HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Tuition Reimbursment Policy Approval � • 1/��/ • F.O. E3QX Sfi0 � " \,,,,,/��� 0 2875-145TH ST. W. OSQ/�'�.11N.[�.� ROSEMC)UNT. MI�N�SQTA 55A68 612—423-4a11 TO: Mayor Noke Counc�.lmembers Napper ITEM # k. 4xbo�ough Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator - DATE: February 3, 19$9 • R�: Tuition Reimbu�sement Policy As part af the resolut�.on approvir�g eertaa.n salsry ad justments ' and benefits for 19$9 fc�r nan-unian emgloyees and far th� pub2ic works ur►ion contract, a tuition reimbursement poliey was approved, The approved benefit was a $G50.00 per year �ayment for employees who successfullp completed eertain approved classes. I have attached, f4r your review, the prc�posed policy to cover the implementation of this benefit . It outlines the procedure the employee would follaw in abtaining the reimbursement . Please cansider it and I ask that a matian is passed adopting it. Thank you for yaur considerati4n in this matter. dw attach. ". � . 0 , January 18, 1989 G�TY OF ROSEM�UNT POLICY TITLE: TUITION R�IMBURSEMENT PRQGRAM POLICY NUMBER: P _ � FR(?POSED BY: ADMINISTRATI�N DATE APPROVED BY G�UNCIL: PURPO5E The Citp of Rosemo�int encaurages i.ts emplopees to improve their skil�.s and knowledg� through education. To assi.st e�aplaqees in attaining personal education end eareer �oals, the Citp offers the following tuitian reimburse�ent program ta eligible emplopees, This program is intended for the voluntarp use o€ employees to encourage achievement af per�onal gosls, and is nut intended to address employer requested or required classes, se�afnars. or programs. Eligibilitp for the reimbursement program sha1l be bascd on the follow3ng criteria. I. I�LIGIBILITY I- $. Regular �ull-time emplcapees, upon successful completian of their initial probati.onary period with the Ci�y, or as individually agr�ed, �hall be eligible to applp for reimbursement of �ob-re].��ed educational cour�ea under the Citp' s Tuition Reimbur�ement Progran�. b. Thia program is voluntary, and as such el:k caurse work sha].i be campleted outside narmal workfng haurs. c. In order ta be conaidered for tuition reimbursement, the course or degree program, must be directlp related to the employee' 8 current �ob or to a position to which the emplogee cauld be directly prorsoted within the Citp. d. TuitiQn rei,mbursement shall be considered onlp for course work taken at recagnized accredited colZeges, vaeational schaols, or approved adult eclucatianal programs. e. Tuition Reimbursement farms are avai.lab2e from the Personnel Office. .� � � a, TI. APPRUVAL II. a. Tn order to be el�.gible for tui.tion reimburr�esnent, all requests for course wark or a de$ree progrsm must receive prior approval from the e�p2oyee' e department �ead and ths city sdministrator. III. REIMBURSEMENT III• a. Upon successful completion of a pre--approved e�iucationat cour�e, the City shall reimburse the er�plopee far 1Q�� of the course tnition �nd other 89�OC�St+�(� fees, necee�sarp t�xtbooks, and materials. Expen�es for which th� emplayee could be compensated through other educational incentive grograms such as the GT Bi11 wilt not be covered. The maximum re3mburseraent during a calender pear under this program wi11 be $450.U0 per emplopee. b. Successful campletion of the eourse sha11 be considered: 1 . A letter gr�de of "Ct' or better, or; 2. A numerical grade of "70" or better, or; 3. A pass in a Pass/Ntr Pass Spstem, ox; 4. A certificate from the instructor indtcating sa�i��actvey completian of the course if �rsdes are . not issued, c. Financia3. reimbursement wi11 be granted after the follow3n� conditions have been met: l. The empZoyee has received prior apgroval under the Tuitian Reimbursement Progra�a. 2. The empZayee has compl.eted the caurse and submiCted proof of succe�sfu�. completi.on of th� co�rse to the3r department head. 3. The emplopee has submitted proof of payment far the course to their departmsnt head.