HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Zoning Ordinance Amendment . • APfIDAVIT O� PUSL�AT�N � STATE OF MINNESUTA ) �� County of DQkotca ) NANCY J. GUSTAFSOM,beiag�ty sworn,on oalh so�+s Nwt shs ts an wNw�iaad og�►t aiwl PU B LIC NOTICE . �P��ee of the pubiiaher�Nro newspopsr kaown�t�►ato CouMr Tdbans.�a��k� nR���w�a of ehe ro�ts wlaeh ar.starae betow: ZONIN6 NITRRlRtTAiION A/ltAL ; TQ WHOM tT bfAY CONCERN: NOTICE t3 HEREBY GiVEN, th�GYtp Gout�ci!�the Ci ���eemount wiil hold� A � �� vuWic hearL�g��Y,Febnury 7 1�8, ( )The news�wpsr kos wmplied with d1 af M�e mqu�ants sw�atituti at os a In tl�e Cae�eil Chambers�lhe City Hai��2873 �+stn street west,begino#e�g�at Q:80 p.m.ar nawspoPer,as Drovtded�Minneroto Siolute 331 A.02�33i A.Q7 a�d otfie�a�pplie�k lows,w amanded, as soon thereafler as poaib .R'he paa�poee ot this hearin�In to t�etve comments re- gard3ng an eppeai to Cuy Counell of action j^� taken by the City�Roaematnt Pia� (B?The p.im+sd �.'� C.�.���� Commisslon.T!u'Planning Commi�ion ac- � tion which�anpte�d thia appesl ievolVed ao interpretaEioa oE the legat etatus M a S.�e-acre parcel o[ pr�ty lepliy da txribed as tollovw: Sectlon 23,Towriahip 11$,Ran�e 19:Part et tl� weat I�sif of the NoeHroa�t Qwrter commeneing 3,413.1 feet�et at the eau- throreet eorner�the Nath hstt o[the� don,t�t'th 550 feEt east 34D teet,eOUth 569 pegspop�re�pd Was P�i1M��d pM1�t11ed W1t! teet tv�t�@ feet to beginnitrs,ezc�t the w6ie11 ii Olfoebed w�Cdt h+om ti+!CdunMf Oi said south 31Z6 teet tilereof. ' The Planning CommLsi�ra�nized tlfet ttx suhdlvisial whieh p+�ted t6e p�n�e!M question�raa hat approved bY CitY t�ouactl each wa.k,fa► ,��Q saeassive weeks:it waR ae�did�at meet moni �ran�e ta ng �; meata at the dme r�sub�r�op,The misabn cknied'tde applicaMts ret�t t0; • recogntzethepaecelass kgall�tettee.a�t� )�� /� �ilow iaswnce of e bufilding pem�it�'iUe#0�` f�sf p�lished oa 7'hwsdo�r.IM ���y'*doy of �.-� * � oikant haa elecEed to appesl ti�a daeleion et ��4� ilw Planninq t�Omm��on to q�e pty � 1Weemount�Yty�i!as provided foe la• � , ond wa� N�e�eq�I#ar tAe Citp�tto�emflunt zad;ng O'�nanca. 19 p►im�ed snd puellsh�d ,� m'Mi Th�ws�' fo and iaeludinpl 3nch pm�ao�as deaLre to ba heatd wtdt� , re[ar�nce to tlds iteen wW be 1�Ard a!dds, � meett . ; v( � n.r�en���a+a.y�a.�y,iae�.�„ �,' T�dor.+h.�C� �,d i� 2.:�i �'u_ci...,r � 14 c�' s�rttnxatLx, , . t AdminbtntalGimt ' :`:` e , a�d pnnMd betow is o eopy of fhe towee�w dpheibet fram JA ta I,�ineia�Wt,wMeh ir he�yb�r Clt o[RoeetnWnt ,, - � ��s Da�ta CaantY.�IqmauaAr i ,; �} ��„r����ing H►a sis.enui kind d l�rpe used in Nro C�+�on a� of N�e�tiat: abcde[gMijk4mrrepqraiuvwxylz , , , i BY: � � m�:s�� : - � �f s���a�a:w�►ro�►� �a ��O�'rn.c.�.s c� x����� ,19�. � ' �!— \�t���1,1�E'�,,�C-A..:.�„�,C~~�` Norory�+�lia ��,,, CARt3L J.H�11tERU1NO .a.� �arA�r�.�c+r�sm� � �� [)AKOTA C�QUNTY I .. MyC.om�ssbn E�qa�res Oec 3.i�N9 . �' • • F�o r��x .��� � � . � � /��� �)� � � � � � ^�i75 14��r1i ST W � w�au r fi(te+ MC�1�N T ►vYMlNF`:(�t n �,OF,fY ; ' . � c t��t u ��c��rr���-f��� � � �i2� .f,'.a a91 t � Agenda I tem 6a TO: Mayor, City Cauncil, t;ity Administrator FROM: Dean Johnson, 17irector of t:ommunity Uevelopment DATE: February 3, 19$9 SUBJ: F'ebruary 7, 1989 Regular Aleeting • A�;r��dn Ite� 6a, 6a. Zanin� Ordinance Amendment Staff have had many meetings and discussions regarding the propos�d amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, elimi-nating iandfills as permitted uses. The over-riding issue surrounding the ordinance change regards the language c�ntained in our entire new zonia� orciinance. As wc have asscrtcd, the new ordin�nCe dt�eti nc�t allow landfills. Thc �ur�►ote af thc int�rim or�lin��nce arn�ln�lment is tc► reffert that pending ordinance intent. You are weIl aware o[ the position taken hy t1SPCi on this matter. After discussing our intentions and aptions with our att�rneys, w�e are. convinGed that our actions have been pro�er. in an ef fort ta reducc iensions and e}iminate �ny misconceptions abaut our intc��E; h�we��er, �ti�e ha��c a�;rccct that the C:ity Cotr�tcil shoutd adopt a moratorium an tandfills, in Iieu of thc intcrim amendment. A ntoratorium witl provide the City Couneit the full o�portunity to review the issue of landfills within the context af the entire new zoning ordinance revisions. The moratorium will remain in effec[ until Jnly i, 19$9. Attached is a cover }etter from Dave Grannis and a rnoraiarium ardinance for councii consideration. . . .. _... .... . _ . . , .. . � ,. . . . . . . .. . .. ���. "o �. s � o � : � ��� �����r�r � s �.�� I ��� �o � �.�►�� CTRAN�IIS� C'3$J�NAII�� �.A�'�l�I.$i KfiI�yN DAVm L Cs'�dlaia-1$741SKSI A'ltG�.A�en�uxt� � nAvm�..G�t,�.o�,j�.-19�ti�3s�90 i�er t�rrKs�dec s7 td�2}�sfZ35�! v�a a cs�ra� 4�?►Ncn�ve�r B�t�veeacw3 �axrrr f!.x.►� Y�wcs B.Gutn�ra,Ju.� 261 Nt�r�GoloCY'1��� �J,V,��rst T�3.� P,�xx ll.F,�a�as �iit 5'r.P,un,Ma�n�rte��D7S D�v=D L.GtAiaKp��II _ �flCaSM�1.aCl�k1'�lQw �(6]2)+!S'#-1{�'+'� ,t ,_..�. , Div1a b.f3�at�Y� ��f� � •�t�+o,ta�me�m F�b�`usry 3� 19�9 _ �t.�„�mw� Mr. I3et3�n Jc�n�+pn D1.r��tox v�' Gam�aurtf.t� �]ev�3+�pm+�rt� �ity af Ro�emount 2875 - 1�Sth ;��ree� '�e�t ��emr�U�1t, M�.�►n��ot� �5t►68 Re: �4ning Or�d3nanee Am�enc�nent S�ivisit�:n 8.�a D�ar �Sar�: Bec�use of the c�ncern ant� ob�i+��t3c� to the prc�p�sed ataendme�t tr� your �an.�ng (3xr�in�nee relating to Ianc3f ills� it 3� t3ur recorat�endatican t3�at �cn interim Ord3n��e t�mpc�r�ri2y prahib�.�ing , 3ssuan+ce af Iand use aPprovals and buil�dinc� permita far 3�nd�i�.Is be ad4ptec3 and th�t th� Couneii r33rect the �3.ty Plann�r tc� p��pare a �tudy pn the i,�,�ues and mak� writte� reccymmen��ti+ct�s. Enclosed are copi�s Qf a �aropv9�+d Ordix��nce and R�acl�ation: far consiaerati�an by �the Couacil. I�' you shau�d h�v+� �ny furth+�r questiona, please do r��t hesitate to eQntsct me. V�ry truly yo�rs, �,rRANfi�IS, G�tANIQT$, FARRSLL .' . . . . . . .� . . � . � �. � . . . . � ,i�i�1V1r7Vs�r..����a� . . .. � . , . . � . „„�t�,.` �'"I� --- Y3+C3 L C'ii�'a�7�18 I II� . � DLGIII/k�.t �iCs. • 02. 03. 89 a2 : � P14� �GR.A�T�TI S L F I RI�i P [} 3 CIT3t OF RUS�flUNT DA1�CyTA COUNTX, M3NNESt�T3�1 R�SOI+ti'!'I4� Dat+a Rest�].�►t�on '�t�, M�otian 8y S�on�� By �EBtiLa''Pla�t nT�CTIIIiG R'� �I'g7i;A �►���R 't'�t PRBP]�t8 ]� �'�'Y t?F �'�"P1�t'��'�tl�l3� EOI�II� c�x�o� �aa �roa�=L� u�r �sxa�t u�►�� WHBREA.S, the City i� ,�onc+�x�n�d 'tha� 7.�1i�ff 1I� �rrd ���ilar u�es Gvuld have a nes�ative impaat on the ad�ac�nt pra�ext��r �x�d th� - cc��nmuni�y �o a wbale�. NOW, TH$l�EF4RE, BB �� �LSQLYED by the Ros!e�eoun� �C�.t� �t�uixCil t,hat the City*s pianr�er ic c93,re��ed b�y ��,»� 1, 1989, to gr�pare � study on the i�su�s anc� tv m�ke r�c�»s�a:Gia�� �an aPBr+�priat� offi�i�l co�trals. P�s�i� �D ttttLY ADpp�t3 by #t�e C3.�.y Cc�uncsii Qf th� �ity o� R��c�aou»t '�hi� � d,�y ,�� , 1�89. CITY O� ROS�OI7I� fS�ALj �Ys . o���» e� e, 1�►yor A7".CF��'. Stephan J Ik, A� ri �'�xatc�rf Gl�rk ,. -• - ,- . � : � o�. o �. ss o � : .�► p� *����zv � s z. F z �.� Pa � ���c��� ��. CZTY OF �t08�'lfNT T�►A�COT'A CO'CII�i�`Y, IR�r1N��TaI A�it Il�'TR�]# QR�?�lR]#�1C8 �R�1.R�L�l p�qBl��'�'=�Gi Z�B�Ii�� t'�a' L�w�i QS$ llp3��tt3'�T71L8 71�D� �lt3ZL�'!Il�iA ��'�'� gti� Li1�tt?1�3LL8 71l�D 8�IL7E� ZTB� THE �ITY Ct?'i7I+ICIL t1F T13� CTTY C�F �taSE�t?U2�iT {}RESAIN,B: 8actian 1. Intent: It �s the �ntent a� thig c�rQ��ta�t�+� �c� allaw the C�t� ot Rosemount time to aamptet�-a m�re in�dept�s mtud�t cQn�ex�r�in9' ��praPx�ate �.an$ u�e contxolc� f�x th+� regu��i��:on of l�.n�fill�a and �i�i3�r u�+�s, �nd in th�e int+�rim to prct+a�ct the pl�nnlrtg prc�+c�� and i�.h+� �af��y �and W�I��r� o� 't�ha citiae►n� Qf the commun�,ty. So�stion x. Tem�rary IFr-ohibiti�on: Fend�.n� the �o�p�+�tian of the abave ret�rred ta study �na eao�t�an crf �pprupri��+� o�Pi�i�I cantrois, nc► �a��d usd a�prnv�l� t�r bu3ldi�g p��it� �ha31 2� 3,s�ved ��ar la�dfilia� �r�t si�il�r u�+�. �e�tiom �. ����ctiv� D�►t+a: Thie +a�d3nanee �hall take eftect from and a�ter ftg �as�a;�a a�»+� pu�ii���i�� �r�a shall re��in ��t effeet wrtil the date of t�� �deptic��i of t,h+a of�icial c�tnt�ols - , contempi$t�d hexeu�dex ax J''t�ly� 1, 2983, t�hiche�v�r ae�urs t'irst. pA5���7 �tD D�JLY llDOpTB'� by th�e City Ct�uncti�. of 'k�t�a Ci�y of R�veemou�►t t�t�.s � ��►y o! , 19�►9. . CITY +I�F Rt38Al�StlUNT 8Y: l�a I�dn �3vltae�, Mayo� AR�'LBT: �t��pha» J lk, i�d�► n ��a�t�rJc�.�ark �