HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of January 17, 1989 Regular Meeting ' �• • RaSEMQ� CITY PROCEELIINGS REGULA EETIAIG JANUARY 17, 1989 Pursuant to due call and. notice thexec�f a regul.ar meeting af the City Cauncil of the City of Rasemaunt was duly held on Tu�aday� January 17, 1389, at 7»30 p.m. in the Council Chambe�s of the City Hall. Mayar Hoke called the meeting to arder wi�h all member.s pres�nt. Mayor Hoke led the group in the Pledge af A1legiance. A recess was eal.led to allow the continuance of the special council meeting wi�h the regular meeting reconveni.ng at 8:0U p.m. Boyd Bailey, recently hired engineering technician was introduced to Councii. Gouncil agreed with Planner Mike Wozniak' s recommendation that a special council nneeting be scheduled on February 14, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. to initiat� Council cliscussion an �he proposed zoning ordinance. See Clerk' s File 1989-2. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the consent agenda subject to a chan�e ta paragraph 8, first sentence, page 4 to read: Motion by Wipper�ann to exclude County Road 38 from the Dakota County Managers position statement regarding cross county highways and to support the 160th/170th Street corridor. SECOND by axb4raugh. 1�yes: Walsh, Wippexmann, Hake, �xborough, Napper. Nays: 0. see Cl�rk's File '1989- 2. City Engineer Rich Hefti updated Council on his recent meeting with the city's consulting traffic engineer and the caunty's �raffi.c engineer -----� regarding the consultant`s study and report of the Canada 1�vertue/County Road 42 intersection. In order for the county traffic engineer to comment on the recent report of this intersection, Hefti advised the City CounciZ wi11 have to make a request that the County Board direct its traffic engineer to make such comments and reeommendations. Hefti also advised he will be forwarding a letter to the Department of Trans�ortation requesting they maintain the ariginal timetabl.e far the signalization of TH3 and CR42 even though the TH3 recanstruction project has been designated as a 199i project by the state. See Clerk' s File 1989-2. MOTION by Hoke to request the County Board to dirc�ct its traffic engineer to make a recommendation regarding Glen Van Wormer' s December, 1988 repo�t on Canada Avenue and County Road 42 intersection. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtold and Engineering Technician Boyd Bailey presented for Council review and approval the finai Jaycee Park Grant Application to be submitted to the Department af Econom�.c Trade and Developrnent for financial assistance in the development af ' � � ROSEMO� CITY PROCEEDING� REGULA EETING JANUARY 1 ?, 19$9 Jaycee Park. The grant could provide financial assistance in the amount of $35,000 based upon a fifty percent matching by �he city. Bechtold discussed with Couneil the layout of the park propased for soccer, foo�ball and baseball fields, ice rinks, play equipment area and gark shelter. Discussion also snsued on the ra er width soccer fields and the a ro P P of the pp priate lighting to minimize glare to the residents. See Clerk's File 1989-2, MOTION by Oxborough to adopt A RESOLUTION OF LOCAL APPLICANT FOR ROSEMOUNT JAYCEE PARK. SEC4ND by Napper. Ayes: Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0� Administrator Stephan Jilk pr�sented the 1989-199Q palice union contract for Council approval. MOTTON by Wippermann to approve the 1989-1990 contraet be�ween the City o£ Rosemount and LELS and to authorize the mayor and eity administrator to sign the apprapriate documents. SECOND by Hake. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: U, Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtold reviewed the quotes received for the purchase and installation of fence into the athletic areas ot fields four and five of Erickson Fark and recommended that Council approve the purchase of a ten toot high fence from Dakota Fence. See Clerk s File 1989-2. MOTION by Napper to authorize the purchase and installation of a ten foot high fence and award the purchase to Dakota Fence in the amount qf $13,28Q. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, WipPermann, Hake, Oxborough. Nays: Q. Councilmember Napper updated Counc�.l on the recen� meeting of the site committee for the Uxbow/Biosyn pro�ect advising the company is considering a third site at Continental Nitrogen. Council revi�wed the specifica�ions far a hydro static tractor mower with three decks far use in the park system. Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtold requested authorizatian ta adv�rtise �or bids with receipt o€ bids until February 9, 1989, at 10:00 a.m. See Clerk' s File 1989-2. MOTION by Napper to authorize the advertisement of bids for a hydro static tractor mower with a bid opening date af February 9, 1g$g, �t 10:00 a.m. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti presented the bids received on January 6, 198g 2 � ROSEMOU� CTTY PROCEEDINGS � REGULA EETING JANUARY 17, 19$9 for twa 4 x 4 pickup trucks and one command vehicle to b� used by the fire department, See Clerk' s File 1989-2. MOTION by Oxborough to receive the bids and approve the purchase of two 4 x 4 pickups from Jim Haugen Ford-Mercury in the arnount of $30, 1t0 and also approve the air conditioning option for �655 for each vehicle. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Hoke to receive the bid for the fire department cammand vehicle and to approve the purehase from Je£f B�lzer's Todd Chevrol�t in the amount of $16,700. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Hoke, Oxborouqh, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rieh fIefti requested approval to purchase a ane-hal€ ton pickup and a one ton 4 x 4 piekup through the Hennepin County Cooperative Purchasing agreement with the bids being awarded to Thane Hawkins Polar Chevrolet. See Clerk's File 1989-2. MOTION by Napper to approve the purchase of a one-half. ton pickup truck through the Hennepin County Purchase Agreement in the amount of $9,892. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Oxboraugh, Napper, Walsh, Wipp�rmann, Hoke. Nays: 0. MOTION by Napper to approve the purchase of the one ton 4 x 4 dump truck through �he Hennepin County Purchase Agreement in �he amount of $14,232. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Nap�er, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxboxough. Nays: 0. Cauncil reviewed the bids received for City Contract 1988-9, Limerick Way Wa�ermain. City Engineer Hefti advised the bids are approximately two percent over the feasibility report estimate, but the developer indieated the bid was accep�able to him. See Clerk' s Fil� 1989-2. MOTION by Napper to accept the bids and award the contract for the Limerick Way Watermain project to T and S Exeavating in the amount of $21 ,261 . SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Walsh� Wipperrnann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. Council reviewed the recommendation received from Finance Director aon Darling to h:tre Denise Werner tor the position of deputy registrar clerk with a starting date af February 6, 1989. See Cl.erk' s File 1989- 2. M�TION by Hoke to approve Denise Werner for the deputy registrar clerk position with a starting salary of $17,625. SEC�ND by Wippermann. Ayes; Wippermann, Hoke, O�cborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. 3 . . � ROSEMOt� CETY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETIPIG JANUARY 17, 19$9 MOTION by Hoke to approve the agxeement between the Ci�y of Rosemount and Dakota Electric Assaciation for extension of the franchise agreement for a p�riod of three months. SECOND by Napper. Ayes. Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk informed Counc3.1 of the appl3ca�ian by Rona2d L. Jacobson for an at-large seat on the University of Minnesc�ta Baard of Regents. Mayor Hoke advised he will be sending Ietters to several legisiators requesting their support for the candidaey of Mr. Jacobson. Council extended their apprecfat�.on and support to Mr. Jacobson at the meeting. See CZerk`s File 1989-2. MOTION by Hoke to adapt A RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE GANDIDACY OF MR. RONALD JACOBSON TO THE P�SITION UF REGENT TO T�iE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, SECQND by Wipperrnann. Ayes: Oxboraugh, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 4. Administratar Stephan Jilk advised Decision Resouress has completed the teleghone poll for the cita.aens attitude surv�y. Discussian en�ued on the sehedule far presen�ation of the results to City Cou�cil, staf�, the advisory committee and the public. Council agreed Decision Resources should be invi.ted to present the results of the survey a� $:3Q p.m. at the February 7, 1989 council meeting. Administrator Steplian Jilk reported on the purchase of property for the armory, and the assistance by the County HRA to re3acate the existing tenant. Jilk advised staff will be meeting with the guard next week to aiscuss location of the armory on the site. The administrator reported the Cable Commission g�esented the final draft of the cable franchise to 3tar Cabie; and with a coupie of exceptions, Star Cable ha� agreed to the revisions. Councilmember Walsh advised the revisions include an increase in franchise fees, a s�ep up in publ3.c relations by the cable firm and wiring af city hall for cable capabili�y. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECQND by Wipp�rmann. �1yes: 5. Nays; 9. Respectfully submitted, Susan M. Johnson, Deputy Glerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrato�/Clerk Published tt�is day of , 1989 in �akota County Tribune. 4