HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda � CITY OF Rt��UN'I' � AGENC} A Rk�Gt.IE,AR UO�J�TCIt, A"�1'It�t� MAY 1 b, 1989 - $:00 P,I�. � 8:00 P.M. - LATE START DUE RC1 9Q�70�. HOIARD EGFCTIUNS ,C.�.��� �`!�' 1 . Ca11 �o Ord�r/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Addi.tions or Corrections to Agenda - Counc�il, Staff, Audi�oe ���q-- �� 3. PUBLIC �I� - Off-Sale Licluor License a. c)pen c. Clase b. C�rrd�ct d. Aet3.on 4. DEPAR'Il�SE,'l�f� I�ADS R�CPC�1'S/BL1,IN�`5S a. C�unty TrafFic Study - Diamorid PatYiiCbnr��ra Trai.l; Shanr�on Par3sway/CR42 anr o b. ��fi���.��,✓ �t..��� o.�/ f�.�',�, �,e,c.�f- 5. t70NS�N2' AGIIr1JaA a. Minutes of May 2, 1989 Reg�a].ar M�eting b. Minutes of May 11, 1989 5pecial NSeeting c• App�ronral of Bills Listing d- Approval of Licens�s and/or Pern�.ts e. App�aye Purd�ase of D�unp & Hoist for On+e 'Iben Truck f. Approve Payment for Frost R3.p�ing Limerick Way, Project 193 g• Ap�ove Payment Applicatian #2, Gontract 1988-7, Shanr�n Parkway/Connemara Trail h. Ap�ove Payment for Trees, Project 176 i. Set Pul�lic Hearing for t�elsea Woods Estates Pre.l.iminary Plat - 6/6/89 j. Set Public H�aring fox• C7�elsea `�Toods Esta�s Rezoning - 6f 6�89 k. Set Public Hearing far Utilities Ease�nerit VaQatic�, Lot 4 & 5, Blk 3, Brc�ack 5th 1. Ap�ove Purchase df I�eated Bit�ninous Trailer ��`�S`��Sm. Autl�rize Feas.Report for Pine Bend Trail Street 7mp�avetn�„nt Project 199 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Home Delivered M�als �z� X�. /�b. Approve 5tar Cable Franchise �,�'a,�Cj.�s�, Approve Dalwta Electric �`r�nchi�e d. NSP Gas Franchi U�da. / �/9��-�`te. �PP�iJ�. ��nM��.�c��i��:rz�.�T� ��e�-�S � �T��`�'GD 7. NEW BUSINESS 3�i989-Sda. Set 1989 Bond Sale �'c'i98Q-s! b. Reaeive Bids/Award Contract - Jaycee Park ?mpravements s�i9�ll-sza Apgrove Plans & Specs/Au�tharize Ad tor Bids - Wat�er � #2, Cbn,trac� 1989-7 �ig8�-s�d. Adapt Resolution Aga3nst Proposed EPA I,ead Rules e. App�rove RFP/Autharize Ad for Bids - Canpu�er Sy��ena f. ISD 196 Schc�olJCity Park - Aitern�ate Bid Award g. Fire Suppress3.o �..-�yst�nt - Funding Assis�ance P�ul.icy h. �f'.rzE cs��v,,�.'��. s (��.�r'� � 8. MAYOR'S REPCC7F�r a. Zbwn Meeting tTpdate b. 9. ADMINIST.t�AZC�R`S REPORT a. Public Works Supe . r Position Inform�tion b. Ax�rary Cannitteel����e - c. �ississi�p; . �'.�o.✓�i �✓�� ����7'ro �9c� ���t. 10. � �.sove..e� ,f�.�vEr .ez� ��� s � � Y � a. May 17, 1989, Opt Out Presentaticm, 7:30 p.m., Apple Valley Commin�tty Center b. May 20, 1989, Spring Cleanup/Aark ?snpravement Day c. May 23, 1989, Boarcl of Review, 7:30 p.m., Coun+ci.l C[�nbers d. May 31 , 198�, Special Gouncil l�eeti.ng, Zoning Ordinanc�, 6:30 p.m. 11 . AD,70URtJMI�iP