HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.c. Mississippi National River Recreational Area y P Q. f30X 510 �t�( () 2875-145TH ST W. � �� INNE OTA 55068 �QC��nO��� ROSEMUUNT. M S J /f�. 612-423-4411 r TO� CITY COUNCIL FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, AICF, CITY PLANNER DATE: MAY 16, 1989 , SUBJ: MAY 16, 1989 - REGULAR MEETtNG REVIEW ADD-ON AGENDA ITEM: MISSISSIPPI NATtONAI,RI VER& RECREATION AREA As City Coancil is aware, last year Cangress designated a f9 mile stretch of the Mississip�i a National River anci Recre�tian Area. The (egislaUon calls I'or establishment of a 22-member cc�orciinating commissian, camp�sed �f federal, state and local officials as we(1 as private citizens to develop and implement a management pJan for the rivcr corrid�r. The plan, which must bc campleted hy Novemher 1991, is required to incor�orate existing t'ederal, state, regional and local plans as much as possible. Governor Perpich has been granted authority to appoint 12- members of the twenty-two member coordinating commission. These twelve members will inc}ude, four elected officials represenling Minneapolis and St. Paut, four elected of[icials representing other affected rn�anieipalities and counties, and foux members ta be chosen from the general publEc. Applications fnr these appointments are being accepted through the end of May. If any Council Members are interested in applying for one of the available appointments or are interested in recommending a citizen for one of the ap�ointments, action should be taken promptly. With this review I have enclosed a package of information regarding this matter. Attached are the foltowing: 1. Application Form for appaintment to Coordinating Commission; 2. Information Brief: A New Mississippi Nationat River and Recreation Area by John Helland, Legisiative Analyst; ' 3. Copy of Congressional Record - October 20, 1988 (Actual Legislation) 4. Map of Mississippi River Corridor; 5. Mississippi National River and Re,creation Area Contaet Sheet. If Council Members have any questions regarding applying for an appointment to the coordinating commission or have questions regarding ihe tegislation feel free to contact me. . . ;������� ��-��,����� � I � , I • -,r�a � • � John Helland, Legislative Analyst ������� i i�� ����.��� ' 296-50�9 : A I"�Tew Mississippi National h2.iver and Recreation Area ' One usually associates land mana�ed by the Natianal Park Service as one of the famous National Parks -- Yellowstone, Yosemite, or Minnesota's Voyaguer's. However, the Park Service is also in charge of smaller areas, such as national monuments (Grand Portagej, national scenic rivers (the St. Croix), national lakeshares and national recreational areas. ' ' The category of national recreational areas was broadened in 1972 to include lands within and adjacent to urban areas -- Gateway in the New York harbor area and Golden Gace in San Francisco, for example. This past #alI Minnesota was awarded a national recreation area by Congress in the form of the M.ississippi National River and Recreation Area. � This information brie€ describes the new law and its ramifications. It is divided i,nto the followin� sections: Page Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , 2 � Summary of Legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 State Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Issues in Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 a . � A map of the Mississipgi River in the meiropolitan area is on the back page. . ...... ew� Rep ��search Department . .''!IR11C'SC=2 !"t0'JSe r� °a;�r�se^*�.i�:es . 50J S�atz �t'!C9 RUI ��ino ----_ _ __ •o ,� _. -----.. unit of �,overnment anl} if the state does not take action. the affected area of the tocal .. Issues in Implementation eation Area, there are rocess to mana aie w�ha Clo�na dres: tt�e management plan, Since the federal law set}ernen ation that the st four broad issues in imP 1 and acquisitic�n, state legislation, and glan caordination. The Mana$ement Plan S��i ;, gack in ans alreadY ex�st to mana�e the rnet GP��ernor'�eC�P e Order. 'me � State and l�cai Pi 1976, the river�'as designated a state erit�cal area by eomdor alang both riverbanl� throughout the metropolitan area Qrder designates a width. from a few blocks to almost a mile u� idelines fflr the preparation of state, erm�t appli��ions by he review of plans, regulatians an� p EQB) LQ�`� '�he critical area order conna s standards and � uali Board ( regional and local plans, a the 24 - ��n adopted and are being imPl��'��ie� � the Mecrop�lit�n Council an�d the statc Envuon�►ental plans aad regulations have i metropolitan corridor. aion the MississiPF •on of the nities S att u si comm p with the 1984 de gn Additianally, the upp�t S� �� °� the river ovetla eC�� �on�g �iteria fpr Mississi pi as a state wild and sceni�enic �river eorridor�s � p es within a wild and land usc chaz�g ` xin state, regianat and �o� om rehensive plan for the area." The plan must federal law requires the managem c t pian to us� � � 1 ���rnme�t, a�d T The of loca g . plans in the coordination of a ucuf`ie usuall the respons�bility, recognize existing economic activities, Y provide for their management. three years will determine the ex�a e�t�to°� ' '1fie development of the plan over the next lans will be eral state retations on tt►e river, and have to eoc�ur•e�ting p fed / doesn account so wholesale replarming I.,a�ad A�ition the designated area. a raximately 50,000 acres of river shoreline aithin arks. � 'T�ere are pp . se to 13,(1�a �a�s h�ve bcen develop�d as stat� and 1°�i p S one state�*rildlife a Clo ten re 'onal park , arks, fi arks, 22 municipal parks, � -r}�e regional p There are thr�e county P � and one state park at Fort Snellu��oka County to q� management area (Gores Paa1 , eoming dc�wnriver frorn An alt designated by the M�tropolitan Council, North Mississippi, Central Mississippl, ar�: Coon Rapid's Dam, Lil dale/Harri�t Island, to ; Dakata County • �ehaha, Hidden Falls/Crosbv Farm, Y Mississippi Garge, M3n ke Fark. ��tew Indian Mounds, Grey Cloud, and Sgring� and dams of the Carps af � the river includes the thres lock and Recrea; Federal land encroaching lanvary 1989 4 A N�,Mississippi National River and Recreat'son As'� ti - � r EnQineers, and land of the Bureau of Mines and Veteran's Hospital, both near Fort Snelling. • Additionally, there are i7 grivate recreational facilities along the meirapolitan MississiPPi, including nine marinas. < T�ere are no plans by the Secretary of Interior for massive land acquisition within the area. As the Iaw provides, only federal lands under the direct jurisdiction of the � Secretarv shall be administered under federal law. t3ther lands and waters within the � area shall be administered under state and lc>cat laws. .� � The Park Service has a land protection policy ihat stresses sceni� easement acquisition and cooperative la�d use agreements, with fee title aequisitian onTy wTi-ereit is essenti-al. The state and local units will want to monitar this policy closely so that condemnatian i. will be used sparingly, if at all. State I.egislativn Any state le��islation is not necessary imrnediately. The Mississippi River Coordinating Commission may not be appointed until sameti,me in the summer of 1989. The earliest time for possible state tegzstation may be in 1992, afeer the completion of the management plan. At that time, there may be some requir�ments for state activities. Since the Commission sunsets in 1998, the state may want to adopt legzslation for a state cornmission to continue the duties. Plan C�wrdination - There were no appropriations made in the federal legislation, but the Park Service plans • to have a person ur Minnesota by the winter of 2989 to begin the coordination process. The Tri-Rivers Mana�ement Board, authorized in the enabiing legisiation, can and will be created by cooperative a,reement, initiated by the state Department of Natural Resources. , The legislation directs ihe Park Service to enter into agreements with the state or its political subdivisians, i.e., the Metropolitan Council, to review lacal plans, laws and ' ord'utances for confocmance with the management plan. Thas becomes especially impartant for lc�cal interests because, if nonconformance remains in effect, a locality ean lose related federal monies and there would be the possibility of federal land acquisition using condemnation. Plan coordination and implementation must be a true cooperative effart among all levels of government and a diverse commission in order to wvrk and to protect the riverway. The metropolitan Mississippi may not change discernably, but its designation as a national recreation area may further raise the level of public eonsciousness to safeguard its cuhurai tradition and resources. A New MLss�ss�ppi Narional River � � January 1989 and Recreation Area . . . . . . . . :s. .. . ._r':# � ;..-..�;,s--'C.�,»�.' --� , ; , . . . 1 . . . I � � � ItMWOOQ � .. .. . . � � 1U�Ny � [a!t�ffN[t � � . � . . I . � OaR WOv( . . . .. � � . � . . . . , . . 1 . . i / .. . .. � ' ���. . . .� . . � � � . . � . . . .. i� � � � � � � �.'_' �-- _{ _ _ . . �n � ANOKA . . . . . .�I.�TL�T1 rl�IV6l e�rst� ��eevu CO. cotuMsus � ' -.•_•. . . . . M�Y��R[ .. �.. ' . . � . .. . . �. .� � IOfQ T I�RR � � M��w iGMM� . . �oettr�.R� f Ni\SYM �. O�fTOM � tM ■• . . . , � �� � . . lINO liR(� . . . �. CN11M►fIM� l00���►101 . . . . MIfIM( � . . � .. • �UIM( . . � t[N/S�YItI[ � � � � � M�r � M�• Y • . � . . � Nb60 � . � 4[tu6ts��. .tnttt rreRf WA3HINGTdN CO. . 6ftt�/ftl0 COSC9Hw� � 03ft0 � . . . . , ..M�RI(610Y( � � � �I MOUNO4 SNO�fCI(R . . . �r s.��.��� . ' OCR/O!O � ( � � ��OORLIM�►��R �,YI(w Mp�iM. � 27 � . . . 14 e�Rf �� �� Si��{,w�t�� . MENNERIN � . . f�101�! MM1tk�[�� � CO.�� . �ROORl1M � � � � . . CLM��� . �k[I�(....... � �k�M� �� � �� . . � . I . . . I�f16MT011 Y�OM�)S � ' . . . . QlO�fitO . � � �t�� (16Nt} Mep by Oi� ..a« zs = :� ,r�. � N�� U rau G=' i. �e4t�tNOt�Ct rU�M� ►lFrOtlty . . � . . I�IETR�POLITAN I "°;'1 �o - i � . . . � {\ � �i� ITTIF�,,,j.. �O COUNCIL "•ni n•�» ^ ►OS�t1lL� iMAO �O M � � 1T.1p�tl� • �. �. �'��"'�•� , .. OMC U■ ( ��� :a�t[T lE.. .��� wtttr000 `—y-IO�RO�tt l�Rt . l�cMwN e [tM0 � � � �1'a/t�IO�N p�p116 wn �t �� � L � . wESt . . � 1 �r��Mtta��ri ��rrti0wi• � � 9. 1 RAMSEY.. CO. .. I � . . � . t+REI.Np � . ��.lrwOCp � 7 fI towa :R� . � . . . w�afLRfQwM � � •�1a �AINT►AI►L lAR[LANO . � . i � I � �[1� � �Y�MpA►Otit � . .. . . Yo«IM�t(11 , ORI[Illf J -�( .-� ���O�l/�llltf� 4� � . � . � . . . i'. 1 �... �ft.C�OII�t�CM � ... �� ��-r�tt�� '�' tOiF� •tit �• fr800�tl�T � . �ra�• G . �� ' . . f . � � � riut � L . . :arteM � � . . f �. �fe . s�urw �� '�_�1 � ntwrtt►s ���roii� trraora � Mtwi$.r YI(,'*0f�� y 17. . wVKw� . ' � wKON��. � CN�MN�f{tM �. � '�R� wllGN►f tlM.IfN �VC . � .. ��4�111M . . . [ � . '. � w4COMli . � �DLII If�lfl( . . ... . . � . . ( . � � • . fi.��y( . . . . . . CARVER CO. CM�fR4 ���r��ars� �� — �L,����� � �eruatart , ' ���"'��� 1 tltall M[itNTf � . csn�s�a■e.e uc�M.�K ro�rt I CM.Saa AM(�IC� � � ZO N� � � . . . � .. � � � ' . I Cotoc��.� O...tC�le t��r�• ,e'�'"%�N fM�ftO�[� OAKOTA CO, •r(11�GI .' .. YEN�ON y � r . . . . . ,.�,« 1 �VRIIfY1LlC � . . . . . . � v� �a � ; . . 1 � /f10�� . �Mt!Y�lt[� � . . � � . . 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N ucrex�t t�w�,rE su� ��K�Gaunty Boundary s �xu�ao. 1� M�ure. =o aRcr ccouo te .�,ro.r . . � i 6�[U�OOI lt COI,Yr���N�f6NT� =1 tI�Ol�tl 29 tttt[�F�l OROwO� � .. � .. � 7 weoeu�ra �� 13 !T.��twsw� M 0[Lt�008 ]0�0�����R M[iSrTt �� �Un�CIp'd� BQUPI.GaTy � . � . � . • rtWtl��Wst li laWtteatt. ti�rwtir��wat � ,�uOtM . . . .� � � � . . . . . . ta r�artrte� 3�� txaRi��s�Mo�[s �£-----;ownsh�ip Boundar � . . � . 32 it.Y4�79►01JIt � � � �� � • � ;,�_ Vnl. 134 WASHINGTON, 'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1988 Na. 150 w . �, �5=�� I,erior in Wuhlnrtan.DI�Wct oi Colun�bla. <c)Cox�er,r,►nox:—Men�berr ot Lhe GoM- �a t�tAaCltd by t)Le Stnalt Qnd fJowe oJ atfd 1i1 thE OfffCd o!thE Mettopotitsll�+utf• �+��on�hal1 eervr vithoat piy.Whtlt amxy JEeesveritcttaes qr tJls tlnffM S[¢tei oJ c!i ot the TMtn Cttfa Arer tn 8alnt Paut. lrota lhcC�Aoma ar teNtar Dlaccs of busi• .tinerlta ift t,`o�Qrea,t asu+natre� Mliuj+erota, ness !r� lhe performance ot arvtces Cor tlre tb)DoaNn�st.—The BecrelarY of the In� Commisslon. mem6er� ot the Commisslon terloi tAerelttatter rtterred to u t7�e"8eer+e- s!:al! be dtoered travel expentta, indudlnt t�r7"t�ha11 Rubllah la We!'Metal Resi�f,et. txr d�cm in ifeu of tubelttenee,in the same u �oon u prsctteabte after t2�e enactmmt manntr es penoru eenployed ir+ttrmitsentiy TIZ"i.L Vii—MTSSI3SIPP'I NATIONAL ot thts ilttt a detalled deae�iDtlon �u�►d eatD 1n Covernment servfu are aitoR•ed r:pcnsc� AIYS�R AND REG7tEll'FION AREA cf!he 6oundarle�eatabilahed undet iubsec� un�er aectlort S70x of tftit S ot the tlntted 8ubtltte A—IdWlirtpt Nattanal Rlves aesd tion t�f. States Coda (d)Cnntarason.—The Ghticpenon oi the • ��� lrtaxtsasrr;Rs�ae coo�eorfr�ru�a oosvrtsscox Cornmt.,esian ahaq be appolnted by the Sec• siXData=ANO ttfftro=st. $sc. 70�, tt) �stnssaalnm�r.—There Is ntuy from amoet the memDera o[ the Ste. 701. ta) P`txstnas.—The Con�ras hertby estaDttshed a MlastulDPi Rtver C.o- • Co�nrnlufon non+lnated by the Covernor of ttnds thst • ordlnatin�Commlisfon whose purpose ahali Minnesota to setve fot a urtn ot three (1)The MWi�iPP!Rfver Cortldor wtthln be to �s�et Federal. SLatr, and loca! an• Years. ' or the 8aint Paul•Minneapolfs Metropoittaa triorftia ln the developmet►!and tanplunen• te) QcoRou.—Taetve membea of the Ares teyraeals�nstfozWlr ttts►ltlexr►t h!r tatlon ot aa tnte�ted taouroe a►an�se� Cornmtssfon shalt aon4tltute a auorum. torkal. recrettional, �oenl� eultural. tutn� men� ptaa tor lhoaa landf �nd patets as �t) Mcsrcrca.—Tht Commisston shaA t'a1�teoaomlq snd�elentlflC r��oturoe. tpecit[ed tn uetion ?0�TLe Commisston mcet at the eall ot the Chslrman or t m�• , <Z)There!s a eatlonal MGerat!n the ptes- sha11 oonalst ot the toUo� 12 memDen Joclt�ot Itt tncmbera. erwtton, protectloti and ent�ar►cemeat ot appotnt�d b�the Seerelarf ot the Intvlor. �t> De.storxnrs or POtIftL1 �xo Pno- thtae tl.�soUtees for t2te betttfit of the p�eopte tl) The Director ot the Nstlonal Parft c�x�.—A�a eoordinator aad advlsory orAa• o(the IINted Ststea. 8ervice.or hls des!`nee. • nlution, the CommLvfon ahail �ssist the t�)84te and Ioeal ptanntn[eftart� doefs <Z)The Chlet ot the Gor�s et EY�elneera, �n�+r7.tt�e State ot Mtnnesota and toe�►1 the Rfres Cortidot provlde t siNQue fottrsda• os hb destenee. units ot�o�crnenent endes�voNnt to use ex• ttaas f� 000rdtnsUnt la'edeni. 8tate. uti+! t�)T!u Director oi the lYsh und WOditte lstlni Pedcrsl, Statc. re�onal. and iocrl � local plie►tl�Tli anA a►alss�Ealesit yr04aqes. Se!"MlCE.Or hU Ql3fjffee. Dlans and P�E7"�m! where eonatttent +rlth ft)���R 1"edetfl�te�te7 D!'o�rams lut f1) 'I7iree I�sdSvtduaL, feom rec:ommeacls- �the IntenG and soata ot thb �uCtttte. tn dr iuftle�lent 000tdlnattor and ttnarfetal partic!• Uoos by the 6evtsnor ot Mltsr+taota.to teP �veloC�ni the toUoMns: p�tioa wtth State and loea! yLnnt� aad resent tht Mitu�esots Lkpartment of Natv � �1)PoNctn Rnd pro�ram�for!he Dres+ervs• tetutatoryr wthodtta Eo Anfrt4e far �ele� �{ g�uro�e, Department af TYwports. .��on and enha�r+cea�tnt ot the enal�onmentsa Quate asd oom�rehm�lrt seaource maes�e- tfoa and Minnesota E��iroeuacntat GualltY �' vatues ot tlse Mea. meat aad eoor�esmk davelopment eonat�teat Bo�rd. t7i Potider and Protr�au fot tnhanerd �fth the protsctloa of the Mls�i�sipDt Rtrv (6)One tndtvldual. to reptexa!the Mta• ' D�bite outdoor recmc�on opportunit�es tn Coertdor's natlonsilf rlpniticant reaarwe�es, neaota HIsWr1W 8oelet�. � �t� Potlr3es and proaamn tar thc canser. sr►d the pubHe we and eitlo�meaC o! tt►e tA1 One Indlvldutl.to repraent lhe.Mcb ;v �` topalft�n C:ou�I o!the Twtn ClUa Me�. � rattoo and proRxtlon ot tt�e�rtte. hfscorl- c6)The pr��ee�w►tJon.enhanoea�en�ea�ol• (��gbyu�e�ected ottkfata,te nDre�en!tJ+e: �e���a^d ietenlifte vatne�ot mtn�, and uW1uWn af th+e tutionall� sf,�• dttes oi SaJn!Paul and atlnncapaUt t{t Potlela and Deo�ruas fot the aoaamer� nl2lCant tes0ult�+1 ot the I�tissieslDPl RJr� ta)Four eleetad ottteiala.from excommen• f� utlllr.atfon ot the Area and {ts rclated Corrtdoi aut be ac�eomCUthed bf�000Dera• datians b� the Oovert►or o! Mtnnwta. to )natur�l resocu'ees, ooesai�tenE vFth the psa tt�e P'edenl.8t�te,an41oa1 compreheaai�e reFreasnl the InGerat�ot!h�elher aIleecd ! cecclon ot tJse ralua Eo� .hleh the A;rea ls D1annLn[�rfd mant.�ement etiort • rouNtipalltter and oouaUes establ�hed a,� the Itleslsslpp4 Na�ttocui <b> Pv'RaOsis.—Tt1t Dur�asa ot tAls �u1s tt tftle arc • . . t0> One indlWdw�1.to raent the Mel. �.�lver aad R�rs�ratloa Arra. fl)To protect. Dre�etw and enha,oc�e the rot�ol!!a» Pviu and OD� Comml�• th� $tasr.—'tbe Seu�eRa+Y ahaU Drovide slsnifta►at ralna ot the wtera aad L►ad et aloa Rhe Commlaion rith suc2�atatt ar+d Lec;�nf• the Mlaalssfppl R1ver CoMdor attltitf !Ae <10) One indlvidual, lrom secoa►mcnd�• ����a u the Sevetarp,altcr consul• &alnt Paul•Mf,tsne�pol4 MetsoppUtan Atea. tlons e�the c3o�emor o!fdfnnesota.fa e�ep- tatlon �Ith tbe Gommiaaloa cons)drrs aa� t2)To enoonrste ade+Du�te 000rdinatlon ot rescnt the tateresb ot oommertial navls+• proDrt�te to taable the Co�nml�slon ta carry ali �avemmental pro�r�ru �f(eettn� the �6°' � ' out Its dutlee. Qpoe teputst ot the 5ccre- land u►d w�at�t teaouras ot ths Mtsalasippf ttl) Fbur tndiMduals. lrom reocmmenda• t►rt.aa,,=p+Menl atsoeY mv peovide t�lor• Rlver Carrldor. 'tlons bf t1�e Oorernor ot MLnneroU�, W Ee matloa p*.t�oaeel Droput7.and iervtces on t1) To Oroviqe � mana�ement trar,ocwork �ehosen trom ths teneral Dab11e, a rcUnbursabte basl�, to Use Con�misston w to asslaL the $Rate ot Ml�neaot� and 1L� tbI Ts�exs.—t11 Except u Drovlded In wist tn earrytn[ aut (4 dutln under thla untts oi 1oea1 �overnmrnt le� the develop• p��p� �S� �d t�). memben tother. aubUtle.The Secretary ms�r u�ept the serv• ment and Iraplementation ot irfte�r�tted re. than es oftido mtmben)rhril be appolntl4 laa ot peraonneJ dtWted tram ihe Ststt ot aourx muu`ement protrards tac Rhe Ml�- tor f�rras o[three qeva. Mlnnesofa� o� an� poltticai wbdlvtslon ot slssippi River CorMdat tn order to aasure ot� ts?O!the c+en+bers tint tppoinl,M— ihe State +►od ma� relaahune the Sute or derly publfe and prlr�te developenent 1s�the �A)IInder D��nDh(�)ot�ubsreUon ta1: sue2� qoUtlql cubdlvtalon foe sueh sen9¢es •rea aorulst,eat vfth t2�e tlndln�s ot t,lUs tt) One �hall be appotnf.ed tor a lerm ot The Gawnalaslon ma,�r pca.vte tcmpornry subtltle, one ycar. ' and intermlttent servta� under aectloa Ct?AfLtSITYDf?011tAl101rAL RtVlR Af1� ���) Of1! thRll b! tppOltllld �Of t lt�C1 OI lto4cb)ot Ut1e S ot the tTnitrd 9tata Code. • ut�tsn=tox utrrt t�ra yeus, • ' tt)Pur.—Wilhin� �tirs attet e�ettrnen! tB) IInder D�t*�Dtu <71 and (t� ot �ub� ot thts Act,the Consmissioe shall aubmlt to SnG 40i t�) Far�sutxxarT,,.Ther� {,� sectlon Ea1. ane �hai! be �ppointrd tof � the S�cretar�and Lhe Qoaernor ot Minncso. hereby establlshed ttrt Mlrs4atDD1 Natlanaf tereo ot oe�t rtat. ta�oemprehensivc pius for tand an4 aater River aad Recseatlon Area{?��Mt�#Jw � tC) U�der par�nph <tl) ot �ub.�eetlon use meaavrn tot the ara4 to be devefooed thb uW relerred to �s th• ~Area") vhleh tU: p ed •hall oonifst ot the State desl�r►ated M1a�. fl) One �hau be a�potrfta�d fo� t tcrm o! ���pleenenled by the rmpooslbte Federxl �IDDI Critical Area enoaenPaasin= that y[e�cler, the State ot Minnesotz, and loca! tlon o! the Mlsds�lpDt Rtver and adlacent �rtt!)One shall Qe fppotnfed io� a 4erm ot 4 a'vor�to use�e:tsttns Fedenl, 5t;ate, rr lu+da �enenity vilhin the Sat�t Pau!•Min• two yean. t neapoib Metropolitatf Mei, �s depkted on <ill)One shaU be tppointed for a tcrm ot w�ilh*the�nl.e�nt and��a IsR4tethi�aubtitie the map enptled Mlatts�IDD1 Natlonal Rlvct tout yeart ahall coordfnate thost pinrtt ko �rescnt � and Reereatfon Mea numbered MI-NRA/ 113 Any mcmbe��ppolnicd ta tiq a��acan. unllicd comprehcnsl�•e D1Rn fo� lhe' ArrR 8a•Ob�D and dited ApNi 1987.7ht tnap�hu�J ey occurring before the ezpintlon o/ the The pian shsll Include but not be lUnllyd W be on tlle and�valiable for pubile irupectlon' term for which hfs predccessor was appotnt• eech ot the fotioa•In;: In the aftka�ot the De�arlment ct lhe in• ed �hal1 be appolntrQ oN� tur the tcmtim fl)A proEram tor manttement of eacf�tin� der ot�uch tertn.A member may�ervt stLer and tuture itnd and x ater use khich-- , the exptnUon oE hls tern� urrtq ht� sucrca tA) conslQen and dttalv the appllention w�has taken oltiw. ot t varfet� of 1�nA �nd rv�ter pror,cction and manatement tecMtques; . ..,,�,w.,�.,�..n._ , • . �', � --,-., � � �8)tncluda i poUey rtatentent for the ust ' t4) p�� provislons tor �onElnutn4 orr�• or Peder�l. SG►te. atfd io�a1 rt�Wa�p�y r,,, toaernmental)urtaddctlon tor any undertRk• °Donerbtlttlp to thsna�s land and xater re. ��h�' ot the p}en ttnpiementatlon by the In� vfthin the Mes, the depnrtmcnt, sources tp t enaMtr���nL�ih the pue• �t��'�d the Oovernoe of MJnneaota. a=Gncy, or Inattvmenlality �halL notify fh� Doaa ot thL tubtftlt•atfd I! the Sec�etaty disipprovea thE pian. he SecrctarY. The SecreEary. sha11 revtcw tHe ����'t��xlatlnt eeanomfc acth^It}a ' shall,atthtn 60 df�yt i1lter the date ot such. D*oPoacd taeiHty or undertakint to a.sses�Its erithlrr tAt ae�es and provider toe th� m�, d1saDDroval advtse the C3overnor and Gpm• �t�Dsttbflity orlth the Dlan sDDroved under a�ement Of iuch actlytties, It�e1�Ti![n� baree ��O° � ���°e at the reuons thcre[or.'' �ectton ?OJ.The 3ecreLary shait ma�ke a dc- traiuuportaNan and iteetlnt and ihc�se Indl`- �ether with hb recommendattons for revi termtnatlon atth reaDeci to the eompa4lbiL moua lnduatrfes ar�d conuntretyl and resl- atoa The Commisafan slu�ll wtthin OEt dsys tty or tncompatibtlliy ol �proposed ta.ciltty dentta) det•elopnfents evhlGM are consistcnt ot rectlD! ot ,�uch notice ot dLupproas! er andertsklna wlthfn 60 days ot rcect�•tnK wtth the tfadln=s a;tfd purposes oI this sub• rectse and �esubmit the pian to tt�e Gover. notice undet ihis aubsection. tt thc Sccr�r• � tltle. nor tor h4 revitw.Fotlowlnt hts'revlew,the �Y deterts+inea thst the propoaed tetiitty «� � Dro�esea pso+ldlns to� coardtnated Governor ahall submlt lhe revLscd ptan, to• or undertaktn� b tnrompatlble �•!kh thc fa+plemcntaqoef and aelrninistntlan ot the tclher with any recommendsttons he enay Ptan,he shalt Immrdfately nottty su�h Fed• pian �rfth proposed asatptment of reaponsL have,to thc Secretary aho ahall approve or eni department,a�eney.pt ltfstrurnentallty biiltle.a to the ipprop�l�t! d�sPDrove the revtislon withln 60 days Rnd repuest euch departshtnt, agenty,or !n• �overnmental �t� �h=� p���u���o� to tha adop• atrumenWity tp Wce Che acttons ncceassry unit►t the Federal,3tate,rrefonal Rnd leca} lesev,Includin�each ot the folloaln`: t�on ot the Commisstun's Dlon, the Setre• to eonform the proposed facilicy or uncFer. <A) Waqs !n which local, teQlo�a1. State. �uY �d the Cotnmtcslon shall monttor stl �k�ri C�the plan.The Federwl departmcnt, and Fedenl poUcles and Retmita may better �'�� Nd e�ater uae utivitles erilhin the atency, or lnstrumen4atlty ahalt, a�thin 80 be toordinated to ;he soals and poUcies of Ares to ensure that sald activitfe� Are tn days attcr TecNving the Secretary'a rcqurct, thLs sutrtltte, ktepin� afth the purposes ot thLs aubtltle.. noUty Lhe 8ecreta,rq ot the spectttc dcetstons l8) A flnanclal plan to pro�ide and eup. �►d nhall ulvfse and eooperate wtth the ip• n+s�e in reaponse to the repueat Ta t)�e Dort the pubHe tmpro�ernenta and xrvkea DropNate Federal. State, and locnl �overo- extent that euch deparLcnent,a,geneg,or In• rceoeuneaded fn the Dlan:snd a�neehaatun �entai eatltia to mintmfu a.ivtrst tmpacta strumentattty doa noL then contorm such tor coordln;tln` loca(, re�lpni(� gla�e, t�nd on the vaiva tor ahich the Area V estab- t`cltlty or undertaktn�to Lhe rcavest of the Federal piannlnt to protnott the purposes �hcd. Secretarq, the Secretsry t� dlrected to ot thlt�ubtltle. tm) CorxisetoN Rcvinv.—The Commla• nolify tt�t Conqress in evritlnQ ot the tncom• tC}How the�oals and pollMes ot the matf. �ion shall�selst the Secrctuy and the tiov DatlbUlty ot �uch faciUty pr undrrtaktng tscmcnt plan vtU be p�mpaLible vith the ernor ot Mlnncsots In revlealn� and n�on1- �+fth the oian aDproved under acction>9o3. exiaUn� ehannel malrften�nce proRraa� en �Nnt the Imolemenlatlon ot the plan Cy �ZI NAVtCA7t01t.—lA}Nothtn� in thts sub� t1�e Mlsstnipp!RJver, ar►d the�:iuin� �'ed. Pedera�. State. and tocal �overnmenW tltle ahall be daemed to;tmpaci or ocherv%tse e''at.$�+te+e�ed4n�t,aad lae�l pro�rua�and stenNes Itavint lttrltdletlon In the Atea. �tect wch extstln� ttatuiory wthority ae soals on Lb� Hlttaespf,i aad g�ynt �p� 'I'he Comtnlaslon may. attet provfdlnt. tor �Y be vested tn the �t�eretary ot the De- Rtvera, publle eoeunent and aub)eet te the revle� D�rtmeht in whlch the Coast Quard Is oper- tD)Tha Drovlsto�a ot the Cteac Water Mt �^d�Dorov�1,as s,et torth tn subeestlon tk>, ��s or the Secretarq of the Army tor the u►d R11s Sate Delnicln�Watet/►ct(;itle]C1y e'+odtl7 satd Rian, ft the Conunlvlon deter. �utt�t,enutce ot nt�Wsatfoa ►!da and naviga- ot the Pubtie Health 8ervtce Act)whleh per, mines that ruch modltintlon is necessary to tlon impr^ovemenFs: Prov{cEed That In exer• tsU��°use surf+ee wsEess ot tlae btlasla�ipp� turthet the puryoses of thl�subHtla clafn� �ueh tuthority the fiecretary of the N�uOO�Ri�er ae+d Iteeteallon Atea, (nl 'I1o�n�As�o� or Corcnsato�.—The �+'�++1'. throu=h the Corps of�haintcn and • �3f A°oordla+tien aad aoadsteocy epmpo. Commisbn iha11 eerminate on the date 10 the 3ecretary et the Departenent tn a•hleh neat vhlcb detaiL t2�e�n 1�M���� �eat� �fter the �u��t of thb subtltle. the Cout duud V opentln`,ehall not twke $�+�e. and peder+l Dtoiraa+s and poltela • �b�a+►tfls termlastloo ot the Conunissfoct �Y sctlon that would have a dlrect�nd ad• � �t � ����d W Dtomots th� u+e��e�+autHoetr.ed to ntabtlsh �3tste verse effect or the vRlua lor a•hleh the D�oeas ot ehL aubtltla Comaxlssfon rlskti al�all e:eretse the tur�c• �� �+s atabilthed uniess tuch aetlon ls cs- (4) A Deo�ram to[ the 000rdinatlon aad tlon�apd authorftld deacrlbed ta NDsectiba sentlRl!or the Drottetfon ol Dubitc hea7th or aooaoUdaUoc�.to tpe extant twlbia ot per. lm).The Secset�r�ot the Interfar and the �etY or ta necessary for naUonal eeeurtty °�v��Y b�e'e4ulred by FedenL gtat�,,, Seer+etar� of ttfe Arm� are authorized and or detense. � iO� �eO�� �+� 1utl+dktbn o��st d�tett�d to Dartidqate u members ot �uCh �a> In plannM� tor tht devNoDmmt snd �d������1 thQ Att�. 3Late CommlidotL Dubl1C use o!the Atea, the Secrcf.sry ahaU p)DsrsrArimrx o�PL�u.— lsaaaL Li�nt�►xn DtvsioeuatTs �nsult vlth th! Seeretary Of the Armg te Ci)Ia develoDln�tt�e ptatf the Commisalon assure thst publ(c use ol aalactnt ar related shail oonstilt oa i re�tttar pa�i,�atth aDDea �Ta•����"��-'—Not*'�thstar+dtn�anq water resource developmenta or Aood con• Drtatie otticWa ot any loq,! �o�,�cn��t oe ���'!'prowi�ot tsw,arly pederrl property troi proJCeta and lhat of the Ares are com• Pedent or Stat�a`eacy vhlch has Juriadic. Mc[ted wiGhln Ne boundartea a(the Me*u Wtlble. tton over laods aisd wsteri wtthin the Mra. tdentitied on the maD refetred to!n seetioo (1)ta dedeloAtos tt�plsa tne Commisefoa 70��hereb�tnr�terred wltAouC oonsidtr• ��isr�►rroa •hs11 c�ori+ult �rlth tnterested �peueMtlQ� atlon to the �ttve Jurlsdktfon of Snc.745.ta>AvrnoRsrns,_The Scereu►ry bustneat, profe�sional and cltisea or;aniza. the�3eeretar� !or us+e bY him tn lmplemen� ahall adrtilnister the Area in accordluice tioai ln�ihe purposes p( this�uDUtle, except as R'IUt thts tubtltle. ONy tho,se Iands o•Itt�in t�)In developles�the p{an the���n to�owx the Areti under the dlreet JurtadfeUon ot c;�c sha3i conduct pqplLc hea:inp �ri� the tl) Pacilitle� and land� adminf�tered bx Sccretsry �hall be ada�inlctered tn accord• Ae'ea.and at such ct.ltp�piac�u�y�ap, the getretac� ot the Mnr throu�h tha znce aflh the proefsfons of laa gcncrntlti• Dropr'lat�. fot the p�ul�o�n ot Provtdln�tn• �ory� ot F�`tneers tor nsvi�sttond and �PetleaDie to uniti of the Natlonsl F�art; teresE+ed Dersoq� wlth the oDDortunity Lo IIood contral Aurpt,�ees may oontinue to be SYJtem. (?uT landa and rvstets �ithtn the testtty with rtspee=, ta iaatten to be a�• used b7 the 8ee,:�etar� of the Araor sub)ect Met ah,ail be admintietered under St,ate �r.d ��bY�e DWL W the peovtsbnr ot subseetlon(bt. • loeal tawa, in tht case of any eoMlct be. «) ATlR07AL p► �N,_�a Comeaiastop� t91 Pkdaral.property oe�rhich thera b lo- tweep �t}ie provlsioru� ot th4 ntbtltie and �� �d���h�Dtan to th�gacr�tae�,�d ated an�r buqdlns or othcr attvcture whteh such �enetally �DPlicable proWslona ot taa�, •tha Oovecsor ot a[inae.wta� tot tt�elar � � � <u ot the ensetment o! thts auE� tht proti�tsfons of 4hls �ubtJUe aha11 ;o�•cr:�, ��'•The Q°�etno�aha11 act oa tpe DIm �Ue)or tor wMch �leaae L In effeci ahalt ibl 6:nn �� �t ��ox��.—�e: ���t�����u11 iruDmlt!he ptin W mt bt trwternd under thL �ube�ctlon Becrewy ahatl consult t�,nd coopernie a�fch ��7'vpat wtth �,tf,Y iecoer,taeads- ���t tht conaurrence ot the adttslnister• tht 3ts4 ot Mtnnesoia and iti poittieai nub- �����DArov�oT d�+�+p- �t�It�7'. dlvisfons eonarnfns the de�elopmcnt end Drove the plaa�rltbfn OQ d,►pa. In revtewtn� tb)P�s�t.Aoa+cr Aenvrriss.— manatement ot Ftdcral isnds a•tthln thc t2�e elaa ths Secretari shall aansider esch t1) 3'x asxeawr.-8etore an� department, Area. ot tht tollo�vin�t aseneJ, or lnstrumentslity o! the Vnited �c)2.,►�en Acont�tnox.—Wlthlnthe bound- ti)The��uacy ot pnbilc Particlpatlon. 8�� Usues or aDDrores an� lloenae or arfes oi !he Xrt�. the Seere �3� Assurancea ot pian Imp�ernentatlon a�� (ot �n7 faefllty or undertakin� IzeQ,In oonsultation vfth the St e of M��. froro S4te a,nd Icea1 otttMaLt. Mthin the Mea utd befote any auch deput• newut and the attected locr►J tot•trnm�ntnt �3>The�deQuacy ot reNlatory in���nan. menf, �ency, o� lrutrumenWlty eom. unit, to �tcpul�e iand and InttrrsLt thcr�tn els1 toata that are in p1as��p i�r�Dlement the mences anp undertakln` or provldes arty by donaUon, pvrchaat M1th don�ted or nn- ���' F�deral saslstance to tfie State or any loca� Droprtated tunds, txchanRc or tratwsfrr. cxeept aa proWdcd ln paragraptu t t) �nd t23. J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .«._.� .�. . . . . . , . . . . . •4 � . 1 . � . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . • ��� � ' � .. � . . . . . . . . � t . . . . . � . � • . . . �� • . � . . . . � . . � � � . � � . . . bYlth 3taEa ot I�innewta or anY PollUcal �hal] ba Ilmttied to thase 1�►nds cfe►rty and tubdivislon theteqt tnay be acpulttd oNy bq directly re�ulttd, Cn the jvE�ment ot the , do„atlon. Secretuy,Eor the prot.�ctfon pf the Are�ia t1) PMvstely o+rned lands or Ir�teresv a manner ao►a�patfble alth the pian. thsrein enay be�e;pv}nd oNy�lih the eon• ce? Rcrexr�or sv Ow„u o� Ci�s Axo Oc- � unt of the ormer thereof-esr�}w the 8are� car�wcr.—The 8eercwy may perealt the �+�7 n+slcrs a deEerenlnst{on pue�uaat 40 o�er or oRmets of anY improved tesldmtfaf subsev:ttoa tdlS3). in no�aent anay t,t�e gee. D�►Dest7 acquited by the 6ecretasq under tetar7r nse the anthority RrovldM�t tub�ec• thb�ubttWe to tetaln a Htht ot use�nd oe� tlop tdK1) to aaquiro tand or tnterr,�y tn �D�cy ot tha propertq toc noncommertcal land Nithout the o�+ner'� cor�eent to� ar,y ►ee�denttv �ues not Incompatlbie �r1th the ufe exercfstd prtor W Januzt'7► 1. 1007.th�t Cian�pprovM undet�ectloa?03.The provl- y eonaistant aith the plari u,nder aectlon R�ons ot:ubsectlon tc).td),and te>vf�eetion �OS. lOZ ot the Xet ot Au�ust iS, l978 fi6 U.3.C. td)Ravnw or Loc�f,p�r►»s.— �aMt-1)�hdl aPPlp to the ntention of:uch Hthts,txeept thaE for qnrposes ot ihls:nb� ti) AvTxO�t�T,—gpt the putpo� � D� tttle.the�pplicyble data�hali be January 1: tectJnt tM tnte�ritX of the Are�the 8ecre. I9d7 1n tieu of 3annary 1.1078 and t,he pur• t� thW 000D�te and constUt wfih the l�es ni thb subtttle RhW be subatituted for 6ta4 and Eht apProDrlste Dolttical subdlvi• the Durpoae�nterred to(n sectlon l0�td)ot slmfs to ta�faw aU nelevsnt Ia�,l plans,laaa such 1lct. • • +wd ordlnaefoe� to determle� qtset,h�r the; ' 'rrsss,uie toraL•sa:rr�u►es rure substantiatl�oonfOrta to the Diari appraved' ' ,�vusaicssax Secret�tr7t iAall � �aoi�uita�an8�vlth tbe �ec. 70e. ti) Qfu�xs.—VPoel��PDrovtl ot 8tate and 14 pollticai eubditWt►rn detes. the ptan tmder sectlon 703.t2ft SasetarY U mine tht sdepwc7 ot enforcer�ant Qt Euch authorized to mate eruN.� to the 8tate ot Plans.• laa�, tnd ordlnahca. 1nduQln� Mtnnesota. or Ita Doltticai wbdtvts{ons. to rev!!ew o! buitdtat Dtranfts and soalns rtr• oovet not�ore thsn bo Percent ot the ccst Luscea tranted by locsl `otiern,me»t�. and ot acqulsitlon and development withln the ataendss+ea4 to 1oa] ts�vs �d ordinaace�. Ares of isnda asA waten o�interats there- T3�e 8ees�etarf thali entes tnta asreeasmts ' 1a!a a maaner oonslstene wit,h tiye pur�wsrs �rith the BttUs a�t4 PallLia4t subdlvlston�Lo ot thls aubtltle. Drorlde.on beluit ot the 8ecreta�t�r.Froier <b)Coor�►rns Aa�-The 8ecm �lonsi �erstcd aeceasar7 tor the reHew o! tar�fis wthorized W entea tnlo 000pvaUve �vch laxt plufrr Lwa. at�d ordlnanas, and a�reements with tha Btste a!bdJmesata or OS imlDdmlDLt LhEiEtO�Tld w�TlanOl�LIfle'!� tn1 Do1ltiCil fUbdIV1Si00 tht!'!OI ptuauftft t0 from.and fos ihe monitortn=or the e�Soms whlch Me may�ist tn the planalns for and meat th�reof D7 loa�l tovernaseats i�ivfat UnterPretatloa ot non-Federal publicly lurisdietloa otes aas areas w �rhiet� tis� oane+d landa�tthtn ehe Area. �•• tnana�eadent Dlan aDpllrs. ' <c)Tscaa��e,�.Assrssu�ce.—To msEfe the . «) Pvf�ross—Th� purpose of redew• State ot Minneaota and Its DoUtical snbdlvt• under w�rssraah ci� ahW be to deeerm�ne aon. to develop and tmatemmt aros�s fhe de[ree W whleh 1►ctlotss b71oc�J tove� oompa4lbla with Lhe D1an. th� Seeret.at7 menti�rs eamoaUble wttk t2se purposes ot shuil Drovtde such tecbr�lal s�ai�t.ance to Lhls tltit. lbllo�s the sD�roval of the the BLate aad!ts poUtical iubdlvWoeu u he plae utfdq'�eetAon 70S and att,eT.i reasboa- deeau aPDtoDrlata Dta perlod e!tim�haa elarxad.aDon a tlae!- (dT 8z•��Locu.Jofusa:csrox.—Nolh• !n t b7 tM 8acteL►t!Lh�t wch Piasf.L�rf !t!t !n thls subUtle �haU dltntalsR enlar[4 � and Otdinanas are nonexlsten< �re othv- 'or modlfY W rftht ot ttye 8tata et Mlnna r1Ua IIOC III eontOtmarice Mt21 the R!� � ao4 or�ts�r DuUUtal suDdlVWon therlot.to ars aoi btltts enfatad tn a as�ner co�nsist� ezectise etvtl and a•lminal�urtedletlon or W ent�viW tl�e R1sn.aad it tlu Beeret+rs dete� can�r out Stste rish and wUdlite bwR rules. m1r�e� that tbert 4 no fea�ble �teroative and rs�ulation� withln ths Are� or to tu awllabM to Prera�t uses �rhicA aouiid be Dersor+K oorporaEMnr franchise�.ar pNwu �ubrtantttlli hreomystlble �rith the pla�y praPert� on !he laads snd i1►aWs tneluded the BeQetar� m�v exerctse the �►uchodt� m tt��Area. • avallabit to Wm nadeu tb� provWods o! � parasnph ti�. • � avsaa�,m►rsox or,irr�ot�ursors• (i)L'ufoat�oa�es:.-IA thoN�eC1lolrR 4i tM. �sC.907.Ther�b tut!►orlsed!o�e aPDro- Mes wbfre bq�l D1aos.isws and ordtaaoee� Prtated NcA nmQs u ma7 be oeeeaar7 to os ameaeusenta tbaxta or+arlRr►oe�tber� ean'y eut thti subtiW. from�w to�nd b!tht SeeseEa�7 aot f'a!»la . $ubtlqe B—'M•Rlrers Manatement dQnfOrmaDo�wIW tht plae ta�ro�ed pnnu. aai to ie�etlaa!?0�.or ar+e aot bei�ts taioroed �t•u�r�s u,u�aaa�sxt sonas tn • maaaer oossd�Lmt with the pia�.tht Bsa 711. ts) Fim�,u. Rzt��rss�r�n�rs.— Secret,�r7 wa��Ru7►the lod►1=o�enfmmt Ia furthenace of the tnUe�rated maaur�e. •Ut110l1t7 !lD�fOQtAld. '�1! �!!SilL� II�7 '0!C]1� 01 L}tOi! DQPL1011t Of f�1! MIStliiiDD� sithhold trom tht local tovesnmeat author� 8alnt Crotx. and Minnesota Rlrers withia 1tr eonaernad�prR t'e0uire retmDutsemen!ot. the Baiat PauI�Mlru�eapolls i[etr000llLan �A)Fader�t tue�ds m�4e avWablt ter 1m01♦ Are�.the lSer.tetarf o!Rhe Int.erlor and the meatatbn sl tl�� pian, or <Hi W tra�t SeereWrs of the Arm7 are anthortt.ed and un0er�eetlon 70Qta) !t the 2ocat Dhn. faw. directed!o aDDofnt reprrsenLaU�to a Trf• or+dlnar►�e. utaeodment, ar ruta.noe V not ' Rlvtrt ldana;ement Soard (hueiaatter re- modttled to oontora►vlth Rha Alaa and ter terred to u!he•.8 o u d.•).or ar�7 tlmllv or. lorad la s�el�assnntr�s rW earry out t3se Ranlzatlon.ahlch mfl�be estabilshed DY the Aur�es ot thit tubtitle. U the 84b Iw Btats ei Mttutesata to�alst In the develap. not fnlWted, rlthl� i ap.d;y per�, � ment ufd fmpleaientstfon ot eonslstent and � !udlclal or other aetlan u neoasar�r to aoordlnsLed land ux DlanntnR�nd manata ersswe eonio�mlti�fth the P]an„and tt non- a�cnt polic�for such porttons of such rlvert �Dli�r�e vltl� the plan or latlute tp en- Eb) P�soNxt�—IIpon requat ol the taroe the pian oontlesue� atter the end ot Board,the gecretar�ot the Interfot anA the sueh i0-ds7 Dertod. the 8ecrctar� ma�r ac,* 6eeretary of tht Arm9 mz�detall.on a th outre.subkct Eo�pDroprlatforu, tand or to- fmbur,ssble basla, W Deesennd to the terdts tn land tu�der Ws m�sectton witb• ga�, out the aonsent oi the o�rner tHereot.Lnd and tnterat� tn 1u�d arpulred Oursusnt to te} Atrs�+o�ts�►r:o� os ArraorwL►�roxs.— thu �ubseetfon ihW be reatricted fo the There ts hereby aulhorizM to earry out the teosraphk�i area at the tocaJ sovemmcat PurPo�es ot thlt wbtitic the sum at t100.040 nnft taUlifs to oontona vith ti�s Dtan and aru�uatif: exceDt that the P'edenl canlNbu- llon to the 9eard ahU1 noi exereE one•thlyd o!t,he annual aeenefa�eata of the Hoard. � , � Figure 2. �� MAJOR RECREATION FAGILITIES MississiApt Scenic MtSSiSSIPPI RIVER GORRiDfJR � and Recreationat River ANOK ,a co. i R.P. Region�l Park 00� RBpidS D8m ' � P.R. Park Reserve �P ARoka CountY_ � Riverfront R p ' HENNEPIN GO. r RAMSEY GO. �' ( � North Mississio�i R P. t , I `' , � Mississippi Gorge I Cenfral Misstssippi ��.P.' St. Paul � � WASHCNGTON GO. 'I Riverfront R.P. ' �idden Faits- � . i Crosb � � �Mtnneapoits � , f Farm Battle Creek R.P. � R.P. ^ i Minnefiaha R.P. � � �' � Lilydale- � --------� ; Fort Sneiting State Park Harriet tsiand Lower St. Craix , and Histortc Ft Snelling, R,P, National Scenic Riverway_ UA_Per Grey Ciaud Regional Recreatlon isiend P.R. ' Open Space Proposed Regional Park or Park Reserve '_ts �;.... °; Slate Lands Spring lake P.R. � � Gores Mississipp� River Critical Wiidiife Area Boundary Management #' N DAKOTA CO. Af@a �` 0 2 4 6 8 1p : f' . I' M��e$ , , , , I�� MISSISSIPPI NATIONAL RIVER AND RECREATION AREA ^ � � CONTACT SHEET METROFO�ITAN COUNCIL � Anne Hurlburt, Manager Comprehensive Planning and Local Assistance Metropalitan Council 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN S51U1 (612) 291-6501 Richard Thompson, Seniar Planner Metropolitan Councii Comprehensive Flanning and Loeal Assistance 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 291-6457 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Alan M. Hutchings, Interim Site Manager Mississippi National River & Recreation Area National Park Service ' Midwest Regional Office 1749 Jackson Street , 4maha, NE 68102 (402) 221-3481 (612) 291-6593 ' Florence I. Six, Regional Publie Affairs Officer National Park Service Midwest Regional O€fice 17Q9 Jaekson Street Omaha, NE 68102 (402) 221-3448 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Steve 7ohnson, Director � Mississippi River System Manag�ment Team Route 2, Box 230 Lake City, MN 55041 (612) 345-3331 K3P00130 5.9.89 , • .�: