HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Shannon Hills Rezoning ,�, �, _ � P:O BOX 510 � t�Z�j� 0 2875-145TH ST. W. NdA ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 � �5�7,L a u,�,� 612--423-4411 i.- ; �, , i�, '1C�: CITY COUNCIL FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, AICP, CITY PLANNER �ATE: A U G UST 11, 1989 ���� � '!�::� SUBJ: AUC,UST l5, 1y89 - R-EE;ULAR MEETING R�VlEWS � '� 7. PU�LtC H�ARING - SHANNON HILLS REZONING t Steve Fitterman, President of Ground Development Corp., develop�r of the .F� Shann�a Hills Plaaned Unit Development, has reques�ed final plat �pproval for �� �' the first phase of that develo�ment (25 singlc family lots). This praperty ' encom�asses 8� acres situaied nc�rth caf 1�5[h Street and east of Shannon � Parkway. Mr. Fitlerman lias also subrnitled a p�tition to rezone tbe property �♦ from Agricutturc lo R-1 Singlc Family Residcnti�t. � Rwvicw c�l' tl�c 511uunoE� t-lills (phasc t) ptat an�1 a c��py uf thc ��lal can bc found �' undc:r it�in It).a. � ' � � The Ptanning Commission has recocumendcd that the entire Shannon Hills PUD be � � rezoned from AG Agriculture to R-1 Singte Family Residential. Because of � surrounding residential cievelopment it is clear that single family residential is thc mUst logical use for the entire site and to avoid having to hald public �' h�arin�,s f�r rez�nings of each plat, t believe it would be most logical to rezone the entire propzrty. � Enct�sed with this revi�w is a copy af a Zoning (Jrdinance Au��'ndmettt to ; authorize rezoning of the Shannon Hills PUD. � 't ,�, ;�, � i'' � rl ;'. �: , � :h � ` �g !f' ti, ' , $ ---.� _�os �r, ;�{ r,! AFfiQAY1T OF RUBLICdT�N � STATE OF MINNESOTA } s� County of Dakota ) NANCY).GUSTAFSON,befng duix swan,on ooth serya Nrot she is an wtl�wized agenf mad empioyee ai M�e publisher of tl�e newspape�known t�baitQto Coam�r Tribun�e.a�d ha�s fuN knowiedge af tae fae+s wfiic6 are stcrt�below; ��r /� "`"., _ ' {A)'1'Ire newspuper iws compliad with al!af 1fie reqairements ea+stituHm,�paolNicalion�o legd P V�LIL N��4E newapoper,os prawie�d by MMnesota Sforut�331 A.ar1.331 A.o�����►a���.�a�a,�a. sa v�xoni r�r�"a,►v��H�� �1 NOTi� riS HEREBY CiIVEN, the qty �wr Coune�l at tAe C�ty a[Roaunount w�il Ao�a a (e?7�e print�d --f� �� "Q`""' Pnbllc H�ring to ea�ei�r the Item Nsted betow on 7YtesdaY� At�guet I5, 18N,ie the Cauncil(�am6e�3 et ttae City Hall,2l7S t�th �_ Street Weat,be�n�t�at 7:�p,m.a��a� L11VNftei'86 pO66ibil.The PUbNC Heatity� liated below pertaine to the[oHowfng de�q�►D. edpr 7fie�t!HaN ot tNe Northeaat Qw1't�ot SeMia�39,Tova��ship 115.Range ig,baRota CountY.MinneeAta.&�►,�ect to 1�:atEntenM •�d. wl�ieb is attaehad was cur from tM coMumns of soid naws�opa�r,a►d wa�priM�d a�d pu6lisUed ence a reaoni��M t e a�bove�deaceibed pr� fran AG Ag�1culWre to R•1��e Family ReeidentiaL �D�as deeire to be heaed witfi �r fer suCCaiisixe•�wks;if was reterence to tf�s item wf11 be hard at thls Datal�this Ist daq�A f!,�� Stephan dilk,Adminis�t�/Ckrk finf pubiished a�Tl�ursdop.lhe ��elaY of Y`"'f�.+lc�, ^ �� � Citq ot Roeemaunt Dakale ConMY,Mlnn�ots �' g/0 � . 19 � . and wos thereaher priM�ed and ppbi�►ed a� arery T6undoy to and �dudi�qq TMnadoy,fl�a dop of .19 , a�d prirMed beiow is o copp d N�e towex���niphebet teom A to Z,both inehnire,wt�eh is kenbr ocknowledged a�s bmin�g HHie sise a+d kind of!y�qsed h�Nw eem�osilia�a�pabNea�a�n oi tlrt notice: a bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz � . . .. .�... ' ..ti_ . .. .., , �, � �� . .. / �'j . � . � � . . � . . BY: .tC-��li. 'f% r- TITI.Er Secrawor�'.fo har . . ... ..w.�..._ � . . . . . . . � � . � . . . . % . . . ( . . .�Cf;��f1NOR1�O�lFO►@ 1!1! ��._�0� .. �. �`.. .�±��4� v, ..I .. ��� . ` c__._-�, �-- � � L4.i., .�;;; . � � �otdly PY�l�C � � � � MN'1�1111'I1� �,,.:._� CAROL J. NAVERtAN� f�""u 4�°'' ��_I��t�,� 1�iARV PtIBUC-�.+It.PlESp1A �` oaKo�a couy-rv i���� My C;pnpnissicfn E�cpiees Oec 3.1989 ., ,i, �``!� P(? RnX 5i(i � � � ��_-,'`��� Q � ?R75�tA�ii}1!i� W ROSFMOtJN7. MiNNESOTA 550fiti ��S���u�Z� 6t2-423-441 i AFFIDAVI�' OF MAIl.ED AND POSTEn HEARING NOTICE SHANNON HILLS REZnNiNG STATE O�' MINN�SOTA ) C�UNTY t)F 1)AKi)TA )ss CITY QF RnSEMQUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duTy sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City qf Rosemount, Minnesota. On August i, 1989, acting on behalf of the said City, i posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, ancl deposited �rt the United States Post f�ffice, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of fhe atEached notice of a public hearing for the rezoning of property from AG Agriculture to R-1 Single Family Residential far the Shannon Hills subdivision, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the �ersons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery serviee t�y United States Mail �ietween the place of mailing and the places so addressed. ,�� r� .�:'�'f'� ��G..i"�G �el�c. � f Steph Jilk f, _ `"., . � Adm�nistratorlClc�r t'ity of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to bef�re me this lst day of August, 1989. N r��� :w�a"a' ...+►«. �e,�t,�. ��t*a '� ' �ras+ev�:�c °�vux"°°u��h.�a�t :` �t+r� E� !'O R(`X �•tt1 "`�., . • ����/ �) ',�p7S I�14T11f:T W � ,/ �iJSG��l� �.� !?OSEMOCINT. MINNr':tttA ';',(�ftt 8 t: A2�.4,t F t � ..���. . Public�Notice Shannon Niits Rezoning TO W►H�M iT MAY CnNCERN: Nt�TiC� IS NFRF;l3Y C:iVFN, the City C'onncil �f the City of Rasemount witt hoid a Pnhlic Hcaring to consider the item (istccl below on Tuesday, Avgtlst 1S, 1989, in the Council Chambers of Ehe City Nail, 2873 ld.StM Streei t�est, he�inning at 7:45 p.m. ot as soon thereattcr as ���sihle. The Puhlic Nearing tisted hetow pertains to the foilo�ving deserihed pro�erty: The West Half of ihe N�rthea�t t)uarter of Section 3�, Township 115, Range i9, Dakota C�unEy, M'rnn�es�ta. �! Subject to Easements a( Record. ' • � ^ Tlie p+hrpose" of ttiis hearing 'is to c�n�ider a re�oning of the above descri#�eci property frnm AG Agriculture to R-1 Singie Family Resiciential. , . . .. � A�al,.... . . . S��ch persons as �ie�ire to he heard with reference to thia item will be heard at this rnecting, Dated this lst day of Augus#, 198fI. • � � � ._� .��. � ,:- /' � / � ( ,, d,� � _�;'�[.t �' �r. /'",� Stcpha .tilk, Acimi `r,trator/Cierk City of Rosemoun Dakota C:c�unty, Minnesota HANN N - I I � O HIL,�S REZ(�NIN(� MAILINCf � ,ST . �AItROL,t�TON ADDITION 1. Ashley J. Kornovich Lat 6, Block 3 3355 1dSth Street West Rasemount, MN 55�68 2. James R. & Cynthia Winslow Lot 7, $lock 1 3683 143rd Street West Rosemount, MN SSQ68 3. Rohert A. & Norrine Stelter Lot 8, Block ] 14301 Cimarron Avenue West Rosemc�unt, MN 550(R 4. Lerald L. 8r. Julic A. P�ser Lot 9, Block 1 14307 Cimarrc�n Avenue West Rosemount, MN SSQ68 5. Charles A. & Tnez Ziemer Lat 10, Block 1 14325 Cimarron Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068 6. Robert F. & Rose C. Turek Lor 11, Block 1 14345 Cimarron Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068 7. Donal P. & Mary K. Carr�ll Lot 12, Block 1 14355 Cimarron Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55�68 8. Michael L. & De�orah Widstrom Lot 13, Block 1 14375 Cimarron Avenue West Rosemount, MI*i 55068 9. Dale & Vicki Capistran Lot 14, Block 1 14385 Cimarron Avenue West Rosemount, MN 5506$ Ip. John F. II & Donna P. Edwards Lot 1.5, Biack 1 14405 Cimarron Avenue VJest I�osemourit,'MN SSp68 � 11. Douglas & Mary Kindseth Lot 16, Block 1 3688 144th StreeE West Rosemount, MN 55068 i2. Wm. R. & Bonnie J, Hedal Lot 12, Block 2 14304 Cimarron Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068 13. Jesse & Patricia Fteury Lot 13, Biock 2 14322 Cimarron Avenue West � Rosemount, MN 55068 .,- � • � 1 p:a eox s�o Z!� U 2a�s-ra5TN s7 w y� ROSEMOUNT. MiNNESOTA 5506B ������/`�� 612--423-4411 ro: ciTv couNct�, 1�R0119: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, AICP, C[TY PLANNER UATE: A U G UST 11, 1989 ' 1 �IYI ZJ' '+� ,;� i � SUBJ: AlJC,UST 15, lyl39 - R-EGULAR MEETIN(; REVIEWS �`,. 7. PUBL[(; H�ARING - SHANNQN HtLLS REZONING ,,;, ,�, �; � Steve Fitterman, President of Ground Development Corp., develctper of the ��� Shann�n Hills �'la�aned Unil Develapn�ent, has requested final plat approval for j'C' the first hase of that c��velo ment 25 sin ic famil lots). This ro ert ! � P � g Y P P Y � �ncompasses 80 aeres situaled n�rth of 1�Sth Street and east of Shannan Parkway. Mr. Fitlercnan has atso submitled a pe[ition to rezone tbe property � frt�m Agricutture to R 1 5inbt� Eamily R�siclenti�l. + :�; � R.;vicw uC thc Sltunnc�r� llills (phase 1) ��lat ana a copy uf lhc plat can be found �:' undcr ilcnt iU.a. �,, �: �' The Pfanning Commissic�n has reconimendcd that the entire Shannon Hi11s PUD be � rezoned fxom AG Agriculture to R i Single Farnily Residential. Because of ¢' surrounding residential ctevelopment it is clear that single family residential is ; the rnost logical use for the entire sile and to avc�id having to hold public �' hearings for rec�nings of each plal, I believe it would be most lagicai to rezone ' the entire pr�perty. �' Enctosed wi[h this review is a copy of a Zoning Ordinance Att�endmemt to authorize rezaning �f the Shannon Hills PUD. §��� � � � � � � � � � � � � � i�a 'E � � r � u �' _;.ik:: � . � � . . � . . . . . . . � l�. � � � � � . � � , • CITY UF R�SEMOUNT ORDiNaNCE NQ. XYIL AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N(?. XV11.3 - ZONING ORDINANCE Tfie City Councit �f thc Cily of Roscmc�urrt, Minnesota ordains as foltc�ws SECT!()N 1. C)rclinance No. XV11.3, �►dc��te�i OctoUer 19, 1972, entitted, "ZONiNG ORDtNANCE,VILLA(;E t)F ROSEMUUNT,DAKOTA COUNTY, 4i MINNESOTA," is hereby amen�led tc� retc�nc from Agriculture District to R-! Singlc Family Rc�idcntia! lhc fatic�wing �lcscrihecl property located �, wilhin thc City Uf Roscmc�u�it� Mi��p�st�t�i to-wil: The West HaiC nf the Northeust (�uurter of Sectlon 30, TownshFp 115, Range 19, Uakota County, Minnesota. Subject �.��� to easemeats of record. (Shaanon Nills PUD) SECTIQN II. The Zoning Map of the City of Rasemount referred ta and descri6ed in said Ordinance No. XVII.3 as that certain map entitled, "ZUNING MAP, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA," shall not be � republished to show the af�resaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall ' appropriately mark the said zoning map an file in the Clerk's Office for � the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided far in this ,� Ordinance and atl of the notation references and other informatio$ � shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. f� I� j. �ECTION I[I. This Ordinance sh�ll be in fult force and effect from and '� after its publication according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this lSth day of August, 19$9. t; ;,; �`� �;;; Rollan Hoke, Ivlayor "i;" ATTEST: i�� �'k$' �,.j�i' . � . . . . � � . .�,��ji . . . . �. . . . . !� Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Cterk ,,� i Published this day ol' , 1989 ' in the Da�kota Countv Trib_une. ; ���� . � ���- :` ���� ii 14. Gary C. & Marjorie Vorwerk Lot 12, Block 3 3690 Upper ]43rd StreeE West Rosemount, MN SSQ68 15. Richard A. & Donna J. Lisser Lot ].3, Block 3 143?6 Cimarr�n Avenue West Rosem�unt, MN 55068 ���R'F�,.EN A,�R F'S 16. Leroy & Rosemary Muliikin Lot 1, Bloek 1 4060 145th Street West Rosemount, MN SSOb8 17. Dennis J. & Irene Rebischke Lot 2, Block 1 4p27 Upper lASth Street West Rvsemount, MN 55068 18. Stephen & Linda A. Calhoun Lot 3, Bloek 1 4065 Upper 145th 5treet West Rosemount, MN 55068 �3ROBA�� 2�t�A�DITION 1.9. Edward & Theresa Erickson Lot 2, $tock 2 409$ 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 5506$ �� N�N 2���1�. ��'1' ADDITION 20, Shannon Park Townhouse Ptnr. Lots 1-4, Block ] c/o Wm. Jacobson . 9979 Valley View Road � �� �c�en �'rairie, MN`55344 � SECT�O�i�Q,� RAN E�29 , 21. U.S. Home Corporation 34-01910-013-55 300 South Cty. Rd. 18 - Ste. R70 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 22. James E. Trste Kelley 34-�1910-012-75 425 Hamm Btdg. St. Paul, MN 55102 SECTION ������,� 23. City of Rosemount 34-03010-012-�i (CARROLLS WUODS) 24. Richard L. & Emmet Carroll 34-03Q10-Q16-80 44$5 Oak Chase Lane Eagan, MN 55123 25. Grc�und Praperties Inc. 34-03�iQ-OlQ-12 1550 Udica Avenue So. - #97S St. I,ouis Park, MN SS41b 26. Nuida G. Knick 34-�3U10-410-35 4055 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 27. Walter & C)lga Strese 34-0301Q-020-35 4d63 145th Street West 34-03Q10-013-3? , � Rosemount, MN 5506,$ , 28. Wm. & Marlene Burkhalter 34-�3010-010-38 4033 145ih SEreet West . . . ... ..w.... � Rosemount, MN SSOGB 29. Rosemount Cvmmunity Housing 34-Q3010-012-$p 3810 145th Street West Rosemount, MN SSU6$ 30, Greenspan Inc. 34-Q301Q-013-80 Packer Investment Co. 321 University Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 ' 31. Rosewood Manor 34-(�3010-015-86 e!o Tyeon Management 321 University Avenuc SE Minnea�olis, MN 55414 32. James E. Trste Kelley 34-03010-p12-7S 425 Hamm Building St. Paul, MN 55102 Ashicy J. Kornc�vich James R �4c C:ynt.hia Winslow Rr�bert A & Norrine Stetter 3355 145th Street West 3G83 ].43rd Street West 14301 Cimarron Avenue West Ro�:emount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55�fi8 Rosemount, MN SS�bR Lerald L & Julie A Poser Charles A & Inez Ziemer Robert F & Rose C Turek 14307 Cimarron Avenue West 14325 Cimarron Avenue West 14345 Gimarron Avenue West Rosemount, MN SSQ68 Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosem D�n�l F. � Mary K Carroll Mich�e) L Rc Dehc>rah Widstram Dale cPz Vicki Capistran 14355 C'imarron Avenue West f4375 Cimarrc�n Avenue West 143R.5 Cimarron Avenue West Rosemount, MN SSD68 Rasemount, MN 55t)68 Reasem John F II & Donna P Edwards Douglas & Mary Kindseth Wm R & Bannie J Hedal 144�5 Cimarron Avenue West 3688 144th Street West 14304 Cimarron Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068 Rasernount, MN SSOG$ Rosem Jesse & Patricia Fleury Gary C. & Marjorie Vorwerk Richard A & Donna J Lisser 14322 Cimarron Avenue West 3690 Up�er 143rd St W 14376 Cimarron Avent�e West Rosemount, MN 550G8 Rosemount, MN SSQ68 Rosem Leroy & Rosemary Mullikin Dennis J & Irene Rebischke Stephen & Linda A Calhoun 4U6d 145th St W 4027 Upper 14Sth St W 4065 Upper 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN SS�b8 Rosem � A�.� .. . . • , . � . . � � . . �dward & Theresa Erickson Shannon Park Townhouse Ptnrs U S Home Corporation 4098 145th St W C/!J Wm dacobson 300 South Cty Rd 18 - Ste 870 Rosemount, MN 55068 9979 Valley View Road St. Louis Park, MN SS426 Eden Frairie, MN SS344 James E Trste Ketley Richard L & Emmet Carroll Ground Praperties Inc 425 Harnm Bldg 4485 t)ak Chase Lane 1550 Utica Ave S - #975 St. Paul, MN 55102 Eagan, MN 55223 St. Louis Park, MN 5541b Hulda G Knick Waiter & Olga Strese Wm & Marlene Burkhalter 4055 145th St W 4063 145th St W 4Q33 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 �osemouttt, MN 55�68 Rosem Rosemount Comm Nousing Greens�an Inc Rc�semount Manor 3810 145th St W Packer investment Co C/O Tycon Managemenf Rosemount, MN 55068 321 Univcrsity Ave SE 321 University Ave SE Minncapnlis, MN 554i4 Min»eapolis, MN 5541:4 . ...�.. . �