HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.l. Change Order #2 Shannon Parkway / Connemara Trail . . • s ��� #�, � ***********�r**********�***�******t1LPiU********************�********************** DATE: AUGUST 10, 1989 T0: TiAYOR & COUNCILPIEPIB�RS C/0 ADPiINISTRATOR JILK l�lt(�Pi: C;1'l'Y �NGIN�tiR/I'lflil.IC WO1tICS 1)Iitl�;(;'1'OR Itl�.l?` j 1ZL: i'L�tiS I:OIt AUCUSY 15, 19t�9 C()UNC1L riis1,11NG CONSENT AGENDA� Approve Change Order # 2, Shannon Parkway/Connemara Trail, City Contract " 198$-7 € Change Order ��2 provides for payment of some non-conCract related work items and � extension �f contract tirne. ' The second page of the change order summarizes the six additional items that were not covered by the contract. Item 1: There were same trees existing aiong the east side of Shannon Parkway that we attempCed to save through the design process of Shannon Parkway. However upon construction it was evident that we could not shift the bike trail westerly enough so as not to damage the existing trees and provide some clear space between the curb and bike trail. Item 2 & 3: It was necessary to extend the hydrants further away from the curb ta clear other utilities at these locations. Item 4: Self-explanatory , Tt�m � & 6: The ste+�l conduit ero��ing� were n�ces�ary PoX in�st�aliing ser�et , ' 1i$hC wa.xir�g, � fihe contractor is requesting a time extension of 15 working days because the sub- �t' grade of Shannoa Parkway norCh of Connemara Trail was nat in a condition to be � turned over for street work on ti�e. U. S. Homes contractor had �ome problems ,��� with densities and iC took him €�bout 3 weeks to correct those. This delay w�s k not the fault of our contractor and therefore he is requesting this time ' �' extension. . ��� I would agrea with our Consuiting Engineers that all the items in the change i order are justified and would recommend that Council approve them. � � Recommended action for Council to take is to approve Change Order /�2, Shannon Parkway/Connemara Trail Street Improvements,' Gity Contract 1988-'7, and authorize A '��' the riayor and City Clerk to sign the documents. � . rs, � � . ;, �� �` ', ` �,t•` ��� ,��u� _ , . • � . ��"l���E f,�l�iQ�� .�' ENGlNEER51 ARCHtTECTS r PLANNERS 222 EAST LITTLE CANADA ROAD,SL PAUl,MINNESOTA 55717 612 q84-0272 OWNEt2 City of Rosemount pA�E 8!1/89 OWNE(25 PROJECT NO, l�9 ($AP208-1�6-04 & 208-104-UL) CNANGE ORDER NO. Z PROJECT DESCRIPTION Shannon Parkway� Connemara Trai 1 ��H FI�E NO. $$Z54 The foliowing changes shall be made ro rhe cantraCt documenrs Descripr�on; Add the following work items to the Contract , (5ee attached surr�nary) Purpose of C'hange Order: Payment for additional non-contract work items associated with the project and extension of contract time. Basis of Casr: �I Actual o Estimated Attachments fHst supporting documentsJ 1 - Summary of nan-contract work items b - Daily records of non-contract work with attachments . 2 - Claims for ex�ension of cantract time ConCract StaCus Time Cose Original Contra�r 4�165/75 $484,719.00' Nec Change Prior C.O.5 i to __ _ (7,125.U0} �hange this C.O. ._ . 15115/15 $ 4,966.30 l2evised Conrract 60l80/9U $482,56(�.3U 2ecommended for Approval: Short-Elilott-Hendrickson, Jnc. By Agreed co by Conrr�acror: � Approved for Owner. .---.• gy „� ,.�,.�-,_., /� ay TIL��— ''i. .i�. ' "'".TG�;<-r�I'/c�'" � 8� .. . . . . . . . Distrfbulion �ontraCeor 2 Owner � Projec[Repres�ntadve i SEN OffiCe 1 SHORT ELLlOT1' SL PHUL, CNIPPEWA FALLS, HENDRICKSON INC. MlNNESOTA WlSCONSiN � � , � � � ', � �� � ` SUNIlrIARY OF NON-CONTRACT WORK ITEMS �, , ,�� � CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 SHANNON PARKWAY/CONNEMARA TRAIL GITY PROJECT NO. 189 (SAP 208-106-U4 & 208-104-02) � ; ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA �, r' { �. ITEM DESCRIPTION COST 1• Clear and Grub remaining traes along the east side of Shannon Parkway $2, 250.00 2• Furnish and install hydrant ex�ension at Dallara Court and Shannon Parkway 371.61 �• Furnish and install hydrant extension at ' Shannon Court and Shannon Parkway 411.84 , � 4• Remove mud from existing sanitary manhole � at Dane Avenue and Shannon Parkway to make � ' connection 104.65 i 5• Furnish and install 3 - 2" rigid steel i € condu3t crossings for revised street light � �� layout 1 524.60 � � � I � 6. Furnish and install 1-1/4" rigid steel � conduit across the Wood River pipeiine � .. ; � right-of-way 3�3.b0 � � I. 'f:.. �. . I �' Total $4,96fi.30 ( ; , # L; ' ��. � , � ' • i � �' � � � DAILY RECORD �F NdN-CONTRACT WORK � Owner Cit of Rasemount v Pro�ect No. 189 � Pro�ec� Shannon Parkwav/ Conne�r�ara Trail SEH File 88254 Contractor A�� �n P Ke11�r Date Descriptic�n of Work 4-��-89 Clear and Gnab trees nat r�ncsv� by �velal�er dur.iriq si ta ararli n�11C�_rati[AztG i °: � ; LAB�R Direct . Name Time Labor � Classification Start S.to Hour Rata Cost ; � _� �; ---------- ;� Total direct labor MATERiALS Payroil costs @ $ � Item Total labor IJA Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost -��& Cr►�h t-r�� 6 e�. �375 2250.Q0 �Y . . . . . . . . , EQUIPMENT ( Inolude aperator Time Ur��er Labor} Sa1e��tax To�al rnateria2s $2250_Ob . Unit Time St,art Sto Hours Rate . Cost Total equipment NA � SUMMARY �pP Total labor � �` ,.,- Total materials ���t1� _�-ysa� :-' u�,a--1 �'- �..-��f' Total equipment Cont act Overhead & Date Profit @ � � y � ,, ,r. ;����,.�%�- � �&,;.� Re ident � Pro�ect Date Total Cost Repressentative $2250.00 ;� * As quoted by contractor. � . � { y � i ; ;.. ' i � � � � . � . . �. .� � . � . . . � . € :> DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT WQRK � Owner Cit of Roseiriount Pro�ect No. 189 , ; Pro�ect Shannon Parkwav Connemara Trail SEH File 88254 Contractor �,. ;n P x�t t A,- Date � 5/3/g9 �� Descri ption of Work t o t,h �4 »t���t7P�'+, a�Dallara Ct. an annan ar way ,, �' ;� LAB�R Direct ' ' Name Time . Labor E Classifiaation Start S,to Hour Rate Cost �� Foretnan 1 .0 35.QO 35.00 , ` p'n�i a3'pr 1.0 29•0� _ 29.DO � , Rntt-rm man --],�_ �..`. (�_ 27.00 � : s ; r; � � � f` --.��. ' � Total direct� ` MATERIALS Payroll costa @ �$ ' ' Item Total labor �91.00 � Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost ^ (1 1 fi-_ hv r nt axi-An���+.+ 1 ea. 232.14 232.14 � ;., ,� , , k EQUIPMENT � (Include Operator Time Under Labor S�btotal ) Sales tax ' Total materials $232.14 Unit �'ime Start Sto Hours Rate Cost � —� -___--- � —.�._ �� �, � Total equipaaent � SUMMARY • ..._.__ Total labor APp�o $91 .00 . Total materials $232.14 �.- �`_ �!. � Tot�l equipment .�: --,> � � ... Co rac or Date Overhead & � Profit @ �$ • 4 ,$ 47 �i �l- �� ' .�/?d' � ..r_�r.y. / ..-/r,�---..�. R sident Pro�ect . Date Total Cost Representative 6 �` 37�.�- � , , , ', .' f _ , � ,� , � . � k - DAILY RECORD t)�' NON-CONTRACT WORK Owner Cit of Rosemount Prt�,ject No. 189 Pro�ect ��n g��-�ay/ Connetnara Trail SEH File, 88254 Contractor A„�t;n p x t 1 p,- Date _5/17/89 Description of Work • • � 'sting �n �atarmair� �t _Shan nn (`t- &Fid $hd11t1011 Pdl^ Wd . Direct ; LAHOR Time Labor �, Name Classifioation Start S,to Hour Rate Cost � �' F'ore�nan el � . . ��;� Pipelaver 1.�– -�'�;'a�' � ; ���an m�n 0 27.0 27.00 � 1 i: -- � ' Total direct iabor ! MRTERIALS Payroll cost8 @ $ � Total labor �91 .00 ; Item Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost —/7_rT f't 1�+�rrir�nt a�-�anci nn 1 __;g�,� __ $�67_12 267..12 EQUIPMENT Subtotal (Include Operatar Time Under Labor) Salea tax Total matqrials ;���7_�2 Uni� Time Staart Sto Hours Rate Cast ------- �.� .�.�,� ; ,� � Totai equipm�rit � SUI�iAF�Y APP=ov � Total labor $91 .00 ' Total materials $267y12 � �- �.,��_,, _ � yJ y Total equipment - _i Cont act " �."`�—�- Ovsrhead & Date Profit @ 15 � _, 53.72 ! !� ,r ' ..-� i-..•. ' .�:►�- ?%�'�!� ,-�� . ' . ""' _�__ _ �t sident Pro�ect Date � Representative Total Cost �41-1.84 ;, p ,� �� .°� . :� � 4 • � c DAILY RECORD QF NON-CONTRACT WORK Owner C't of Rosemount Pro�act No. '189 Pro�ect Shannon Parkway & Conne,mara ai SEH File 8825 Contractor Austin P. Keller Date Description of Work Cleani mud from existin manho e ns � g� �r r3r.�vc�1 n�,cr fnr C`��nt-rv h;l l� �� Aaa;t;on e man o e i n ques ti on 1 S OCd te �� �ane Avenue and Sfian��n ra kway Direct LABOR Time Labor Name Classif3cation Start S,to Hour Rate Cost Foretnari 3 .0 Pine laver � .�� �� .-��--- Bottan man 1 .0 �7.00 27.0 � ---__—__._ Total direct labor , MATERIALS Payroll costs @ $ Item TotaZ labor $:g1 .p0 Quantit Uhit Unit cost Cost EQUIPMENT Subtotal ( Include Operator Tima Under Labar) Sales tax Total materials NA Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cost _ _ --�_ Total equipment SUMMARY APPro Total labor $91.00 Total materials 0 � �/ Total equipment Cont ct� u�� � Ov�erhead & riate Profit � .r @ 15 � �13.65 r � •_,:.. _ .., ,, . . . ... ,•� _ . ... T�.� � f`./..•�,,,,,.,,,, !,.•`:�, � - . • . sident Pro�ect Date Representative Tatal Cost ��t�"-" . � � � DAILY RECORD OF NON-COI�ITRACT WORK Owner City of Rosemount Pro�ect No. 189 Pro�ect Shannon parkway� COr��a �ail SEH File Contractor Austin P. Keller $8254 Description of Work Date 6J2U/89 Furnish and i tall 2" 1 ' ' ' The conduits were insta e across ear orn, ane h nnon Parkwa at onnemara. LAHOR Direct Name Time Labor Classification Start S.to Hour Rate Cost --.�.�. — ---�--- --.�� Total direct labor MATERIALS Payroll costs @ � $ Ztem Total labor � Quantit Unit Unit coat Cost Furnish and install 2' R.S.C. 1 L.S $1,524.60 $1,524.60 EQUIPMENT Subtotai ( Include Operator Time Under Labor) Sales tax Total materials ��� a.�p Unit Tim� Sta=t Sto Hours Rate Cost motal equip e � SUMMARY APProv Total labor NA Tc�tal materials $1.524.6Q ��� , �/��. Total equipment NA Cont ac r Date Overhesd & �.. Profit @ $ _i.ncl�� �y✓ �� -- — 7131/f19 R sfdent Pro�ect Date Total Cost Representative $1,524.60* * Note; prices as quoted by cro�tractor. � ��J S '�'' � N �': � U UG.I `r �. � ���.�,.�,���.�` Cl�NSTR�JCTiON CO, II`YC. �. �, � �', � �' F, � �. . . . � � � � . � . .. .lfi4�R1 ��:�.1�{� l�IL.iiJ��ti�hti�Q��. ���i. �I�il ;'. 1 ���Ct June 20, 1989 I ST. PAUL 5hort, Elliott, Hendrickson Inc. 222 East Little Canada Road 5t. Paul, Minnesota 55117 ATTN: Mr. Steve Campbell RE: Connemara Trail Rosemount, MN Gentlemen: As per a request by Frank Bodine herewith is our price of $1,524.60 to furnish and install a 2" rigid �onduit at three locaCions. If you have any questions, please do r�ot hesitate to cc>ntact us. Sincerely; AUSTIN l�. KEL ER [JCPION CO.� INC. ....r � ; ' J rry . Larson ice President Utilities riivision JGL/P7r 481 FR�NT AVENUE •ST. P�UL, MINNESdT.4 SSlfl• (612) 488-0598 4(1 SIXT�'ENTH S7'REET SOUTHF�iST•P.O. BOX Sy85 • ROCHESTER, MtNNESOTA SS904 • (S07)28t-0S77 "An Equa!Oppartunity Employer" ' � � � ' DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT WORK Owner Cit of Rosemount Pro�ect No. 189 Pro�ect S annon Connemara SEH File •gg25tf Contractor Austin P. Keller Construction Date -1 - Description of Work Furnis and install 1 114" diameter ri�i,d steel conduit across Wood River Pi eline Co . ri ht-of-wa on east side of Shannon south af Connemara. L1�1HOFt Direct Name Ti�'� Labor Classification Start Sto Hour Rate Cost . � — _______ -r____ � Total direct b MATERIALS Payroll costs @ $ Item Total labor Quantit Unit Unit eost Cost R.S.C. 50 L.F. 5 .52 276. 00 . � EQUIPMENT Subtotal 276. 00 (Include Operator Time Under Labor) Sales tax Tota2 materiais 5276 00 � Unit Time . Start Sto Hours Rate Cost -� -.� Total equip� SUMMARY APProv • � Total labor �.— .:-` Total materials 2 76. 00�� G �,�i Total equipment Con ac r �ate Overhead & Profit @ 10 $ $2? .fi0 FT1�hvK 7��D/�/E �Dr'5) -!'£'�`� Resident Pro�ect Date Repreaentative Total Cost 303 .60 . . , . •� � � `� K`c►t�t� Rt<<�:k Y����:�.�NF; C�.)h1PAtiY . PuCT UFf'IC�, Bt)J►67 � CUTTAGE GRUYE,MlNNESOTA b5016 . January 10. 1984 To Whan it May Concern: In an effort to ccx�ply with tl.S. Oepartment of Transportatfon standards in Part 195, Title 49. Code of Federal Regulations and provide a standard for Waod River Pipeline Comparry for a�lt foreign utility crossings of our pioeline, the following is required: . Any pipe or cable i�stalled across the Company's pipeline must have at � least 12 inches cl�ararice 6etween tfie outsfde of the pipe a�d the extremity of any other un�erground structure, except that for non metal drainage tile the mi�imum ciearance �may !ie less than 12 inches 6ut not less than 2 inches. � _ All utility crassi'ng, ca�le and pipe, shall be made under tfie Compa�y's pipeline using above clearance. All pipelines ca�assing the Company's pipeline shall be coated Hith a suitable exterior coati�ng. Ronald Wetister .shon]d be contacted to determine if a . � . � bond between tfie pipetines� is require�. . Power carrying ca6les will 6e placed irt steel conduit for the f�11 Kidth of the R/W.. I�staller may wisFx ta put plastic pipe insfide the steel conduit �o protect his cable. 3ma11 sacriftcial anodes 7oay be tnstalled on his conduit as far away from Company's pipeline as possib]e. Nan-pawer carrying cables�are not required to be in conduit but must comply with all other requir�ments. Before aRy mechanic�l digging in the vicinifiy of the pip�line is started, the Company's pipelin� must be located and completely exposed by hand digging. 5hould �at anytime the Caap�ny's pipe,line or its coating be damag�d, such� da�ge shall be inspected by a qualified Company representative to de- termine repair methods. . , Company Ipspector is respansible to see that all Company rules are foliowed. Nowever. the presence of a Company Inspector does not alleviate •the.re� sponsibi'lity of the construct�r: fer damage to Company's facilities.•. �: � Any deviation fran any of the above nwst be app ved by the mana�er. , , �. ,� • Harry�N. Weed . ' Vtce President. Manager , � • . . : HMW/kf . � .. . . i . i CLAIM FDYi EXTF:NSION OF Cl7NTRA,CT TSME PROJECT OWNER; LL Citv of Rosemount, MN DATE: July 18, 1969 PROJECT: ��ndn Parkwav & Connemara Trai'1 PROJECT NO. 189 CONTRACT NC�. 1988-? SEH FILE NO: $8254 CONTRACTpR; �;n P. Kelle� Construction Co , Znc � * * * * * * * * * * * * * AN EXTENSION OF THE CONTRACT TIME YS HEREBY REQUESTED FOR: � X ) SU9STANT�AL { X ) FINRL COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. SUBSTANTIAL FINAL PRESENT CONTRACT TIME: WORKING DAYS 45/65 75 �'�XED Dh�'� : �XTENSTON REQUESTED: WORKING DAYS 5n/70 80 CALENDAR DAYS REA$ON(S) FOR CLAIM: Extension of deep sanitary sewer on Connemara Trail. THIS CLAIM REPRESENTS THE ENTIRE ADJUSTMENT Tp WI�IICH THE CONTRACTOR IS ENTITLED HASED ON THE STATED FtEASON(S) AND pCCURRfiNCES TO DATE. ,, SIGNATURE: TITLE: Vice President, Utilities Division COMPANY; Austin P. Keller Construction Co., Inc. . a � CLAIM FOR EXTF.NSION OF C70NTR�CT 'PIMB PROJECT OWNER; City of Rosecnaunt DATE: .7uly 18, 1989 PROJECT: Shannon Parkwa & Connemara Traii ' PROJECT NO. 1$9 CONTRACT NO. 1988-7 SE�'t FILE NO: 88254 CONTRACTOR; Austin P. Keller Construction Co., Inc. * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * AN EXTENSIt3N OF 'THE CONTRACT TIME IS HEREHY REQUESTED FOR: � X 1 SU9STANTIAL ( X ) FINAL COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. SUBSTANTIAL FINAL PRESENT CONTRACT TIME: WORKING DAYS 45/65 ?5 FIXEO DATE EXTENSIQN REQUESTED: WORKING pAYS 60/80 gp CALENDAR DAYS REASON(S ) FOA CLAIM: A portioa of Shannan Parkway had not been turned over to us and the material in this portinn is not ready ta build a street on. TFiIS CLAIM REPRESENTS THE ENTIRE ADJUSTMENT TO i�IHICH THE CONTRACTOR IS ENTITL�Q ��gED ON THE STATED REASt'�N(S) AND OCCURRENCE'S TO DATE. SIGNATUR�: � T ITLEs Vice President, Utilities Division COMPANY: Austin P. Kelier Construction Co., Tnc.