HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.f. Workers Compensation Coverage for City Council • Z-�..em � �• a P.�.B�X 510 � 2675-145TH ST•W` � .�� � ROSEMOUNT.MINNESOTA 55068 �� � 612._423-441 t � .� ose��un� I ; ; , ; ; f ; , ; ; �1 , 1 � Mayor Hoke er ' ` � T0: Councilmembers NapP Oxborough i � Walsh � Wippermann . S�ephan Jilk., City Administrator ,. FR�M: , DATE: February � , �989 RE: Worke r� s Compensation Insurance Coverage � ' City Elected Officials _ I _ , T. C. Field , unction with as 1ri conj coverage for y�u� i The League of MinnesoWorkerlsscompensour�duties . The cost of the I CompanY� is offering erforming y recomme�d , 4 while P I w�uld h�-gh�y elected officials , inexpensive and e is extreme�.Y e aut. 'i �ourraPproval to take the coverag our review• . ;, Y ; . n ,on the coverage is attached for y n this matter a� ��; In£ormatio o�r consideration a � I will have a resolution for Y � the me�.ting• . , � � . m � dw ' ; attach. , 4 , . . � . 9.�. � . � � . � . . � � . . . � � � . . . � . . � � '�. �' .. � � � . � � � . �� � � � .. � . � . . .. �. . . . . .. . .. . � � � � . . . . . . � .. . . . � .. . . �. � � . � . .. . � �� � � . . . . � � � � � .� . . . - � . . � . . . . . .. . . . . . � . . . . , . � .. . . . � . . . � . . � �. .. . . . . . .. . � . . ,.i, . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . � . . . . �� � - � � . . . . , . �� �. � . � � . � . � � � � . . � . . � . � . � . ,'. 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West Rosemount, MN SS068 Rttn : Don Qarling Dear Mr. Darling: GAB �II.E N0: 56542-05732 INSURED: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �rr^,�fN�,��o�v�,�F CLAIMpNTc RICNARD DELBERT SMITN �,,.�--.. D/A : 0 5-12—88 ��� ...�., As you wi ll recall, the above mentioned elaim coneerning an individuak that tripped while ascending the steps at City Hail . We later determined that the steps were o# an uneven size and this had caused Mr. Smith to fali . On behalf of the City, we, as the insurance carrier paid Mr. 5mith $336. 5Q #or his injuries. At that time we contacted the eonstrustian eompany who had buitt the steps and asked that they reimburse us for this expenditure as we felt it was tMe desagn and construction of the steps whieh had caused the accident . They have agreed to reimburse us for that amount whieh has been paid on behatfi of the City. Before they wilt d'o so, however, they have asked that the enclosed tetters and releases be reviewed and signed by the City prior to their doing so. If in fact the repairs have been done to the Gity ' s satis#action, we woutd ask that you sign and return the enclosed letters to us . At that time, we will forward them to Arkay Construction and alkow them to reimburse us . If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincer� EY. . . . . . . r..„_,_,.._'�� ��....._,,,�. . : . � � � � �� . . . � . . � / 1 ��. � � . . � . . � . . .. {...__:.... 7 �.��--a.�, Gregory H. Sm� th Adjuster : , GHS: dIr .i Enclosures . • � . , ARKAY CONSTRUCTi0�1 CQMPAtVY GENERRLCONTRACTQRS January 5, 1989 GAB Business Services, Inc. P.O. Box 7007 St. Paul, Mn. 55107 Attentian: Mr. Gregory H. Smifih Gentlemen: Pursuant to our teleph�ne eonversatian of January 5, 1989, regarding the claim of Richard Delbert Smith, we are enclosing four (4) eopies of a release that needs to be signed by the City of Rosemount and a letter of confirmation which requires the City's signature. You also indicated that you had recei.ved a release from Mr. 5mith and that yau would send us a copy. t�en we are in receipt of a copy of all three documents we will issue a check to your company in the amount of $336.5Q. If you have any questions .regarding this matter please contact our office. Very truly yours, ARKAY C S RUCTION COt�' Y � _ .� � 7 „ , f 1�%M-�=�"C. J�hhn N. Schmidt �/ice President / JNS:bcp Enclosures: 8 , , ,.� . . . , ... , . . ... ��1L1�J�1.11.,11.1, � ,iANQ 9 �9 ����� E32[3 NORT1-1 COLJNTY ROAD 16 �'ai.1tTE 169 ' MtNNEAPpLiS,MNVN 55427-4358 RHQNE:�44-��41 . � � ARKAY GONSTRUCTIt�i'V GOMPAI\1�f GENEFiAL CONTRACTORS Jar�uary 5, 19�9 Gity Manager City of Rosemount City Hall . Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Re: Construction of Gity Hall , Rosemount, Minnesata Dear Sir: Following an injury sustained by Richard Delbert Smith, on May 12, 1988, on the front entrance stairway of the City Hall Building, of the City af`Rasemour�t , : investigation disclosed the following: with the exception af two risers of tl�e stairway, all risers were uniform in height witfi de minimis variations; the riser from the upper floar down to the first tread was approximately three-eighths (3/8) of an inch greater or longer than the uniform height of the other risers; and the riser between the first tread {from the upper floor� to the next tread below it (second tread} was approximately three-eighths (3/8) of an inch tess or� shorter than the uniform height of the ather risers. After discussions between City officiais, your architect and representatives of our company and our subcontractars, it was agreed that a praper resolution af the problem was to move the first tread three-eighths (3/8) af an inch upward, that is claser to the upper floor. The work required to effect this change was done by us and our subcontractors, with the result that all risers in the stairway are naw of a single measurement or height, with de minimis variations. Please confirm that the work agreed upan by the City, yaur architect and Arkay, to correct the inconsistent condition discovered as aboue described has now been satisfactorily corrected. Ganfirmation may be simp1y by signing on the enclosed copy of this letter the Canfirmation appended hereto. Your prompt coaperation with this request will enable us both t� promptly close our respective files on this matter. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation in this matter. ' � • ,� Very truly yours, ,, (� ,� !,• r � � t ll°��/ � 1=z�,; �,..� � i J�1��ius M. Rivkin, President Enclosure GONFIRMATION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT B . ;"�' r, ' �l-'� Y' ' . � t s -- ,. Dated: :;� �" � .._ , 1989. - 620 tV[�RTH GOUt�JTY ROA�1e SLJi"F'E 1Q�3 ' M�'VNEA�POL15,MMVN 55427-4�58 PHONE:54�1-�341 . • i �L A E KNQ�f ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEtVTS, that the unders�gned, CI"tY OF RflSEMOUNT, a Minnesota mun�cipal corporation, in consideration of the payment to it {andjor its insurors) of the sum of Three Hundred Thirty-six and 50/l0U Doltars ($336.54), in hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of whzch are h�r�by acknowledged, by Arkay Construction Go., � Mtnnesota corporativn ("Arkay"j, does hereby release and discharge Arkay, its successors and assigns, from all manner of actians, causes of actian, debts, elaims and demands whatsoev�r, whether naw known or hereafter discav�red, arising out of injuries sustained or ciaimed to have been sustained on or about May l2, 1988, by Richard Delbert Smith while ascending a certain stairway at the City Hal1 of the undersi'gned, loeated at Rosemaunt, Minnesota. IN WITNfSS WHEREOF the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed an its behalf by its Mayor and by its on this day of , 1989. CITY �F ROSEMQUNT By: Its Mayor Its STATE Of MINNESOTAj � ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1989 by , P�ayor, and , , of the City of Rasemount, a Minnesota munieipal corporation, on behalf af the municipai carporattan. Natary Public