HomeMy WebLinkAbout5 Ratification of Fire Department Personnel / Fire Department Officers - Swearing In . . � �{J�E�I(��,1N� VQLUIi1TEEi� 2f�75 145th Street West Rcssemount, MN 55068 FI�E DEPA�TI�IENT ��ty NaN 612-423-�41t fire tia11612-423•3444 ' �T�.C!� �{ T0: Steve Jiltc, City Administrator � �� FRt7M: Scott Ake�r, Fire Chief DATE: January 27, 1989 . RE: Fire Fighter Leave of Absence At a regular meeti.ng of the Rosemount Fire Department , the members voted to approve a Ieave of absence of one af its regular members Mike McDonou�h He has been on the department for 23 years . His wc�rk schedule and demands are tfie reasan for the leave. It woulcl begin 2/1J89 and l�st a maximum af one year. We look to the City Couneil to ratify this action. a� .. i j�VS�I�iV�.J� 1/ ��,,,�„��TE�� R�sermwnt,MN55� �fiIAE DEPAATMENT �,tu������_���.4��� Fire Nall 612�--423-3444 ..��—/ l.� Ta: Steve Jxlk, Cit Admin� �=�'/ � �� X strator FRQM: Scott Aker, Fire Chief DATE: 3anuary 26, 1989 RE: Annual Elections �t the annual meeting c�f the Rosemount Fi,re Department held on t�e fourth Tuesday of January and in keeping with the bylaws, the foZlowing persons were elected ta serve as officers of the organization. T�e two people listed below received the ma,�arity of the votes £or tt�e pc�sition thep were running for. Assistant Chief John Strese ane year term Secretaary Bob Taberv 4ne year term The membership of the Rosemount Fire Department looks ta the City Couneil to ratify this actian. dw ,. � � tl � P C? F�f„1 X 51(1 �jZ�ay Q ?A75-iQ51fF,r+T W � „�` /��* r� /��f13 � � RClS;i MC�k!N� MFINfilF.`�(}t!t �5C1fi8� �1.�c7���lJ Vl.f�i� fif Z -t�3-4411 STAT� aF AfINMESOTA ) COUNTY UF I�AKOTA } ss. CIT'Y OF POSEMOUNT ) I, John Strese," do so1 emn.t y srvear tha t I wf 11 suppart the Const�tution of the Un.iteci Stetes end of the Stste of Mjnnesota; and faithfully dischsr�e the dut�fes of the office of Assistent Fire Chief for ehe C�ty of Rosemount .in th� Cvunty o� Dakotr� and the Stete vf M.innesote. to the bes� of my ,judgment and sbil.ity. So help �e God. John Strese Subscribed and sworn to before me th�s T[h day of February. 1989. Ra11an Hoke. Msyor ` � � �9. � F`O Et�1 X 510 �jt`� {) 2875-145TIi ST W �� � � � �� ����EY1��0"Ltt�'1���� � � �c�rr nne�r�Nr. MrNr�F�arn �s���s� �� fi? :f3�-�417 STATE OF MINNESQ?'A } CQUNTY (?F nAKUT'A ) ss. CrrY o� �os�r�oun�' ) .tr Robert Tsbery, da solemnly swear that T w.i11 support the Constit�Cion of the tln�t ted Ststes and of the Str�te of Minnesote. end fsithf�lly d�tschgrge the dut.ies of the ef€ice of Fire Department Secretary far �he City vf Rosemount in the Cvunty of Dakota and the 5t�te of Minnesota, to the best of my ,�urlgmen t and ahi.t i t y. So he1 p rae God. . Robert Tebery Su6scr�bed and sworn to before me thts 7�h dey of Februsi-y. 2989. Ro11an Noke, M$yor