HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of August 1, 1989 Regular Meeting , llCIVI ,� y. ,N ' . a ROSFMO� CTTY FRUCEF�ING$ � �: f RgGULAR MBSTING � �:� AUGUST 1, 1989 � ' � �_ Pursnant ta due ca11 and notiee thereof a �egular meeting a� tlae � �: Citp Council of the City of Rosemaunt was dulp held on Tuesdap, �, `' August l , 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Gauncil Chambers of the City '� Hall. .� . Mapor Hoke called the meeting to, order with al1 members present. �� f � . . . � .���.%3 ., . . . � . . � . � ..� .iS . .. � �. . . i . Mayor Hoke led �he group in the Pledge of A1legiance. � � ,� The agenda was amended to include Item 4(k) Appllcation for ; •: Papment No. 1/Va11eq 0ak Addit�.on, Phase IV, Item 4{1) s� ' Application for Payment/Q' Leary' s Hills 4th Addition, Item 4(m) ' : Application for Papment/We11 No. 8, Item 5(c) Review De�olitian � ' Bids - Armorp Site, Item 6(c) USPCI Permit Process Discussian, � � and Item 7(d) Leprechaun Days Update. � ;, MOTION bq Walsh to approve the consent agenda sub�ect to ;- transferring Item 4(h) Set Public Hearing Date - Zoning Text ;i Amendment to Item 6(d) under new business. SECQND by Wippermann. � �t Aqes: Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Naps: 0. See � ; �: ', Clerk' s File 19$9-26. � Council reviewed the Limerick Crossing Final Plat which consists of 32 units of rental townhomes located at the inter�ection of , �; Dodd Boulenard and Shannon Parkway, The citp pl�nner gresented � f the Planning Commission' s recommendation for appronal sub�ect to � � execut3on of ths development �ontrac�. Council also discussed ' adapting an ordinance approving the request for rezoning frqm AG � (A$riculture) to RM (Multiple Residential) . This action was 'i� ' withheld at the Ju1p 1$, 1989 Council meeting unt31 approval of ,� }' the final plat. See Clerk' s File 1989-26. ' MOTION by Wipparmann to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING TH8 LIMSRICIC CROSSING FINAL PLAT. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Wa1sh. Nays: 0. MOTIQN bp Walsh to adopt AN ORDINANCB AME[�DI�G ORDINAI�CB At{?. ZVII.3 - ZONING ORDINANCL. SS�UND by Wippermann. Ayesa Hoke, ' Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wipgermann. Nays; 0. � Council reviewed Citq Administrator Stephan Ji1k' s '.� a recommendations to re�ect the three proposals received ta conduct �� � a space needs studp for the fire station, maintenance gara e and � city hall. The adm�.nistrator reported that the costs associated � � with the three proposals were higher than what was bud�eted €or � ` the study. The administrator requested Council action to direct ` staff to proceed with` in house space and staffin� needs for the � � citp hall and public works garage and to reconfigure the request for proposals (RFP' s) for architectural eervices to address the „ �; fire station onlp. Discussion was held on the lack af space in � ' the city facilities �nd the importanee of proceeding on this � pro�ect. , It was the general consensus that the Qriginal � �" direction, given by Council on this process should continue, and staff shoul determine agpropriate funding sources far this pro ject. S� Clerk' s file 1989-26. ; �.' � � : 4 � � . � i' , . ' . � � . � . , ..IX.�. . �'�, ; :��. • ROSEMO� CITY PROCEEDINGS ' ; I � RSGULAR MBSTIliG , � , AUGUST 1, 1989 � 4 MOTIUN by Wippermann to continne wvrking with the three firms who' ' presented proposals and to proceed witfi the spaee needs studp. ' SSCOND bp Oxborough. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nayst 0. Council reviewed the armorp site demolition bids which were • �� apened on Monday, Ju1y 31 , 1989 at 2:00 p.m. at City Ha11. See � Clerk' s File 1989-26. � ;; MOTION by Wa1sh to accegt the bids for the demolition af groperty ` �- located at 13885 South Robert Trail and to award the bid to B & B' `' Construction in the smount of $2,795. SSCOND by Napper. Ayes: , Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Hays: 0, °' ;� � �. Administrator Stephan Ji1k reviewed s letter, prepared by Citp ' ?, � Attornep David Grannis, which would allow staff to enter ,, �e • negotiations with representatives o£ United States Pollution ' �; Control, Inc. (USPCI) concerning the permitting process for this ' :� company' s proposed containment £acility. The adreinistrator , �- advised Council that the current moratorium in effect until '; �; December 31, 1989 prohibits ang formal discussion between the ' city and USPCI regarding permit items and incentive Packages far ' the communitp. Ji.1k advised the letter further conta�.ned ; ; language that USPCI would agree to deposit with the citp a ' eertain amount of monep to be drawn upan for any ont-of-packet � expenses the Gity would incur in review of the pexmitting ', ;� process. See Glerk' s File 1989-26. � � �, ., lIOTIQN bp Hoke to support the city attorney' s letter af request � ' that city staff enter negotiations with USPC� to consider the � �1 terms of the propoaed facilitp under the conditions outlinsd, to suppart the letzer based ugon Attornep Grannis' language 3n the , letter that the review proceas would not pre�udice the xight af � ' the eitp counci], in anp further decisions on the pro�ect anc� Co approve negotiations with USPCI sub�eet to reeeipt of the signed letter from USPCI. SECOND bq Walsh. Ayes: Wa1eh, Wippermann, ; � Hoke, Oxboraugh, Napper, Nags: 0. � . , �4� ' MOTION by Napper to approve the building inspection agreement , between the Ci�y of Coates and the Citp of Rosemount for a period, „ r; af one year and to authorize the Mapor and Administrat4rJClerk to, ,; sign the a�reement. SECOND bp Walsh. Apes: Wipgermann, Hoke, � Oxborough, Napper, Wa1sh, hiays: 0. See C1erk' s File 19$9-26. �.�� i,� Community Develapment Director Dean Johnson presented a ' ���; recommendation from an interview committee for the hiring of � Geor$e Lundy �ox the part time fire marshall poaitian. Jahnsan f:. requested approval £or this candidate to start om August 21, � 1989, with a starting salarp of $12.00 per hour. Diseussian ��k, ensued on the procedure for appointment of this position '} regarding requirements of the City Gode and Fire Department ��'' Bylawa and on the overall responsibilities of this po�ition and � � the integration of duties between this position and the vQlunteer ! k�� fire fighters' positions. See Clerk' s File 1989-26. �ii� ;,� 2 ' �,: K�'.. �. � � � . ..,,. . {���'; . � . . � � � . . ��.. � `('. ,, . ;�fi� �. • R(1SEM�T CITY PRQCBEDIHGS i�'° �' RBGULAR MEBTING � � : AUGUST I, �989 ' ;? , ;�. MOTIOK by Oxborough to approve the hiring of George Lundp for the position af fire marshall for the Citp of Rosemount as �i�; recommended bp the fire marshall eommittee. SBCOND by Iioke. -� Ayes: Hake, Qxboraugh, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nayst 0. , ;�� t��, Community Development Director Dean Johnson requested Council , � �, approval to set a public hearing on August 15, 1989 ta consider � an amendment to the current Zoning qrdinance, which would chang� . � ; mailing requirements far zonin�; amendments affec�ing zaning t�f district boundaries. The amendment would bring the cnrrent �� zonin� ordinance into eonformance with the State Statutes and � avoid an extraordinary mailing requirement when the new zoning � map is adopted with the new zoning ordinance. Johnson advised that this amendment would not preclude citp staff from notifying property owners who will be irapacted bp the proposed zan3.ng chat►ges. See Clerk' s F'i1e 1989-26. � . . � . . � . �,��,, MQTION b Hoke ta set a ��` y public hearing date to consider a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment affecting Section 15, Subd, 15.2 c, of � \'r City Qrdinance XVII. 3, Subd. 15. 2 c for Tuesdap, August 15, 1989, at 7:45 p.m, SBCOND by Napper. Apes: Oxbarough, Napper, Wa1sh, i ; Wippermann, Hoke. Naps: 0, �( �� Mayor Hoke reported on his reeent meeting with the Dakota County ' L3.brary Board and aubsequent diseussions with Rod MGDonald, �;, � director of the Dakota Countq Library spstem, and A�.1en Lewis, �,,� representative of the State Libraxp Serv�.ees. Mayor Hoke felt � x the philos4php of the library board to create full sern3ee `�F . libraries which would serve sereice areas rather than political �,�i areas provided verp 1ittle hope for s county library in Rosemoua�t �f�; at this time. The mayor noted the soon to be completed countp �� � librarq in Apple Vallep has been designated to serve Rosemount , � � residents. Council concuxred there could be verp little � optimism for a county librarg in Rosemount, but at least the ;�� County Library Board is aware that Rosernount is sti11 very , ; ; �.nterested in having a librarq in the community. See Clerk' s i� � File 1989-26. ' � �� '� Mapor Hoke reviewed the sites for the placement of the Jaqcees� �� � "Welcome ta Rosearaunt" signs which wi11 be installed sometime in �i; M! August. The �agor further advised "Celebrate Minnesota" signs � � have been ordered. Discussion also ensued on the State ;;� � Degartment of Transportatian si.gns located vn the north and santh �;E � ends of town, which are 3n disrepair and out of date. See �; ; r Clerk s File 1989-26. ,�� i; Councilmember Walsh reported on the success and good attendance ', ��f' af the events for Lepreehaun Daps. Walsh extended his ',t� appreciation to various citp staff and city vol.unteers for their ;��� , hard work and participatian de�ring the event. Cauncilmember ,� i Walsh announced that 1990 will be his last year �o chair the � ? '; � � � � � � � '� I:f ' �� �' 3 ,, �, ��; . . � ROSEM�T CITY PROCBBDINGS REGULAR HBBTING AUGtTST 1, 19$9 ; LepreGhaun Days' Committee and requested Counc�.1 to sQlicit and � provide nominations tor future members of the committee. Mayar j ,�; Hoke and the Councilmembers spplauded Councilmember Walsh for his hard work and involvement in making this pear' s Leprechaun Daps a tremendous success. MOTION by Oxborough to ad�aurn. SECOND bp Napper. Ayes: 5. � Naps: 0. Respectfullp submitted, Susan A4. Johnson, Deputy Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Ji1k, Administrator/Clerk Published this day of , 1989, in Dakota Co�u�nty . Tribune. 41 �T � � t<< z a . � � � . '�..�P.: . . . . :..::��.':..: � . . . . � lt:.. . � � .�:.Y'".: . . � . . . . � . }�. t. . . . ' ::F'.�,- . . . . . � . . �.� . .� � � . � � . . . . ,�.�. � . . � � . . .� . . f� . . .;�.�,... . . . . . . .. ',��:., L ,,i .� i � i G