HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Adopt Resolution Establishing Water & Sewer Rates, Charges & Deposits t • • ���� I a.�c..• .�� *****�*****�r**�*****�*********�r*�*****,t*MEMO********�****�*x*�r*�*,t,�**,x***�a*,��*,t* DATE; FEBRUARY 2, 19$9 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/0 ADMINISTRATQR JILK FRQM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKa I?IRECTQR HFFTI RE; ITEMS FOR THE FEBRUARY 7, 19$9 GOUNGIL MFETING NEW BUSINESS Ad� Resoa;ution Est�blishin�,Water &^Sewer Rates�Gharges &_De�osits This item is for consideration to adjust the water, sanitary sewer, asd storm sewer connection cttarges and also to reinstate the water surcharge. The connection charges will be effective i�iediately while tha sureharge will becc�me effective July l, i989. Attached to this memo is a copy of the raso].ution with the proposed revisions. The water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer conneetion charges are being incxeased . bY 2%• This is in. accordance with the resalution that ties annual increases to th.e Engineering News Record Index, which zncreased 2� since last year. The addition of the water surcharge is to provide revenue for repaying bonds w� will need to sell for the construction of Lhe new well and tower. Actual.ly, the payments of these bonds along with projected expenses �nd xevenues wiil cover installation of three additional wells and additianal personnel necessary,to maintain our system. We will be bringing the bond issue back to Councils attention at the Februsry 21, 1989 meeting. i should like to point out that the reinstated surcharge necessary to pravide funding £or a we1l and tower is 1/2 of the surcharge that was instituted for Well l�7 and aur first tower several years ago. Recommended action for Couneil to consider is to nciopt the nttnCl�ed resol.utican establishing water and sewer rates, charges & deposits. � r • • _ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � RESULUTION 1989 - 1.._... A �ESOLUTION ESTABLISHING WATER AND �EWEEt RATES, CHARGES AND DEPflSITS I. USE CHARGES A. Water Consumption Charges The amount due and paysble by each water user within the City for water taken from the water system shall be as provided below, payable quarterly and deposited in the Utility Operating Fund: RATE SCHEDIJLE Quarterly Rate All Sizes $.95/1,000(M) Gallons MINIMUM QUARTERLY CHARGES Meter Size Minimum Charge Ali Sizes None � 1) In case the meter is found ta have stopped, or ta be operating in a �. fauity manner, the amount of water used wi11 be estimated in aecordance with the amount used previously in the year. 2) Any pre-payment or overpayment of charges may be retained by the City and applisd on subsequent quat�terly sLatementg. 3) Each quarLerly billing for water service not paid when due shall incur a penalty charge of lOX of the amount past due. ! 4) For turning on water, where service has been turned off, a serviee eharge of $15.Q0 wili be made. � 5) Watar billing shall start at the time of installation of the water i � meter � i B. Water Meter Replacement Charge t � � . . . .. . . A quarterly meter maintenance/replacement charge shall be made for each ' meter as set forth belaw and depcasited into the Water Meter Maintenance Finance Fund: ; �teter Size Quarterly Meter: Maintenance Charge 5/8 $ 2.25fRuarfier 1 $ I.SQIQuarter � .._... � ' , . . . � . . . . � . � Resolution 1989 - � • , � Page 2 ; � 1-1/2 ; $ 3.5Q/Quarter � 2 $ S.QQfQuarter ; �--- 3 $ 6.50/Quarter i 4 $12.54/Quarter 4 6 $28.Q4/Quarter , a N/n � 10 S56.a0/Quarter ; C. Se�rer Usa�e Charge ; ' A ctiarge is hereby imposed upon every person whaRe �remises are sc�rved, ! either directly or indirectly, by the sanitary sewer system within the ` � City, €or the use of the £acilities of said sewer system. The charge for residential use will be based on the amount of water used during the lst quarter months of January, February and March. Commercial, institutional and industrial chargas shall be based upon the amount of water used during each quarter. '£he charges shall be as � stated below, and deposited into the Fund. ; � A11 Users Quarterly Charge , � � $1.25 /M gallons Charges for sanitary sewer users without municipal wa�er or metered non-municipa2 water shall be $25.04 per quarter per unit. ; D. W�TER SURGHARGE � A surcharge will be made for debt serviee, o€ the core water facilities, ; e€£ective July 1, 1984, at the f�llawing quarterly rates: , _ � Mete�___ r Size Rate Per Quarter � , Single Family $ 4.5Q Mu1Ci-Family $' 3.SQ � ir� �8j $ 6.75 i 2" (a? $'15.75 � 3" {a? ` $23.50 ! 4" (a) $35.00 � 6" {a) $77.5fl ; � (a) Co�nercial, Industrial, or Institutional The surcahrge revenue shall be deposited in the Water Surcharge Fund. ; II. CAPITAL CHARGES Capital charges far connection to the water and sewer system are adjusted annually on January 1, based upon the Engineerin� News Record. , . . , � Resolution 1989 - Page 3 � ? A. City Water Connection Charges t� � � � � � � �,.,,, � A connection eharge shall be imposed for each new connection to the i � i municipal water system. The charge shall b� utflized to pay for the cost of core faciiities (water supply, storage and distribution main oversizing and etc.). The charge sha31 be as stated below, and deposited into the Water Hook-Up Fund: l. Single family detached hames, mobile homes, and single family attached homes with individual laundry facilities: $927.00 per unit 2. Apartments, condominiums and single family attached homes with central laundry €acilities: $742.00 per unit 3. Industrial, Gommercial and Institutional: Water Service Size Cannection Gharge 1" $1,545.00 1-1/2" $3,Q93.00 � 2�� $4,64t?.00 a) The connection charge for water services over two inches (Z") shall be determined by the City Council. b) A connection charge shall be made for each individual w�ter service line, based upon the mini.mum line size required according � to the fixture unit celculatians in the State's piumbin� code. B. City Sewer Conneetion Gharge A sanitary sewer connectian charge shall be imposed f4r each t�nit connecCing to the sanitarg sewer system, or €or any unit fur wt�ich a building permit is issued and which is iaeated within the Gity's 1990 sanitary sewer service district, as determined by the City's l:ast comprehensive plan as approved by the Metropolitan Couneil. The charge shall be utilized to pay far the cost of core facilities {trunk sewers, li£t stations, forcemains and unusual circum�tances). Any unit inuolving a single family strueture which is Iacated on property greater than 13,500 square feet, shall be eharged one basic connection charge unit for each 13,500 square feet of property area or fractian thereaf, but in no event shall a char$e result in more than 2.5 basic units for each acre of property. Fonding easements, scenic easements ' or other extraordinary easements will not be ineluded in Che square footage of the property area. These eonnection cl�ar�es shall be y._.. deposited into the Sewer Hook-Up Fund. . i • Resolution 19$9 - Page 4 1. Single family detached homes, mohile homes and sin�le family ' ", attaehed homes with individual lai�ndry facilities: $927.00 per unit 2. Apa�tments, condaminiums and single famiiy attact�ed homes witli central laundry faeilities: $742.UO per unit 3. Industrial, Commercial anci Institutional: The eonnection charge shall he based upon the number of equivalent � single family detached dwelling connectians taken from the 2atest edition of the Metropolitan Waste Gontrol Co�ission Reserve Capaeity Manuai. The equivalents for useg not Iisted shail be determined by the City Cauz�cil. ' C. Metropolitan Waste Gontrol Com�aiasion Service Availability Charge The City shall callect, in addition to City connection charges, the Metropoiitan Waste Gontrol Commisgian fMWGC) Service Availability Cherge (SAC}, as set forth by the MWGC. ._._. D. City Storm SeWer Connection Charge A storm sewer connection charge shall be imposed for eaeh unit a building permit is issued for new construction provided the unit meets either of the following criteria; a) The subdivision, in whieh the unit to be built is located in, was platted since January i, 1985, or b) The subdivision, in which the unit to be built is located in, was less than 94 percent developed by March i, I988. The following is a list of subdivisions that meQt either of the above criteria: (a) ftosemount Plaza 2nd Addn Shannon Park 1st Addn Westridge lst & 2nd Addn 0'Leary's Ri.lis 2nd & 3rd Addn Evensan lst Addn Gountry Hitl� Ist & 2nd Addn Wensmaien Addn Garrollton 2nd Addn (b) Valley flak Replat Addn South Rose Park Addn Replat South Rose Park 2nd Addn Broback Tndustrial Park The charge shall be as stated below, and deposited into the Storm Sewer Connection Fund: Resolut' - � • ion 1989 Page 5 , � 1. For single family detached homes, mabile homes, and single family �._._ twinhomes being considered as a unit, the connection charge shall be ; $204.00 per unit 2. For multi-family develapments such as apartments, condnminiums, and townhouses the c4nnection charge sha1Z be +�ne and one-half (1.5} �imes the ' rate stated above in D.1. for each equivalent number of single fami,ly � residential connections. The equivalent number shali be based upon three (3) single family units per acre. Then the connection charge shall be; , $918.Q0 per aere The minimum multi-family connection charge sha11 be for one (1) acre. ' 3. For industrial, commercial and institutional developmertts the connection charge shail be two (2) times the rate stated above in D.1. for each equivalent number of single �family residential connections. The equivalent number shall be based upon three (3) single family units per acre. Then the ' connection charge shall be: $1,224.00 per acre The minimum industrial, commercial and institutional cannection charge sha11 be for one (t) acre. � III. MiSCELLANEOUS GHARGES, DEPOSITS A�TD PERMITS A.Water Meter Accuracy Check P, Consumer may, by written request, have his meter �ccuracy ehecked by depositing the amount sta�ed below with the Uti2ity Degartment. In case a � test should show an error of over five percent (5�) af the water eonsumed, . the deposit will be refunded to the consumer, a correctly registered meter will be installed, and the bi11 will be adjusted accordingly if the e�ror was in favor of the City. Such adjustment shall not exten� back more tlian one billing period from the date of the written request. The charges for meter testing are as follows, and shall be deposited into the Utility Operating Fur�d: For testing 5/$" - 2" meters $ 30,00 Far testing 3�' meters $ 36.Q0 Far testing 4" meters $ 70.04 For testing b'� meters $100.00 B. Se�er and Water Permit A permit must be obtained to eonnect to the City water and sewer �ystem or to construct a private sewer or water system in aecordance with Section 1.12 af the Gity Sewer and Water Ordinance. A fee shall be charged as established by the City Gouncil, �ahich covers the cost incurred by the Gity :._. , u _ , � # Resolution 19$9 - Page 6 ; to process and inspect the system installation, and shall be deposited into ' i ;,� the General City Deposits. C. Property Assessmen�s If a lot or traet of land receives abuttzn� lateral sanitary sewer or w�ter , benefit a buildin r ' � g pe ma,t or connection permit shall not be issued untii one of the following conditions has been complied with: 1) A lateral sanitary sewer and water assessment has been paid, levied, or wil.l be levied in due cQurse, or � 2) The applieant sha11 pay an additional eonnection fee for lateral sanitary sewer and watermain service per lineal foot of assessable � abutting property based on the rates in effect at the time of buitding ` or connection permi,t application. The 1988 rates per lineal foot are as follows: Sanitary Sewer 21.80/l.f, ' Watermain 18.70/1.f. These rates shall be adjusted anaually on Jactuary 1, based on the "Engineering News Record" index. ; These charges shall be deposited into the Sewer Hook-up Fund and Water Haok-up Fund. � BE IT FURTHER RESQLVEb, that the "City of Rasemount Water and Sewer Rates, Charge� and Deposzts" is hereby adopted this 7th d�y of February, i989, effective with the first billing period of 19$9. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that adoption of this Resolution hereby repeals City of Rosemount Resolution l98$-31. Al1 Amendments thereto. ADOPTED this 7th day of February, 19$9, R��llan Hake, Mayor l�TTEST: 'Steghan Ji1k, Administratc�r/Clerk