HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Existing Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment � • • • P.O F30X 830 2875-145TH ST.W. �Z'�� � RO5EMOUfVT. MINtVESOTA 55068 �`���u�� 612--423-4411 J TO: CITY CUt�NCIL I��pa � � FROM: MIGHAEL WU�NIAK, AICP, CITY PLANNER �V� I)ATE: AUCUST 12, 1989 �Ug�; AUGUST 15, 1989 - REGULAR N1EETING EtEVtEWs 6. PUBLiC NEARING EXl5TING Z�NiNG URUINANC:E TEXT AMENDM�NT . = Upon the recommendatic�n of City Attorney, Dave Grannis, I have drafted an , � amcndrnent to the (Current} Zoning Urdinan i� wZon ng �distr ta�bou d�ries�. requirements for zoning amename�ntPu�����Notge which identifies the changes Attached with this review is a copy of the Zoning to be n�acle lo lhe zoning orciinance. Also enclosed is a copy Ordinance Amendment. The purpose of this amendment is to bring the ordin�anc� �ul�e�n°e�� benCa new state statute. This wil! avoid an extraordinary ma g 9 zoning map is adopted with the new zoning ordinance. Sirrce adoption af the New Z�ning Ordinance will �o�dr�en'extens�ve.� The new Official Zoning Map the notification requirements language would limit maiting require e���onin�nMapdwould af fec�temanY Par e1s acres ar less. Since adogtion of the � �ay� far exceeding the five acre timit it is the interpr�Qateotn QQ��s Awo°�i�ypot be (Grannis that mailed notification to abutting p P Y re q u i r e d. C u rr ent zonin g ordinance lang i gn n re a st�ec l m h a �e Q f �an y sizet is property owners within 350 feet when a g being proposed. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the this proposed amendrnent. � t � �� � � � � ��� . � � � � � � � � � 'w��` (� pa eox s,o � �j Z�� � 2875-145TH ST. W. F, ��5������ ROSEMOUNT. MItVNESOTA 55068 c� 612-423-4417 �_ I �: II: PUBLIC NOTICE ZONING ORUINANCE TEXT AMENQMENT �� �� :) i TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: � ; NOT[CE IS HEREBY GiVEN, the City Cauncil of the City of RosemaunE ; will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 15, 19f�9, in the Council � Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 245th Slreet West, beginnin� at 7:45 � p.m. or as �oon thereafter as possible. �, The purpose of this hearing is to consider a Zoning C?rdinan�e y Text Amendmenl affecting Section 15, Subd. 15.2 c., af City Orcliaance XVII.3. Subd. 15.2 c., is proposed to read as follows (changes are underlitted): � c. Public Hearing. No amendmenE shall be adopted until a � public hearing has been hetd thereon by the it Council. A natice of time and piace and purpose of hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the .�y at least ten (10) days prior to the day of the hearing. When an aniendment involves changes in dislrict boundaries affecting �n area af fibe acres or less, a i il r nc�tice shall be maiied to all property owners wi[hin 3�0 feet of the affected property at least ten {10) days before lhe day of the heariag. �or the purpose of mailed notice, the City �dmiqistratorlGlerk, may use any appropriate recards to determine the names and addresses of owners. The faiIure to givc mailed noticc shal) nol invaliciatc the pr�ceedings, ,� provided a bona fide attempt lo e<�mply with this subdivision � has been made. � �r 4.... . � � � . � .. � � . �� � :i... .. � . � . � . . .:�.. . . . . � . . . ; Such persons as clesir� tc� t�e heard with refercncc lc� ihis hearing witl ' hc hcarcl at this timc. � , � � i).►1c�) tl�is 31st clay c►1� Juiy, 19tS'). � i� . � . � . . � � . .. . . � . �1 Stcpi�an Jiik, City AciministraEor/Clerk �; City of R�semount ; Dakota C�unty, Minnesota �� � . • • CITY UF ROSEMUUNT ORUINANCE NO. XVII. AN OBUINANCE AMENllING URllINANCE NU. XVII.3 The Cily Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ordains as follows: SECTION I. Ordinance No. XVII,3, adopted October 19, 1972, entitled "ZONING ORDINANCE V1LI.AGE OF ROSEMUUNT,DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA,"is hereby amended to include the following changes and additions: Section 15, Subd. 15.2c., of City Otdinance XVII.3 shall be amended to read as follows: "; c. Public Heari�g, No amendrnent shat! be adopted until a public ' hearing has �een helci thereon by t6� City CounciL A notice 't c�f li�u� and ��lacc un�l purpusi of Ir�ari»�, shall b�: �ublished in 4 thc oCCicial ncwsj�a��cr ul' lhc C'ity �t tcast tan (10) days prior ; t� the day oC thc hearin6. When an amenciment involves changes in �listrict �auncluries aft'ccting an arca o£ five acres or less, a similar notice shall be rnaited td all property owners � within 350 feet at' the affected properly ai least ten (10) days hefore the day of the hearing. For the purpose af mailed � notice, the City Administralor/Clerk, may use any appropriate records to determine the names and addresses of owners. T6e failure to give mailed notice shall nat invalidate ihe proceeclings, provided a bana fide attempt to comply wi[h this subdivision has been made. S��:TION II. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its publication according to law. Enacted'and ordained into an Ordinance this 15th day of August, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: St�phxn Jilk, Ad�nir�istratarlClerk � , � Puhlishcd this day of , r9F39 in the Da�Cota Cou:nty Tribun:e. 4 ,:, �'�:} . . . . . . . ,I, /' ��j2 �o s�x �in s f"i� (� 2R7�-145TH ST. W O���A���� ROSEMOliN7. MINNE507A 55()f.R /�'E 612-�2_3-4Qti Affidavit of Pos#ed Hear�ng Notice Zoning Qrdinan�ce XVit.3 Tex# Arr�endment Sec. 15, Subd. 15.2c . AAa . . � . • , . � � . ' . � . STATE UF MINNESnTA ) COUNTY UF DAKUTA )ss CiT� OF ROSEMOUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States ciEizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the Gity of Rosemount, Minnesota. On Au�ust 1, 1989, acting on beha{f of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2R75 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached n�tice of a public hearing for a Zoning Urdinance text amendment, Section 15, Suhd. 15.2c xegarding pubtic hearing notificati�n. r i Stepha Jitk � ` Adrni istrator/CIe�f1� City of Rosemount . . .,. .,..,: - _._ . ... � ' Dakota County, Minnesota . . .. x.w..... . . �. . . . . . . � � �. � �. . Subscribed and swc�rn to be(ore me this /�� day of August, 1989. No ry Puhli � Sl�A1►�M. �t1111!!!lp9i M!nAfiY F'UdJf:-Mlp!'84U [Y/AtJ�A C�1ft'1 � IA'�C11A1 E��RIE M. 1�q ����! �� . �'�� �ox ���� w. .�..: .,�._ . ... ^fl1S Id5111S1 CN ` , t1f)t;t'AArNlN1 MtNN(StttA '•�;rq;tt _ �,fJ,S(_'i'YI(Jtt l�t� �,: ,,�:, .�:,�, . ..w.. . . PUB�IC NOTIGE ZONING t�Rfi?INANCF TEXT A114ENnM�NT Tl� WNOM [T MA1� CnNCFRN: NnTiCE iS NFRERY (;1VEN, Ihc t'ify Cottneil of the C'ity �f Rosemount wilt hold a Puhlic Hearing on Tucsd�y, August 1 S, 1984, in the Council Chambers oi fhe City Hali, 2875 idS(h Skreet Wect, heginning at 7;45 p.m. ar as so�n therea i'ter as poss;hle. The patpose c�f this hearin� is to consider a Z�nin� �rdinance Tcxt Amendment affecting Seciion 15, Sahd. 15.2 c., of C:ify Ordinance XViI.3. 5uhd. t5,2 c., ;s pro�osecl tc� read as fotlo�vs (cltanges are underlined): c. Public Hearing. N� amendment shatl be ad�pted until a public hearing has �een Helcl thereon l�y the �y Council. A notice af time and ptace ar�d rurpose �f hearin�¢ sh�1F !�e }�ablished in the officia) newsra�et of the �itx at leasi ten ,(1.0),,_days prior to the day of the. hearing. When an amendment involves changes in district houndaries affecting ��► �rea of five acres or Ie,�, a imit t n�tice shalt f�e mailecl to all property owner� within ,3,�,�Q feet of the affected property at least ten (10) days before th� day of the hearing. For • the' � �urpose c�f mailed notice, the City 1#dmini�,raEor/ lerk, may use any appr��rriate records to determine lhe names and addresses of owners. The 1'ai)ure tn give maited notice �shall n��t invaliciate the pr�ceeding�, provided a bona fide attempt t� compty t�vith this subdivision has been made. Such persons as desire to be hear<i �vith reference t� this hearing witt l�c heard �t this time. Dated this 3tst day of .luly, .t989. /� '. /� �,t.:- � / Steph�n ik, Ciiv A�1�iy�nistratorlClerk t'itv of Rosem�unt �� 1)ak�ta C'c�t�n[y. Minnesola � ..��....� � ; ,-t/ � (�= AFFIDAVIT.OF PUBL�ATION STATE OF MINNESC?TA ) �� County of Dakota ) NANC1f 1. GUSTAFSQM.b�i��helr swa�n,an oa11�sa�rs that sl+e ia an anthwised ogent end P���� �����r - empioyee of Nre pablisher of M+e newtpope�knowe os tlokoM Couefr T�ibune,a+d l�fub knowledqe loN�NA oltosuqCt 7�lrt� of tha Mets wfdeh ene:tated 6elow: TO WtiOM 1T MAY CON(18l1N: • ' ' NOTIG'� 13 Ii�R�E$Y CiIVEN, �he(Sty (,'auicEl of the ptr�Raeapa�t wiU hdd a . Pubilc Ne�ea Tuee�p A ls 18M (A)The�wspaper!ros complied with dl of N�e requirem��a e �ik is We �Co�M1�Mmbera af tAe�iial�,9875 ���u�i+►4 9� �faa�a legal t15th slteet vV r epMie�le(aws,ae arnended. u�t��beghudng�et T:xt p.m.ar newapoper,os provided b Minnes�o Srotute 33i A.02,331 A.Q7 a�d othee ne a •��e�UMvtl�7kxt �M b carider ��8eetloo 14 8ubd.16.t c.,at 0r�u�as c� (� X 1.3.S�ibd..lss e.,b f�o ne�d as (8j The print� �C .G ^'�.-- toilows<cKs�ei are w�der�: a�yiN!IMwii�.NO Affi�IdtllEht�lAll b! � . �bY t��(�olmCik�MDtlt+e of tlme � and piace aN��r�po�e et�ing shefl be pnAliel�ed f�l tba oFficiet hdpic�per pt tfp� �r at keat ten(10)daqs�ier to tl�c�y ���rM�.�Yfien an emen�Ln�t tn- �s in�efrict botuidMt9ee attect- ing an era ot flve a�ea m�m'leee.a afmilar wiue6 is oNoehed wos eut hom the eolwne�of s�id newsPoPe►,aind wsxs pi�ed and pubiislia!oece notice ahall be malled ta a1!property oam. as witMn�f8feetof d►eatteeteAptvperty et kaat ten(i0J days b�aa the dip ot tli! hearing.For ffie purpe�ee ot muikM nolice. ��"'r'��'�' _sue.�s�ssiw�wades;k w� the Cftq A�petlt,tney,ue a�q, r e�uia6erecords bodeteaminetl�e�mes h o!ovv�rerr.71�e taiA�to gfve f�9t �shed al mailed ttotiC+e ahap�n�iavslida�the pta ��� Th�►adaY.Nu i do�r of - �.1.•. . ��a,Pr�ridtd a ba�a flde attempt to � , comPh' with lhis �b�vieid�► hea beeti � . made. ' 3uch Pemons es desi�e to be I�rd wfth 19 1 . amd wos N�eotter pri�ed �►d pnWisMd a� er*eex Th�sdary !o an�d �+elw�'i� reterencc�totlde heari�wtlt be heatd at t�b timie. 11et1x1 thia 81at t� ot JuIY.1989. ��n Jii��in�tratacJCktk 'Thursdoy.N�e, dttY oi .1 y : s7t 1'�ote ConntY.Mire�sota, � mql priMed befow it o co�y of NN lawer cese alpl�obef fio�n A M Z,batl�insiu�Iv�,wf�teh is I�nb�r aweknewledgad�being the she a�d kiad of tYpa wed in thn camposition ond pubiieo�ion eF tM noNcr . . ,� .� . . `w_ . .,. � , atmdefghijkimnepqrstvvwxyz �� �' �'� � ., _ . ..w... - eY: .cc.t�.� •� , -, , r'� ��x1,'a m�: ,f,e , �.; ,. Subseribed m�d aworn M befon nie N►i�..., f�_doy of �f: (�,,5 1 ,ty"L, �� � _-.-_:..�,,,,,t ,��._ ��. � N�Fublie � ^'"'� �� :, CARQt J. NAVERIAND s�:!�F���; MGTTARY PUBCtC-A91tifVESAiA '�j1�����.-� �axorACQun,rv .t'11... MY Commis�on fxpire9 Qec 3. 1989