HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Receive Petition / Authorize Feasibility Report, Valley Oaks Phase IV, City Project #196 i � �- .. � . �'�. . � . . � �,.._� . ���'"I,'\ .. I �I � . . ,t***********�*�*�***********�**�r*******�MEMt3*********�r****�r**�*****,r*��*******�* DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1989 T0: MAY{�R & CQUNCILMEMBERS C10 ABMINISTRATOR JiLK i FROM: CITY ENGINEERJPUBLIG W4RK5 DIREGTOR HEFT RE: ITEMS F�R THE FEBRUARY 7, 14�9 COUNCIL MEETING CQNSEI�IT AGENUA i Receive PetitionjAuthorize Feasibilitg Report, Valiey 0ak Addition�Fhase IY Ci� Project 196 '� •_ � This item calls £or Council to react to a petition for local improvements tt�at Mr. John Kratz of the Winds Crossing Company submitted. This memo provides a '� brief background on this petition and also recommendation for action. Mr. Kratz has petition for utility and street improvements within the remainder of the Valiey dak Addition Replat. This petitian does represent a i00X petition being signed by all owners of the real property as Iisted on the petiti;an. Recommended action €or Councii to eonsider is to receive ttre petition and adopt ' the attached resolution _authorizi.ng our consulting engineers to prepare a feasibility report for Frc�ject 196, V�1Iey flak Replat-Phase IV Utility and Street Improvements. i i � ; ; , _ _ __ _ � . , y � � „�T�.'N1 �/'. *��*************�*****�r��*��r********�***MEMd*�r***�****�****�r*���***�r***********�x .Y�. . . . . � .. . . � . � � � � � � . . . IIATE; FEBttUARY 2, 1989 . T0: MAYQR & COUNCILMEMBERS G/d ADMINI9TRATOR JiLK � FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PtTBLIC WOIiKS DIREGTdR HEFT REt ITEMS FOR THE FEBRUARY 7, 1989 G�llNCIL MEETING GONSEP�T AGEND.� Receive Petitian/Authorize Feasibiiit�Report, Valiey Oak �ddition� Phase IV Cit� Project 196 � � This item calls for Gouncil to react to a petition for local improvements ttiat Mr, John tCratz of the Winds Crossi.ng Company submitted. This memo provides a brief background or� this petition and also recammendatiesn for action, NTr. Kratz has petition for utility and street imp�ovements within the remaincier '� Qf the Vailey Oak Additian Replat. This petition does represent a i00X petitian ' being signed by all owners of the real property as listed on the petitian. Recommended action for Council to consider is to receive ttie petition aad adopt the attached resolutian guthorizing our consulting engi�eers to prepare a feasibility report for Project 196, Valley Oak Replat=Phase IV Utility and Street Improvements. Y,rz� � � , � . . � ... � . . �. � . . . . � � .. GITY OF ROSEMOUNT i .. RESOLUTiON 2989— i,_,,, A RES{?LU'TION ACCEPTING THE PETITION AND AUTItORIZING � A' FEASIBTLITY REPOitT FUR VAi.LEY OAKS AbDITIUN, FHA5E IV, IMPRdVEMENTS, £ITY PROJEGT ].96 WIi�REAS,, the City Caunczl of the City of Rosemount has receivecl a �etition fxom the dev�loper and ro ert o�aners of the ro ased Valle Uaks Addition Phase IV P P Y P P Y ► Improvements, City Project 196. ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESQLVED by the City Gonncil of the City of Rasemount as fol lows: . (1) the aforesaid petition represents 100� c�f the owners of the affected propertY� (2) the property awners request in the petition that tk�e improvements be constructed and that the entire cost for their share less the city's share of the ccsst of the improvement be assessed against the property; (3) the aforesaid petition is approved and placed on file; and {4) the Gity Engineer is directed to have prepared the necessary feasibili�.y report £or the Valley Oaks �aa�.t�on, Phasa IV Improvements. A�PTED this 7th _day of February, 1989. , "i�ollan Hoke; Mayor ATT EST: : I � Stephan Jilk, AdministratQr/Glerk ; , , � . � � Pro� # �� � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PETITI�N FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS E140% Petition) To the City Gnuncil of Rosemount, Minriesota: We, the undersigned, being the owners of all the. real propertp legally described a� followss l.ots 15 through 29, [�loek 2, Lots 2 and 3, B1ack 3, Lots 22, 23 and 24, Bloek 4, Lots 8 through 15, Block 10, a]1 in Va11ey Oak �lddition Replat. hereby petiCion the city council to undertake wi�haut a public hearing under Minn�sota Statute�, 5ecstion 429.Q31, the following improvem�nts to suah praperty and agree to pay for all co,�ts for the prqparatian o� the feasibility report for these improvements � in the even� tha impravements are not ord�red in: X Sanitary 5ewer X �Falkways � Watermain X Streets , X Storm Sewer X Curb & Gutter X Streetlights Other and tn pay the entira assessable costs therea� against our property encampa�sir�g or �butting �sid �mprovements baaecl on benefits received without reg�rd ta ca�h valuation. Sivrtature of Owner(s) * Address Da e W'i nd ' i Gom -"""_ 2. • p ohn Kratz, Pres' ent 2. 3. 4. We �►I�o agree to guaranty payment for thes preparation of plans and �peaification� �or the abov� petitioned improv�ments in o�d�r that the plans and apecifications may b� prepared simult�neously with the .feasibility report. �dr e�.ty Us� o►��.y Date Rec'd t`�'�'t� `? i' . , By: ��'�1 To Council s r�C3 � `l �9�g * Praperty owned in �oint tenancy shaul.d be signed by each awner. 10/88 f i