HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.b. Chemical Health Initiative r ; .Y^ �. t.:: F��w� .• � .� • .. � . !� , ,.1:.. �����. .,,� ^ . . . � . . � . . . . � � .. i ..r.. . % � .��r: r.b� �',(F� 1; � ,;` � � � � � (1<�i'-I P�l���,�i i t t+l l�lf �I � • ��i��:' .. . � � ,?�"� �" . 5��� �� .�' ja>qR�A�`i � �(,�'�� .�� � .. 1��"� 1-7��. .t. , . . � � � . . � k.� iT��� �t � � � � August 11, 1989 T0: Mayor Hoke Counci�.memberst Napper Oxborough W��lsh W�-C�I�e r n�<�r��i 1�`I�OM: Stephan Jilk, tldministral:or/Clerk � R�: Chemical Hea�th Initiative Attached please find informati4n regarding a proposed "Chemical Health Ini.tiative'' program for Dakata Coun�y and its ' communities. A1so attached is a resolution of support af the program for your consideratian. The letter from Lyle Wray references a 8-10-89 meeting I was unable to attend because of a previously scheduled airport siting meeting. I have invited representatives from Dakota County to attend the council meeting to explain the pragram further. I wauld recommend aur support for the program cancept and feei comfortable in the ideas for local ac�ion as suggested in the resolution. In order that the referenced grant be applied for the resolutions of support need to be sent in by 8-25-89. lj . i • M E M fJ R A N D U M �����v�i"^� . L� DAKOTA COUNTY A�MTNISTRATION JU�- �7 ���� Dakata County Government Center , 15�0 Highway 55 W. �'�'ER�� Ca��FICE Hastings, MN 55033 �i���ROSEMOUPIT 612j438-4418 DATE• July 24, 1989 TO: Dakota County City Managers and Administra ors FROM: Lyle D. Wray, County Administrato� �, �� SU&7ECT: Chemical Health Initiative I am writing to let you know about an exeiting apportunity that is emerging in Dakota County: an alliance of individuals and arganizations is forming to ��fiqht back�� against the use of illeqal alcohol and druqs. SchQals, cities, parents, civic organization, the business cqmmunity, religious organizatians, health care givers, gublic and private social services agencies, members of the criminai justice system and con�umers of chemieal health services are making a commitment to stem the tide of chemical dependency in their communities. Resources for the planned effort will come from all of the groups mentioned above. In fact millions of dollars and eountless numbers af hours are currently expended to fight back against chemical dependency. The plan is to create an "Alliance for Chemieal Health" in the County. The Alliance is planning to "pull together and strengthen" current efforts. In addition, over $3 million is available from the Robert Wood Johnson Faundation to plan and implement broad-based, community-wide efforts ta promote chemical health. The Foundation funding is available starting March 1990; applications are due September 1. The qeneral thrust of the project will be around these themess o a aooperative, comprehensive effort - invoiving all the various persons and organizations, in�iuding deci.sion makers and policy setters as well as peogle at the grass roots level o to this end, an "Alliance for Chemical Health of Dakata County" is forming; this will include Gare givers, local commissions for chemical health, including city officials and a11 0� the gro�ups noted in the first paragraph above Q grevention and early intervention will be key - young persons ar�d their families are targeted . . • ! City Managers and Administrators � JU1y 24, 1989 Page 2 o public a�areness and ednaatioa - use the media, special events to "get the word out" about chemical health o advocacy for ahemical health - people with chemieal health problems, as well as the�.r families, friends, and employers, need extra help in getting the riqht care at the riqht time; an advocacy effort would make this happen as smoothly as possible The cities of Dakota County can be a part of the project ia several �ays: o agree to form�.nq a local commission for ehemica2 health (such efforts are underway in the cities of Burnsiville, Inver Grove Heights and Hastings� o sponsor an event, such as a "Chemieal Health Da�y" at city hall or an information session on chemical health far cit�r employees o make eity park space or other facilities available to ather organizations which need a place to hold a chemicaiiy free event Q encouraqe poliee officers to qet invoived in the prevent�on aspects of drug and alcohol abuse control The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has requested us to provide examples of support for the chemical heaith initiative. We need resolutions from city councils willing to participate in the above- described effort. A sample resolution follows on the next page; please adapt this to the situation in your community and the format most familiar to your city council. �equest To Be F].aced on �tp Cou�c,il Aceada I would suggest that this time be discussed at our August 10 Manager's meeting. If you agree, I would request that you place this item on the aqenda of your city county. Staff from th�e County wili be available to go to the meeting and explain this request �or a resolution of suppart. Please notify Dave Rooney, Human Services Division Directar of the date, time and place af the meeting so that appropriate staff can be present. . ! � � . � � � � . . . City Managers and Administrators � JuI'y 24, 1989 Faqe 3 A capy of the zesolution passed by youx city eouncil should be forwarded to: David Rooney, Direetor Qakota County Human Services �iuision 33 East Wentworth, Suite 3I5 West St. Paul, MN 55118 If you have questions about the content of the letter/resolution, pleass contaet Dave Rooney at 450-2742 or Meg Grove at �5d-2809, . • # � City Manaqers and Administxators July 24, 1989 Fage 4 Sau�ple Resolution, City af Whereas, the City Council of has a long-�tanding interest and concern fn the prc�bl,em of chemica�. hea1�M; and Whereas, the City Council ha� been appraiged of a eounty-wide �fEc�r� aim�d at reducinq thg s1�m�nd �or ill�c��l druq+� +�nd aloohal: �nd Whereas, the City Council plans to participate in the county-wide effort. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT `I'HE CiTY COUNCIL UF endorses the agplication of the Alliance for Chemica�. Health tQ the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; and BE IT FURTHER RESoLVEp THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF plans to establish/enhanee a eity commission for chemical. health to plan and develop activities aimed at improving ehemical health in the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF intends to sponsor a chemical-health-related event during the y�ar of 1990; a�d BE IT FURTHER RES4LVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL 4F will make city park spaee and other facilities availabls to other arganizati,�ns for the purpos� of holding chemically-free events; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF plans to have hold events for city employees to improve their level o€ awareness about chemical health issues far themselves, their famil.ies and the community as a whole. (Again, the above resolution is only a sample; please write a resolution which is tailored to the needs and resources of your particular community) . Thank pou fo�our su_pport! RESCILUTIONB MUST BE RECEIVED BY AOGIIST 25. 1989 � ! ! � cza�y a� xosEr�oUxT RESOL(JTIU�i 1989 - '�" d RSSOLUTION Il� SUPFORT QF THE DAgOTA CUONTY CHSMICAL Ii�ALTR INITIATIVE WAERBAS, the City Counci.l of Rasemount has a long-standing intexest and concern in the problem of chemical health, and WHER$AS, the City Council has been appraised of a county-wide effort aimed at reducing the demand for illegal drugs and alcohol; and . WHERBAS, the City Counc�:l plans to participate in the county-wide e£fort. BE IT THER�FQR$ RSSQLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL Ok' ROSEMOtJNT endvrses the apglication of the Alliance for Chemical I�ealth to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; and BE IT FURTHBR RESOLYBD THAT TEiE CITX COUNeIL OF RQSEMOUNT plans to establish/enhance � city commissian fvr chemiea2 health to plan and develog activities aimed at improving chem3cal healtl� in the Gity; and B8 IT FURTHBR RSSOLVSD THAT THE CITY �OUNCIL OF ROSEMOIJNT intends to sponsor a ehemical-health-related event dur�.ng the pear of .__ 1990; and BB IT FURTHBR R$SOLVBD THAT TfiE CITY COUNCIL OF ROSBMOUNT will make city park space and other fac3.lities available to other . or�anizations for the puxpose of holding chemically-free events; and BE IT FURTHBR RESOLYSD THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT plans to hold events for city employees to improve their level o£ awareness about chemical heaZth issues for themselvea, their families and the communitq as a whole. ADOPT$D tfiis 15th day of August, 1989. Mayor Rollan Hoke ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Adminis�rator/Clerk i