HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.g. Approval of HRA By-Laws i _ • � ��� `� . .�" g r E'ebruury 3, i9t39 , TE3: !f 12A BoarJ FRC)ht: 3tephan Jilk, It1iA �;xecutive I)irectar SubJ€ct: Ch�nges to Ii�tA E3y-Laws i ` ; ( As 'the HRA takes a m�re active role in the community, there is a neec3 fc�r � additiona! €ime aE the mon{h�y meetings. To make this possible, the foflowing changes in the By-Laws are �ein� suggested: ! 1��A By�w.�,R��� b�rl�cle i11, Sec#ion i: FRt)11f - Tbe �nnu�l meetin�; o[ tlic Auii��riiy shall be hcicf on tiic second Tue�day. in January at 7:3� o'clock p.m. at the regutar mceting place of the Ruthority. TO - The annual meeti�g of the Authority shall be held on the first Tucsdav in : ' at the regular meeting ptace of the Authofity. 1 ! Sv-�•���'.�; q�ie (►. Article til SCC�ipil 2s I FR�M • Monthly meeting shail t�e held without notice at the re�ular meeting ptace of ihe Aut6ority on the first Tuesciay of each month, at ?:QO o'ctock p.m, � untess the same shatt be a iegal holiday, in whic,h event said meeting shall be held on the next succeecling day. 1 i TO - Ivtonthty nyee/ings shali 1�e held withaut notice al the regutar meeting �l�ce i oi the A��ihc�rity on the firsi .�ncl�l►ircf Tuesday of each month, at 6:3Q +�'cic�ck i � untess the same shall he a legal holiday, in which event said meeEing shatt be , h�iinrit the next succeed�ng clay c�r a ciay ancl t�me as designated by the � x. j � 11RA �y-�,aws. ���e 1 Artirle i!1 Sectioi,�L: , FROM - (lrclrr of Business 'TO - Order of Business 1. Call io Orcler 1. Cal! to Orcler �" 2. Ap��roval of the minutes 2: Approval of the minutes (rom previous mtg. ( 3. �l�! Business � 3. Bills �nci E'c�mmu�ation , �!. New tiusiness 4. t)Id Busincss S. t3ills Anci Cc��nme���ieatiun S. New Eiusiness j C�. Chairman's Rc��►ort 6. Chairman's �te�ort 7. Executive Direct�r's Re�ori 7. Executive L7irector's Report 8. Adjournment 8. Adjouxnment I f � ..