HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Pine Bend Development Company Grading Permit 1 • 2g7r,PA�,TN S�Jw ROSEMOUNT.M4t+tNES�i 423 4q19 � (�i�� Q 612- ` ` ose�'►'L��''�'� tc►� ��. ► � � , CITY COUNCIL TO: ' CITY PLANNER FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK+ �ATE; FEBRU ARY �, 19R9 ��IF�V� SUBJ: FEBRUAK y �, 1989 . REGULAR N1EET►N(' RE MENT CU. - GRADINC� PERh1tT tor � request $END DEVELOp . Council cnnsidered �ocated at the PINE cre pr°� the City erEy 1989 meeting it fos an 18 a M, Ci. Asticic�rd p� its Novembet 1+ E,xcavation Perrn A�,�nUc ownc�l �'Y �{ the Gradingl 42 and Emory denied extensio�4led on HighwaYThe Council at that time {� stockP extension �f of County ravel to rema which was interesection ment Co• Qf sand and S Sand and gravel ate of Pine Bend Develop � ards he Class 5 aggTeg allow 50,OOQ cub� Y ,nuch of t to produce ��,000 r�quest to t�o years. Because uate quality roximately for uP tO not of adeq left with app blend�� f� the site ��e site was been whs�h h�S been vated on t�e �,pplicant has ards Qf condition a` t�� exca �onstrucEi°n 24�000 cubic Y ust sand• � pfter for hi�hway atexial ahout being l Fall 1988• ards o�a d �h� Te�ainder basical1Y letely restored �Y inform the cubi� y rade site be comp roceede� t b�r 2 } 19g8 Class $ g errnit was that the ermit extension, 1 p Decem 2 onal p t�� grading p �� ��mpleted bY �� Site inctuding ot�g enial of site had rQ to restore t Inc. City Council a ot the neceasary inous Materials, applicant that restoratio�what action �as $itum City would take �ce Bond pro�ided �Y �f p;ne Be"d or the the 510,000 Performa puiarty Tim�"ons utiiizing n� the City Attorney to was contacted �y Selt a to co�►sult, 20, 1988, � eetin� wilh mY i proeeeded ,who Qn 7peeember Tequested a m this matter. & �nutson, tnent Co. w�o re arding Farrell ,S intentio�5 �evelop void litigatiot� SGrannis, Grannis, City ��fti, tions to a ticant to discuss th�neer, Rich `Ro�,ex Knutson, °f cliscuss oF Ehat City 'EM� �vauld City Attorney, meeting with the aPP ined that iz that a also te9�eSMa Hefti determ recom�ended MY. Kn�tso�► the site. was appropriate. Q£ t�staring e site. cost Q�� ta Y�store th �a��erson, estimate the $25, fram BruGe �e stockpiled require �PPT'OX'mately , of. a letter �S a copY ossessin�, r���?ts tO � eeting which with this review mar�zes a 'tt Atta��1ed g�huh (subcontrac�or p etter sutn �onditivns Richard 1988. Th�s ioposal establishing �s a letter AttoxneY ravel} dated 3anuary 23,and �provides a � �o �his t�v�'eW t the sand & & 11, I9$9 plso atlached that the City acce� took place on JanuaFY Gradix�� Permit. recommends ect Co conditions of the which �r�tit suhj ti�ri�h for an extension Roger Knucson, the grading� p I «rould con�u�' City Attorney, will dr�f�• this Grad�ng permi� from allow an extension o� which �e �hat case I proposal and g an agreement and recognize I� this will be pa�t ° endation �asy solation. Si�e is not which recomm with no of the and �vitl t�e City Attorney'S dif ficult situation eXpediate restoratiQn t4�� City in a of City funds Eo qetobe�' places the en�iture xest�rati�n hY licant will guarantec believe that e�P � the Fermit. warratxted if the app waive the right of future rcnewat o ; ' <�;,�._ : i- . PO�M, HAIK,SCHNOBRICH & KAU�AN,LTD, 330d RIPER JAfFRAY TOWER MINNEAPOLiS. MINNESOTA 35402 WAYNE G.PQPHAM � JAMES A.PAYNE TELEPH�QNE� D.�RANDAIL BOYER 617£60RY G.SCOTT . RAYMOND A.HAIK DAVID A.JQNES� . BRIAN N.JOHNSON � � RO$ANNE O.LAIDENWEmER � . A06ER W.$CtINOBRICH t,EE E.SHESITY � 612-3�33-4800 � . DENYER KAUFMAN �� TIMOTHV W.KVCK � RO@ERiC.CAS4LE! � � ALAIN FRECON TEtECOPfER . CAi70l B.$WANSO�N � THER�ESC M,HANKE� � � R09ER7 A.MINi3H � � lE3L�E 61I.LE7TE (331 6i2-�394-2713 BRUCE A.PETERSpN JUl1E�Ft6MtN6-WOIRE . F10LFE A.WOROEN - MICHAEI T.NIIAN J�UUf A.SW�EIT2Ep DE80RkM A.GYSON G.MARC WMITEHEAD. R09ERT H.4YNN (3216t8'334-2761 � � THOMASC.MIEL£NHAUSEN� 2ACHERYM:JONE$ BRUC@ D.WtLU3 �THOMAS M.SIPKIN3 . 131�►01Y-984-8803 MICHAEL�D.CHRIBT�NSON BkEP1BflM K,WHITM�ffV ,. FRE�OER�CK 5.RfCHARD3 ROBERT C.MOILAN�EN .. � J�.MICHAEL 3CHWART2 �KATHRYPI M.WALKER G.ROBERTJOHN.50ry THOMAB F.NEL3QN� � TODD M.JO�HN50N� � 6EOR6EJ.50CHA� 4ARY R.MACOMBER . THOMAS J.RAO10 � � SU1T@ E40p � � � JEFFREV P:CAIRNS $HAN��R.KEClEY ROBERT 5.BURK DAVID L.HASHMALI � {200$ffVENTEBN7N 3TREET � ��OUi3 P.3MITH $U9AN M.WE19 � � . HVGH V.PLUNKETT,t11� KAT!{1.fEN M.MARTfN D�NVEq ORUCH H.IiTTLE MAWK F.1'EN EYCK � FREOERICK C.BtaOw�N JpMN C.CNIlDB r COLORADO BO$OP MARK F..pAIMA DUANE R.NOECK£R � � . tNflMA$ K.6ERG DOU6LA5 P.SEATON � � tEIEPHONE 903-893-12p0 pU53ELt 3.PpNES�A JAM£S R.STEILEN THOMAS E,gqNNER TELECOPIER 303-�93-2�94 � BRYAN l.CRAWR.G?Rp � �� � " � JAMES B.LOCKMART f71CHAR0 A.KAPtAN �� � MATTHEW£.pAMON � � A4tEN W.HiNDERAKER BRUCE B.M�PHEETER$ � 9UITE 300 SOUTH JOWN W.PROVO� � � CLIPFORD M.GREENE SCpTT E.RIGHTER IB00 M STpEgT�N.W, ELLEN SUE PARKER � �F CqUNSH � � � � � . D.WI�LUAM KAUFM�AN PqU�J..U.NSTROTH .6RE60RY G. Bt744K£R FREO I.MpRRiffiON M6CHAE1 O.FREEMAN BCqTT A.SMITH WA3HFlJ(ETON�� D. C. 20p36 � � � . � . FIOWARD 3AM MYENS,111 DONALD M.LEWIS� T��EPHONE 202-828-5300 W����AM M.OJIkE,J�R�. . � � � . LARRY O.E�PEL . TEl[C�PIRR 202-628-631e TERRANCE A.CQ3TELL0 � . . Elt2A0ETti A.THOMPSON. � JQSEPH O.VA55 � � � JANIE3..MAYERON � KEITHJ.HAt,LElANO DIRECT DIA�I PIUMBER BRIANW.OHM � � � �AOMtTt6DtM10WA � � iHOMAS J.�BARRETT MARK B,pETER50N . . . � STEVEN A,CHELE3NIK � � •ApMI7fiC0�N I����tOtf 334-2695 January 23� I989 Mr. Mike Wozniak � City Planner City of RosemounE P.O. Box 510 2875 - 14�5th St. W. Rosemount. MN 55068 Re: Pine Bend Development Co. - Amended Grading Permit Dear Mr. Wozniak: As you know this firm represents the Richard Schuh Company which has an interest in the material staekpiled on the land owned by M.G. �stlefora Campany and Pine Bend Develogment Co. and for wl�ich a grading permit has been issued to Pine Benr� Develapment Co. Fine Bend Develapment Ca. had a�plied for an extension f4r that permit into 1990 which was reeamznended as modified by the Pianning Cammission and was denied b�r the City Cauncii at its meeting on November 5, 1988. Mr. Jon Astleford, the attorney for Pine Bend Develapment Co. , the undersigned, Richard Sehuh, Marty Timmons of Pine Bend Development Co. and Fran Davies of Bituminous Materials, Tnc. (BMT) ► met in►ith you anc� the City Attorney, Roger Knutsan in your offices on ,Tanuary 11, 1989. At that time we outlir�ed for you the reasons w� thcaught that the denial of the permit was illegal and waulc3 be averturned by a court upon review. We talked about ways in whicY� all parties could avaid litigation. Thereafter Pine 8�nd IIevel4pment Co. , BMI and Richard Schuh Company agreed to make the fallowing affer tn the City, which if aecepted, woutd eliminate the need for litigatian. Obuiously, if we are correct in our legal analysis, we will prevail in any sueh litigation and will not b� 5ubject to the onerous restrictions that they have authorized me � � • • Mr. Mike Wozniak January 23, 1989 Page 2 to comu�unicate to yau in this letter. The parties agree to offer a settlement to the City to incorpQrate the following general terms: ].. 5chuh will restore the site tQ contours, with use o€ existing topsai,l on site, and seeded, in ce+nformance with an amended site restoration plan which fir�t must be ap�roved by Schuh, the Gity ancl Pine Bend Development Cn. I understand that Richard Bchuh has mek� with yc�u and that yau will be ��nding to him such an amended contour plan. 2. Schuh will file a performance bond with the City in an amount requested by the City, not to exceed �25,p00. 3. BMI wi11 be released fram any restoration obl�.gations by the City and BMI wi11 obta�n its bond fro�n the City when Schuh po�ts his band. 4- 'The permit that had been issued to Pine Bena DevelQpment Co. should be amended to include Pine Bend Develapment Ga. and the Richard Sehuh Company. 5. The permit wi11 be extended to October 15, 1989. 6. If the site is not restared by October 1, 1989, th�n the City may cash the bond, but Schuh, at his option, may �scrow �25,000 cash wi�h the City by detober 1, 1989 and the City wi11 zc�kurn the bQnd. The City then has cash instead af bond, ar has 25 da�s to collect on the br�nd, and can afford to wait until (3ct€�ber 25, i989 to re�tore the site if it is not aiready restored. In th� interim, from October 1 ar before, the City can advertise far bids and reserve to itself the right to award the contract until October 25, 1989. Schuh ir� the interim can complete restoratiQn, and if he cloes, receive baek the $25,OOQ from the City. The City agrees not to cammence restoratian until October 25, 1989. If restoration is co�nmenced by the City on or about 4ct4ber 25, 1989, there will be adequate time ta grade the site and ta plant the seed which will probably germinate still that Fall, and if it does not, it will certainly germinate in the Spring. This is a common practice that is followed by many in the planting af seed. In any event, even if the Gity wanted to wait until the Spring to plant the seed, that is af no cansequence since thP u���ea�a so�.�. will be no different from the thousands of acres af crop Iand that remains uns�eded throughaut the Winter each year. ` � � • Mr. Mike Wozniak January 23, 1989 Page 3 7. The Richard 5chuh Company and Pine Bend Develapm�nt Co. will each waive its right t4 appiy for a further extension of the permit. 8. In the event that the City does not approue the above permit and amended restoration plan by March 1, 1989, all of the above terms and offer of settlement are withdrawn and each party is free to proceed as it deems appropriate. Nothing in this letter should be deemed by the City to imply that W8 d0 not believe the parties proposing this settlea�ent have a strong legal case in the event that we proceed to trial, which we fully intend ta do to proteet our rights in the event this settlement compromise is not fina2ized or that aMs�nt such an agreement, that the parties waive any of the3r rights related to this matter. I understand that City Staff will review this proposal and you will inform me �.f you recommend approval thereof. Further, this matter will be heard by the City Counci�i on Tuesday, February 7, 1989. If the Council approves it, subject to �ity Staff's approval of the final Settlement Agreem�nt, thereafter we or the City Attorney can submit a detailed Settlement Agreement incorporating these terms and the parties can sign that Agreement without the need for further appearances before the Council. Very truly yours, 1�..E..E.t'Q-- ��1_ r�-����-{`i`�'\ Bruce D. Malkerson cc: Richard Schuh Pine Bend Development Co. Bituminous Materiais, Inc. Roger Knutson, City Attorney BDM: jmb ZJ�B5488 � Y ! � �,�W oH���:�s GItANN15, VItANNiS, 1'Altitt:l.l. tit KNU'I�UN UAY1D 1..GNANNIS-�874-��)O� {�N(►FIiS51(1NA1.tlti5(If.IXl7(/N �('IdPE(:tN'IER: DAVill L.GItANNIS,JK. - 1910-1980 Pc�sr Or•�a:�8ux 57 t1�12}455-235) VANCE l;.GRANNIS 4Uj �((�WES'C�3ANK�i1i11.U1NG FI.I.IOTT�. f1NE7St:H VAN(:E$.GIIANNIS, 8.• M#(:NAEt.�. I�IAYER J tGi IVcax�ni Ccx•i<:cmu�xc.�rnNc:e PA71ttCA A. FANR6LL �IM()7i1Y�. �ii:ftG DAYID L.GRANNIS,111 SOUT11 ST. YAUL, MINNISpTA SSl)�S Rc�c�x N. KNui�c>N � 'I'��.�v��►rtN(G12)455-IG(il Deviu L. fins�Evek •n�x�n„w�n„r�, January 27, 19�39 ihtnc:ra:e IN WFxxH+stN CONFIDENT��L ROSEMOUNT CITY COUIdCIL Rollan Hoke, Mayor Vernon J. Napper, Councilmember Joseph Walsh, Councilmember John oxborough, Councilmember Dennis Wippermann, Couneilmember : RE. Pine Bend Development Co. Grading Permit Dear Mayor and Councilmembers: Bruce Malkerson's letter of January 23, 1989, proposes a settlement of the dispute with Pine Bend. i recommend approval. � 2here is currently about 50,000 cubic yards of material stoekpiled on the site. The estimated cost of restoring the site is $25,004, The bond that has been posted is far $10,q00. If the City does the work, the City would I�ave t4 advance the $15,000 defici.ency and sue the developer for payment. Before we couZd do the wark we would have to start a lawsuit to get permission to go on the property. The work could nat be done until Spring. Pine IIend ciaims that the request for extension was denied withaut a iegal basis. They argue that if the initial permit didn' t eause a health, welfare, or saf�ty �roblem, then t13e extens�on won't cause any problems. Although we have some reasanably gaod arguments about the difference between a one year permit and a permazysnt business, their arguments may trave some merit. Ver�c,--trt�y s, RANNIS� GRAN S, FARRELL & �CNUTSQ , P.A. BY: ' N. -� nutson RNK:srn cc: Step n Jilk n� n Jat�nson ,�t��(ike Wozniak