hearing scheduled for this meeting. See Clerk's File 198�-22. Council reviewed th� Chelsea Z�oods Fstates preliminary plat which consists of e3ght lots ranging from approximately three to seven acres in size on a forty aere parcel located just north of Shannon Parkway an� County Road 38. City Planner Mike Wozniak advised the Flanning Commission approved a variance request from the developer to allow an 85 foot setback on Lot 2, �lock 2. Wozniak furthPr advised the Planning Commission recommended approval of the prelimina.ry plat sub�ect to several conditions. See Clerk' s File 1989-22. Developer Marv Eggum reviewed the proposed subdivision and answerpd questions from Council. There were no concerns presented from the audience regarding the proposed preliminary plat. MOTION by Walsh to close the public hearing. SECOND hy Wippermann. Ayes: I;oke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to a�opt A RESQLUTION GIVING APPROVAL TO THE CHELSEA Wt?ODS ESTATES FRELIMINARY PLAT AND SETTING QUT THE CONDITIONS FOR FINAL APPROVAL. SECOND by pxb�rnugh. Ayes: Oxb�rough, N�pper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. Mayor Hoke opened the public hearing to consider the rezoning from AG Agriculture to RR RuraZ Residenti�l �f the forty �cre parcel prop�sed for the Chelsea Woods Fstates subdivision. The administrator/clerk presented the Affidavit of Publ3cation and Affidavit of Qosted and Mailed Hearing Notice. See Clerk' s File 1989- 22. The Council was advised of the Planning Commission' s recommendation to approve the rezoning as petitioned by the developer for the subdivision and to withhold action on the rezoning untii final plat approval. It was the cansensus of Council to table any action. See Clerk' s file 1989-22. MOTION by Walsh to close the public hearing. SECOND by Wippexmann. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: �. The regular agenda items resumed at tllis time. 2 f � • ROSEM�T CITY PROCEEDINGS REGUI,AR MEETING JUNE 6, 1989 In reuiew of the 1988 Financial Repo.rt, the city auditor advised the report for the first time included those funds for the Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment Authority and combined the self-supporting recreation funds. The administrat4.r noted €ormal acceptance anc3 authorization for publication of a summary of the report will be conducted under the consent agenda. City Engineer Rich Hefti advised Council the four by four pickups for the fire department have been received. Hefti explained that Farmington Ford ordered the pickups with a smaller engine than . specified by the fire department, but the city's mechanic indicated that because they are fuel injected, the engine would be adequate €or the fire department and public works department' s needs. See Clerk's File 1989-22. MOTION by Walsh t4 approve the cons�nt agenda with the exception of Item 4(g) Limerick Watermain Pra�ect Final Payment. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxboraugh, Napper. Nays: 0. Council was presen�ed for adoption a resolution authorizing approval of the Joi�t Powers Agreement which establishes the six-city transit authortty for the C�.ties o£ Apple Valley, Bnrnsville, Eagan, Prior Lake, Rosemount and Sauage. C�mmunity Develapment Director Dean Johnson advised the replacement ser�ice plan will be submitted to the Regional Transit Board before July 1 , 1989 for replacement of the existing Metropolitan Transit Commission transit services with similar services to begin in 1990. See Clerk' s File 1989-22. MOTiON by Walsh to adopt A RESQLUTIUN ADOPTING A SIR-CITY JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT, ESTABLISHING A SIX-CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays; 0. Community DeveZopment Director Dean Johnson referred to proposed language received from USPCI pertaining to a po�ential amendment in the zoniny ordinance. Johnson advised the ianguage related to the establishment of a waste management district which would specifically pravid� regula�ory guidelines for an industrial eontainm�nt f3cility, Since city staff has not had time to review the draft language, Johnson aclvised city staff would be unable to comment on the draft language �t this tims. He further advised the document had been forwarded to tlie city attorney. The cornmunity development director provided background information on the proposal received from USPCI to build an industrial waste containment facility in the pine Bend area and the subsequent moratarium adopted by Council which precludes the eity from acting upon any pe�mit requests for landfills until July 1 , 1989. Johnson gave a br�tef explanat�,on c�f tY�e status of the environmental review process regarding the proposal and the city's pntential involvement for si.t� �lan review and rezoning requests. Johnsan extend�d an ofEer for city 3 � • ROSEM�T CITY PROGEEDZNGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 6, 1989 staff �o provide izzEormation to assist persons interPsted in arranging neighbo.rhood meetings regarding the proposal from USPCI if there was an interest. See Clerk's File 1989-2�. Citizens living in the vicinity where the containment facili�y is propased to be located voiced their objections to the �roject. A representative from NUFACE (Neighbors United For A Cleanex Environment) , Emily Rahn, requested that a public meeting be scheduled for all Rosemount residents to attend. It was the consensus �f Council. that all .r�sidents should be invited to any informatianal meetings scheduled, hut that it would bQ appropriate for the applicant, USPCT to arrange such meetings. A recess was cal].ed at 9:15 p.m. The meeting continuing at 9: 30 p.m. Economic Development Specialist Tracie Peehonick presented for ap�roval the Policy Statement for Rosemount Meals on Wheels, the Agreement B�tween Apple Valley He31th Care Center and The Rosemount Meals on Wheels Advisory Board and the Agr�ement Between the Gity of Rosemaunt and The Rosemount Meals on Wheels Advisory Board. See Clerk' s File 1989-22. MOTION by Hoke to approve the documents presented for The Rosemount Meals on Wheels program and to authorize the City of Rosemount to enter into an agreement with The Rosemount Meals on Wheel.s Advisory Bo3rd. SECOND by Oxborough. �1yes: Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Economic Development Specialist Tracie Fechonick informed Council Qf the int�rest expressed by the Economic Development Committee of the R�semount Charnber of Commerce to be appointed as the Rosemount' s Star City Committee. See Clerk's File 1989-22. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTION DESIGNATTI�G THE ROSEM�UNT STAR CITY COMMITTEE. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtolc� presented for Council information an itemi�ed summary of Connem�ra Fark projects. Bechtold referred to the segments of the project that have been completed and requested Council authorizatian to proceec� with completion caf �he remaining portions of the parlc pro3ect. See Clerk' s File 1989-22, MOTION by Walsh to prepare the �lans and specifications and to advertise for bids the Connemara Park projects listed in the parks and recreation director's memorandum dated May 24, 1989. SECQND by Nap�er, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 0. 4 ' ' ' i ROSEM� CITY PR4CEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 6, 1989 Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtold informed Council of an agreement made several years ago with the United Methodist Ghurch of Rosemount to allaw the ci�y to use their parking lot for park use. Bechtolc� advised representatives of the church have requested tha� the city particinate in the cost sharing for the expansion of the parking l�t. The Parks and Recreation Committee approved this request. See Clerk' s File 1989-22. MOTION by Wippermann to authorize an expenditure not to exceed $7,000 to cost share in the expansioxt of the United Methodist Church parlcing lot and to appropriate �,he funds from the park dedication fund aceount. SECOND t�y Walsh. Ayes; Wa].sh, Wippermann, Hoke, �xbor4ugh, Napper. Nays: 0. Council unanimously confirmed that the regulax council meetinq schedulec3 for July 4 will be held on Jul�r 5, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. SeP Clerk' s File 1989-22. City .Engineer Rich FIefti reguested Council' s approval of the plans and s�ecif_ications tar Contract 1989-5, Shannon Parkway Stre�t Improvements and authorization to advertisP for a bid opening on July 14, 1989, at 10:00 a.m. Council was presented a lPtter from the a�torney for the Kelley Trusts who indicated the trusts would not appeal the assessment fdr sewer and water costs for this pro3ect. See CZerk's File 1989-22. MOTION by Hoke to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS �NTD AUTHORiZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR SHANNON PARKWAY STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS� PROJECT #194. SECOND hy Walsh. Ayes: Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: Wippermann. City Pl.anner tdike Wozniak rPcommended that Council approve the agreement between the City and Dale Helwig which would cause the County Road 42 assessment against Helwig to be waiv�d subject to Helwig not pursuing residential development on a 2.28 acre parcel. of property. Wozniak a3vised the agreement was prepared �t the direetion o£ Counci,l as a condition of their decision to abate a special assessment when Council consldered an app�al to the Planning Cvmmission decision which denied recogniti4n of the Helwig parcel. See Clerk' s File 1989-22. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Agreement f�r the Dale Helwig assessment abatement and to authorize the necessary signaturQs. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nayss 0. MOTION by Napper to approv� final payment for Contract 1988-9, Limerick Way Waterrnain Project, in the amount of $4,08$.24 to T & S Fxcavating, Inc. , sub�ect �o receipt of documentation that the contractor has paid the bill submitted by Feder P�.umbing and Heating for broken sewer pipe. 5 . . � � ROSEM� CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 6, 1989 5ECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Qxboraugh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND hy Napper. Ayesi 5. Nays: 0. Respectfullg submitted, Susan M. Johnson, neputy Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk Fublished this day of , 1989 in Dakota County Tribune. 6