HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Adopt Assessment Roll, Lift Station #4, Sanitary Sewer Extension, City Project #181 '9 S x • • ���� �� �# � rr**********�t,a*******�;�********�**MI�,M(?***,r*�******�****,t**�****,�**,t*,t***,t*******� i)A'�I�: A(JGIiST 1t), 19t19 . 3,5 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/0 ADMINISTRATOR JILK ,, FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTQR HFFTI• � ..,� ,' , : � � � �.A.� RE: ITEMS FOR AUGUST 15, 1989 COUNCIL MEETING �`.' ;1 4 OLD BUSINE3S .� ;� ;,� Adopt Assessment Roll, Lift Station 1�4 Sanitary Sewer Extension, City ` � � Fro�ect 181 � � � Last July 1$, 1989 Council held the public hearing to consider the propased �}� assessment for sanitary sewer installation from Lift Station �4 to Shannon '� � ! � Farkwaq. This project is referenced as Project 181 �nd was built in conjunction � '� with Contract 1988-2, Hawkins Pond/Section 30 Sewer. As Council wiil recall the `'�� two property owners concerned about the assessment were Mr. Hawkins and I�tr. �tq Strese. t¢ �� �,' Mr. Hawkins asked about' deferring assessments until he develoged because his �� existing property is zoned agricultural. Since that meeting Staff has researched ���� Council minutes and l,istened to Council tapes regarding Mr. Hawki.ns comnents ,;,��� about discussing deferments. Fram what we can gather we did discuss the � �� �� possibility of deferments at the public hearing on Apri1 5, 1988. But no decision was reached at that meeting. Instead, any deferment regarding assessments would be considered at the assessment hesring. Basa.cally, r1r. 'Strese �`� : is objecting to the assessment because he �eels he has no benefit. Apparentiy ��,� there was discussion several years ago that because Mr. Streses house is lower °' than the street and sewer south of 145th Street that he could never be served by i`r, " sanitary sewer. �1, z' After reviewing past reeords and discussing a potential benefxt, we would �a recomnend that Council adopt the assessment roll as presenCed at the July l8, � 19$9 assessment hearing. We feel that Mr. Hawkins has benefit because t,he two � parcels he awns adjacent to 145th Street could be platted and developed into a �' minimum of two lots now that sanitary sewer is available. We recogni�e that he �� � , will not be able to hotsk up his existing residence ko it, but then agaia we ;;i ' specifically did not assess any gQrtion of his existing residence for sanitary �'� ' sewer. Mr. Strese will be able to hoak up to the sewer line because it is at an �"��; elevation low enough to accommodate his house. Mr. Strese also has the potentiai ?' for anather unit on his parcel north of his house and south of the newly z� constructed storm water swale. ��, For Councils information I am attachin a co �"� g py of Administrator Jilk's memo >to you in July, 19$8 where we reached a £inal conclusion an the prapased assessment ;�� that we all felt was fair. As an update to item �7 of that memo, the folZvwing �t:� table illustrates the easement payment and final assessment for the property �`�r ,3;. r�ti r �. �., . . . . �� . � . . � . . . . �.. . � �itE, . . . � . � . � . � � : .� � . . � . � � . ff. � . . . . . � . . .. � _ � . . . . . . . . . . I,�'' . � . . � � . . � . � � . . � .. � � �. � � . �.. : .. � � �.. � : . . . . . .. . . . . � � � . � � . � � .� . . �(� i�� � r' — Page 2 � Item for Gouncil Agenda-Adopt Assessment Roll, Project 181 � � � � �r owners in question. ;; ri � . � . . . � . � . .��1. Price City paid far sewer easements is as follows: �`' �: OWNER EASEMENT COSTS ASSESSt[ENT Allen $2,649 $1,480.04 Anderson $4,649 51,480.04 Hawkins $2,685 $2,960.07 Strese $8,295 * $2,960.07 �!' * Under appeal yet. �„ ", Recommended aetion for �ouncil to consider is to adopt the attached resolution adopting the assessment roll for Praject 181, Lift Station #4 Sanitary Sewer Extensivn, � ,: ., �: -; f,: t : `.�' ., � I�� _i f :� ; ;i i' `I ; :i , ;', � � � � � � (���"{' ��� � ���I �# �?i �i $; ;k±� "� r�� rl�, 4 ; :; :;� �.,; � _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ . _ 33� � ���; t��� . . r � � . . � � � � . � � . � � '� � � _ � �. . � � � � . . . . �. . � . . � � � � �� . . � . . � � � . � . . .. � � . .�i 9• Lot Infr� Ac�ual Assessment Rmount Assessment Frontage Using 1►ctual 1lmount ; This Project Lot # Owner Footage Pxoposed 1 49.50 01 Q-40 1�17.en 2765.75 1 572.50 : ' 149.50 020-4Q Anderson 2TGS.75 1572.54 164.8' 010-39 Nawkins 3045,80 1572.50 i 164.8' 010-41 Hawkins 304E3.SU 1572.5(} ' 395.8' 013-37 Strese 7322.3U 1572.54 ' 132.0' 020-35 S�rese 2942.Q0 1572.SU ; 5. A eost adjus�ment fac�car, using eng�.r�eering construet3.on cost � �nd�x wAulcl ba �ppli�d �A �h� 1 �8� unit pric� o� $i57x.5A, ; � 6. Lots maae available in the future by subdivisfon, hooking up ta �. ; this line, wQuld be the adjusted unit price in the year hookatng ��j ( up• � _ � 7. Estimated price city will pay for sewer easements is as fallows: ;{� � .. . � � � . . . . . � � . � � .Owner Estimated Easement �roposed Assessment ��; Allen $1620 $t572.54 ,� i Anderson 1620 t572.50 �' Hawkins 2000 � 3145,00 �; Strese 3360 3145.00 � � . . .. .. .. .. � . . � 'r.� � The easement payment is only an estimate �nd is based upon what j. these same property awners have been offered for easements far the ' A,'"� Hawkins Pand Project Easements. The fina'l easement payments may be Migher ar Iawer depencling upon what t�e c4urts will deeide. °�s { The city's offer was baset� upon our ap�raisal. �' � This information w s resented a � $ p t property owners i.n a meeking �n € ; , Thursday, June 30, 198E3 a� City tiall which Ri:eh Neft�, anc� I attenc�eci. ,}:' .7ohn Hawl�ins, Mr. and Mrs. Strese and Mrs. A11en were fn a�tendance, �;i i �,. ; I believe the meetin was a ;�' � g� good give and tak� 'sess:lon and though thex-e ,� was not total agreement as to the wor�hiness of ttie �roject ar �he � , estimateci eas�ment valueg, I believe there was gc�me sati..af.ac�:ion a� to a'�; , the benefit/cost of the sanitary sewer line being con�tr��cted �nd it '' was a good oppartunity for the property owners to discuss t}�is �� fnformation in a more casual setting. If this metMod of assessing for this project is acceptable staff would ask that you give us consensus on this. Also, the next step an this y''' project i.s to order bids to be received. Since ik is part of the `; overall construction in that area which includes the Hawkins Pond Project we will have this item on the July 19th meeting to receive yotar approval to receive bids. ` �i� . ; . ; „ �� � =� r , y� i ` . �. . � . . � . � . +.r. CITY OF ROSEMQUNT RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSrtENT ROLL LIFT S�ATION #4 SANITARY SEWER EXTENS�ON PROJECT N0. 181 WHEREAS, pursuant to notiee duly gi.ven as required by law, the City Gouncil has. met, heard and passed upon alI objections to the proposed assessment for Lift Station �4 Sanitary Sewer Extension, Project No. 18i, and has amended such proposed assessment as it deems ju:�t. NOW THERE�ORE BE IT RESQLVED by the City Council of the City af Rosemount, Atinnesota, as follows: (1) Such praposed assessment, in the amount af $19,$80.22, � copy of which 3.s in Glerk'� Fil.e I98�-27 za hereby �cceptad and shall con,stitute the �pe�ial a�sesgment ��ein�t the lands named th�g�in, and ee�h trae� o� lend therein xe hereby £aund to be b�nefi.ted by the propased improvement. (2) Such assessments shail be as follows: �— a. The assessments shall be payabl.e in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (1Q) years, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the yesr 1990, collectible with such taxes during the year 1990. b. To the first installment shall be added interest at the rate of eight and seven-tenths pereent ($.7%) per annum on the entire principal amount of the assessment from the date of thi� resolution ucrtil December 31 of the year in which such installment is payable. To each subsequent installment, when due there shall be added inkerest for one year at said rate on the unpaid principal amount of the assegsment. c. The owner af any property so assessed may at any time prior to the certifie�tian of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the 4ounty Anditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be char�ed if the entzre assegsment is ��i�l wir.hin 30 dayg from ti�e ci��tc� herec�f; ,�nct 4��c�}� prc�pert;y flwr�c�r. n�t�y nt nt�y t:ime nric.�r. to N�vemt�cr l5 r�C �7ny ye.1r Pny to thc Cc�unty Aatil i tr�r I h� c�itt i re {�rinciT�nl. rtm��tnl: t�f i.hc n�seR�tnc�t�l remaining dcte witlt ir�t.�r<�si. ��r.crueci tn I)ece+ml�er 31 c�f ti�c� yrr�r in whi�h saicl �aayme»t: .i s madc. � ; ...... � I � � � i � Y � * . � � .� . . � . � . . � .. , �flg@ 2 �++ Res�lution 19$9 - (3) The Acimini.alr.�kor/C1er.k qhnll fort.hwit.h trnn9mit n c�rt.ifie�l cl«rjl.ic�r�fc copy of ttiis assessment r�ll to th� Cvitnty Auditor t� be extencled ar� the tax list of the County. ADOPTED this lSth day of August, 1989. Rallan Hoke, P4ayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/C1erk