HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Public Works Union Contract • /l�11 � r�� t�c�x s�a ��/Z4� Q ?9T5-145TH ST. W �1 ` R�SEM�UNT.AAtNt+t£St�7A 550G8 VS��O��� &f2-423•4At t T0: Mayar Hoke ITEM 6 b. Councilmembers Napper Oxborough Walsh Wipgermann FROM: Stephan 3ilk, City Administrator ' DATE: February 3, 1989 RE: Public Works {Teamsters Local 320) Union Contract, 1989-1990 The council has given approval tfl the monetary aspects of the 1989-199Q contract w3th the public wc►rks degartment (Teamsters Local 320) . it was on my advice that we corttinue ta discuss one additional item prior to formally ac�opting the new contrac�. That additional item 'was a non-traditional approsch Co salary adjustments to union personnel under a canxract situation. The union has advised me that they would consider £tirther discussion on this tapic, but are not very ec�nfident that we may come to any kind of sueces�ful conclusion �n the matter. With that in mind, I request that the cour�cil give formal approval ta the contract as negotiated tca tt�is poirtt. We wiil continue to discuss the other matter w3,th the union in an attempt to resoive 3.t. A copy of the new contract is attached for yc�ttr reference. It combines the pre-i989 contract with the negotiated revisions which you have already appraved in our executive sessians. A simple motian ta approve the new contract and authorize the Mayar 's and my signature is required. Thank you for your consideration in this mattex. dw attach. • • LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN TNE CITY OR R05EMOUNT AND MINNESOTA, TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AND Ll�w ENF4RCFM�NT EMPI,OYEES� UNION, LOCAL Nf}. 32Q (PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEN'�) J`�1NUARX 1 , 1989 -- TIECEMI3�R 31 , 199f� i � LAF30R 11GRF,�MF;PJT � BCTWE�N CT�:�Y dF �t�SCr9�UNT �1Nt� MIIVNE50TA TEAMST�RS PUDLZC. ANn I�AW FN�'UI2CP•.MC;t�t�' _ EMPLUYEES' UNIQN, LOCAL `NQ. 32f1 A1tTICLE Z - PURP05E O;F AGRE�MEI�T This AGREEMENT 'is en�eargd into aa of the date oE Gouricil ��oP��-on on January 17, 1989, between �he C.�ty of Rc�;�ernofint, tlereii�after ca].led the EMPLOXER, and th+? P4�.rii1e:3cjt.:� Tearns�ers Public and i,aw En�orcemen� Empioyee�' Uni�n, r,o����, �yo. 320, hereitlafter c�lled the UNION. It is the intent and �urpose af this AGRI�:t;l�i�NT to; 1 .1 Establish certain hours, w�ge:� �-�nd other cone�itic�ns of em�loyment; � •� �si:ab].ish procedures for the reso3.ution of dispu�es concernl.ng this AGFtCEMEN'P'S int�rn.re�E-�tion andlor applica�ion; 1 .3 Place in writt+�n form the parL•.i.Q3� agreeme�it uE�an terma and con�:f.tions of emFloyment fnr the �ur�ti.un of th�.s AGREEMFN'.C. 'Phe CMPL�XER and t}ie UNION, tlirouc�h tl�is AGREEMENT, continue their dedi.eati,an to the high�at quality o£ �ublic service. I3oth parties r�cc�g��ize this AGR�EM�NT as a pledge af th3.s ded.ica�ion. � ARTICT�� II - R�COGNITION 2.1 The CMPLOYER reCognizes the UNION as the excl.u4iv� repr�sentat3ve uncler Minn�sot� S�:atut�g,, Seeti.vn 1 ?g�.03, subdivisi'�n 1 � fo • , x a11 persanne�. in �Fle Eollo�a�.xt� j�b cl�ssif.�cationt "Al.l pmployees nf i:he F�ih7.ic Wnrks Department, Gity c�f Rosemouiit, Ros�mo�iizt, Minn��ota, whose emplayment service exceeds the lesser of 14 hours per week or 35 percen� of the norma2 «�rk week ancl more than 67 work days �er ye�x, excluciiny su�ervisory, confic�pntial and all Qther employees." 2.2 In the eyent �he EMPLOYER and the UNIQN are ui�s�l�1e tc� agree as to the inclusion ar exclu�ion of � new or modi£ied job c7.ass, the issue shall bc� suh�n.i.tted �o the IIureau o£ PRediation Services f�r dAtermirtati�n. 2•3 The EMPLOYER sha11 not ent�r into any agr�AmA�1�g Gr�verin 9 terms a�id cond3.tions of emplo;�m�rtt caith the em�.�loyees af the bargai,�iny unit under the �urisdiction of tllis AGREEMENT, either individua�.ly o.r collectively, which in �nY waY conflicts with the tArms an� cond�.tions of this AGItFEMENT, except throuc�h the cer�ifil�3 r��r�sc,i�,ativ�. 2.4 Neith�r the U1dION nar the Et+iPLUYER shali diser.imin�te against any emp].oyee because of UNION memb�rsttiE�, nor b�cause of xace, cregti, sex, culor, r!�1tg�.c�us b�1i.�C c�r paliti�al. b�lief, age. marftal status o.r naL-3.on�l o�iqin. Al2TICfi,E III - DEFINITIONS 3.1 ` UNI4N: Tlle Minnessota Teamstexs Publie anc� i�a�r rnfarcernenh Employees' UniQn ., � Local No. �20, �.2 UNZ4N M�MBE12: A membez o£ the rl�.nne€�Q�a Tea►ns��cs Ful�lic and T,aw Enforcement Employee's Union, Local No. 320. 2 3.3 �MPLC3YEE�� member of the exclu�iv��t• � y r _r.oc�tt.t��d bargaiizing unit. 3.4 EMPLOYER: The City af Rosernnunt. 3.S UNION OFI'iCER. �Ef�cer elected or �ppoi�zEed by tt�� Minnesota Te��nsters Public anci Law Enforcement Em}�loyses' Unian, Loca1 t�a. 324. 3.6 PERM�,I�EN'r EMPLOYEE: An eml�loy�e who has serve3 six (G) months or more of eontinuous em�loy�nent wi�h thA City �af � Rosemoun�.. 3.7 AASE PAY R.�TE: The empl.oyQe's hourly pay ra�e exclusiv+� of any special a114wanees. 3.8 COMPENSATORY TIME: Time off the emnla�ee' s regc�l..�rly scheduled work schedule equal to one a�nc3 one-hal.f {1-1/2) ' timos the number of c�vertime hours raorkea. �.9 QVERTIML: Work performed at th� Ax�jre�s authoriza�ion vf the EMPLOYEI2 in excess oE �or�y �40} I�nurs per cvec�k, Mvnday �hr�ugh Friday. AR'I'ICLE IV - EMQLOYER SCCURITY 4•1 The UNION agrees that duxirtg the lift oE this AGR�EMENT it wi11 not causc�, encourage, �artict��ate ixi Qr suppc�rt any si:rike, �lc�wc�aw�1 or otlxer interrupti,c►rt of or inkerf�rence wi.th the normal .£unr�,�.ons �€ the EMPLCIYLR. 4.2 Any emplo�ee who enqages in a gh.rike may hav+� the�,r aP�i.ntment vr em ].o ,i p ,y�men� t�r�ninat+ac� by �lie EMF.r,�X�R, effec�ive �he d�t� �lie viola�ion first occurs, Termination shall be effective upon sQrvice of wr.ittei� 3 notice �the emnl.uyee and sha t.l bA � L ..Er��c:t.tu� �.o tt�e dat� the first violat�on oceurred. An �m��t�yc�n wl3n i�s absen� from any portion or their worle assignm�►�t witt�o��t permissior� or who abstains wholly or in ��rE from the fu11 perfor�nance of their dut�.es without p�r�n.iss.ton fr,om the �MPLUYCR on the date or date5 when a s�x�.ke occurs, i,� prima facie presumed ta have e��r�ageci in strike on such date or dates. An Am�loy�e wt�o sst.r3.kQs 1nd whose emnloym�n� has been terminated for sueh �c:tion may�, sub�equent to such vtolltion, t� a���,r�iizte�� nr rQ���pointer� or employed or re-�►n�loyed, hui: the em�loyea sliall. be on probation for two {2) years with res��ct �a such Civ�.l Service status, �enure o� emplo�ment, or contr3cE of employment. as the employee may have tliergrofora been entitled. No employee shall be entitlAd �v ��y d�ily paY� wages or per dfem for the days on which tt�e Am�loyee engaged in a strike. �1}2TIC�,E V - EMPLQYEH AUTHORITY The EMPLOYER retains the full. �nd �inrestric�ed right to o�erate and manage all manpowe.r, fac.t.litiP�, �r�� equi�ment.; tv establish funeti�ns ar�c� proyrams; to set anc� amend budge�s; to determin� the utiliz�tiorl of �echnolo9Y; to establish and modify the oxganf,zational, strncture, to , select, direct and determine th� nu�nU�r of �x�r�onnel; ana �o perform any inherent m�na�arial funct�.ons not specifically limited by this AGRF�MENT. AnY t�rr� �nd 4 coriditio�f e�nploym�nt not s��ecifir�t �s��h Y 1i�h�a or modi.fi�cl by this AGRFEM�:NT sh�11 r�►n�in sol�ly within the cliscreti.on of the GMPLOY��i to modify, �staUtish or el.irninate. ARTICLE VT - RIGHT OF SUBCONTRACT Nothing in this AGttF�MENT s}iall pro(iihit or. restric;t ttie right of the Et�lPLt3YER from suUc�zitr�etin�� w��rk �.r£ormed by �m��loyees covered by ttiis 1Gtt�EMt,NT. nRT-.--ICL�VII -`UNIQN SECU(tITY 7.1 Tha EMPLOYER shall d�duct from the w�g�s uE �mployees wha author.izo such a deduetfon in writinh �n a�nr�t�nt n�cessary to cover mvnthly UNION dues, or a "fair share" aec�uction, as proviaec� in Minnesota Statutes 1?9'A.OG, subdivision 3, . if the employ�e �l�ets not to laecome a memb�r o€ ti�e UNION. Such monies sha11 bs .r�rni�teci as directea by the UN�ON. 7•2 The UNION may designate empl.oy�es from the bargaiYiinq unit to act as a Steward and an alt�rna�e and shall. inform th� �MPLOY�R in writin� of such clioice anc� c)zanges in the position of Steward and/rar altprnate. 7.3 Tlie �P9PLOYER sha11 make spaco avail.able o�i the em�alay�e bulle�in board for the postinc� vf offieial UNTON t��tiee arid announeements. . ; 7•4 The UNION ac�rees to inaeinn�.:Fy a��cl hoic� thn i���IPi,t}YCtt harmless against any and a11 c�.aims, suit��, Qr�ieT. ax judgments brough� ar issued �g�inst the EtRnL4YF�2 as a 5 result oP."an act � Y ion takan or. nvt takert by tlie r19Pt,0Y�kt under �he provisions af this Article. - 7•5 The CMPLOY�R agrees that on the �MPLOY�tt'S premises and without loss of pay the UIYI��t Steward shall bs alloww_r1 tp post official UNTON noticos; transmit comrnuni.r:.�t�,ona authoxizecl by the UNION of its of.�i.cers ixncIer tlie terma of this AGRrEM�NT; to consult �aith t}�e EMPL4YER, �r �}1e �MPLQYER'S representa�ives, UiJi�N of:Eic�rs of �.lie UNION re�res�tY�at�,ve concerning the enforcem�nt aC aray �ravi.sic�n ot this 1�GREEMENT, so lonc� as s�xcli action da�a riot inter€ere with regular employee diitic�s. TI3e UNTON sha13, not take employees from the �erfvrmancw_ of tl�eir ;�:���,gned res�onsibilities without prtor approv�i3 QF thA t;MPT,4YER'S designated re�res�n�a�ive. ?.6 The Steward is authoriaeci to perform an�3 discllarge the duties and res�onsibi].ities which are �$�,���,�a una�x �h� terms of this AG�tE�MCNT and any supplementary ayx����nts. The EMPLOYrR agrees that th�re shal.l l��a no rF,s�r.�int, ini:erfer�u�e, coercion or discri�nination a���inst: t1�� Steward ix��ause of �he performanc� aE suct� �it�tin�. �1Ct'1'�CLE VII� - �;MPL4Y�E RIGHTS - GRIi,V1�NCE FItUCEVUP.L ---.-_._...._.._.,..�.�. �-1 DEI�'INITION OF � GRI�VANCE. A g�ieua�ice is c��fined �s a , dispute or disagr�ement as to the in�e.rprAt�t;�.ori or a��Plica�ion o� the s�eci:Eic ter►ns aT�c� coticlitions o� this Agreement, 6 a.�z vrttoN ���FsrN�rn�rzv. • CS. Ttte EMPLUXI;R wtll ��co��rttxe� representa�ivAs designated by the UNIt31V as the gr.tQvance re�reseni:atives of the barga;i�zing ��nit h�ving �hp :luries and respoiisibilities estalalished by this Articte. The UNION sha11 notiEy �he �MPLOYER 3,n writiny caf the name� of such UNION representative and a£ the3.r suecess�rs whan so designa�ed, as provided by Secti�n 7.2 c�f this �GRF�MENT. 8.3 PROCESSI�iG OF �1 GRI�VI�NCE. It i,s recognizPd �tid acce�tec7 by the UNION and the EMPL�YER that the process o� yrievances as hereinafter provided is limi�ed by tlie �01� duties and responsibilities of tlie em}�l,oyec�s a��c� shail therefore be accom�lished during normal ;rorkin� hours onl�� when con�istent with such pm�loyee ci�.�ties an�� responsilai,lities. The aggrievPd empl.o�r�c� �nd a UNZOAi repr�:sentati,ve shall bs allowe�.� a reason�bl� amoixnt of t3,me w3.thou� loss in pay t4 lnves�:i.yate �ri�� �sr���,n� � grievance to the �MPr,qX�R dur.ing rtQrm.�l wc�rkinc� la���.��� provided that tlze employee and tl�e UNION �e�resentatf.ve have notified and received the �pprov�a. of th� ciesigrtat�d �upervisor who ha� determ:�nPd that suc11 �1�;��nc� i� re�sonaUle a�a Wo��.a not be �3�iri�nent,�►1 tQ �he work of i:hr. EMPLOY�R. �•4 GRI�:VANCE PROCEDURJ;. Grfevance�, as definAd; in Sectibn ,� 8.1 , shall be rQsoZvea in conformarlce wiEh thQ follow3.ng procedure: 7 , STEP 1 : �l eit��lo ee claim:ti c • -- Y i,� � violaEton c��rtr.�ar��I.n�� ti�� in�er}�r���ation or a��licat�.�n of this AGR�t;MFNT sliall., wi�hin �wenty-on� (21 } c��,o�raar aays a�te�r suctt �J,leged viol.ation has occu.rred, nz9seiit such gxieva�ice to �he amp1oYee's supervisor as cic�signa�eci by th� CMFr,E?XC:R. Tt�c� I;MPLOYL'it-ciesignated represei�tr�t.ive W��.�, t3�.SCUR.4 a►i�� c�ive an answer to such Step 1 griev�nce wi�}�in ten (10) calenc�ar days after rgceiZ�t. 1� grievance not r�solv�d ii� Step 1 ana aP�ealed to Step 2 shall bp ��l�ce� in wr.ih�.n� setting £art}i the naturp of thA yri.evance, the f.acts on iwhich it 3;� Uased, tlze provtsiari ur pr�vt:3icjns r�f #:he AGREEMENT allegedly violated, tha rern�dy rA��ueste:� and shall �e ap�e�led to Step 2 �vitlitn tAn (10) r_al.e�3+3��r r���ys a�ter the �MPLOYEIt-designaL-c:�d R�prese�itative's final. answer in Step 1 . Any grievanGe no� ap�:�t�c� in writing to Step 2 by the UNION within tert (10) cal�x�►dar a•�y� sliall be considered waiv��d. ST�P 2: If appeal�d, the wxitten grievance shall be . presented by the UNION anc� discussed with the rt4PLOYER- desi.gnated Step 2 repr�senEative. 'Ctie �i+IFr,�)YFit�-�i�sign��eci Renrese►Z�ative shall give the UFII�N ttie �MPLOYLCt'S Step 2 answer in writing within ten i10) c�le�zF3ar days a�t�x recei�t o� suc:h �tAp 2 grievance. A grievanee no� resoZved in Step 2 may be apPealecl to Ste� 3 wiEhin ten t14) calendar days fo3lowing the EMPLOXEa-c�esic�nated Representative's fina3. Step 2 answer, Any 3ric�v�r3e�► nc�� 8 appeale�n writing to Ste 3 h tli • P Y s UNIc�td witliin tArt (1 t�) cal.endar aays shall be consi�3�rec� w��ive�. ST�P 3: If appealed, the wr.ittp►� grievanc� sfiall be present�d by the UNION and discussed with ti�e FMPLOYEit- ci�signated Step 3 repr�sent�-�tiv�. The CMPT,�Yt:it-r��sign�teci representative sllall give the UNZON ttie �P9PLtJX�RfS answsr in wri tinc� within ten (10� calendar d�ys af ter receipt of such Step 3 c�riev�nce. A Griev�tice no� resoluPd in Step 3 may be appPaled to Ste� 4 withi.n ten {10) c,�.tenc��3r days followin� the EMPLOY�R-c�esic�nat�d Representative's fina�. answ�r in SteP 3• �ny gri�vance Tiot �p��1J,ed in writi�lg to Step 4 by the UNION within ten {10) cale��dar c��ys sl�al l be con�idered waived. STEP 4: A grievance unresolvec� in Step 3 and �p�aQ�lea within ten (10) cal.endar days of t}is �tRPLOXER'S StAp 3 answer to Step 4 shall be sub�nitted tv the t�i.nnesata I3ur�au of Media�ion Services. A grievance not resolvec� i�� S�ep 4 may be appealed to Step 5 within (1�3� c�lend�.r c��y� fol.lowin� the Et�PLOY�R'S final anawer in Step 4. l�ny grievance no� <appealec� in wr.i.tin� �o Ste� 5 �ay the UNIOAI ' wi�hin ten (10) calendar days sliall' k�� coiisidered waiveci, STEP 5s A grievance unresolved in St�p 4 and �pp��.led to Step 5 by the UNILIN shall be subrnitEed to arhitration subject to tlis p�ovisions of th� P�iblic Fm�iayrnent Lahc�r R�lations Act o� 1971 , as amend�d. T#�e selecti.r�n vf �n arbitrator shall. be made in accord�nc«� wi�t� the "Rules 9 Governin�the ArMitration � � �� o� Jrieva��c�s �-►s e��al�tt�h�d k>>• tlie Puhlic E�aployment Relati.ons �3oar�. �i.5 ARBI'TRA'POI�'S AU7.'t�i0I2S'TY (A) '�he arbitrator sha11 have no ri��11t to amer�c3, mod.iFy, nullify, ic�nore, add to or ��il�i:��c! Irom tite term�t a�i� coiiait.ions of this 11GR�;�MC�1'P, 'Cil� azh.ttratc�c si1a11 con3ider �-�nd d�cid� only the s�Qci F.tG i,asuP�(r�? su}�mitted in writing by tlre �MPLOYLR ana the UN�UN, and sha�.1 have no autl�ority ta m2�ke a c�eeision O!1 any other issue not so submit�ed. fB) The azbi�rator shall 3�e wt�houL �ow�r to mak� decisions contrary to, or incolzsisteMt wikh, nr modifyiny c�r varying in �ny way the anplic�tion af lacas, r�iLas or regulations having the for.r� ai�d effect oF law. The ari�ttrator's c3�cisiari shal�. ba st�bmitted atn wr�.t3.ng witliln thirty {30� d,�ys following close of the I�eariny or the suhmissian Ut bric�fs by the parties, whichever be later, unless thn partiEs agree ta an exten��.on. The c�ecission shall b� binding on bo�h tlie FMPi,OYLR aiic� tlte UNIqN a�id s��a.1t be uased salol.y on �he arbl�r��or's i���erf3�p���ti.rati or application o£ the express terms of this AGREEM�NT and to the facts of �he grievance �r�s��te�. (C} The f�es and expenses far the �rhi�ra�or's seacvic�s and proceedinqs sh�11 ve bt�.r��� e�a.�11y k�y th� �MPLOYER and the UiVION, nrovic�ed tl�a� eacii p�rty ?0 sha� b� res onsihlQ • p �or cofn�»n�ati.ny i,t� own representatives and witnesses. If aither ��rty desiros a v�rbatim xec:o�-c� oE the pr.vice�dings it �n�y cause such a record to be mad�, �rovi3tnc� i� pays foc tlie rgeord. If both parties d�sire a v�rl�at.t�n rPc-o��c1 o.E tlie proc�edings, the cost sh��l,1 }�e sliared vr�uAlly. 8.G Wt�TVER. I�E � grievance is tlat present�c3 wi�l�in t}�e tim� litnits set farth above it shall be cnn�i<1AxAc� �aaivpd. Zf a griAvance is not appeaied to the next step w�.tliin t11A specif ied time l.tmi� or any agreed extension �I��rPn.f, i t slzall be considered sett:4ed oz� tlz� basis o£ tlie Ct�tPLC�YER'S � last answer. Tf i�he �MPLOYL•'�t c3Qes nc�t arisw�r a �riev�nce or an app�eal �hereof wtthin tlae specified �3me limi��, th� UNION may elect to treat the gxievance as denied at thaE� step a�d immedi.ately aPAeal the grievaiice t4 the next step. The time limit in each ste� may ue extende� by mutual written agresment of tlie �MPLOY�R and UNION in �acl� step. 8.7 CHOICE OF REMEDY. If, as a resuit �C the wxf tte�� �tAPLOYEit respanse 3,n Step 3, �he gri�vance rem�ins unrA4olvAc�, �nd if the grievance involves tl�e scispension, d�mo�:�on or discharge �f any employee who has cam�letec� thc� susnension, demo�ion or discliarge or ar3y em��}.oyee who has completed �he re�ui.rec� E�robationary �rio�i, �ha griev�,nce rnay be appealed either to St�p 5 oE 11RTICLN, VIII c�r a pracedure sueh as: Ve�Pran's Pr�fArence or Fair 'i 1 �mpl�yme�. I f a � er�1 � E P �d tc� ��iY �r'UeF�cltil-n c�th�r. tiia�t ;te{, 5 of Al2TICGE VIII, the grieu�iice is not swl�jpct to tt�e arbi4ration procedure as provided i.n Step 5 of AR`PtCLE VTII. The aggri�ved em�loyee sha11 3.ndicate in wrtti�tg which procedure is to be utilized, S�ep 5 �f AKTrCi,� V'tII or aiiottier appeal procedure, and sh:�ll siyii a �t��t�merit t�, �l�e efF�ct tliat the choice of .�ny otlxer hPari�ig precluc�es �he aggrieved employee fro�n making a subsAquent �ppeai through S'�ep 5 of ARTiCLE VIII, Z�RTICLE IX - SAVINGS CLAUSE This AGRE�M�NT is suuject to law. Zn the ev�cit any provisians of this AGREEMENT shall. be held to 13e contrary to law by a court of competent �t�risdietion of wMole fina]. 3udgment ar decree no appeal has been taken within thc� time provided, s�.�ch prouisions shall be voi�ed, 1►11 ah.her provisions of this AGREEMENT s�ail continue in fu11 force and effec�. The voided provisian may be renegotiated at the written requez�� af either �arty. 1�RTICLE X - SENIORITY 14•1 Seniority slzall be determi�ted by thQ employee's length o� employment in a �ob classific�tion within ttie }init and shall. be posted in an ap�ropriate loca�_�.on. Seniority rosters shall }3e maintained by the EMP�OYER bn the basis o� �ime in a gpecific job classi.ficatic�rt �n��� caisti.nuo�ia employm�nt witli�.n the bargai�iing unit. 12 �► ! 10.2 A reduction of work fo.rce an�� rec�ll will be .a�.comptisl�e� on the ba3is of seniority within the speci�ic job clas�ifications proviclec3 th�t the se�zior em�loyee �.� f1�1.t5• qualified to perform all assiyn�d duti.es c�f �he job classification. An Pmployee on layoff sha11 hav.� an opportueil ty to return to work wi thin two (Z) years of tl�e time of the employee's layoff before any new pmployee is hired. The names of employees whose recall ri.��h�s h�v� expired shall be removeci from the lay-off list. 10.3 Recalled employees shali have i:en t10} wo.rking d�ys� after no�ification of recall by regist+�red m�il. at the employee' s Iast known address to re�ort to work or forfe#t all recall rights. 10.4 Vacation period shall be seleci:pd vn the basis of _. continuous ernployment within the bargainin� tinit until Marcli 1 of each calendar year. 11RTICLE XI - DISCIPLINE 11 . 1 The �t�1PL0YER will discipline emp3oyees £or just cause only. Discipline wi3.1 be i.n �he form of: a. oral reprimand - must be recardec3 in writinq� b. written reprimanr�; , c. suspension; d. deinotion; or ; � ,� e. discharge. 11 .2 Suspensions, demQt.tons and discharges will be iii written form. 13 17 . 3 Written 3e rl.mans� � P �, �otices of su�pensi��ti f-�nc� �t�t�ices uC discharge which ar� to becoine part o£ �n P�nploye�'s personnel file �hall. be rQaci an�.� �ckno�rl�dgec} hy a signature o� the em�loyee. Employees and ttie UNION will reaaive a co�y of �urh reprimanc3s anc�/br rt�ti.cA�. 1 1 .4 �mployees may �xamine their owc� ii�dividu�,�. p�rso�ine�. f i l+� at reasonable times unda_r the dirPc�. su�ervision of the EMPLOYER. 11 .5 Discliarge wi11 be �receded by a five (5) day sus�ens�on withou� pay. 11 -6 Employees will not be questioned conc�rni�iy an investigatian of disciplinary action unl�ss tl�e empl.oyee has been giv�n an opportunity to hav� a UN�ON represen�ative preseii�, ai: ��ich ��uestioniiiy. � � •7 Grievances reiating to �his Article shal,l be initiated by the UNION in 5tep 3 of the GriQvance Pracedure under " 1�,RTICLE VIII. 11RTICLE XII - CQNS`PITUTIDNI�L P1tOTEC'PTON Empioyees shall have the rights gran�ed to all cit:tzens by the United States and Minnesota �tate ConstituEiQn. Al2TICL� XITI - WORK SC�iEDULES 13.1 The sole authority in work schedul.es is �13A EP�IPLQYER. The normal work day for an em�loyee sh�l.l, b� pight t i3� hours. � � The tiormal work week shall b� forty (40 y Iiour�. 13.2 Service to the puh].ic may require the e:sF_ai�lishinen� of regular shifts for some empl�;�ees on a c�aity, wAekly, 14 � seasonal•.r annual basis other thai . i the �1c,rm��1 7, 30 a.m. - 4s00 p.m. day. The Gt9PLOY�R will, giv� two (2} week� aavance �notice to �h�, employ�es �f f�eEed t�y tl�e establishmen� o� work days diff��ent £rom the Am��loye�'s normai eight (8j IZour w�rk �ay. 13.3 In the event that work is required b�caus� ,�f �intisu��. circumstances such as (but not limited to) firA, fload, snow, sleet, or breakdown of munici;�al equi�me►it c�r. facilities, no advance notice need be givP�3. Zt is no� required that an employee working other than tlie rtorm�l : work day be scheduled tv work more tha►Y eight (8� Itours; however, each employee has an obli��tion tv work ov�r.time ar call bacics i£ requested unless unus�,i�i circ�xmstances prevent the Amployee from so working. � �•4 Service to thQ public m�y reguire the es�a�ilishmeiit oE r�gular work weeks that sched�ale wark on Saturdays an�3/c�r Sundays, AKTICL�; XIV - OV�:itTIME 14.1 Hours worked in excess of f�rty (40) hours per week shall Ue compensated f�r at one an�� one-}lalf ( 1-1 /2y times th� employee's regular base pay rate, 14,2 Overtime will be dis�ributed as equally as practicabie. 14.3 Overti�ne re€us�d by employees witl, far reao:�d purpose�d under ARTICLE 14.2, be cor►�iclered as un�aaid ovnztime worked. 15 � � 14.� For tli� t�urpose of computiny over.�imn cnmpen���ion, ' overtime hvurs work�d shal�. n�t be pyrarnidea, co�npo��n�Ad, or paid twice for the same hours worked. ARTICLE XV - CALL BACK An employee called in for work at a t.ime otit�r tl�a�x thp employee's normal scheduleci si�ift �tl.l �ie cc�m�qn�atet� far. a mini►num o€ �wo f 2} hvurs' pay at one ancl onA-half (1_ � /2I times the Pm�loyee's base �ay rate. ARTICLE XVI - COMPLN�11'�ORY TIM�' ACCUFiUL1�TIUIV At�iD U�� 16.1 Compensatory time may bo �ccumulated for ovpr�i�ne wo.rker� at the rate of one and one-half {1 -1/2) timps at the discretion of the ETdPLflYER. 16.2 Campensat�ry tims n£:E, if granted by the �P�9PL�Y�R, may }�A allow�d to accumul.�t� to a rnaximum oC eiyhL•y (�3p) l�ours. Combined accumuiation of compensatory time off and - vaeation wi11 �to� exceqcl vacation m�x�.muti� �l.ix� (+) forty t 40) hour�, 16•3 Compensatory time af E sha].i be a �eatuxe o� this AGREF.MCN�I�' only as long as Compensatory time of E c�oes nat jeo�ar�lir,e the City's position with rega�d to th� r�ir L�laoar Stanaards Ac� anc� acnardinq ta Fe�3c�.r�l, an� State i,�w. ARTICLE XVII - COFrCE BR�AKS Coffee breaks shall be provided Qnee in tlie mo.r.ni�iq and once in �he aft�r��oon for up to £1.ft�en {1�) min�ite�s e�cl� � and ar� to be taken at the job sit�, ARTICL� XVIII - J�UNC�i_pINN�it BRE1�K 16 '`,- The luncl� � or c�inner bxPak s}i�l l. Ue �irt�aie� thirty t 3p� minutes anc� sl�oul.d bA t3ken .3t tl�� �r�b 9it� wh�n circum�tances permit. T�12TICL� XIX - USE O� CITY E UIPt�l�N'r OR F1�,C.C[�ITIES Na employee sha11 use City equipmeni: �r facility for the employee's private usQ unless express writt�P�z apProval is received from the EMPLOYCR. ARTICLE XX - Ht?LTOAYS 20.1 Iiolidays shall be as follows: /� New Y�ars Day �Columbus D�y 7 Z•�Martii� Lutller Ring pay ��Vetera�is' Day 3•,Pr�siclent's Day q. Thanksgivinc� Qay �1Memorial. Da � y re1Friday af�ez Thank�giving �'•�Indepe�le�enee Day r1.�ChClsttit�s Dr-�y �� Labor D�y. 20.2 When New Year's Day, Indepenc�Ance Day, Vetera�i�' Da ar�d Y Christmas Day fa11 on Sunday, �he �ollowing day sh:�ll be ' abservec�; and if the ho�.iday �a�ls on �aturc�ay, it sh�ll. be observed on Friday. 11R� TICLE XXI - STCK���� AVE 21 • 1 Ful.l-�ime empl4yees shal�. e�rn eiyht (S) a hours c�� �ick ieave �or each fu11 mon�l� of employment, �ro-r�.tpd to th� neatest hour £4r part�.al month's servias, ; 21 .2 Earned sick 1Qave may be accu�mit�-�t�4i to a �nax;�mriin �f nin� hundred and sixty (960) haurs. Notwithstanding the maximum of nine hundrec� anc� s.txty (96�) hours �m��loyaQ� 17 shall r�ive no less than the maxim' � . um ac4rual. .�1t4w��l foi ather full-time City employees. 21 .3 Accumulated sick leave may be used for absenee from wvrk necessitated by illness, injury. Pregna,ncy as required by► law, or medical or dental care which cannot be scheduled other than during working hours subject to �h� ap�roval of i:l�e For�m:in dr the City �ldministratar/C1erk. Wl�en the us� o� accumul�teci sick lea�ve is apPxoved, for c�mpensat3oti purp�seg, Amploy+s�s will be considered to have worked Ehetr nv�mal ��orl; day. Use of sick leave in excess of three (3) days shatt rec�uire written m�dical documentation. 21 .31 Accumulated sick ieave may �lso be use�-� to make s�ich arranyements as are reasonably necessary becau:�e of sexioiis illness or injury in the immediate f�mi�.y of the empioyee, _ said use, however not to �xceed forty haurs (40) . U$� o€ more than twenty four (24} hours of sick leave ttp t� fQrty (�q) hours �or this purpose must be requ�sted in increments af eight (8) hours. 21 .32 Tmmediate family is defined as the emplayee's spou��, minor children anc3 parents. T#�e forty f 4Q) hvurr� lc�.�v� permitted under this Section is a maxiFnum limikation ar�c� supearvisars shoul.d be alert ta the faet that arr��lg�ments fo.r providing nursing care should ordinariTy take mueh iess ti.me , that for� 'c y {40j hours. 18 21 .4 The �rep�ed or syst�m��tie uAe �f si� lc��v e �halt r�qa��.=� writte�i medical veriFicati��n unon writteii t�oti�ication to the em�loyeQ from �he CMPLOYER. 21 . 5 Use of sick leave }aenefit$ for reasons other thaTi those stated in 21 .3 of thls Articts sh�l.l be just caus� for d:�3ci�ltnary action. 21 . 6 Notifica�ion. CmpZoyees urtabt� to re�ort f�r tt�e.tr work day because of illness or i�tjury silall ri�ti.fy �heir su�ervisor or designee prior to their sal�a�ute� starti.i�y time, excen� .in th� event of an �m�ryency which �,reven�s an empl.oyee from not.i.�ying t}ieir supprvisar. L�n�loyoes failing to tive such notice may be sui�j�ct to dfscipline, 21 •7 Upon request oL � .full.-time employ�A whn i� absent from work as a result of a compensable in j ury eouered a��cl�r �,h� provisions of the Worker's Campensation Act, the EP�PLOYER � will �ay the diff�rence betwe�n thA benefit r.eceived by thQ emnl.ayee gursuant tc� the Wc�rker's CompsrisatlQn Act ac��,� the employe�'s normal daily wages t� �he extenl� �� �he employee's earned sick leave. 21 .71 'Such paymern� sMall be made k�y the CMPLOYER to the em�loyee only for the periad a.E r�isauility ar tiiit��. tl�� employee's earnea si.ck ieave is exhausted. 21 .72 The deduc�ion from an employee's earnec7 sick 3eave , sl�all be a ., pro-r�ztQa �-�mount has�ci on tiio Worker's Com�ensation bene�it aric3 the employee's nc�r►nal dai.ly wages. 19 21 .8 In the �nt of the death �f �mploye� ttie es�ate s1�211 bt� entitled to seventy percent (70�) o� the �m�l�yee's aecumuZated �ick leav� at ti» rate ].ast paic� �o the e�E�la�e�. ARTICLE XXII - FUNERAL LEAVE 22.1 A maximum of three (3) aay3 leave wi�11 pay may bp granted upon request in �he event of a de�th in th� employe�'s �.mm�di��� family consisting of spouse, m�th�+r, father, brvtlier, sister,chilc�ren, mother-in-law, father-in-�aw �nc3 gxandparents. 22.� A one-day 1eav� with pay will, be granted upon request fn the event of the death of other relatives �s sAt f�rth in �he Ci,ty PersonneT Policy. ARTICLE XXIII - VACATION 23. 1 AlI. �u1l-time employees cai11 9arn vacat.ior� based Qn the fol.lowixzg schedu�.R, beginninq January 1 , 1989: First year of employment .S claylmonth (10 c�ayst 2nd through 3rd year of employment 1 r]ay/montl� (12 clays) 4th tlirough 1Qth ysa� of employmei�t 1 -1/2 day/rrtozztti (18 d��ys) 11 y�ars of service �nc� above 1-3/4 dayf monti� (21 days) 23•2 Ali full.-time employees may accumulate vaca�ion accrual b�sea on years c�� service to the m�ximum E�resr,r�l�ed in �l�e folli�witYg schedule: Zero throuc�h Four years of service 2p days rive through Ten years oE service ?.5 c�ays Eleven years of service and above 30 c�a��►s 20 , Comuin�d accur � nu].��tion of. compPns�tic�n ti�ne �i�d v�t�atinn will not Ue allowed to be great�r than vac�t�.on m�xfmk�m plus (+) 40 hours. 23•3 Payment in lieu of vacation accrual bPyonci the amou�tts la.sted wi11 not k�e consiaered. 23.4 Vacation requests ar� to be submitt�d on or. b�Eore Jan��a�ry 15th nF the year the vaction is �o b� �a3:e�i. 23.5 Vacatinn schedule approval tvill, �e granted �n ord�r of seniority. A.Cter January 15th, additi.n�t.�l, v���tic�n requests will be gra�ited on � fi,rst co�ne, fiacs� sQrvec� basis. �1_.�tTIGLE X:�IV - LEG�IT, DEFENSE 29. The EMPLOYER agrses to ind��nni.�y an employee in �.ccard�t�cc� with Cha�ter 4G6 of the Minn�3ota StatutAs (Tr�rt Liability� . �'�RTI(�LE XXY - PROBATIt�NnRY �E12zODS 25.1 A11 newl.y hired or retlired etnp7.oy�es w�.11 gex�rc� a �ix {6) months �rot�ationary periocl, _ 2S•?. A11 employe�s will t�erve a S�X �F)� IItOIitliS �rol�ationary �eriod i�i any jc�k� classificati��i i�i wli.tr.1�► �tie �m�,loye� I�as not servecl a probationary perioa. 25.3 AL- any time during the �rv}�atioilary �Prio�3 a riPwl� l��reci ar rehired employee may be termil�atPc1 at thei sole diseretion of the EMPLOYCR. ?.5.4 11t any time dur3.ng the proi�ationary p�rfv.� a �ramc�ted or reas�igned amplayee m3y be d¢motec� +�r r.easstgnAd ko thA 21 emplayee� previous �osi -_ � I i.l�n at the solE� c�tscr�t:ton nF. �:t�„ �MPLOYrR. �RTICLE XXVI - S1�rETY 2�. The EMPLOYER and the UNION agree to j�in�ly pramote saPe and hea�,�Yiful workin3 condit.Lan�, ro r,u•�����r.��,� irt �a�9l:y raaL-ters ana to eneourage e�nployees to work in a safP manner. ?�RTI!;L� XXVTI - JOB �OSTING 27.1 The EI9PL4Y�R and tile IJNION ayree that permarze�tt �ab vacancies within the d�sigrxatec� barga�.nin�3 ��nit s1i�11 i�e filled based on �he conee�t of promotion fram within provid�d that applic.-�nts: 27.11 hav� the necessary quaLiFi�_ations to meet th�e standarc�s of the �ob v.3cancy; and 2�.12 hav� the abi�.ity to perform tt�e duties and responsibilities of th� �ob vacancy. 27.2 �mploy�es fillinc� higher job cl,ass bas�d or� tli� �rovisians of this article sha13. be subje�t to tli� cc>ndttiong flf �iRTICLE XXV (PROBATIONARY P�12It)D) . 27.3 TIZQ CMpLOYER Iias the right of final �1eci��.on in the selection of ���ployees to fill posi.�d jobs I�as�d on qualtfications, abiliti�s and ex��erience. ; 27•4 Job vaeancies within the desiynated barga;ining unit will be postea for five (5) warking days sa tliat memb�rs o£ the bargaining unit c�n be con�icinred fQr sticlz v�eanc3.�s, 22 � • nItTICI;L XXVTII - GIt4UP ITJSU�t11NC� L��;NF;[�x�rS --______..._..___�.._... 28.1 The EMPLOYER shall pay one hunr3red p�arcent {100�) af the cost of :g.ingle health insurancp coverage on tlie w►n��loyee. 28.2 'rhe EMI�LOYER sha11 pay sixty-fivs �rce�� (65$) of the cost of dPpendent health insurance coveraye. 28.3 Emplayees nvt ch��osing de�endent coverage c��ztiot be coverecl at EMPL4YER expens� for any ac�ditional in�u�ance than tl�e individual group heal�h insurance covarage. 28.4 ThQ CMPLOY�R shall pay one hunc�rec� �»rce�it (1 Q4�} c�f tlie cost of the emp3oyee life insurance coverag� in the �irtoun�: of �10,000. �1us the cost o£ the P�RA Lif¢ Insurance Plan. AItTICLE XXIX - UTILrTY DEPARTP�EtdT L:C(:ENSES 11I�D P1�Y 29.1 Any emZ�lo�ree in the unit who earns a C�.ass C Wate.r Systems Operator's license from �he State af Minnr�sota sh�1�. be paid tc�n cents )0,10j per hour in addition to the employee's waye scheclule pay x���. `. 29.2 Any emp].oyee who r�ceives a Class Ii ��Vater System Operator's 11.cense from �he State of Minn�sota sh�ll be paid an additional fifteen c�►its (0.15j �»L ho�ir. 29.3 License ma:timu�n of twenty-five (0.2�? �r hour. ARTICLE XXX - SEV�RANCE PAY 30• Regular fuli-time employees leaving the serv.�,ce of the �MPLOYER in good standin� for any re�son other �ha�i r�tiremer�t ��nd with two (2) weeks advance notice wi�,l 23 receive �•ment a� tl�e � e�nplc�yee' s ra�e �I: t tme oC l��vi ng tlie employ, as prescribed below; Vacat3on: Up to accarual �'�u�: 5 through 9 years af service = 2 weeks pay or 10 years of service ailc� dl7t?YP = � we�ks ��y �iR`�rICLE XXXI - RETIREMENT PAX 31 . Regular full-tims employees who lemvc� the C:lty'� em�loy kc� accept a x�tirement �nnu3ty wi11 re�ceive ��aymeri� at the em�aloyee's rat� at time of ret:tx�ment a� E�rescrila�<� b��uw: V�cation: Up to accrual Iimit Sick Leave: 25� of unused af ter 5 years of service or 50� of unused after 10 years of service ARTICLE XXXII - CLOTHING ALL4WANCE 3�• All full-time employees sha11 l� all.owed to par�:iciPate i�i a Clothing Program that will �xovi.de �hem Rental Uni�orms fa�- use as apparel while perfornii�ig their duties. Said Unifor�n will be of a color and des�.gn approved hy the City. The City will provide the cost o� said Uniform� up to a coat a� �S.t35 �er week. ARTICLE XXXIII - LONGEVITY ��• Longevity wi13, be �aid according to the follc�wing: After 5 year3 1 � of base salary �lfter 8 years 2$ o� base salary 24 Af�er 12��ars 3� of hase sa � la.ry After 16 years 4�s of base salary Al2TICL� XXXIV - WAIV�R 33.1 Any anrl a11 �,xior ac�reements, resoltt�t�an�, pract:tees, ��li,cie5, rul.�� �nd rQ�ul.�,ttons ra�,�a.rdiny t�rm� ttric� cox�dition:� of e�n�loymanr, �,o �:1�e exten� �.nco�t�ist;��i� w�.ti� the provisions of this AGRECMFNT are hereby su��r*�Qc�qc�. �3•2 T�� parties mutually acknow3.edc�e tl�at dur:tng the negatiations whieh resulted in this AGRF(�;MF;PiT ��e1� had thF� unlimited righ� and opportunity to ma};e c�etnands and Pro�,�osals witll res�ect tn any tarm or condition of employment zto� removed by 1a�a .from b�rc�aining. �1Z ayree�nents anci uncierstandinqs ,�rrive{_l �t �y �h� ���.��,84 are set forth in writing in this A!;RFF.MF�NT for tlte stipulated duration of this AGREEMENT. The EMPLOY�R ancl �he UNION each volunl:arily and unqualifipol� waivQs the right to meet and negotiate rec3arding any and all terins anc� cona�.tions of ern�loymen� x-�3�erred �ca or covered in this �1GRP�EiiCidT or with respect to any term �ar r,c�ndition o� em}�loym�nt no� speeif:tcaily referred �o or cave.rec� by t1il;� AGR�Et9�NT, even though such i:�rms or conditions may not havp k�een wi,thin the knowledge or conEempl.at�,on of either or bottt parties at the ti�ne tl�is contract wa� neg�ti�ted or execu�ed. 25 � � �tRTI\,fJE XXXV -' DUI\.1'C.4ON .__ ----_-___,.._�� 35. This AGRE�MENT sha11 be Off�etive as oL- .7anuar.y 1 , 4989 and stlall r�main in Full force and e�fect ��,itil D�cemuer . 31 , i 99Q ana thereaf�er untit modif ied or ��ntpi�c3a�� by mutual agreement of the p?�rtiQs. FOR Tf�E GITY OF ROSEMOUNT FUR MSI�NESOTA 2'EAMSTi�1�S LOCAL Nt), 32p �tallan Aoke, Mayor JunA c1e1 Castill.o, Busir�Qss Agent Stephan Ji].k, Administrator Clerk Ri.ch�rd i,oirnquist, Union Steward , ., 26 . • APPEND:EX "A`� . S1�L�t�Y 5CIiEDUi,� A• The £o11oF�inq hourly v�age r.ates shatll l�e ef fwetive J�nuary 1 , 19$9 t�rough �ecember 3 9 , 1 9 8 9. ST�P AND CL�ISSIFICATZON STAR'I' 12 MOS. 24 M4S. 36 MOS - . M.�intenance III 11 .88 12.44 13.02 T3.59 Mechanic III Maintenance II 11 .30 11 .89 12.96 13.04 Mechanic II �taintenance I 7.?U 8.28 Meehanic I 8.87 9.�4 I3• The fol].owing hourly w�ge rates shal,t b� effectiv� J�naar� 1E 199Q through necember 31 � 1994. ST�P AND CLASSIFICI�`PION � B e � ST1�RT 12 Mt}S_ 24 MOS; 36 MOS. Main�enance TII 92.30 12.�8 43.4g Meclianic III i 4.07 t4airltenanc� II 11 .?0 12.31 12.9n 13.SO Mechanic II Mainten�nce I 8.01 t4ectianie I a.61 9.23 9.5� ,� C. The �receding wage sctig3ules shall n��. corish.ra tn the ENIPLOYER fram hiri.ng an emplayee at any s�tep i�t the ��nea�is. a� • • D. PromotiQn to any classification sha�l be made only upc�n determination by the employer tha� such a position is needed. This defiermination is the exalusive right of the EMPLOYER. E. WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATIQN pAY . E--1 Employees required hy the EMPLOYER and who are adjudged by the EMPLOYER to be qualified to operate the following i�ems of equipment will be paid th� MAINTENAN�E III rate of pay for those hours assigned to the unit beginning the third (3rd) hour ot operation in a wark shif�. J�t Machine (sewer Cleaning Only} Loac�er, Fr4nt-End, 4WD, 1 y+d. �0 2.5 yds. Grader Backhoe E-2 Employees required by the EMPLOYER and who are ad�udged by the EMPLOYER to be qualified tc� operate the following items of equipment will be paid the MAINTENANCE II rate of pay for those hours assigned to the unit beginni,ng the third (3rd) llour of operatian in a work shift: Sweeper Tandem Truck Tractor Loader Rollers {steel and rubberj 6 Ton and Over Trucks, Sing�.e Axle and over 24,000 GVW Tree Spade Any vehic2.e requiring a State of Minnesota "Class B" Operators License E-3 An employee eligibie ta receive WORKING OU'� OF CLASSIFICATION PAY under Section G-1 or G-2 will reeeive the rate of pay for that Step (A, B, C, or G) whicfi corresponds to the employee's current Step in the job classification to which the employee is assigned, E-4 Employees assigned by the EMPLOYER to uti.lity maintenance duties (oth�r than equipment opegation under E-1 and E-2� will be paid the wage rate o€ the �mployee's regular �ab classification. 2$