HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Approval of Change Order #1, Hawkins Pond / Section 30 Sanitary Sewer, Contract #1988-2 . t �� � � . . � . � ' . . . . . . . � . � �. �. a� . . . . . . . • . .. � . . . . � . • . . � � � � . � � � � . ��� :�,�• *****�***********************�******�*�*MEMO�*********��***�*************��,�**** DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1989 T0: MAY'OR & G�llNCILMEtNBERS CJO ADMINISTRATOR JILK �ROM:' CI`TY EATGINEERIPUBLIC WQRKS DIREC'TOR AEFTI 1��; ITEMS FOR THE FEBRtTARY 7, 1989 Cf?UATCIL P4EETING CONSENT AGENDA Ap�roval.o€ Change�Order #l, Hawkins Pond/Section_30 Sanitary Sewer Gontract 1988-2 M This item is for the consideration af approval of a change arder to Contraet 19$8-2, Hawkins Pond/Sectian 30 Sanitary Sewer tv include payment fo� additiona2 non-contract work items associated with this project. This memo provide� a brief explanation and a xecammendation for acCion. During the caurse of construction, it became evident that because of placing additional fill it would be necessary to extend an inplace 24" GMP pipe from the Anderson property to Hawkins pond. Item ��2 is a poreion of this pipe extension work. As CounciZ will recalZ, we requested that clay and unsuitable topsoil material excavated from the Hawkins Pond project that could not be disposed of within the grading limits be transported to the oZd City dump site to provide a clay cap over the old detnolition landfill site. Dakota County Solid Waste Department required the clay cap as a condition of onr elc�sing the dump site. The eost- for transport of this material was $3.00 a cubie y�rd and we had originally estimated about 5,000 yards. As it turned out, we need 6,147 yards ta cap the demolition site in accordance with plans the Gounty Solid Waste Department approved. The final item was for constructing service risers on the sanitary sewer because the depth over the sewer increased after the fill was placed on adjacent properties. Ttiis Ghange t�rder also provides for an increase of 15 warking days to the contract time in addition ta a cost of $,24,938.9$. Recommen�ed action for Gouncil to eonsider is to approve Change (lyder �i to CiCy Cantract 1988-2, Hawkins Pond/Section 30 Sanitary Sewer and suthorize the Mayor and City Clerk to si�;n the dacuments. . • . � • � ������ ����� ' +�'' � BNGINEERS r ARCNlTEC75�PIANNERS � � 22z'CASI�LI�(L�G4NADARi;'4D,ST F'AUL;N1INNES�TA55117 612 484•�272 � � � � � � O���NEi� City of Rosernount DaT� 3anuary 23, 1989 1761181 � Obti'NE125 PROJECT Nv._.____��__� CHANGE OR�ER N�. Pl2��JECTOESCC2IPTIc�N_Hawkins Pond/Sec. 30 San. Sewer SEH�ILENO. 8�02����137 Tl��fallaw�nc�chan���s si�a11 be m�de ro rhe conrracC documenrs Ut�SCI i�;7t rvn: Add the following �aork items to the Cantract (See Attached Summary} Pu��ose ofCha��ge c�rder; Payment for additional non-contract work items associated with the prajects and extension af contract time. B�sis of Cas[: r�Accua! ❑ Estimated Artarhmenrs tlrsr supportmg documentsl 1 - Summary �af Non-Contraet Work Items 4 - llaily Records of Non-�ontract Work 2 - Clafm for Extension of Contr�ct Time Conrracr 5tatus Time Cosr _ �rag�natConrracr �Q14Q $170,852 .00 Nec Change Prior C.O.�s ta + Change rhis C.O. 4/I S 24,9 38. 9 8 t�evrsedContracc 3�/55 $195, 790. 98 Reeammended for Approvat: Short-Elllott-HendrJckson, tnc. By _. Steve Campbe l Agreed io by Cor►tractor: APPraved for Owner. ., �� �/ •1 � 1 , �y : �, . Qy Enebak n tr etion, Inc. Tirle . , gy Dlstribution Conrrac[or 2 Owner t ProfecEReAresenlariva t SENOfhce ) SHiJRT EELtOT( ST PAUL, CHIPAEWAFRtLS, NENORICKSON 1NC. MlNNE50TA WISCONSIN , • i SUN�+IARY OF NON-CONTRACT Wt}RK ITEMS RfJSEMOUNT, MINNESQTA HAWKINS POND CITY PROJECT NO. 1?6 ITEM DESCRIPTION CC3�T 1 . �xtend inplace 24° CMP from Anderson Praperty to Hawkiri� Pond S 4,004.0� 2. Remove and Rainsta2l Apron on 24" �MP Extension 91.43 3. Transport Excava�ted Clay and Topsoil Material to City Dump Site 18, 522.00 SUB�TAL $22,61?,�43 SECTIt.?N 30 SANITARY SEWER CiTY PROJECT NQ. 181 9. COnstruct Servie� Risers an Sanitary Sewer S 2,3�1.55 TUTAL $24,938.98 , � ! � DAILY RECdRD OF NON-C4NTRACT WC�RK �wner City of Rose�nount Pro�ect No. �8i Pro,ject Section 34 Sanitarv sewer SEH Fiie 88i37 ' Contra�tor Ek�ebak CCcmmst� (l�dlandl Oate _.i0/18188 Descrip�ion c�f Work Fumish and install 4" PWC r'�Prs on sanira,�,l�,� Direct LA80R Ti�e Lebor �g�e Classification Start Sto Iiour Rste Cost Tnnl i��-iara i n nri rPs_ � ---.�_ ..�.,�,_,,,,,. .��_ ---�.�,._.. :�_� -.-._...�._ -.--_�._.,.._ ��_ Total dtrect 2�bor MATER2ALS P8yro11 coet9 @ $ Totai labar Iten� u�r�tit Unit Llnit cost Cost F & I 4" PVC risers 140,7 L.F. � _ �16.SC! �2321.55 _ .�...�... t�QUIPMEN'T Subtotal �23?1 _�5 ( Include Operator Time i7nder Labo=) Sa2es� tax . N� Total materi�ls $2321� Time Unit Start Sto Haurs Rate Cost Ineluded in prices Total eqwipment St11�+1ARY �pprove : ._..� Tt�tal labc�r p / bc �,a.k�� Total �atarials _ ��321.55 -�► � � " �y Tot�l e ui ------ q P�en� 0 Con racto Date Uverhe�►d & Praf f t @ �$ (1� ..��i �'cr`� 12I27188 Res dent Pra�ect Date Representative TOtal Co�t �2321 .55 {1) Pric�s qouted by general contractor. ` � * DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT WORK Owner Citv of Rosemount pro�ect No. 176 Pra�sct Hawkins Pond SEH File $$026 Contractar Enebak t` nst��c�io^ {I�t31a_nr3) Uate 92/2I88 Deseription of Work R�ve & R��1ace 24" CS�P-�,�,4�2 . * Direct LA8f3Tt Time . Labor Name Classification Start S.to Hour Rate Cost i i.�k�ars�r ���'�� �n_,,,, 47.50 $�7.5Q --r-�a�ac�.:�r-�.� �n $32.00 $3z.00 Total dtrect labor :�?5.��—�` MATERIALS Payroll co�te @ * $ ;n 1 �d �c� Total lsbor �79.50 Ztem Quantit Unit tTnit cost Cast None �QUIPMENT Subtotal (Inciude Operator Time Under Labor) Sa1es tax Tatal ma�terials p Time Unit 5tart Sto Hours Rate Cast None .----�----�- Total equipment i�r SUI�IARY �pp�.o : Tatal Zabor �?9.50 �� Total materials p . f Total eguipmant � Contraetar Date , r Overhead & Prof3t @ 15 $ $11.93 '�,<,�:-.,,��i ��^r� - 12j27/88 �ent .._ Pro ect �► � ate Representative �`otal �ost - $91 .43 • , . � DA�LY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT WURK �wner Citv af R�aseinount Pra��ect No. 176 Pra,j�ct Hawkins Pond SEH File 88026 '�� Contractor E�eb�k Cons�n�ction Date 12 8 88 � Description of Work Truck#.nq of clav tvpe material fram Hawkins �1 to � . S ree in �as�unt as a eed b cit 1Ptt'�•r r3at-c�c3 11/�(?/$8 cxn Rirlh Hefti..s�r�,��i�_�r'�Cv �f $3 �Q C,Y Direct LAHOR Time Labor Name Classificatian Start Sto Hour Rate Cast � -.-.._._�._.._� -� � Tatal d ct labor MATERIRLS Payroll costs @ $ Item fiata2 iabor uantit Unit Unit cost Cost _Truck,� of .1�v and ta�soil 6147 C.Y. __,$3.pQ $T8,52�.4fl EQUIPMENT 8ubtotal $18.522.00 ( Include Op�rator� Time Undar Labor} S�les tax * Tata1 materials �18.522.0(? Tf ine Unit Start Sto Hour� RBte ' Cast .._....�._.,.,. Total equiptnent SUi�IARY Approv : Tatal labor p Total materials _$18�522.OU ' � , C/ Tatal equipment 0 Contr ct r Date � Ove�head & �/ Profit @ �$ included_ �.�� /..>' ''.-----� 12/2718$ R sident Pro�ect Date Represa�ntative Totai Cost _�18,$22.4p {1 } included in quoted price by c�►tractor. , � * DAI"LY RECORD OF NQN-CQNTRACT i�ORK Owner Citv of Rosemount Pro�ect No. 176 Pro�ect _ Hawkins Poru3 SEH Fi2e Contractar 88t�26 �E�le�k !'r�n�+-rhyr+-io.� (Ncxllanr)1 DB�� 10/�0/8$ �escript3on o� Work Fti,rn,�H and ;nqta�l - 4" cs[Ip r�,7c.�ri- LABt�R Direct Name Time Labor Classification Start Sto Hour Rate Cast Inc1_��d� ;n pri c ---_ �.�._._._ -�.._, ------- -�._ -�--�--_ _�__.__- ----- -.�... Totai direct labor MATERIALS Payroll costa @ $ Item Totai lab r ' Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost -F & r �4" {�p 190 �28.6t� $4Q04,00 Et2UIFMENT Subtot�l 41riclude Clperator Time Under Laborl Sales tax Total materiaie iJn3.� Time Start Sto Hours Rate Cost — Tnnl���ara i�ri c�►ct ` ---��._ ---.--_—�. .�.�._._._', ----_�.... _,__._.._._, -----�—.-r.,_._ Tatal equipment SUMMARY AgpY, 8 , Tota3. labor 0 + � Total materials �4004 00 f 5 �" Tatal equipment � Con ractor Date D�,rerhead & - Profit @ � , (1 ) ,�C .2+ /�`��-.-�--�-- Iz �z Y� , R ident � Pro�ect Da� To�tal Cost Representative S44p4.00 • {1 } Prices qau�.ed by general cantractor. , � , � � _ _ _ _. ..-. , , - �..,� , CLAIM FOR EXTBNSION OF CONTRACT �TM�; ;_' PRO�ECT OWN�R: -,`<— J 1 ��1�,?J1 t�' , �� c � DATE: -',/ -- �- PR03ECT. _C1A��jtltl��r� �t�,.3h PROJECT NO. 7 � �_.�.-1!�I� CC?NTRACT NO. SEFi FI LE Nt)z . , �.. v. �.��r..�� CONTRACT�R: ..�/L:�,.�'-L3��C' C n.�,,,vy-r" � n * * * * * * * * * — * * ,r * * AT'1 EXTENSION OF THE C4NTRACT TIME IS HEREB"Y Ft�QUESTED Ft�tt: ( ) SUB3TANTIAL, � �---j�"�"F'INAL CQMPT,ETIU'I�t �F THE PRt73ECT, SUBSTANTIAL FINAL PRESEty1T C�NTRACT TIM�; WORKING DAYS � J�� FIXEE3 DATE EXTENSION R�QUESTED: WORKING 0�►YS �_ /_ CALENDAR DAYS F2EASONt S ) FOR CLAIM: � �""" � p , rr'1.�, _�a'.�.�T /� �F'.�...u��.s� 1'1.�.��1,�, �� �. . c�� .-- — C! . `' .�. -�TG �..'slv ,�;/ � ,s: � , �-o � r :� :� � il� � �y. �. ,,�..+� . . � � P.. . LrJ 7 � . �+.3 jrL2Sttl.� J� '«,''--t'.�f?S . THIS CLAIM REPRESENTS THE �NTIRE ADJUSTMENT T{3 WHICH THE Cf)NTRACTOR ' IS ENTITLED BAS�D C1N TH� STRTED 1tEAS4N(S} AND OCCURRENCES TO DATE. SIGNATURE. , '� � TITLE: COMPANY: ��A� � R.-��� �Ot��(' ;��