HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.f. Receive Bids / Award Contract for Limerick Crossing Watermain, City Project #201, Contract #1989-9 � �. � � � � . �� � # ��` i �. , *�******�r**************�r*�a**�r****iNEMO**�r****************�****�r********#**�r***��* DATE: AUGUST 11, 1989 . ; � T0: MAYOR & COUNCILPIEMBERS P C/0 ADptINISTRATOR JILK FRUM: �ITY ENGINEERjPUBLIC W4RKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEM3 FOR AUGUST 15, 19�9 COUNCIZ MEETING �t 1 � . � OLD BUSINESS � `. Receive Bids/Award Contract 1989-9t Limerick Crossing�Watermain � ;, —.,_,"'.�"i'� � An Friday, August 11, 19$9 at 14:Q0 a.m. , 5taff ogened bids for watermai.n � t � extension thraugh the Limera.ck Crossing Addition. The Lit�erzck Crossing Additian � is located in the northeast corner of Aodd Boulevard and Shannan Farkway. Our � ,� Consulting Engineering firm o£ S.E.H. ia ehecking th� multiplication and ' 3.�" additions on the bid praposals. Assuming that the proposals are accur�te, then ;;� the lowest responsible bidder is Brown and Cris at $44,728. t� As you can see €rom the attached bid tabulation the bid is 27� under the b' engineers estimate and i7� under the feasibility regort estimate that was given f� at the pubiic hearing. .1 Reco�nended action for Gonncil to consider is to adopt the attached resolution * "` receiving bids and awarding Contract 19$9-9, Limerick Crossing Watermain to the lowest responsible bidder and authorize the Atayor & City Clerk to sign the :; � contract dacuments. ; , , ,� � �. . � . . . � . . . . . . . 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':�. . � . � . .. . . . . . . .. . � � . . . � f �� . . � . . . . . � . . . i��r . � . � . � � . . . . �i�� � • � , l.im�rick C►cc+�sing W�terma'sn �i#y C:c�ntract 198�-� Bi�f t�peninc� : Au�ust 11 , 19�� BlI��ER AMCaUNT 1 BrQwn &C13ri� �4d,7�$.QQ ' 2 �.M. Hentc�es&�ons �54;044.aQ � �: 3 S#ate Mecha;nic $53,5f0.0U I;� . . � . � � 4�.` 4 CCS Cantractinq $53,562.50 ,i 5 T �& �Ex��v�tin� ��4,442.5Q Ertgineer Est $fi1,575.�Q Fe�sibili R t Est �5d,167.4a I �lo under Ent�Est _27.36Q/ �: nlo under Feas f� t Es# -17.43�1 i� : �, ��i ; ,� ,! : , �� ��; i ����� , ,t, � � t�; 4tr j�" � � � � � �t; i::;r ,r;,; � ,; . � . � . . � . . ���'�..:3�1�::�: . . , � .� . .. . . � . .�..e�.� � . � ..i��.::. . . � . � . 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OLb BUSINESS ' �� � � � � � �� � � ��, Receiue Bide/Award Cantract I969�9,� Limerick Croas�ing Watermain �': On Friday, August 11, 1989 at 10.Q0 a.m, , Staff opened bide for watermain extension throu$h the Limerick Crossing Addition. The �,imerick Grossa,ng Addition � h is located in the northeast corner of Dadd Boulevard and Shannon Farkway, �ur � Consulting Engineering firm a£ S.E.H. is checking the multzplication and ` ' additions on the bid ra osals, Assumin that the � � P P g proposals are accurate, then � ,, the lowest responsible bidder is Brown and Cris at $44,728» � � ,; As you can see from the attached bid tabulation the bid is 27� under the � � engineers estimate and 17� under the feasibilitg report estimate that was given s at the public hearing. `r� �; Recommended action far Council to consider is to adopt the attached resolution �� receiving bids and awarding Contract 1989-9, Limerick Crossing Watermain to the '�f lowest responsible bidder and authorize the Mayor & City Clerk to sign the ,E� contract documents. '� . . . . . . . � . � � . ..,t;l�. . . . . � ;1�'i . . � . . . . .. . � �', . . . � .. . �.��yIf�.l . . . . . . . . f4 F�1 . � � . - � � fl���; � � . � � .a'�_. . . � . � ::..F;.,. � I . . . :.�,.,.1 . .. � . � �:.,! . . . . � . � � � �!.���� ���t� ���; :��� . � • � ; ; � C�TY QF ROSEMQUNT ; RESOLUTION 1989 - ; . ; A RESOLUTION REGEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING ' CONTRACT ON LIMERICK CROSSING WATERMAIN ' CITY PROJECT N0. 201 � � ', BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, rtinnesota, as I follows: ; 1. Ail bids on construction of Limerick Crossing Watermain are hereby , received and tabulated. ; � 2. The bid of Brown and Cris in the amount of $44,728 for the canstruction of said improvements in accordance with the pl�ns and specifications and advertisement for bids is the lowest responsible bid and sha11 be : and hereby is accepted. ' 3. The rtayor and Clerk are herebp authorized and directed ta enter into a � contract with said bidder for the canstruction a� said improvements for ' and on behalf of the City of Rosemount. . � � 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to � all bidders the deposits made with their hids, except that the depo�it , of the successful bidder and the next two lowest bidders shal.l be retained until a contract has been executed. , ADOPTED this i5th day of August, 1989. ; � i ; Rollan Hoke, riayor �--__.�_ , I ATTEST: i � Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk