HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.e. Police Department Part Time Dispatcher / Secretary ~ • • P O Rt3X 51p . • 1�� � 2A75-1451 f t ST. W OcQ��u/�� ROSEMC)UNT.MINhlfS01A 55068 c7G 812--n23-4411 ITEM 9 e. �0: Mayor Roke CQuncilmembers Nagper Oxboraugh Walsh tdippe�rmann FROM: S�ephan Jilk, �ity Administrator DATE: February 3, 1989 RE: Police Department Secretary Position Recommenda�ion Attached please find a reeommEndation regarding the fill:ing of the above refereneed position. ' I eoncur with Chief Staat ' s recommendation and ask your approval to hire Karen Ke11y as recommended. aW attach. �. � � � , � � . Rta�EMOUNT PC)LICE QEPARTMENT Telephone Emergeney 911 2895 1�5th Stre�t Wesf Chief of Police Non-Emergency 423-449f RastmouM,Minnesota 35068 James E, Staata T0: Stephan Jilk, AdminstratorjClerk FROM: James "Red" Staats, Chief of Police DATE: February 02, 1989 RE: Part-Time Secretary Position Ap�ointment Attached you wili find a copy of the employment re�ume for Karen M. Kelly. Upon review of the applicants, Sgt. Dwayne Kuhns �nd Deb� Marthaler set up interviews with four. Dwayne and D�bb recommended Karen and I approve Qf their selection. Please present �his resume and recommendation to ' the City Couneil at their February Q7, 1989 meetinct for their revi.ew and/or hiring. We ask for a starting date of Tuesday, February 21 . 1989 with a starting salary af $7, 50 per hour. J. E. Staats Chief of Palice JESdtn ' . • • v � � Karen M. Kelly 3369 ChQve2 ]e Caurt N�rt.h Rosemount, h9innesota SSOGB (612} 423-59Q8 WORK EXPERIENCEt 12/87-Preset�t CE.ERK TYFIST - Richfield L�epartrr��nt cf Put�l �r. Safety� Richfield. Minnesata Type from dictation various re�ort5 { i .�, arrest, uniform crime, and foll�a�-u�) ; -let.ters and memoranda; and prepare search warrants as needed. Data entry and retrieval frflm city ancj state cQmputers. Assist and provide it�formati- on and referral at front caunt.er. �184--11�87 LEGAL SECRETARY - McMenomy � Severson, P,A. , Rosemount, Minnesota Typed fram dictation for thr�e afitorneys ane� ane paralegal , Prepared proba�e, real es#.atc�, corporate and other miscellaneous dacun�er�ts (�.e. , cc�llections. bankrup�cy, ineome tax� carporate mi.nutes) ; prepared and assfsted +client� in the executlon of Last Wi�1s ���d T�staments, maintained files in an c�rderiy faahion; scheduled appointments; relief receptic�r�is t. 9/86-12185 DATA ' _ EN"TAY QFERATOR Nataonal 3usii�es� Syst�ms, Blaamingtan, Mi.r�nesota � . Input bateh entries using a hard disk drive GRT ec�mputer workin9 part-time out of my home. : 9/83-9/84 WORD PRQCESSUR - Frank B. Nall Insuranc� Co, , Edina� Minneso�a Typed from die.tat�4n for all G'liertt Servire Representatives, Claims Representakives anci Underwrit�rs ; typed and a�sembled ins�rance proposals, operated telex maehine, relief receptionist. 9/79-7I83 INSURANCE CtJORDTNATQR N��tion�l Car Rcr3t �:3 Systemy Inc. . Ed�na, hlinnesc�ta � General secretarial duties; s�t, uF and c�pc=nF�ci files for new rlient� ; �repvrec� �nc3 t�al�}nrr�ri monthly accaunts rer.eivable re�c�r ts ; pre��ai4=r� monthl}• k�i] lings; maintained fi3�•: ; drita Pntr �• on CFT; o�ened arrci d.i �t r i buted m�i l . i ' � , . . � ; � • '�I78-91'19 SHIPPING CLERK - Po3y-Tec�h, Inc. , IIlocamint�#r,E�, MinnesaLa Miscel l ar�eous typinca; ansi�erPd phor�c s , prepared bills of ladir�g; trared lc�st sl:�i�,- : ments; general e7erical duties. 3/78-9/78 DEAARTMENT NEAI� . - F.V1. VJc�olworths� Burnsville , M�nnesota . Solely responsible for maintainirig Heal'th F, �eauty Aids Departrnent, includir�g - orderinc� stock� setting up dis�lay=., keeping ir�ventnry, cashiering, ete. EDUCATI4N: _ St. Francis High Schaal , St. Francis� hM1innesot.a Graduated January� 1978 - Presiden� of DECA (Distributive Educatic�x� Clubs of America) � QFFICE : SKILLS: . ' Can t�per�te with profieiency the following; ' �- O1iv�tti ET 351 Word Pracess4r . - Olivetti Executzve 'typewriter - �ani�r Word Processar - 3BM M�g Card II Typewriter : - IBM Df.splay Writer - CRT Camputer � ' .. Teletype , , - Norelco Dictaphone - SMarp 10-key Calculatar - Checkwriter - Gollator TYPing Speed - 8Q wprn REFERENCES: Available upc�n reque�st � ,