HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Amend Liquor Ordinance p f'i� ( ()X .51�. � ��"�""�: � � � ..�..,.� ���i�� C) � � 7���, �.15TH ST W's � �� � .� � � � � < � ��_�,�" ����>�.�;k��������� � � f�l(��,t��MUl�t�!l. M1tJN(.;Oili ',5[tfiRt: � �; �,-�,�' Ft2_tr��t-441't��� �� ��� �� � � ��� � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � ITEM � � ��� ���� �� � � TOs Mayor Rol].an Hoke � � Council Membears Wal.sh, Wippermann, Oxborough, Napper . FROM: 5usan Johnson, Deputy Clerk . DATE: August 1Q, 1989 � � � � RE; Revi,sions to Liquor Lieense Ordinance � � At the July Sth Cauncil mee�ing, you reviewed several propc�sed a , revisions to the city" s liqaor ardinance. From the discussi+�n betwaen ' council and staff and licens� holders, wk�o were present at that meeting, I have instructed Attc�rney David Grannis to prepare the attached ordinance. For your information, I will give a brief explanation of each section �t ; of the ordinance. �'or additional background camments, I have also attached my rnemorandum dated June 3Q, 19�9. � ' ,�, Section 1 : �` '°. C. On-Sale Wine Licensa: i ': We are adding a provision to the ordinanc� to allow the sale � of strong beer if a lieense holder has a wine license and a 3.2 beer license and whose gross receipts are at I�+,as� 60� ; �; attributable to foad sales. ,� G. Bottle Club Permits: ,,. ' We are adding a provision to allow the issuanee of permits for a bottle cl.ub. This was at the request of Ray Rahn from R3.ch '. ; Valley Gc�lf Club. , ,�: Bottle C�.ub permits are issued by the State Liquor Can�r41. � Division subjec� to approval by the city. The State �IZows bot�le club licenses to be issued to restaurants� hotel.s, an es�ablishment who has 3 3.2 l�eer license, reso.rt, and elubs. State permit fee per year is $150. We are proposing a city fee of $150. License period runs July 1 thru June 30. The � city could also issue a one-day permit to a nanprofit �' organization. This fee would b� $25.fl0. �� I� ,; � �� 'l � ; � � � � � � � �� � � � ,I'_ : , • • � Mayor and Council., M�mbers � " Liquor License Ordinanee Revisions ', �age 2 , Section ?.: A. Fees: We are suggesting the following �.ncreases and r�visions for annual fees: 1 . Increase on-sale intoxicating liquor licens� fee from $2,OOQ to $2,500. 2. Increase on-sa�.e wine �.icense fee fram $250 tc� $304, 3. Set license fe�� for ap�ci�Z club license� as provided in State Statutes accoraing to memb�rsh�p. � 4. Special Sunday license fee i,s �204. There is na change in this fee. �tate Statute prohibits this fe+� from exeeeding $200. 5. Off-sale intoxi�ating liquor license fee i� $150. No change. Rasemount is at its maxirnum until populatian exceeds 14,U00. Increase off-sale non-intoxicating liquor from $15.00 to i $30.00 6. Increase on-sale non-intoxi.cat�,ng lic�uor license fee from $100 to �150. ; 7. Increase temporary on-�ale non-intoxicating Tiquor from , s $15 ta $30. ;,� Set a $10O fee for temporary on-sale intoxicating liquor. '� 8. Set fee for bottle club permit at �150. Set a one-day permit at �25.t?0. �a Section 3: Investigation rees: ' ; rR ; We are reeommending that investigatian fees be s�t at $350 for ��4 both in-state and out-of-state investigations rather than $5Q0 � for in-state and $'i ,500 for out-o�-s�ate investigations. Upon ; � `�'' discussions with Atto.rney Grannis, Steve Jilk and myself, we 'E �' feel applicants should s�ill be required to depos�.t $1 ,5UQ in ,i �' the event the investigation would bc�come extensive, and �350 � I . would not justify staff' s time. Any remaining balancA woulcl � be refunded to the applicant. � `� '�' :E �' i � ,` � �� '� , . � : t , � • . Mayor and Council Members � Liquor License Ordinance Revisions Page 3 Section 4: D. Hours and Days of Sale of Intoxicating Liquor This provision would allow the hours of Sunday s�les �f on- sale liquor to be expandec� from Noon to 90 a.m. and from Midnight to 1 :00 a.m. an the �ollowing Monday. Present Sunday hours ar�: Noon to Mic�night. R�visPd Sunday hours wc��ald bp: 10 a.m. to 1 ;00 �.m. on following Monday, � This provis%on would expand off-sale liquor days �a include January 1st and July 4th. Spction 5: This section is r�pealing the section in our current ordinanee regarding bond requirements. Tk�e city' s ordinance paralleZed with the State requirement regarding the filing of a bond when making application for an intoxicating lic�uor �.icensP. The 1989 Legislature repealed this requirement. Even though the city has the option of heing mare rest�rictivp, it is our recommendation that the city alsa not require posting of a bond. It was Attorney Grannis' recommendation to repeal this sec�i.on. We feel proof of financ�.al responsibility can be demonstrated through the applicant's liability insuranc�. ; Section 6: Liability Insurance � ` � The proposed revisions in this sectir�n deals with (1 ) the aimounts of liquor �.iahility insurai�ce reguir�d and (2) all �� �' applicants for any �ype of liquor lieense rnust have liquor liability insurance. ,i � . � . . . � . . . � .. . .. � f ',7 Our current lic�uor ardinance contains a clause �3-1-11z2) , that halders of on-sale an� �ff-sale non-intQxicating malt liquor lieenses and Wlria licenses who sales (by affidav3t) are � less than $10,000, $20,O�p and $10,000, respectively, do not have to have liability insurance. This would alsa incluc�e temporarg license hol��rs. Staff' s rec4mmendation woula be that all lic�nse halders, � including temporary beer license holders, Qbtain dram shop insurance. Staff is also recommencling that liquor liability insurance } . amounts be increased as f�llvws: � ; �� i' � � � ;�� :; k '-; i � Mayor and Council Memlaers " 1'�iquor Liaense Ordinance Revi.sions Page 4 From: $50,OQO Bor3ily Injury each person $�100,000 Bodily :Ln�ury (2+ p�xsons) each occu�rence �10,000 Property Damage $50,000 Loss of Means of Suppc�.rt each p�rson $100,000 i,oss of Means of Support (2+persons} �a. �ccurr�nce T0: �1 QO,f�00 fi3I c�ach ��rsun $300,Ut70 BI (?+persons) each accurrence r $ 50,000 Property Damage �'� $100,000 Loss of Means of 5upport eaeh person �3 $340,OQ0 Loss of Means of 5upporfi� {2+ persons) c�ar.h f '� r occurrenc�. , I have discussed this with Steve Toombs, the city's insuranc� agent, who strongly suggested that the present limits are inadequate and shoul� be increased. t You will note on the agenda that the attached ordinance wil], be reviewed as an Item under Old Btzsiness and as � Public Hearing item. After close of the public hearing the action required would be in twQ �� separate motions; MUTIQN TO APPRQVE THE INCREASE OF CERTAIN INTOXICATING AND NON-INTQXICATING LZQUOR LIC�'NSE FEE5 AS OUTLINED IP1 THE DEPUTY CLERK'S MEMORANDUM D�TED AUGUST 10, 19$9 AND TO IN�CLUDE THESE REVISED FEES IN THE CITY'S I,I¢UOR QRDINANCE. - AND - ' MOTIObT TO APPROVE THE HOURS OF SUNDAY SALE FOR (3N-SA�,E INTOXIC.ATING �� : LIQUOR FROM 10s00 A.M. ON SUNDAY T� 1 :00 A.M. ON THE FOLLQWIN� MC?NDAY ;� AND Tt� INCLUDE THESE HQURS TN TH� CITY'S LIQUQR ORDINANCE, �I �.� As a separate item under Old Business, the rest of the revisions wi].l �::; k�e reviewed, since those item� did not require a public h��ring. ��; Adoption of the attached ar�3inance would be tli� recommended action. ' Attachments `� ,� � �.E ° �. ti � � � •, � i{ l ;; � � � � �� �� `� ! � � s. ! . , ,f':. '� i � . � ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA GQUNTY, MINNES(3TA AN QRDINANCE AMENDTNC3 TITLE 3 PSRTAININC, TO LIQUQR RE6ULATIONB The City Council of the City of Rosemout�t, Minnesota ordains as follows: Section 1; Title 3, Chapter i, 5ections 2C. and 2G. of the , RQsemount City Code are amended to read as fallows: ?' �; � C. On-Sale Wine Licanses: On-sale wine licenses sha]1 be � issued only ta restaurants m��ting the qualifications of t ' Minnesota Statutes, sectzon 340A.404, subdivision 5, ar�d shall permit only �he sale of wine not exaeeding } fourteen percent (14$) alcahol by valume, for consumption on the iicensed gremises anly, in con�unction with the sale of food. A holder of an on- - sale w�,ne license who is also licensed to sell non- intoxicating malt liquors at an-sale and whose gross ' � receipts are at least sixty percent (60�) attributable to the sale of food, may sell intoxicating malt liquc�r at on-sale without an additi4nal lieense. ^ G. Bottle Club Permits: Bottle club permits may be issued to bottle clubs and business establishments in ' accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes §340A.414 for the cansumption +�r dispZay of intaxicating liquor or the serving of any liquid for the purpose ot mixing with intoxicating liquor. ; Section 2: Title 3, Chapter 1, Section 4A. of the Ros�mount City Code is amended to read as fol.lows: A. Fees: The f�es for licenses and permi�s shall be as follows: 1. The annual fee for an on-sale intoxicating liquor ��'' license is two thousand five hundred dollars (� ($2,500.00j , t 2. The annual fe� far an an-ea�e w3.ne licenss� x� thre� hundred dollars ($300.00) . r� 3. The annual fee for a special elub Iicense sha11 be ;� as follows: g {,� Three hundred dollars ($300.00j for a club with under � 200 members, five hundred dollars ($500. 00) for a club ; ;� with between 201 and 500 members; six nur�ar�a �ifty � � i � ; ,� I � p ? �i ; + . � . .� . � . .. �. . � .7 � �� . � � . � .. � . � . . � � . dollars ($650. Op) for a club with between 501 and 1000 members; eight hundred dollars ($800.00) for a club with' � between 1001 and 2�00 members; one thausand doll.ars ($1,Q00.00) for a club with between 2001 and 400U members; two thousand dollars ($2, OOO.DQ} for a club with between 4001 and 6U00 members; and three thousand dollars ($3,A00.00) for a club wi�h more than 6001 members. 4. The fee for a special Sunday license is two hundred { dollars ($200. 00) . �� 5. The annual fee for an off-sale intoxicating liquor license is one hundred �ifty dallars ($150.40j : � and the annual fee for an off-sale non-intoxicating malt ' iiquor Iicense is thirty dollars ($30.00) . �' i 6. The annual fee for an on-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor license is one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) . , 7. The fee for a temporary license for on-sale non- intoxicating malt liquor is thirty dollars ($30.00) . The fee for a temporary license for an-sa3e intoxicating liquor is one hundred dallars ($14U,00} . 8. The annual fee for a bottle club permit is ane hundred fa.fty doZlars ($150,00) . The fee for a one-day ' bottle club permit is twenty-five dollars , ($25.Ot?) . Section 3s Title 3, Chapter 1, Section 4F. 1. is amended to read as follows: : 1. At the time of each original application for a license, the �pplicant shall deposi.t one thousand five hundred dallars ($1,500.40) with the City for the investigation fee. The investigation fee shall be three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) . Provided, for investigations conducted outside ; ' the State, the City shail be paid the inuestigation costs in excess af three hundred fifty dollars {$350.aa� , but n4t to ' exceed ten thousar►d dollars ($10,000.00) . Any fees due in �, ' exces� of the one thousand five hundred d411ars {$].,500.00) # , deposit must be paa.d prior to the license h+earing and before � the City Council considers the application. The remainder � �y of the deposit, if any, shall be returned to the applicant. ; � � � �,� Section 4 : Title 3, Chapter 1, Section 8D, is amended to ;k read as follows: ' i .� ' �, D. Hours and Days of Sale; Intoxicating Liquor: With the ` exceptian of on-sale 5unday liquor license holders, no , {` sale of intoxicating liquor shall be made after one -� o'clock (1:0�) A.M. on Sunday, nor untii eight o'clock � ;' (8:00) A,M. on Monday. No non-sale� shall be made � ;i between the hours o€ one o'clock (1:00) A.M, and eight j �� � �: � :; - 2 - i � ,; , ,.� � ��� �. , • • o'clock {8:00) A.M. on any weekday, No "an-sale" shall be made after ei:qht o'clock (8s00) P.M. an December 24. An establishment which holds a Special License for � Sunday 5ales may sell intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises in conjunction with the sale of food between the hours af ten 4'clock (10:00) A.M. on Sundays and one o'clock (1:00) A.M. on Mandays. No � AoMf-Qr�afteratenbo clockb(10r00) iP�M.�oflany day��,No �� rt n � . 1 x "off-sale� shall be made on Memorial t?ay; Labor Day; ` �� Thanksgi.ving Day; or Christmas Day, December 25; but on the evenings preced�.ng such days, if the sa�.e of li+quor # is nat otherwi,se prohibited on such evenings, "Off- sales� may be made until ten o�claek (IOsOOj P.M. , �F ' except that no "off�sale'� shall be made on December 24 � ;; after eight o'clock (8:U0) P.M. � � � � , , � �' Section 5: Title 3, Chapter 1, Seeti�on 11-1 is repealed in �, :� its entirety. ; i: � Section 6s Title 3� Chapter 1, Section 11-2 is amended in � � its entirety as follcaws: � ", i 3-1-11-1: Liability Insurance: All applicants for any type ' ' of intoxicatinq liquor, non-intoxicating malt liquor or wine � ` license to be issued or renewed rnust, as a condition ta the ' £ issuance af the lieense, demc�nstrate praof of financial �� � responsibility with regard to Iiability imposed by Minnesota � ' Statutes, sectian 340A.801 to the City. Froof of financial � responsibilit� may be given by filing one of the following: � a, A. A certificate that there i,s in effect fQr the period of �! ; the license an insurance policy or poo3 providing the �� ; following minimum coverages: ,;, -€ ;; �, 1. One hundred thousa�td dollars ($100,000,00) because � of bodily injury to any one person in any ofle oecurrence and, subject ta the limit for one person, in the amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000. 00j because ,r of bodily injury to two (2) or mare persons in any one �! j occurrence, and in �he amount of fifty thausand dQllars {� ($50,000,00) because of injury to or destructian of ' property af others in any one occurrence; ,;� 2. One hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.OQ) for loss ,; of ineans of support of any one person in any one ' occurrence, and, subject to the limit of one person, , �: three hundred thousand dollars ($300,Q00.00) for loss of � ' means of support of two (2) or more persons a.n any ane � occurrence; or � �,+'� B. A bond af a surety company with the minimum coverages as � {` provided in subsection A of this 5ection; or � �� � . . � . . � � . . � . . . � . . 13 x . . . : . . . � . � . � . . � � � .. �i �. ' �,5�.. _ 3 ."' �,�.I � i ,� i��.s � � � ;,� � • C. A certificate of the State Tr�asurer that the licensee has deposited with him three hundred fifty �housand dollars ($350,000. 00) in cash or securities which may legaily be purchased by savings banks or for trust' €unds having a mark�t ualue af thr�e hundred fifty thousa:nd � da].1ars ($35Q,OOQ.00) , Section 7: This Ordinance sha�.l be effective immediatelx upon its passage and publication. � . . . � . . . . . . . .'..�. .:.J Adopted this day of , 1989. CTTY C?F ROSEMOUNT � '� By: ; i Rol�an Hoke, Mayor ; � � � � � � ��� � � � �� � :', ATTESTs ,t ��f E "� Stephan Jilk � ;� � � Administrator/CTerk � �� � � . . � � . : E�t � � . � . . . . � � . . i;?t . � � . .. � � � � � . . � � � ;� �. . . - . � . . . . . . � � . � � � �. :� �'. . . . . .. .. . ... � � . . . ��� . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . � . . . g�: . . � . � � � � . . . � � . .. . . { ���i .. . � . . � . . . . . . . . . . .. . � �� . . . � � . � �. � � . . . . .. {� �6 � . � � . . � . . . . . . . �, � � � . � . . . . . . . �� . .. �( �S � � . . . . � . . ���. j �, � f �i� #€ �� , ��`' #� �� �� a , � � ���, _ 4 _ �`� � � � � � � � � � � � i,, i ��, . � . � . . . . , � . . � � . S. :3j .. . . . . . � . � � . . � .s'. � � I`i t �')t iX �il(1: _.,� �. ��� �.� . • '8%', 1 1,i H `1( � �. � � � �� � _ ��,., y/ {t(� ;Fh:it��l�ftt� F.�UP1{Jf `;f1in .,.�06Ft ,_,- ,�, �� � �� � ��,�e���`��.�,�d�1 ����� � �,1 ' q-�i ,1Qi t ; •- � t: . �-T.��� � , TO: Mayor Hoke Councilmembers Walsh, Wippermann, �xbor4ugh, Napper � � FROM: Susan Johnson, Deputy Clerk ! r • �� ;� DATE: June 30, 1989 ,� ' RE: Liquor License Ordinance Revisions ! � � � � �a' '; ;: � � � 4ver the past few months Administrator Steve Jilk and I have been ` ' discussin ossibl.e ehan es to the � �'� g p g present l�quor ordinance, # particu�.arly in the area of increasing license fees. Zn April af this .• � year we conducted a telephone survey, and the results indicated �hat ' ' adjustments should be made. F3ased upon this survey and requests from ' ,�; license holders that other revisions be made, T am submitting to you tor your consideration the following changes: ; �; �� �' (1 ) Increase in License Fees i, � Xi ' Attached is a copy of the survey which administration �ona��t�a �.n x � April. You will nate that in every category (these are the � �, categories where the city has the option to set fe�s) , the ma�ority o� these cities' fees are higher. We request that you cons�.der the following increases far the next five years: L�.cense Current Fee 1990 1992 1994 s ; . . . . . � .. . . . . � . �.i . On-Sale Liquor $2,004 $2,50U $3,500 $�,500 � � On-Sale Wine 250 300 350 440 ! O�-Sale Beer 1UO 150 175 240 Off-Sale Beer 1S 30 40 5.0 We feel by setting f�es aver the next five years will provicle the city with a way o€ bringing the fees up to the appropri.ate ].evels without burdening the license holders all at ane time. Tha.s method will also allaw the license holders or potential Iicense holders to know what the fees will be �hrough the year 1994, ;: {2) Set Special C1ub Liaenses A�cordinq to Membership ' . �; ; Minnesota 5tatutes allows cities ta set license fees accarding to , membersh�.p as follows. The present ordinance �ust has a flat fee of $20U. We recommenc� that this provision be included in our ordinance. ,'7 . � � � � � � ��:[.�. (1 ) $300 for a clu}a with under 200 members; � ` (2) $500 for a �lub with hetween 201 and 5Q0 members; � ` (3) $650 for a club with between 5Q1 and 10Q0 members; �, (4) $800 for a club with between 1001 and 2040 members; t #� . and so forth all the way to $30UQ for a club with over 600U �,` �� members. , , �.: � . . . � � � . � . l pI;. . . . . � ... . l .i'�.. . . . � � . . �$f. .. . . . . . � ��, ��` . �., � • � ; . Mayor & Couneilmembers '' Liquor License Ordinance Revisions � Page 2 . � , Piease note, the Rosemoun� VFW has 169 members and the Rasemount ' i American Legion has 469 members. f3) Temporar�License Fees We would request that you consider increasing the fee �or on-sale `� beer licenses from $'15 to $30, The majority of these l.icenses are issued to sponsors of softball tournaments. Park & Recreation , f Director Dave Bechtold sup�orts this in�rease. . We further recommend that a temporary on-sale intoxicating ].iquor l:icense be set at $100. In the faur ye�.rs that I haue been here, this license has never bean issued. I cannot find where a €ee was ever established for this Ticense excep� city code allows the eity to impose the fee. Considering this is for the sale Qf liquor, we feel the $100 �ee is �us�ified. ; � (4) Investic��tion Fees � State Law and City Cod� requires our polieP department to do a � personal and criminal b�ckground cheek an the applicant. Our ; �, current investigation fees are $5U0 for investiga�ions conducted wi�hin the state and �1500 for outside thP state, plus aetual � � costs. These fees have been discussed with our police ehief, whQ � '` agrees these fees do nat fai.rly represent staff's time and �eels they could be 3ower. �' Attached is a survey taken in April on investigation fees. There , are a variety of fees and methods o� imposing the �ee�. We ; ,¢ recommend that you consider s�tting a flat fee of $350 plus costs y foz in-state and out-af-stat� inuestigatiQns. It is Qur feeling � the $350 is a more jus�ified cost for staff time. ,� elau:�e will � also be ineorporated into the ord3.nance to a].iaw the city to recover any actual costs up ta �10,000. � � t5} Stroncr Beer Provision ! . State laws a11ow a holder o£ an on-sale win� license and an on- sale beer license to sell strong beer (intoxicatir�g malt liquor} whose gross receipts are at least 60� attributable to the saie of ' food. An aaditional lieense is not required. Ray Rahn of Rich �;�` Valley Go1f Course had at one time indicated a desire to sell. �� strong beer. Although I do not know hi.s in�ent at this time, I �;: feel this provision wou}.d make �ur 13.quor ordinance more complete. �� (6) Extendina Sundav Hours ��:' k�i � Our present o�dinane� a].lows Sanday sa1�s betcveen 12:Q0 Noon and '' 12:Q0 Midnight as s�t by sta�e l�w. The city h�s rPceived the i*' attached letteacs from Shena��i.c��ns anci Ci.ty Limits Lanes & Lounge `^� �, . ��: , ;+, �� i,; ,;,, ; ; �`�' ��;: ,� � \ . . . . �:��-� �: �3 . . . . � . . • . � � � ��� � �. . . �. ... � ��. , Mayor & Councilmembers � Liquor License Ordinance Revisions Page 3 � that Sunday hours be extended from 10:00 a.m. to i :00 a.rn, on Monaays. State 1.aca allows that hours be set between 14:OQ a,m. and 1 :Q0 a.m. an Monday after a public hearing has been held �nd � ` Council approves the change. Pleas� note that the 1989 legislature �ust passed the law to extend Sunda� haurs from �nidnight to 1 :00 a.m. effective August 1 , 1989. ; There was considerable discussion by staff regarding this change and not a eonsensus reached on whether the hours shauld r�main as they are or be extended as requested by two local business�s. The only consensus staf� did reach was that this is a pol.icy/political decision for the Council, and staf� �aill support and deal with whateve`r posi�ion yau choose. ; ' � I would recommend that since you have receiv�c3 r�quests for this ` change, that you set a publlc hearing for August 15th to conaider � this item. . a , : (7� aff-Sale Liauor Qn �7anuarv 1 and Jul.v 4 Shenanigans has requested that they be allowed to operate the3.r off-sa3e liguor store on these dates. The 1989 Leg�,�lature p�ssed this law effective August 1 , 1989. Council ha� the option ta amend its ordina�ce to a�low these expanded daye or be mQre restrictive, Following discussion on this item by staffr there seemed to be no ob�ectio�s. (Thanksgiving, Christmas �ay and Christmas �ve after 8;p0 p.m, ar� the only remaining holidays when off-sales are prohibite�. ) } {8) Bottle Club License ` Ray Rahn of Rich Valley Galf Club has requested that the city , include a provision for a bottle club license (display and set- ! upsj . He advises that corporations hav�ng golf tournaments at hi.s � ', place woul.d like to be �ble to consume liquor on the premi:�es iin the club housej . Mr. Rahn indi.eated he aoes not want an on-sale liquor license Uecause he doesn't want a ful�. bar in his cl.ub house. He would although like �o be able to accommadate 'his cus�omers' requests through a bottle club license. � �# If you would chose to include this license in our ordinance, we ; �} are recommending th�t the city' s fees be set at 199� - $150; 1992 - $200; and 1994 - $3p0. The license fe� requir�d to be submittPd i �; to the state is $150. E� � � , .�� I would 13ke to inform you that these changes have been reviewed and � i;, ap�roved by our cfty attorney David Grannis. Following diseu�zsion on �'t;' these items, Mr, Gacannis will be �requested to prepare the final d.raft " of the rev3sec� ordinance. � � � � � �� ��r; E � ; � �; ��a , � ;; < , � . . . . . . . . . . � . � . � � 3!. � � � . . � . . . . . � �"�. � � Mayor & Coune�.lmembezs � Liquor License Ordinance Revisions Page 4 Our present liquar Qrdinance has not been revised since 19�6; ar�d z appxeciate the fact that this is a lo� of revisi.ons �o cansic�er at one time. The proposed revision is our at�empt to bring our liqu4ar license up to date and to make it more compl�te and to a11ow Council to !, consider reque�ts �or changes from aur busines�s owziers. At the July 5th meeting, the above items wil]. be reviewed with you in '' an a�tempt to reach a consensus �rom Council as to what yQu v�a�1d Iike to see in the final draft of the revised liquor ordinance, which we would like to submit tQ you on August 15 for adoption. .f � � � � � � �� � �� � � State law requires that public l�earings be held to considAr increase of � �; license fees and extension of Sun�ay hours. S would therefare � ' recommend that you call for a puk�lic hearing on August 15� 1989, at � . 8:00 a.m. , or as soon thereafter as possibl�, to eonsider the increase � '` of certain liquor license fees and tQ consider the extension of Sunday � ' on-sale hours. � ( ` I havA also attached for your review a letter sent to all license holders informing them of thi� agenda item. If yau have any questions prior to the Council meeti.ng, pl.easn feel f_ree �o contact me. Thank you far your review and consideration in this matter. � Attachments y.�; � � � � � � � ,� � � a �. � � �i � 6�,, . t`�. S: `.: LIQWR LIC�ISS FLB SURVEY �� � � , � APRIL, 1989 ' ��j A'pple Vly Burnsv�.11e Ea�an �armin�,ton HastinQs ;��` , �: On-Sale Liq. $5000 $5000 $35Q0 $25�0 $230q � ' .�� On-Sale taine 9� 75t� 20Q 200 200 ? ��. Battie Cl,ub 100 none 2S 3U0 3(l0 `;�' 3/2 On-Sa1e Beer 20Q 400 J.7S 125 i00 :�a �: � � � � � �.� 3/2 (?ff-Sale Beer 40 65 40 3U 25 �`;' �;,� W c; Temporary Beer 25 �;� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��� Inver Grove Lakeville Mendota Hts. So. St. Paul W. St. Paul ,;;; . - . . � , . . . . .. . .. _ . , . .. .. �.. � . . . �k:i On-Sale Liq. $3120 $3700 $10,f�0 $1750 $2SOf) '`� � b{f 4n-Sale tJine SQ0 S00 2,0� 750 750 ; ���� Bottle Club 300 nane 200 --- - �,� � 3f2 On--Sale Beer 25�J I50 150 100 2QQ r� �, 3/2 Off-Sale Beer 35 30 15 i0 20 . Temporarp Beer 25 �. � . � � � � � . . . .��.}�.;,. Prior Lake Rosemount On-Sale Liq. $4750 $2,0� A ; ,� On-Sale Wine 1250 250 ''' ' � � � � � � � � � � � �� Bottle C1ub 200 None F,,� �<<�, 3/2 On-Sa1e Beer 200 l0U 3`t; ji,, #. 3/2 Off-Sale Beer 50 15 , ,,, : Temporary Beer 1p 15 °� � �i Sunday Liquor - set by State $20Q.�Q �i Club (i.e. VFW) - set by State bg amount �f inembership ;'; Off-Sale Liquor - set by State �: la ; � � .. • � � .. . � � � � � .� � � � . � . .. . '{`���'. . � . . � . .. . . � � � � . � . . �-;y • . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . , . F�Yi . . �� . . � . .. � � � . �,1� .. . . � . . . . . . . . . ..�.�����' � � � � �. . . �'.�.;'i - ' � . � . . � . � . ... . � . . t��; ii�, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ��y� 'jlt ,���. I�t1TELSTIGATION F'B� SURVSIf ,��6 . . . . . . . � . . ..:i4. I�+OR LIQt�}R LICENS� �#�-, �� �R Burnsvillee $15Q0 deposit — ON R� Off Sal� Liquor ' S00 deposit — ON & 4ff W3.ne, 3/2 Beer ,s�: , Ea�an: $1000 escrow On/Off Sale Liquor 300 fee � $130A £or up to 5 people; add'1 $Z40 per persoi3 �� $2�OQ fnr aut o� stat� awner� `a�� ',� i $ 350 for Wine and Beer `;;. E� t $ 35Q for 3/2 Beer ��� , }�� $ 200 for low alcohol wlne '� ,: � Farmingtont $ 2�0 for all '�, ;t� $ 300 �or transferring ownership Hastings: $ 2S0 for On Sale Investigating �; � 200 for Off Sale �j �� ti, Inver Grove ,, Heights: $ 250 ,�I ��: $ 2S for renewal check each ye�r � �' Mendota Hts. : $ 500 far a11 ,, So. St. Paul: $ 150 £or corporation $ 100 for partnershig $ 50 for single � W. St. Paul: $ 500 for On/Off Sa1e ; $ 300 far 3/2 Beer & Win� ? . i� Prior Lake: $ 250 for Off Sale Intoxicating 4} $ 100 for On Sale Intoxicat�;ng $ 5� £or On/Off Sale Alon—intoxicating 1� a s'' �, RECEIVED � � �� � � JUN - 5 i989 � � � '� � � � � � ��� • CLE�K'S C?t=�i�E CiTY OF ROSEM�UNT � :.� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � �� 3 �; Date: 6-I-89 1'� � � � � ��, '1'c�: CiL-y hc]rni.r� i.;;Lr.,il;c�� , M�ayc�r �at�cl Cc�ur�c.i l M�mk�er.,., ,, !{�1'rramt FriLr llolejs, Stienariiyatis � �;. Subject: New l�gislation regarding liquor opezations �; � 4,;. ,�: � � � ��� � Effective August 1 , 1989 th� st�te legislature has changed ;� - . . . , � .�A�..�. �i liquor laws as Follows . t; 1 . Oft--sales may be p�rmitted to be open on July �1th �'' and January 1 . i• ; � � 2. Qn-sale liquor aperations that serve fobd may be } { permitted to be open until 1 :00 am an Sundays . These laws have to be passed by the City prior to allowing ' the liquor liscensees of any city to be open. I would like to request that the city pass an ordinance allowing off-sales tp be open on July 4th and January lst. Also, to be allowed to be open until 1 :00 am on Sundays. i f� On-Sales that serve food may also be allowed bo be open at : , 10:Q0 am on Sundays. I wauld like to request that the City " .i pass an ordinance to allow on-sales that sexve food bo be ;� allowed to open a� 1Oc00 am if they so wish. � . � � . � � .. . .. � 3 r� � . � . . . . . . � . . � +� Regarding 10:00 am opening on Sundays : There are a ,.� number of softball tournaments that are held in Rosemount 'E � ,�.: ,a and many ball teams are laaking for a �lace to meet and have lunehes. ; . � . . � . � . � . . � . . � � � �i Thank you for your consideration. � � � �;_;,, sincerely, � :� .. . . . � � . . . � M . 4 . . � �. . . . i � � �k� � i F�'1�Z D012]S ''' � ,� ;', 1�fit)*5 ;�ir�nttl Rr►l�crt'I'ri�ii iZ�►�cn��►ui�1,l�[N .�5t1('>� 1�.2,,��-1�f3'.�-�. � 1;i � ': t ��� . • .��-�,�,., ! t5400 SOUTH ROBERT Tf�AIL • RqSEMOUNT, MiNNESOTA 55068 • 423-2d00 May 23, 19�5. City of fiosemount 2875 W 11�5th St ` Posemount MN 55fl68 Dear City Council Members: We understand that the State of Minnesota has passed a law that would a.11ow liquor serving establishments to stay apen on Sunday nights until lam. We would like to ask tk�e City Council to also make it effectiue in the city of Fosemount. We would also ask that the city consider allowing liquor servi.ng establishmer�ts to serve alcohal ba- fore noon on Sundays. Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider these proposals. Sincsrel�, C.. � C�.���r���� t � & Jean Doyle Owners - City Limits . '��'C+�'IVEU MAY 2� 1989 C��kK�S C.�t-t-IC:E CiTy pF RCISEMUUNT ' {. . . . � . � . . . � . . . . . �'. � , f . . . . � � . � � .. Juno 3Q, 1989 To All City Liquor and IIeer Licens� Ilalders: This i.s to advise you the Ci�y C;ounci.l. �t their July 5hh Cnunc-il_ meeting will be consi.dering several revision� to the c3.ty' s li�uor � ordinance. � Some of those revisions to be considered are as follows: � ('F ) Increase in license fees; (2) Decrease in investigation fees; (3) Adding a provision £or a strong beer licens�; (4) Extending Sunday hours; (5) Allowing off-sale liquor sales an �7anuary 1 anc� �Tuly 4, and (6) Adding a provi�ion for a bottlA club l.icense. At the July Sth meeting Council will diseus� thes� proposed r�visions and provide a aonsensus on what ehanges they woulc� want incl�ac�ed in a revised liquor ordinanee. It will be staf£' s request that th� final draft af the revised ordinance be presented for ac�option t�y Cvunct�. �t the August 15th Cauneil rneeting. The only formal action Council will consider �t the July 5th meeti.ng is ,' set a public hearing on August 15th to consic3ex an inrrease in lic�ns� . f ' fees and an extension of hours far Sunclay liquor sal�s. �, r� � ' �. Our city council meetings begin at ?:30 p.m. a;' If you have any questions, please feel free to contaet me. Sincerely, �.��•..-��./ � • ��' Susan M. Johnson Deputy Clerk ;