HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Community Involvement Process �, � � � � : � � � f'!) (�i�X 51�0 � � � � �;1�2� C� � �?R;5-tt5t{! :F W � � , ti` ' RF)1,Eti'�c)t_�Ni MINNi� �tin ;,��.1��,Fi �F '` �l,a���nzoun� �� r �,� .,.�=_4.,,, .�, �� �� � TO: Council Member Joseph Walsh Council Member Dennis Wippermann Council Member John Oxborough Council Member Vernon Napper FROM: Rollan Hoke DATE: February 2, 1989 RE: Community Involvement Process Attached please find an amended version of the earlier ecammunity involvem�nt/goal sett3ng pracess outline you received. I would appr�cia�e your xeviewing this and informing m� of your input regarding any recommended changes ar ideas to the process as I see it going through ta May of this year. Feed back from yau on the attached would be very valuable to me. Thanks. smj Attachment , ;^ ., Fall.j�tinter Cam�uaitq Invo2ve�►ent Pracess Goal Setting Process , {Amended I-23-89) ', GoallActivity Task Start �ndividua].(s) Completion Aate Respon�ible Date I. Formatian o£ Co�nunit� Direction and Develo mp eat Adw.i.sorv Co�.ttee A. So].i.cit prospective members fra� councix, special Aug 2 MaparjCouncil Aug. 16 . interest groups, and evidence of past interest and Staff invoZve�ent. B. Determine Scope and charge of Advisorp ^�aa�. Aug. 2 Mayar Aug. 15 C. �'resen'C list of grospective com¢�ittee canidates wtayor Aug. 16 D. Meet with Advi�sorp Committee - pick chair, Mapar/Cauncil Sept. 5-4 co-cheir, &na ��Co�a�r, Review the charge, scape of committee and the goals of the comnaunity invalve- znent process. Flan for town meetings« . �I. Conduct T'own Meetizi� CMCCIP Leadershi�} Council, Staff, Sept. 26-30 Place: �:osemount High Schoal Student Center N�IF, Co�nun3.tq Ed., Advisory Camm. Tentat3ve Schedule: • A. Fil.m ta introduce concept of visian setti.ng. B. Dream session; What would Rosemount look like? Facilitator - What do you envision this community becoming? Small groups of 5-$. Each groug will come ug with S-8 very ,general, non-specific, future oriented statements that answer the questions "what?" or "which?" � C. Lar�e Grouv Reportins� and Prioritizin$ Facilitator Each recorder will repart 2 of their groups dreams. Reporting will continue untf.l alZ dreams have been exhausted. The facilitatar will lead a prioritixing sessian. A].i r�parted dreama wa.11 be nurabered. Each participant w�ll be asked to pick the 5 most important dreams. The data wi11 be tallied and the S-8 most identified dreams wi12 be determined, � ' : FaII/Wiater Coamunity Involvement Process Goa�. Settiag Process Goa1/Acti�3.ty Task Start Individual(s) CompleL�on Date Respansihle Date (II. con't) D. Small Grou Brsiastorn��.n Session: Each small group Facilitator ' will begin ide�ta.f pi.ng goaZs ab jectives nn how Lo best fulfill the top 5-8 dreams identified in the large gzoup pr�oritizing session. � E. E�ch recorder w-ill document the results of their Act.visorp Comm. respective gro�p�s decisions. Representatives TII. Canduct Citizea Attitude Survep iJct 24 I��v 11 A. Staff, Cauncil, Co�ssiaas, and Advisorp Comm. Oct 3 �ct 14 meet with b�cisian Resources Suruep orientation B, Advisory �ouncil uses infarmatiQa gleaned from Oct lt? Advisorp �omm. flct 21 the towu cneeting to help determine survey �ocus �reas. C. Input frc� Staff, Cauncil, Advisory Ct�mmittee _s Oct 17 Staf€, Counc3l, Oct 28 given to decisia� resources. Advisorp Camm. �. 5urvey coaducted. Dec. 10 Jan 15 � _ IV. Advisorc Co�ittee Goal and Action Flan Recommdation A. Advisorp Committee, staff, and council cammissions Feb fi Decisio�n Resources �eb 28 meet with Decision Resources to debrief survey trends and patterns. (Z - 3 meetings) B. Draw3ng assumptions and conclus3oas the Advisarg '�iar 1 Deci.sian Resources '.�Iar 31 Cc�m. sgnthesiizes data fram Town Meeting, Survey, Urbau Design Teem and Armorp Facility Comm. in order to deve�op caua�unitp direction oriented goals an� a more specific list af recomrnendQd abjecLives *o �u12- fill t�ose goals. C. Advisory Cc��3.ttee presents Gos2Jflb�ectivesJAction _�pri1 3 Advisc�r� Comm�:��tee �gr 7 Plan recommend�tions to cauncil, staff and commissions. r , - FaIIJWinter Gommumity Znva2vement Process � Gv�7. Setting Process GQa1.lActivitp Taalc Start Individual(s� Completion Date Respcm,�ible Date V. StrateQic PZanninp,�/Canstruct a V�.s%an of City's Future Apr IO Staff, Counri.l� Map 2 Comm3.ssions A. Staff, Council and Commissions critique/�aend Advisory eo�ittee recommendations. � B. Council, staff, co�issioas strategize one and two pear seti.on plan to carry out community goals and recommended actions. C. Planaing Com�.ssion uses Advisory Gammittee's recom�ndati.oas and ane and two gear action plan to revise camgrehensive guide glan. VI. Secand Town Meetin$ ar Q�„en :i�use Cauncil, Staff Map $-26 Advisor� �c>m�ittee Survep results and final goals, ob�ectives and ane aAd two year act�.on plan presente3 as part of "State af C3.ty„ address. � VIT. Implement - "Ionitor - Evaluate Goals - Ob_iectives Ongoing One and Two Year Action Plans. Apply organi,zational strategies - convert vision into realitp. lj