HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Approve Payment #4. Shannon Oaks Street Improvements, Contract #1988-6 s rS . . • �ITY aF R4SEMOUIVT .APPLICI�TZON Ft1R PhYMBNT ��"'�� T "�" NO• �_ CITY Pi2OJECT NO: f SS SE:i{ FTLE N�: V�r�.`�- Pf20JECT: .��.a.+n.Ka�, (�0..k.S S�Y�� t w , +'�S�t"{to+�+. CQNTRACTOR: _��"�t�nt�nou� Nocid4ra.t I.Hc,CflNTRACT DATE: �� P.�S ��i�S �e,�a,.v f�e_�o. APPLICATION bAT�: fe�3� �/n�S_ .1Y1� �'"�U'2 FOR PERI4D ENDING: rI L'-1�g� •i'otal Contract Amount $ �.��j,3 so 8� —` Total Amount Earned 5����' 7.S _.�r__��.�, .. Material Suitably Stored Qn Site, No� I�corporated into Work S __ ___,- Contract Change �rder No. � percent Complete �Q C���Q �"1 --- �,--.L`?.`�'._t`.�_.,,__� Contract Change Order Na. Percent Compiete � ---..-._...4.. Cor�tac8�� Ctiange C}rder No. -_.._..�._._.. Rercent Complete � cxass �ouc�T nu� . . . . . . . . . . . . s�z.89 �6 . . , . . . . r��ss S- - $ RETAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S t�2.64 `� AMOUNT DUE TO DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � I�� Q�,,� '� • • " LESS PREViOUS APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . .'. . . , $ 1,�7 O$`f' '�� �_____._---_ AM�LtNT DUE TtiiS APPLICATII?N . • . . . . s�....:._.��_`�f__'� i�pR�` Eq!; � . � � ,�- �,��--�-�'�� :- � �t3chard M. �i City �ngineer/ frectar of Publio Works � .. _ : � • � :�t j� 'f� �' � �T �� �� APPLICATIC3N' �'OR PAYMENT [�ts. [ , A � � � � � � � �.� . . . . � . . ���iUi1Y ��.l�i��l ��F���i� `k�� '' � . . . . . . . ...�.�r�� ��.���.��..a. . �...�.. . � . � �i.�t`�! ��la. . . + (UNIT PRICS CONTRACT) J{�I�I ��:� 1 ;�:; Na. �; -• . ______- ST�. Pt�U�. ' OWNER: CITY 4F R45EMflUNT OWNER'S PR�JECT NO. `__--_ __ ----�-----------------__ 185 �NGINEER�S PR{:1JECT NO.� l:88194 T s L(JCATION: SH�NNt}N DAKS - ------------ ���� CONTRACTQR BITUMINOUS ROAIIWAYS, INC, CC?NTRACT DATE __________.._�___..----- ------------�,.------___--- 2$25+CEDARiAVENUE_SOUTH_�`_ -..CONTRACfi AMOUNT $136,3$i,50 � MINNEAPQLIS, MN 55407 -- - ---- -- -- -- - ---- . CONTR. FOR STREET�CONSTRUCTION+- SHANNON �AKS ------------------------------ -----------------------------..___�..--- APPLIC.DAT� 1-23-89 ----------------------- PERIOD END. 12-34-88 , AFPLICATI�N FOR PAYMENT DESCRIPT�ON CONTRACT QUANTYTY UNIT ____________ ____� ___ UNIT QUANTITY TO DATE PRICE TOTRL 2021.5�1 MOBILIZRTICIN '----- -L.5�-4�'---___1 i.UO� ---_�s..� _____--- - • , 40aQ.04 S 400n.bo�� . 2101.502 CLEARI2d� � � ' T'REE 20� 55.40 2J.�t} $ 137�i.pU 2101.507 GRUHSING TREE lOC! 62.�0 25.C10 S 155�.00 2105.5Q1 CC?MMON EXCAVATION (P) C.Y. 26950 45435.00 0.95 $_4�i63.25 2105.521 GRANULAR �30RROW {Cv) C.Y. 1000 5004.00 2.5fl S125tQ.00 2105.535 SALVAGED TOPSOIL (P}' , C,Y. 1$50 1000.�0 0.95 $`_ 950.Q0 2111.5t?1 TEST ROLLiNG R.S. 28 28.o0 54.�0 $-14oa.o� 2112. 5�1 SUHGRADE PREPARATZf)N R.S. 28 2B.00 95.00 $ 2660.Ql� 2116.5fl�i Ct�RE EXCAVRTI�N C.Y. 1500 �146.00 1.5{} $ l+729.00 � PRGE 1 C)F 3 SHt)RT-E�,LItJTT-HENT.1E2iCKSQN, II�1C. .. , . . . . • 2116. 503 AGGREGAT� B�CKFiLL C.Y. 15Q0 �146.00 2.5Q $_ 7865.40 221I, 593 AGG. HASE PLACED, CL 5 C.Y. 3I90 3190.00 7.75 $ 74722.50 0211. 594 4" AGG BASE FOFi SIDEWALK,S.F 217b0 2433&.00 0.16 $ 3893.75 2341.504 BIT. MAT. FOR MIXTURE TON 137 1Q5.gp,,,� 14p,pQ $ 14812.00 2341.50$ WEARIidG COURSE MTXTURE TON 153C3 _t 417.9� 9.90 $ 14037.50 2342.519 HINDER Ct3URSE MTXTUA� �Q� 90Q _R�� 7.SO $�5q6,t 4 2357.5t32 HIT.. MAT. FOR TACK COAT GAL. 400 325.00 I.25 $' �06.25 ---_-__.__. 2501,511 15�� RC PIPE CULVERT CL 5 L.F �25 1'�0.{}d 18.�C? $ 234(?.fl0 Z501.515 15" ttC PIPE APRON W/TRASH GUARD EACH 4 2.00 200.�0 $ l�00.00 2511.5C31 RANDt�M R�PRAP, CL YII C.Y. 12 ' . fi.00 50.00 $ 300.00 2511.515 GEOTEXTILE FILTER S.Y. 28 t�t_pt� 2.DO $ 28.fl0 2521.511 2" HiTUMINOUS WALK S.F. 21760 21832.00 0.28 $ 6056.96 -� 2554.501 PERMANENT BARRICADES L.F. 15 16.00 31.25 $ 500.00 256A.531 F & I SIGN PANELS, ' TYpE C S.F'. 45 �E2.�t5 14.?5 $ 626.14 0564.603 4" WTDE SOLID LxNE, YELLOW PAINT L.F. 54(}0 53G0.00 �.19 $ I018.E�0 0564.6C13 4" WIDE SOLII7 LII�IE, WHITE PAINT L.F. 115 �.15.00 0.19 $ 21.85 2575.501 ROADSIDE SEEDING ACRE 4.q 295.00 $ 25�5.5�2 SEED MIXTURE 5 � LBS. Z0�1 3.Clt} $ 2575.511 MULCH MATERIAL, TYPE l TON 8 200.�0 $ 25?5.519 DISC ANCHORING AGRE 4.0 55.aC1 $ -� FAG� z QF 3 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKS�N , INC. . . ,'. . � HNP�ICAI'!ON FOR FAYMENT - ;i►'tal Contract Amount 136 Continued � .5 0 To ta 1 AmErun t Ea�ed ' Material Suitably Stored o� Site, �tot Inc $ zs5,s5�,.�� ': Cbntract Change Order No. 1 °�orated lnta Work � � ----�� Aercent.Complete loo� • Contract Change Qrder No. $ �,�38.21 ----.--_._ Percent Complete : Contract Ch�nge Order No. � ----�_,. Percent Complete . $ GR05S A�UNT DUE. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . $ 165,2Q9.�JG LESS ,,_,._._._� RETAINAGE... .. .. .. � 8 2s4.50 �UNT ' DUE TO DATE. . . .. . .. . Z57,o25.4� .., , � . LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATIQtVS, ..: . ,� 14'1,oe�.3� CONTRACTOR'S RFfiQAVIT AJ�DllNfi DUE TWIS AFPLiCATIUN, ... $ s,s+�1.1, : �e undersigned Contractor �ereb swe � P�Yments received fram the Y ars under penalty of 3 ' above have been appJied b Owner on aecount of work �erfor�me�undthat (1) aTl y the und�rsigned ta dlscharge in full ai previvus Prngress. ' signed incurred in connect�on with work ca �I �bj �antract referred ta contract, vered bY prior Applications f�9ations of �he under- �terial and equipment incorporated in said P or Payment under sald ' APP13cation for Paymen�C are free and clear r°�ect or otherwise ltsted and (Zj ali encumbrances. of all liens, claims, securit,i� or covered b Y„interests and� this Ddted January 23, 1989 ' �9 Bituminous Roadwa � � Inc. Con a tor . By , ..,..,_,.,,,.,,,� _ CUUNTY OF Dakota Name and Title '---- ----� � S7ATE OF Minnesota � S� Norman C. Hagen Vice President Before me on this rt rm n C. 2"'�'---- tlay af Januar �and say that he is the � . 19 s9 vice Presi�ent nown to me, w o bein personally aPPeared 9��1'Y sworn, did depose that he exeeuted tt�e above !� fice of the Contractar above mentianed; pAlicatlon for Payment and Affidavit on behalf o and that at1 of the statem��t� ��ntained therein a MY Commissfon Expires: r�ar�h 2 re true, correct and cc�mplf 5��� �antractor; �, 1993 �. �•• �'`•'r.r�'� n�t� (,[F�� _ i'? /s+ .„ f .1A.; � ,- 5 >�.::� �cnit�Y �. a��r�s�'"'`'` The und�rsigned has check�d the Contra , i,. � � '�eTi''" r�.-��, _ otary Pub � .-� �^ ' this ApP1 ication is th� Contract �tor's Appl icatian far Pa Mr c�,m�SBr," f',;�'�}'�',V�``',',r �'�a`�-�,��: �. f��s und�r thfs Contract bave been a °�+s Afffdavit stating that allypreviousW�aabove. A part o cQnnection with the wnrk coveredPbye��jy riOr q d�scharge in fuli ali of hls�obli �° h1m . In accordance w�th the Cont � pP icatfians for Payment. 9ations in Artrount Due. ract, the undersigned approvss payment to the Contractor� of . the Oate �.1 � � � -��-s1..� SHORT EL NEND-�t KSON, N , Page --�-�-.�._ 01` 3 BY � ,y� ---�--�:_