HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. and 5.e Approval of Star Cable and Dakota Electric Franchises, Ordinance Summaries , � ; � ;_a � � : � t � i�i, iti,x i;n, ; � �� a1! �� ,��:,�� i,�.iia ;i w i � rp�r-�. �" t�� 1�} ►7r�;1 a�<�u��i r.,�it��r�t �,��t�n �,�;oe,t; � � � / � � 1;t,�� 1, ; tAli � � F ��. ;''�'�M�4��f�[' � � Ji i ITEM � ft � � D � � � TO: Mayor Hoke ��fY1 T[" � Council Members Walsh � � � W3.ppermann ,. ' . . . .. . . . �.N: 4xbo�ough Napper FR4M: Stephan Jilk, Administzator/Clerk ' �.� DATE: August 1Q, 1989 � ,' 1 RE: Approval of Summ�ry of Franchise Oxdinances Attached far your review and consideration are summaries of the Star ! ' z Cable franchise ordinance and Dakota Electric franchise ordinanc� which were adopted by Council at the May 16, 1989 Gouncil meeting. ' In an attempt to limit the publication costs on these two ord�.nances, our city attorney was requested to prepare a summary of the ardinances � ,, for publication purp4ses, Stat� law requires Council's review of the � ; summaries and four-fifths �pproval before we can send them to the city's legal newspaper. � ±+: Recommended action would be two separate motions: Mation ta approve the official summaxy of Ordinance No. XI.14, pert�ining to the Gable Franchise granted to Star MidAmerica Limited Fartnersh'ip and Motion �o � approve the official summary of �rdinanc� No. XI.15, pertaining to the , electric franchise granted to Dal�ota Electric Assaciation. ` . � . � . . �h t� q �3 . . . . . . . . . ^i :� smj a � i 1lttachments � � ,a�� � ; � � � � � � ;� � � 1 . i.:, i ,; � � ��� i � � � � � � � � ,� t�� s I��� : �+�•, , $ i . , . . . . . . . . .. .. � � �� � � . � � . . . . . . . . . . � . �} . . . .. . � r�. . . . . . � � . . � �. . � � � � � � � � ti'� � iii^ i ,i� ' �� : ,� � � - ��� �� • • s� , ,1 CITY OF RQSEMOUNT � ;� � QRAINANCB N0. %I. 15 s `:; �� A# ORDINANCB GRANTIAG TO DAgOTA ELECTRIC ASSUCIATIUN, A MTNNSSOTA CORFORATION, ITS SUGC8SS4RS AND ASSIGNS, PBRMISSI0�1 TQ CONSTitUCT, OPBRATB, QEPAIR, AND HAINTAIN IN TH� CITY OF RQSEMOUNT* MINNBSUTA, AM BLSCTRIC � AISTRIBUTI4N SYSTBM AND TRANSMIS3T�N LIN13S, �I�CLUDIAiG � NECBSSABY FOLES, LINES, FIRTURES, AND AFPURTENANCSS, FQR TAS FURAISH�NG UF BLSCTRIC 8N$RGT TO �A� CTTY, ITS � ', INHABITANTS, ANIl UTH$RS, AND TO IISE THB PUBLIC WAYS AND � PUBLIC GROUNDS 4F TRE GITX FQR SUCH PURPQSES , ;; The following is the of.ficial summarp of Ord3.nance No. XI, 15 approved by the Rosemount City Council on August 1S, ].98'�; t ,` The Qrdinance grants a Franehise to Dakota Eleetric Associatian, ��rc � {hereinafter "Company") until September 1995, for the right to � transmit and furnish e�.ectric ener for li ht, heat, s"� ; other ��' g power and purposes for public and private use within and thrvugh the limits of the Ci'tq of Rosemount (hereinafter "Citp" ). The area in the City where the Cvmpany operates is cantrolled bp the �' �' Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and State law. �ither the �� City or Company map commence a court action tQ resolve any �• • disputes relatin� to the Franchise. The Ordinance controls the loeation and relocation vf electr�c 't facilities methods � � � � � � `�> '��� , , procedures far construction of new facilities, and restoration of any public property disturbed bq '` such con�truction. It authorizes the Company to trim trees and ,� shrubs interfering with the proper construction, ogeration and � maintenance of any electric facilities on public propertp, "`� including areaa with�n street xight-o£-ways, proviclecl the Companp ' holds the Citq harmless from anp liability which may arise from � � ,; �� such act:ivities. ti ., The Company shall indemnitp and hold the Citp harmless from any ,i lisbility on account of injurq to persans or damage to property j,p occasianed by construction, maintenance, repair and op�rat3.on of ,�� its e].ectric faci].ities. ��;� �� � The City has the right to impose a franchise fee of not more than �� � three percent (3�} of the Company' s grow revenues. Any franchise �:i fee sha11 be imposed by a separate ordinance. j,,! �� A printed copy of the Ordinance is available for inspection by �l1 � any person during regular office hours at �he o£fice of the �ity r, Administrator/Clerk at the Rosemount City Ha11, 2875 145th •'',�' . Street West, Rosemoun�, Minnesota 5506$. ;,"'( _.._ � � i ;i �I' � ��; � � � � � I ,�� ��. �' � r,..,, #°�` . ;; • � • i i , l � 1 Franchise Summarq a " Dakota Electric � Page 2 µ � � , ; � <i Dated this 15th day of August, i989. � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;3.. Mayor Ro11an Hoke ATTEST: , i, . Stephan Jilk, Administrator Clerk . � � � � �� ,;, �,�: �T ri ^� � � '�_. � �i ��k �a� t�� ,i�. . . . . . . . . . iF`(�.. . . � . . . . � . . � 4 j i. � . . . . . . . . . � . . �... �:��.�.. . . . . . . . . �t t h f . . . . . . . 14i . . . . . . . . . �.,;,, � . . . . . . �'J: . . . . . . . � . � , . � . �� I�. � . � � . . . . . . . . . . t.!. . {:�� �,� � � � � � . . . .. � � . . V �.YI � . . � . � � . i I . . � � . . . � � � i 1F . . . � � . � . . . �. � � . �h � � � . . . . . � � � . . � F� tl" � . . � . . .. � 1 �(nij . . . . . . � . . . . � . .. . . � � . . .. �� ,9:... . �� a, . i • � � ��� � � CITY OF ROSBMqUNT ` � �, ;, URDINANCE N0. %I�.1�+ �° ,�, � � � ' AN pRDINANCB RENEWIATG AND 8%TENDING A CABLB TSLE9ISI4N '�' FRANCHISB IN THB CITY UF ROSSMOUWT, DA�OTA COUNTY, �� MINNESOTA, AND RIILES GUVSRHING ITS OPBRATIQN ��� ' �� The following is the vfficial summary of Ordinance Na. XI,14 ,�� ; approved by the Rosemount Citg Council an August iS, 19$9: � t, This Ordinance repeals Ordinance No. XI. i2 and granta a non- exclusive Franchise for a period of ten (14) years to Sta�r 1 MidAmerica Limited Partnership {herei.nafter "Franchisee") for the ' installation, operatian and maintenance of a cable te2evisi.on � system. Franchises a�rees to be bound by a3.1 terms and �� �• conditions contained in the (?rdinance. The Oxdinance provi.des ,jr far a three (3} person Advisorp Board to manitor the performance ;� `, o€ the Franchisee and the exeeution of the prctvisions of the '' � Franchise. �'i . In the event Franchisee revises its rates, it is obligated ta �' notify the Citp of Rosemaunt {hereinafter "Citq") ��a Advisory `��` Board priQr to the revisions. The Ordinance provides that the ;��; � � Franchisee m�ust furnish community access channe�ls. �In� additi.on, � ���.�` the Ordinance also provides for and regulates the construction o€ � the sqstem within the City. If the Franchisee substantially :fvs violates anp provislons of the 4rdinance, the eity may terroinate ��; and cance]. the Franchise. . `+ The Franchisee is obli.gated to hold harm�.ess the City, Citp ` "' Council and all City employees and commissians fram anp suit, �� �udgment, executi.on, clsim or demand whatsoever it maq have ,�i asaerted or recovered against it based upon or arising out of the ;�. construction, maintenanee, and operation of the cable sqstem. Franchisee is obligated to provide public Iisbility and property �- damage insurance. � �; The Franchisee shall pap the City on or before March 31st af each ''� year , five percent (5%) of its gross revenues during the grenious �` calendar pear ending December 3lst. ! �I. The Ordinance contains provisi�ns rel.ating to the hanciling of 4� repairs and complaints and audit3.ng of Franchisee'-s records. The i' Ordinance makes it unlawful for anpone to manitor, rearrange, or �,' tamper with any facilities or equipment with the intent to cheat ;i or defraud Franchisee. Anpone found gui.ltp af a violation aha11 '' be guiltp of a misdemeanor. � �i 1! A printed copy of the Qrdiaance is available far inspection bp ;; any person during regular office hours at the offi.ce 4f the C3.tq AdministratorJClerk at the Rosemount City Hal1, 2875 145th . ;,! —. Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068. ,'�; i � ;. js; F��r i . . . . . � � � � � . . . . � t� . . . . , . . . �.1�:�:.�. . <,r; � � � � Franchise Summarp .�. Star Cab1.e ;��, ....,, Pa$e 2 i� � ��'� �� ��� � � � � � � �;� 4 Dated this 15th da of Au ust 1989. ��� Y 8 : . . . � � . � . f ��. . � . � � � �� � . Mayor Rollan Hoke � ` � � ATTEST: � �; ,. �; x �., . . . � . . . � . � � k�i t � � � "z�; ij; Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk k::. , � . � � . � � �. . . ..j�,.:t � � � � � . . . . i '. . � . � � � � . �1'��.. . . . . . . . .,,.,:�.;.. . . � � � . � . � . � . . � � � .�_ � � . � . . � � ..� � � � . � �i . . . . � � � . . . .: .. .� . . . . . � . .�,.: .. . .� . . . . . . . . . . . . . �., � � � . . .,..,�:. , . � � � � . �� � � � . . . ���r . . . . . � . � � . . . . . � . . . . . .. �1.: . . . . . � . � . . . . . . :f�. . . . . . � . . . . � . . . .;E�.. . . : � .. . . . . ,��'! . . � � . � � . � . . :...���! . � � . . . . � . � . . . � . '. . . . ' �� � • �� �,` ,� .t I :�! 9�, i§i ,t . . . . � . . � � � .. . � ii . . . . . . . . . . i�. . . . . . . . . � ' � � .:!.i. . . . . . � � . . � �. .���i . . . . . .. . . � . � . ..rij.:�-.. . . . . . ,'�.. � . . . . . . . . . V :�'. °{ � ;�3� �, �