HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Approval of Change Order #1, Shannon Oaks Street Improvements, Contract #1988-6 / :- . . .. •�� .. � � . . . • . �... ..�"�.� �e. *�t*�******�***��r�r*****************�*t*:MEMO*********�r***�r�r*�*****x***�r*****�**� AATE: FEBRUARY Z, 2989 T0: MAYOR & GOUNCILMEMBERS G/0 ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGIN�ER/PIJBLIC WORKS DiRECTOR HEFT . R�: ITEMS F012 THE FEBRIiAI2Y 7, 1989 COUNCIL MEETING CONSENT AGENDA Ap�rove_Gha�e_Order�#l, Shannon 4aks Street ImErovement Contract 1988-6 , This item consi.st o€ �pproving Change Order �1 for additional non-cantract wark items necesssry for the completion oE the pxoject. This mema sumntarizes the Change Order and provides a recommendation for action. The additional nan-contract work the Coneractor +�ncounCered during the course of constrwetion is summarized on page 2 of the attached Chenge Order. In addition to the additional east, �his Change Order provides for an additional 18 working days to the original contract. Recommended action for Council to, consfder is to approve Change Order �l and auth�rize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the dacuments. � • � � �'�` _ __ __, �...� CHANG� C"7/�QE� � � �' r' . '1 . ~ . '. . ., . � � � � . . . ,��i _._^� . ._. . . . . J, -.�;.. . � � . . � � . . .. �ucu��as r�Hrr�crs w vc�n�Eas 222 EASTtITTlECANADA ROAO,57 PAUL,MlNN�SOTA 55117 5i2 A84-0����� 1 �; � ` ` OWNER City af Rosemount � I a P����1 D,4TE_ 11/22188 OWNERS PROJECT N0. 185 CHANGE QR�ER NO. 1 PROJECfi�ESCRJPTtaN Shannon Oaks S�kreets SEH FILE lVO. 8��-�� The foilowing changes shaii be rnade to rhe contracC documenrs Descnpcfon: �dd the following work items to the contract. {See attached summary) Purpose of Change Order: Payment for additianal non-contract work items associated with the praject and the extension of contract time. � BasisofCosc: �1 ActuaJ c� Esrfmared Atrachments tlisr supporting documenrsl 1 - Summary of nc�n-contract work items. 5 -� Daily records of non-contract work. l. - Claim for extension of contract �ime. Concr�ct 5tatus Zime Cost Origin�ICon�racr (working daysj 40150 $ 136 ,381. 5Q Net Change Priar�.0.'s fo Cha�ge this C.O. +18 $ 9.3 3 8.21 Revised Canrracr 5 8/6 8 $ 14 5,719.71 ; Recommer�ded for Approvah. Short•Et�tott-Hendrlckson,lnc. 8y Steve Campbell Agreed�o by Concracror: Approved for Owner. � . By 8y Tiile_—�,�� gy i�fstributfan Canrraccor 2 Owner 1 Projecr Represencative t SEN Ofhce t Si l��RL E!tlt)IT Sfi PAlll, f_NIPPEWA FALL.S, HtNnKItK50N INC. MINNESOTA WISGONS�N ' � � . SUMl�U�►RY O�F Nt�I-�ONTRhGT W�it�C ITBMS SNANNdN OltRS S'�'RBBT WNSTRUCTIt?N CITY 8Rt)JSCT IjKi. i85 S.A.P. 208-106-t'!3 R45�10Uir1?, MINNBSa"Pl�l ITBM DBSCRIPTION £X'�ST 1. Revtse grade ori bike p$th to accom�odate drivewey cor►struction on Lot 6, Block 1 3 933.8Q 2. Extend existln9 15" CMP @ County Road 38 d46.94 3. Subqrada repafr on bike path after i�stallatton of pawer ceble 1,08t�.97 4. Removal and repl acen�ent of bttuminous shoulder � County Raad 38 1, 131 . 5t3 5• Inatell �ubsurface drein to stabillze subgrada material . 5, 745.00} 59,338.21 s s DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT WORK Uwner Citv of �semount Pro,�ect No. 1$5 Pro,ject Shannan Ck-�.ks SEH Fi3e 881��""....` Contr�ctor Bituminous Roadwavs Date �1 Desciripti�n of W�rk R�nc�val of 2" bit sh�a er rep ace w z . c� sau sl e o Countv raad . LAHOR Direet Name Time Labar Classification Start 3ta Nour Rate Cost _ Qperator � 4,5 $20.27 $ 1,z �eratc�r 5.Q $17.23 $�`$6,1`5` Lahnr�r 4.5 17.�5 - $77.b3 �_.... Total d Ct b �255.00 MATEft�ALS Payroll coeta @ 4�$ $124.95 item Tat�i labar _�379.95 uantit Unit Unit cost Cost �i t,,.�„M„�a mi_� 14_S� �g.. ��16.59 $241 .3$ E4UIPMENT Subtotal (Include Oper�tor Time Under Labor) SaZea �a� -�241.38 _$14.48 Total materials �255.86 Unit Time Start Sto Hours Rate Cost Skid loader (�1roe) 5.0 . , D�n Truck si le aacle �"` "`' � �.�- -�.�--- E�tp Truck �tande�n axle) w dr ver` ` 5. . _...�.�._ � � �t�` ��;�tf`_" .-.�._._ � � ..� ._._ ._ `Total�'ec�uip e $348,10 3L1l�RY �► proved: �"`� Total labor ��79 �,5 l f Total material8 _ $255.86 ��� .....�._ � t� �� Total equipment _��48.10 Contractor �ste Overhead & Profit �a . � '' ;-� 1.5, ��147_S9 . l✓ � 1�17/$8 Re ident .. . �ro�ect Date Total Co�t R�preaentatfve �1�,131 _S� � � � DAILY RECORD OF N�N-CONTRACT WORK Owner �, %y �� "`��� Pro�ect No. �°�� /o� Pro�ect� ,E,,c� S�H File s2 �1 �i�y Contractor �.� ^;- Date .;v-- ��- B8 ___-_ Deacription of Work -� �-. . �'� '4���:•�2.1—`��. TJ�'-��-J..a�.�" � � LABOR Dtrect Nartte Time Labo�' Classification Start Sto Hour Rate Cost . "�''n'�-�� '� :e�C' `aaPi ���,�. 7 '��� f' "_"_'— , ����.�? _...__' - � ' �_ .� .C3�+ta�'t _ ''Gr �%1 �'7� c��2�r�1`�'e7.G d��'7`�r3f�'. `_"_�` t✓ � � � � , To�al direct labar MATERIALS Payroll coeta � �$ Item TotsY iabor , Quantit Unit • Unit cost Co�t ��:.:r, - --� � �:L.'%��: [x� c...F- L,,. �' 1-�c.� ,c_ .,G''��,,:,.�,.K.�. -.- __ y —�---_ .t�'�. �.s�f�L"D---- �.4,ti, � , EQUIPMBN'� �ubtotal ( Incluc�e Oper��or Tim+� Under L�bor) 5alee tax Total materials _S". �� Unit ' � Time Start Sto Hou�rs Ra►te � Cost ;��.:�-,�� .�� '�.. � 1�e� ' ��� � �� ---..._...�. ;�'�"� �•4 --.�.__ �._...... r'"" ---�..^_....� �p 7'Q�81 6CjLi��3iA�Ilt SUt++�fARY Ap Z'oved: Total l�bor /�} � Total materiala � j'� l 1 1 g� Total e ui �=`� q pment Contractor - � Date �verhead & Profi� @ $ �-- 12-�,�, -8�. e dent r ect Date Total Cost �"'-' .�sc�_ epresentative ---�.�..__ , • ! IIAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT WQRK t3wner citY of Rr�semount Pro�ect No. 185 Pro,�ect �.�h��� SEH File Contractor Bituma.nous Raadwavs �8194 Deseription of Work Date 9/29j8 Additional caork on bike r�ath to �rovide fnr driv�awav as reguested by LABOR Direet Naene Time Labor Classification Start Sto Hour Rate Cost �'a�reman 1.0 42.00 �42.Q4 , �_ -.-____.._ -�.`. _,,;_� �,�_ —� --��, �_ , �_ �� �� �� �Total dirsct iata�c�r �,����tL MakTERIALS Payroil costs @ $ Tnr+1,�ricri Iteaa Total labor _�d� nn uant�.t Unit Uni.t cost Cost E4UIPMENT Subte3tal (Include Ogerator Time Under Lataor) Sales t�x _ Total materia2s Untt Time Start Stcr Hou=s Rate Cost D6 Dozer 4_______0 _ $80.�C3 $320.00 45d Dozer 4.0 $80.Od $320.0�r` (Xxntaactor � $h�.pp �130. �` _.__�.� ._.,_� ------� �..._. �Tot�uipment �770.00 SUMMRRY Approved: Total labor �42.00 � Total mater3ale p r Total e ui ment ` l ? �� �' q p �770.00 Contractor Da e Overhead & Profit @ �$ _.__�121,80 ?.,./ 9J29/88 ' R sident Pro,�ect tiate Ta al Cost RePresenta�fve �4�� �n ' < � � , DAILY RECQRD OF NON-CONTRACT WORK Pra�ect'��Y ���.�.+�t Pro;�ect No. 185 � .--����s_ SEH File $8144 Contracto�r g; �m;�„s t� �dwavs Dat� 1�/31 f 88� D�scription of Wark c�ahl� r'�Cdl LABOR Direct Name Time Labor Classification Start Sto Haur Rate Cost _.tlr�,-at• r .,..=L,,Qr„ .�s�` .._.' �143.99 —_[.�ratnr � �+�.s.�..... $�41 .$9 -___�. ---------� ------_ ---_...�' �,,,. —�-___-- ----__ ...�.�........�_,.. �ai a rect bcir _�285_8a MATERIALS Payroll costs @ 49 $ _�140.48 Item Total labor �'�4��-qti antit Unit Uni.t cost Cost � EQUIPMENT Subtotal ( Inciude Operator Time Under Lat�r) Sa2es tax Tota2 rnateriala Unit Time Start Sto Hours R�te Cost .�� Wlt��rerator tCat 140) 7.0 47.43 $332.Qi Sk�.d Laader (Bc�bcat) 4.�` 24.?3 �98.92 _a�r Z'p5 - 3� $27,73 $83.19 _�. �,,.._,,,;� � �Total equigment `$�4.i'�`"' SUMMARY RPproved: Ta�al labor $425.96 Total materials 0 � � � Q Total e ui ment ""~` — � � ti q p ._�514.12 Cc�ntractt�r � Overhead & Da e Profit @ 15 $ __$14�.89 ,� • � � 10/31 j88 R tdent � Pro,ject Date Tot�l Cast Representatiue �l�Q$� 97 ' ` � � DAILY REC�RD OF NON-CONTRACT WORK Owner Citv of Rasemount Pro�ect No« 1g5 ' Pro,ject Shartnon c�ks SEH File 88194 Cr�ntractar �, i naus Roa ayQ Date 9f 29I88 D�:�aript3on of Work — _—�a+-eru� aY;Qt;rxar 15�� CI�1P W rr�mtv Rc�d 38 Direct LaHOR Time Labor Name Classi£ication Start Sto Hour Rate Cost __._.,_� �_ --------- --..._ _� --.�.�.... To�ai direct b MRTERIALS Payroll costa �i $ Item Total labor uantit Unit Unit cost Cast � t� E�ciStin9�s���'nn 1 ,.�,� $54.UQ 5U.00 � Install l5" a �on _' ..,_.��,_._ 8 i ea. $50.04 $50,00 � R � 1��� �_ 16 �_ - �18.04 �288.64 �QU�PMENT Subtotei 3�,gg.6�„ ( Znclude Operator Ttme Under Labor) Salea tax NA Tota2 material� �388.64 Unit Time Start Sto � Hours Rate Ccrst � � -__.____. __�_____� ------- motal equipcnent SUMMARY Approved: Total labor NP, � Total materials $388.64 � r � g� Total equipment NA �ontractor Dat Overhead � _ Profit @ 75 $ _. �58.30 9129/88 R dent Fro�ect Date Representative Totel Cost __ $446.94 r , � � �� cr.�►x� Fo� sxT�avsiow oF corrr�a�r rzr�c PR�JBCT �f�lNER: City +af Rosc�munt DATE: PROJBCT: Shanrwn Oa}cs PROJB�` NC?. 185 CON'PItlCC't i�10. 1988-b SEN FxLB NO: 88199 CONTRACTt)R� Bitt�nniriaus RoaciHrays * � ,� * * * * * * * * * * * AN EJ�TENSION �F THE CtaNTRACT TIME iS HEREHY REQUESTED FOR: � )C } SUBSTANTI2►L t ) FINAL COMPL�TION.OF •THE PROJECT. SUBSTANTIAL FINAL -._..._. PRESENT CONTRACT TIME: WORKINt3 �14Y5 40 50 F'IXED �ATE EXTENSION REQLIE5TED: WORKING DAYS 58 68 CRLENDRR DAYS E2EASON(S } FOR CI,AIM• 3 davs far additianal care• excavation, 4 days to place an site �ranular hackfill, 7 davs to haul in additional �ranular borrc�w, l day to raise t�ike trail 3 davs to mohilize and t�lace drain tiie. TNIS CLAIM R�P'RESENTS THE ENTIRB ADJUS'1`MEMT T0 WHICN THS C�NTRRCTOR IS ENTITLED BASE� �N THE STATED REASON(S) AND OCCURRBNC$S TO' UATE. SIGNATURE: � TITLE2 Narman C. Hagen ice President COMPANY: Bituminous Rnadways, Inc. (In accardance with the contract c3ocuments workin� days should not t�ave started until we reeeived a notice tcs oroceed c�r 13 days after the effective date of the contract. ) . � ' � D14ILY RECORD OF NQN-CORiTRACT WQRK �wr�er City of �s�un� Pro,�ect No. 185 Pro�ect ���,�, oaks SEH Fi2s �$'194 Contractar Bitumi�us Roadwavs �ate 9/29T8 Description of Wark ' � --- Additional �aork art bike r�rh to provicle for driv�a.wav as requested by r. LAHOR Direo� Name Time L�bor Classification Start Sto Hour Rate Cost F`areman 1 .0 42.at7 $42.00 -� __.__...�_ .�_......_ .,_� _-__--__-� ---�.—_. _._._ �_ --_-__-- . Total d ct b ��42-�� MATERZALS Fayroll caets @ $ 7'nrl,x3ari Item Tota2 labor �a� nn uantit Unit Unit cosst Cost E4U�PMENT Subt+otal (Include Op�rator Time Under Labor) Salgs tax - Total materials Unit Time Start Sto Hou=s Rate Cost � i�zer 4� $80.OQ $320.Of3 45U Ibzer 4.6 �80.00 $320.0�- G�in�aactor 2� � 13 . � �_ �� ,� , Ttstal equipment $�70.�0 SUMMARY �PProved: Totai l abor ��42.U0 � Tdtal material� Q � f -� � � Total equipment ��770.00 Contract+�r � Overheed & �8 ° Pro�it @ �$ �i21,SU .7..J -9129/88 R �ident Pro,�ect Date --- Representative Tatal Co�t �, Rn , « � � ' , �AILY RECORD C1F NOI�t�-C4N2RACT Wt?RK OWIIeZ" C�ty of Rr,,�;�arn� Pr'O�ERCt NO. 785 Project ����5��� SEH �ile 88194 Contractor ��;minoizs �dwavs Date 10l31 f 88 E�e�crigtion af Work ' ��h1�, r� 2 LAHOR Diract Name �ime Labor Claesification Start Sto Hour Rate Cost tl;�ratnr 7.�0 �Q.s`�7.._. _$143.99 � Cx�ratr,.- .�.�.Q.r..' .��.27 $141 .89 –�....,..�,., -- __._.__....�. �.�.,�„�. _ -.---.-._.... _.__..�.._,_ ._,,....�,.� Total. 8 rect 1�`abc3r _$285.88 MATERiALS Payrol l costs @ �_$ $140.D8 Item Tatal labor _��2__ uentit Unit Unit cast Cost ----_._�.. ..�.,_. " —� EQUIPMENT Subtotal (Include Operator Time Urtder Labosj Sal�a t�x Total materials Unit Time Start Sto Hours �t$te Cc�st ..� W/cyper�tor {Catt140) � 7.0 $47.43 $332.Oi _Skid Lcrader t Brsl�cat) � 4.t�� 2�.?3 $98.92 - -"* rc�� 3�p _ 27.73 $83.19 _.�..� �._ _,_ _._._..._ Tot quipment 5 4. -�_'_ Su[KNtARY RPProved: Total labor $425.96 Total materials � 0 ........ , t � � � � Total equipment �514.12 Contractar Da e �verhead & Profit �a 15 $ _ �140.89 � 2✓ 10131188 r____ R ident � �' Pro�eot Date TataY Cost Regreaentative �1.Q8Q_97 � � � , DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT WORK Owner Ci tv of Ros�unt Pro�ect No. 185 Pro,�ect Shannon O�ks SEH FiYe 88194 Contractor B;t�,�,,,,�,us Roadwavs Date 9I29I88 � Deacrigtion of Work �tp� �X3 4�-{� ���! ca� � c��:�rit� �a �� Direct LABOR Time Labor Name Claasification St�rt Sto Hour R�te Cost _..__�.._ _._,___ .�._ �_ ..._.�._ ,�� _,� - � Tc�tal c�f�'rect b MATERIRLS Payroll Cost� �i $ ite� Tota2 labor uar�tit Unit Un3t cosct Cost _ R�v bc;�r�.Il� �— '.�Pr� 1 �,� -- $S(�.4U _�50,04 T_ n„�st-�t) � �� an an i � ea. __ 554.04 �50,OQ _ F & �r 1 S" 16 LF'. � 518.04 $288.6� �..�...� �gUIPMSNT """ Subtotal ��88.6�,'� (�nclude t7per�tor Time Under Labor) Sai�� tax �p, - Total materiai� �388.64 Time U,nit Start Sto Hour;� Rate Cost -.-.-�.._.. � � � Total equipment SUMMARY ApProved: Total labor � � Tatal materials $388.64 . � � �3Q Totai equipment 1tiA Contractor Dat � 4verhead � � Profit @ 15 $ �58.3� �j29/88 R dent Pro�ect Date Representative Total Coet �446.94 . . � ! ,.r CI.AIM FOR BXTENSION OF OONTI2ACT TIMS PROJECT �WNER: City of R�s€�noiult DAT�: PROJBCT: Sharyrxxi (aaks PRC?JS�' NO. 185 CONTRACT NO. 1988-fi SEH F2Ll3 Nq: 88194 CONTRACI`�R: Bit�ninous Rc�adways * * * � * * * * * * * * * * AN EXTENSION �F THS CONTRhCT TIME IS HEREBY REQUESTED FQR: ( � � SUBSTANTIAL { ) FIKAL C�MPLETION,OF 'THE PROJ�CT. StJBSTANTIAL FINAL FRESENT CONfiRACT TIME: WL'�RKING ;[iAY3 �+0 50 FIXED DATE EXTENSION REQUE5TED: WORKIt�IG DAYS 58 68 _-_._ CRLENOAR DAYS REA$ON( S) FdR CLAIM: 3 davs for additional core• excavation, 4 days ta pTace - an s�te �ranuiar backfill, 7 davs to haul in additional �ranular barrow, 1 day to taise tjikP trail 3 davs to mohilize and olace drain tile. THIS CLAIM REPRESENTS THE ENTiRB XDJUSTMENT TO WHI�ft TH8 {�i�iTRACTUR I S EWT�TLED BASED t'�N TNE STAT�D REASON{S) AN� 4CCtJRRENCBS TU 1?ATE. . SIGNATURE: .�..._.., ,_ TITLE: Norman C. Hagen ice President ; COMPANY: Hituminous Roadways, Inc. (In aceaz�iance w3th the contract documents workin� days should not have started until we received a notice to uroceed c�r I3 days after the effeetive date of the cantract. )